Results for ' women’s movement'

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  1.  18
    Women's movements and female board representation.Michael Neureiter & C. B. Bhattacharya - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (4):809-834.
    Scholars know relatively little about the potential impact of women's movements on gender diversity in the corporate world. We aim to fill this gap in the literature by providing the first empirical analysis of the relationship between women's movements and female representation on boards of directors. Drawing on political process theory, we argue that the strength of a women's movement is positively associated with its ability to increase the number of women on corporate boards. Moreover, we posit that the (...)
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  2. Civil Society and "Women's Movements" in Post-Communist Europe. An Appraisal 25 Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall.Yvanka B. Raynova - 2015 - In Community, Praxis, and Values in a Postmetaphysical Age: Studies on Exclusion and Social Integration in Feminist Theory and Contemporary Philosophy. Axia Academic Publishers. pp. 184-204.
    The aim of the article is to argue the thesis that, 25 years after the fall of communism, with the exception of former Yugoslavia, there has been and still is, a lack of „women’s movements“ in the post-communist countries. The author also proposes some explanations as to why there are dozens of women’s organizations but no women’s movements. In order to support her thesis, Raynova emphasizes the difference between “women’s movements”, “feminist movements” and “social movements”, and (...)
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    The Women's Movement in Serbia and Montenegro at the Turn of the Millennium: A Sociological Study of Women's Groups.Andjelka Milić - 2004 - Feminist Review 76 (1):65-82.
    This paper attempts to describe the present situation in the women's movement in Serbia and Montenegro and to tackle questions about its future, on the basis of a sociological study of newly formed women's groups. In the past, the women's movement in these societies has surged several times, only to be completely annulled, and its proponents falling to oblivion. Now, for the first time ever, the seeds of the movement originating from the long gone period of the (...)
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    Women's movements around the world:: Cross-cultural comparisons.Diane Rothbard Margolis - 1993 - Gender and Society 7 (3):379-399.
    This article develops a framework for cross-national comparisons of contemporary women's movements. The article focuses on the international context and cross-national influences, the nature of the state, the absence or presence of other movements, the effects of conservative or liberal political environments, the effects of centralization or dispersion within the movement itself and on feminist involvement in political parties and elections. Because each of these factors shapes a particular movement, the article concludes that there cannot be one correct (...)
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  5. Racism in Pornography and the Women's Movement.Representing Women - 1994 - In Alison M. Jaggar (ed.), Living with contradictions: controversies in feminist social ethics. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 171.
  6. African Women’s Movements: Changing Political Landscapes.[author unknown] - 2009
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  7. Identity Politics in the Women's Movement. Edited by Barbara Ryan.J. S. Pedersen - 2004 - The European Legacy 9:557-557.
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    The Women's Movement In China Before and After The 1911 Revolution.Rong Tiesheng - 1983 - Chinese Studies in History 16 (3-4):159-200.
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    Women's movements and state policy reform aimed at domestic violence against women:: A comparison of the consequences of movement mobilization in the U.s. And india.Diane Mitsch Bush - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (4):587-608.
    This article compares the social movement mobilization that led to reforms in police and judicial handling of battering in the United States to the movement ideology, organization, and tactics that resulted in analogous policy reform in the processing of dowry burnings and beatings in India. Using field notes and secondary sources from both countries, the article examines how both movements redefined violence against women in families as a public issue, then looks at how movement demands affected policy (...)
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    Women's Movement, Spain.Pedro García-Guirao - 2009 - In Immanuel Ness (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd..
    Despite the existence of distinctive female personalities and individual interventions on behalf of women, feminism – understood as a mass movement – remained a rarity in Spain until April 14, 1931; that is, until the proclamation of the Second Republic. For feminism to triumph, two things were necessary: first, the popularization of the ideas represented by the French Revolution, and second, the Industrial Revolution. Neither of these two prerequisites existed in Spain until the Second Republic and the country remained (...)
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    Women's Movement for Political Participation, 1911-1912.Zhou Yaping - 1995 - Chinese Studies in History 28 (3-4):157-171.
