Results for ' specifically Christian ideas and doctrines ‐ Trinity, Incarnation and atonement'

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  1.  7
    The Christian Contribution to Medieval Philosophical Theology.Scott Macdonald - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn, A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 91–98.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Christianity's Influence on the Aims and Methods of Medieval Philosophy Christianity's Influence on the Content of Medieval Philosophy Christianity as an External Constraint on Medieval Philosophy Works cited.
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    Oxford Readings in Philosophical Theology: Volume 1: Trinity, Incarnation, and Atonement.Michael C. Rea (ed.) - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    Over the past sixty years, within the analytic tradition of philosophy, there has been a significant revival of interest in the philosophy of religion. More recently, philosophers of religion have turned in a more self-consciously interdisciplinary direction, with special focus on topics that have traditionally been the provenance of systematic theologians in the Christian tradition. The present volumes Oxford Readings in Philosophical Theology, volumes 1 and 2 aim to bring together some of the most important essays on six central (...)
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  3. Reason and the Christian religion: essays in honour of Richard Swinburne.Richard Swinburne & Alan G. Padgett (eds.) - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Richard Swinburne is one of the most distinguished philosophers of religion of our day. In this volume, many notable British and American philosophers unite to honor him and to discuss various topics to which he has contributed significantly. These include general topics in the philosophy of religion such as revelation, and faith and reason, and the specifically Christian doctrines of the Trinity, the Incarnation, and atonement. In the spirit of the movement which Swinburne spearheaded, the (...)
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  4.  20
    C. S. Lewis and the Christian worldview: a philosophical, theological, and apologetic exploration.Michael L. Peterson - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Although Lewis's personal journey was a deeply philosophical search for the most adequate worldview, the few extant books about his Christian philosophy focus on specific topics rather than his overall worldview. In this book, Michael Peterson develops a comprehensive, coherent framework for understanding Lewis's Christian worldview-from his arguments from reason, morality, and desire to his ideas about Incarnation, Trinity, and Atonement. All worldviews address fundamental questions about reality, knowledge, human nature, meaning, and so forth. Peterson (...)
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  5. The Christian God.Richard Swinburne - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is it for there to be a God, and what reason is there for supposing him to conform to the claims of Christian doctrine? In this pivotal volume of his tetralogy, Richard Swinburne builds a rigorous metaphysical system for describing the world, and applies this to assessing the worth of the Christian tenets of the Trinity and the Incarnation. Part I is dedicated to analyzing the categories needed to address accounts of the divine nature--substance, cause, time, (...)
  6.  31
    Trinity, Number and Image. The Christian Origins of the Concept of Person.Graziano Lingua - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (4):1299-1315.
    The studies on the history of the notion of “personhood” have largely recognized that Christian thought had a central role in the development and significance of this concept throughout the history of Western civilization. In late antiquity, Christianity used some terms taken from the classic and Hellenistic vocabulary in order to express its own theological content. This operation generated a “crisis” of classical language, namely a semantic transformation in the attempt to address some aspects of reality which were not (...)
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  7. Philosophy and Christian theology.Michael Murray - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Many of the doctrines central to Christianity have important philosophical implications or presuppositions. In this article, we begin with a brief general discussion of the relationship between philosophy and Christian dogma, and then we turn our attention to three of the most philosophically challenging Christian doctrines: the trinity, the incarnation, and the atonement. We take these three as our focus because, unlike (for example) doctrines about providence or the attributes of God, these are (...)
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  8.  44
    The 1998 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies.Peggy Starkey - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):175-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The 1998 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian StudiesPeggy StarkeyThe annual meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies was held at the Walt Disney World Dolphin in Orlando, Florida, on Friday, November 20, and Saturday, November 21, 1998. The theme for this year’s sessions was “Ritual and Its Connection to Ethical Activity in the World.”The Friday afternoon panel, moderated by John Berthrong (Boston University), focused on Buddhist (...)
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    Oxford Readings in Philosophical Theology: Volume 2: Providence, Scripture, and Resurrection.Michael C. Rea (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Over the past sixty years, within the analytic tradition of philosophy, there has been a significant revival of interest in the philosophy of religion. More recently, philosophers of religion have turned in a more self-consciously interdisciplinary direction, with special focus on topics that have traditionally been the provenance of systematic theologians in the Christian tradition. The present volumes Oxford Readings in Philosophical Theology, volumes 1 and 2 aim to bring together some of the most important essays on six central (...)
