Luis Urbano [21]Francisco Castilla Urbano [10]Carlota Miranda Urbano [9]E. González Urbano [4]
Ryan C. Urbano [3]Arthur P. Urbano [3]Jomar M. Urbano [3]Claudio Ariel Urbano [2]

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  1. Filipino Students’ Standpoint on Going Back to Traditional Schooling in the New Normal.Louie Gula, Jayrome L. Nunez, Alvin L. Barnachea, Jover B. Jabagat & Jomar M. Urbano - 2022 - Journal of Teacher Education and Research 17 (1):16-21.
    Schools worldwide have started opening doors to welcome back students who, for almost two years, have been stuck studying at home. This study looks at the standpoint of Filipino students on going back to regular face-to-face schooling. There were 2,274 students of different tiers of education (high school, collegiate, graduate) from different major island groups of the Philippines (Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao) who participated in the study. The study used a mixed-method of descriptive statistics to present the quantitative data gathered and (...)
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  2. Social Entrepreneurship: A Well-Being Based Approach.Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha, Benson Honig & David Urbano - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-41.
    We systematically review social entrepreneurship literature to analyse how the notion of well-being is perceived. We found that well-being in social entrepreneurship is accounted for in two forms: self-oriented and other-oriented. Our review indicates that both hedonic and eudaimonic well-being have received significant research attention, although the latter has gained more prominence. We found that negative well-being resulting from social entrepreneurial interventions is a matter of concern. Apart from critically synthesizing the literature, this paper offers a number of avenues for (...)
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  3.  75
    Levinas and interfaith dialogue.Ryan C. Urbano - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (1):148-161.
    For Levinas dialogue occurs when one is open to and receptive of the Other. He cautions, however, that although dialogue impedes violence, it should not be pursued unilaterally or vigorously, because this can also lead to violence. The abolition of violence, which is the goal at which dialogue aims, can instead turn violent in the face of unrestrained persuasive discourse. Vigilance and caution must be maintained if dialogue is not to lapse into hostility and aggression. It is important to respect (...)
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  4.  25
    Presentación: “Cien años de escolasticismo ibérico (1526-1617) y el debate en torno a la llamada Escuela de Salamanca”.Francisco Castilla Urbano & Jörg Alejandro Tellkamp - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (54).
    El objetivo perseguido al aceptar coordinar este monográfico fue proporcionar un estado de la cuestión sobre las diferentes materias a las que habían podido contribuir los escritores que habitualmente se asocian a la Escuela de Salamanca en el período comprendido entre la llegada del dominico Francisco de Vitoria a Salamanca y el fallecimiento del jesuita Francisco Suárez. La misma existencia de la Escuela nos parecía que merecía una consideración por parte de los investigadores que colaboraran en el número que tan (...)
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    K-pop, ativismo de fã e desobediência epistêmica: um olhar decolonial sobre os ARMYs do BTS.Krystal Urbano, Daniela Mazur, Mayara Araujo & Afonso De Albuquerque - 2021 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 27 (3).
    Os fãs de K-pop têm chamado a atenção da mídia internacional por conta de seu engajamento em causas políticas e sociais em diversos países. No intuito de investigar a dimensão política do ativismo desses fãs em específico, este artigo se propõe a abordar o impacto global do K-pop, tendo em vista o debate mais abrangente sobre decolonialidade. Para tanto, utilizamos como objeto de análise o recente caso do fã-clube oficial do BTS, conhecido como ARMY, que desafiou os posicionamentos do presidente (...)
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    La potencia desestabilizadora de la gramática política de la ESI: Alteraciones de la gramática escolar de la escuela secundaria en un contexto de conservadurismo social.Carlos Damián Acosta, Claudio Ariel Urbano & José Alberto Yuni - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:5-26.
    Este artículo analiza la potencia desestabilizadora de la gramática política de la Educación Sexual Integral y su posibilidad de gestar en las escuelas espacios incluyentes en un contexto socio-cultural conservador. Se describe la puesta en acto de la ESI en una provincia del Noroeste Argentino a través de datos relevados en la consulta a estudiantes efectuadas por el Operativo Aprender en 2019 y registros cualitativos de trabajo de campo en escuelas que acogen sujetos de la diversidad sexo-genérica.
