Results for ' primal impression'

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  1. Space—the primal frontier? Spatial cognition and the origins of concepts.Frank C. Keil - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (2):241 – 250.
    The more carefully we look, the more impressive the repertoire of infant concepts seems to be. Across a wide range of tasks, infants seem to be using concepts corresponding to surprisingly high-level and abstract categories and relations. It is tempting to try to explain these abilities in terms of a core capacity in spatial cognition that emerges very early in development and then gets extended beyond reasoning about direct spatial arrays and events. Although such a spatial cognitive capacity may indeed (...)
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    Husserl and the Phenomenology of Temporality.Shaun Gallagher - 2013 - In Adrian Bardon & Heather Dyke, A Companion to the Philosophy of Time. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 135–150.
    This chapter summarizes Husserl's phenomenology of time consciousness and situates it in the larger context of late nineteenth‐ and early twentieth‐century considerations about the psychology of temporal experience. Then, in an attempt to place it in a more contemporary context, it suggests an enactive interpretation of this phenomenology, first by extending Husserl's analysis of consciousness to bodily action, and, second, by considering the rethinking of the notion of primal impression suggested by Husserl himself. The intrinsic temporality, found in (...)
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  3. Suggestions towards a revision of Husserl's phenomenology of time-consciousness.Shaun Gallagher - 1979 - Man and World 12 (4):445-464.
    In this paper I offer four distinct but related suggestions: (1) That Husserl's phenomenology of time-consciousness is an adequate account of the concept of the specious present; (2) That the Querschtfftt o5 momentary phase of consdousness is genuinely only a Querschnittanskht; (3) That retention, primal-impression, and protention are functions of consciousness rather than phases or types o.f coasdousness; (4) That further conceptual clarification and terminological reformulation is needed.
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    Consciência do tempo e temporalidade da consciência husserl perante meinong e brentano.Pedro M. S. Alves - 2001 - Phainomenon 3 (1):107-140.
    In the first part of this paper we try to show how the discussion of Meinong’s distinction between distributed and undistributed objects was crucial for Husserl’s thinking about the phenomenology of time consciousness. The criticism of Meinong’s thesis that the representation of a distributed object (temporal object) is an undistributed act is presented as the central point for the development of Husserl’s own thesis about the perception as a continuum of continua and about consciousness as an unitary flux of temporal (...)
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    The constitutive function of intentionality in Husserl’s phenomenology.Nebojša Mudri - forthcoming - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique.
    The article is addressing one of the central but maybe the most ambiguous and multilayered concepts of Husserl’s phenomenology. Husserl’s insisting on a form of intentionality that implies not just conscious directedness towards objects, but also a constitutive function of mental acts, led to some serious accusations of his idealism and solipsism. Justification of such accusations depends exclusively on whether we understand constitution in an ontological sense, as a creative process which brings worldly entities into being, or in an epistemological (...)
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  6. The Concept of Experience in Husserl's Phenomenology and James' Radical Empiricism.Andrea Pace Giannotta - 2018 - Pragmatism Today 9 (2):33-42.
    In this paper, I develop a comparison between the philosophies of Husserl and James in relation to their concepts of experience. Whereas various authors have acknowledged the affinity between James’ early psychology and Husserl’s phenomenology, the late development of James’ philosophy is often considered in opposition to Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology. This is because James’ radical empiricism achieves a non-dual dimension of experience that precedes the functional division into subject and object, thus contrasting with the phenomenological analysis of the dual structure (...)
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    Image and Original in Plato and Husserl.Burt C. Hopkins - 2021 - Studia Phaenomenologica 21:245-272.
    I compare Plato’s and Husserl’s accounts of the non-original appearance and the original with a focus on their methodologies for distinguishing between them and the phenomenological—i.e., the answer to the question of the what and how of their appearance—criteria that drive their respective methodologies. I argue that Plato’s dialectical method is phenomenologically superior to Husserl’s reflective method in the case of phantasmata that function as apparitions. Plato’s method has the capacity to discern the apparition on the basis of criteria that (...)
