Results for ' psychoanalysis, Adorno, Lyotard, Freudo-Marxism, critique of reason'

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  1.  24
    Psychoanalysis and Critique of Modern Reason. A Comparative Reading of Adorno and Lyotard.Agnès Grivaux - 2021 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 50:53-73.
    Cet article revient, à partir de la pensée de Jean-François Lyotard, sur la façon dont la première Théorie critique a mobilisé la psychanalyse à des fins de critique de la raison moderne. Dans ses textes des années 1970, Lyotard a proposé de croiser psychanalyse et économie politique en dialoguant de façon critique avec le croisement proposé par Adorno dans les années 40. L’article vise, par une lecture croisée d’Adorno et de Lyotard à propos du rapport entre psychanalyse (...)
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    Problems of moral philosophy.Theodor W. Adorno - 2000 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Thomas Schröder.
    These seventeen lectures given in 1963 focus largely on Kant, 'a thinker in whose work the question of morality is most sharply contrasted with other spheres of existence'. After discussing a number of the Kantian categories of moral philosophy, Adorno considers other, seemingly more immediate general problems, such as the nature of moral norms, the good life, and the relation of relativism and nihilism. In the course of the lectures, Adorno addresses a wide range of topics, including: theory and practice, (...)
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    Theodor W. Adorno.Gerard Delanty (ed.) - 2004 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.
    Theodor W.Adorno was one of the towering intellectuals of the twentieth century. His contributions cover such a myriad of fields, including the sociology of culture, social theory, the philosophy of music, ethics, art and aesthetics, film, ideology, the critique of modernity and musical composition, that it is difficult to assimilate the sheer range and profundity of his achievement. His celebrated friendship with Walter Benjamin has produced some of the most moving and insightful correspondence on the origins and objects of (...)
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    Libidinal economy.Jean-Francois Lyotard - 2015 - London: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Iain Hamilton Grant.
    First published in 1974, Libidinal Economy is a major work of twentieth century continental philosophy. In it, Lyotard develops the idea of economies driven by libidinal 'energies' or 'intensities' which he claims flow through all structures, such as the human body and political or social events. He uses this idea to interpret a diverse range of subjects including political economy, Marxism, sexual politics, semiotics and psychoanalysis. Lyotard also carries out a broad critique of philosophies of desire, as expounded by (...)
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    Critique of Reason and the Theory of Value: Groundwork of a Phenomenological Marxism.Ian Angus - 2017 - Husserl Studies 33 (1):63-80.
    There are three steps in my description of the ground-problem of value: First, Husserl’s analysis of the crisis of reason is based on the systematic loss and phenomenological recovery of the intuitive evidence of the lifeworld. But if letter symbols are essential to formalizing abstraction, as Klein’s de-sedimentation of Vieta’s institution of modern algebra shows, then the ultimate substrates upon which formalization rests cannot be “individuals” in Husserl’s sense. The consequence of the essentiality of the letter symbols to formalization (...)
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  6. What is a Compendium? Parataxis, Hypotaxis, and the Question of the Book.Maxwell Stephen Kennel - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):44-49.
    Writing, the exigency of writing: no longer the writing that has always (through a necessity in no way avoidable) been in the service of the speech or thought that is called idealist (that is to say, moralizing), but rather the writing that through its own slowly liberated force (the aleatory force of absence) seems to devote itself solely to itself as something that remains without identity, and little by little brings forth possibilities that are entirely other: an anonymous, distracted, deferred, (...)
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    The sundered totality: Adorno's freudo-marxism.Deborah Cook - 1995 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 25 (2):191–215.
  8.  17
    Attempts at a Marxist Critique of Cancellation.SuddhaSatwa GuhaRoy - 2024 - Moral Philosophy and Politics.
    This paper advances a Marxist critique of the politics of cancellation and raises concerns about the possible development of a cancel culture. Rather than delving into debates on freedom of speech, crucial though they are, this paper focuses on the pragmatics of the political tool – its goals, mechanisms, effects, and the underlying reasoning. From a Marxist perspective, it is essential to analyse cancellation and cancel culture holistically, considering their rationale, the mechanism, the objectives, and the impacts, along with (...)
