Results for ' reorientation therapy'

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  1. Sexual Reorientation Therapy: Response to Carlton.Christopher H. Rosik - 2004 - Christian Bioethics 10 (2-3):155-160.
    Clark Carlton brings a much-needed theological sensitivity to the issues surrounding current debates about homosexuality and the ethics of sexual reorientation therapy. Yet, Carlton’s portrayal seems to mischaracterize and unnecessarily dismiss reorientation therapy on etiological and other theoretical grounds. It is suggested that for most therapists engaged in sexual reorientation therapy the role of developmental factors in homosexual attraction is neither overstated nor minimized.
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  2. Sexual Reorientation Therapy: An Orthodox Perspective.Clark Carlton - 2004 - Christian Bioethics 10 (2-3):137-154.
    This article evaluates the phenomenon of sexual reorientation therapy from the standpoint of Orthodox Christian theology. It is argued that homosexual desire is the product of the fall of mankind and cannot be considered “normal.” At the same time, however, reorientation therapies, whether secular or Christian, are inherently reductionistic and fail to address the underlying spiritual pathologies involved in homosexual desire. The purpose of therapeia in the Orthodox Church is the psycho-somatic transfiguration of the whole person into (...)
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  3. Are We Ready for Sexual Reorientation Therapy in the U.S. Military? A Response to David W. Lutz.Robert W. Hierholzer - 2004 - Christian Bioethics 10 (2-3):227-238.
    In his paper “The Catholic Church, the American Military, and Homosexual Reorientation Therapy,” David W. Lutz ultimately concludes that it is “appropriate, and highly ethical” for the American military to offer reorientation therapy to help homosexuals overcome “the vice of sodomy.” The major thrust of his paper, however, is to call for abandonment of the “Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell” policy currently in place in the military. Lutz’s paper covers much ground, and this review begins by examining whether (...)
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  4. The Catholic Church, the American Military, and Homosexual Reorientation Therapy.David W. Lutz - 2004 - Christian Bioethics 10 (2-3):189-226.
    Homosexual activist groups have targeted the Catholic Church and the American military as institutions especially in need of transformation. Associations of healthcare professionals are also under assault from homosexual activists. It is, nevertheless, appropriate for the Church and the military to defend themselves against this assault, to affirm that homosexuality is incompatible with Christian ethics and military service, and to help homosexuals free themselves from the vice of homosexuality. Arguments that homosexual reorientation therapy is unethical are unsound. Such (...)
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    Sexual Modification Therapies: Ethical Controversies, Philosophical Disputes, and Theological Reflections.A. A. Howsepian - 2004 - Christian Bioethics 10 (2-3):117-136.
    Knowing, either by the light of natural reason or by the light of Christian revelation, that homosexuality is a disordered condition is not sufficient for its being ethically permissible to direct self-identified homosexual persons toward just any treatment that aims to modify sexual orientation. For example, such an undertaking would be morally impermissible in cases where the available “treatments” are known to be both futile and potentially damaging to persons undertaking them. I, therefore, introduce this edition of Christian Bioethics by (...)
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    Is Continence Enough?Steven Jensen - 2004 - Christian Bioethics 10 (2-3):161-176.
    The ideal of virtue demands not only right choice and right behavior but also right desire in the emotions. Homosexual desire, then, even if it does not result in overt homosexual behavior, is contrary to virtue, and the completion of virtue demands right desire. If a homosexual has no plan to marry, then right desire implies only the removal of homosexual desire and not the revival of heterosexual desire at which reorientation therapy aims. On the other hands, if (...)
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  7. Treating Homosexuality: A Response to Yarhouse.A. A. Howsepian - 2004 - Christian Bioethics 10 (2-3):259-267.
    Professor Mark A. Yarhouse proposes an ‘identity synthesis’ model of sexual modification therapy for homosexuals. This model is meant primarily to target the process by which one’s sexual identity is synthesized, rather than the changing of sexual orientation itself. I highlight some of the advantages of Yarhouse’s model along with some of its potential pitfalls. My primary point of departure with Yarhouse concerns how one ought to direct those self-identified homosexual clients who fall within our clinical sphere of influence (...)
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    Conflict between religious commitment and same-sex attraction: Possibilities for a virtuous response.Michael Benoit - 2005 - Ethics and Behavior 15 (4):309 – 325.
