Results for ' qualitizing'

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  1. Prima distinctio.I. Quid Dicendum Sit Et Qualiter, Ii Pretitulationes Uiginti Octo Significationum, Iii Deaptitudine Trinitatis Et Tryadis, Iv Triplex Ratio Secundum Mathesim Cur, Numero Theologia Declarauit Deum, V. Ostensio Triplex Secundum Mathesim Cur, Ternario Designata Est Deitas, Vi Designatio Triformis Secundum Logicam Cur, Relatione Declarata Est Deitas & Viictcur Relatione - 1999 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 69:253.
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    D-7000 Stuttgart.Application Aspects of Qualitative Conditional Independence - 1991 - In Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, Ronald R. Yager & Lotfi A. Zadeh, Uncertainty in Knowledge Bases: 3rd International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU'90, Paris, France, July 2 - 6, 1990. Proceedings. Springer. pp. 31.
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  3. Depa rtm ent of histor Y & ph] losoph Y of sci ence university of cambridge, uk a phenomenological account of the «ontological problem of space».Lepreuve Que Je C'est Dans, Fais Dun Corps, Sensible Qui M'investit Jusqu'au, de Moi-Meme Et M'attire, Aussitot de la Qualite, A. L'espace & Et de la Chose - 2002 - Existentia 12:345.
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  4. Qualitative Naturalism as Dewey’s Ultimate Solution to the Mind-Body Problem.Andrii Leonov - forthcoming - The Pluralist.
    In this paper, I argue that Dewey’s ultimate solution to the mind-body problem is grounded not in his emergentist metaphysics per se but rather in his metametaphysical qualitative naturalism. The latter precedes Dewey’s emergent theory of mind, as postulated in his Experience and Nature. Thus, Dewey’s emergentism is rather a consequence of his qualitative naturalism. As such, Dewey’s ultimate metametaphysical solution to the mind-body problem precedes his emergentist metaphysics, and not vice versa. The essence of Dewey’s qualitative naturalism can be (...)
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  5. Non-qualitative Properties.Sam Cowling - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (2):275-301.
    The distinction between qualitative properties like mass and shape and non-qualitative properties like being Napoleon and being next to Obama is important, but remains largely unexamined. After discussing its theoretical significance and cataloguing various kinds of non-qualitative properties, I survey several views about the nature of this distinction and argue that all proposed reductive analyses of this distinction are unsatisfactory. I then defend primitivism, according to which the distinction resists reductive analysis.
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  6. Qualitative methods show that surveys misrepresent “ought implies can” judgments.Kyle Thompson - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (1):29-57.
    Experimental philosophers rely almost exclusively on quantitative surveys that potentially misrepresent participants’ multifarious judgments. To assess the efficacy of qualitative methods in experimental philosophy and reveal limitations with quantitative surveys, a study was conducted on the Kantian principle that ‘ought implies can’, which limits moral obligation to actions that agents can do. Specifically, the think aloud method and a follow-up interview were employed in a modified version of a prominent experiment that recorded participants’ judgments of ability, blame, and obligation using (...)
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    Qualitative ethics in practice.Martin Tolich (ed.) - 2015 - Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press.
    Neither ethics committees nor qualitative researchers can predict the types of ethical dilemmas that will happen in the field, only that they will routinely occur. In Qualitative Ethics in Practice, a team of fifteen top researchers from various disciplines and nationalities offer ethical strategies unique to qualitative researchers for those "big ethical moments" beyond what can be predicted by ethics committees. Ideally structured for qualitative classes that tackle ethics issues, the book -calls for an ethical code unique to the practice (...)
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  8. Qualitative tools and experimental philosophy.James Andow - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (8):1128-1141.
    Experimental philosophy brings empirical methods to philosophy. These methods are used to probe how people think about philosophically interesting things such as knowledge, morality, and freedom. This paper explores the contribution that qualitative methods have to make in this enterprise. I argue that qualitative methods have the potential to make a much greater contribution than they have so far. Along the way, I acknowledge a few types of resistance that proponents of qualitative methods in experimental philosophy might encounter, and provide (...)
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    Objective data sets in qualitative research.Julie Zahle - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):101-117.
    Qualitative researchers sometimes talk about objectivity in relation to qualitative data sets. In this paper, I defend a reconstructed notion of objective qualitative data sets that may serve as a useful and reachable guiding ideal in qualitative data generation. In the first part of the paper, I develop the ideal. According to it, a qualitative data set is objective to the extent that it, in conjunction with true assumptions, possesses a combination of good-making features in virtue of which the data (...)
