Results for ' problem of euthanasia'

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  1.  15
    The Problem of Legalization of Euthanasia - Against ‘Being Alive by Default’ -. 강현정 - 2022 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 110:1-18.
    이 논문의 목적은 안락사에 관한 최근의 철학적 논증을 검토하는 것이다. 특히, 현대 미국 철학에서 영향력 있는 철학자 중의 하나인 J. David Velleman의 논문에 대한 반론을 시도한다. Velleman은 자신의 논문에서 사회가 개인에게 주는 죽음에 대한 선택의 권리부여는 그 자체로 하나의 선물로 여겨지는 반면, 선물이 그것의 수용자에게 항상 긍정적인 의미만을 갖지는 않음을 현상학적 논증을 통해 주장한다. 이러한 논증은 안락사의 공리주의적 측면을 새로운 시각에서 바라볼 수 있는 통찰력을 제공한다는 점에서 설득력 있게 여겨진다. 이 글은 그러한 논증이 갖는 타당성을 자율성 개념과 문화적 다양성 차원에서 (...)
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  2. Right to die or duty to live? The problem of euthanasia.William Gray - 1999 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 16 (1):19–32.
    Argument about euthanasia in Australia intensified following the world's first legal euthanasia death of Bob Dent under the Northern Territory's short-lived Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995. This paper takes stock of the implacably opposed positions on euthanasia following Bob Dent's death, which provides a focus for the controversy, and identifies the key doctrines which separate adversaries in the euthanasia debate and their associated incommensurable intuitions.
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    Legitimation of Euthanasia Decisions: A Philosophical Assessment of the Assisted Life Termination.N. M. Boichenko & N. A. Fialko - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 24:18-26.
    _The purpose _of this article is to find out whether philosophical and anthropological studies of human nature affect the legitimization of decisions about human life and death, using the example of a philosophical analysis of the problem of euthanasia. _Theoretical__ basis._ Philosophically and anthropologically based situational analysis in bioethics is chosen as the research methodology, which reveals the legitimation of euthanasia as a complex and highly responsible moral decision, which should be based on both the consideration of (...)
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    The impact of euthanasia on the moral identity of primary care physicians. A narrative argument from the Jewish-Christian tradition.Luc Anckaert - unknown
    The point of departure is the empirical research by Marwijk, Haverkate, Van Royen and The. Starting from qualitative interviews, the act of euthanasia seems to be for the physician problematic and even traumatic, also in countries where euthanasia is a legal option. This emotional contrast-experience is an important locus for the ethical reflection. I will discuss one topic of the conclusion of the research: what is the place, meaning and limit of the moral integrity of the practitioner? In (...)
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    Acceptance of euthanasia by students of selected study disciplines at universities in Lublin, Poland.Stanisław Lachowski, Bogusława Lachowska & Magdalena Florek-Łuszczki - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-11.
    Background In the context of discussions between supporters and opponents of euthanasia, and legal regulations regarding this type of practices, the attitude of young people with respect to this phenomenon is a very interesting issue. According to Polish law, euthanasia is prohibited. The aim of this study was to determine the degree of acceptance of euthanasia among students from Polish universities across three different fields of study: psychology, medicine, and economic-technical disciplines, and to identify the factors associated (...)
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    Active Voluntary Euthanasia and the Problem of Intending Death.David K. Chan - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Research 30 (9999):379-389.
    In this paper, I discuss an example from Buchanan of active voluntary euthanasia (AVE). I first refute objections to the intuitive permissibility of the killing described in the example. After explaining why the killing is intentional, I evaluate Buchanan's solution to the ‘problem of intending death’. According to Buchanan, what justifies a physician in intentionally bringing about a patient's death by AVE is a principle that embodies the values of patient self-determination and well-being. I argue that these two (...)
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  7. Moral Permissibility of Euthanasia: A Case Discussion from Bangladesh.Azam Golam - 2007 - The Dhaka University Studies 63 (2):157-169.
    Euthanasia or mercy killing is, now a day, a major problem widely discussed in medical field. Medical professionals are facing dilemma to take decision regarding their incompetent patient while tend to do euthanasia. The dilemma is by nature moral i.e. whether it is morally permissible or not. In some countries of Europe and in some provinces of USA euthanasia is legally permitted fulfilling some conditions. It is claimed by Rachels that in our practical medical practice we (...)