    This article addresses the treatment of individuals who experience conflict between their religious convictions and their same-sex attraction. Recently, attention has been drawn to the ethical issues involved in the practice of sexual reorientation therapy (SRT) with such conflicted individuals. This article reviews the ethical arguments for and against SRT through the lens of the general ethical principles of the American Psychological Association's (2002) ethics code. Practitioners are then challenged to think about how they might respond virtuously (Meara, (...)
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    Homosexuality, Ethics and Identity Synthesis.Mark A. Yarhouse - 2004 - Christian Bioethics 10 (2-3):239-258.
    Implicit metaphysical assumptions concerning the nature of sexual orientation are reflected in the language used to frame ethical debates concerning “reorientation” therapies. An alternative metaphysical construal is presented oncerning sexual orientation and sexual identity development and synthesis. This alternative construal allows for humility concerning what we know and do not know about sexual orientation, underscores the client's self-determination and autonomy, and demonstrates regard for personal and religious valuative frameworks. Rather than focusing on therapies aimed specifically at sexual reorientation, (...)
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    The Gentleman Vanishes: Dementia, Caretaking and the Life of the Mind.Michele Taillon Taylor - 2017 - Journal of Medical Humanities 38 (1):51-61.
    This essay recounts the author’s journey with her father during his prolonged decline due to dementia. The experience pushed her to break out of the confines of conventional scholarly research in her academic field of architectural history to a multi-disciplinary consideration of nineteenth-century environmental, sensory and horticultural therapies for the mentally ill. During her father’s illness, she discovered the tangible therapeutic benefits of momentary engagements with his environment through his five senses and through the emotional filter of poetry. This (...) to sensory and poetic experience had a beneficial impact on the caretaker as well. (shrink)
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    Tensions in Garfinkel’s Ethnomethodological Studies of Work Programme Discussed Through Livingston’s Studies of Mathematics.Christian Greiffenhagen & Wes Sharrock - 2019 - Human Studies 42 (2):253-279.
    While Garfinkel’s early work, captured in Studies in Ethnomethodology, has received a lot of attention and discussion, this has not been the case for his later work since the 1970s. In this paper, we critically examine the aims of Garfinkel’s later ethnomethodological studies of work programme and evaluate key ideas such as the ‘missing what’ in the sociology of work, ‘the unique adequacy requirements of methods’, and the notion of ‘hybrid studies’. We do so through a detailed engagement with a (...)
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    Please Be Patient : A Cultural Phenomenological Study of Haemodialysis and Kidney Transplantation Care.Martin Gunnarson - unknown
    This thesis examines the practice of haemodialysis and kidney transplantation, the two medical therapies available for persons with kidney failure, from a phenomenological perspective. A basic assumption made in the thesis is that contemporary biomedicine is deeply embedded in the cultural, historical, economic, and political circumstances provided by the particular local, national, and transnational contexts in which it is practiced. The aim of the thesis is twofold. On the one hand, the aim is to examine the forms of person- and (...)
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  13. Wittgenstein’s ‘Non-Cognitivism’ – Explained and Vindicated.Eugen Fischer - 2008 - Synthese 162 (1):53 - 84.
    The later Wittgenstein advanced a revolutionary but puzzling conception of how philosophy ought to be practised: Philosophical problems are not to be coped with by establishing substantive claims or devising explanations or theories. Instead, philosophical questions ought to be treated ‘like an illness’. Even though this ‘non-cognitivism’ about philosophy has become a focus of debate, the specifically ‘therapeutic’ aims and ‘non-theoretical’ methods constitutive of it remain ill understood. They are motivated by Wittgenstein’s view that the problems he addresses result from (...)
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  14. Modular diploma in complementary medicine, the letchworth centre for homoeopathy and complementary medicine.Are Natural Therapies Safe - forthcoming - Mind.
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  15. Down the Slippery Slope.Nils Holtug & Human Gene Therapy - forthcoming - Bioethics.
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    Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy.Ken Wilber - 2000 - Boston: Shambhala Publications. Edited by Ken Wilber.
    The goal of an "integral psychology" is to honor and embrace every legitimate aspect of human consciousness under one roof. This book presents one of the first truly integrative models of consciousness, psychology, and therapy.
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  17. The Moral Significance of the Therapy-Enhancement Distinction in Human Genetics.David B. Resnik - 2000 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9 (3):365-377.