  10.  32
    Atheism, morality, and meaning.Michael Martin - 2002 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Divided into four parts, this treatise begins with well-known criticisms of nonreligious ethics and then develops an atheistic metaethics. In Part 2, Martin criticizes the Christian foundation of ethics, specifically the ’divine command theory’ and the idea of imitating the life of Jesus as the basis of Christian morality. Part 3 demonstrates that life can be meaningful in the absence of religious belief. Part 4 criticizes the theistic point of view in general terms as well as the (...)
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  11.  36
    On Doing Theology and Buddhology: A Spectrum of Christian Proposals.Amos Yong - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:103-118.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:On Doing Theology and Buddhology:A Spectrum of Christian ProposalsAmos YongThis essay addresses the following questions: "Can/should Buddhists and Christians do theology/Buddhology together? If no, why not? If yes, why and how?" As a Pentecostal Christian systematician and comparativist, I review a number of volumes recently published in the field in light of these queries1 and situate them across a typological spectrum.2 I will conclude by providing my (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Trinity, Incarnation, and Atonement: Philosophical and Theological Essays.Ronald J. Feenstra, Cornelius Plantinga & Thomas P. Flint - 1992 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 32 (3):186-188.
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  13.  28
    Reflections on Jewish and Christian Encounters with Buddhism.Harold Kasimow - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:21-28.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reflections on Jewish and Christian Encounters with BuddhismHarold KasimowA thousand years hence, historians will look back at the twentieth century and remember it not for the struggle between Liberalism and Communism but for the momentous human discovery of the encounter between Christianity and Buddhism.—Arnold ToynbeeBeginning in the 1960s many American Jews and Christians have become fascinated with the Buddhist tradition and have immersed themselves in the study and (...)
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  14.  20
    Transformed Lives: Making Sense of Atonement Today by Cynthia S. W. Crysdale.Virginia W. Landgraf - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):208-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Transformed Lives: Making Sense of Atonement Today by Cynthia S. W. CrysdaleVirginia W. LandgrafTransformed Lives: Making Sense of Atonement Today Cynthia S. W. Crysdale new york: seabury books, 2016. 192 pp. $16.00Cynthia Crysdale aims to show how atonement can have meaning for modern and postmodern Christians who reject the idea that God wills Jesus's violent death. She starts with stories of people who were estranged (...)
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  15.  33
    In the Beginning: Hebrew God and Zen Nothingness.Milton Scarborough - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):191-216.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 191-216 [Access article in PDF] In the Beginning: Hebrew God and Zen Nothingness Milton ScarboroughCentre College, Danville, KentuckyIn the 1960s, during the heyday of the so-called "Marxist-Christian dialogue," Leslie Dewart, one of the participants in the exchange, delivered himself of what I took to be a stunning and memorable utterance: "To put it lightly: the whole difference between Marxist atheism and Christian (...)
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  16. Considering the doctrine of God: fragments on trinity, discourses, and time.Rian Venter - 2022 - Bloemfontein: University of the Free State.
    At the heart of the Christian faith is a particular understanding of God, and the task of theology is to give an account of that vision under specific historical conditions. That is the challenge, burden, and privilege of theology. This research focuses on how that assignment is undertaken in contemporary Systematic Theology and proposes, in a modest manner, a specific direction for the development of a doctrine of God.
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  17.  29
    Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the Mission of the Church by Darrin W. Snyder Belousek, and: Restorative Justice: Theories and Practices of Moral Imagination by Amy Levad.Dana Scopatz - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):214-217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the Mission of the Church by Darrin W. Snyder Belousek, and: Restorative Justice: Theories and Practices of Moral Imagination by Amy LevadDana ScopatzReview of Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the Mission of the Church DARRIN W. SNYDER BELOUSEK Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2012. 668 pp. $55.00Review of Restorative Justice: Theories and (...)
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  18.  89
    Trinity, Incarnation, and Atonement[REVIEW]Stephen T. Davis - 1992 - Faith and Philosophy 9 (2):265-272.
  19. The Incarnation.Richard Cross - 2008 - In Thomas P. Flint & Michael Rea, The Oxford handbook of philosophical theology. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Christian doctrine of the Incarnation maintains that the second person of the Trinity became a human being, retaining all attributes necessary for being divine and gaining all attributes necessary for being human. As usually understood, the doctrine involves the claim that the second person of the Trinity is the subject of the attributes of Jesus Christ, the first-century Jew whose deeds are reported in various ways in the New Testament. The fundamental philosophical problem specific to the doctrine (...)