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  12. Feminism as an Ideology Through the Practices of the Women’s Movement Macedonian Context.Stefan Vasev - 2024 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 77 (1):623-651.
    This study primarily focuses on feminism and the women’s movement and howthey manifest in Macedonian society. The feminist ideology reflects various forms ofactivism, with the common goal of overcoming the subordinate status of women in societyand achieving equality between men and women. Hence, this study explores thefollowing questions: does feminist activism in Macedonian society contribute to the advancementof women’s rights, and can every women’s movement be situated within theframework of feminist theory? Consequently, through the analysis (...)
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  13.  36
    Women's Movements in America: Their Successes, Disappointments, and Aspirations.Rita James Simon & Gloria Danziger - 1991 - Praeger.
    This work is a survey of the efforts through which women have changed their place in American society from the nation's founding to the present. Examining the historical struggle for suffrage, legal and property rights, and rights in the work place, the authors show how these experiences have shaped a contemporary movement for economic, political, and social equality that has become increasingly independent and less and less likely to place women's issues second to other national concerns. The authors recount (...)
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    Governmentality and the Power of Transnational Women’s Movements.Carol Harrington - 2013 - Studies in Social Justice 7 (1):47-63.
    Feminists have celebrated success in gendering security discourse and practice since the end of the Cold War. Scholars have adapted theories of contentious politics to analyze how transnational feminist networks achieved this. I argue that such theories would be enhanced by richer conceptualizations of how transnational feminist networks produce and disseminate new forms of global governmental knowledge and expertise. This article engages social movement theory with theories of global governmentality. Governmentality analysis typically focuses upon governmental power rather than political (...)
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  15.  25
    State feminism and women's movements in Belgium : complex patterns in a multilevel system.Karen Celis & Petra Meier - 2007 - In Joyce Outshoorn & Johanna Kantola (eds.), Changing state feminism. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 62--81.
  16. Women's policy agencies, women's movements and a shifting political context : towards a gendered republic in France?Amy G. Mazur - 2007 - In Joyce Outshoorn & Johanna Kantola (eds.), Changing state feminism. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  17.  20
    The Women's Movement in New China.Teng Ying-ch'ao - 1971 - Chinese Studies in History 5 (2-3):88-108.
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    The Women's Movement in Germany, 1890-1919.Richard J. Evans - 1972
  19. On Reaction and the Women's Movement.Hilde Hein - 1973 - Philosophical Forum 5 (1):248.
  20.  58
    Women's Rights, Human Rights: International Feminist Perspectives.J. S. Peters & Andrea Wolper - 2018 - Routledge.
    This comprehensive and important volume includes contributions by activists, journalists, lawyers and scholars from twenty-one countries. The essays map the directions the movement for women's rights is taking--and will take in the coming decades--and the concomittant transformation of prevailing notions of rights and issues. They address topics such as the rapes in former Yugoslavia and efforts to see that a War Crimes Tribunal responds; domestic violence; trafficking of women into the sex trade; the persecution of lesbians; female genital mutilation; (...)
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  21.  13
    Documents from the Indian Women's Movement.Carol Wolkowitz, Vithubai Patel & Sujata Gothoskar - 1982 - Feminist Review 12 (1):92-103.
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    The Women's Movement in India Today-New Agendas and Old ProblemsThe History of Doing: An Illustrated Account of Movements for Women's Rights and Feminism in India, 1800-1990Fields of Protest: Women's Movements in IndiaReinventing Revolution: New Social Movements and the Socialist Tradition in IndiaTwo Faces of Protest: Contrasting Modes of Women's Activism in IndiaWomen and Right-Wing Movements: Indian Experiences. [REVIEW]U. Kalpagam, Radha Kumar, Raka Ray, Gail Omvedt, Amrita Basu, Tanika Sarkar & Urvashi Butalia - 2000 - Feminist Studies 26 (3):645.
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    Report of the Democratic Women's Movement in Kuomintang-Controlled Areas.Li Te-ch'üan - 1972 - Chinese Studies in History 5 (4):265-275.
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  24.  10
    Research on Women’s Movement in the Central Soviet Area from the Perspective of Marxist Women.宁 田 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (4):660-666.
