Results for ' transfer'

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  1.  39
    Winner of the Annals of Science Prizefor 2011.Non-Transferable Knowledge & D. Juste - 2012 - Annals of Science 69 (2):299.
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  2. Magnetized Memories: Analogies and Templates in Model Transfer.Tarja Knuuttila & Andrea Loettgers - 2020 - In S. Holm & M. Serban (eds.), Biology: Living Machines? Routledge. pp. 123-140.
    One striking feature of the contemporary modeling practice is its interdisciplinarity: the same function forms and equations, and mathematical and computational methods are being transferred across disciplinary boundaries. Within philosophy of science this interdisciplinary dimension of modeling has been addressed by both analogy and template-based approaches that have proceeded separately from each other. We argue that a more fully-blown account of model transfer needs both perspectives. We examine analogical reasoning and template application through a detailed case study on the (...)
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    Some Applications of Husserl’s Theory of Sense-Transfer.Dorion Cairns, Lester Embree, Fred Kersten & Richard Zaner - 2007 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 7:309-335.
  4. The aftereffect to relative motion does not show interocular transfer.Pauline M. Pearson & Brian Timney - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 25--651.
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    French post-war social theory: international knowledge transfer.Derek Robbins - 2012 - London: SAGE.
    French social and philosophical thought has played a very significant role in the development of European and American social theory. This detailed, timely book provides a map of the production and reception of French social thought within a global sociological context. Critically comparing the work of five key theorists Derek Robbins examines how their ideas were produced and received before persuasively setting out the key differences between their philosophical and ideological positions. The book sensitively traces the cross-currents of social theory (...)
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  6. A pragmatic approach to scientific change: transfer, alignment, influence.Stefano Canali - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (3):1-25.
    I propose an approach that expands philosophical views of scientific change, on the basis of an analysis of contemporary biomedical research and recent developments in the philosophy of scientific change. Focusing on the establishment of the exposome in epidemiology as a case study and the role of data as a context for contrasting views on change, I discuss change at conceptual, methodological, material, and social levels of biomedical epistemology. Available models of change provide key resources to discuss this type of (...)
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  7. The new western way of war: risk-transfer war and its crisis in Iraq.Martin Shaw - 2005 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    The new western way of war from Vietnam in Iraq -- Theories of the new western way of war -- The global surveillance mode of warfare -- Rules of risk-transfer war -- Iraq: risk economy of a war -- A way of war in crisis.
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  8. Test for rule-governed positive transfer in rat serial-learning.Sj Haggbloom - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):341-341.
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    "Fate" of first-list associations in transfer theory.Jean M. Barnes & Benton J. Underwood - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 58 (2):97.
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    The Roles of Similarity in Transfer: Separating Retrievability from Inferential Soundness.Kenneth D. Forbus, Dedre Gentner & Mary Jo Rattermann - 1993 - Cognitive Psychology 25 (4).
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  11. Dialogue: The politics of embryo transfer.S. V. Brakman - 2005 - Lahey Clinic Medical Ethics Journal 12 (3):10-11.
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    The oversight of human Gene transfer research.LeRoy Walters - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (2):171-174.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10.2 (2000) 171-174 [Access article in PDF] Bioethics Inside the Beltway The Oversight of Human Gene Transfer Research LeRoy Walters Jesse Gelsinger's death last September in a gene transfer study being conducted at the University of Pennsylvania has helped to spark a national debate. In part, this debate parallels the broader discussion of how human subjects research should be reviewed and regulated (...)
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    Action-model acquisition for planning via transfer learning.Hankz Hankui Zhuo & Qiang Yang - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 212 (C):80-103.
  14. The Critical Care Research Network: a partnership in community-based research and research transfer Sean P. Keenan.C. M. Martin, J. D. Kossuth, J. Eberhard & W. J. Sibbald - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (1):15-22.
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  15. Pathways to Teacher Education: Factors Critical to the Retention and Graduation of Community College Transfer Pre-Service Students in Teacher Education Programs.Eleanor Vernon Wilson - 2001 - Inquiry (ERIC) 6 (2):17-27.