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    Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.Theodor W. Adorno - 2001 - Polity..
    "This volume . . . provides wonderful insight into Adorno's understanding of Kant and also allows us to see more clearly the role Kant's thought played in ...
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  10. Kants Critique of pure reason, 1959.Theodor W. Adorno - 2001 - Cambridge: Polity. Edited by Rolf Tiedemann.
  11.  60
    Sublimated or castrated psychoanalysis? Adorno’s critique of the revisionist psychoanalysis: An introduction to ‘The Revisionist Psychoanalysis’.Nan-Nan Lee - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (3):309-338.
    In ‘The Revisionist Psychoanalysis’, Adorno criticizes the neo-Freudian psychoanalysis for losing the critical edge of Freud’s theory with regard to social critique. Neo-Freudians whom Adorno calls ‘revisionists’ criticize Freud for his ‘mechanical’ views of the human psyche and for his over-emphasis on sexual libido. They reverse Freud’s dictum – ‘where id was, there ego shall be’ – by stressing the importance of development of the ego, and thus that of its adaptive functions. For revisionists, the aim of psychoanalytic practice (...)
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  12.  8
    In the hotel abyss: an Hegelian-Marxist critique of Adorno.Robert Lanning - 2013 - Boston: Brill.
    This book is an analysis of a selection of Adorno s work distinguishing his dialectics from Hegel, Marx and other members of the Frankfurt School (Benjamin, Kracauer, Marcuse) in the analysis of jazz, popular music, radio and pre-war pro-fascist propaganda.".
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  13. The Critique of Social Reason in the Popper-Adorno Debate.Iaan Reynolds - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (3-4):260-282.
    This paper examines the differences and affinities between Karl Popper’s critical rationalism and Theodor Adorno’s critical theory through renewed attention to the original documents of their 1961 debate. While commentaries often describe the Popper-Adorno encounter as a theoretical disappointment, I reveal a confrontation between conceptually opposed programs of social research. Though both theorists are committed to critique as a political and epistemological struggle for human freedom, their conceptions of this struggle are starkly different. In the original seminar papers, we (...)
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  14.  12
    Attempts at a Marxist Critique of Cancellation.SuddhaSatwa GuhaRoy - 2024 - Moral Philosophy and Politics (Online):Online.
    This paper advances a Marxist critique of the politics of cancellation and raises concerns about the possible development of a cancel culture. Rather than delving into debates on freedom of speech, crucial though they are, this paper focuses on the pragmatics of the political tool – its goals, mechanisms, effects, and the underlying reasoning. From a Marxist perspective, it is essential to analyse cancellation and cancel culture holistically, considering their rationale, the mechanism, the objectives, and the impacts, along with (...)
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  15.  44
    Minimal theologies: critiques of secular reason in Adorno and Levinas.Hent de Vries - 2005 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    What, at this historical moment "after Auschwitz," still remains of the questions traditionally asked by theology? What now is theology's minimal degree? This magisterial study, the first extended comparison of the writings of Theodor W. Adorno and Emmanuel Levinas, explores remnants and echoes of religious forms in these thinkers' critiques of secular reason, finding in the work of both a "theology in pianissimo" constituted by the trace of a transcendent other. The author analyzes, systematizes, and formalizes this idea of (...)
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  16.  25
    Adorno: a guide for the perplexed.Alex Thomson - 2006 - New York: Continuum.
    Against authenticity -- Weimar Years -- In America -- Adorno's cultural criticism -- Return -- Aftermath -- Art and culture -- Adorno and popular music -- The aesthetics of music -- Modernism or avant-garde? -- History and truth-content -- The culture industry -- Aesthetic theory and ideology-critique -- Freedom and society -- Wrong life : Adorno's minima moralia -- Adorno and Kant -- Freedom and society -- Dialectic of enlightenment -- The morality of thinking -- Living with guilt -- (...)
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  17. A Critique of Existential Marxism.Abdelkader Aoudjit - 1987 - Dissertation, Georgetown University
    My project is to identify the objective and nature of Sartre's Critique of Dialectical Reason, reconstruct its basic argument into a coherent whole and criticize it. ;I will argue that Sartre's objective in the Critique is to criticize Marxism as a theory through which history is both made and thought. Marxism, in Sartre's view suffers from an anthropological and epistemological as well as a practical deficiency. Anthropologically, it reduces man to a mere result of an external conditioning. (...)
