Results for ' serendipity'

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  1. Peter Singer a Dangerous Mind.Peter Singer & Serendipity Productions - 2003 - Serendipity Productions, Film Finance Corporation Australia.
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  2. (1 other version)On serendipity in science: discovery at the intersection of chance and wisdom.Samantha M. Copeland - 2017 - Synthese (6):1-22.
    Serendipity’ is a category used to describe discoveries in science that occur at the intersection of chance and wisdom. In this paper, I argue for understanding serendipity in science as an emergent property of scientific discovery, describing an oblique relationship between the outcome of a discovery process and the intentions that drove it forward. The recognition of serendipity is correlated with an acknowledgment of the limits of expectations about potential sources of knowledge. I provide an analysis of (...)
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    Serendipity as an emerging design principle of the infosphere: challenges and opportunities.Urbano Reviglio - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (2):151-166.
    Underestimated for a long time, serendipity is an increasingly recognized design principle of the infosphere. Being influenced by environmental and human factors, the experience of serendipity encompasses fundamental phases of production, distribution and consumption of information. On the one hand, design information architectures for serendipity increases the diversity of information encountered as well as users’ control over information processes. On the other hand, serendipity is a capability. It helps individuals to internalize and adopt strategies that increase (...)
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  4. A New Theory of Serendipity: Nature, Emergence and Mechanism.Quan-Hoang Vuong (ed.) - 2022 - Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
    When you type the word “serendipity” in a word-processor application such as Microsoft Word, the autocorrection engine suggests you choose other words like “luck” or “fate”. This correcting act turns out to be incorrect. However, it points to the reality that serendipity is not a familiar English word and can be misunderstood easily. Serendipity is a very much scientific concept as it has been found useful in numerous scientific discoveries, pharmaceutical innovations, and numerous humankind’s technical and technological (...)
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  5. Serendipity and inherent non-linear thinking can help address the climate and environmental conundrums.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Viet-Phuong La & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - 2024 - Ms Thoughts.
    Humankind is currently confronted with a critical challenge that determines its very existence, not only on an individual, racial, or national level but as a whole species: the fight against climate change and environmental degradation. To win this battle, humanity needs innovations and non-linear thinking. Nature has long been a substantial information source for unthinkable discoveries that save human lives. The paper suggests that by understanding the nature, emergence, and mechanism of serendipity, the survival skill of humans, humanity can (...)
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  6. Serendipity as a strategic advantage?Nancy K. Napier & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2013 - In Timothy Wilkinson (ed.), Strategic Management in the 21st Century. ABC-Clio. pp. 175-199.
    Who, over the age of 20, hasn’t experienced a serendipitous event: unexpected information that yields some unintended but potential value later on? Sitting next to a stranger on a plane who becomes a business partner? Stumbling onto an article in a journal or newspaper that helps tackle a nagging problem? Creating a new drug by accident?
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    Serendipity, Luck and Collective Responsibility in Medical Innovation—The History of Vaccination.Martin Sand & Luca Chiapperino - 2023 - In Samantha Copeland, Wendy Ross & Martin Sand (eds.), Serendipity Science: An Emerging Field and its Methods. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 2147483647-2147483647.
    Martin Sand and Luca Chiapperino find in the concept of serendipity a versatile umbrella term to reassess their previous work on moral luckLuck (also, Epistemic Luck, Moral Luck) and collectiveCollectiveresponsibilityResponsibility. Moral luck supposedly occurs when someone receives praise or blame for things beyond control. Given the ubiquity of luckLuck (also, Epistemic Luck, Moral Luck), this seems to be a seriously disquieting aspect of ordinary morality. The rewards and recognition for serendipitous discoveries fall into exactly this category. That is: more (...)
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    Serendipity and the Discovery of DNA.Áurea Anguera de Sojo, Juan Ares, María Aurora Martínez, Juan Pazos, Santiago Rodríguez & José Gabriel Zato - 2014 - Foundations of Science 19 (4):387-401.
    This paper presents the manner in which the DNA, the molecule of life, was discovered. Unlike what many people, even biologists, believe, it was Johannes Friedrich Miescher who originally discovered and isolated nuclein, currently known as DNA, in 1869, 75 years before Watson and Crick unveiled its structure. Also, in this paper we show, and above all demonstrate, the serendipity of this major discovery. Like many of his contemporaries, Miescher set out to discover how cells worked by means of (...)
