Results for ' predication'

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  1. L86, l93, 203,236.Predicate Logic - 2003 - In Jaroslav Peregrin, Meaning: the dynamic turn. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science. pp. 12--65.
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    Current periodical articles 475.Indexical Predicates - 1997 - Mind 106 (424).
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  3. Robert litteral.Rhetorical Predicates & Time Topology In Anggor - 1972 - Foundations of Language 8:391.
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    The politics of modern reason: Politics, anti-politics and norms on continental philosophy, James Bohman.Quantification Parts & Aristotelian Predication - 1999 - The Monist 82 (2).
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    Philosophical abstracts.Tensed Propositions as Predicates - 1969 - American Philosophical Quarterly 6 (4).
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  6. Kwame Gyekye.Aristotle On Predication - 1976 - International Logic Review 13:102.
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    Patrick maynakd.Vague Predicates - 1972 - American Philosophical Quarterly 9 (3).
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    Imagelytics suite: deep learning-powered image classification for bioassessment in desktop and web environments.Aleksandar Milosavljević, Bratislav Predić & Djuradj Milošević - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Bioassessment is the process of using living organisms to assess the ecological health of a particular ecosystem. It typically relies on identifying specific organisms that are sensitive to changes in environmental conditions. Benthic macroinvertebrates are widely used for examining the ecological status of freshwaters. However, a time-consuming process of species identification that requires high expertise represents one of the key obstacles to more precise bioassessment of aquatic ecosystems. Partial automation of this process using deep learning-based image classification is the goal (...)
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  9. Herbert Hochberg.Truth Makers, Truth Predicates & Truth Types - 1991 - In Kevin Mulligan, Language, Truth and Ontology. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 87--117.
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  10. Identity and predication.Gareth Evans - 1975 - Journal of Philosophy 72 (13):343-363.
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  11. Concepts and predication from perception to cognition.Jake Quilty-Dunn - 2020 - Philosophical Issues 30 (1):273-292.
  12. Participation and predication in Plato's middle dialogues.R. E. Allen - 1960 - Philosophical Review 69 (2):147-164.
  13. Truth and Predication.Donald Davidson - 2006 - Critica 38 (113):75-80.
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  14. Aristotle on predication.J. M. E. Moravcsik - 1967 - Philosophical Review 76 (1):80-96.
  15. Polarity in Natural Language: Predication, Quantification and Negation in Particular and Characterizing Sentences.Sebastian Löbner - 2000 - Linguistics and Philosophy 23 (3):213-308.
    The present paper is an attempt at the investigation of the nature of polarity contrast in natural languages. Truth conditions for natural language sentences are incomplete unless they include a proper definition of the conditions under which they are false. It is argued that the tertium non datur principle of classical bivalent logical systems is empirically invalid for natural languages: falsity cannot be equated with non-truth. Lacking a direct intuition about the conditions under which a sentence is false, we need (...)
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  16. Logical Properties: Identity, Existence, Predication, Necessity, Truth.Colin Mcginn - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (208):404-406.
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  17. Maps, Pictures, and Predication.John Kulvicki - 2015 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 2.
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    Participation and Predication in Plato's Later Thought.Alexander Nehamas - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (2):343 - 374.
    ONE of the central characteristics of Plato's later metaphysics is his view that Forms can participate in other Forms. At least part of what the Sophist demonstrates is that though not every Form participates in every other, every Form participates in some Forms, and that there are some Forms in which all Forms participate. This paper considers some of the reasons for this development, and some of the issues raised by it.
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    Aristotle on Predication.D. W. Hamlyn - 1961 - Phronesis 6 (1):110-126.
  20. Worm-theoretic Persistence and Temporal Predication.Andrew Russo - 2022 - Southwest Philosophy Review 38 (1):227-236.
    Mark Johnston (2016, 2017) has raised concerns that a worm-theoretic account of persistence through time is incompatible with ethical singularity: that within the life of any actual person, there is only one morally considerable being, namely that person. To deny ethical singularity is to deny a core feature of our ordinary ethical and prudential thinking. The worm theory, Johnston concludes, proves to be “disastrous … for our ordinary moral outlook”. This paper defends the worm theory from Johnston’s argument. Though I (...)
