Results for ' weavers'

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  1.  16
    In Defense of Tradition: Collected Shorter Writings of Richard M. Weaver, 1929-1963.Richard M. Weaver & Ted J. Smith - 2000
    Richard M Weaver, a thinker and writer celebrated for his unsparing diagnoses and realistic remedies for the ills of our age, is known largely through a few of his works that remain in print. This new collection of Weaver's shorter writings, assembled by Ted J Smith III, Weaver's leading biographer, presents many long-out-of-print and never-before-published works that give new range and depth to Weaver's sweeping thought. Included are eleven previously unpublished essays and speeches that were left in near-final form at (...)
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    The harms of ignoring the social nature of science.Sara Weaver - 2019 - Synthese 196 (1):355-375.
    In this paper I argue that philosophers of science have an obligation to recognize and engage with the social nature of the sciences they assess if those sciences are morally relevant. Morally-relevant science is science that has the potential to risk harm to humans, non-humans, or the environment. My argument and the approach I develop are informed by an analysis of the philosophy of biology literature on the criticism of evolutionary psychology, the study of the evolution of human psychology and (...)
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  3. A Church–Fitch proof for the universality of causation.Christopher Gregory Weaver - 2013 - Synthese 190 (14):2749-2772.
    In an attempt to improve upon Alexander Pruss’s work (The principle of sufficient reason: A reassessment, pp. 240–248, 2006), I (Weaver, Synthese 184(3):299–317, 2012) have argued that if all purely contingent events could be caused and something like a Lewisian analysis of causation is true (per, Lewis’s, Causation as influence, reprinted in: Collins, Hall and paul. Causation and counterfactuals, 2004), then all purely contingent events have causes. I dubbed the derivation of the universality of causation the “Lewisian argument”. The Lewisian (...)
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    Activity Engagement and Cognitive Performance Amongst Older Adults.Alexandria N. Weaver & Susanne M. Jaeggi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research supporting cognitive reserve theory suggests that engaging in a variety of cognitive, social, and physical activities may serve as protective factors against age-related changes in mental functioning, especially if the activities are cognitively engaging. Individuals who participate in a variety of cognitive activities have been found to be more likely to maintain a higher level of cognitive functioning and be less likely to develop dementia. In this study, we explore the relationship between engaging in a variety of activities and (...)
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    INTERCHANGES: with myra hird and harlan weaver.Harlan Weaver & Myra Hird - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (2):217-232.
    Myra Hird and Harlan Weaver have been invited by the editors of this special issue to enter into discussion with each other – to conduct a series of interchanges – because of the careful attention their research has paid to the ways in which transness as a lived reality is ontologized in humans, non-human animals, bacteria, and viruses. With this issue’s interchanges, we would like to further the conversation on critically approaching the consequences of merging transness with animality. In the (...)
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    Unjust Lies, Just Wars? A Christian Pacifist Conversation with Augustine.Alain Epp Weaver - 2001 - Journal of Religious Ethics 29 (1):51-78.
    Pacifism is routinely criticized as sectarian, incoherent, and preoccupied with moral purity at the expense of responsibility. The author contends that the pacifism of John Howard Yoder is vulnerable to none of these charges and defends this claim by establishing parallels between Yoder's analysis of killing and Augustine's analysis of lying. Although, within the terms of his own argument, Augustine's rejection of all lying as unjust is consistent with his condoning of some killing as just, the author shows that given (...)
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    Book Reviews: Frederick V. Simmons and Brian C. Sorrells (eds), Love and Christian Ethics: Tradition, Theory, and Society. [REVIEW]Darlene Fozard Weaver - 2018 - Studies in Christian Ethics 31 (3):367-370.
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  8. Language Is Sermonic; Richard M. Weaver on the Nature of Rhetoric.Richard M. Weaver, Richard L. Johannesen, Rennard Strickland & Ralph T. Eubanks - 1972 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 5 (1):63-65.
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    Unifying some modifications of the Henkin construction.George Weaver - 1992 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 33 (3):450-460.
  10.  9
    Chapter 9. The Sacred Art of Teaching. Paul Tillich on Place, Boundary, and Pedagogy.Matthew Lon Weaver - 2017 - In Samuel Andrew Shearn & Russell Re Manning (eds.), Returning to Tillich: Theology and Legacy in Transition. De Gruyter. pp. 105-112.
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    Drosophila chorion genes: Cracking the eggshell's secrets.Terry L. Orr-Weaver - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (3):97-105.