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    Husserl şi problematica timpului (I). Constituirea transcendentală a timpului la nivel imanent.Victor Eugen Gelan - 2015 - Revista de Filosofie (Romania) (3):393–414.
    According to Husserl, time represents the general characteristic of all inner experiences (Erlebnisse) of consciousness and the internal time-consciousness is, together with intentionality, one of the two general structures of the pure transcendental consciousness. The problem of the consitution of the objectivity of the knowledge of the world pressuposes as a first level of inquiry exactly the consciousness of time and the detachment of the specific structures of this consciousness. However, the problem of the constitution of time cannot be exhausted (...)
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    The Reconciliation of Myth: Benjamin's Homage to Bachofen.Joseph Mali - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (1):165-187.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Reconciliation of Myth: Benjamin’s Homage to BachofenJoseph MaliIn the “Tiergarten,” the first chapter of his autobiographical work, Berlin Childhood Around Nineteen-Hundred, Benjamin recalls how, as a child, he experienced the paths, monuments, and people of the park as a “labyrinth” replete with all kinds of mythological figures. Entering the park like a second Theseus following his Ariadne along the thread of erotic sensations, he discovered therein the myth-realm (...)
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    Indian and Western Philosophy - A Study in Contrasts.Betty Heimann - 2008 - Read Books.
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    Body and soul in the philosophy of plotinus.Audrey Rich - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (1):1-15.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Body and Soul in the Philosophy of Plotinus AUDREY N. M. RICH BEFORE THE TIME Of Aristotle, there had been no serious philosophical enquiry into the relation existing between the body and the soul. Admittedly, in those Dialogues of Plato in which the problem of Motion begins to assume importance, something approaching a scientific interest in the question starts to emerge. In the Phaedrus, for instance, the soul is (...)
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  12. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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  13. Michael Sullivan.Primal Needs - 1999 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 13 (4):294.
  14.  68
    Transitive primal infon logic.Carlos Cotrini & Yuri Gurevich - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (2):281-304.
    Primal infon logic was introduced in 2009 in connection with access control. In addition to traditional logic constructs, it contains unary connectives p said indispensable in the intended access control applications. Propositional primal infon logic is decidable in linear time, yet suffices for many common access control scenarios. The most obvious limitation on its expressivity is the failure of the transitivity law for implication: \$$ \to \$$ and \$$ \to \$$ do not necessarily yield \$$ \to \$$. Here (...)
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    Primal Wonder as a Sprout of Intellectual Virtue.Chih-Wei Peng - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-20.
    This paper argues that the concept of primal wonder in P4C, proposed by Thomas E. Jackson, can be seen as a “sprout” or seed of intellectual virtue. My understanding of his insight is inspired by Mengzi’s view of moral cultivation and Aristotle’s eudaimonist account of virtue ethics. According to Mengzi, all humans possess four innate sprouts of virtue, and the aim of moral education is to nurture these moral sprouts so that they can grow up into fully ripened virtues. (...)
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    Impressions, Ideas, and Fictions.Saul Traiger - 1987 - Hume Studies 13 (2):381-399.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:381 IMPRESSIONS, IDEAS, AND FICTIONS I. Introduction Under the heading of "fiction," Selby-Bigge's index to Hume's Treatise of Human Nature lists no fewer than seventeen distinct fictions. There is the fiction of perfect equality, of continued and distinct existence, of substance and matter, of substantial forms, accidents, faculties and occult qualities, the fiction of personal identity, and many others. The notion of a fiction is central in Hume's philosophy. (...)
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    The primal power in man.Swami Narayanananda - 1970 - Rishikesh,: University Press, Narayanananda Universal Yoga Trust.
    1950 Contnets: Creation; Yoga-Nadis; Chakras; What is Meant by Primal Power or Kundalini Shakti; How Kundalini Shakti Rises to Higher Planes; Partial Rising of ...
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    Impression Management and Organizational Audiences: The Fiat Group Case.Saverio Bozzolan, Charles H. Cho & Giovanna Michelon - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (1):143-165.