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  8. Theory-laden model of ethical applications and ethics of euthanasia.Shami Ulla Qurieshi - 2022 - History and Philosophy of Medicine 4 (26):1-5.
    The primary aim of this paper is to critically evaluate the deductive model of ethical applications, which is based on normative ethical theories like deontology and consequentialism, and to show why a number of models have failed to furnish appropriate resolutions to practical moral problems. Here, for the deductive model, I want to call it a “Linear Mechanical Model” because the basic assumption of this model is that if a normative theory is sacrosanct, then the case is as it is. (...)
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    Overcoming Conflicting Definitions of “Euthanasia,” and of “Assisted Suicide,” Through a Value-Neutral Taxonomy of “End-Of-Life Practices”.Thomas D. Riisfeldt - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (1):51-70.
    The term “euthanasia” is used in conflicting ways in the bioethical literature, as is the term “assisted suicide,” resulting in definitional confusion, ambiguities, and biases which are counterproductive to ethical and legal discourse. I aim to rectify this problem in two parts. Firstly, I explore a range of conflicting definitions and identify six disputed definitional factors, based on distinctions between (1) killing versus letting die, (2) fully intended versus partially intended versus merely foreseen deaths, (3) voluntary versus nonvoluntary (...)
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    Freedom-costs of canonical individualism: Enforced euthanasia tolerance in belgium and the problem of european liberalism.Corinna Delkeskamp-Hayes - 2006 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31 (4):333 – 362.
    Belgium's policy of not permitting Catholic hospitals to refuse euthanasia services rests on ethical presuppositions concerning the secular justification of political power which reveal the paradoxical character of European liberalism: In endorsing freedom as a value (rather than as a side constraint), liberalism prioritizes first-order intentions, thus discouraging lasting moral commitments and the authority of moral communities in supporting such commitments. The state itself is thus transformed into a moral community of its own. Alternative policies (such as an explicit (...)
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  11. Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide in the Netherlands-results and problems of legalization.Beatrice Ioan & D. Bulgaru Iliescu - 2005 - Romanian Journal of Bioethics 3 (1).
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    Moral Permissibility of Euthanasia- A Bangladesh Context.Nilufa Yasmin - 2024 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 15 (3):25-33.
    Survival is obviously important, but sometimes, under particular circumstances, life can become miserable, difficult, or intolerable; at that point, survival can seem like a punishment or misfortune. A patient who is in a vegetative state, unable to sustain life with dignity, and who is suffering from a terminal illness, has freedom to choose between life and death. The practice of "mercy killing," or euthanasia is an ongoing debate in the discussion of medical ethics. When it comes to making (...) decisions for their incompetent patients, medical practitioners are faced with a problem. The moral dilemma of whether something is morally acceptable or not is moral in nature. The "end of life" issue is related to euthanasia should be legally acceptable under specific circumstances, such as when a patient is terminally sick, death is imminent, and treatment is unsuitable and ineffective. It is morally acceptable when a patient makes the autonomous decision to end his life or asks someone else to help him. In order to make an informed decision, the patient needs to be thoroughly informed about the diagnosis and prognosis of an incurable, deadly condition. However, in the context of a Muslim-majority population, where any argument for the legality of suicide (and, by extension, physician-assisted suicide) would be automatically rejected as contrary to Islamic moral and jurisprudential principles, this is an extraordinary request for the health service authorities of a developing country to consider. This paper discusses mainly non-voluntary active euthanasia. The discussion is conducted by giving a case study from Bangladesh. The situation in Bangladesh will also be examined in the paper's last section with regard to the permissibility of active euthanasia, specifically whether it can be done in our state given the socio-cultural-religious practices that are now in place. (shrink)
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    1. The Euthanasia Debate and the Problem of a Philosophy of Heart: Questions, Context, and Arguments.William F. Sullivan - 2005 - In Eye of the Heart: Knowing the Human Good in the Euthanasia Debate. University of Toronto Press. pp. 3-24.
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  14. (1 other version)The problem of methodology in philosophy.Femi Richard Omotoyinbo - 2012 - Annales Philosophici 5:91-95.