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    Qualitative research ethics on the spot.C. Oye, N. O. Sorensen & S. Glasdam - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (4):455-464.
    Background: The increase in medical ethical regulations and bureaucracy handled by institutional review boards and healthcare institutions puts the researchers using qualitative methods in a challenging position. Method: Based on three different cases from three different research studies, the article explores and discusses research ethical dilemmas. Objectives and ethical considerations: First, and especially, the article addresses the challenges for gatekeepers who influence the informant’s decisions to participate in research. Second, the article addresses the challenges in following research ethical guidelines related (...)
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    La qualité de l’éducation inclusive en Italie.Alessio Covelli & Lucia de Anna - 2020 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 14-3 (14-3):175-188.
    The evaluation of the quality of the processes of educational and social inclusion of people with disabilities is considered a key element in the improvement of their living conditions. The research presented here is part of the analyses carried out in Italy and abroad on the identification of indicators and categories able to provide a representative picture of the processes of school inclusion by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the system in local contexts. Assessing the quality of inclusive education (...)
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    Beginning qualitative research: a philosophic and practical guide.Pamela S. Maykut - 1994 - Washington, D.C.: Falmer Press. Edited by Richard Morehouse.
    Although theoretically rigorous, the book is comprehensible to the beginning qualitative researcher.
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    Critical qualitative health research: exploring philosophies, politics and practices.Kay Aranda (ed.) - 2020 - London: Routledge.
    Critical Qualitative Health Research seeks to deepen understandings of the philosophies, politics and practices shaping contemporary qualitative health related research. This accessible, lively, controversial introduction draws on current empirical examples and critical discussion to show how qualitative research undertaken in neoliberal healthcare contexts emerges and the complex issues qualitative researchers confront. This book provides readers with a critical, interrogative discussion of the histories and the legacies of qualitative research, as well as of the more recent calls for renewed criticality in (...)
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    Qualitative Freedom - Autonomy in Cosmopolitan Responsibility.Claus Dierksmeier - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    In the light of growing political and religious fundamentalism, this open access book defends the idea of freedom as paramount for the attempt to find common ethical ground in the age of globality. The book sets out to examine as yet unexhausted ways to boost the resilience of the principle of liberalism. Critically reviewing the last 200 years of the philosophy of freedom, it revises the principle of liberty in order to revive it. It discusses many different aspects that fall (...)
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    Qualitative interviewing as measurement.John Paley - 2010 - Nursing Philosophy 11 (2):112-126.
    The attribution of beliefs and other propositional attitudes is best understood as a form of measurement, however counter-intuitive this may seem. Measurement theory does not require that the thing measured should be a magnitude, or that the calibration of the measuring instrument should be numerical. It only requires a homomorphism between the represented domain and the representing domain. On this basis, maps measure parts of the world, usually geographical locations, and 'belief' statements measure other parts of the world, namely people's (...)
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  16. A qualitative approach to responsible conduct of research (rcr) training development: Identification of metacognitive strategies.Vykinta Kligyte, Richard T. Marcy, Sydney T. Sevier, Elaine S. Godfrey & Michael D. Mumford - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (1):3-31.
    Although Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training is common in the sciences, the effectiveness of RCR training is open to question. Three key factors appear to be particularly important in ensuring the effectiveness of ethics education programs: (1) educational efforts should be tied to day-to-day practices in the field, (2) educational efforts should provide strategies for working through the ethical problems people are likely to encounter in day-to-day practice, and (3) educational efforts should be embedded in a broader program of (...)
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    Qualitative Analysis of Healthcare Professionals’ Viewpoints on the Role of Ethics Committees and Hospitals in the Resolution of Clinical Ethical Dilemmas.Brian S. Marcus, Gary Shank, Jestin N. Carlson & Arvind Venkat - 2015 - HEC Forum 27 (1):11-34.
    Ethics consultation is a commonly applied mechanism to address clinical ethical dilemmas. However, there is little information on the viewpoints of health care providers towards the relevance of ethics committees and appropriate application of ethics consultation in clinical practice. We sought to use qualitative methodology to evaluate free-text responses to a case-based survey to identify thematically the views of health care professionals towards the role of ethics committees in resolving clinical ethical dilemmas. Using an iterative and reflexive model we identified (...)
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    Qualitative Research in Midwifery and Childbirth: Phenomenological Approaches.Gill Thomson, Fiona Dykes & Soo Downe (eds.) - 2011 - Routledge.
