Results for '*Neurobiology'

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  1.  62
    Theoretical Neurobiology of Consciousness Applied to Human Cerebral Organoids.Matthew Owen, Zirui Huang, Catherine Duclos, Andrea Lavazza, Matteo Grasso & Anthony G. Hudetz - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (4):473-493.
    Organoids and specifically human cerebral organoids (HCOs) are one of the most relevant novelties in the field of biomedical research. Grown either from embryonic or induced pluripotent stem cells, HCOs can be used as in vitro three-dimensional models, mimicking the developmental process and organization of the developing human brain. Based on that, and despite their current limitations, it cannot be assumed that they will never at any stage of development manifest some rudimentary form of consciousness. In the absence of behavioral (...)
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  2.  16
    Neurobiology and the development of human morality: evolution, culture, and wisdom.Darcia Narvaez - 2014 - New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
    The neurobiology and development of human morality in light of evolution -- More than genes : human inheritances and the moral sense -- The dynamic self : emotions and development -- Moral heritage 1 : engagement of the heart -- Moral heritage 2 : communal imagination -- Undercare and the stress response : early life gone wrong -- The morality that stress promotes : self protective ethics -- Shifting moral mindsets -- Culture and imagination: cooperation or competition? -- Paths to (...)
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  3. A neurobiology for consciousness.Antonio R. Damasio - 2000 - In Thomas Metzinger, Neural Correlates of Consciousness: Empirical and Conceptual Questions. MIT Press.
  4. Bridging emotion theory and neurobiology through dynamic systems modeling.Marc D. Lewis - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):169-194.
    Efforts to bridge emotion theory with neurobiology can be facilitated by dynamic systems (DS) modeling. DS principles stipulate higher-order wholes emerging from lower-order constituents through bidirectional causal processes cognition relations. I then present a psychological model based on this reconceptualization, identifying trigger, self-amplification, and self-stabilization phases of emotion-appraisal states, leading to consolidating traits. The article goes on to describe neural structures and functions involved in appraisal and emotion, as well as DS mechanisms of integration by which they interact. These mechanisms (...)
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  5. The philosophy of plant neurobiology: a manifesto.Paco Calvo - 2016 - Synthese 193 (5):1323-1343.
    ‘Plant neurobiology’ has emerged in recent years as a multidisciplinary endeavor carried out mainly by steady collaboration within the plant sciences. The field proposes a particular approach to the study of plant intelligence by putting forward an integrated view of plant signaling and adaptive behavior. Its objective is to account for the way plants perceive and act in a purposeful manner. But it is not only the plant sciences that constitute plant neurobiology. Resources from philosophy and cognitive science are central (...)
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  6. Neurobiology of subjective probability.Czeslaw S. Nosal - 1991 - In Probability and Rationality. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  7.  50
    The neurobiology of receptive-expressive language interdependence.Anthony Steven Dick & Michael Andric - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (4):352 - 353.
    With a focus on receptive language, we examine the neurobiological evidence for the interdependence of receptive and expressive language processes. While we agree that there is compelling evidence for such interdependence, we suggest that Pickering & Garrod's (P&G's) account would be enhanced by considering more-specific situations in which their model does, and does not, apply.
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  8.  23
    Neurobiology and social theory: Some common and persistent problems.Christopher Nichols - 1983 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 13 (2):207-234.
  9.  16
    Neurobiology of Higher.What is Higher-Level Vision - 1994 - In Martha J. Farah & Graham Ratcliff, Neuropsychology of High Level Vision: Collected Tutorial Essays : Carnegie Mellon Symposium on Cognition : Papers. Lawrence Erlbaum.
  10.  38
    The neurobiology of trust and schooling.Derek Sankey - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (2):183-192.
    Are there neurobiological reasons why we are willing to trust other people and why ‘trust’ and moral values such as ‘care’ play a quite pivotal role in our social lives and the judgements we make, including our social interactions and judgements made in the context of schooling? In pursuing this question, this paper largely agrees with claims made by Patricia Churchland in her 2011 book Braintrust. She believes that moral values are rooted in basic brain circuitry and chemistry, which have (...)