    This paper takes up one of the least apparent problems of Philosophy. It believes that there are problems in philosophy as a discipline; especially in the field of Metaphysics. Problems of Body and Mind, Freewill and Determinism, Euthanasia and Sanctity of life, are such problems which have been given spectacular cognitions and ameliorative opinions. But problems in philosophy are not restrained to these ones. That is why the paper seeks to appraise the ‘Problem of Method’ as it occurs (...)
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    On an alleged problem for voluntary euthanasia.T. McConnell - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (3):218-219.
    sirDr Campbell presents proponents of euthanasia with a dilemma.1 Only voluntary euthanasia is permissible; involuntary euthanasia is always impermissible. The question of allowing euthanasia arises most frequently when patients are terminally ill and experiencing great pain. But in these cases, he argues, if patients request euthanasia, their decision “is not freely chosen but is compelled by the pain”.2 It is easy to exaggerate the problem here; patients may have periods when they are pain-free and (...)
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    Euthanasia: The conceptualization of the problem and important distinctions.Milijana Djeric - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (2):255-263.
    The aim of this work is twofold. On the one hand, the intention is to provide analysis of the issue of euthanasia. On the other hand, this approach necessarily leads to a discussion toward the provision of an adequate definition of euthanasia. Therefore the article, first of all, refers to the multi?layered aspect of the term euthanasia. To avoid ambiguity and other uncer?tainties while providing the definition of euthanasia, the authors carefully perform a conceptual analysis. This (...)
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  17. The problem of abortion in classical sunni fiqh.Marion Holmes Katz - 2003 - In Jonathan E. Brockopp, Islamic ethics of life: abortion, war, and euthanasia. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press.
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  18. (2 other versions)Reason and responsibility: readings in some basic problems of philosophy.Joel Feinberg (ed.) - 1966 - Encino, Calif.: Dickenson Pub. Co..
    Joel Feinberg : In Memoriam. Preface. Part I: INTRODUCTION TO THE NATURE AND VALUE OF PHILOSOPHY. 1. Joel Feinberg: A Logic Lesson. 2. Plato: "Apology." 3. Bertrand Russell: The Value of Philosophy. PART II: REASON AND RELIGIOUS BELIEF. 1. The Existence and Nature of God. 1.1 Anselm of Canterbury: The Ontological Argument, from Proslogion. 1.2 Gaunilo of Marmoutiers: On Behalf of the Fool. 1.3 L. Rowe: The Ontological Argument. 1.4 Saint Thomas Aquinas: The Five Ways, from Summa Theologica. 1.5 Samuel (...)
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    Problem eutanazji w ujęciu Roberta Spaemanna.Józef Kożuchowski - 2019 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 14 (2):61-73.
    The problem of euthanasia as seen by Robert SpaemannThe main aim of the article is to present some aspects of euthanasia in the perspective of Robert Spaemann—one of the most significant contemporary German thinkers. First of all, the paradox of the right to euthanasia derived from one’s own decision is pointed out. It is illustrated by the practice of legalising these acts in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. On the one hand, such acts are to be (...)
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  20. A problem for the idea of voluntary euthanasia.N. Campbell - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (3):242-244.
    I question whether, in those cases where physician-assisted suicide is invoked to alleviate unbearable pain and suffering, there can be such a thing as voluntary euthanasia. The problem is that when a patient asks to die under such conditions there is good reason to think that the decision to die is compelled by the pain, and hence not freely chosen. Since the choice to die was not made freely it is inadvisable for physicians to act in accordance with (...)
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  21. QALYs, euthanasia and the puzzle of death.Stephen Barrie - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (8):635-638.
    This paper considers the problems that arise when death, which is a philosophically difficult concept, is incorporated into healthcare metrics, such as the quality-adjusted life year (QALY). These problems relate closely to the debate over euthanasia and assisted suicide because negative QALY scores can be taken to mean that patients would be ‘better off dead’. There is confusion in the literature about the meaning of 0 QALY, which is supposed to act as an ‘anchor’ for the surveyed preferences on (...)
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  22.  24
    Radical Ambivalence for Being True to Oneself - A Defense against Logi Gunnarsson’s Radical Solution to the ‘Problem’ of Ambivalence -. 강현정 - 2023 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 105:1-28.