    In this paper we investigate whether, and how, corporate management strategically uses disclosure to manage the perceptions of different organizational audiences. In particular, we examine the interactions between the FIAT Group and three of its key organizational audiences—the local press, the international press, and the financial analysts, which are characterized by different levels of salience for the company. We focus on both how management reacts to the optimism level existing within each audience and how the narrative disclosure tone adopted by (...)
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  19. Primal grief and petrified rage: Rilke's Duino elegies.R. Britton - 1999 - In David Bell, Psychoanalysis and culture: a Kleinian perspective. New York: Routledge.
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    Primal myths in the space of a necrophilic europe.R. L. Liris - 1999 - Dialogue and Universalism 9.
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    Impressions of Hume: Cinematic Thinking and the Politics of Discontinuity.Davide Panagia - 2012 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Davide Panagia’s Impressions of Hume: Cinematic Thinking and the Politics of Discontinuity is volume fifteen of Modernity and Political Thought, the Rowman & Littlefield series in contemporary political theory.
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    The Primal Roots of American Philosophy: Pragmatism, Phenomenology, and Native American Thought.Bruce W. Wilshire - 2000 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Continuing his quest to bring American philosophy back to its roots, Bruce Wilshire connects the work of such thinkers as Thoreau, Emerson, Dewey, and James with Native American beliefs and practices. His search is not for exact parallels, but rather for fundamental affinities between the equally "organismic" thought systems of indigenous peoples and classic American philosophers. Wilshire gives particular emphasis to the affinities between Black Elk’s view of the hoop of the world and Emerson’s notion of horizon, and also between (...)
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  23.  44
    Impression management, fairness, and the employment interview.Paul Rosenfeld - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (8):801-808.
    This paper contends that impression management is not inherently a threat to fairness in employment interviews. Rather, regarding impression management as unfair is based on an outdated, narrow view of impression management as conscious, manipulative, and deceptive. A broader, expansive model of impression management is described which sees these behaviors as falling on a continuum from deceptive and manipulative on the one hand, to accurate, positive and beneficial on the other. While organizations may want to eliminate (...)
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  24. (2 other versions)Rational Impressions and the Stoic Philosophy of Mind.Vanessa de Harven - 2017 - In John Sisko, in History of Philosophy of Mind: Pre-Socratics to Augustine. Acumen Publishing. pp. 215-35.
    This paper seeks to elucidate the distinctive nature of the rational impression on its own terms, asking precisely what it means for the Stoics to define logikē phantasia as an impression whose content is expressible in language. I argue first that impression, generically, is direct and reflexive awareness of the world, the way animals get information about their surroundings. Then, that the rational impression, specifically, is inherently conceptual, inferential, and linguistic, i.e. thick with propositional content, the (...)
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  25.  29
    The primal framework I.J. T. Baldwin & S. Shelah - 1990 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 46 (3):235-264.
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    Primal Philosophy: Rousseau with Laplanche by Lucas Fain (review).Gray Kochhar-Lindgren - 2024 - Substance 53 (2):92-98.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Primal Philosophy: Rousseau with Laplanche by Lucas FainGray Kochhar-LindgrenFain, Lucas. Primal Philosophy: Rousseau with Laplanche. Rowman & Littlefield, 2021. 216pp.In Primal Philosophy: Rousseau with Laplanche, Lucas Fain sets out to explicate the very possibility of philosophy, with its origins in wonder and its end in happiness. He moves toward these goals through a comprehensive reading of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s “Socratism” intercalated with Jean Laplanche’s psychoanalytic intervention (...)
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    Primal religions and the sacred significance of nature.Mark Wynn - 1997 - Sophia 36 (2):88-110.
    I would like to acknowledge the assistance provided by the referees forSophia. Their comments have encouraged me to make more extended use of the anthropological literature, and helped me to make a number of other important improvements.
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    The Phenomenologizing of Primal-Phenomenality: Husserl and the Boundaries of the Phenomenology of Time.Luis Niel - 2013 - Husserl Studies 29 (3):211-230.