    Qualitative research, particularly phenomenology, is increasingly popular as a method for midwifery and health-related research. These approaches enable rich and detailed explanations to be uncovered and bring experience to life. Important recommendations and practice- based implications may then be raised and debated for future use. This book brings together a range of phenomenological methods and insights into one accessible text. Illustrated with plenty of examples of successful phenomenological research, Qualitative Research in Midwifery and Childbirth keeps the focus applied to midwifery (...)
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    Qualitative Research Methods and Evidential Reasoning.Corrado Matta - 2019 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 49 (5):385-412.
    This article discusses the concept of evidential reasoning in the context of qualitative research methods in the social sciences. A conceptualization of qualitative evidential reasoning is proposed...
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    Integrating qualitative research methodologies and phenomenology—using dancers’ and athletes’ experiences for phenomenological analysis.Susanne Ravn - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):107-127.
    This paper sets out from the hypothesis that the embodied competences and expertise which characterise dance and sports activities have the potential to constructively challenge and inform phenomenological thinking. While pathological cases present experiences connected to tangible bodily deviations, the specialised movement practices of dancers and athletes present experiences which put our everyday experiences of being a moving body into perspective in a slightly different sense. These specialised experiences present factual variations of how moving, sensing and interacting can be like (...)
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    The qualitative vision for psychology: an invitation to a human science approach.Constance T. Fischer, Leswin Laubscher & Roger Brooke (eds.) - 2016 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Duquesne University Press.
    This volume, edited by three leading proponents and practitioners of human science psychology, serves as an invitation to readers new to this approach while also renewing that invitation to those who have long embraced and advanced research in the field from this perspective. It is a timely and important invitation. In 2009, the American Psychological Association declared psychology to be a core STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) discipline and advocated the teaching and practice of psychology with this natural science understanding (...)
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    A Qualitative Longitudinal Study on the Adaptation and Coping Strategies of Men with Testicular Cancer.Bianka Karlíková, Branislav Uhrecký & Jitka Gurňáková - forthcoming - Human Affairs.
    Research suggests that the experience of cancer is diverse rather than homogeneous. The strong emotions and stress associated with cancer lead to a search for coping strategies. Men with different types of cancer utilise physical, psychological, interpersonal, and spiritual strategies. Despite the research, the specific adaptation and coping strategies used by men with testicular cancer have rarely been studied. We focused on the adaptation and coping strategies of newly diagnosed patients (n = 17) with testicular cancer in Slovakia. For this (...)
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    A qualitative inquiry into the experience of sacred art among Eastern and Western Christians in Canada.Jacob Lang, Despina Stamatopoulou & Gerald C. Cupchik - 2020 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 42 (3):317-334.
    This article begins with a review of studies in perception and depth psychology concerning the experience of exposure to sacred artworks in Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox contexts. This follows with the results of a qualitative inquiry involving 45 Roman Catholic, Eastern and Coptic Orthodox, and Protestant Christians in Canada. First, participants composed narratives detailing memories of spiritual experiences involving iconography. Then, in the context of a darkened room evocative of a sacred space, they viewed artworks depicting Biblical themes and (...)
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    Qualitative research within the Deaf community in Northern Ireland.Brent C. Elder & Michael A. Schwartz - 2021 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 15-3 (15-3):230-248.
    Dans cet article méthodologique, les auteurs reviennent sur la manière dont ils ont conduit une recherche qualitative multilingue consistant à explorer les barrières rencontrées par les personnes Sourdes en Ireland du Nord lorsqu’elles cherchent à avoir accès au système judiciaire. Dans la mesure du possible, les pratiques de recherche des auteurs ont respecté les principes d’une recherche participative prenant appui sur la communauté (CBPR). Ils explorent les défis d’une recherche réalisée en langue des signes américaine (ASL), britannique (BSL) et irlandaise (...)
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    Consensual Qualitative Research on Free Associations for Criticism and Self-Criticism.Jana Koróniová, Bronislava Strnádelová, Martina Baránková, Petra Langová & Júlia Halamová - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (3):365-381.
    Criticism and self-criticism have far reaching impacts on wellbeing and emotional balance. In order to create better interventions for criticism and self-criticism, more in-depth knowledge about these two constructs is required. The goal of our study was to examine three associations for criticism and self-criticism. The data were collected from a sample of 151 psychology students: 114 women and 37 men (Mean age 22.2; SD 4.4). We were interested in the associations participants would produce in relation to criticism and self-criticism, (...)
