Results for ' right of publicity'

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  1.  16
    Strategic intellectual property litigation, the right of publicity, and the attenuation of free speech: Lessons from the schwarzenegger bobblehead doll war (and peace).William T. Gallagher - manuscript
    This article is part of a Symposium that examines the legal and policy issues raised by the Schwarzenegger bobblehead doll litigation, in which a Hollywood star-turned-governor sued under California's right of publicity laws and under federal copyright law to stop a small Ohio company from selling a bobblehead doll depicting Schwarzenegger in a business suit, with a bandolier of bullets, and brandishing an assault rifle. The article contends that defendants' unauthorized use of the Schwarzenegger image on dolls and (...)
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    The ‘Court of Public Opinion:’ Public Perceptions of Business Involvement in Human Rights Violations.Matthew Amengual, Rita Mota & Alexander Rustler - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (1):49-74.
    Public pressure is essential for providing multinational enterprises (MNEs) with motivation to follow the standards of human rights conduct set in soft-law instruments, such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. But how does the public judge MNE involvement in human rights violations? We empirically answer this question drawing on an original survey of American adults. We asked respondents to judge over 12,000 randomly generated scenarios in which MNEs may be considered to have been involved in (...)
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    Human rights of drug users according to public health professionals in Brazil.Carla Ventura & Isabel Mendes - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (2):158-167.
    Health is a basic human right, and drug use represents a severe influence on people’s health. This qualitative study aimed to understand how health professionals in a public health-care team working with drug users in a city of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, perceive the human rights of these users and how these rights are being respected in health care. Data were collected through semistructured interviews with 10 health professionals at the service under analysis. A thematic analysis of (...)
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    The Instrumentalization of Public Health Issues for Propaganda by the Far-Right.L. Cordeiro-Rodrigues, D. Landon Cole & D. Duan - forthcoming - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry:1-6.
    Political opportunism of the far-right threatens the efficacy of public health policies and political stability in general. In this commentary, we outline some of the ways that the European far-right has misused public health concerns as propaganda tools. This is a significant threat to the goals of making health and science more inclusive, and we recommend some policies for mitigating the racist effect of the far-right. Notably, we recommend (a) transparency in health policies and robust implementation of (...)
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    Privacy rights and public spaces: CCTV and the problem of the “unobservable observer”.Benjamin J. Goold - 2002 - Criminal Justice Ethics 21 (1):21-27.
    (2002). Privacy rights and public spaces: CCTV and the problem of the “unobservable observer”. Criminal Justice Ethics: Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 21-27. doi: 10.1080/0731129X.2002.9992113.
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    Public Health and the Rights of States.A. Miklos - 2009 - Public Health Ethics 2 (2):158-170.
    When exercising their public health powers, states claim various rights against their subjects and aliens. The paper considers whether public health considerations can help justify some of these rights, and explores some constraints on the justificatory force of public health considerations. I outline two arguments about the moral grounds for states’ rights with regard to public health. The principle of fairness emphasizes that those who benefit from public health measures ought to contribute their fair share in upholding them. Alternatively, states’ (...)
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    Citizenship and the Right of Entry into the Public Sphere.Robert Bernasconi - 2019 - Eco-Ethica 8:31-45.
    The emergence of citizenship out of subjecthood at the end of the eighteenth century presented a series of problems for which the United States, among other countries, seems to have been unprepared: it was unclear who qualified for citizenship, what privileges it afforded, and what duties it demanded. Nevertheless, this uncertainty could be manipulated pragmatically to take advantage of any given situation without regard for consistency or future implications. By examining the obstacles placed on the path to citizenship of Native (...)
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    Reclaiming Commons Rights: Resources, Public Ownership and the Rights of Future Generations.Daniel Mishori - 2014 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 8 (2):335-366.
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    Legalized Right of Resistance. A Public Law Analysis of Art. 20, Para 4 of the Basic Law. [REVIEW]Rudolf Neidert - 1971 - Philosophy and History 4 (1):83-84.
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    Human Rights and Public Policy Frameworks A Kantian Perspective.Shashi Motilal & Divya Raj Juyal - 2016 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 33 (2):241-251.
    PurposeThis paper presumes that a public policy document must aim at protecting human rights. The question being raised is- what kind of moral reasoning or grounding can we afford to the idea that human rights are important for the whole framework of public policy. The paper aims at looking at the moral and political philosophy of Immanuel Kant as we find it in his Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals and the Metaphysics of Morals for providing this background.MethodThe paper provides (...)