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  7.  24
    Does apoptosis‐inducing factor (AIF) have both life and death functions in cells?Alan G. Porter & Alexander G. L. Urbano - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (8):834-843.
    Apoptosis‐inducing factor (AIF) is expelled from mitochondria after some apoptotic stimuli and translocates to the nucleus, which may contribute to DNA and nuclear fragmentation in some non‐physiological mammalian cell deaths. Conversely, the requirement for mitochondrial AIF in oxidative phosphorylation and energy generation provides a plausible explanation for the embryonic lethality or neurodegeneration that has been found in different AIF‐deficient mouse models. These findings may help illuminate the ability of mitochondrial AIF to suppress cytoplasmic stress granule formation and to promote the (...)
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  8. A-Dieu: Approaching the Divine.Ryan C. Urbano - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
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  9.  14
    A mitificaçao da História e o "Paciecidos" de Bartolomeu Periera SJ.Carlota Miranda Urbano - 2009 - Humanitas 61:211-224.
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  10.  23
    'Ciudade dos deuses' e 'Cidade dos homens' numa epopeia hagiográfica neolatina: o "De patientia Christiana" de Jorge Coelho.Carlota Miranda Urbano - 2008 - Humanitas 60:231-246.
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  11.  29
    COLLI, G.: Introducción a Nietzsche.E. González Urbano - 1984 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 19:261.
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    Configurando la “leyenda negra”: La falsa filosofía de Fernando de Ceballos y el antilascasismo del siglo XVIII.Francisco Castilla Urbano - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (3):551-564.
    Se ha discutido en muchas ocasiones si la “leyenda negra” es algo real o un conjunto de opiniones a las que se concede un relieve injustificado. Se han dado también diferentes fechas para su origen y se ha indicado que está más guiada por una finalidad política que por un afán investigador. Más allá de su existencia, origen y valoración, lo que no varía son los presupuestos metodológicos e ideológicos con los que se construye el relato de su historia. Esta (...)
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  13.  28
    El “Estado de naturaleza”. La comunidad primitiva y el pensamiento de Marx.Francisco Castilla Urbano - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (13):86-106.
    Marx carried out a treatment of the original state of humanity which follows the illustrated and utopian tradition, but including a change in the contents assigned to it; the idea of the man as a isolated being, the small attention to material production and the poor view economy had about the..
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  14. Epopeia novilatina e hagiografia: alguns exemplos em Portugal.Carlota Miranda Urbano - 2005 - Humanitas 57:383-402.
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    Maffeo Barberini, Urbano VIII ou o Papa poeta.Carlota Miranda Urbano - 2007 - Humanitas 59:165-184.
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  16.  20
    Narrativas docentes para la producción de memorias: Prospectiva de la escolarización en pandemia.Claudio Ariel Urbano, Cecilia Evangelina Meléndez & José Alberto Yuni - 2021 - Voces de la Educación:77-103.
    En este artículo abordamos registros narrativos producidos por profesores de enseñanza secundaria y superior de provincias del noroeste argentino, con el objetivo de hacer memorias de las experiencias pedagógicas, focalizando en algunas aperturas que podrían capitalizarse para el trazado de lineamientos orientados a la revisión de la escolarización secundaria en la pospandemia. Se conformó un corpus con los registros producidos por 74 profesores y profesoras en diferentes momentos del año 2020. Los registros fueron producidos en bitácoras virtuales alojadas en dos (...)
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  17. Natural History: From José de Acosta's Model to Francis Bacon's Proposals.Francisco Castilla Urbano - 2022 - In Leopoldo J. Prieto López & José Luis Cendejas Bueno, Projections of Spanish Jesuit Scholasticism on British Thought: New Horizons in Politics, Law and Rights. Boston: BRILL.
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    Os jesuítas e a legitimaçao sacral da Casa de Bragança: um estudo de caso: "O elogium triumphale" (1647) do P. Francisco Machado SJ.Carlota Miranda Urbano - 2012 - Humanitas 64:127-138.
  19.  50
    Public Administration Ethics: James Svara’s Model.Ryan C. Urbano - 2014 - Journal of Human Values 20 (1):7-17.