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  18.  69
    Revolution in Psychology: Alienation to Emancipation
    The Lacanian Left: Psychoanalysis, Theory, and Politics.
    Benjamin Noys - 2009 - Historical Materialism 17 (1):183-190.
    This review essay analyses the proposed synthesis of Lacanian psychoanalysis and Marxism, which often presents itself as a critique of the kind of utopianism associated with 'Freudo-Marxism'. In Yannis Stavrakakis's The Lacanian Left this anti-utopianism slides towards a left reformism, in which the emphasis on constitutive lack prevents any thinking of transformation. Ian Parker's Revolution in Psychology presents a bracing but reductive polemic, in which psychology and psychoanalysis seem to function as mere reflections of capitalist ideology. What goes (...)
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  19.  12
    Psychoanalysis and sociology: From freudo-Marxism to Freudo-feminism.John O'Neill - 2001 - In Barry Smart & George Ritzer (eds.), Handbook of social theory. Thousands Oaks, Calif.: SAGE. pp. 112--124.
  20.  80
    States of Shock: Stupidity and Knowledge in the 21st Century.Bernard Stiegler - 2015 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    In 1944 Horkheimer and Adorno warned that industrial society turns reason into rationalization, and Polanyi warned of the dangers of the self-regulating market, but today, argues Stiegler, this regression of reason has led to societies dominated by unreason, stupidity and madness. However, philosophy in the second half of the twentieth century abandoned the critique of political economy, and poststructuralism left its heirs helpless and disarmed in face of the reign of stupidity and an economic crisis of global (...)
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  21.  5
    ‘It does not compare to the bright dialectical materialism propounded by Marx, Engels, and Lenin’: Revolutionary refractions and Marxist critique of Freudianism in pre-revolutionary Iran.Mir Mohammad Khademnabi - forthcoming - History of the Human Sciences.
    The critical stance adopted by Iran's prominent communist party, the Tudeh Party, toward psychoanalysis is illustrated through a polemical essay preceding the translation of A Primer of Freudian Psychology. Echoing the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union, who vehemently criticized psychoanalysis as a ‘bourgeois science’, Hushang Tizabi, a translator affiliated with the Tudeh Party, delves into the shortcomings of Freudian thought in the preface to his rendition, contrasting it with the ‘bright dialectical materialism’ inherent in Marxian ideology. This article represents an (...)
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  22.  13
    Critique of psychoanalytic reason: studies in Lacanian theory and practice.Dany Nobus - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The highly arcane 'wisdom' produced by the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan is either endlessly regurgitated and recited as holy writ by his numerous acolytes, or radically dismissed as unpalatable nonsense by his equally countless detractors. Contrary to these common, strictly antagonistic yet uniformly uncritical practices, this book offers a meticulous critique of some key theoretical and clinical aspects of Lacan's expansive oeuvre, testing their consistency, examining their implications, and investigating their significance. In nine interrelated chapters, the book highlights both (...)
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  23. Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments.Theodor W. Adorno - 1944 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Gunzelin Schmid Noerr.
    This celebrated work is the keystone of the thought of the Frankfurt School. It is a wide-ranging philosophical and psychological critique of the Western categories of reason and nature, from Homer to Nietzsche.
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    (1 other version)Historical Explanation in ‘The Critique of Dialectical Reason’.Mary Warnock - 1982 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 14:97-108.
    The Critique of Dialectical Reason was first published in France twenty years ago, in 1960. The book, we know from Simone de Beauvoir, was flung together in a hurry, written virtually without correction during the height of the Algerian war, a period, for Sartre, of stress and anxious stock-taking of his position as a Marxist and a long-term non-joiner of the Communist Party. The whole sense in which, in 1960, Sartre was a Marxist, the question of precisely how (...)
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    A Latin American critique of instrumental reason.Ricardo P. Regatieri & Lucas Trindade - forthcoming - Thesis Eleven.
