  1.  30
    A Huayan View of the Infinite Regress. 고승학 - 2019 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 127:11-31.
    “Wuqiong,” namely the concept of infinite regress has been identified with the hallmark of the Huayan scholasticism, which is dubbed as “chongchong wujin” (repetitive containment ad infinitum). Such an inconceivable perspective is drawn from the Huayan thinkers’ presupposition that a part contains the whole, which is again composed of such parts. But many philosophical traditions, in general, try to avoid the infinite regress as one of the logical fallacies. This paper examines the Buddhist literature that alludes to “wuqiong” as infinite (...)
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    Analytic Understanding of the Major Concepts of Hetuvidyā: A Preliminary Understanding of the Thesis “acandraḥ śaśī”. 고승학 - 2023 - CHUL HAK SA SANG - Journal of Philosophical Ideas 89 (89):31-63.
    역설적⋅모순적 언어는 일상적으로는 접근 불가능한 심오한 종교적⋅철학적 통찰을 나타내기 위해 종종 사용되지만, 논리적으로 명료한 설명을 목적으로 하는 논서나 주석서에서는 그 사용을 억제하려는 경향이 강하다. 불교 인식논리학, 곧 인명(因明=hetuvidyā) 전통의 오류론 역시 비슷한 목적에서 출현하였다. 이러한 인명 전통에 대해서 서양의 분석철학 전통과의 비교 연구가 종종 행해지지만, 인명 관련 문헌에는 난해한 용어와 예시가 많이 등장하고, 그 문헌들의 한역과 주석 과정에서도 각종 난제들이 제기되었다. 본 논문은 『인명정리문론』과 『인명입정리론』에 소개된 ‘회토비월(懷兎非月=acandraḥ śaśī)’의 논증식을 분석하기 위한 예비적 단계로서 디그나가(Dignāga=陳那)가 고안한 인명학의 주요 개념에 대한 분석적 이해를 (...)
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  3.  19
    The Meaning of “Part” and “Whole” in Huayan Thought. 고승학 - 2017 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 88:393-412.
    The texts written by Huayan thinkers are characterized by rather unintelligible expressions that identify the one with the many. Such an identity thesis can be justified by the fact that all individual objects in the world are based on the common principle of emptiness (Skt. śūnyatā). But we need to take into consideration the fact that Huayan thought emerged from the typical Chinese attitude that appreciates the inherent value of every phenomenal object. Thus the relationship between the one and the (...)
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