    The chorion genes of Drosophila are amplified in response to developmental signals in the follicle cells of the ovary prior to their transcription. Their expression is regulated both temporally and spatially within this tissue. They thus serve as models both for the regulation of DNA replication and of developmental transcription. The regulatory elements for DNA amplification have been delineated. Their analysis reveals that amplification is mediated by several regulatory regions and initiates at defined origins within the chorion cluster. Proteins involved (...)
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  12. nach dem Holocaust (1997).Weaver Santaniello - 2014 - In Christian Niemeyer (ed.), Friedrich Nietzsche. Darmstadt: WBG, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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  13. Evilism, moral rationalism, and reasons internalism.Christopher Gregory Weaver - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 77 (1):3-24.
    I show that the existence of an omniscient, omnipotent, and essentially omnimalevolent being is impossible given only two metaethical assumptions (viz., moral rationalism and reasons internalism). I then argue (pace Stephen Law) that such an impossibility undercuts Law’s (Relig Stud 46(3):353–373, 2010) evil god challenge.
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    A defense of QUD reasons contextualism.Bryan R. Weaver & Kevin Scharp - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In this article, we defend the semantic theory, Question Under Discussion (QUD) Contextualism about Reasons that we develop in our monograph Semantics for Reasons against a series of objections that focus on whether our semantics can deliver predictions for some common examples, how we defend the semantic theory, and how we assess it compared to its competitors.
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    Dying under a Description? Physician-Assisted Suicide, Persons, and Solidarity.Darlene Fozard Weaver - 2021 - Christian Bioethics 27 (3):298-311.
    Debates over physician-assisted suicide comprise a small portion of broader culture wars. Their role in the culture wars obscures an under-acknowledged consensus between those who support PAS and those who oppose it. Drawing insights from personalism, this essay situates PAS within larger moral obligations of solidarity with the dying and their caregivers. The contributions of Roman Catholic personalism relocate debates over PAS and allow us to harness shared moral impulses.
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    Fire in the Ashes: Twenty-Five Years Among the Poorest Children in America.Kathryn Fishman-Weaver - 2015 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 51 (2):189-192.
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  17. A Post-Holocaust Re-Examination of Nietzsche and the Jews vis-à-vis Christendom and Nazism.Weaver Santaniello - 1997 - In Jacob Golomb (ed.), Nietzsche and Jewish Culture. New York: Routledge. pp. 21--54.
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    ‘They did to him whatever they pleased’: The exercise of political power within Matthew’s narrative.Dorothy J. Weaver - 2009 - HTS Theological Studies 65 (1).
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    The Scandal of Community: Pauline Factions and the Circulation of Grace.Taylor M. Weaver - 2021 - Fortress Academic.
    Using the thought of Italian philosopher Robert Esposito, Taylor M. Weaver provides a new reading of Pauline community.
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  20. Business ETHICS/BUSINESS ethics: One Field or Two?Gary R. Weaver - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (2):113-128.
    Abstract:This paper delineates the normative and empirical approaches to business ethics based upon five categories: 1) academic home; 2) language; 3) underlying assumptions; 4) theory purpose and scope; 5) theory grounds and evaluation criteria. The goal of the discussion is to increase understanding of the distinctive contributions of each approach and to encourage further dialogue about the potential for integration of the field.
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  21.  97
    Fundamental Causation: Physics, Metaphysics, and the Deep Structure of the World.Christopher Gregory Weaver - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Fundamental Causation addresses issues in the metaphysics of deterministic singular causation, the metaphysics of events, property instances, facts, preventions, and omissions, as well as the debate between causal reductionists and causal anti-reductionists. The book also pays special attention to causation and causal structure in physics. Weaver argues that causation is a multigrade obtaining relation that is transitive, irreflexive, and asymmetric. When causation is singular, deterministic and such that it relates purely contingent events, the relation is also universal, intrinsic, and well-founded. (...)
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  22.  41
    On the Possible Existence of a ‘First Law of Environmental Stewardship’: How Organisations Bring Volunteers Together in Social and Geographic Space.Christina W. Lopez & Russell C. Weaver - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (4):463-492.
    This article contends that environmental organisations vary in type, scale and purpose in ways that help stewards self-sort into the opportunities that align with their individual motivations and environmental concerns. To explore these potential links between personal motivations and environmental organisational attributes, we rely on descriptive and inferential statistics from surveys of two partner environmental organisations: one local scale community based-organisation and one a broader scale environmental non-profit organisation, both located in Central Texas, USA. These partners were selected based on (...)
