Results for 'A. Chīnnaswāmi Śāstrī'

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  1.  23
    Āpastambaśrautasūtra Dhūrtaswāmibhāṣya. Vol. IIApastambasrautasutra Dhurtaswamibhasya. Vol. II.E. B., Mahāmahopādhyāya Śāstraratnākara, A. Chīnnaswāmi Śāstrī, P. N. Paṭṭabhirạma Śāstrī, Mahamahopadhyaya Sastraratnakara, A. Chinnaswami Sastri & P. N. Pattabhirama Sastri - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (4):491.
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    The Vedānta Kaumudī of RāmādvayāchāryaThe Vedanta Kaumudi of Ramadvayacharya.J. A. B. van Buitenen & S. Subrahmanya Sastri - 1957 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 77 (2):149.
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    Pallava ArchitectureTwo Statues of Pallava Kings and Five Pallava Inscriptions in a Rock Temple at Mamallapuram.A. K. Coomaraswamy, A. H. Longhurst & H. K. Sastri - 1929 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 49:70.
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  4. Mm. Professor Kuppuswami Sastri birth-centenary commemoration volume.S. Kuppuswami Sastri & S. S. Janaki (eds.) - 1981 - Madras: Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute.
    pt. 1. Collection of Sastri's writings and a kavya on him -- pt. 2. Select research papers presented at the birth centenary seminars.
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  5. Ancient Indian Contacts With Western Lands.K. A. Nilakanta Sastri - 1959 - Diogenes 7 (28):40-62.
    In the last century and in the first decades of the present century the historians of India laid stress on the isolation of the subcontinent by the mountains and seas surrounding her on all sides and cutting her off as a separate universe. The progress of modern research has shown how mistaken this view was. We now see the true facts much more clearly than ever. The mountain barriers, though formidable at many points, are broken by gaps which have always (...)
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    Tattvabindu. Vācaspatimiśra & V. A. Ramaswami Sastri - 1975 - Vārāṇasī: A. Subrahmaṇyaśastrī. Edited by A. Subrahmaṇyaśāstri.
    The Tattvabindu of Vacaspatimisra with the commentary called Tattvavibhavand of Paramesvara II of Payyur Bhattamana. This edition of Vacaspatimisra's Tattvabindu and of its commentary Tattvavibhavana by Paramesvara II is based on (1) a transcript of a manuscript Tattvavibhavana preserved in the Madras Government Oriental Manuscripts Library, and (2) the Benares Edition of the Tattvabindu. Since the commentator has made it a rule to quote the full text by parts before commenting on it. Vacaspatimisra's Tattvabindu is a short and highly difficult (...)
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    SamaraṅganasūtradhāraSamaranganasutradhara.A. K. Coomaraswamy, King Bhojadeva, Mahāmahopādhyāya T. Gaṇapati Śāstrī & Mahamahopadhyaya T. Ganapati Sastri - 1929 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 49:69.
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    The Vaiṣṇava UpaniṣadsThe Vaisnava Upanisads.Stuart Elkman & A. Mahadeva Sastri - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):499.
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    Martensitic behaviour in the equi-atomic Ni-Ti alloy.M. J. Marcinkowski, A. S. Sastri & D. Koskimaki - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 18 (155):945-958.
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    Tattvabindu by Vācaspatimiśra, with Tattvavibhāvanā by Ṛṣiputra ParameśvaraTattvabindu by Vacaspatimisra, with Tattvavibhavana by Rsiputra Paramesvara.E. G. & V. A. Ramaswami Sastri - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (1):183.
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  11. Indian Contacts With Western Lands-- Medieval.K. A. Nilakanta Sastri - 1960 - Diogenes 8 (32):28-48.
    The rise and rapid progress of Islam in the seventh and eighth centuries a.d. drew the East and West much closer than any force had yet done and opened out numerous channels of intrecourse, material and spiritual. Travel and trade increased when the first shocks of war and hostility subsided, and, thanks to the writings of Arab travelers, geographers, and historians, we possess a more than usually complete record of the transactions of the age. The early Arab geographers gained from (...)
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  12. Modern India and the West.K. A. Nilakanta Sastri - 1964 - Diogenes 12 (45):120-142.
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  13. Śābdataraṅgiṇī.V. Subrahmanya Sastri - 1969
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    The Central Philosophy of Buddhism: A Study of the Madhyamika System.P. S. Sastri - 1956 - Philosophy East and West 6 (3):269-270.
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  15. Syādvāda, eka anuśīlana: "Jainadarśana" patrikā ke syādavāda viśeshāṅka kā punarmudraṇa. Cainasukhadāsa, Ajitakumāra Śāstrī & Kailash Chandra Jain (eds.) - 2009 - Rājasthāna: Jainavidyā Saṃsthāna, Digambara Jaina Atiśaya Kshetra Śrī Mahāvīrajī.