    이 글은 양가가치에 관한 한 입장을 검토하고 그러한 입장이 지적하고 있는 문제점을 해소하고자 한다. 학자들 대다수는 소위 이상적인 인간이기 위해 양가적이기보다는 자기 통합적이어야 한다는 입장을 취하는데, 군나르손(Logi Gunnarsson)은 이 입장을 전면 거 부한다. 군나르손은 사람이 때로는 양가적일 수 있으며 심지어는 극단적인 양가가치가 자 기진실성을 위한 유일한 방식이라고 주장한다. 이 주장은 브래스코라는 가명으로 활동한 실제 FBI 요원 피스톤의 삶이 극단적으로 양가적이라는 데에 근거한다. 군나르손에 따르 면, 그는 잠입 요원과 범죄자의 삶 양자를 자기 것으로 받아들일 뿐만 아니라 양가적인 상 태를 자기 것으로 (...)
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  23. Nurses' attitudes to euthanasia: the influence of empirical studies and methodological concerns on nursing practice.Janet Holt - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (4):257-272.
    This paper introduces the controversy surrounding active voluntary euthanasia and describes the legal position on euthanasia and assisted suicide in the UK. Findings from studies of the nurses' attitudes to euthanasia from the national and international literature are reviewed. There are acknowledged difficulties in carrying out research into attitudes to euthanasia and hence the review of findings from the published studies is followed by a methodological review. This methodological review examines the research design and data collection (...)
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  24. Euthanasia in Video Games – Exemplifying the Importance of Moral Experience in Digital Gameworlds.Luka Perušić - 2022 - Pannoniana 6 (1):53-98.
    The paper classifies euthanasia and discusses its typological presence in storytelling video games. It aims to illustrate the importance of experiencing simulated moral challenges in the context of gameworlds as a significantly influential, exponentially growing form of interactive media. In contrast to older works of art and media, such as film and literature, the difference should be emphasized in light of the player’s ability to make choices in video games. Although the influence of gameworld content depends on the player, (...)
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    Institutional Aspects of the Ethical Debate on Euthanasia. A Communicational Perspective.Mihaela Frunza & Sandu Frunza - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (34):19-36.
    Although euthanasia is seen as the problem of the individual will and as one’s right to privacy, to a better quality of life or to a dignified death, it has major institutional implications. They are closely related to the juridical system, to the way of understanding state involvement in protecting the individuals and respecting their freedoms, to the institutional system of health care, to the government rules that establish social, political or professional practices. The public debate around the (...)
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  26. Revisiting the Problem of Jewish Bioethics: The Case of Terminal Care.Y. Michael Barilan - 2003 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 13 (2):141-168.
    : This paper examines the main Jewish sources relevant to end-of-life ethics, two Talmudic stories, the early modern code of law (Shulhan Aruch), and contemporary Halakhaic (religious law) responsa. Some Orthodox rabbis object to the use of artificial life support that prolongs the life of a dying patient and permit its active discontinuation when the patient is suffering. Other rabbis believe that every medical measure must be taken in order to prolong life. The context of the discussion is the recent (...)
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  27. Active and passive euthanasia – The rehabilitation of an often criticized descriptive difference.Bernward Gesang - 2001 - Ethik in der Medizin 13 (3):161-175.
    Definition of the problem: In order to discuss the normative aspects of euthanasia one has to clarify what is meant by active and passive euthanasia. Arguments and conclusion: Many theoreticians deny the possibility of distinguishing between the two by purely descriptive means, e.g. on the basis of theories of action or the differences between acting and omitting. On the contrary, such a purely descriptive distinction will be defended in this paper by summarizing and refining the theory of (...)
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  28. Psychiatric Euthanasia and the Ontology of Mental Disorder.Hane Htut Maung - 2020 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (1):136-154.
    In the Netherlands and Belgium, it is lawful for voluntary euthanasia to be offered on the grounds of psychiatric suffering. A recent case that has sparked much debate is that of Aurelia Brouwers, who was helped to die in the Netherlands on account of her suffering from borderline personality disorder. It is sometimes claimed that whether or not a mentally ill person’s wish to die is valid hinges on whether or not that wish is a symptom of the person’s (...)
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  29. The notion of “killing”. Causality, intention, and motivation in active and passive euthanasia.Thomas Fuchs - 1998 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (3):245-253.