    Taking part in the broad contemporary effort of proposing an anticolonial and non-Eurocentric critical theory, this article sets out the dialogue between Aníbal Quijano's critique of coloniality, and Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer's critique of instrumental reason. Firstly, we reconstruct the critique of instrumental reason, highlighting how it is enriched when associated with the binary objective reason and subjective reason as well as aspects of negative dialectics. Secondly, we revisit Quijano's texts immediately preceding (...)
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  26.  9
    The Fiction of Postmodernity.Stephen Baker - 2000
    The Fiction of Postmodernity is a significant and accessible new study of the relation of postmodern fiction to theories of the postmodern. Contemporary works of fiction by novelists such as Don DeLillo, Toni Morrison, Salman Rushdie, Thomas Pynchon and Martin Amis are viewed in relation to critiques of the 'culture industry', analyses of the 'postmodern condition' and theories of simulacra. The work of influential theorists of the postmodern - such as Theodor Adorno, Jean-François Lyotard, Fredric Jameson and Jean Baudrillard - (...)
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  27.  72
    Ulysses' reason, nobody's fault: Reason, subjectivity and the critique of enlightenment.Marianna Papastephanou - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (6):47-59.
    Drawing on notions of alienation, reification and rationalization in their book Dialectic of Enlightenment, Adorno and Horkheimer explored the phenomenon of reason as such concerning the subject and the species, and diagnosed the pathologies of occidental societies. Reason provides the means for a vulnerable being to subordinate nature and serve its desire for self-preservation. However, this reason is instrumental since it objectifies the world and reifies other beings in order to render them manipulable. It is a subjective (...)
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  28. Minimal Theologies: Critiques of Secular Reason in Adorno and Levinas. [REVIEW]Espen Hammer - 2005 - Radical Philosophy 134.
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    Left-Wing Melancholia: Marxism, History, and Memory.Enzo Traverso - 2016 - Columbia University Press.
    The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the end of the Cold War but also the rise of a melancholic vision of history as a series of losses. For the political left, the cause lost was communism, and this trauma determined how leftists wrote the next chapter in their political struggle and how they have thought about their past since. Throughout the twentieth century, argues Left-Wing Melancholia, from classical Marxism to psychoanalysis to the advent of critical theory, a culture of (...)
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  30.  84
    The Theory of Communicative Action: Reason and the Rationalization of Society.Jürgen Habermas - 1991 - Polity.
    Here, for the first time in English, is volume one of Jurgen Habermas's long-awaited magnum opus: The Theory of Communicative Action. This pathbreaking work is guided by three interrelated concerns: to develop a concept of communicative rationality that is no longer tied to the subjective and individualistic premises of modern social and political theory; to construct a two-level concept of society that integrates the 'lifeworld' and 'system' paradigms; and to sketch out a critical theory of modernity that explains its sociopathologies (...)
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  31.  91
    Incredulity towards Lyotard: a critique of a postmodernist account of science and knowledg.Robert Nola & Gürol Irzik - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 34 (2):391-421.
    Philosophers of science have paid little attention, positive or negative, to Lyotard’s book The postmodern condition, even though it has been popular in other fields. We set out some of the reasons for this neglect. Lyotard thought that sciences could be justified by non-scientific narratives. We show why this is unacceptable, and why many of Lyotard’s characterisations of science are either implausible or are narrowly positivist. One of Lyotard’s themes is that the nature of knowledge has changed and thereby so (...)
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  32.  78
    On Marxism’s Field of Operation: Badiou and the Critique of Political Economy.Gavin Walker - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (2):39-74.
    Alain Badiou’s theoretical work maintains an ambiguous relation to Marx’s critique of political economy. In seemingly refusing the Marxian analytical strategy of displacement and referral across the fields of politics and economy, Badiou is frequently seen to be lacking a rigorous theoretical grasp of capitalism itself. In turn, this is often seen as a consequence of his understanding of political subjectivity. But the origins of this ‘lack’ of analysis of the social relation called ‘capital’ in his work can also (...)
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  33. How Not to Be at Home in One’s Home: Adorno’s Critique of Architectural Reason.Matt Waggoner - 2019 - Architecture Philosophy 4 (1).
