Results for ' political participation of minorities'

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  1.  17
    Perceived effectiveness of conventional, non-conventional and civic forms of participation among minority and majority youth.Dimitra Pachi & Martyn Barrett - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (3):345-359.
    The existing literature on political and civic participation has tended to neglect individuals’ judgements about the effectiveness of specific forms of participation, focusing instead on the role of internal, external and collective efficacy in driving levels of participation. The present study examined young people’s judgements of the effectiveness of specific forms of conventional, non-conventional and civic participation and the reasons which are given for these judgements. Fourteen focus groups were conducted with English, Bangladeshi and Congolese (...)
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    (1 other version)Spheres of Global Justice: Volume 1 Global Challenges to Liberal Democracy. Political Participation, Minorities and Migrations; Volume 2 Fair Distribution - Global Economic, Social and Intergenerational Justice.Jean-Christophe Merle (ed.) - 2013 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    Spheres of Global Justice analyzes six of the most important and controversial spheres of global justice, each concerning a specific global social good. These spheres are democratic participation, migrations, cultural minorities, economic justice, social justice, and intergenerational justice. Together they constitute two constellations dealt with, in this collection of essays by leading scholars, in two different volumes: Global Challenges to Liberal Democracy and Fair Distribution. These essays illustrate each of the spheres, delving into their differences, commonalities, collisions and (...)
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    The Role of Nonprofit Sector Networks as Mechanisms for Immigrant Political Participation.Luisa Veronis - 2013 - Studies in Social Justice 7 (1):27-46.
    Issues of immigrant political incorporation and transnational politics have drawn increased interest among migration scholars. This paper contributes to debates in this field by examining the role of networks, partnerships and collaborations of immigrant community organizations as mechanisms for immigrant political participation both locally and transnationally. These issues are addressed through an ethnographic study of the Hispanic Development Council, an umbrella advocacy organization representing settlement agencies serving Latin American immigrants in Toronto, Canada. Analysis of HDC’s three sets (...)
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  4. Intrinsic value as a reason for the preservation of minority cultures.Albert W. Musschenga - 1998 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1 (2):201-225.
    In the Netherlands, the policy of supporting the efforts of ethnic-cultural minorities to express and preserve their cultural distinctiveness, is nowadays considered as problematic because it might interfere with their integration into the wider society. The primary aim is now to reduce these groups' unemployment rate and to stimulate their participation in the wider society. In this article I consider how the notion of the intrinsic value of cultures, if sensible, might affect the policy regarding ethnic-cultural minorities. (...)
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    The Minors Strike: Reflections on the Limits and Legitimacy of Children's Political Action.Tim Fowler - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (5):897-908.
    This article considers the morality of children's activism, in particular via participation in political protests. In Section 3 of the article I consider whether children can be competent to engage in activism. I argue that even if we believe children are not competent to vote it will still be true that many children are indeed competent to engage in activism. In Section 4 I consider the wellbeing effects of activism on children. I argue that political activity stands (...)
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    (1 other version)A Matter of Respect: On Majority‐Minority Relations in a Liberal Democracy.Emanuela Ceva & Federico Zuolo - 2013 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 30 (3):239-253.
    In this article, we engage critically with the understanding of majority-minority relations in a liberal democracy as relations of toleration. We make two main claims: first, that appeals to toleration are unable to capture the procedural problems concerning the unequal socio-political participation of minorities, and, second, that they do not offer any critical tool to establish what judgements the majority is entitled to consider valid reasons for action with respect to some minority. We suggest supplementing the reference (...)
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  7. Self-legislation, Respect and the Reconciliation of Minority Claims.Emanuela Ceva - 2010 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 28 (1):14-28.
    It is a widely supported claim that liberal democratic institutions should treat citizens with equal respect. I neither dispute nor champion this claim, but investigate how it could be fulfilled. I do this by asking, as a sort of litmus test, how liberal democratic institutions should treat with respect citizens holding minority convictions, and thereby dissenting from a deliberative output. The first step of my argument consists in clarifying the sense in which liberal democracies have a primary concern for the (...)
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    Universal enfranchisement for citizens with cognitive disabilities – A moral-status argument.Regina Schidel - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (5):658-679.
    The social and cultural model of disability has challenged the historically powerful perception of disability as a deficiency. Disability is no longer conceived of solely in terms of an individual lack of capacities but also considered as a structural effect of disabling social institutions and normalizing thinking. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) from 2006 marks a decisive step towards the recognition of humans with (cognitive) disabilities as legal subjects who are entitled to enjoy all (...)
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    Economic Opportunities and the Protection of Minority Languages.Julie Chi-Hye Suk - 2007 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 1 (1):134-168.
    In this Article, Professor Suk defends the moral legitimacy of liberal states’ legal protection of minority languages. Many opponents of minority language protection have argued or assumed that legal intervention denies individuals the right to choose the majority language and the economic opportunities often attached to the dominant language. This Article argues that such arguments overlook another category of goods that are necessary to individual autonomy: relational resources. Individuals have an interest in maintaining their ancestral languages because doing so is (...)
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    The political ecology of dietary transitions: Changing production and consumption patterns in the Kolli Hills, India. [REVIEW]Elizabeth Finnis - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 24 (3):343-353.
    Using a case study from the Kolli Hills, India, I suggest that political ecology provides a useful theoretical basis for considering localized dietary transitions in rural, agricultural communities in developing countries. By examining the reasons for the near-disappearance of local minor millets as staple foods in three small-farmer communities, I argue that an explicit, actor-oriented analysis allows for an integration of food issues with considerations of environmental circumstances, local aspirations, and labor concerns. That is, an agricultural shift that abandons (...)