    As a new approach to the still unsettled problem of a morally significant difference between active and passive euthanasia, the meanings of the notion of killing are distinguished on the levels of causality, intention, and motivation. This distinction allows a thorough analysis and refutation of arguments for the equality of killing and letting die which are often put forward in the euthanasia debate. Moreover, an investigation into the structure of the physician's action on those three levels yields (...)
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    Euthanasia and palliative care in pulmonology.Е.В Яковлева & Е.А Бородулина - 2022 - Bioethics 15 (1):58-62.
    Currently, euthanasia is officially allowed only in a number of countries, in most countries, as well as in the Russian Federation, it is prohibited by law. However, in clinical practice, there are a large number of incurable patients who experience intractable pain, so the problem of euthanasia is relevant. Aim: to analyze the current state of the problem of euthanasia and palliative care in pulmonology. Material and methods: review of domestic and foreign literature on the (...)
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  31. Active euthanasia: on some inconsistencies in the current debate on euthanasia.Hans Günther Ruß - 2002 - Ethik in der Medizin 14 (1):11-19.
    Definition of the problem: Concerning the debate on euthanasia, a widely held position is that it should be accepted in its so-called passive and indirect form, while so-called active euthanasia should be rejected. The problem, now, is that at least some of the usual arguments to defend this view are invalid. Arguments: Three kinds of failures are examinded: First, if taken seriously, some of the arguments against active euthanasia undermine the accepted passive and indirect forms, (...)
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  32.  53
    Euthanasia: Current Problems in Japan.Kazumasa Hoshino - 1993 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2 (1):45.
    Approximately 30 years ago, a son prepared a cup of milk mixed with insecticide and arranged for his mother to unknowingly administer the poison to his father, who had been suffering severe pain after a cerebral apoplectic attack and demanding that his son assist him. in dying. After drinking the mixture, the father died, and the son was charged with homicide.
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    Human action and God's will: A problem of consistency in jewish bioethics.Noam J. Zohar - 1995 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 20 (4):387-402.
    The religious legitimacy of medical practice was an issue of serious contention amongst medieval Jewish scholars. For Nahmanides, altering the patient's fate through manipulation of natural causality amounts to circumventing divine judgment. For Maimonides, however, human accomplishment is part of God's providential design; this view generally prevails in contemporary Jewish bioethics. But the doctrine of deligitimizing human intervention continues, even while unacknowledged, to underlie certain contemporary positions. These include arguments within Jewish bioethics about end-of-life decisions, which are therefore imbued with (...)
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    Dutch Euthanasia: Background, Practice, and Present Justifications.G. K. Kimsma & E. Van Leeuwen - 1993 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2 (1):19.
    Dutch developments on euthanasia have drawn much attention over the years. Defenders and opponents have been telling very different stories about the practice of euthanasia and the frequency of cases, and the Dutch government has been struggling with the legal and moral problems involved. Concern about the procedures followed by physicians as well as questions on the “real” figures led the government to decide to organize an epidemiological study on the extent and the decision making. The results of (...)
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    Euthanasia and the Newborn: Conflicts Regarding Saving Lives.Richard C. McMillan, H. Tristram Engelhardt & Stuart F. Spicker - 1987 - Springer.
    The essays in this volume, with the exception of Gary Ferngren's, derive from ancestral versions originally presented at a symposium, 'Conflicts with Newborns: Saving Lives, Scarce Resources, and Euthanasia: held May 10-12,1984, at the Mercer University School of Medicine, Macon, Georgia. We wish to express our gratitude to the Georgia Endowment for the Humanities for a generous grant for the symposium and to Mercer University and the Medical Center of Central Georgia for additional financial support. The vit:ws expressed in (...)
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  36. Pantagruelism: A Rabelaisian inspiration for Understanding Poisoning, Euthanasia and Abortion in The Hippocratic Oath and in Contemporary Clinical Practice.Y. Michael Barilan & Moshe Weintraub - 2001 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 22 (3):269-286.
    Contrary to the common view, this paper suggests that the Hippocratic oath does not directly refer to the controversial subjects of euthanasia and abortion. We interpret the oath in the context of establishing trust in medicine through departure from Pantagruelism. Pantagruelism is coined after Rabelais' classic novel Gargantua and Pantagruel. His satire about a wonder herb, Pantagruelion, is actually a sophisticated model of anti-medicine in which absence of independent moral values and of properly conducted research fashion a flagrant over-medicalization (...)