    On Jaina philosophy and epistemology; special issue of Jainadarśana, journal published in 1934.
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    A History of South India (3rd Ed.)The Kingdom of Ahmednagar.E. F. I., K. A. Nilakanta Sastri & Radhey Shyam - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):383.
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  17. Khyātitattvasamīkṣā.V. Subrahmanya Sastri - 1982 - Tirucci: Can be had [from] A. Venkateswaran.
    Treatise on the epistemological concept of cognition and metaphysical theory of causation, presenting the Advaita school in Hindu philosophy.
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  18. Śābdataraṅgiṇī: with exposition in English.V. Subrahmanya Sastri - 2006 - Bangalore: Dvaita Vedanta Studies and Research Foundation. Edited by Krishnacharya Tamanacharya Pandurangi.
    On Sanskrit language semantics and philosophy.
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    Mīmāṃsāśāstrasāraḥ: punarmudraṇam.Anantakrishna Sastri & S. N. - 2020 - Rāmaṭekam, Ji. Nāgapuram, Mahārāṣṭram: Kavikulagurū-Kālidāsa-Saṃskr̥ta-Viśvavidyālayaḥ evaṃ Nyū Bhāratīya Buka Kôraporeśana, Dillī. Edited by Srinivasa Varakhedi & Madhusudan Penna.
    On the Mimamsa school in Hindu philosophy.
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  20. Ahiṃsā-viśvakośa: Ahiṃsā ke dārśanika, dhārmika, va sāṃskr̥tika svarūpoṃ ko vyākhyāyita karane vāle prācīna śāstrīya viśiṣṭa sandarbhoṃ ka saṅkalana. Subhadra, Dāmodara Śāstrī & Maheśa Jaina (eds.) - 2004 - Naī Dillī: Yūnivarsiṭī Pablikeśana.
    Compilation of textual references from Vedic and Jaina religious literature on religious, philosophical and cultural aspects of non-violence (Ahimsa); Prakrit and Sanskrit text with Hindi translation.
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  21. A critique of difference.Suryanarayana Sastri & S. S. - 1936 - [Madras]: University of Madras. Edited by Nr̥siṃhāśrama & T. M. P. Mahadevan.
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  22. The Sāṅkhyakārikā of Īśvara Kr̥ṣṇa.Suryanaryana Sastri & Satalur Sundara (eds.) - 1973 - Madras: University of Madras.
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  23. Śatabhūṣaṇī: Satadūṣaṇīparīkṣāparaparyāyā.Anantakrishna Sastri & S. N. - 1991 - Vārāṇasī: Amara Pablikeśansa.
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    A Concordance of H. P. Śāstri's Catalogue of the Durbar Library and the Microfilms of the Nepal-German Manuscript Preservation ProjectA Catalogue of Palm-leaf and Selected Paper Mss. Belonging to the Durbar Library, NepalA Concordance of H. P. Sastri's Catalogue of the Durbar Library and the Microfilms of the Nepal-German Manuscript Preservation Project. [REVIEW]E. G., Reinhold Grünendahl, Hara Prasād Śāstrī, Reinhold Grunendahl & Hara Prasad Sastri - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):212.
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    A Concise History of Classical Sanskrit Literature.E. B. & Gaurinath Sastri - 1961 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 81 (4):460.
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    Discontinuous perturbations.Ramchander R. Sastry & John R. Klauder - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (1):81-91.
    Perturbations of quantum systems ranging from oscillators to fields can be either continuous or discontinuous functions of the coupling. The system under consideration is the familiar harmonic oscillator in one degree of freedom. Previous studies have shown that when the harmonic oscillator is subjected to a perturbation with a power law singularity, a permanent change in the system characteristics is observed for a specific range of power law values. The introduction of a logarithmic singularity into the power law potential fine (...)
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  27.  6
    The Sivadvaita of Srīkantha.Suryanarayana Sastri & S. S. - 1930 - [Madras]: University of Madras.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and (...)
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    Institutionalization of firm’s commitment to CSR—a mimetic isomorphism perspective.Manish Bansal & Sastry Sarath Pendyala - 2023 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 12 (2):129-150.
    The purpose of the study is to investigate whether internal and external institutional environmental conditions play a role in the institutionalization of strategic commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) among Indian firms in the wake of the mandatory CSR norms or not (where the firms of certain size and profitability are mandated to spend on CSR). The study examines the fixed effects regression on balanced panel data collected from the annual reports and Prowess database of Bombay Stock Exchange-listed firms. Our (...)
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  29. [Trimśacchalokī: Paṭṭābhirāmaṭīkāsahitā] = Trimśacchlokī with Paṭṭābhirāma's ṭīkā.Rama Pisharoti, V. Subrahmanya Sastri, Pattabhirama Sastri & N. P. (eds.) - 1937 - Annamalainagar: Annamalai University journal.