    The therapy-enhancement distinction occupies a central place in contemporary discussions of human genetics and has been the subject of much debate. At a recent conference on gene therapy policy, scientists predicted that within a few years researchers will develop techniques that can be used to enhance human traits. In thinking about the morality of genetic interventions, many writers have defended somatic gene therapy, and some have defended germline gene therapy, but only a handful of writers defend (...)
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    Is Mitochondrial Donation Germ‐Line Gene Therapy? Classifications and Ethical Implications.Anthony Wrigley & Ainsley J. Newson - 2016 - Bioethics 31 (1):55-67.
    The classification of techniques used in mitochondrial donation, including their role as purported germ-line gene therapies, is far from clear. These techniques exhibit characteristics typical of a variety of classifications that have been used in both scientific and bioethics scholarship. This raises two connected questions, which we address in this paper: how should we classify mitochondrial donation techniques?; and what ethical implications surround such a classification? First, we outline how methods of genetic intervention, such as germ-line gene therapy, are (...)
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    Obstacles to Divine Revelation: God and the Reorientation of Human Reason.Rolfe King - 2008 - London: Continuum.
    Obstacles to Divine Revelation examines the notion that there are obstacles to God giving revelation, if God exists. Rolfe King argues that exploring these significantly refines ideas of evidence for God, including the claim that God must operate within a logically necessary structure of revelation. Examining obstacles to divine revelation clarifies this structure and paves the way to evaluating its significance.
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  20. Anorexia Nervosa and Respecting a refusal of life‐prolonging Therapy: A Limited Justification.Heather Draper - 2000 - Bioethics 14 (2):120–133.
    People who suffer from eating disorders often have to be treated against their will, perhaps by being detained, perhaps by being forced to eat. In this paper it is argued that whilst forcing compliance is generally acceptable, there may be circumstances under which a sufferer's refusal of consent to treatment should be respected. This argument will hinge upon whether someone in the grip of an eating disorder can actually make competent decisions about their quality of life. If so, then the (...)
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    Supportive Touch in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy.Logan Neitzke-Spruill, Caroline Beit, Lynnette A. Averill & Amy L. McGuire - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (1):29-39.
    In August 2024, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration rejected Lykos Therapeutics, Inc.'s new drug application for midomafetamine with psychological intervention (MDMA-AT) to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Among the many issues raised during review was concern about a highly publicized case of alleged sexual misconduct by an unlicensed therapist during a Phase 2 study of MDMA and the potential risk of future abuse. This incident of misconduct, along with several other publicized cases of misconduct by guides, facilitators, and shaman (...)
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  22. The Ontological Argument as an Exercise in Cartesian Therapy.Lawrence Nolan - 2005 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 35 (4):521 - 562.
    I argue that Descartes intended the so-called ontological "argument" as a self-validating intuition, rather than as a formal proof. The textual evidence for this view is highly compelling, but the strongest support comes from understanding Descartes's diagnosis for why God's existence is not 'immediately' self-evident to everyone and the method of analysis that he develops for making it self-evident. The larger aim of the paper is to use the ontological argument as a case study of Descartes's nonformalist theory of deduction (...)
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    12 Freedom, Equality, and Struggles of Recognition: Tully, Rancière, and the Agonistic Reorientation.David Owen - 2021 - In Heikki Ikäheimo, Kristina Lepold & Titus Stahl, Recognition and Ambivalence: Judith Butler, Axel Honneth, and Beyond. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 293-320.
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    Emotion: an example of the need for reorientation in psychology.Elizabeth Duffy - 1934 - Psychological Review 41 (2):184-198.
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  25. Matters to address prior to introducing new life support technology in Japan: three serious ethical concerns related to the use of left ventricular assist devices as destination therapy and suggested policies to deal with them.Atsushi Asai, Sakiko Masaki, Taketoshi Okita, Aya Enzo & Yasuhiro Kadooka - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):12.
    Destination therapy is the permanent implantation of a left ventricular assist device in patients with end-stage, severe heart failure who are ineligible for heart transplantation. DT improves both the quality of life and prognosis of patients with end-stage heart failure. However, there are also downsides to DT such as life-threatening complications and the potential for the patient to live beyond their desired length of life following such major complications. Because of deeply ingrained cultural and religious beliefs regarding death and (...)