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  20.  44
    Asymmetry, Essentialism, and Covert Cultural Imperialism: Should Buddhists and Christians Do Theoretical Work Together?Grace G. Burford - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:147-157.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Asymmetry, Essentialism, and Covert Cultural Imperialism: Should Buddhists and Christians Do Theoretical Work Together?Grace G. BurfordMeaningful dialogue among Buddhists and Christians on any topic—theological or otherwise—requires the participation of open-minded and mutually respectful Buddhists and Christians. It is just such Christians and Buddhists who founded the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies (SBCS), and it is this society's ongoing commitment to a balance of Buddhists and Christians, as well as (...)
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  21.  7
    The Diversity of Religions: A Christian Perspective by J. A. DiNoia, O.P.Gavin D'Costa - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (3):524-528.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:524 BOOK REVIEWS Word is to interpret us" (189). That two-way response to the Word of God neatly summarizes William Hill's witness to us as theologian as well: to he the mediator between classical and contemporary idiomata in such a way as to enrich the deliverances of both, reminiscent of Matthew's commendation of the " disciple in the kingdom of Heaven [being] like a householder who brings out from (...)
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  22.  59
    Religious Pluralism and Christian Truth.Joseph Stephen O'Leary & Terry C. Muck - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):239-241.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Religious Pluralism and Christian TruthJoseph S. O’Leary has been named recipient of the 1998 Frederick J. Streng Book Award for his 1996 volume, Religious Pluralism and Christian Truth. Dr. O’Leary was born in Cork, Ireland, in 1949. He studied literature, theology, and philosophy in Maynooth, Rome, and Paris. After teaching briefly in the United States (University of Notre Dame and Duquesne University), he moved to Japan in (...)
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  23.  23
    The Philosophy of the Church Fathers, Vol. I, Faith, Trinity, Incarnation. Structure and Growth of Philosophic Systems from Plato to Spinoza, III. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):186-186.
    A monumental work of scholarship, consisting of thorough and comprehensive treatments of four relatively distinct motifs in the thought of the early Church Fathers. Part One deals with the origin of the problem of faith and reason, together with the various solutions proposed; Part Two treats the Trinity, the Logos, and Platonic Ideas; Part Three examines the three Christian "mysteries"--the Trinity, the Incarnation, and the generation of the Logos; and Part Four details the rise of the heresies, (...)
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  24.  77
    The Philosophy of the Church Fathers: Faith, Trinity, Incarnation.Harry Austryn Wolfson - 1956 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Harvard University Press takes pride in publishing the third edition of a work whose depth, scope, and wisdom have gained it international recognition as a classic in its field. Harry Austryn Wolfson, world-renowned scholar and most lucid of scholarly writers, here presents in ordered detail his long-awaited study of the philosophic principles and reasoning by which the Fathers of the Church sought to explain the mysteries of the Trinity and the Incarnation. Professor Wolfson first discusses the problem of the (...)
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  25.  12
    A Critical Note on Thomas Morris’s The Logic of God Incarnate.Kevin L. Flanneky - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (1):141-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A CRITICAL NOTE ON THOMAS MORRIS'S THE LOGIC OF GOD INCARNATE 1 KEVIN L. FLANNERY, S.J. Campion HaU Oxford, England PROFOUND philosophical puzzle lies at the center of traditional Christian docbrine: hmv a person (the second person of the Trinity) who is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, etc., can have become human, given that humans are limited in knowledge, beset with '\Veaknesses, and in some sense spatially circumscribed. Unless this (...)
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  26. Original sin and atonement.Oliver D. Crisp - 2008 - In Thomas P. Flint & Michael Rea, The Oxford handbook of philosophical theology. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The atonement is one of the central and defining doctrines of Christian theology. Yet the nature of the atonement – how it is that Christ's life and death on the cross actually atone for human sin – remains a theological conundrum. This article offers a new argument for an old theory of the atonement, namely, penal substitution. First, it sets out the theological context for the argument. This involves giving some account of alternative theories of (...)