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    Right to Commercial Speech in India: Construing Constitutional Provisions Harmoniously in Favor of Public Health.Sujitha Subramanian, Nikhil Gokani & Kashish Aneja - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (2):284-290.
    This article examines the right to commercial speech that has been read into the right to freedom of speech and expression under Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution of India. Restrictions on this right are only permitted if they come within the ambit of the exhaustive list of reasonable restrictions under Article 19(2), under which public health is notably absent. Nevertheless, through the doctrine of harmonious construction, the Indian judiciary have adopted a purposive interpretation to circumvent the omission (...)
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    Diversity and rights: a social choice-theoretic analysis of the possibility of public reason.Hun Chung & Brian Kogelmann - 2020 - Synthese 197 (2):839-865.
    Public reason liberalism takes as its starting point the deep and irreconcilable diversity we find characterizing liberal societies. This deep and irreconcilable diversity creates problems for social order. One method for adjudicating these conflicts is through the use of rights. This paper is about the ability of such rights to adjudicate disputes when perspectival disagreements—or disagreements over how to categorize objects in the world—obtain. We present both formal possibility and impossibility results for rights structures under varying degrees of perspectival diversity. (...)
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    Recognized rights as devices of public reason.Gerald Gaus - 2009 - Philosophical Perspectives 23 (1):111-136.
    My concern in this essay is a family of liberal theories that I shall call “public reason liberalism,” which arose out of the social contract theories of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. These social contract accounts stressed that the justification of the state depended on showing that everyone would, in some way, consent to it. However, by relying on consent, social contract theory seemed to suppose a voluntarist conception of political obligation and authority: I am only bound by political authority if (...)
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    Rights, Mini-Publics, and Judicial Review.Adam Gjesdal - 2023 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (1):53-71.
    Landmark Supreme Court rulings determine American law by adjudicating among competing reasonable interpretations of basic political rights. Jeremy Waldron argues that this practice is democratically illegitimate because what determines the content of basic rights is a bare majority vote of an unelected, democratically unaccountable, elitist body of nine judges. I argue that Waldron's democratic critique of judicial review has implications for real-world reform, but not the implications he thinks it has. He argues that systems of legislative supremacy over the judiciary (...)
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    The Global Face of Public Faith: Politics, Human Rights, and Christian Ethics; Globalization and Catholic Social Thought: Present Crisis, Future Hope.Thomas Massaro - 2007 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 27 (1):304-307.
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    Human Rights and Public Health: Dichotomies or Synergies in Developing Countries? Examining the Case of HIV in South Africa.Leslie London - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (4):677-691.
    Despite growing advances in medical technologies, health status inequalities continue to increase across the globe. Developing countries have been faced with declining expenditures in health and social services, increasing burdens posed by both communicable and non-communicable diseases, and economic systems poorly geared to fostering sustainable development for the poorest and most marginalized. Under such circumstances, the challenges facing health practitioners in countries in transition are complex and diverse, and require the balancing of many conflicting imperatives. This is particularly so in (...)
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  17. Right of the Living Dead? Consent to Experimental Surgery in the Event of Cortical Death.Robert Sparrow - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (10):601-605.
    Ravelingien et al have suggested that early human xenotransplantation trials should be carried out on patients who are in a permanent vegetative state (PVS) and who have previously granted their consent to the use of their bodies in such research in the event of their cortical death. Unfortunately, their philosophical defence of this suggestion is unsatisfactory in its current formulation, as it equivocates on the key question of the status of patients who are in a PVS. The solution proposed by (...)
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  18.  23
    The rights of the American Indians.Bernardo J. Canteñs - 2009 - In Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte & Otávio Bueno, A Companion to Latin American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 23–35.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Vitoria Las Casas References Further Reading.
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  19.  72
    Defining the Scope of Public Engagement: Examining the “Right Not to Know” in Public Health Genomics.Clarissa Allen, Karine Sénécal & Denise Avard - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (1):11-18.
    While the realm of bioethics has traditionally focused on the rights of the individual and held autonomy as a defining principle, public health ethics has at its core a commitment to the promotion of the common good. While these two domains may at times conflict, concepts arising in one may also be informative for concepts arising in the other. One example of this is the concept of a “right not to know.” Recent debate suggests that just as there is (...)
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  20.  24
    The Enthronement of Public Right.E. Thackray - 1918 - International Journal of Ethics 29 (1):8-25.
  21. Privacy Rights and Public Information.Benedict Rumbold & James Wilson - 2018 - Journal of Political Philosophy 27 (1):3-25.