    This paper focuses on the methodical disclosure of the lowest level of the constitution of time in Husserl’s phenomenology of time (especially in the C-Manuscripts), following this leading question: is it at all possible to disclose phenomenologically the primal-phenomenal constituting stream of consciousness? First, I address the different levels of constitution in order to focus on the ultimate level. Second, I analyse the “intentionality” of the primal-stream, by means of differentiating it from act-intentionality. Third, I outline the methodical (...)
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  29. The Primal Roots of American Philosophy: Pragmatism, Phenomenology, and Native American Thought.Bruce Wilshire - 2001 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 37 (3):407-415.
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    First Impressions Reconsidered.Ian Leask - 2007 - Maynooth Philosophical Papers 4:17-22.
    This article investigates an intriguing ambivalence in Levinas’s reading(s) of Husserl’s phenomenology of internal-time consciousness. The article focuses on the specific treatment of the Husserlian ‘proto-impression’, suggesting that one (under-appreciated) aspect of Levinas’s approach may serve to undermine, or even ‘un-say’, its better known counterpart.
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    Primal Scenes of Communication: Communication, Consumerism, and Social Movements.Ian Angus - 2000 - SUNY Press.
    Proposes a new theory of communication called "comparative media theory.".
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    Sense impression as an encoding dimension of words.Delos D. Wickens, Donald B. Reutener & F. Thomas Eggemeier - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 96 (2):301.
  33. (1 other version)The Arbitrariness of the Primal Sin.Kevin Timpe - 2013 - In L. Kvanvig Jonathan, Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion. Oxford University Press. pp. 234-257.
    Considerations of the primal sin show that both voluntarist and intellectual accounts involve an unresolved arbitrariness at the heart of their accounts of free agency. This suggests that, at least for theists, intellectualism is no better than voluntarism in this respect and that, on the assumption that such a sin happened, voluntarist accounts are not as problematic as many believe them to be. The paper proceeds as follows. In the first section, I explain what is meant by 'primal (...)
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  34. Primal Sin.Scott MacDonald - 1998 - In Gareth B. Matthews, The Augustinian Tradition. University of California Press.
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    Primal Philosophy: Rousseau with Laplanche by Lucas Fain.Christopher Kelly - 2021 - Review of Metaphysics 75 (1):146-147.
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    Primal Crime: Visions of the Law and Its Transgression in Nicolas Winding Refn’s Cinema.Mark Featherstone - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (1):49-67.
    In this paper I consider contemporary expressions of what Freud called the primal crime and collapse of paternal law through an exploration of the cinema of the Danish-American Director Nicolas Winding Refn. Introducing the paper I outline Freud’s theory of the law, crime, and civilization, where social order and its transgression become caught in an endless cycle, before moving on to explore Winding Refn’s cinema. Following this work, where I centrally show how Freud founds the law upon structures of (...)
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    Primal Fear.Corey Robin - 2001 - Theory and Event 5 (4).
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    Primal spirituality, philosophical knowledge, and plenary experience.R. Balasubramanian - 2010 - Kerala: Chinmaya International Foundation Shodha Sansthan. Edited by Dilip Kumar Rana.
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    Impressions of Hume.Marina Frasca-Spada & P. J. E. Kail (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Impressions of Hume collects brand-new essays from leading scholars in different philosophical, historiographical, and literary traditions within which Hume is a canonical figure. To some his writings are vehicles for intuitions, problems, and arguments which are at the center of contemporary philosophical reflection; others locate Hume's views against the background of concerns and debates of his own time. Hume's texts may be read as highly sophisticated literary-cum-philosophical creations, or as moments in the construction of the ideology of modernity; these are (...)
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  40. Meta-Impressions in Consciousness.Contzen Pereira - 2018 - Goodlands, Mauritius: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.
    This book is a compilation of the work done by the present author and mainly focuses on understanding the relationship between meta – science and religion in relation to consciousness. The author claims that the various ideas and hypothesis presented here are just an attempt to understand the meta-impressions of consciousness that exist around us.