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  30. Sri Aurobindo"s Aesthetics and Telugu Literature".C. N. Sastry - 1974 - In Aurobindo Ghose, Srinivasa Iyengar & R. K., Sri Aurobindo: a centenary tribute. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press. pp. 9--129.
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    A Christian response to the Hindu philosophical systems.Nehemiah Nilakantha Sastri Goreh - 2003 - Kolkata: Punthi Pustak. Edited by K. P. Aleaz.
    As a pioneer Christian apology written as early as 1862, this work previously titled differently such as Hindu Philosophical Systems : A Rational Refutation (1862). A Rational Refutation of the Hindu Philosophical Systems (1897) and A Mirror of the Hindu Philosophical Systems (1911), is rated as scholarly as Krishna Mohun Banerjea's Dialogues on the Hindu Philosophy of 1861. The approach of both these works to the Hindu philosophical systems was negative and it is not acceptable to Indian Christians any more. (...)
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    Kṛdantarūpamāla (A Concordance of Verbal Derivatives)Krdantarupamala.E. B. & S. Ramasubba Sastri - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (2):215.
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    Yoga darshana. Patañjali, Sir Ganganatha Jha & S. Subrahmanya Sastri - 1934 - Monghyr, Bihar]: Bihar School of Yoga. Edited by Vishnuprasad V. Baxi.
    YO GA-DARSHAN A Sfitras of Patafijali with Bhaisya ofVy:1sa BY Ganganatha Jha he Yoga-darshana includes the Yoga-sfitras ofPataf1jali, and the ancient commentary thereon by Vyasa. The Yoga-sfitras of Patafijali are the classic?...
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    Ranking comment sorting policies in online debates.Anthony P. Young, Sagar Joglekar, Gioia Boschi & Nishanth Sastry - 2021 - Argument and Computation 12 (2):265-285.
    Online debates typically possess a large number of argumentative comments. Most readers who would like to see which comments are winning arguments often only read a part of the debate. Many platforms that host such debates allow for the comments to be sorted, say from the earliest to latest. How can argumentation theory be used to evaluate the effectiveness of such policies of sorting comments, in terms of the actually winning arguments displayed to a reader who may not have read (...)
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  35.  16
    Perceiving in Advaita Vedānta: Epistemological Analysis and Interpretation.Bina Gupta, N. S. Dharmarajadhvarindra & Anantakrishna Sastri - 1995 - Motilal Banarsidass Publ..
    The present volumeis an annotated biblography of the vedik- Laksana, the esitence of which could be determined on the basic of printed editions, catalogues of manuscripts, and citations in other texts. the incentive for compiling this bibliography grew out of an awareness that hardly any relaible information exists concerning manuscripts of veda-laksana texts, although they are of great use critical studies of vedic texts. The goal of this work is to provide a comprehensive handbook of source materials on Veda-Laksna by (...)
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    Viśvamūrtivaibhavam: Prophesara Visvamurti Sastri abhinandana grantha = Vishwamurtivaibhawam = Prof. Vishwamurti Shastri falicitation volume.Viśvamūrti Śāstrī & Vaidyanātha Jhā (eds.) - 2015 - Jammū: Ācārya Viśvamūrti Śāstrī Abhinandana Samāroha Samiti.
    Festschrift in honor of Visvamūrti Śāstrī, born 1946, Sanskritist; comprises contributed articles on his life and works, Vedic and Sanskrit literature.
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  37. Book reviews : New views on ancient india: Histoire du bouddhisme indien, vol. I: Des origines à l'ère śāka by étienne lamotte (louvain: Publications universitaires, bibliothèque du muséon, i958.) Pp. 976. A history of south india by K. A. nilikanta Sastri (2d ed.; oxford: Oxford university press, i958.) Pp. XIII+508. The cultural heritage of india, vol. I: The early phases (calcutta: Ramakrishma mission institute of culture, i958.) Pp. IXIV+652. [REVIEW]Louis Renou - 1960 - Diogenes 8 (30):120-131.
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    The Sivādvaita of Srīkantha.. By S. S. Suryanarayana Sastri, M.A.,B.Sc. (Madras: University of Madras. 1930. Pp. x + 393. Price 5 rupees; 10s.)Sivādvaita Nirnaya. An Enquiry into the System of Srīkantha. By Appayya Dīksita. With an Introduction, Translation, and Notes. Edited by S. S. Suryanarayana Sastri. (Madras: University of Madras. 1929. English Introduction, Pp. 64; Sanskrit Text, pp. 93; Translation, 1–161. Price 2 rupees 8 annas; 4s.)The Sāmkhya Kārikā of Isvara K na. With an Introduction, Translation, and Notes by S. S. Suryanarayana Sastri. (Madras: University of Madras. 1930. Pp. xli + 130. Price 2 rupees; 4s.). [REVIEW]John Woodroffe - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (24):503-.