    This article concerns the nature and limits of individuals’ rights to privacy over information that they have made public. For some, even suggesting that an individual can have a right to privacy over such information may seem paradoxical. First, one has no right to privacy over information that was never private to begin with. Second, insofar as one makes once-private information public – whether intentionally or unintentionally – one waives one’s right to privacy to that information. In (...)
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  22. The Violence of Public Art: "Do the Right Thing".W. J. T. Mitchell - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (4):880-899.
    The question naturally arises: Is public art inherently violent, or is it a provocation to violence? Is violence built into the monument in its very conception? Or is violence simply an accident that befalls some monuments, a matter of the fortunes of history? The historical record suggests that if violence is simply an accident that happens to public art, it is one that is always waiting to happen. The principal media and materials of public art are stone and metal sculpture (...)
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    In nearly every survey of public opinion and the media, privacy is a premiere issue if the press wishes to main its credibility. The laws safeguarding privacy are impressive, but legal prescriptions are an inadequate foundation for the news business. Privacy is not a legal right only but a moral good. For all of the sophistication of case law and tort law in protecting privacy, legal definitions do not match today's challenges. Merely following the letter of the law presumes the law can be determined ... [REVIEW]Clifford G. Christians - 2010 - In Christopher Meyers, Journalism ethics: a philosophical approach. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 203.
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    Occupying Paulista: Housing activism, the new right and the politics of public space during the Brazilian crisis.Victor Albert - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 164 (1):37-53.
    Brazilian society has frequently been described as polarized during the country’s recent political and economic crisis. In 2018, a wave of opposition to the centre-left Workers’ Party culminated in the election of Jair Bolsonaro, a right-wing populist who portrays the political left as a malevolent force in Brazilian society. In this paper I explore this polarization through drawing on ethnographic research with the Homeless Workers’ Movement (Movimento de Trablhadores Sem-Teto, MTST), a large urban social movement that develops settlements on (...)
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  25. The Rights of the Living Dead: Taylor Swift's Zombie Army.Elizabeth Cantalamessa - 2025 - In Brandon Polite, Taylor Swift and the Philosophy of Re-recording: The Art of Taylor's Versions. Bloomsbury.
    To become a public figure or celebrity, I claim, is to exist alongside a zombie version of yourself. This zombie shares the same name and physical likeness but operates independently of its flesh-and-blood counterpart. In fact, public figures do not have any special authority over the zombie version of themselves, and in some contexts, they enjoy less authority over their zombie counterparts than others do. In the US, for example, public figures are not legally entitled to protections against criticism via (...)
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  26. Leibniz's Notion of Conditional Right and the Dynamics of Public Announcement.Sébastien Magnier & Shahid Rahman - unknown
    The main aim of our paper is to implement Leibniz's analysis of the conditional right in the framework of a dialogical approach to Public Announcement Logic. According to our view, on one hand: PAL furnishes a dynamic epistemic operator which models communication exchange between different agents that seems to be very close to Leibniz understanding of the dynamics between the truth of a proposition and the knowledge of the truth of that proposition (Leibniz calls the latter certification of its (...)
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  27.  66
    The good, the bad, and the ugly: three agent-type challenges to The Order of Public Reason.Gerald Gaus - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 170 (3):563-577.
    In this issue of Philosophical Studies, Richard Arneson, Jonathan Quong and Robert Talisse contribute papers discussing The Order of Public Reason (OPR). All press what I call “agent-type challenges” to the project of OPR. In different ways they all focus on a type (or types) of moral (or sometimes not-so-moral) agent. Arneson presents a good person who is so concerned with doing the best thing she does not truly endorse social morality; Quong a bad person who rejects it and violates (...)
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  28.  55
    Protection of Public Interest in Civil Procedure and the Doctrine of the Constitutional Court.Vytautas Nekrošius - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (3):1101-1110.
    On 21 June 2011 the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania adopted extensive and important amendments of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Republic of Lithuania. Most of them came into force on 1 October 2011.One of the important tasks that have been mentioned for the preparation of amendments was to ensure the implementation of the Constitutional Court’s doctrine of matters of civil procedure. This article analyses one of the changed aspect - the system of defence of public interest. (...)
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    The Use of Criminal Record in Employment Decisions: The Rights of Ex-Offenders, Employers and the Public.Helen Lam & Mark Harcourt - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 47 (3):237 - 252.
