Results for ' tonal duration'

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  1.  23
    Time-order errors in the discrimination of short tonal durations.L. H. Stott - 1935 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 18 (6):741.
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    Pitch characteristics of short tones. II. Pitch as a function of tonal duration.J. M. Doughty & W. R. Garner - 1948 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 38 (4):478.
  3.  18
    Pitch discrimination as a function of tonal duration.W. W. Turnbull - 1944 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 34 (4):302.
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    Generalization of a muscle action potential response to tonal duration.John B. Fink & R. C. Davis - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 42 (6):403.
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  5. The effect of duration on the relative detectability of brief tonal bursts and gaps in the tone.J. Kemp - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (6).
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    The effect of duration on the relative detectability of brief tonal bursts and gaps in the tone.Simon Kemp - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (6):497-499.
  7.  17
    Perceptual Asymmetries and Auditory Processing of Estonian Quantities.Liis Kask, Nele Põldver, Pärtel Lippus & Kairi Kreegipuu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:612617.
    Similar to visual perception, auditory perception also has a clearly described “pop-out” effect, where an element with some extra feature is easier to detect among elements without an extra feature. This phenomenon is better known as auditory perceptual asymmetry. We investigated such asymmetry between shorter or longer duration, and level or falling of pitch of linguistic stimuli that carry a meaning in one language (Estonian), but not in another (Russian). For the mismatch negativity (MMN) experiment, we created four different (...)
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    The effect of practice on positive time-order errors.H. Woodrow & L. H. Stott - 1936 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 19 (6):694.
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    Absolute scaling applied to the data yielded by the method of constant stimuli.H. Woodrow - 1937 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 20 (1):1.
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    Phonetic Realizations of Metrical Structure in Tone Languages: Evidence From Chinese Dialects.Chengyu Guo & Fei Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:945973.
    In tone languages, some case studies showed that the word-level tonal representation was closely related to the underlying metrical pattern. Based on different tonal patterns in prosodic units, the metrical structures could generally be divided into the left- and right-dominant types in Chinese dialects. Yet the cross-dialectal phonetic realizations (e.g., duration and pitch) between or within these two metrical structures were still unrevealed. The current study investigated the duration and pitch realizations of disyllabic prosodic words in (...)
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  11.  41
    I concetti di" materia"," forma" e" ordine" nel pensiero teorico musicale medievale e contemporaneo.Cecilia Panti - 2010 - Doctor Virtualis 10:125-155.
    La dimensione teorica della musica occidentale, nella sua evoluzione storica, ha inevitabilmente fatto uso di concetti essenziali alla definizione di come il suono è musicalmente organizzato o organizzabile. Fra questi, risultano imprescindibili le nozioni di materia, forma e ordine, che implicano rispettivamente, nei pur diversi ambiti linguistici e contesti storico-filosofici di riferimento, ciò di cui è fatta la musica, ciò a cui la materia sonora tende, e come tale tensione è realizzata. Scopo di questo contributo è una valutazione d’insieme sulla (...)
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    Increased Gray Matter Volume Induced by Chinese Language Acquisition in Adult Alphabetic Language Speakers.Liu Tu, Fangyuan Zhou, Kei Omata, Wendi Li, Ruiwang Huang, Wei Gao, Zhenzhen Zhu, Yanyan Li, Chang Liu, Mengying Mao, Shuyu Zhang & Takashi Hanakawa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    It is interesting to explore the effects of second language acquisition on anatomical change in brain at different stages for the neural structural adaptations are dynamic. Short-term Chinese training effects on brain anatomical structures in alphabetic language speakers have been already studied. However, little is known about the adaptations of the gray matter induced by acquiring Chinese language for a relatively long learning period in adult alphabetic language speakers. To explore this issue, we recruited 38 Indian overseas students in China (...)
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    The Effects of Musical Factors on the Perception of Auditory Illusions.Ahyeon Choi, Younyoung Bang, Jeong Mi Park & Kyogu Lee - 2025 - Topics in Cognitive Science 17 (1).
    This study delves into how various musical factors influence the experience of auditory illusions, building on Diana Deutsch's scale illusion experiments and subsequent studies. Exploring the interaction between scale mode and timbre, this study assesses their influence on auditory misperceptions, while also considering the impact of an individual's musical training and ability to discern absolute pitch. Participants were divided into nonmusicians, musicians with absolute pitch, and musicians with relative pitch, and were exposed to stimuli modified across three scale modes ( (...), dissonant, atonal) and two timbres (same, different). The findings suggest that scale illusions occur less frequently with different timbres and vary with scale mode. Crucially, the absolute pitch ability appears to have a more significant impact on the perception of illusions than the duration of musical training. This research contributes to understanding the complex interplay between various factors in auditory perception and the mechanisms behind the experience of auditory illusions. (shrink)
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  14. Wg Klooster and hj Verkuyl.Measuring Duration In Dutch - 1972 - Foundations of Language 8:62.