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    Serendipity: fortune and the prepared mind.Mark de Rond & Iain Morley (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Since 1986 Darwin College, Cambridge has organised a series of annual public lectures built around a single theme approached in a multi-disciplinary way. These essays were developed from the 2008 lectures, which explored the idea of serendipity – the relationship between good fortune and the preparation of the mind to spot and exploit it. Serendipity is an appealing concept, and one which has been surprisingly influential in a great number of areas of human discovery. The essays collected in (...)
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    Serendipity and vision: Two methods for discovery comments on Nickles.Scott A. Kleiner - 1999 - Biology and Philosophy 14 (1):55-63.
    Thomas Nickles challenges my thesis that innovative discoveries can be based on deliberately chosen problems and research strategies. He suggests that all significant innovation can be seen as such only in retrospect and that its generation must be serendipitous. Here I argue in response that significant innovations can and do often arise from self conscious critical appraisal of orthodox practice combined with regulated though speculative abductive argumentation to alternative explanatory schemata. Orthodox practice is not based upon monolithic systems of belief (...)
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  11. A new theory of serendipity.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Tam-Tri Le, Quy Khuc & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - 2022 - In A New Theory of Serendipity: Nature, Emergence and Mechanism. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 91-108.
    This document represents some preliminary and unpublished content of a chapter in the edited book titled A New Theory of Serendipity: Nature, Emergence and Mechanism, which will soon be published and distributed by De Gruyter Poland (Sciendo Imprint; part of Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin, Germany). A proper referencing should be like: Quan-Hoang Vuong, Tam-Tri Le, Quy Khuc, Minh-Hoang Nguyen. (2022). A new theory of serendipity. In: QH Vuong. (Ed.) A New Theory of Serendipity: Nature, Emergence and (...)
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    Serendipity and Social Justice: How Someone with a Physical Disability Succeeds in Clinical Bioethics.Kevin T. Mintz - forthcoming - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics.
    Trainees with disabilities in health-related professions are often subjected to structural ableism in medicine: the discriminatory manifestation of lowered expectations towards people with disabilities by medical professionals. In this case study, I reflect on my experiences as the first individual with significant disabilities to be offered a postdoctoral fellowship in clinical bioethics at the National Institutes of Health. I focus on the following question: What arrangements need to be in place in order for someone with my level of disability to (...)
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    Les ironies de serendipity dans l’œuvre de Robert K. Merton.Saint-Martin Arnaud - 2016 - 24.
    Dans quelles circonstances et pourquoi Robert K. Merton a-t-il rencontré l’idée de serendipity? Quelle place occupe-t-elle dans son œuvre? Cet article propose de reconstituer pas à pas l’histoire de cette rencontre, qui ne manque pas d’ironie ni de piquant. En elle-même « sérendipienne », la découverte accidentelle mais tellement féconde du mot serendipity ouvrit à Merton nombre de pistes de recherche au cours des années 1940. Le concept intrigant de la découverte fortuite qui – entre autres vertus – (...)
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    Serendipity and Ignorance Studies.Selene Arfini - 2023 - In Samantha Copeland, Wendy Ross & Martin Sand (eds.), Serendipity Science: An Emerging Field and its Methods. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 2147483647-2147483647.
    Selene Arfini seeks to resolve a long-standing paradoxParadox and the seemingly exclusive dichotomy between knowledgeKnowledgeand ignoranceIgnorance (also Aching Ignorance) through the concept of serendipity. How can we find new knowledgeKnowledge when we do not know what are we looking for? This question is a brief version of Meno’s or the Learner’s ParadoxParadox, which still manages to be upsetting in contemporary philosophy, despite having been discussed since Plato’s times. Arfini believes that the paradoxParadox still upsets because we strongly connect the (...)
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  15. Preliminary explanations of serendipity based on non-linear information process.Tam-Tri Le, Viet-Phuong La, Quy Khuc & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - 2022 - In Quan-Hoang Vuong (ed.), A New Theory of Serendipity: Nature, Emergence and Mechanism. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 175-190.
    After employing the mindsponge mechanism and 3D information process of creativity to explain the serendipity process in previous chapters, we realize that it may be helpful to delve into the relations between serendipity and the formulation of new values and information connections through non-linear processes. Thus, this chapter summarizes some preliminary attempts to use non-linear information processes to explain serendipity. We also briefly mention the benefits of information exchange among members of social groups and explain this approach.