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    Using Virtual Reality to Assess and Promote Transfer of Memory Training in Older Adults With Memory Complaints: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Benjamin Boller, Émilie Ouellet & Sylvie Belleville - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this proof-of-concept study, we assessed the potential for immersive virtual reality to measure transfer following strategic memory training, and whether efficacy and transfer are increased when training is complemented by practice in an immersive virtual environment. Forty older adults with subjective memory complaints were trained with the method of loci. They were randomized to either a condition where they practiced the strategy in VR or a control condition where they were familiarized with VR using a non-memory task. (...)
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    Cognitive Workload of Tugboat Captains in Realistic Scenarios: Adaptive Spatial Filtering for Transfer Between Conditions.Daniel Miklody & Benjamin Blankertz - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:818770.
    Changing and often class-dependent non-stationarities of signals are a big challenge in the transfer of common findings in cognitive workload estimation using Electroencephalography (EEG) from laboratory experiments to realistic scenarios or other experiments. Additionally, it often remains an open question whether actual cognitive workload reflected by brain signals was the main contribution to the estimation or discriminative and class-dependent muscle and eye activity, which can be secondary effects of changing workload levels. Within this study, we investigated a novel approach (...)
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    A Diagnosis Framework for High-reliability Equipment with Small Sample Based on Transfer Learning.Jinxin Pan, Bo Jing, Xiaoxuan Jiao, Shenglong Wang & Qingyi Zhang - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-15.
    Conventional methods for fault diagnosis typically require a substantial amount of training data. However, for equipment with high reliability, it is arduous to form a large-scale well-annotated dataset due to the expense of data acquisition and costly annotation. Besides, the generated data have a large number of redundant features which degraded the performance of models. To overcome this, we proposed a feature transfer scenario that transfers knowledge from similar fields to enhance the accuracy of fault diagnosis with small sample. (...)
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    Monotone Subintuitionistic Logic: Duality and Transfer Results.Jim de Groot & Dirk Pattinson - 2022 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 63 (2):213-242.
    We consider subintuitionistic logics as an extension of positive propositional logic with a binary modality, interpreted over ordered and unordered monotone neighborhood frames, with a range of frame conditions. This change in perspective allows us to apply tools and techniques from the modal setting to subintuitionistic logics. We provide a Priestley-style duality, and transfer results from the (classical) logic of monotone neighborhood frames to obtain completeness, conservativity, and a finite model property for the basic logic, extended with a number (...)
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  20. The effects of labels in examples on problem-solving transfer.Richard Catrambone - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum. pp. 159--164.
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  21. Testing for treeness: lateral gene transfer, phylogenetic inference, and model selection.Joel D. Velasco & Elliott Sober - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (4):675-687.
    A phylogeny that allows for lateral gene transfer (LGT) can be thought of as a strictly branching tree (all of whose branches are vertical) to which lateral branches have been added. Given that the goal of phylogenetics is to depict evolutionary history, we should look for the best supported phylogenetic network and not restrict ourselves to considering trees. However, the obvious extensions of popular tree-based methods such as maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood face a serious problem—if we judge networks (...)
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    Cross-sensory transfer of reference frames in spatial memory.Jonathan W. Kelly & Marios N. Avraamides - 2011 - Cognition 118 (3):444-450.
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    Beyond evaluative conditioning? Searching for associative transfer of nonevaluative stimulus properties.Jan De Houwer, Frank Baeyens, Tom Randell, Paul Eelen & Tom Meersmans - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (2):283-306.
    Evaluative conditioning refers to the changes in liking of an evaluatively neutral stimulus (the conditional stimulus or CS) as a result of merely pairing it with another, already liked or disliked stimulus (the unconditional stimulus or US). We examined whether other, non‐evaluative stimulus properties of a US can also be associatively transferred to a CS. In a series of experiments, we tried to transfer perceptions of the gender of children and the gender of first names. We found evidence for (...)
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  24. A framework for approaches to transfer of a mind's substrate.Sim Bamford - 2012 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 4 (01):23-34.