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  26. Ethical challenges with the left ventricular assist device as a destination therapy.Aaron G. Rizzieri, Joseph L. Verheijde, Mohamed Y. Rady & Joan L. McGregor - 2008 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 3:1-15.
    The left ventricular assist device was originally designed to be surgically implanted as a bridge to transplantation for patients with chronic end-stage heart failure. On the basis of the REMATCH trial, the US Food and Drug Administration and the US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services approved permanent implantation of the left ventricular assist device as a destination therapy in Medicare beneficiaries who are not candidates for heart transplantation. The use of the left ventricular assist device as a destination (...)
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    Rhesus monkeys use geometric and nongeometric information during a reorientation task.S. Gouteux, C. Thinus-Blanc & J. Vauclair - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (3):505.
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    Emotion, Thought and Therapy.Irving Thalberg & Jerome Neu - 1979 - Philosophical Review 88 (1):151.
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    The Efficacy of Metacognitive Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Nicoline Normann & Nexhmedin Morina - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Plato in Therapy: A Cognitivist Reassessment of the Republic 's Idea of Mimesis.Jonas Grethlein - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (2):157-170.
    The Republic’s ban on poetry is a major reason for the prominent place that liberal critics assign to Plato among the enemies of the open society, Friedrich Nietzsche's description of Plato as “the greatest enemy of art Europe has yet produced” being often cited. In this article, I argue that, while Plato's ethical stance remains unacceptable for most readers today, his understanding of aesthetic experience in the Republic appears highly perceptive when seen in the light of cognitive studies and can (...)
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    Science in the context of application: methodological change, conceptual transformation, cultural reorientation.Martin Carrier & Alfred Nordmann - 2011 - In M. Carrier & A. Nordmann, Science in the Context of Application. Springer. pp. 1--7.
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    A viewpoint-independent process for spatial reorientation.Marko Nardini, Rhiannon L. Thomas, Victoria C. P. Knowland, Oliver J. Braddick & Janette Atkinson - 2009 - Cognition 112 (2):241-248.
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    Action in Late Ming Thought: The Reorientation of Lü K'un and Other Scholar-Officials.Joanna F. Handlin - 1985 - Philosophy East and West 35 (4):450-452.
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    An adaptive cue combination model of human spatial reorientation.Yang Xu, Terry Regier & Nora S. Newcombe - 2017 - Cognition 163 (C):56-66.
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    Maternal-Fetal Therapy: The (Psycho)Social Dilemma.Kris Dierickx, Jan Deprest, Daniel Pizzolato & Neeltje Crombag - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (3):63-65.
    Assessing the risk-benefit ratio has always been considered key in designing clinical trials. These benefits can be diverse and may include social value and psychological benefits. When it comes to...
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    ‘A remedy for this dread disease’: Achille Sclavo, anthrax and serum therapy in early twentieth-century Britain.James F. Stark - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Science 55 (2):207-226.
    In the years around 1900 one of the most significant practical consequences of new styles of bacteriological thought and practice was the development of preventive vaccines and therapeutic sera. Historical scholarship has highlighted how approaches rooted in the laboratory methods of Robert Koch, Louis Pasteur and their collaborators were transformed in local contexts and applied in diverse ways to enable more effective disease identification, prevention and treatment. Amongst these, the anti-anthrax serum developed by the Italian physician Achille Sclavo (1861–1930) has (...)
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    ‘I Just Stopped Going’: A Mixed Methods Investigation Into Types of Therapy Dropout in Adolescents With Depression.Sally O’Keeffe, Peter Martin, Mary Target & Nick Midgley - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    What does it mean to ‘drop out’ of therapy? Many definitions of ‘dropout’ have been proposed, but the most widely accepted is the client ending treatment without agreement of their therapist. However, this is in some ways an external criterion that does not take into account the client’s experience of therapy, or reasons for ending it prematurely. This study aimed to identify whether there were more meaningful categories of dropout than the existing dropout definition, and to test whether (...)
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    What is a cure through gene therapy? An analysis and evaluation of the use of “cure”.Lieke Baas, Karina Meijer, Annelien L. Bredenoord & Rieke van der Graaf - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (4):489-496.
    The development of gene therapy has always come with the expectation that it will offer a cure for various disorders, of which hemophilia is a paradigm example. However, although the term is used regularly, it is unclear what exactly is meant with “cure”. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyse how the concept of cure is used in practice and evaluate which of the interpretations is most suitable in discussions surrounding gene therapy. We analysed how cure (...)