    The evidence suggests that employers discriminate against ex-offenders in the labour market. The problem is potentially serious as it involves a substantial proportion of the population, especially the male population. Since research has shown that most people with prior convictions stop offending by their late 20s or early 30s, the validity of selection based on criminal record remains questionable. This paper examines the need for legal protection of ex-offenders by limiting employers' access to, and use of, information on criminal background. (...)
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    Fighting Discrimination with Discrimination: Public Universities and the Rights of Dissenting Students.Jacob Affolter - 2013 - Ratio Juris 26 (2):235-261.
    This article discusses recent legal conflicts between state universities and conservative religious students in the United States, focusing on Christian Legal Society v. Martinez. In recent years, several universities have denied recognition to religious student organizations that discriminate on the basis of religion or sexual orientation. I argue that scholars on both sides of the issue have failed to recognize the full scope of the privilege that the universities demand. If the courts accept the universities' demands, then the courts dangerously (...)
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    Blurring the line between publicity and privacy on social media and the privacy paradox.L. V. Chesnokova - forthcoming - Philosophical Problems of IT and Cyberspace.
    The article examines the situation associated with the spread of social networks, which brought not only new communication opportunities, but also the risks of blurring the boundaries between privacy and publicity. People voluntarily share personal data in exchange for public acceptance. This information is recorded and studied by various government and commercial institutions. The danger to information privacy as a right to control access to personal information is aggravated by the peculiarities of online communication, which is characterized by (...)
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  32. The Right to Health as the Right to Treatment: Shifting Conceptions of Public Health.Manjari Mahajan - 2012 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 79 (4):819-836.
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    Master Programme “Health, Human Rights and Ethics”: A Curriculum Development Experience at Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, Medical School, University of Zagreb.Henk Ten Have, Ana Borovečki & Stjepan Orešković - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (3):371-376.
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  34. Can the Innate Right to Freedom Alone Ground a System of Public and Private Rights?Andrea Sangiovanni - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 20 (3):460-469.
    The state regulates the way in which social power is exercised. It sometimes permits, enables, constrains, forbids how we may touch others, make offers, draw up contracts, use, alter, possess and destroy things that matter to people, manipulate, induce weakness of the will, coerce, engage in physical force, persuade, selectively divulge information, lie, enchant, coax, convince, … In each of these cases, we (sometimes unintentionally) get others to act in ways that serve our interests. Which such exercises of power should (...)
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  35.  68
    Human rights and the rights of states: a relational account.Ariel Zylberman - 2016 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 46 (3):291-317.
    What is the relationship between human rights and the rights of states? Roughly, while cosmopolitans insist that international morality must regard as basic the interests of individuals, statists maintain that the state is of fundamental moral significance. This article defends a relational version of statism. Human rights are ultimately grounded in a relational norm of reciprocal independence and set limits to the exercise of public authority, but, contra the cosmopolitan, the state is of fundamental moral significance. A relational account promises (...)
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  36.  23
    Rights of Animals, Perceptions of Science, and Political Activism: Profile of American Animal Rights Activists.William M. Lunch & Wesley V. Jamison - 1992 - Science, Technology and Human Values 17 (4):438-458.
    This article reports original research examining characteristics of the active followers of the American animal rights movement. Typical respondents were Caucasian, highly educated urban professional women approximately thirty years old with a median income of $33,000. Most activists think of themselves as Democrats or as Independents, and have moderate to liberal political views. They were often suspicious of science and made no distinctions between basic and applied science, or public versus private animal-based research. The research suggests that animal rights activism (...)
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  37. Oversimplifications II: Public health ethics ignores individual rights.Matthew K. Wynia Public Health Editor - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (5):6 – 8.
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    Economic Justice: Private Rights and Public Responsibilities : An Amintaphil Volume.Kenneth Kipnis & Diana T. Meyers (eds.) - 1985 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Twenty distinguished philosophers and social theorists have contributed original papers to this stimulating investigation into the nature of the economically just society. Collectively, and in a remarkably coherent fashion, these papers set out the problems of contemporary social theory within the context of the distributive justice vs. property rights debate initiated by the works of John Rawls and Robert Nozick.
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    Getting It Right: How Public Engagement Might (and Might Not) Help Us Determine What Is Equitable in Genomics and Precision Medicine.Sara Chandros Hull, Lawrence C. Brody & Rene Sterling - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (7):5-8.
    The timing of this special issue of AJOB probing whether public engagement (PE)1 might help achieve equity in genomics is no coincidence. While many issues discussed by the authors are not entirely...