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  21. Logical Properties: Identity, Existence, Predication, Necessity, Truth.Scott A. Shalkowski - 2002 - Mind 111 (442):449-453.
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  22. Jacques Jayez and Lucia M. tovena/free choiceness and non-individuation 1–71 Michael McCord and Arendse bernth/a metalogical theory of natural language semantics 73–116 Nathan salmon/are general terms rigid? 117–134. [REVIEW]Stefan Kaufmann, Conditional Predications, Yoad Winter & Cross-Categorial Restrictions On Measure - 2005 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28:791-792.
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  23. Logical Investigations of Predication Theory and the Problem of Universals.Nino B. Cocchiarella - 1990 - Linguistics and Philosophy 13 (2):265-271.
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    La structure cachée du definiens aristotélicien : à propos de la prédication hylémorphique.Ulysse Chaintreuil - 2022 - Philonsorbonne 16:53-65.
    La structure du definiens fait l’objet de deux traitements apparemment contradictoires dans les textes aristotéliciens : certains textes avancent que l’énoncé par lequel est définie une chose ne peut pas prendre la forme d’une prédication, parce que cet énoncé doit exprimer uniquement ce qu’est la chose qui est objet de la définition et non pas lui attribuer des termes, tandis que d’autres textes, notamment dans la Métaphysique, semblent suggérer précisément l’inverse, à savoir que le definiens doit prendre la forme d’une (...)
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  25. Flexibly structured predication.Barry Taylor & Allen P. Hazen - 1992 - Logique Et Analyse 35:374-393.
  26. The Sophist on statements, predication, and falsehood.Lesley Brown - 2008 - In Gail Fine, The Oxford Handbook of Plato. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 437--62.
    Of the later dialogues of Plato, the Sophists stand out. This article highlights the concept of sophist as propounded by Plato. A didactic approach runs through the text. Socrates harps on the relation between sophist, philosopher and a statesman. Are they three different or they are the same. The basic idea that Plato wants to convey is, both features highlight some of the key enigmas of the dialogue: What is the relation between the outer and middle parts? How seriously are (...)
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  27. The Correspondence Theory of Truth: An Essay on the Metaphysics of Predication.Andrew Newman - 2002 - Cambrifge: Cambridge University Press.
    This work presents a version of the correspondence theory of truth based on Wittgenstein's Tractatus and Russell's theory of truth and discusses related metaphysical issues such as predication, facts and propositions. Like Russell and one prominent interpretation of the Tractatus it assumes a realist view of universals. Part of the aim is to avoid Platonic propositions, and although sympathy with facts is maintained in the early chapters, the book argues that facts as real entities are not needed. It includes (...)
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  28. Form, species and predication in metaphysics z, h, and θ.Michael J. Loux - 1979 - Mind 88 (349):1-23.
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    A puzzle about posthumous predication.David-Hillel Ruben - 1988 - Philosophical Review 97 (2):211-236.
  30. Chomskyan Arguments Against Truth-Conditional Semantics Based on Variability and Co-predication.Agustín Vicente - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (4):919-940.
    In this paper I try to show that semantics can explain word-to-world relations and that sentences can have meanings that determine truth-conditions. Critics like Chomsky typically maintain that only speakers denote, i.e., only speakers, by using words in one way or another, represent entities or events in the world. However, according to their view, individual acts of denotations are not explained just by virtue of speakers’ semantic knowledge. Against this view, I will hold that, in the typical cases considered, semantic (...)
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    Andrew Newman, The physical basis of predication.Jean-Pierre Deschepper - 1997 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 95 (3):564-564.
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    Individuals and the Theory of Predication.Robert S. Greenberg - 1972 - Journal of Philosophy 69 (15):435.
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    In Defence of Aristotle's Theory of Predication.Hermann Weidemann - 1980 - Phronesis 25 (1):76-87.