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    A Qualitative Study of the Views of Patients With Medically Unexplained Symptoms on The BodyMind Approach®: Employing Embodied Methods and Arts Practices for Self-Management.Helen Payne & Susan Deanie Margaret Brooks - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The arts provide openings for symbolic expression by engaging the sensory experience in the body they become a source of insight through embodied cognition and emotion, enabling meaning-making, and acting as a catalyst for change. This synthesis of sensation and enactive, embodied expression through movement and the arts is capitalized on in The BodyMind Approach®. It is integral to this biopsychosocial, innovative, unique intervention for people suffering medically unexplained symptoms applied in primary healthcare. The relevance of embodiment and arts practices (...)
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    A qualitative study on aspects of consent for genomic research in communities with low literacy.Daima Bukini, Columba Mbekenga, Siana Nkya, Lisa Purvis, Sheryl McCurdy, Michael Parker & Julie Makani - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundLow literacy of study participants in Sub - Saharan Africa has been associated with poor comprehension during the consenting process in research participation. The concerns in comprehension are far greater when consenting to participate in genomic studies due to the complexity of the science involved. While efforts are made to explore possibilities of applying genomic technologies in diseases prevalent in Sub Saharan Africa, we ought to develop methods to improve participants’ comprehension for genomic studies. The purpose of this study was (...)
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    Qualitative Consciousness: Themes From the Philosophy of David Rosenthal.Josh Weisberg (ed.) - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Qualitative consciousness is conscious experience marked by the presence of sensory qualities, like the experienced painfulness of having a piano dropped on your foot, or the consciousness of seeing the brilliant reds and oranges of a sunset. Over his career, philosopher David Rosenthal has defended an influential theoretical approach to explaining qualitative consciousness. This approach involves the development of two theories – the higher-order thought theory of mental state consciousness and the quality space theory of sensory quality. If the problem (...)
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  29. Defining Qualitative Properties.Vera Hoffmann-Kolss - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (5):995-1010.
    The aim of this paper is to provide a systematic account of the metaphysically important distinction between haecceitistic properties, such as being David Lewis or being acquainted with David Lewis, and qualitative properties, such as being red or being acquainted with a famous philosopher. I first argue that this distinction is hyperintensional, that is, that cointensional properties can differ in whether they are qualitative. Then I develop an analysis of the qualitative/haecceitistic distinction according to which haecceitistic properties are relational in (...)
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    Qualitative analysis of physical problems.M. Gitterman - 1981 - New York, N.Y.: Academic Press. Edited by V. Halpern.
    Qualitative Analysis of Physical Problems ...
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  31. Apulian Qualitative Binominal Noun Phrases.Angelapia Massaro - 2023 - Italian Journal of Linguistics 35.
    We investigate the morphosyntax of qualitative binominal constructions (QBCs) in a Southern Italo-Romance language from the Apulian town of San Marco in Lamis. QBCs are complex noun phrases like ‘a jewelN1 of a villageN2’, appearing here prepositionally (with the preposition də, ‘of’, allowing definites, indefinites, and demonstratives) and non-prepositionally (only allowing definites with definite articles and not proper names). We propose that in the latter, a categorial match in the determiner layer, which we call ‘match D’, relates N1 and N2. (...)
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    Qualitative analysis of MOS circuits.Brian C. Williams - 1984 - Artificial Intelligence 24 (1-3):281-346.
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    Qualitative process theory.Kenneth D. Forbus - 1984 - Artificial Intelligence 24 (1-3):85-168.
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    Reasoning with Qualitative Velocity: Towards a Hybrid Approach.Joanna Golinska-Pilarek & Emilio Munoz Velasco - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho, Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 635--646.
    Qualitative description of the movement of objects can be very important when there are large quantity of data or incomplete information, such as in positioning technologies and movement of robots. We present a first step in the combination of fuzzy qualitative reasoning and quantitative data obtained by human interaction and external devices as GPS, in order to update and correct the qualitative information. We consider a Propositional Dynamic Logic which deals with qualitative velocity and enables us to represent some reasoning (...)
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  35. (3 other versions)Qualitative research methods in human geography.Iain Hay (ed.) - 2000 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This volume provides concise and accessible guidance on how to conduct qualitative research in human geography. It gives particular emphasis to examples drawn from social/cultural geography, perhaps the most vibrant area of inquiry in human geography over the past decade.