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  27.  23
    John Locke's Christianity by Diego Lucci.Benjamin Hill - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (2):331-332.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:John Locke's Christianity by Diego LucciBenjamin HillDiego Lucci. John Locke's Christianity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Pp. 244. Hardback, $99.99.Diego Lucci's John Locke's Christianity is a fabulous work of scholarship—meticulously researched, well argued, and judicious. It should be required reading for everyone interested in John Locke's thought.In the introduction, Lucci aligns himself with John Dunn (The Political Thought of John Locke: An Historical Account of the Argument of (...)
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  28.  37
    Martin Luther and Buddhism: The Aesthetics of Suffering (review).Paul O. Ingram - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):235-237.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Martin Luther and Buddhism: The Aesthetics of SufferingPaul O. IngramMartin Luther and Buddhism: The Aesthetics of Suffering. By Paul S. Chung. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2002. 434 pp.As a member of the Lutheran community (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), I am struck by the fact that Lutheran theologians—referred to as "teaching theologians" when employed by Lutheran seminaries—seem little interested in religious pluralism in general and interreligious (...)
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  29.  9
    A Case for Incarnational and A Case for Incarnational and Trinitarian Belief.Brian Hebblethwaite - 2005 - In In Defence of Christianity. Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter argues that the doctrines developed over time, in order to make best sense of the historical phenomena considered in the last two chapters, themselves contribute to the cumulative case for Christian belief, in so far as their logic, their scope and their power provide the most theoretically and existentially convincing account of existence, predicament and its resolution, and of what one may hope for. While what the different world religions have in common needs to be borne (...)
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  30.  42
    Divine Emptiness and Historical Fullness: A Buddhist-Jewish-Christian Conversation with Masao Abe (review).Edward L. Shirley - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):207-210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Divine Emptiness and Historical Fullness: A Buddhist-Jewish-Christian Conversation with Masao AbeEdward L. ShirleyDivine Emptiness and Historical Fullness: A Buddhist-Jewish-Christian Conversation with Masao Abe. Edited by Christopher Ives. Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press International, 1995. 272 pp.This book is a continuation of a discussion begun by Masao Abe in 1984, previous incarnations of which have been published elsewhere. In the present volume, Abe’s expanded essay serves as the (...)
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  31.  13
    The idea of incarnation revisited by Jung, Gadamer and Henry.Paweł Sznajder - 2019 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 9 (2):289-302.
    The idea of incarnation is one of the Christian theological concepts that has exerted the strongest influence on philosophical thought in Europe and which was repeatedly referred to in the twentieth century. The paper presents three reinterpretations of this biblical category. Carl Gustav Jung interprets incarnation in the spirit of Gnosticism, as a process of the psychological individuation of God and man; Hans‑Georg Gadamer employs the idea of the inner Word, Verbum interius, to analyse the dogmas of (...)
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  32.  34
    (Reformed) Protestantism.Michael C. Rea - 2017 - In Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis, Inter-Christian Philosophical Dialogues. London: Routledge.
    Many of the most well-known Protestant systematic theologies, particularly in the Reformed tradition, display (more or less) a common thematic division. There are prolegomena: questions about the nature of theology, the relationship between faith and reason, and (sometimes treated separately) the attributes of scripture and its role in faith and practice. There is the doctrine of God: divine attributes, Godʼs relationship to creation, etc. There is the doctrine of humanity: the nature and post-mortem survival of human persons, and the human (...)
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  33.  29
    The Common Good and the Global Emergency: God and the Built Environment by T. J. Gorringe.Libby Gibson - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (1):202-203.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Common Good and the Global Emergency: God and the Built Environment by T. J. GorringeLibby GibsonThe Common Good and the Global Emergency: God and the Built Environment T. J. Gorringe New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. 309 pp. $90.00Building on arguments set forth in A Theology of the Built Environment: Justice, Empowerment, and Redemption (2002), theologian Timothy Gorringe begins The Common Good and the Global Emergency by (...)
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  34.  63
    Review: Peter van Inwagen and Dean Zimmerman (eds): Persons: Human and Divine. [REVIEW]Eric T. Olson - 2008 - Mind 117 (465):234-237.
    This book consists of fifteen new essays and an introduction by Zimmerman. Most of the authors are Christian philosophers in the ‘analytic’ tradition, and the book is of particular interest to readers of that sort; but there is nothing here that will interest only Christians. As the title suggests, all the essays have at least something to do with persons as such, and most deal with metaphysical issues. Beyond that they are pretty disparate. Seven papers are on substance dualism (...)