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    Tonality, Musical Form, and Aesthetic Value.Walter Horn - 2015 - Perspectives of New Music 53.
    It has been claimed by Diana Raffman, that atonal (and in particular serial) music can have no aesthetic value, because it is in an important sense meaningless. This worthlessness is claimed to result from cognitive/psychological facts about human listeners that have been confirmed by empirical investigations such as those conducted by Lerdahl and Jackendoff. Similar assertions about the necessary inferiority of 12-tone music have been made by, among others, Taruskin, Cavell, and Goldman, some of whom echo Raffman’s suggestion that both (...)
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  16.  28
    Duration and Motion in a (Cartesian) World which is Created Anew "at Each Moment" by an Immutable and Free God (Duración y movimiento en un mundo (cartesiano) creado de nuevo "a cada momento" por un Dios inumutable y libere).Abel B. Franco - 2001 - Critica 33 (99):19-45.
    I argue in this paper that Descartes's goal with his doctrine of the continuous recreation of the world is to offer a unified and ultimate causal explanation for the possibility of motion and duration in the world, the permanence of created things, and the continuation of their motion and duration. This unified explanation seems to be the only one which, according to Descartes, satisfies the two basic requirements any ultímate cause should meet: the cause must be active and (...)
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  17.  11
    Die tonale Musik: Anatomie der musikalischen Ästhetik.Franz Sauter - 2000 - Hamburg: Books on Demand.
    Das Buch behandelt die Ästhetik der tonalen Musik. Analysiert werden Klangformen wie Konsonanz, Dissonanz, Tonalität, Takt, Kontrapunkt oder Motiv. Dabei zeigt sich: Alle harmonischen, rhythmischen und melodischen Klanggestalten sind ihrem Wesen nach Verhältnisse des klanglichen Zusammenpassens. Als solche sind sie systematisch aufeinander aufgebaut und bilden ein Ensemble aus acht ästhetischen Prinzipien, denen jeweils ein Kapitel dieses Buches gewidmet ist. In der logischen Abfolge dieser Kapitel wird der innere Zusammenhang von Harmonie, Rhythmus und Melodie offen gelegt. Die Suche nach einer "Bedeutung" (...)
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  18.  82
    Duration and simultaneity.Henri Bergson - 1965 - Indianapolis,: Bobbs-Merrill. Edited by Leon Jacobson & Herbert Dingle.
    Bergson's central contention is that time is not measurable by any objective standard; in Duration and Simultaneity, that position is tried out against the major movement in physics of the day - Relativity. Bergson argues that Relativity fails to live up to the promise of a truly relative physics, and counter to its own spirit retains some of the objectivist assumptions of previous world views. Duration and Simultaneity was conceived in the desire to make good the new paradigm (...)
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  19.  22
    Tonal range and volume level preferences of broadcast listeners.P. Eisenberg & H. A. Chinn - 1945 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 35 (5):374.
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    Tonal density.S. S. Stevens - 1934 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 17 (4):585.
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    Tonality.Roger Scruton - 1997 - In The Aesthetics of Music. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Gives an account of tonality, and why tonality is central to our musical tradition Shows that the attempt to replace tonality with atonal or serial forms of musical order threatens the foundations of musical perception, and explores the various ways in which music can depart from tonality while still maintaining its character as an object of aesthetic interest. Contains a critical account of Schoenberg's theories and of Adorno's associated socio‐cultural analysis.
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  22. Brentano and Stumpf on Tonal Fusion.Riccardo Martinelli - 2013 - In Denis Fisette & Guillaume Fréchette (eds.), Themes from Brentano. New York, NY: Editions Rodopi.
    This essay illustrates the main aspects of the discussion between Brentano and Stumpf about «tonal fusion». In his Tonpsychologie, Stumpf essentially moved from a Brentanian standpoint. Yet, he did not adopt Brentano’s subsequently developed new theory of «sensible qualities», so that a polemic eventually arouse between them. Far from representing a marginal issue, the episode is relevant to our understanding of their relationship. The discussion as to the mechanism of tonal fusion reveals a general divergence between Brentano and (...)
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  23. Tonal harmony as a formal system.P. PulkkO - 1988 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 43:300-322.
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    What is musical intuition? Tonal theory as cognitive science.Mark DeBellis - 1999 - Philosophical Psychology 12 (4):471 – 501.
    Lerdahl and Jackendoff's Generative Theory of Tonal Music (GTTM) is an important contribution to cognitive science. Jackendoff claims it is a computationalist theory and that the mental representations it postulates are unconscious. Thus GTTM looks to be a kind of cognitive science remote from the folk-psychological. I argue that this picture of GTTM is mistaken: GTTM is at least as much music analysis as cognitive science. Jackendoff's metatheory fails to explain how a listener can tell that a structural description (...)