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  37. Execution by Lethal Injection, Euthanasia, Organ‐Donation and the Proper Goals of Medicine.Jukka Varelius - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (3):140-149.
    ABSTRACT In a recent issue of this journal, David Silver and Gerald Dworkin discuss the physicians' role in execution by lethal injection. Dworkin concludes that discussion by stating that, at that point, he is unable to think of an acceptable set of moral principles to support the view that it is illegitimate for physicians to participate in execution by lethal injection that would not rule out certain other plausible moral judgements, namely that euthanasia is under certain conditions legitimate and (...)
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    Ethical aspects of Battlefield Euthanasia.Daniel Messelken - 2014 - In Messelken Daniel & Baer Hans U., Proceedings of the 3rd ICMM Workshop on Military Medical Ethics. BBO. pp. 36-53.
    Battlefield euthanasia, the purposeful killing of wounded soldiers (or even civi- lians) in order to hasten their foreseeable death, has been an issue in military medicine and in soldiers’ moral codes at all times. During conflicts since anti- quity, there have been severely wounded who would not die immediately but whose fate seemed clear, nevertheless. But can it ever be morally justified to kill those wounded out of mercy in order to end their suffering? Can death ever be the (...)
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  39. Problems in Pleasants' Wittgensteinian Idea of Basic Moral Certainties.Jordi Fairhurst - 2019 - Ethical Perspectives 26 (2):271-298.
    Pleasants argues in favour of the idea of basic moral certainties. Analogous to Wittgenstein’s basic empirical certainties, basic moral certainties are universal certainties that cannot be justified, asserted or meaningfully doubted. They are a fundamental condition of morality as such, thus allowing us to carry out other moral operations. Brice and Rummens have criticized Pleasants’ proposal, arguing that basic moral certainties are significantly disanalogous to Wittgenstein’s basic empirical certainties. Brice argues that Pleasants does not differentiate between a bottom-up and a (...)
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    Euthanasia and the doctors--a rejection of the BMA's report.P. Nowell-Smith - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (3):124-128.
    The working party on euthanasia set up by the British Medical Association produced its report in 1988 (1). The first of its terms of reference was 'to examine the ethical problems relating to euthanasia, terminal illness, and suicide' and as far as active voluntary euthanasia (AVE) is concerned it failed conspicuously to do its job. The purpose of this article is not to restate the case for AVE but to examine the reason for the failure. (Figures in (...)
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    Navigating the moral maze: a teaching guide to the problems of life, death, freedom and justice.David Birch - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Navigating the Moral Maze is a teaching resource to help students understand and critically engage with the most pressing issues in the world today. From the destruction of Gaza to the climate emergency, from the repeal of Roe v Wade to rising inequality, young people are growing up in a world beset with moral concerns and predicaments. With this book teachers can equip students with the critical skills and conceptual clarity needed to navigate through these issues and reach a clear (...)
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    The Final Act: An Ethical Analysis of Pia Dijkstra’s Euthanasia for a Completed Life.T. J. Holzman - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (1):165-175.
    Amongst other countries, the Netherlands currently allows euthanasia, provided the physician performing the procedure adheres to a strict set of requirements. In 2016, Second Chamber member Pia Dijkstra submitted a law proposal which would also allow euthanasia without the reason necessarily having any medical foundation; euthanasia on the basis of a completed life. The debate on this topic has been ongoing for over two decades, but this law proposal has made the discussion much more immediate and concrete. (...)
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    The cultural context of patient’s autonomy and doctor’s duty: passive euthanasia and advance directives in Germany and Israel. [REVIEW]Silke Schicktanz, Aviad Raz & Carmel Shalev - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (4):363-369.
    The moral discourse surrounding end-of-life (EoL) decisions is highly complex, and a comparison of Germany and Israel can highlight the impact of cultural factors. The comparison shows interesting differences in how patient’s autonomy and doctor’s duties are morally and legally related to each other with respect to the withholding and withdrawing of medical treatment in EoL situations. Taking the statements of two national expert ethics committees on EoL in Israel and Germany (and their legal outcome) as an example of this (...)