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  35.  11
    Incarnation and Manifestation: A Franciscan-Augustinian Approach to Mahāyāna Theology.Trent Pomplun - 2024 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 44 (1):1-40.
    abstract: This article aims to supplement the work of previous scholars on Mahāyāna Theology by expanding the sources we use to compare Buddhist and Christian notions of embodiment. It advances three arguments: (i) Early Christian doctrines of the Holy Trinity and the Incarnation, especially so-called angelomorphic conceptions of the Son and the Spirit, are closer to classic notions of the Buddha's three bodies than many Christian theologians have realized; (ii) these similarities compel the Christian (...)
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  36. The Oxford handbook of philosophical theology.Thomas P. Flint & Michael Rea (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophical theology is aimed primarily at theoretical understanding of the nature and attributes of God and of God's relationship to the world and its inhabitants. During the twentieth century, much of the philosophical community had grave doubts about our ability to attain any such understanding. In recent years the analytic tradition in particular has moved beyond the biases that placed obstacles in the way of the pursuing questions located on the interface of philosophy and religion. The result has been a (...)
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  37.  8
    Oksfordskoe rukovodstvo po filosofskoĭ teologii =.Thomas P. Flint, Michael C. Rea, V. V. Vasilʹev & M. O. Kedrova (eds.) - 2013 - Moskva: I︠A︡zyki slavi︠a︡nskoĭ kulʹtury.
    The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Theology attempts both to familiarize readers with the directions in which the scholarship of this discipline has gone and to pursue the discussion into hitherto under-examined areas. Philosophical theology is aimed primarily at theoretical understanding of the nature and attributes of God and of God's relationship to the world and its inhabitants. During the twentieth century, much of the philosophical community (both in the Anglo-American analytic tradition and in Continental circles) had grave doubts about our (...)
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  38.  74
    Human dignity, human rights, and religious pluralism: Buddhist and Christian perspectives.John D'Arcy May - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):51-60.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Human Dignity, Human Rights, and Religious Pluralism:Buddhist and Christian Perspectives1John D'Arcy MayThe question of how the concept of human rights—so crucially important for the implementation of justice in a rapidly globalizing world—relates to the plurality of cultures and religions has still not been solved. Controversies such as those over land rights in Aboriginal Australia and Asian values in Southeast Asia have shown this repeatedly. In such cases, discussion (...)
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  39. The Philosophy of the Church Fathers, Volume I: Faith, Trinity, Incarnation.Harry Austryn Wolfson - 1956 - Harvard Univ Pr.
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    The Possibility of Incarnation.Richard Swinburne - 1994 - In The Christian God. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Council of Chalcedon declared that one individual, Jesus Christ, had two natures – divine and human. His divine nature must be regarded as consisting of the essential divine properties plus the specific properties essential to the second member of the Trinity. The human nature must be regarded not as a substance, but as the contingent properties analysed in Ch. 1 that make someone human. New Testament and later‐Christian doctrine require that we understand the two collections of properties as (...)
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    Religious Liberty, Religious Dissent and the Catholic Tradition 1.Daniel M. Cowdin - 1991 - Heythrop Journal 32 (1):26-61.
    Book Reviews in this article Baptism and Resurrection: Studies in Pauline Theology against its Graeco‐Roman Background. By A.J.M. Wedderburn. Meaning and Truth in 2 Corinthians. By Frances Young and David Ford. Jesus and God in Paul's Eschatology. By L. Joseph Kreitzer. The Acts of the Apostles : By Hans Conzelmann. The Genesis of Christology: Foundations for a Theology of the New Testament. By Petr Pokorny. The Incarnation of God: An Introduction to Hegel's Theological Thought as Prolegomena to a Future (...)
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    Phenomenology of Interior Life and the Trinity.Robert Farrugia - 2020 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 25 (1):71-88.
    Michel Henry radicalises phenomenology by putting forward the idea of a double manifestation: the “Truth of Life” and “truth of the world.” For Henry, the world turns out to be empty of Life. To find its essence, the self must dive completely inward, away from the exterior movements of intentionality. Hence, Life, or God, for Henry, lies in non-intentional, immanent self-experience, which is felt and yet remains invisible, in an absolutist sense, as an a priori condition of all conscious experience. (...)