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  25. Time, Duration and Freedom – Bergson's Critical Move Against Kant.Arjen Kleinherenbrink - 2014 - Diametros 39:203-230.
    Research into Bergson’s philosophy downplays a key development in his first work, Time and free will. It is there that Bergson explicitly opposes himself to Kant by arguing that succession is not a temporal concept, but a spatial one. This is the crucial point of departure for Bergson’s entire philosophy, one that allows him to radically dismiss Kant’s notion of freedom in favor of one based on duration and multiplicity. This text has two aims. Firstly to add to Bergson (...)
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  26.  25
    Tonal attributes and frequency theories of hearing.R. Gundlach - 1929 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 12 (3):187.
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    The future of tonality.A. E. Denham - 2009 - British Journal of Aesthetics 49 (4):427-450.
    Is the tonal ordering of music, and the order of European triadic tonality in particular, the developed manifestation of an essential musical structure—a structure naturally suited to our human capacity to organize sounds musically? Historically and geographically, triadic tonality is a highly local phenomenon, limited to music beginning in the mid-seventeenth century and, until the nineteenth century, almost wholly confined to the Western European musical tradition. Some theorists accordingly regard tonality as a dispensable aesthetic convention—and one which, moreover, has (...)
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    Durational Evidence That Tokyo Japanese Vowel Devoicing Is Not Gradient Reduction.James Tanner, Morgan Sonderegger & Francisco Torreira - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    A central question in the Japanese high vowel devoicing literature concerns whether vowels are devoiced through a categorical process or via gradient reduction. Examining how vowel height and consonantal voicing condition phrase-internal CV duration in a corpus of spontaneous Tokyo Japanese, it was found that CVs containing high vowels are substantially shorter before voiceless consonants, whilst non-high vowels do not exhibit comparable shortening. This quantitative difference between CV durations suggests a controlled temporal compression of the CV, consistent with views (...)
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  29. Perceived Duration: The Interplay of Top-Down Attention and Task-Relevant Information.Alejandra Ciria, Florente López & Bruno Lara - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Perception of time is susceptible to distortions; among other factors, it has been suggested that the perceived duration of a stimulus is affected by the observer’s expectations. It has been hypothesized that the duration of an oddball stimulus is overestimated because it is unexpected, whereas repeated stimuli have a shorter perceived duration because they are expected. However, recent findings suggest instead that fulfilled expectations about a stimulus elicit an increase in perceived duration, and that the oddball (...)
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    Tonality and Ethos.Matthew M. Heard - 2013 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 46 (1):44-64.
    In her essay examining how rhetoric attends to an “explicitly nonhermeneutic, ethical dimension” of the relationship between self and other, Diane Davis argues that the act of attunement is vital to the rhetorical challenge of “keep[ing] hermeneutic interpretation from absorbing the strictly rhetorical gesture of the [other’s] approach, which interrupts the movement of appropriation and busts any illusion of having understood” (2005, 208, original hers). This comment is part of a larger conversation about ethical action in the face of radical (...)
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    The tonal manifold.R. M. Ogden - 1920 - Psychological Review 27 (2):136-146.
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  32. Tonal cognition.Emmanuel Bigand & Poulin-Charronat & Benedicte - 2008 - In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross & Michael Thaut (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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  33.  75
    Visual duration threshold as a function of word-probability.Davis H. Howes & R. L. Solomon - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 41 (6):401.
  34.  41
    Tonal Prosody in Three Poems by Wang Rong.Meow Hui Goh - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (1):59-68.
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    Duration in Relativity.Jeremy Proulx - 2017 - Southwest Philosophy Review 33 (2):147-167.
    The encounter between Bergson and Einstein that took place at the 1922 meeting of the Philosophical Society at the Collège de France gave rise to a lively debate about the relative merits of Bergson’s contribution to the understanding of time in relativity. In this paper, I argue that despite some serious shortcomings, Bergson’s philosophical intervention in the interpretation of relativity makes a novel and valuable contribution to the understanding of time in relativity. With reference to the so-called ‘paradox’ of the (...)
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  36. Measuring Duration in Dutch.W. G. Klooster & H. J. Verkuyl - 1972 - Foundations of Language 8 (1):62-96.
    The purpose of this article is to show a structural relationship in Dutch between sentences with the main verb "duren" (last) and specifying complements such as een week (a week) or "drie kwartier" (three quarters of an hour) on the one hand, and sentences with Duration Measuring Adverbials such as "gedurende een week" (for a week), "gedurende die week" (lit: for that week) on the other.
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    Stimulus durations and stimulus characteristics in paired-associates learning.Calvin F. Nodine - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (1):100.
