Results for ' suffering'

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  1.  9
    Ourt patients suffer?Coustney S. Suffer - 1997 - In Ronald A. Carson & C. R. Burns, Philosophy of Medicine and Bioethics: A Twenty-Year Retrospective and Critical Appraisal. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 50--247.
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  2. Divine love and human suffering.Jeff Jordan - 2004 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 56 (2-3):169-178.
  3. Rights, Killing, and Suffering.R. G. Frey, Mary Midgley & Tom Regan - 1985 - Ethics 96 (1):192-195.
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  4. Knowledge and Suffering in Early Modern Philosophy: G.W. Leibniz and Anne Conway.Christia Mercer - 2012 - In Sabrina Ebbersmeyer, Emotional Minds: The Passions and the Limits of Pure Inquiry in Early Modern Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 179.
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    Life is Suffering: On Schopenhauer’s and Nietzsche’s Philosophical Engagement with Suffering.Eike Brock - 2015 - In Leonel R. dos Santos & Katia Dawn Hay, Nietzsche, German Idealism and its Critics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 189-207.
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  6. Reflections on the Metavirtue of Sensitivity to Suffering.Cheshire Calhoun - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (3):182-188.
    One of Lisa Tessman's central claims in Burdened Virtue: Virtue Ethics for Liberatory Struggles (OUP, 2005) is that virtue is much less reliably connected to flourishing than Aristotle imagined and might in fact impede flourishing under nonideal conditions. The central burdened virtue is the meta-virtue of sensitivity to others’ suffering. I raise two critical questions about this meta-virtue. First, does this meta-virtue of sensitivity to others’ suffering, as Tessman understands this virtue, have sufficient liberatory scope? Second, is the (...)
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    Lessons from a postcolonial-feminist perspective: Suffering and a path to healing.Joan M. Anderson - 2004 - Nursing Inquiry 11 (4):238-246.
    Recent events around the globe reflect the tensions and ethical dilemmas of the postmodern, postcolonial and neocolonial world that have far reaching implications for health, well-being, and human suffering. As we consider what is at stake, and what this means for local lives and human relationships, we need to examine whether the theories we draw on are adequate to further our understanding of health, and the social and material conditions of human suffering. In this paper I begin to (...)
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  8. 'I see men as trees suffering': The vision of Keith Douglas.Tim Kendall - 2002 - In Kendall Tim, Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 117: 2001 Lectures. pp. 429-443.
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  9. Euthanasia for Mental Suffering.Sigrid Sterckx & Kasper Raus - 2015 - In Jukka Varelius & Michael Cholbi, New Directions in the Ethics of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Not explanation but salvation: Scientific theology, christology, and suffering.Andrew Moore - 2006 - Modern Theology 22 (1):65-83.
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    Is it Time to Give Up the Concept of Collective Trauma? On the Need for New (Old) Lexicons to Frame Social Suffering.Miguel Alirangues López - 2022 - Quaderns de Filosofia 9 (1):121.
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    5 Pessimism, or The Importance of Indifference, Time and Suffering in Realist Ontologies.Rick Elmore - 2017 - In Marie-Eve Morin, Continental Realism and its Discontents. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 100-115.
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  13. Le-khasot be-shaḳuf: ʻal sevel gufani, ʻamimut refuʾit ṿe-hakhḥashah ḥevratit = Invisible veil: on bodily suffering, medical ambiguity, and social denial.Adi Finkelstein - 2013 - Tel Aviv: Resling.
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    Expectation and Suffering With LVAD Deactivation.Laura Guidry-Grimes & Nneka Sederstrom - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (7):74-76.
  15. The problem of evil: unseen animal suffering.Daniel Molto - 2021 - Religious Studies 57 (2):353-371.
    On my view, every bone, every fossil, and every putrid whiff of carrion that one smells on a hike in the country is just as good evidence for a divine intervention as it is for the suffering of an animal.
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    Learning Lament between the Paws: Walking with Aslan through Pain and Suffering.Scott Holman - 2016 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 9 (2):194-206.