    Ethical issues arising from public administration are quite complex and difficult. Using a monistic normative ethical approach to these issues may not be very helpful. Thus James Svara’s three-pronged approach to public administration ethics is proposed in order to show its plausibility. The case of Dr Stockman in Henrik Ibsen’s play An Enemy of the People is examined as a way of demonstrating the significance of Svara’s model.
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  20.  16
    Piratas em Buarcos. Digressao épica na Oraçao de Sapiência do P. Francisco Machado (1629).Carlota Miranda Urbano - 1997 - Humanitas 49:227-244.
  21.  14
    Patriotismo y legitimación monárquica en el pensamiento de Alonso de Cartagena: los escritos de Basilea.Francisco Castilla Urbano - 2012 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 19:139-158.
    Alonso de Cartagena’s thought is representative of a group of elite lawyers who put their university education at the service of centralized political power, which is going to be provided with great part of the features that had been identified with the Church along the Middle Media. This concept would be developed in most part of Europe, but in Castilla is going to adopt peculiar features. Indeed, the Castilian scholars will endeavor to show that their kingdom is independent of the (...)
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  22. S. Francisco Xavier e a poesia hagiográfica novilatina em Portugal.Carlota Miranda Urbano - 2006 - Humanitas 58:369-390.
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  23.  53
    Ética e literatura política num elogio de D. João IV, um 'rei para a res publica'.Carlota Miranda Urbano - 2011 - Humanitas 63:491-508.
  24.  24
    The effects of naloxone on hoarding in the Syrian hamster.Micaela Urbano & Ralph G. Noble - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 18 (6):340-342.
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    The philosophical life: biography and the crafting of intellectual identity in late antiquity.Arthur P. Urbano - 2013 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
    Ancient biographies were more than accounts of the deeds of past heroes and guides for moral living. They were also arenas for debating pressing philosophical questions and establishing intellectual credentials, as Arthur P. Urbano argues in this study of biographies composed in Late Antiquity.
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  26. The State of Nature, the Original Position and the Problem of historical Memory.Francisco Castilla Urbano - 2007 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 24:171-192.
    The comparison between the concept state of nature, as it appears in the contractualist theories of XVII and XVIII centuries, and the original position of the the- ory of justice by John Rawls, reveals the assumptions, difficulties and limitations of the latter. In spite of its claims, the original position does not justify the search and existence of a well ordered society, and it is far away from reach the brightness and coherence with which their predecessors argued on behalf of (...)
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  27. Una mística hecha misión.Mc Urbano - 1996 - Verdad y Vida 54 (215-16):433-492.
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    Walking Through Constructions, Playing in the Mud: Practices of the City in Prefabricated Housing Settlements of the GDR.Tiziana Urbano - 2018 - In Robert Fischer & Jenny Bauer, Perspectives on Henri Lefebvre: Theory, Practices and (Re)Readings. De Gruyter. pp. 147-177.
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    EUSEBIUS. A.P. Johnson Eusebius. Pp. xvi + 232. London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 2014. Paper, £14.99 . ISBN: 978-1-78076-556-3. [REVIEW]Arthur P. Urbano - 2015 - The Classical Review 65 (2):403-405.
  30. John Locke: La razonabilidad del cristianismo. Estudio intructorio de Leopoldo José Prieto López. Traducción y anotación crítica de Leonardo Rodríguez Duplá y Leopoldo José Prieto López. Madrid: Tecnos, 2017, CXXXII + 235 pp. [REVIEW]Francisco Castilla Urbano - 2018 - Araucaria 20 (39).
    Una nueva edición en castellano de una obra de John Locke, La razonabilidad del cristianismo tal como es presentado en las Escrituras, sirve no solo para con rmar en el primer plano del pensamiento a un autor cuya in uencia hasta nuestros días es innegable, sino también para advertir la amplitud de sus preocupaciones y el atractivo interés con el que se desenvolvió al ocuparse de las mismas. Aunque para muchos comentadores del pensamiento del lósofo inglés, su mayor mérito -a (...)
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    Sanctity in late antiquity - Turner truthfulness, realism, historicity. A study in late antique spiritual literature. Pp. X + 218. Farnham, surrey and burlington, vt: Ashgate, 2012. Cased, £65. Isbn: 978-0-7546-6954-8. [REVIEW]Arthur P. Urbano - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (1):169-171.