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  23.  61
    The Cosmogony of Anaxagoras.D. Bargrave-Weaver - 1959 - Phronesis 4 (2):77-91.
  24.  40
    Nietzsche: American Idol or European Prophet? The “Death of God” in America and Nietzsche’s Madman.Weaver Santaniello - 2017 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 38 (2-3):201-222.
    One hundred years ago the expression "God is dead" was first used by Nietzsche. Now, Nietzsche was reared in a christian home, but at the university he decided there was no god.Now, this philosophy began to pervade German thought. And I believe that history is going to say that this philosophy … contributed to a religious, moral and intellectual vacuum, and into that vacuum came Nazism and the concept of the super race that produced Hitler and the second World War.Now, (...)
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  25.  54
    The Status Nomenclature of the Imperial Freedmen.P. R. C. Weaver - 1963 - Classical Quarterly 13 (2):272-278.
    Lily Ross Taylor in an interesting recent article on the proportion of freedmen to freeborn in the sepulchral inscriptions of Imperial Rome discusses the increasing omission of status nomenclature by freedmen in the first and second centuries A.D. and the consequent difficulty of determining the status of persons whose names appear in the epitaphs. One contributory factor to this decline in the traditional nomenclature which she mentions is the growing numbers and importance of the freedmen of the emperor, the Augusti (...)
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  26.  18
    ‘What is that to us? See to it yourself’ : Making atonement and the Matthean portrait of the Jewish chief priests.Dorothy Jean Weaver - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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    Michel Serres: A pedagogical life.John A. Weaver & Marla Beth Morris - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (4):350-352.
  28.  43
    Corporate Codes of Ethics: Purpose, Process and Content Issues.Gary R. Weaver - 1993 - Business and Society 32 (1):44-58.
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    Compactness theorems for finitely-many-valued sentenial logics.George Weaver - 1978 - Studia Logica 37 (4):413 - 416.
  30. Advances in Research on Punishment in Organizations: Descriptive and Normative Perspectives.Linda Klebe Treviño & Gary R. Weaver - 2010 - In Marshall Schminke (ed.), Managerial Ethics: Managing the Psychology of Morality. Routledge.
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  31. Divine Grace and Human Agency: A Study of the Semi-Pelagian Controversy.Rebecca Harden Weaver - 1995
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  32. Matthew's Missionary Discourse: A Literary Critical Analysis.Dorothy Jean Weaver - 1990
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  33.  11
    Technology and the Analysis of a Political Theory.Gary R. Weaver - 1988 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 8 (3):287-291.
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  34.  46
    Double Agents.Darlene Fozard Weaver - 2013 - Journal of Religious Ethics 41 (4):710-726.
    Jennifer Herdt's Putting On Virtue argues for the theological and normative superiority of noncompetitive accounts of divine and human agency. Although such accounts affirm the indispensability and sovereignty of divine grace they also acknowledge human agents as active participants in their own moral change. Indeed, Herdt contends we cannot coherently describe the human telos as entailing a transformation of character without affirming that human agents meaningfully contribute to that change. Nevertheless, a recurrent worry in Putting On Virtue is that persons (...)
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    The Acting Person and Christian Moral Life.Darlene Fozard Weaver - 2011 - Georgetown University Press.
    Persons and actions in Christian ethics -- Disruption of proper relation with God and others : sin and sins -- Intimacy with God and self-relation -- Fidelity to God and moral acting -- Truthfulness before God and naming moral actions -- Reconciliation in God and Christian life.
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  36. Ethics programs in global businesses: Culture's role in managing ethics. [REVIEW]Gary R. Weaver - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 30 (1):3 - 15.
    Even if there were widespread cross-cultural agreement on the normative issues of business ethics, corporate ethics management initiatives (e.g., codes of conduct, ethics telephone lines, ethics offices) which are appropriate in one cultural setting still could fail to mesh with the management practices and cultural characteristics of a different setting. By uncritically adopting widely promoted American practices for managing corporate ethics, multinational businesses risk failure in pursuing the ostensible goals of corporate ethics initiatives. Pursuing shared ethical goals by means of (...)
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  37.  58
    Does ethics code design matter? Effects of ethics code rationales and sanctions on recipients' justice perceptions and content recall.Gary R. Weaver - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (5):367 - 385.
    Prior research on ethics codes has suggested, but rarely tested, the effects of code design alternatives on the impact of codes. This study considers whether the presence of explanatory rationales and descriptions of sanctions in ethics codes affects recipients'' responses to a code. Theories of organizational justice and persuasive communication support an expectation that rationales and sanctions will be positively related to code recipients'' recall of code content and perceptions of organizational justice. Content recall is an obvious precondition of code (...)