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  39. Five forms of philosophical therapy.J. Jeremy Wisnevvski - 2003 - Philosophy Today 47:1.
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    Theologically Motivated Conversion Therapy and Care Epistemology.Steven Steyl - 2022 - In Inge van Nistelrooij, Maureen Sander-Staudt & Maurice Hamington, Care Ethics, Religion, and Spiritual Traditions. Leuven: Peeters. pp. 211-242.
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    Ethical issues in and beyond prospective clinical trials of human Gene therapy.John C. Fletcher - 1985 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 10 (3):293-310.
    As the potential for the first human trials of somatic cell gene therapy nears, two ethical issues are examined: (1) problems of moral choice for members of institutional review boards who consider the first protocols, for parents, and for the clinical researchers, and the special protections that may be required for the infants and children to be involved, and (2) ethical objections to somatic cell therapy made by those concerned about a putative inevitable progression of genetic knowledge from (...)
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    Rendered invisible? The absent presence of egg providers in U.K. debates on the acceptability of research and therapy for mitochondrial disease.Ken Taylor & Erica Haimes - 2015 - Monash Bioethics Review 33 (4):360-378.
    Techniques for resolving some types of inherited mitochondrial diseases have recently been the subject of scientific research, ethical scrutiny, media coverage and regulatory initiatives in the UK. Building on research using eggs from a variety of providers, scientists hope to eradicate maternally transmitted mutations in mitochondrial DNA by transferring the nuclear DNA of a fertilised egg, created by an intending mother at risk of transmitting mitochondrial disease, and her male partner, into an enucleated egg provided by another woman. In this (...)
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    A Self-Determination Theory and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based intervention aimed at increasing adherence to physical activity.Dalit Lev Arey, Asaf Blatt & Tomer Gutman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a physical activity intervention program designed to enhance levels of engagement in PA. Despite robust evidence supporting the beneficial effects of PA on overall health, only about 22% of individuals engage in the recommended minimum amount of PA. Recent surveys suggested that most individuals express intentions to be physically active, though the psychological state of amotivation dismissed these struggles. In the current study, we pilot-tested a new intervention program, (...)
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    Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for the Treatment of Music Performance Anxiety: A Pilot Study with Student Vocalists.David G. Juncos, Glenn A. Heinrichs, Philip Towle, Kiera Duffy, Sebastian M. Grand, Matthew C. Morgan, Jonathan D. Smith & Evan Kalkus - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Effectiveness of Dance Therapy as an Adjunct to Rehabilitation of Adults With a Physical Disability.Bonnie Swaine, Frédérique Poncet, Brigitte Lachance, Chloé Proulx-Goulet, Vicky Bergeron, Élodie Brousse, Julie Lamoureux & Patricia McKinley - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Philosophical Problems and Therapy. Polemic with The New Wittgenstein.Michał Stelmach - 2021 - Filozofia 76 (4):281-292.
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    Self-Active Relaxation Therapy and Self-Regulation: A Comprehensive Review and Comparison of the Japanese Body Movement Approach.Russell S. Kabir, Yutaka Haramaki, Hyeyoung Ki & Hiroyuki Ohno - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Induce Neuroplasticity and Significant Clinical Improvement in Patients Suffering From Fibromyalgia With a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse—Randomized Controlled Trial.Amir Hadanny, Yair Bechor, Merav Catalogna, Shir Daphna–Tekoah, Tal Sigal, Mehrzad Cohenpour, Rachel Lev-Wiesel & Shai Efrati - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    ‘Delusional’ consent in somatic treatment: the emblematic case of electroconvulsive therapy.Giuseppe Bersani, Francesca Pacitti & Angela Iannitelli - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (6):392-396.
    Even more than for other treatments, great importance must be given to informed consent in the case of electroconvulsive therapy. In a percentage of cases, the symbolic connotation of the treatment, even if mostly and intrinsically negative, may actually be a determining factor in the patient’s motives for giving consent. On an ethical and medicolegal level, the most critical point is that concerning consent to the treatment by a psychotic subject with a severely compromised ability to comprehend the nature (...)
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    Why Does Therapy Work? An Idiographic Approach to Explore Mechanisms of Change Over the Course of Psychotherapy Using Digital Assessments.Allison Diamond Altman, Lauren A. Shapiro & Aaron J. Fisher - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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