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    The duration of mind.Claude Teancum Barnes - 1955 - Salt Lake City,: Ralton Co..
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    Familiar Tonal Context Improves Accuracy of Pitch Interval Perception.Jackson E. Graves & Andrew J. Oxenham - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The tonal and the foundational: Ansermet on stravinsky.Michael Krausz - 1984 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 42 (4):383-386.
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    Durations: Temporal Intervals with Gaps and Undetermined Edges.Ruth Manor - 1990 - In J. Dunn & A. Gupta (eds.), Truth or Consequences: Essays in Honor of Nuel Belnap. Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 133-154.
    The study of the meanings of temporal expressions in natural language can proceed in two ways. The first consists of borrowing an ontological theory concerning how time “really” is, and then showing how temporal expressions are interpreted in this model. Let us call this the physicalist approach. The other approach is to start off by studying the temporal presuppositions employed in the language, and defining a model as the structure which satisfies these conditions. This approach we shall call the analytist (...)
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  42. Duration of judgment as a measure of unconscious perception.E. Reingold & P. M. Merikle - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):341-341.
  43.  18
    Tonality, Autonomy, and Competence in Post-Classical Music.Rose Rosengard Subotnik - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 6 (1):153-163.
    I try to indicate this special quality of classical intelligibility by linking it with the notion of "dual structure," a notion which should not be flattened to mean any sort of intelligibility to those listeners deemed "competent," especially if the term "competence" is used without qualification. Dual structure in music, as I construe it, is an intrastructural system of reference between pairs of discrete semiotic constructs both members of which are in some sense wholly embodied in a given musical structure. (...)
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  44. Time, Duration and Eternity in Spinoza.Bruce Baugh - 2010 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 2 (2):211-233.
    I use Jonathan Bennett’s, Gilles Deleuze’s and Pierre Macherey’s interpretations of Spinoza to extract a theory of time and duration from Spinoza. I argue that although time can be considered a product of the imagination, duration is a real property of existing things and corresponds to their essence, taking essence (as Deleuze does) as a degree of power of existing. The article then explores the relations among time, duration, essence and eternity, arguing against the idea that Spinoza’s (...)
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  45.  23
    Breastfeeding Duration and the Social Learning of Infant Feeding Knowledge in Two Maya Communities.Luseadra J. McKerracher, Pablo Nepomnaschy, Rachel MacKay Altman, Daniel Sellen & Mark Collard - 2020 - Human Nature 31 (1):43-67.
    Variation in the durations of exclusive breastfeeding (exBF) and any breastfeeding (anyBF) is associated with socioecological factors. This plasticity in breastfeeding behavior appears adaptive, but the mechanisms involved are unclear. With this concept in mind, we investigated whether durations of exBF and anyBF in a rural Maya population covary with markers of a form of socioecological change—market integration—and whether individual factors (individual learning, physiological plasticity) and/or learning from others in the community (social learning, norm adherence) mediate these changes. Using data (...)
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    The tonal function of a task-irrelevant chord modulates speed of visual processing.N. Escoffier & B. Tillmann - 2008 - Cognition 107 (3):1070-1083.
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  47.  9
    Duration, temporality, self: prospects for the future of Bergsonism.Elena Fell - 2008 - New York: Peter Lang.
    What is the nature of time? This new study engages with the philosophy of Henri Bergson on time and proposes a new way of thinking about the effects of future events on the past. According to Bergson, time is an integral feature of real things, just as much as their material or size. When a flower grows, it takes a period of real time for it to flourish, which cannot be quickened or slowed down, nor can it be eliminated from (...)
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  48.  20
    Building Duration: Architecture Out of Adventure-Time.Sean Keller - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 50 (3):472-493.
    This article examines the temporal dimension of contemporary architecture, particularly in light of the climate crisis. Mikhail Bakhtin’s category of “adventure-time” is redeployed to describe the general chronotope of postmodernism, one in which contingency and spatiotemporal disjunctions are dominant. In contrast, this essay argues for a new emphasis on duration as a means of attending to temporal continuity. Potential paths for expanding architecture’s critical engagement with duration are explored.
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  49. Duration and the specious present.Gustav Bergmann - 1960 - Philosophy of Science 27 (January):39-47.
    The problem I shall discuss is specific, even minute. Yet, being philosophical, it arises and can be profitably discussed only in a context anything but minute, namely, that of a conception of philosophy and its proper method. I could not possibly unfold my conception once more for the sake of a minute problem. Nor do I believe that as things now stand this is necessary. I shall merely recall two propositions which are crucial in the context, and, in stating them, (...)
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    Precategorical selective attention and tonal specificity in auditory recognition.Harold L. Hawkins, Gerald B. Thomas, Joelle C. Presson, Andrew Cozic & David Brookmire - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (3):530.
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