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    Simulation as explicitation of predication-implicit knowledge about the mind: Arguments for a simulation-theory mix.Josef Perner - 1996 - In Peter Carruthers & Peter K. Smith, Theories of Theories of Mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 90--104.
  35. Identity and Predication in Plato.Benson Mates - 1979 - Phronesis 24 (3):211 - 229.
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    Universals, Particulars, and Predication.Herbert Hochberg - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (1):87 - 102.
    Both and agree that there are universals—that qualities are universals. To say that the quality white is a universal is to say, in part, that one and the same thing is connected in some way to both Plato and Socrates and accounts for the truth of the sentences "Plato is white" and "Socrates is white." To put it another way, the term "white" in both sentences refers to the same entity. What arguments are there for such a view? Russell elegantly (...)
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  37. Concepts and properties or predication and copulation.P. F. Strawson - 1987 - Philosophical Quarterly 37 (149):402-406.
    Wiggins recently proposed construing frege's 'unsaturated expressions' as containing two elements, Viz., (1) a copula and (2) a general term standing for a concept; but he argued that concepts, So understood, Were not to be identified with properties. While accepting the above division of 'unsaturated expressions', I argue, Contra wiggins, That concepts, So understood, Were precisely to be identified with properties.
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  38. (1 other version)Essence and per se predication in Aristotle's metaphysics Z 4.Michail M. Peramatzis - 2010 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 39.
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    A Reasonable Self-Predication Premise for the Third Man Argument.Sandra Peterson - 1973 - Philosophical Review 82 (4):451-470.
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    Philosophical method and the theory of predication and identity.Hector-Neri Castaneda - 1978 - Noûs 12 (2):189-210.
    The problems of referential opacity in psychological contexts require a solution, of which three types are indicated, that contains a profound theory of predication, identity, and individuation. a radical theory, not in the spirit of the current fashions, is outlined. it is called the guise-consubstantiation, conflation, and consociation theory. this theory was first expounded in "thinking and the structure of the world," "philosophia" (1974) and "critica" (1972). the present paper is an introduction to this essay, motivated by two criticisms (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Temporary Intrinsics and Christological Predication.Timothy Pawl - 2008 - In Jonathan Kvanvig, Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion: Volume 1. Oxford University Press. pp. 157-189.
    In this paper I show that the problem of temporary intrinsics and a fundamental philosophical problem concerning the doctrine of the incarnation are isomorphic. To do so, I present the problem of temporary intrinsics, along with five responses to the problem. I then present the fundamental problem for Christology, which I call the problem of natural intrinsics. I present six responses to that problem, all but the last analogous to a response to the problem of temporary intrinsics. My goal is (...)
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    Vlastos on Pauline Predication.John Malcolm - 1985 - Phronesis 30 (1):79-91.
  43. Form, species, and predication in Aristotle.Michael Woods - 1993 - Synthese 96 (3):399 - 415.
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    Participation and Predication in Sophist 251-260.Richard J. Ketchum - 1978 - Phronesis 23:42.
  45. The Interpretation of Set Theory in Mathematical Predication Theory.Harvey M. Friedman - unknown
    This paper was referred to in the Introduction in our paper [Fr97a], “The Axiomatization of Set Theory by Separation, Reducibility, and Comprehension.” In [Fr97a], all systems considered used the axiom of Extensionality. This is appropriate in a set theoretic context.
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    Resolving uncertainty in plural predication.Gregory Scontras & Noah D. Goodman - 2017 - Cognition 168 (C):294-311.
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    Aristotle's perfect syllogisms, predication, and thedictum de omni.Richard Patterson - 1993 - Synthese 96 (3):359 - 378.
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    Spinoza, Substance, and Predication.Moltke S. Gram - 1968 - Theoria 34 (3):222-244.
  49. Two Theories of Analogical Predication.Daniel Bonevac & Theologica Ia - 2012 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 4 (1).
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  50. Does seven-fold predication equal four-cornered negation reversed?Archie J. Bahm - 1957 - Philosophy East and West 7 (3/4):127-130.
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