    Our life in this broken world requires tools to own and express our grief in ways that are connected to our faith in God. We find that the biblical genre of lament is appropriate to the task. However, we do not come to lament without baggage, and we sometimes require additional help in the form of symbolic capital borrowed from stories and songs. In this case, The Chronicles of Narnia provide such capital. As we reflect on these stories, we can (...)
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    Welie, Jos V.M. In the Face of Suffering: The Philosophical-Anthropological Foundations of Clinical Ethics.Louise A. Mitchell - 2004 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 4 (3):643-645.
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    Levinas, the Philosophy of Suffering, and the Ethics of Compassion.Richard White - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (1):111-123.
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    Le Papillon Des Étoiles and Hindu Philosophy: Reading Strategy on ‘Repetition of Suffering and Escape from Suffering’.Hyoyeop Park - 2008 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 24:5-26.
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    Of Women Borne: A Literary Ethics of Suffering.Cynthia R. Wallace - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    The literature of Adrienne Rich, Toni Morrison, Ana Castillo, and Chimamanda Adichie teaches a risky, self-giving way of reading that brings home the dangers and the possibilities of suffering as an ethical good. Working the thought of feminist theologians and philosophers into an analysis of these women's writings, Cynthia R. Wallace crafts a literary ethics attentive to the paradoxes of critique and re-vision, universality and particularity, reading in suffering a redemptive or redeemable reality.
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  21. A Slaughtered Lamb: Revelation and the Apocalyptic Response to Evil and Suffering.[author unknown] - 2013
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    Notes on the meaning of suffering in Nietzsche’s On the genealogy of morals.Elisa Souza de Oliveira - 2019 - Filosofia Unisinos 20 (2).
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    Can Goodness be Found in Suffering Which is Itself an Evil? - Critical Consideration of Theodicy -.Seung-Chan Park - 2014 - The Catholic Philosophy 23:5-49.
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    Three knights of faith on Job’s suffering and its defeat.N. Verbin - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 78 (4-5):382-395.
    The paper explores the manners in which suffering, both natural and moral suffering, is understood and defeated in the lives of different ‘knights of faith,’ who emerge in ‘conversation’ with the book of Job. I begin with Maimonides’ Job who emerges as a ‘knight of wisdom’; it is through wisdom that his suffering is defeated, dissolving into mere pain. I proceed with Kierkegaard’s Job, who emerges as a ‘knight of loving trust,’ who defeats suffering by seeing (...)
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    Building an ark: 101 solutions to animal suffering.Ethan Smith - 2007 - Gabriola Island, BC: New Society. Edited by Guy Dauncey.
    The voice for all animals and people dedicated to a sustainable future for all species.
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    Saadiah on Divine Grace and Human Suffering.Roslyn Weiss - 2000 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 9 (2):155-171.
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    Abortion, Homosexuality, and Vicarious Redemptive Suffering.Todd David Whitmore - 1996 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 7 (1):53-84.
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    Locked Up and Shut Out: The Suffering of Incarcerated Psychopaths.Alexander Zambrano - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 7 (3):152-154.
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    The Influence of Romantic Literature on the Medical Understanding of Pain and Suffering—The Stimulus to the Discovery of Anesthesia.Emanuel M. Papper - 1992 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 35 (3):401.
  30. Dukkha, Inaction and Nirvana: Suffering, Weariness and Death? A look at Nietzsche's Criticisms of Buddhist Philosophy.O. Moad - 2004 - The Philosopher 92 (1).
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    Conflicts of Interest: experiences of close relatives of patients suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.Ingrid Bolmsjö & Göran Hermerén - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (2):186-198.
    It is well known that close relatives of terminally ill patients endure great emotional stress. Many factors, such as existential concerns, contribute to the distress of these relatives. In this study, interviews were conducted to explore experiences concerning life restrictions, emotional distress, and limited support, in a group of close relatives of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The purpose was to identify, illuminate and clarify ethical problems related to these experiences. The results indicate that close relatives of patients with (...)
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  32. Professor Ferraiolo Philosophy 6 30 Nov. 2005 Buddhism: A Way to End Suffering.Lynette Boling - 2005 - Philosophy 6:30.