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  16. How do we perceive serendipity?Quy Khuc - 2022 - In Quan-Hoang Vuong (ed.), A New Theory of Serendipity: Nature, Emergence and Mechanism. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 13-40.
    In order to set a ground for the new hypotheses, theory, and conceptual framework of serendipity, the current chapter aims to review the research landscapes, definitions, types, influential factors, and processes of serendipity. First, bibliometric analyses of 2982 documents retrieved from the Web of Science database were employed to examine the intellectual and conceptual structures in the research field of serendipity. Three major research lines are found: 1) information-seeking behaviors, 2) serendipity in business and sciences, and (...)
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  17. Serendipity and digital generation / Серендипность и цифровое поколение.Pavel Simashenkov - 2023 - In Цифровая гуманитаристика и технологии в образовании (DHTE 2023). Сборник статей III Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием. Москва, 2023. pp. 385-395.
    The article analyzes the concept of serendipity as a property and state of personality. The approach chosen by the author is aesthetic; the problem is covered from the perspectives of pedagogy and didactics. The object of the study is the phenomenon of "intuitive serendipity", the subject is the methods of creativity development. Comparison of different types of thinking (inductive, deductive, paradoxical) allowed us to make a number of generalizing judgments. In particular, the superiority of "paradox logic" over formal (...)
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  18. Serendipity as a Source of Evolutionary Progress in Science.Aharon Kantorovich - 1989 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 20 (4):505.
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    5 Serendipity in astronomy.Andrew C. Fabian - 2010 - In Mark de Rond & Iain Morley (eds.), Serendipity: fortune and the prepared mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 22--73.
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    6 Serendipity in physics.Richard Friend - 2010 - In Mark de Rond & Iain Morley (eds.), Serendipity: fortune and the prepared mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 22--91.
  21.  11
    Serendipities: language & lunacy.Umberto Eco - 1999 - San Diego: Harcourt Brace.
    Serendipities is a careful unraveling of the fabulous and the false, a brilliant exposition of how unanticipated truths often spring from false ideas. From Leibniz's belief that the I Ching illustrated the principles of calculus to Marco Polo's mistaking a rhinoceros for a unicorn, Umberto Eco offers a dazzling tour of intellectual history, illuminating the ways in which we project the familiar onto the strange to make sense of the world. Uncovering layers of mistakes that have shaped human history, Eco (...)
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    The Antinomies of Serendipity How to Cognitively Frame Serendipity for Scientific Discoveries.Selene Arfini, Tommaso Bertolotti & Lorenzo Magnani - 2020 - Topoi 39 (4):939-948.
    During the second half of the last century, the importance of serendipitous events in scientific frameworks has been progressively recognized, fueling hard debates about their role, nature, and structure in philosophy and sociology of science. Alas, while discussing the relevance of the topic for the comprehension of the nature of scientific discovery, the philosophical literature has hardly paid attention to the cognitive significance of serendipity, accepting rather than examining some of its most specific features, such as its game-changing effect, (...)
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    Serendipity: an Argument for Scientific Freedom?Stéphanie Ruphy & Baptiste Bedessem - unknown
    The unpredictability of the development and results of a research program is often invoked in favor of a free, desinterested science that would be led mainly by scientific curiosity, in contrast with a use-inspired science led by definite practical expectations. This paper will challenge a crucial but underexamined assumption in this line of defense of scientific freedom, namely that a free science is the best system of science to generate unexpected results. We will propose conditions favoring the occurrence of unexpected (...)
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  24. Serendipity Science: An Emerging Field and its Methods.Samantha Copeland, Wendy Ross & Martin Sand (eds.) - 2023 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This volume brings together for the first time the diverse threads within the growing field of serendipity research, to reflect both on the origins of this emerging field within different disciplines as well as its increasing influence as its own field with foundational texts and emerging practices. The phenomenon of serendipity has been described in many ways since Horace Walpole initially coined the term in 1754 to categorize those discoveries that happen by “both accidents and sagacity”. This book (...)
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  25. Modelling serendipity in a computational context.Joseph Corneli, Alison Pease, Simon Colton, Anna Jordanous & Christian Guckelsberger - unknown
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    Serendipity in Relationship: A Tentative Theory of the Cognitive Process of Yuanfen and Its Psychological Constructs in Chinese Cultural Societies.Hsin-Ping Hsu & Kwang-Kuo Hwang - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Serendipity und Abduktion: Die Literatur als Medium einer Logik des Neuen.Anita Traninger - 2016 - In Gideon Stiening, Cornelia Rémi & Frieder von Ammon (eds.), Literatur Und Praktische Vernunft. De Gruyter. pp. 205-230.