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  11.  56
    The Neurobiology and Psychology of Pedophilia: Recent Advances and Challenges.Gilian Tenbergen, Matthias Wittfoth, Helge Frieling, Jorge Ponseti, Martin Walter, Henrik Walter, Klaus M. Beier, Boris Schiffer & Tillmann H. C. Kruger - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  12. Neurobiology of the structure of personality: Dopamine, facilitation of incentive motivation, and extraversion.Richard A. Depue & Paul F. Collins - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):491-517.
    Extraversion has two central characteristics: (1) interpersonalengagement, which consists of affiliation (enjoying and valuing close interpersonal bonds, being warm and affectionate) and agency (being socially dominant, enjoying leadership roles, being assertive, being exhibitionistic, and having a sense of potency in accomplishing goals) and (2) impulsivity, which emerges from the interaction of extraversion and a second, independent trait (constraint). Agency is a more general motivational disposition that includes dominance, ambition, mastery, efficacy, and achievement. Positive affect (a combination of positive feelings and (...)
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  13.  74
    The Neurobiology Shaping Affective Touch: Expectation, Motivation, and Meaning in the Multisensory Context.Dan-Mikael Ellingsen, Siri Leknes, Guro Løseth, Johan Wessberg & Håkan Olausson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Culture, neurobiology, and human behavior: new perspectives in anthropology.Isabella Sarto-Jackson, Daniel O. Larson & Werner Callebaut - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (5):729-748.
    Our primary goal in this article is to discuss the cross-talk between biological and cultural factors that become manifested in the individual brain development, neural wiring, neurochemical homeostasis, and behavior. We will show that behavioral propensities are the product of both cultural and biological factors and an understanding of these interactive processes can provide deep insights into why people behave the way they do. This interdisciplinary perspective is offered in an effort to generate dialog and empirical work among scholars interested (...)
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  15. The neurobiology of observation.Daniel Gilman - 1991 - Philosophy of Science 58 (3):496-502.
    Paul Churchland has recently argued that empirical evidence strongly suggests that perception is penetrable to the beliefs or theories held by individual perceivers (1988). While there has been much discussion of the sorts of psychological cases he presents, little has been said about his arguments from neurology. I offer a critical examination of his claim that certain efferents in the brain are evidence against perceptual encapsulation. I argue that his neurological evidence is inadequate to his philosophical goals, both by itself (...)
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  16.  31
    Resonances: Neurobiology, Evolution, and Theology: Evolutionary Niche Construction, the Ecological Brain and Relational-narrative Theology.Andreas Losch - 2016 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 3 (1):100.
  17. Implications of interpersonal neurobiology for a spirituality of compassion.Andrea Hollingsworth - 2008 - Zygon 43 (4):837-860.
    Interpersonal neurobiology (IPNB) is a burgeoning interdisciplinary field that focuses on ways in which relationships shape and transform the architecture and functioning of the human brain. IPNB points to four specific conditions that appear to encourage the emergence of empathy. Further, these conditions, when gathered together, may constitute the core components of a spirituality of compassion. Following definitions and a discussion of interdisciplinary method, this essay delineates IPNB's main tenets and demonstrates ways in which IPNB sheds light on important aspects (...)
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  18. Freedom and neurobiology: A scotistic account.Guus Labooy - 2004 - Zygon 39 (4):919-932.
    With the aid of some Scotistic conceptual distinctions, I develop a way of meeting the apparent deterministic sway of neurobiology. I make a careful distinction between formal and material freedom. Formal freedom, the ability to will or not to will a certain state of affairs regardless of whether it can be effectuated, remains, even if our material freedom to effectuate it is hampered by neurobiological mechanisms. These conceptual findings are linked with contemporary empirical research on obsessive-compulsive disorder and the possibility (...)
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  19. The neurobiology of semantic memory.Jeffrey R. Binder & Rutvik H. Desai - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (11):527-536.
  20.  67
    The neurobiology of pleasure and happiness.Morten L. Kringelbach & Kent C. Berridge - 2013 - In Judy Illes & Barbara J. Sahakian, Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics. Oxford University Press. pp. 15.
    This article focuses on the substantial progress in understanding the psychology and neurobiology of sensory pleasure that has been made over the last decade. The link between pleasure and happiness has a long history in psychology. The growing evidence for the importance of affect in psychology and neuroscience shows a scientific account that involves hedonic pleasures and displeasures. A neurobiological understanding is required of how positive and negative effects are balanced in the brain. The article surveys developments in understanding brain (...)