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    The Dying Experience: Expanding Options for Dying and Suffering Patients.Samuel H. LiPuma & Joseph P. DeMarco - 2019 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book examines when it is morally appropriate for medical intervention to hasten the dying process. The authors’ overriding goal is to humanize the dying process by expanding patient centered autonomous control.
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  34. Refugee health care and the problem of Suffering.J. Shepherd & Shotsy Faust - 1993 - Bioethics Forum 9:3-7.
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  35. Two Problems Posed by the Suffering of Animals.Vida Yao - 2019 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 33 (2):324-339.
    ABSTRACT What is the ethical significance of the suffering of nonhuman animals? For many, the answer is simple. Such suffering has clear moral significance: nonhuman animal suffering is suffering, suffering is something bad, and the fact that it is bad gives us reason to alleviate or prevent it. The practical problem that remains is how to do this most efficiently or effectively. I argue that this does not exhaust the ethical significance of certain evils, once (...)
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  36. Summaries of selected works on human response to suffering.Carolyn Gratton - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  37. Paying homage to the silence of suffering. Susan & Gordon Marino - 2014 - In Ronald Michael Green & Nathan J. Palpant, Suffering and Bioethics. New York, US: Oup Usa.
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    Suffering, human and divine.H. Wheeler Robinson - 1939 - New York,: Macmillan.
    SUFFERING HUMAN AND DIVINE INTRODUCTION I KNEW when I asked Dr. H. Wheeler Robinson to write this volume on Suffering that I was giving him the most difficult ...
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  39. At the Heart of the Gospel: Suffering In the Earliest Christian Message.L. Ann Jervis - 2007
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    Personalization as It Relates to Nurse Suffering: How Managers Can Recognize the Phenomenon and Assist Suffering Nurses.Deborah Jezuit - 2003 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 5 (2):25-28.
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    Concerning the Basic Idea that the Wish to End Suffering Legitimates Physician Aid in Dying for Psychiatric Patients.Suzanne van de Vathorst - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (10):1-2.
    Volume 19, Issue 10, October 2019, Page 1-2.
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    The Limits of Enlightenment Sensitivity To the Suffering of Animals.Nathaniel Wolloch - 2012 - In Esther Cohen, Knowledge and pain. New York, NY: Rodopi. pp. 84--123.
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    The Ethical Debates of Suicide and the Problem of Suffering.Youngdon Youn - 2007 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (66):267-289.
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    Teilhard de Chardin on love and suffering.Paul Chauchard - 1966 - Glen Rock, N.J.,: Paulist Press.
    Teilhard de Chardin, the witness of love.--Teilhard de Chardin and the optimism of the cross.
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  45. The Courage to Hope: From Black Suffering to Human Redemption.Quinton Dixie & Cornel West - unknown
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    The violence of the ethical encounter: listening to the suffering subject as a speaking body.Dorothée Legrand - 2017 - Continental Philosophy Review 51 (1):43-64.
    How does the clinical encounter work? To tackle this question, the present study centers on the paradigmatic clinical encounter, namely, psychoanalysis, paradigmatic in that it is structured by the encounter itself. Our question thus becomes: how does the clinical encounter work, when its only modality is speech? By reading Jacques Lacan and Emmanuel Levinas together, we better identify how speech sets up as subjects those who address one another and how this subjectivation touches the suffering body specifically. In this (...)
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  47. Maistrian afterlives of the theological Enlightenment. Enigmatic images of an invisible world : sacrifice, suffering and theodicy in Joseph de Maistre / Douglas Hedley ; Why Maistre became Ultramontane / Emile Perreau-Saussine ; The Savoyard philosopher : deist or Neoplatonist? / Aimee E. Barbeau ; The pedagogical nature of Maistre's thought.Élcio Vercosa Filho - 2011 - In Carolina Armenteros & Richard Lebrun, Joseph de Maistre and the legacy of Enlightenment. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
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  48. The East European conception of suffering.Valentin Tomberg - 1994 - Gnosis 31:43-45.
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    Ultimate Meaning, Suffering, and God.Marian F. Sia & Santiago Sia - 1992 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 13 (1):25 - 36.
  50. Ethical Debates About Animal Suffering and the Use of Animals in Research.Patrick Bateson - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (9-10):9-10.
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