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    Thought and Reality: Hegelianism and Advaita. By P. T. Raju M.A., Ph.D. (Calcutta), Sastri (Government Sanskrit College, Benares), Lecturer in Philosophy, Andhra University. Foreword by J. H. Muirhead LL.D., F.B.A. (London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd.. 1937. Pp. 285. Price 10s. 6d.). [REVIEW]F. Otto Schrader - 1938 - Philosophy 13 (49):110-.
  40.  23
    Is ‘ātmā vā are draṣṭavyaḥ, śrotavyaḥ…’ a vidhivākya or not? A Discussion from Appayya’s Siddhāntaleśasaṅgraha.T. S. Rukmani - 2019 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 47 (3):405-420.
    The Siddhāntaleśasaṅgraha written by Appayyadīkshitar in the seventeenth century is one of the rare texts where the author brings together the different views of Advaita present at his time. The book itself starts with the controversy surrounding whether the sentence “śrotavyaḥ…” is a vidhi-vākya or not. This paper attempts to summarize the various approaches to this question in the SLS and gives us a glimpse as to how the debate was conducted. Even though the SLS was translated by Suryanarayana Sastri (...)
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    Mahāmahopādhyāya Śrīmadanantakr̥shṇaśāstrīkr̥ta Advaitatattvaśuddhi kā samālocanātmaka adhyayana.Dīpaka Kāliyā - 2014 - Dillī: Je. Pī. Pabliśiṅga Hāusa.
    Critical study on Advaitatattvasudhā by N. S. Anantakrishna Sastri, work on Advaita Philosophy.
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    The Bhatta dipika of Khandadeva: with Prabhavali, the commentary of Shambhu Bhatta. Khaṇḍadeva - 1922 - Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications. Edited by Anantakrishna Sastri, S. N., Es Subrahmaṇyaśāstri, Radhe Shyam Shastri & Śambhubhaṭṭa.
    Classical commentary, with a supercommentary, on Jaimini's Mīmāṃsāsūtra, presenting the tradition of Bhāṭṭa school; includes Mīmāṃsāśāstrasāraḥ, by N.S. Anantakrishna Sastri.
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  43. The concept of imitation in Greek and Indian aesthetics.Ananta Charana Sukla - 1977 - Calcutta: Rupa.
    The author has made a detailed study, more detailed, he rightly claims, than hitherto attempted, of the concept of mimesis in aesthetic thought and has devoted equal space to Greek and Sanskrit writers... Wilamowitz, the doyen of modern classical scholars, describes mimesis as a 'fatal word' 'rapped out' by Plato. But the present author has demonstrated with great cogency that the word was not 'rapped out' by Plato at all, and that the concept and the word are both as old (...)
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  44. Brigita.Varanasi Ramabrahmam - 2019 - New Delhi, India: Authorspress.
    Fiction is the favorite of most of the readers. Fiction is the reflection of the societal living and lives of human beings as observed by the writer. The writer also will have individual experiences, ideas, likes, dislikes, philosophy which influence and mold his writings. Fiction is famous as short-fiction and novel. Though fictitious, and also because fictitious, fiction takes possession of minds and hearts of readers more than any other literary genre. Their imaginations sore and they get engrossed in the (...)
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  45.  27
    A Sketch Of The Manichaean Doctrine Concerning The Future Life.A. V. Williams Jackson - 1930 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 50:177-198.
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  46. Filosofii︠a︡ Kanta v Rossii v kont︠s︡e XVIII--pervoĭ polovine XIX vekov.A. N. Kruglov - 2009 - Moskva: Kanon+.
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  47. A Note on the Farmer's Law. Chapter 67'.A. E. Laiou - 1971 - Byzantion 41:197-204.
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    Rossii︠a︡ i gnozis: Trudy Mezhdunarodnoĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, Moskva, VGBIL im. M.I. Rudomino.A. L. Rychkov (ed.) - 2015 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatelʹstvo RKhGA.
    Tom 1. Rannekhristianskiĭ gnosticheskiĭ tekst v rossiĭskoĭ kulʹture (21 i︠a︡nvari︠a︡ 2011 g.) -- Tom 2. Sudʹby religiozno-filosofskikh iskaniĭ Nikolai︠a︡ Novikova i ego kruga (15-17 okti︠a︡bri︠a︡ 2012 g.).
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  49. Réponse à M. Gardair.A. D. Sertillanges - 1907 - Revue de Philosophie 10:107.
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  50. Applikativnai︠a︡ grammatika kak semanticheskai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ estestvennykg i︠a︡zykov.Sebastian Konstantinovich Shaumi︠a︡n - 1974
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