    Adorno wrote prolifically about modernism in culture and the arts, but little has been written about whether or in what form he might have addressed architectural concerns. The project of exploring this potentially fruitful intersection has been helped in the last couple of decades by authors from philosophy and critical theory contrasting his ideas about dwelling with Heidegger’s and by architectural theorists considering the import of his aesthetic theory.1 If these fall shy of the more immediate connections to architecture that (...)
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    A commentary on Jean-Paul Sartre's Critique of dialectical reason, volume 1, Theory of practical ensembles.Joseph S. Catalano - 1986 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason ranks with Being and Nothingness as a work of major philosophical significance, but it has been largely neglected. The first volume, published in 1960, was dismissed as a Marxist work at a time when structuralism was coming into vogue; the incomplete second volume has only recently been published in France. In this commentary on the first volume, Joseph S. Catalano restores the Critique to its deserved place among Sartre’s works and within philosophical (...)
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  35.  16
    Image and Parable: Readings of Walter Benjamin.Christopher Norris - 1983 - Philosophy and Literature 7 (1):15-31.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Christopher Norris IMAGE AND PARABLE: READINGS OF WALTER BENJAMIN Marxist literary criticism is a house with many mansions, most of diem claiming a privileged access to the great central chamber of history and truth. Only the most blinkered polemicist could nowadays attack "Marxist criticism" as if it presented a uniform front or even a clearly delineated target. Differences of oudook have developed to a point where debates within Marxism (...)
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  36.  11
    Problems of Moral Philosophy.Thomas Schroder & Rodney Livingstone (eds.) - 2001 - Stanford University Press.
    Theodor W. Adorno, one of the leading social thinkers of the twentieth century, long concerned himself with the problems of moral philosophy, or "whether the good life is a genuine possibility in the present." This book consists of a course of seventeen lectures given in May-July 1963. Captured by tape recorder, these lectures present a somewhat different, and more accessible, Adorno from the one who composed the faultlessly articulated and almost forbiddingly perfect prose of the works published in his lifetime. (...)
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    Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’.Rolf Tiedemann & Rodney Livingstone (eds.) - 2001 - Stanford University Press.
    Kant is a pivotal thinker in Adorno's intellectual world. Although he wrote monographs on Hegel, Husserl, and Kierkegaard, the closest Adorno came to an extended discussion of Kant are two lecture courses, one concentrating on the _Critique of Pure Reason_ and the other on the _Critique of Practical Reason_. This new volume by Adorno comprises his lectures on the former. Adorno attempts to make Kant's thought comprehensible to students by focusing on what he regards as problematic aspects of Kant's philosophy. (...)
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  38.  17
    Limits of Critical Theory, Critique and Emancipation in Habermas’ Critique of Horkheimer and Adorno.Fasil Merawi - 2018 - Open Journal for Studies in Philosophy 2 (2):53-64.
    Habermas’ critical theory is partly an attempt to identify the limitations of critique and emancipation as espoused in the first generation critical theory of Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno. In their attempt to develop an interdisciplinary, reflexive, emancipatory and dialectical reason that is critical towards accepted realities, Horkheimer and Adorno in their monumental work The Dialectic of Enlightenment pictured a world trapped in instrumental rationality. Taking and revolutionizing traditional critical theory, Habermas argues that reason entails both emancipator (...)
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  39. Hent De Vries, Minimal Theologies: Critiques of Secular Reason in Adorno and Levinas Reviewed by.Jeffrey Dudiak - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (1):21-23.
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    A Marxist Ontology?: On Sartre's 'Critique of Dialectical Reason'.Dick Howard - 1973 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 1 (1):251-283.
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    Reseña de"Hent de Vries, Minimal Theologies. Critiques of Secular Reason in Adorno & Levinas, Baltimore" de Hent de Vries.Oliver Kozlarek - 2007 - Signos Filosóficos 60 (17):197-200.
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    Critique of cosmopolitan reason: timing and spacing the concept of world citizenship.Rebecka Lettevall, Kristian Petrov & Tamara Carauș (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This book's critical approach addresses the anachronism, essentialism and ethnocentrism that underlie contemporary theoretical and methodological uses of the term «cosmopolitanism». It explores the concept of cosmopolitan reason from the viewpoints of comparative literature, psychoanalysis, phenomenology, postcolonialism and moral philosophy.