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  38.  45
    The Life of Solitude. [REVIEW]Raymond Weaver - 1926 - Journal of Philosophy 23 (24):667-670.
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    Taking Sin Seriously.Darlene Fozard Weaver - 2003 - Journal of Religious Ethics 31 (1):45 - 74.
    Contemporary Roman Catholic ethics endeavors to take sin seriously by offering theologies of sin that emphasize it as a force and as a basic, personal orientation. Such efforts rightly counter the Catholic tradition's earlier reduction of sin to sins, and sins to external acts and moral culpability. But perhaps they go too far in this regard. By engaging Charles Curran, this study argues that inattention to sins undermines the theological referent of sin as a discourse that concerns more than moral (...)
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  40.  30
    It’s What’s on the Inside that Counts... Or is It? Virtue and the Psychological Criteria of Modesty.Sara Weaver, Mathieu Doucet & John Turri - 2017 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (3):653-669.
    Philosophers who have written on modesty have largely agreed that it is a virtue, and that it therefore has an important psychological component. Mere modest behavior, it is often argued, is actually false modesty if it is generated by the wrong kind of mental state. The philosophical debate about modesty has largely focused on the question of which kind of mental state—cognitive, motivational, or evaluative—best captures the virtue of modesty. We therefore conducted a series of experiments to see which philosophical (...)
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  41. Explanation, Entailment, and Leibnizian Cosmological Arguments.Christopher G. Weaver - 2009 - Metaphysica 10 (1):97-108.
    I argue that there are Leibnizian-style cosmological arguments for the existence of God which start from very mild premises which affirm the mere possibility of a principle of sufficient reason. The utilization of such premises gives a great deal of plausibility to such types of argumentation. I spend the majority of the paper defending three major objections to such mild premises viz., a reductio argument from Peter van Inwagen and William Rowe, which proffers and defends the idea that a necessary (...)
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    Reading proofs with understanding.George Weaver - 1988 - Theoria 54 (1):31-47.
  43.  44
    Corporations as intentional systems.William G. Weaver - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (1):87 - 97.
    The theory of corporations as moral persons was first advanced by Peter French some fifteen years ago. French persuasively argued that corporations, as persons, have moral responsibility in pretty much the same way that most human beings are said to have moral responsibility. One of the crucial features of French's argument has been his reliance on the idea that corporations are "intentional systems," that they have beliefs and desires just as humans do. But this feature of French's thought has been (...)
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  44.  95
    Organizational Justice and Ethics Program “Follow-Through”: Influences on Employees’ Harmful and Helpful Behavior.Gary R. Weaver - 2001 - Business Ethics Quarterly 11 (4):651-671.
    Abstract:Organizational justice and injustice are widely noted influences on employees’ ethical behavior. Corporate ethics programs also raise issues of justice; organizations that fail to “follow-through” on their ethics policies may be perceived as violating employees’ expectations of procedural and retributive justice. In this empirical study of four large corporations, we considered employees’ perceptions of general organizational justice, and their perceptions of ethics program follow-through, in relation to unethical behavior that harms the organization, and to employees’ willingness to help the organization (...)
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  45.  54
    A-b, b-c, a-c mediation paradigm: Recall of a-b following varying numbers of trials of a-c learning.George E. Weaver & Rudolph W. Schulz - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (1):113.
  46. Dedekind algebras.G. Weaver - forthcoming - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic.
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    Ethics Education.Suzanne Weaver - 2000 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 8 (1):51-62.
  48.  44
    Epaphroditus, Josephus, and Epictetus.P. R. C. Weaver - 1994 - Classical Quarterly 44 (02):468-.
    ‘Epaphroditus’ is perhaps the commonest of Roman slave names apart from ‘Felix’, which it sometimes renders as a Greek equivalent. It is also used very extensively under the early empire by those with tria nomina, whether freedmen or freeborn, whether descendants of freedmen or not, whether citizens or Junian Latins. It is also found among decurions and even equestrians, but not senators. It thus has a non-elite resonance in the western half of the empire, but, like almost all personal cognomina, (...)
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  49.  27
    Odor-based runway performance as a function of deprivation state, squad size, and subject-rotation procedures.Melanie S. Weaver, Stephen F. Davis & Scott A. Moore - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (2):155-158.
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    Successive interpolation and first-list recall in the A-B, A-C and A-B, D-C paradigms.George E. Weaver & Gary I. Danielson - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (2):394.
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