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  21. Plant neurobiology and Living Systems Theory.P. W. Barlow - forthcoming - Bioessays, Submitted.
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  22. Neurobiology, neuroimaging, and free will.Walter Glannon - 2005 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 29 (1):68-82.
  23.  86
    Cognitive neurobiology: A computational hypothesis for laminar cortex. [REVIEW]Paul M. Churchland - 1986 - Biology and Philosophy 1 (1):25-51.
    This paper outlines the functional capacities of a novel scheme for cognitive representation and computation, and it explores the possible implementation of this scheme in the massively parallel organization of the empirical brain. The suggestion is that the brain represents reality by means of positions in suitably constitutes phase spaces; and the brain performs computations on these representations by means of coordinate transformations from one phase space to another. This scheme may be implemented in the brain in two distinct forms: (...)
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  24.  24
    Neurobiology of consciousness: An overview.J. Delacour - 1997 - Behavioural Brain Research 85:127-141.
  25.  30
    Neurobiology: Linguistics' millennium bug?Stanley Munsat - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):845-846.
    Gold & Stoljar pose a dilemma for linguistics should neurobiology win out as the science of mind. The dilemma can be avoided by reestablishing linguistics as an autonomous discipline, rather than a branch of the science of mind. Independent considerations for doing this are presented.
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    Neurobiology and linguistics are not yet unifiable.David Poeppel - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):642-643.
    Neurobiological models of language need a level of analysis that can account for the typical range of language phenomena. Because linguistically motivated models have been successful in explaining numerous language properties, it is premature to dismiss them as biologically irrelevant. Models attempting to unify neurobiology and linguistics need to be sensitive to both sources of evidence.
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  27.  33
    A program for the neurobiology of mind.Martin Sereno - 1986 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 29 (June):217-240.
    Patricia Smith Churchland's Neurophilosophy argues that a mind is the same thing as the complex patterns of neural activity in a human brain and, furthermore, that we will be able to find out interesting things about the mind by studying the brain. I basically agree with this stance and my comments are divided into four sections. First, comparisons between human and non?human primate brains are discussed in the context, roughly, of where one should locate higher functions. Second, I examine Churchland's (...)
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  28.  24
    Molecular neurobiology: A thematic issue.A. S. Wilkins - 1989 - Bioessays 10 (2-3):43-43.
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  29. The neurobiology of human consciousness: An evolutionary approach.Matthew Donald - 1995 - Neuropsychologia 33:1087-1102.
  30.  34
    The neurobiology of learning and memory.Carl W. Cotman & Gary S. Lynch - 1989 - Cognition 33 (1-2):201-241.
  31.  59
    Freedom and Neurobiology: Reflections on Free Will, Language, and Political Power.John R. Searle - 2006 - Columbia University Press.
    Our self-conception derives mostly from our own experience. We believe ourselves to be conscious, rational, social, ethical, language-using, political agents who possess free will. Yet we know we exist in a universe that consists of mindless, meaningless, unfree, nonrational, brute physical particles. How can we resolve the conflict between these two visions? In _Freedom and Neurobiology_, the philosopher John Searle discusses the possibility of free will within the context of contemporary neurobiology. He begins by explaining the relationship between human reality (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Can neurobiology teach us anything about consciousness?" Presidential Address to the American Philosophical Associatiojn, Pacific Division.P. S. Churchland - forthcoming - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association. Lancaster Press: Lancaster, Pa.
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  33. Neurobiology.Valerie Gray Hardcastle - 2007 - In David L. Hull & Michael Ruse, The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  34. The Neurobiology of Social Disruption: International Perspectives of Psychiatry, Pathology and Society.Fabrice Jotterand & James Giordano (eds.) - forthcoming - Potomic Institute Press.
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  35. The neurobiology of blindsight.Alan Cowey & Petra Stoerig - 1991 - Trends in Neurosciences 14:140-5.
  36.  91
    Explanation in Neurobiology: An Interventionist Perspective.James Woodward - unknown
    This paper employs an interventionist framework to elucidate some issues having to do with explanation in neurobiology and with the differences between mechanistic and non-mechanistic explanations.
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  37. The neurobiology of addiction: Implications for voluntary control of behavior.Steven E. Hyman - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (1):8 – 11.