  25.  66
    Feminist Theory and the Women's Movement. Feminism and Post/Modernism. 3.-10.4.1991, Dubrovnik.Kerstin Barndt - 1991 - Die Philosophin 2 (4):102-104.
  26.  16
    Melancholic politics and the politics of melancholia: The Indian women’s movement.Srila Roy - 2009 - Feminist Theory 10 (3):341-357.
    Mourning, especially melancholic mourning, has recently emerged as a significant site of expressing and addressing loss in feminism. While feminism’s hard-won successes in achieving institutional power globally have brought exuberance over achievement, they have also come with an acute sense of despondency and loss; one that is not easily mourned or relinquished. The institutionalization of feminism in governmental, non-governmental and academic sites has precipitated this sense of loss in India, wherein the discussion of this article is located. In exploring the (...)
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  27.  38
    Four Women of Egypt: Memory, Geopolitics, and the Egyptian Women's Movement during the Nasser and Sadat Eras.Sara Salem - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (3):593-608.
    This article addresses the Egyptian women's movement of the 1950s–1970s through a recent film entitled Four Women of Egypt, which focuses on the lives of four prominent Egyptian women active in the movement during that period. Using the concept of political memory, the article traces some of the major debates within the women's movement throughout this era. By focusing on the ways in which these women conceptualize the geopolitical, I show that the twin concepts of imperialism and (...)
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    Theorizing about women's movements:: Reply to comments by Hanna Papanek.Diane Rothbard Margolis - 1993 - Gender and Society 7 (4):605-607.
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    Reflections on the Women's Movement in Trinidad: Calypsos, Changes and Sexual Violence.Patricia Mohammed - 1991 - Feminist Review 38 (1):33-47.
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  30.  18
    Between whisper and voice: Online women’s movement outreach in the UK and Germany.Sabine Lang & Henrike Knappe - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (4):361-381.
    Women’s movements in Western Europe are not dead, but they have altered their strategies in ways that require adaptation of investigative repertoires. Recent research highlights women’s movements’ pathways into institutions as well as the transnationalisation of activism. This article focuses on the shifting public communication repertoire associated with these developments. Communication and movement outreach across Europe are increasingly constituted online. The authors investigate the degree to which women’s networks in Germany and the UK mobilise constituencies via (...)
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  31.  11
    Using strategic litigation for women’s rights: Political restrictions in Poland and achievements of the women’s movement.Gesine Fuchs - 2013 - European Journal of Women's Studies 20 (1):21-43.
    Legal mobilization in the courts and in political discourse has emerged as an increasingly important strategy of social movements that complements other political approaches. This is true also for women’s movements in post-socialist countries, but most research on strategic litigation has focused so far on common law countries and on supranational litigation in Europe. Using the case of Poland as an example, this article asks why references to the law are so attractive in post-socialist contexts and what can be (...)
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    Race Discourses and Antiracist Practices in a Local Women's Movement.Anna M. Zajicek - 2002 - Gender and Society 16 (2):155-174.
    Increasingly, feminist scholars examine how the stability of racial hierarchies is maintained through discourse. This article explores the importance of race discourse in the construction of white women's accounts explaining their race politics. Specifically, the author examines the connections between race discourse and politics as they emerged in interviews with white women involved in a local women's movement between 1972 and 1999. The interviews revealed five discursive strategies women used to talk about race and the movement's antiracist practices. (...)
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    The challenges and promises of class and racial diversity in the women's movement: A study of two women's organizations.Winifred R. Poster - 1995 - Gender and Society 9 (6):659-679.
    This article demonstrates how class and racial dynamics generate different styles of activism among women's movement organizations. Based on a comparative study of two feminist organizations—one composed of lower-class women of color and another of upper-class white women—it charts the formation of divergent types of gender politics. First, it explores how differences in the class and racial backgrounds of the memberships create distinct organizational needs; second, how these divergent political interests motivate contrasting organizational ideologies, activities, and structures; and finally (...)
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    The Women's Movement in Iran: A Hopeful Prognosis.Azar Tabari - 1986 - Feminist Studies 12 (2):343.