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    Serendipity and the Unexpected in the History of Philosophy of Science: Reflections on My Editorship of HOPOS (2017-2024). [REVIEW]Lydia Patton - forthcoming - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science.
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    Effect of Serendipity in an Encounter on Purchase Intention of Unexpected Products.Shichang Liang, Yuxuan Chu, Min Zhang, Rulan Li, Bin Lan & Lingling He - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous studies on the follow-up effect of serendipity mostly focused on the positive effects and less on the negative effects. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to investigate the negative effect of serendipity on the purchase intention of unexpected products. To verify all hypotheses in this article, we used online and offline survey data in China. Three experimental results showed that serendipity contains a certain degree of uncertainty, which will cause consumers’ perceived risk and decrease the (...)
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    Serendipity in scientific discovery: A closer look.Howard Gest - 1997 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 41 (1):21-28.
  31. Covid-19 vaccines production and societal immunization under the serendipity-mindsponge-3D knowledge management theory and conceptual framework.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Tam-Tri Le, Viet-Phuong La, Huyen Thanh Thanh Nguyen, Manh-Toan Ho, Van Quy Khuc & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - 2022 - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9:22.
    Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), tremendous efforts have been made by scientists, health professionals, business people, politicians, and laypeople around the world. Covid-19 vaccines are one of the most crucial innovations that help fight against the virus. This paper attempts to revisit the Covid-19 vaccines production process by employing the serendipity-mindsponge-3D creativity management theory. Vaccine production can be considered an information process and classified into three main stages. The first stage involved the processes of absorbing (...)
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    Serendipity.Natasha Guinan - 2001 - Philosophy and Geography 4 (2):139 – 140.
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    Anatomy of the Unsought Finding. Serendipity: Orgin, History, Domains, Traditions, Appearances, Patterns and Programmability.Pek Andevanl - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (2):631-648.
    I define serendipity as the art of making an unsought finding. And I propose an overview of my collection of serendipities, the largest yet assembled, chiefly in science and technology, but also in art, by giving a list of ‘serendipity patterns’. Although my list of ‘patterns’ is just a list and not a classification, it serves to introduce a new and possibly stimulating perspective on the old subject of serendipity. Knowledge of these ‘serendipity patterns’ might help (...)
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  34. Discovery by serendipity: A new context for an old Riddle. [REVIEW]Pio García - 2008 - Foundations of Chemistry 11 (1):33-42.
    In the last years there has been a great improvement in the development of computational methods for combinatorial chemistry applied to drug discovery. This approach to drug discovery is sometimes called a “rational way” to manage a well known phenomenon in chemistry: serendipity discoveries. Traditionally, serendipity discoveries are understood as accidental findings made when the discoverer is in quest for something else. This ‘traditional’ pattern of serendipity appears to be a good characterization of discoveries where “luck” plays (...)
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    Serendipity and the History of the Philosophy of Science.Samantha Copeland - 2023 - In Samantha Copeland, Wendy Ross & Martin Sand (eds.), Serendipity Science: An Emerging Field and its Methods. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 2147483647-2147483647.
    Samantha Copeland takes this chapter to delve into the history of philosophy of science, paying particular attention to the discussions around scientific discoveryDiscovery (also, Scientific Discovery) and the assumptions made by philosophers along the way about what parts of the discovery processProcess can and cannot be studied. Copeland suggests that serendipity research might shed light on what has been left outside of philosophical investigation. She focusses in particular on the seeming ‘leap’ that scientists must take when discoveries happen, between (...)
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  36. Environments and cultures that nurture serendipity strikes.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Quy Khuc & Tam-Tri Le - 2022 - In A New Theory of Serendipity: Nature, Emergence and Mechanism. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 157-174.
    Based on the properties and mechanism of serendipity presented in former chapters, this chapter discusses how to create an environment for higher serendipity encounters and attainment possibilities. We examine four types of environments with different navigational and useful information concentration combinations. Building a pro-serendipity culture will help create environments that value and supports serendipity across fields. Additionally, we also address the notion that serendipity is a skill. Thus, it can produce either good or bad impacts (...)