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    A Qualitative Study on Emotions Experienced at the Coast and Their Influence on Well-Being.Marine I. Severin, Filip Raes, Evie Notebaert, Luka Lambrecht, Gert Everaert & Ann Buysse - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Coastal environments are increasingly shown to have a positive effect on our health and well-being. Various mechanisms have been suggested to explain this effect. However, so far little focus has been devoted to emotions that might be relevant in this context, especially for people who are directly or indirectly exposed to the coast on a daily basis. Our preregistered qualitative study explored how coastal residents experience the emotions they feel at the coast and how they interpret the effect these emotions (...)
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    A Qualitative Study on Experiences and Perspectives of Members of a Dutch Medical Research Ethics Committee.Rien M. J. P. A. Janssens, Wieke E. van der Borg, Maartje Ridder, Mariëlle Diepeveen, Benjamin Drukarch & Guy A. M. Widdershoven - 2020 - HEC Forum 32 (1):63-75.
    The aim of this research was to gain insight into the experiences and perspectives of individual members of a Medical Research Ethics Committee regarding their individual roles and possible tensions within and between these roles. We conducted a qualitative interview study among members of a large MREC, supplemented by a focus group meeting. Respondents distinguish five roles: protector, facilitator, educator, advisor and assessor. Central to the role of protector is securing valid informed consent and a proper risk-benefit analysis. The role (...)
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    Qualitative probabilities for default reasoning, belief revision, and causal modeling.Moisés Goldszmidt & Judea Pearl - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 84 (1-2):57-112.
    This paper presents a formalism that combines useful properties of both logic and probabilities. Like logic, the formalism admits qualitative sentences and provides symbolic machinery for deriving deductively closed beliefs and, like probability, it permits us to express if-then rules with different levels of firmness and to retract beliefs in response to changing observations. Rules are interpreted as order-of-magnitude approximations of conditional probabilities which impose constraints over the rankings of worlds. Inferences are supported by a unique priority ordering on rules (...)
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  39. Qualitative Immediacy and the Communicative Act.Eugene Halton - 1982 - Qualitative Sociology 3 (5):162-181.
    Qualitative immediacy (also termed quality in its philosophical sense and aesthetic quality) is of fundamental importance within the pragmatic conception of meaning as interpretive act, and yet it has been virtually ignored by social scientists. The concept is traced through its foundations in Peirce's philosophy, its development in Dewey's theory of aesthetic experience, and its relation to the general pragmatic conception of the self. The importance of the "I" in Mead's view of the self is seen as similar to Firstness (...)
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    A qualitative examination of graduating nurses’ response to the Covid-19 pandemic.Rachelle J. Lancaster, Catherine Schmitt & Melanie Debish - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (7-8):1337-1347.
    Background: Currently, graduating nurses face pandemic-related uncertainty including gaps in risk perception, unexpected Covid-19 moral dilemmas, and distress surrounding personal health risk. Research question/aim/objectives/Method: The purpose of this basic qualitative descriptive study is to describe the willingness of graduating nurses to provide care during the Covid-19 pandemic. Participants and research context: One week prior to graduation, students were required to submit a written assignment describing willingness to practice in light of the ongoing pandemic. Ethical considerations: This study was approved by (...)
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    On Qualitative Probability Sigma-Algebras.C. Villegas - 1964 - Annals of Mathematical Statistics 35:1787-1796.
    The first clear and precise statement of the axioms of qualitative probability was given by de Finetti ([1], Section 13). A more detailed treatment, based however on more complex axioms for conditional qualitative probability, was given later by Koopman [5]. De Finetti and Koopman derived a probability measure from a qualitative probability under the assumption that, for any integer n, there are n mutually exclusive, equally probable events. L. J. Savage [6] has shown that this strong assumption is unnecessary. More (...)
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    A qualitative study exploring stakeholder perspectives on the use of biological samples for future unspecified research in Malawi.Limbanazo Matandika, Ruby Tionenji Ngóngóla, Khama Mita, Lucinda Manda-Taylor, Kate Gooding, Daniel Mwale, Francis Masiye & Joseph Mfutso-Bengo - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundThere is growing interest in the collection, storage and reuse of biological samples for future research. Storage and future use of biological samples raise ethical concerns and questions about approaches that safeguard the interests of participants. The situation is further complicated in Africa where there is a general lack of governing ethical frameworks that could guide the research community on appropriate approaches for sample storage and use. Furthermore, there is limited empirical data to guide development of such frameworks. A qualitative (...)