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    (1 other version)Philosophical Theology and Christian Doctrine.Brian Hebblethwaite (ed.) - 2005 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Philosophical Theology and Christian Doctrine_ surveys and comments on recent work by philosophers of religion in the analytic tradition on the doctrines of the Christian creed. Topics covered include creation, Incarnation, Trinity, salvation and eschatology, and the ultimate future of creation. Comprehensive survey of core Christian doctrines.
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    Is Christianity True? Hugo A. Meynell London: The Catholic University of America Press, 1994, 149 pp. [REVIEW]Brian Leftow - 1998 - Dialogue 37 (2):395-.
    Most debate in the philosophy of religion centres on “thin theism,” the thesis that there is a deity who is omnipotent, omniscient, etc. But few if any theists are just thin theists. For most, thin theism is at best the abstract skeleton of a fuller set of religious beliefs— Christian, Jewish, or Moslem. Thus, there is another set of issues philosophers of religion might but rarely do discuss: with what sort of warrant might one add to thin theism the (...)
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  45. Berkeley's Christian neoplatonism, archetypes, and divine ideas.Stephen H. Daniel - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (2):239-258.
    Berkeley's doctrine of archetypes explains how God perceives and can have the same ideas as finite minds. His appeal of Christian neo-Platonism opens up a way to understand how the relation of mind, ideas, and their union is modeled on the Cappadocian church fathers' account of the persons of the trinity. This way of understanding Berkeley indicates why he, in contrast to Descartes or Locke, thinks that mind (spiritual substance) and ideas (the object of mind) cannot (...)
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  46.  16
    More Than Metaphors: Masculine-Gendered Names and the Knowability of God.Lynne C. Boughton - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):283-316.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:MORE THAN METAPHORS: MASCULINEGENDERED NAMES AND THE KNOWABILITY OF GOD LYNNE C. BOUGHTON Chicago, Illinois W:HAT WAS ONCE a phenomenon confined to advocacy groups has appeared in ordinary Catholic parishes. Priests celebrating liturgies offer blessings "In the name of the Creator, the Redeemer, and the Holy Love." Such invocations of Persons of the Trinity by names indicative of divine action, as well as the " naming " of God (...)
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    Incarnation and Process Philosophy.J. E. Barnhart - 1967 - Religious Studies 2 (2):225 - 232.
    The purpose of this article is to develop a Christian doctrine of the Incarnation in the light of a process philosophy of the type expounded by A. N. Whitehead and E. S. Brightman. Rather than offer at this time a detailed defence either of the idea of incarnation or of process philosophy, I wish to show that the two can be coherently related in such a way that each receives a greater degree of completion and clarity. Of (...)
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    The Importance of Non-Christian Religions in the Philosophy of Pierre Bayle.John Christian Laursen & Marta Garcia Alonso (eds.) - 2024 - Cham: Springer.
    This book offers a fresh perspective on early modern philosophy by highlighting Pierre Bayle's engagement with non-Christian sources. If our major political, ethical, and epistemic doctrines were solely rooted in Christian genealogies, it would seem necessary to include Christianity in the European Constitution. However, this book reveals a different story. The anthropological insights gained from encounters with other lands not only enriched the ethical and political discussions of philosophers, historians, and literati, but also paralleled the incorporation of (...)
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    The Importance of Non-Christian Religions in the Philosophy of Pierre Bayle.John Christian Laursen & Marta Garcia Alonso (eds.) - 2024 - Cham: Springer.
    This book offers a fresh perspective on early modern philosophy by highlighting Pierre Bayle's engagement with non-Christian sources. If our major political, ethical, and epistemic doctrines were solely rooted in Christian genealogies, it would seem necessary to include Christianity in the European Constitution. However, this book reveals a different story. The anthropological insights gained from encounters with other lands not only enriched the ethical and political discussions of philosophers, historians, and literati, but also paralleled the incorporation of (...)
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    The Nature of Theology and the Extent of the Atonement.Stephen R. Holmes - 2018 - Perichoresis 16 (4):3-18.
    This article considers the post-Reformation debates over the extent of the Atonement. It traces the origins of these debates from the articles of the Arminian Remonstrance of 1610 through the declarations of the supporters of the Synod of Dort in 1618-19. The debate is then considered in relation to an English Baptist context, and specifically the exegetical dispute over the meaning of the word ‘all’ in 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 and Romans 3:23-4. Three options are examined and the various (...)
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