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    Primal wisdom of the ancients: the cosmological plan for humanity.Laird Scranton - 2020 - Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions.
    Examines how the similarities of symbols and wisdom across many cultures point to an ancient civilizing plan and system of ancient instruction.
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    Managing Impressions in the Face of Rising Stakeholder Pressures: Examining Oil Companies’ Shifting Stances in the Climate Change Debate.Mignon D. Van Halderen, Mamta Bhatt, Guido A. J. M. Berens, Tom J. Brown & Cees B. M. Van Riel - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (3):567-582.
    In this paper, we examine how organizations’ impression management evolves in response to rising stakeholder pressures regarding organizations’ corporate responsibility initiatives. We conducted a comparative case study analysis over a period of 13 years for two organizations—Exxon and BP—that took extreme initial stances on climate change. We found that as stakeholder pressures rose, their IM tactics unfolded in four phases: advocating the initial stance, sensegiving to clarify the initial stance, image repairing, and adjusting the stance. Taken together, our analysis (...)
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    Imperceptible Impressions and Disorder in the Soul: A Characterization of the Distinction between Calm and Violent Passions in Hume.Katharina Paxman - 2015 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 13 (3):265-278.
    Hume's explanation of our tendency to confuse calm passions with reason due to lack of feeling appears to present a tension with his claim that we cannot be mistaken about our own impressions. I argue that the calm/violent distinction cannot be understood in terms of presence/absence of feeling. Rather, for Hume the presence or absence of disruption and disordering of natural and/or customary modes of thought is the key distinction between the calm and violent passions. This reading provides new explanations (...)
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    Primal scenes: literature, philosophy, psychoanalysis.Ned Lukacher - 1986 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    ... he writes of the destruction of Mnemosyne's city and of the severing of the locks of the goddess herself: From her also, when God put off his cloak, ...
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  45. (2 other versions)Phenomenal impressions.Eric Lormand - 2006 - In Tamar Szabo Gendler & John Hawthorne, Perceptual experience. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 316--353.
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    Impressions of Hume. [REVIEW]Adam Potkay - 2005 - Hume Studies 31 (2):379-382.
    Impressions of Hume consists of an editorial Introduction and twelve original essays, most of which were earlier presented at the “Hume Studies in Britain” interdisciplinary workshops held in Cambridge, Edinburgh, and Oxford. This collection is a valuable one, especially for those interested in the intellectual contexts of Hume’s metaphysics and ethics. It might be shelved alongside—in parts it seems an extension of—M. A. Stewart and John P. Wright’s edited collection from 1994, Hume and Hume’s Connexions. Indeed, Impressions of Hume begins (...)
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    Primal Screams: The Infantile Cry in Simone Weil.Elinore Darzi - 2024 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 25 (2):93-110.
    The main thesis of this essay is that non-linguistic infantile cries towards the nondefinable constitute, for Simone Weil, the essence of the human. The author begins by surveying, for the first time, Weil’s depiction of the infant’s cry as a scream of an infinite desire towards nothing definite. In the second part, in which the author analyzes the infantile cry introduced in Weil’s later writings this desire, it will be presented as fundamental to being. The infantile cry expresses mutely a (...)
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    Transitive Primal Infon Logic–ERRATUM.C. Cotrini & Y. Gurevich - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (2):366-366.
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  49. Primal Fantasies and the Unconscious.Carmela Levy - 1989 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 1:87.
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    The Appeal of the Primal Leader: Human Evolution and Donald J. Trump.Dan P. McAdams - 2017 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 1 (2):1-14.
    Drawing on the distinction between dominance and prestige as two evolutionarily grounded strategies for attaining status in human groups, this essay examines an underappreciated feature of Donald Trump's appeal to the millions of American voters who elected him president in 2016—his uncanny ability to channel primal dominance. Like the alpha male of a chimpanzee colony, Trump leads through intimidation, bluster, and threat, and through the establishment of short-term, opportunistic relationships with other high-status agents. Whereas domain-specific expertise confers status in (...)
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