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    The Home, the Veil and the World: Reading Ismat Chughtai towards a ‘Progressive’ History of the Indian Women's Movement.Kanika Batra - 2010 - Feminist Review 95 (1):27-44.
    This paper discusses the work of Ismat Chughtai (1911–1991), a controversial writer whose long literary career extending over four decades roughly corresponds to the formative stages of the Indian women's movement. It interprets Chughtai's novella The Heart Breaks Free (1966) to forward an anti-teleological enquiry of the women's movement in India. This progressive teleology often suggested by a discussion of the ‘waves’, ‘stages’ or ‘phases’ of the Euro-American women's movement and adopted to postcolonial women's movements, such as (...)
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    Florence Nightingale and the Women's Movement: Friend or foe?Lynne M. Hektor - 1994 - Nursing Inquiry 1 (1):38-45.
    The historical analysis of the complex and often contradictory views of Florence Nightingale regarding the rights of women is explored in this paper. Feminism and nursing are often viewed as contradictory and antithetical. The relationship between the two is examined through the link between Florence Nightingale and her contemporary, Barbara Leigh‐Smith Bodichon. Leigh‐Smith was founder and primary financier of The English Women's Journal that provided a public platform for the major feminist writings of the period. Its offices in Langham Place (...)
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    Feminist tactics and friendly fire in the irish women's movement.Judith Taylor - 1998 - Gender and Society 12 (6):674-691.
    This work considers current models for understanding tactical interaction among social movement actors and finds them insufficient for making sense of the tactical work required of the Irish women's movement. Analysis of Irish feminist efforts to expand reproductive freedom calls into question the idea that tactical innovations are solely responses to countermovements or state repression. In this case, feminist activists spent considerable energy avoiding co-optation by sympathetic men and class-based movements and competing with economic and nationalist dilemmas that (...)
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  38.  22
    ‘Creating justice between us’: Audre Lorde’s theory of the erotic as coalitional politics in the Women’s Movement.SaraEllen Strongman - 2018 - Feminist Theory 19 (1):41-59.
    This article asks how interracial sex and/or sexual attraction might be an integral part of cross-racial feminist work. Focusing on the work of black lesbian feminist poet Audre Lorde, I argue that for some black women sex and intimate relationships with white women during the Women’s Movement were an important part of their survival and their feminist and anti-racist praxis. Drawing on recent black feminist scholarship, I read Lorde’s work against the grain of the anti-pornography feminist movement (...)
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  39.  12
    Theorizing about women's movements globally:: Comment on Diane Margolis.Hanna Papanek - 1993 - Gender and Society 7 (4):594-604.
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    The Vision and Women’s Movement of Sarala Devi.Park Kyumpyo - 2017 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 50:107-147.
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    A Movement Moves... Is There a Women's Movement in England Today?Kate Nash - 2002 - European Journal of Women's Studies 9 (3):311-328.
    There is a diversity of views among feminists who have been debating whether or not a women's movement exists in Britain today. In part this is due to the lack of a clear working definition of social movement. This article uses social movement theory to discuss the ambiguous signs that are taken to indicate either the movement's continuing existence or its disappearance: the growth of mainstream political organizations; a focus on `women' in cultural production; the `micro-politics' (...)
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    Beyond culture versus politics: A case study of a local women's movement.Suzanne Staggenborg - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (4):507-530.
    This article goes beyond the debate over whether culture competes with politics in the women's movement to explore the complex relationship between cultural and political action. A case study of the local women's movement in Bloomington, Indiana, provides little evidence that cultural feminism led to a decline in political activity in the women's movement. Rather, the attractiveness of cultural and political activities changes with shifts in political opportunities. During periods of opportunity or threat that stimulate extensive action, (...)
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  43.  24
    Women's social movements in latin America.Helen Icken Safa - 1990 - Gender and Society 4 (3):354-369.
    This article documents the increasing participation of poor women in social movements in Latin America, focusing on movements centered around human rights and collective consumption issues, such as the cost of living or the provision of public services. It analyzes the factors that have contributed to the increased participation of poor Latin American women in social movements and why they have chosen the state rather than the workplace as the principal arena of confrontation. Although these movements are undertaken in defense (...)