    There continues to be a debate on whether addiction is best understood as a brain disease or a moral condition. This debate, which may influence both the stigma attached to addiction and access to treatment, is often motivated by the question of whether and to what extent we can justly hold addicted individuals responsible for their actions. In fact, there is substantial evidence for a disease model, but the disease model per se does not resolve the question of voluntary control. (...)
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  38.  67
    The neurobiology of methamphetamine induced psychosis.Jennifer H. Hsieh, Dan J. Stein & Fleur M. Howells - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  39. Subjectivity “Demystified”: Neurobiology, Evolution, and the Explanatory Gap.Todd E. Feinberg & Jon Mallatt - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    While life in general can be explained by the mechanisms of physics, chemistry and biology, to many scientists and philosophers it appears that when it comes to explaining consciousness, there is what the philosopher Joseph Levine called an “explanatory gap” between the physical brain and subjective experiences. Here we deduce the living and neural features behind primary consciousness within a naturalistic biological framework, identify which animal taxa have these features (the vertebrates, arthropods, and cephalopod molluscs), then reconstruct when consciousness first (...)
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  40. The neurobiology of emotion.[Chap. 15].J. E. LeDoux - 1986 - In David A. Oakley, Mind and Brain. Methuen. pp. 301--354.
  41. Discovering mechanisms in neurobiology: The case of spatial memory.Carl F. Craver & Lindley Darden - 2001 - In Peter McLaughlin, Peter Machamer & Rick Grush, Theory and Method in the Neurosciences. Pittsburgh University Press. pp. 112--137.
  42. The neurobiology of learning-a historical review.L. Nadel - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):510-511.
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  43.  45
    What is so special about smell? Olfaction as a model system in neurobiology.Ann-Sophie Barwich - 2015 - Postgraduate Medical Journal 92:27-33.
    Neurobiology studies mechanisms of cell signalling. A key question is how cells recognise specific signals. In this context, olfaction has become an important experimental system over the past 25 years. The olfactory system responds to an array of structurally diverse stimuli. The discovery of the olfactory receptors (ORs), recognising these stimuli, established the olfactory pathway as part of a greater group of signalling mechanisms mediated by G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). GPCRs are the largest protein family in the mammalian genome and involved (...)
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  44.  55
    Neurobiology and the Homunculus Thesis.Paul Tibbetts - 1995 - Man and World 28 (4):401-413.
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  45.  35
    Neurobiology of conscious experience.Terence W. Picton & Donald T. Stuss - 1994 - Current Opinion in Neurobiology 4:256-65.
  46.  27
    Neurobiology of Anorexia Nervosa: Serotonin Dysfunctions Link Self-Starvation with Body Image Disturbances through an Impaired Body Memory.Giuseppe Riva - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Aesthetic experience and the neurobiology of inquiry.Jay Schulkin - 2006 - In John R. Shook & Joseph Margolis, A Companion to Pragmatism. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 361–368.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Aesthetics Musical Syntax, Discrepancy and Activation Probability, Expectations, and Learning Dopamine, Discrepancy and the Prediction of Reward Musement and the Play of Ideas Conclusion.
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  48. A Role for Representation in Cognitive Neurobiology.Jacqueline Anne Sullivan - 2010 - Philosophy of Science (Supplement) 77 (5):875-887.
    What role does the concept of representation play in the contexts of experimentation and explanation in cognitive neurobiology? In this article, a distinction is drawn between minimal and substantive roles for representation. It is argued by appeal to a case study that representation currently plays a role in cognitive neurobiology somewhere in between minimal and substantive and that this is problematic given the ultimate explanatory goals of cognitive neurobiological research. It is suggested that what is needed is for representation to (...)
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  49. Toward a neurobiology of the unconscious.Richard Brockman - 2001 - Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry 29 (4):601-615.
  50.  17
    Examining the function of neurobiology in Christian spiritual experiences and practice.Mark Pretorius - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
    Before one can adequately deal with a biblical and neurobiological examination of spiritual experiences, one would need to define what they are. Here, one could offer that a spiritual experience could be an encounter with something or someone that is other than a material experience. It is a supernatural experience that transcends the natural, yet impacts the natural, by affecting our mental and physical senses and how we practise our spirituality. It is an experience that leaves us with a new (...)
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