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    Consensual qualitative research on free associations for compassion and self-compassion.Júlia Halamová, Martina Baránková, Bronislava Strnádelová & Jana koróniová - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (3):253-270.
    The aim of our study was to explore the first three associations for the following two stimulus words: compassion and self-compassion. In addition, we were interested in whether the participants would conceptualise these words more in terms of emotions, cognitions, or behaviours. The sample consisted of 151 psychology students. A consensual qualitative research approach was adopted. Three members of the core team and an auditor analysed the free associations of compassion and self-compassion. The data showed that there were four domains (...)
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    A qualitative study on acceptable levels of risk for pregnant women in clinical research.Indira S. E. van der Zande, Rieke van der Graaf, Martijn A. Oudijk & Johannes J. M. van Delden - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1).
    BackgroundThere is ambiguity with regard to what counts as an acceptable level of risk in clinical research in pregnant women and there is no input from stakeholders relative to such research risks. The aim of our paper was to explore what stakeholders who are actively involved in the conduct of clinical research in pregnant women deem an acceptable level of risk for pregnant women in clinical research. Accordingly, we used the APOSTEL VI study, a low-risk obstetrical randomised controlled trial, as (...)
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    Consciousness: Qualitative Character and Subject Aspect.Paul Bernier - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 57:5-10.
    As it has been pointed out in the literature, a Theory of Consciousness should satisfy two desiderata: i) account for the particular qualitative character of any particular conscious state, and ii) account for the fact that a conscious state is conscious ‘for the subject’.. Many have claimed that the RepresentationaI Theory of Consciousness can satisfy the first desideratum. It obviously fails, however, to meet the second desideratum. Higher-Order Approaches to Consciouness satisfy the second desideratum straightforwardly, but it remains unclear whether (...)
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  46. The Qualitative Thesis.David Boylan & Ginger Schultheis - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy 119 (4):196-229.
    The Qualitative Thesis says that if you leave open P, then you are sure of if P, then Q just in case you are sure of the corresponding material conditional. We argue the Qualitative Thesis provides compelling reasons to accept a thesis that we call Conditional Locality, which says, roughly, the interpretation of an indicative conditional depends, in part, on the conditional’s local embedding environment. In the first part of the paper, we present an argument—due to Ben Holguín—showing that, without (...)
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  47. Qualitative Financial Statement Disclosures.William E. Shafer - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (3):433-451.
    There is a long-running debate among legal scholars regarding the propriety and enforceability of SEC attempts to mandate disclosures of antisocial or illegal corporate activities that do not materially impact a company’s financial statements. This debate was recently revived by the issuance of SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin 99, Materiality in Financial Statements (SEC 1999), which suggests that quantitatively immaterial information relating to unlawful transactions or regulatory non-compliance should be considered for disclosure. This issue has important implications for the accounting profession, (...)
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  48. Qualitative theory and chemical explanation.Michael Weisberg - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (5):1071-1081.
    Roald Hoffmann and other theorists claim that we ought to use highly idealized chemical models (“qualitative models”) in order to increase our understanding of chemical phenomena, even though other models are available which make more highly accurate predictions. I assess this norm by examining one of the tradeoffs faced by model builders and model users—the tradeoff between precision and generality. After arguing that this tradeoff obtains in many cases, I discuss how the existence of this tradeoff can help us defend (...)
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  49. Qualitative Unity and the Bundle Theory.David Robb - 2005 - The Monist 88 (4):466-92.
    This paper is an articulation and defense of a trope-bundle theory of material objects. After some background remarks about objects and tropes, I start the main defense in Section III by answering a charge frequently made against the bundle theory, namely that it commits a conceptual error by saying that properties are parts of objects. I argue that there’s a general and intuitive sense of “part” in which properties are in fact parts of objects. This leads to the question of (...)
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    Semi-qualitative study of staff attitudes to care following decision to withdraw active treatment in a neonatal intensive care unit.M. Davie & A. Kaiser - 2007 - Clinical Ethics 2 (3):133-138.
    The management of an infant after a decision to withdraw active treatment creates dilemmas. Both lingering death and active killing are undesirable, but palliative interventions can hasten death. We investigated what staff on our neonatal unit thought were the limits of acceptable practice and why. We administered a structured interview to elucidate their views, and asked them to justify their answers. The interviews were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. A total of 25 participants (15 nurses and 10 doctors) were recruited. 80% (...)
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