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  44.  9
    Linking Radical Traditions and the Contemporary Dalit Women's Movement: An Intergenerational Lens.Meera Velayudhan - 2018 - Feminist Review 119 (1):106-125.
    Anti-caste movements in India have a long history. Cultural heritage became and remains a site of political contestation by excluded communities searching for identity and equality, and gender remains at the core of their engagements. The meanings underlying the more homogenous term of ‘Dalit’ used today are part of a historical process of self-definition. Moreover, diverse Dalit countercultures suggest varied social domains in which Dalit communities are located. South Asian historiographies have been critiqued as denying histories and historical agency to (...)
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  45.  15
    “Which feminism will be ours?” The women’s movement in post-ottoman interwar Albania.Nevila Pahumi - 2018 - Clio 48:133-152.
    L’article reconsidère le mouvement des femmes en Albanie dans l’entre-deux-guerres en partant de ses racines ottomanes et en l’examinant à travers la presse féministe de l’époque. En prenant en compte l’ensemble des activités des militantes protestantes formées par les Américains, les bureaucrates post-ottomans et les féministes de la région, j’interprète le mouvement des femmes comme un aspect de la modernité ottomane tardive et comme une initiative marquée par des circulations globales qui ont eu un impact dans la construction de la (...)
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    The Historical Grounds of the Turkish Women’s Movement.Osman Senemoğl & Ipek Merçil - 2014 - Human and Social Studies 3 (1):13-27.
    In this article the authors would like to present a history of the Turkish feminist movement. The roots of the feminist movement go back to the last decades of Ottoman Empire in Turkey when westernisation had started to take place. During the firts decade of the Republic many steps were taken to enable women to get involved in public, political and professional life and to encourage more equality in family matters. Women’s emancipation became a significant symbol of (...)
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    Women's community activism and the rejection of 'politics': Some dilemmas of popular democratic movements.Martha Ackelsberg - 2005 - In Marilyn Friedman (ed.), Women and Citizenship. New York, US: Oup Usa. pp. 67--90.
    Ackelsberg investigates women’s activist participation in the National Congress of Neighborhood Women, a Brooklyn association established in 1974–75, which she treats as a model of democratic civic engagement that incorporated differences while avoiding the exclusions of the past. The NCNW assisted poor and working class women in organizing to better meet their needs and those of their communities. It arose in response to the ways women were either ignored or belittled when they attempted to engage in political work both (...)
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  48.  53
    Feminist Philosophy and the Women's Movement.Kathryn Pyne Addelson - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (3):216 - 224.
    Feminist philosophy is now an established subdiscipline, but it began as an effort to transform the profession. Academics and activists worked together to make the new courses, and feminist theory was tested in the streets. As time passed, the "second wave" receded, but core elements of feminist theory were preserved in the academy. How can feminist philosophers today continue the early efforts of changing profession and the society, hand in hand with women outside the academy.
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    Women's Organizations and Movements in the Commonwealth Caribbean: The Response to Global Economic Crisis in the 1980s.Rhoda Reddock - 1998 - Feminist Review 59 (1):57-73.
    In this paper I explore the emergence of women's organizations and feminist consciousness in the twentieth century in the English-speaking (Commonwealth) Caribbean. The global ideas concerning women's equality from the 1960s onwards clearly informed the initiatives taken by both women and states of the Caribbean. None the less, the paper illustrates, by use of examples, the interlocked nature of women's struggles with the economic, social and political issues which preoccupy the region's population. I examine in greater detail two case studies (...)
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  50. Women’s Labour in Movement. From Servants and Housewives to Racialised Domestic and Care Workers.Ana Maria Miranda Mora - 2025 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14 (1):111-121.
    This paper examines migrant women’s labour and the location of poor and racialised working women in the context of the contemporary care crisis. In the first part, I briefly reconstruct, the feminist critiques of the Marxist capitalist social (re)production theory and, the Decolonial and Postcolonial feminist criticisms of the Marxist universal model of the capitalist mode of (re)production and its conceptualisation of marginalised and excluded subjects. This analysis sets the ground for understanding the debts and innovations of Marx’s political (...)
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