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  44. The Ethics of Killing: Problems at the Margins of Life.Jeff McMahan - 2002 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    A comprehensive study of the ethics of killing in cases in which the metaphysical or moral status of the individual killed is uncertain or controversial. Among those beings whose status is questionable or marginal in this way are human embryos and fetuses, newborn infants, animals, anencephalic infants, human beings with severe congenital and cognitive impairments, and human beings who have become severely demented or irreversibly comatose. In an effort to understand the moral status of these beings, this book develops and (...)
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  45. Euthanasia-the right to die well and beautifully?: A theological plea.Joseph Lam - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (2):167.
    Lam, Joseph Peter Fitzsimons is a competent journalist who does not shy away from expressing his personal opinion on controversial social and ethical issues. In a Sydney Morning Herald online comment published on 11 December 2016, he not only praised the courage of the premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, but also appealed to members of the New South Wales parliament to follow Andrews' lead to legalise euthanasia. Anticipating the eventual collapse of his own health in the future, Fitzsimons insisted (...)
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    Organ Transplantation, Euthanasia, Cloning and Animal Experimentation: An Islamic View.Abul Faḍl Moḥsin Ebrāhīm - 2001 - Leicester: Islamic Foundation.
    This book deal with ethico-legal issues. Muslims believe that everything they own has been given to them as an amanah (trust) from Allah. Would it constitute a breach of that trust to consent to enrol oneself as an organ donor? Cloning could rectify the problem of infertile couples, but such technology could also be abused with dire consequences. While euthanasia may apparently alleviate the suffering of the terminally ill, would that not compound their agony in the life hereafter? (...)
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    Euthanasia for the Elderly: Multiple Geriatric Syndromes and Unbearable Suffering According to Dutch Euthanasia Review Committees.Martin Buijsen - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-8.
    The public debate on voluntary termination of life by elderly people, which has been an intensely controversial subject in the Netherlands for some time, has centered around the issue of “completed life” in recent years. In 2016, an ad hoc governmental advisory committee concluded that the already existing Euthanasia Act provided sufficient scope to resolve most of the problems related to the issue. Most of the older adults who feel they no longer have anything to look forward to in (...)
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    A Qualitative Analysis of Ethical Problems Experienced by Physicians and Nurses in Intensive Care Units in Turkey.Nesrin Çobanoğlu & Lale Algıer - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (5):444-458.
    In this qualitative study, we aimed to identify and compare the ethical problems perceived by physicians and nurses in intensive care units at Baskent University hospitals in Turkey. A total of 21 physicians and 22 nurses were asked to describe ethical problems that they frequently encounter in their practice. The data were analyzed using an interactive model. The core problem for both physicians and nurses was end-of-life decisions (first level). In this category, physicians were most frequently concerned with (...) while nurses were more concerned with do-not-resuscitate orders (second level). At the third level, we saw that almost all of the participants’ responses related to negative perceptions about euthanasia. Communication and hierarchical problems were the second most reported main category. Nurses were more likely to cite problems with hierarchy than physicians. At the third level, a large percentage of nurses described communication problems with authority and hierarchical problems with physicians. In the same category, physicians were most often concerned with communication problems with patients’ relatives. The ethical problems were reported at different frequencies by physicians and nurses. We asked the participants about ethical decision-making styles. The results show that nurses and physicians do not follow a systematic pattern of ethical decision making. (shrink)
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    Problem-based ethics: a new approach to the application of moral theory.Samuel Kahn - 2024 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    This book is a scholarly synthesis of the current state-of-play in ethics, with a focus on normative and applied ethics. Kahn asks readers to consider even the most contentious of topics like abortion, capital punishment, and euthanasia, from their most basic questions.
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    Treatment limitation decisions under uncertainty: The value of subsequent euthanasia.Julian Savulescu - 1994 - Bioethics 8 (1):49–73.
    ABSTRACTThis paper examines how decisions to limit treatment to critically ill patients under uncertainty can be made rationally. Expected utility theory offers one way of making rational decisions under uncertainty. One problem with using this approach is that we may not know the value of each option. One rational course open is to treat until further information becomes available. However, treatment can limit the range of options open. With treatment, a patient may recover such that he no longer requires (...)
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