  25. Historical and epistemological perspectives on what Lateral Gene Transfer mechanisms contribute to our understanding of evolution.Nathalie Gontier - 2015 - In Reticulate Evolution: Symbiogenesis, Lateral Gene Transfer, Hybridization and Infectious heredity. Springer. pp. 121-178.
  26.  20
    Paired-associate and free recall to free recall transfer.Gordon Wood - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (3p1):519.
  27.  16
    Retention of first-list associations as a function of the conditions of transfer.Leo Postman - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (4):380.
  28.  32
    The ethics and politics of the international transfer of educational policy and practice.David Bridges - 2014 - Ethics and Education 9 (1):84-96.
    The focus of this paper is on a variety of practices associated with the transfer of educational policy and practice from one national education system to another – practices sometimes referred to as ‘policy borrowing’. Its concern is with the ethical and political issues raised by these practices. In particular, it discusses concerns that these practices might be practically inappropriate, that they might be culturally insensitive or inappropriate, and that they might be impositional, exploitative perhaps or even oppressive. Such (...)
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    What tangled web: barriers to rampant horizontal gene transfer.Charles G. Kurland - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (7):741-747.
    Dawkins in his The Selfish Gene(1) quite aptly applies the term “selfish” to parasitic repetitive DNA sequences endemic to eukaryotic genomes, especially vertebrates. Doolittle and Sapienza(2) as well as Orgel and Crick(3) enlivened this notion of selfish DNA with the identification of such repetitive sequences as remnants of mobile elements such as transposons. In addition, Orgel and Crick(3) associated parasitic DNA with a potential to outgrow their host genomes by propagating both vertically via conventional genome replication as well as infectiously (...)
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    A Methodology of Structural Incorporation for Model Transfer and Construction: The Case of Malthus’ and Darwin’s Models of Population.Ruey-Lin Chen & Jean-Sébastien Bolduc - 2025 - Perspectives on Science 33 (1):38-64.
    This paper proposes a methodology to investigate how the conceptual structure of a model may have borrowed from an already existing model in a different field. From a reverse perspective, it amounts to hypothesizing that an already existing model was somehow transferred to a new field and incorporated into a newly constructed model with the purpose of explaining some additional phenomena. We use two well-known theoretic models, Robert Malthus’ model of human population and Darwin’s model of organism population included in (...)
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    Human infertility, reproductive cloning and nuclear transfer: a confusion of meanings.Jacek Z. Kubiak & Martin H. Johnson - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (4):359-364.
    The Chief Medical Officer of Health of the United Kingdom has recommended that the 1990 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act should be amended to allow cloning in humans for research purposes only. He also recommended that: “The transfer of an embryo created by cell nuclear replacement into the uterus of a woman (so called ‘reproductive cloning’) should remain a criminal offence” (recommendation 7, Ref. 1). This recommendation implies that nuclear replacement and cloning are the same. They are not. Nuclear (...)
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    A Southern Critique of the Globalist Assumptions about Technology Transfer in Climate Change Treaty Negotiations.Jyoti S. Kulkarni - 2003 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 23 (4):256-264.
    This article critically evaluates the process of technology transfer from developed to developing countries. It considers market-based policies contained in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which are proposed as tools to promote the transfer of technologies that can abate greenhouse gas emissions contributing to climate change. It uses the case of India to exemplify the conditions that exist and issues that arise in a rapidly developing country that is a recipient of such investments. It contests (...)
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    Stimulus selection in human discrimination learning and transfer.Donald Robbins - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (2):282.
  34. On the descriptive terminology of the information transfer between organisms.Jolanta Koszteyn & Piotr Lenartowicz Sj - forthcoming - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy.
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  35. The Flawed Scientific Basis of the Altered Nuclear Transfer-Oocyte Assisted Reprogramming (ANT-OAR) Proposal.W. Malcolm Byrnes - 2007 - Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 1 (3):60-65.
    First put forth in June 2005, the altered nuclear transfer-oocyte assisted reprogramming (ANT-OAR) proposal has been promoted as an ethically-acceptable alternative to the embryo-destructive methods now used to obtain embryonic stem cells. According to its proponents, the goal of ANT-OAR is to use the cloning process to create a pluripotent stem cell. This would be achieved through overexpression of the transcription factor Nanog (or a hypothetical substitute) both in the enucleated egg cell and in the somatic cell prior to (...)