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    Public perceptions of the rights of persons with disability.Roy McConkey - 2020 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 14-2 (14-2):128-139.
    Depuis 2006, trois enquêtes représentatives au niveau national ont évalué en Irlande la perception dans la population générale de trois droits inhérents à la Convention internationale des droits des personnes handicapées (CIDPH): accès aux écoles ordinaires, à la vie sexuelle et à la parentalité. Trois questions sont posées dans le présent document: les Irlandais considèrent-ils que les personnes ont les mêmes droits, quelles que soient leurs déficiences? Soutiennent-ils certains droits des personnes handicapées plus que d’autres? En 2017, comment la perception (...)
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    Animals in the order of public reason.Pablo Magaña - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (10):3031-3056.
    On a prominent family of views about the justification of legitimate policy-making (_public justification views_), considerations about the rights and well-being of nonhuman animals can only play a derivative role at best. On these views, these considerations matter only if they can figure in the content of the public reasons that citizens can offer each other. This thesis I call the Indirect View. Some authors have argued that this constitutes a reason to reject the ideal of public justification, or at (...)
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    Which Theory of Public Reason?Elvio Baccarini - 2020 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 20 (2):199-214.
    Rawlsian public reason requires public decisions to be justified through reasons that each citizen can accept as reasonable, free and equal. It has been objected that this model of public justification puts unfair burdens on marginalized groups. A possible version of the criticism is that the alleged unfairness is constituted by what Miranda Fricker and other authors call epistemic injustice. This form of injustice obtains when some agents are unjustly treated as not reliable, or when they are deprived of epistemic (...)
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    The right to public health.James Wilson - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (6):367-375.
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    Freedom of Commercial Expression and Public Health Protection at the European Court of Human Rights.Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou & Amandine Garde - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (2):250-258.
    This contribution considers the case law of European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and focuses on the extent to which the Contracting Parties to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) can regulate the tobacco, alcohol, and food industries in a manner compatible with their ECHR obligations. After briefly presenting the two key cases dealing specifically with tobacco advertising, this contribution considers the main factors that the ECtHR takes into account when balancing competing concerns, and in particular freedom of commercial (...)
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    “Haqq al-Nas” (The Rights of Mankind) and Its Social Impacts.Nijat Yahyazadeh - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (2):90-101.
    In addition to individual duties, each person is responsible for fulfilling public duties. The main reason for this is that human beings are social beings. Therefore, everyone’s actions and attitudes have positive and negative effects not only on themselves but also on society. In this regard, the rights of mankind are a significant issue in the daily life of every society. Islam, especially the Quranic verses, attaches great importance to the question of the rights of mankind. Haqq al-Nas means protecting (...)
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  46. think Donald Moon overestimates the dangers of “unconstrained conversation,” especially for individual privacy rights, he points to the difficult question concerning the kinds of institutional design that are appropriate to help ensure that the deliberations conducted in an “unconstrained conversation” influence the process of decision making. Should there, for example, be a system of public voting? See “Constrained Discourse and Public Life,”.I. Although - 1991 - Political Theory 19:202-229.
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    Surrogate mothers: private right or public wrong?W. J. Winslade - 1981 - Journal of Medical Ethics 7 (3):153-154.
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    The Grounds and Demands of Public Recognition: How Religious Exemptions Corrode Civic Self-Respect.Jocelyn Wilson - 2022 - Res Publica 28 (2):339-363.
    I investigate the normative and conceptual account of the relationship between public recognition and dignitarian, or egalitarian, commitments. I do so through addressing the normative dispute, sparked by legal cases such as Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission and Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, as to whether there are dignitarian grounds for rejecting religious exemptions to antidiscrimination laws. I argue that there are such grounds. Specifically, I argue that, if granted, such exemptions would inflict dignitary harms against LGBTQ (...)
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  49. On justifying the moral rights of the moderns: A case of old wine in new bottles.Gerald F. Gaus - 2007 - Social Philosophy and Policy 24 (1):84-119.
    In this essay I sketch a philosophical argument for classical liberalism based on the requirements of public reason. I argue that we can develop a philosophical liberalism that, unlike so much recent philosophy, takes existing social facts and mores seriously while, at the same time, retaining the critical edge characteristic of the liberal tradition. I argue that once we develop such an account, we are led toward a vindication of “old” (qua classical) liberal morality—what Benjamin Constant called the “liberties of (...)
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    The Right of Personal Self-Determination.Alan Dowty - 1989 - Public Affairs Quarterly 3 (1):11-24.
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