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    The Return of Stolen Praxis: Counter-Finality in Sartre's Critique of Dialectical Reason.Christopher Turner - 2014 - Sartre Studies International 20 (1):36-44.
    What is counter-finality? Who, or what, is the agent of counter-finality? In the Critique of Dialectical Reason , Sartre employs a complicated and multivalent notion of counter-finality, the reversal of the finality intended by an agent in different contexts and at different levels of complexity. Sartre's concept of counter-finality is read here as an attempt to rethink and broaden the traditional Marxist notion of commodity fetishism as a tragic dialectic of human history whose final act has yet to (...)
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    On the Intelligibility of our Present History: The Contemporary Relevance of the Critique of Dialectical Reason and some other Sartrian Texts.Peter Caws - 2015 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 17 (2):5-18.
    Jean-Paul Sartre is the writer who gave the most trenchant formulation of existentialism and tried to do the same for a version of Marxism, and as a philosopher of history who got it wrong about history and then, in his last "philosophical manifesto" - volume III of the Idiot - got it brilliantly right. But Sartre did not write the second volume of the Critique. Or, more exactly, he wrote it but he did not publish it. The Critique, (...)
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  45. Introduction to Critical Theory: Horkheimer to Habermas.David Held - 1980 - Polity.
    The writings of the Frankfurt school, in particular of Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, and Jurgen Habermas, caught the imagination of the radical movements of the 1960s and 1970s and became a key element in the Marxism of the New Left. Partly due to their rise to prominence during the political turmoil of the 1960s, the work of these critical theorists has been the subject of continuing controversy in both political and academic circles. However, their ideas are frequently misunderstood. In this major (...)
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    An English Version of Sartre's Main Philosophical Work: Critique of Dialectical Reason.Wilfrid Desan - 1980 - Philosophy Today 24 (3):262-271.
    The purpose of this article is to bring to the fore the theme of sartre's "critique of dialectical reason", at present available in a very good english translation. according to sartre, marxism in its materialist and positivist interpretation, as understood by moscow, needs the correction as proposed by existentialism. what matters for sartre is to show that at the center of all sociological structures, stands the "totalizing" power of the free individual self. all in all a very impressive (...)
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  47. The End Times of Philosophy.François Laruelle - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):160-166.
    Translated by Drew S. Burk and Anthony Paul Smith. Excerpted from Struggle and Utopia at the End Times of Philosophy , (Minneapolis: Univocal Publishing, 2012). THE END TIMES OF PHILOSOPHY The phrase “end times of philosophy” is not a new version of the “end of philosophy” or the “end of history,” themes which have become quite vulgar and nourish all hopes of revenge and powerlessness. Moreover, philosophy itself does not stop proclaiming its own death, admitting itself to be half dead (...)
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  48. Theodor W. Adorno, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason[REVIEW]Thorn Brooks - 2003 - Philosophy in Review 23 (3):160-163.
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    Neuropsychoanalysis and Neuroaesthetics: Between the Approximation of Knowledge and the Critique of Biological Reason.Oliveira De Gr - 2023 - Philosophy International Journal 6 (2):1-5.
    Movements, in the last fifty years, have been bringing knowledge closer to the new knowledge coming from the neurosciences. In this brief essay, we intend to analyze neuropsychoanalysis and neuroaesthetics, as promising areas in these terms. Such an analysis will be based on critical theory, conceptualized mainly by Adorno and Horkheimer, especially considering that “On the path to modern science, men renounced meaning and replaced the concept with the formula, the cause with the rule and probability”. Therefore, in relation to (...)
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    On Márkus’ new Marxist philosophy of language.Shuai Shao - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 178 (1):17-31.
    This article elucidates Márkus’ new Marxist philosophy of language based on his critique of the paradigm of language represented by Popper, Wittgenstein, Lévi-Strauss, and Gadamer. His critique suggests that instrumental rationality, pure reason, alienated reason, and objective and idealistic rationality of the paradigm of language are elements that should be overcome. From his critical perspective, value rationality, practical reason, personal reason, and historical materialism are advocated instead. He not only critically develops the philosophy of (...)
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