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    Louis de La Forge and the 'Non-Transfer Argument' for Occasionalism.Andrea Sangiacomo - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (1):60-80.
    In this paper, I investigate Louis de La Forge's argument against body–body causation. His general strategy exploits the impossibility of bodies communicating their movement by transfer of motion. I call this the ‘non-transfer’ argument . NT allows La Forge both to reinterpret continuous creation in an occasionalistic fashion and to support his non-occasionalistic view concerning mind–body union. First, I present how NT emerges in Descartes’ own texts. Second, I show how La Forge recasts it to draw an occasionalistic (...)
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    Optimal complex networks spontaneously emerge when information transfer is maximized at least expense: A design perspective.Santhoji Katare & David H. West - 2006 - Complexity 11 (4):26-35.
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    Successive recall of List 1 following List 2 learning with two retroactive inhibition transfer paradigms.Dennis J. Delprato - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (3):537.
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    Applying a 'stages of change' model to enhance a traditional evaluation of a research transfer course.Leslie L. Buckley, Paula Goering, Sagar V. Parikh, Dale Butterill & Emily K. H. Foo - 2003 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 9 (4):385-390.
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    Learning conceptual rules: I. Some interrule transfer effects.Lyle E. Bourne Jr & Donald E. Guy - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (3p1):423.
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    A deep learning framework for Hybrid Heterogeneous Transfer Learning.Joey Tianyi Zhou, Sinno Jialin Pan & Ivor W. Tsang - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 275 (C):310-328.
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    Effect of varying amounts of rest on conventional and bilateral transfer 'reminiscence.".G. Robert Grice & Bradley Reynolds - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 44 (4):247.
  43.  25
    Elaborative feedback and instruction improve cognitive reflection but do not transfer to related tasks.Dustin P. Calvillo, Jonathan Bratton, Victoria Velazquez, Thomas J. Smelter & Danielle Crum - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 29 (2):276-304.
    Cognitive reflection, or the ability to inhibit intuitive and incorrect responses in favour of correct responses, predicts performance on a variety of cognitive tasks. The present study examined interventions to improve cognitive reflection. In two experiments, college students (N = 491) were assigned to one of three conditions, completed two versions of a cognitive reflection test (CRT), and then completed transfer tasks. Between the two CRTs, some participants were provided with elaborative feedback, others were instructed to consider additional responses (...)
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    Rest and warm-up in bilateral transfer on a pursuit rotor task.L. C. Walker, C. B. De Soto & M. W. Shelly - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 53 (6):394.
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    Effect of instructional set and amount of first learning on negative transfer.Wilma A. Winnick - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (6):920.
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    On the Sense of Ownership of a Community Integration Project: Phenomenology as Praxis in the Transfer of Project Ownership from Third-Party Facilitators to a Community after Conflict Resolution.Maurice Apprey & Endel Talvik - 2006 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 6 (2):1-23.
    There are non-governmental organizations that operate transnationally and there are those that operate within the boundaries of a nation. A third use of non-governmental organizations is articulated. We may call this third category an instrumental use of non-governmental organizations to facilitate the transfer of the work of third-party conflict resolution practitioners to the two previously feuding parties. Representative accounts are provided in Part I of this paper. In Part II, the instrumental use of the NGO to transfer knowledge (...)
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    Are differential orienting responses necessary for dimensional learning and transfer?Bryan E. Shepp & Darlene V. Howard - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 100 (1):122.
  48.  21
    Homonyms as items in verbal discrimination learning and transfer.Donald H. Kausler & Richard D. Olson - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (1p1):136.
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    From Context to Code: Information Transfer Constrains the Emergence of Graphic Codes.James Winters & Olivier Morin - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (3):e12722.
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    Dogs as metaphors: Meaning transfer in a complex product set.Elizabeth C. Hirschman - 2002 - Semiotica 2002 (139):125-159.
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