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  37. Anatomy of the unsought finding. Serendipity: Origin, history, domains, traditions, appearances, patterns and programmability.Pek van Andel - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (2):631-648.
    I define serendipity as the art of making an unsought finding. And I propose an overview of my collection of serendipities, the largest yet assembled, chiefly in science and technology, but also in art, by giving a list of ‘serendipity patterns’. Although my list of ‘patterns’ is just a list and not a classification, it serves to introduce a new and possibly stimulating perspective on the old subject of serendipity. Knowledge of these ‘serendipity patterns’ might help (...)
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    Desire and Serendipity.Ronald Sousa - 1998 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 22 (1):120-134.
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    Hypocrisy, Idealism and Serendipity in “Corporate Governance and CSR” Communication and Ethics.Yves Fassin - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:132-137.
    Recent communication and discussion concerning corporate governance, CSR, codes of conduct and other ethical policies have restored the tarnished reputation of the business world which followed a spate of financial scandals. However, one also notices an increased dissonance between the attractive messages emanating from business leaders and the reality. This disconnection between the ‘CSR rhetoric and corporate governance ethics’ and the practical reality experienced within companies leads to hypocrisy. The reality seems too often in contradiction with the idealistic character of (...)
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    4 Cosmological serendipity.Simon Singh - 2010 - In Mark de Rond & Iain Morley (eds.), Serendipity: fortune and the prepared mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 22--65.
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  41. Making Science by Serendipity. A review of Robert K. Merton and Elinor Barber's the Travels and Adventures of Serendipity.R. Campa - 2008 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 17 (1):75-83.
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    The Prehistory of Serendipity, from Bacon to Walpole.Sean Silver - 2015 - Isis 106 (2):235-256.
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    Pluripotency and the endogenous retrovirus HERVH: Conflict or serendipity?Zsuzsanna Izsvák, Jichang Wang, Manvendra Singh, Dixie L. Mager & Laurence D. Hurst - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (1):109-117.
    Remnants of ancient retroviral infections during evolution litter all mammalian genomes. In modern humans, such endogenous retroviral (ERV) sequences comprise at least 8% of the genome. While ERVs and other types of transposable elements undoubtedly contribute to the genomic “junk yard”, functions for some ERV sequences have been demonstrated, with growing evidence that ERVs can be important players in gene regulatory processes. Here we focus on one particular large family of human ERVs, termed HERVH, which several recent studies suggest has (...)
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    1 The stratigraphy of serendipity.Susan E. Alcock - 2010 - In Mark de Rond & Iain Morley (eds.), Serendipity: fortune and the prepared mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 22--11.
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    Metrics for evaluating the serendipity of recommendation lists.Tomoko Murakami, Koichiro Mori & Ryohei Orihara - 2008 - In Takashi Washio, Ken Satoh, Hideaki Takeda & Akihiro Inokuchi (eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 40--46.
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    Science and Serendipity: Finding Coca-Cola in China.Susan Greenhalgh - 2019 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 62 (1):131-152.
    “Coca-cola Funds scientists Who shiFt Blame for Obesity Away from Bad Diets.” Thus began the August 9, 2015 New York Times article that alerted the public and the wider scientific community to the secret tactics the soda industry was using to protect its profits on a product known to harm health and contribute to the obesity epidemic, one of the leading public health crises of our day. Following the lead of the tobacco industry, Coca-Cola was funding leading exercise scientists to (...)
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    Understanding humans: serendipity and anthropology‖.Richard Leakey - 2010 - In Mark de Rond & Iain Morley (eds.), Serendipity: fortune and the prepared mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 22--27.
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    The People and Serendipity of the EyesOnALZ project.Pietro Michelucci - 2019 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 9 (1):29-33.
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    Desire and Serendipity.Ronald de Sousa - 1998 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 22:120-134.
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    Introduction—A Science of Serendipity?Samantha Copeland, Wendy Ross & Martin Sand - 2023 - In Samantha Copeland, Wendy Ross & Martin Sand (eds.), Serendipity Science: An Emerging Field and its Methods. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 2147483647-2147483647.
    In this volume, we bring together for the first time the diverse threads within the field of serendipity research, to reflect both the origins of this emerging field within different disciplines as well as its growing influence as its own field with foundational texts and emerging practices. Many have been drawn to the mystery of serendipity, the wonder of the ‘aha’ moments humans experience when they encounter it. In the present volume we present, in contrast to the storytelling (...)
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