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  11.  95
    Making “minority voices” heard in transnational roundtables: the role of local NGOs in reintroducing justice and attachments.Emmanuelle Cheyns - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (3):439-453.
    Since the beginning of the new millennium, initiatives known as roundtables have been developed to create voluntary sustainability standards for agricultural commodities. Intended to be private and voluntary in nature, these initiatives claim their legitimacy from their ability to ensure the participation of all categories of stakeholders in horizontal participatory and inclusive processes. This article characterizes the political and material instruments employed as the means of formulating agreement and taking a variety of voices into consideration in these arenas. (...)
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  12.  11
    Ethics as a minor form of politics and theory in activist research.Anne Beate Reinertsen & Anne Ryen - 2024 - Diametros 21 (80):59-74.
    To do minor activist research is to create and make use of critical neologistic vocabularies hopefully balancing the ascetic impoverishment of direction and syntax in majority vocabularies when conceptualized as universals. To do minor activist research is therefore to unsettle received discourses, narratives, and material social practices of power to develop means of resistance in new and different registers. To do minor activist research is to train the imagination for a collaboratively accomplished re/presentation of data through creating points of encounters, (...)
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    Contours of Black Political Thought: An Introduction and Perspective.Michael Hanchard - 2010 - Political Theory 38 (4):510-536.
    This essay aims to demonstrate how attention to black political thought might expand and complicate our understanding of modern politics and the conceptualization of the political in contemporary political theory, and in modern politics more generally. Black political thought can be viewed as the attempt to develop a set of critical tools to help explain the political distinctiveness of black life-worlds and how this distinctiveness is structured by a series of relations between individual and community, (...)
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  14. Minorities in Higher Education.Manuel J. Justiz (ed.) - 1994 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book makes a major contribution to the ongoing national debate on how to expand minority participation in higher education and in the social, economic, and political life of the nation. Nineteen articles, all written by leaders in the field of higher education, present a candid discussion of the issues associated with the transformation of American society and minority participation in higher education.
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  15.  19
    Politics of the Falling Birthrate in Japan.Kenji Suzuki - 2008 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 9 (2):161-182.
    This study discusses the pattern of development of child-related policies, particularly in recent years. The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) lacks interest in public engagement in child-related issues, whereas Komeito, the recent coalition partner of the LDP, has been the driving force of recent developments. The study investigates the historical development of three child-related policies: namely, child allowance, childcare services, and the facilitation of work–life balance of employees, and discusses the role of Komeito in the recent coalition government. An analytical model (...)
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  16.  4
    La polis y el polites: orígenes y características de la categoría de ciudadanía | The Polis and the Polites: origins and characteristics of the citizenship category.Enrico Ferri - 2016 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 34:115-133.
    RESUMEN. El autor describe algunos elementos distintivos del estatus y de las funciones del ciudadano en la Atenas del siglo V así como en el contexto democrático ateniense, en el que nació la figura del ciudadano. Pone de relieve el carácter excluyente y las instituciones "limitadas" que hacen de la ciudadanía un estatus exclusivo, reservado para los hombres, para los hijos de ambos padres atenienses y que de esa manera excluía a los extranjeros residentes (metecos), a los otros griegos y (...)
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    The "imaginary world" of nationalistic ethics: Feasibility constraints on Nordic deportation corridors targeting unaccompanied Afghan minors.Martin Lemberg-Pedersen - 2018 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:47-68.
    This article examines Swedish, Danish and Norwegian governments’ participation in the European Return Platform for Unaccompanied Minors project and its failed attempts to deport unaccompanied minors to Afghanistan. It argues that ERPUM is an interesting and urgent case of a “deportation corridor”, and suggests that this framework can benefit from analysis through normative and applied ethics and in particular discussions of feasibility constraints. It therefore identifies and critically assesses two nationalistic arguments for deportation common in Nordic politics, based on (...)
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  18.  29
    Promoting the Participation of Minorities in Research.Mandy Garber & Robert M. Arnold - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (3):W14-W20.
    The current policy of the National Institute of Health designed to increase the participation of women and minorities is radically different from previous policies designed to protect minorities from abuses in research studies. The principal arguments to support this policy are twofold: 1) Increased representation of minorities and women in research would increase the generalizability of research data and allow for valid analyses of differences in subpopulations; and 2) being in a clinical research study is advantageous (...)
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  19.  15
    Non-conventional/illegal political participation of male and female youths.Claire Gavray, Bernard Fournier & Michel Born - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (3):405-418.
    Belgian data from the PIDOP project show that boys are more involved than girls in illegal political actions, namely the production of graffiti and other acts of “incivility”. These activities must be considered in both groups as complementary to conventional political and social participation and not as their opposite. The main explanatory factor is the level of the perceived efficaciousness of such actions. The lack of trust in institutions and the level of awareness of societal discrimination play (...)
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  20.  20
    “Time to Show Our True Colors”: The Gendered Politics of “Indianness” in Post-Apartheid South Africa.Smitha Radhakrishnan - 2005 - Gender and Society 19 (2):262-281.
    Facing marginalization in the political context of the “new South Africa” and lost social and economic privileges under a Black government, South African Indians articulate the need to keep up culture. In so doing, they simultaneously extend the isolation fostered through apartheid and utilize newly available political language to assert a partially disadvantaged minority voice in a distinctly gendered and racialized way. Echoing the spirit of nationalism in colonial India that figured the bourgeois Indian woman as the essence (...)
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  21.  38
    The contradictory political economy of minority nationalism.Peter Graefe - 2005 - Theory and Society 34 (5-6):519-549.
  22. Social articulation in US-HipHop. Communication structure of a social minority.Martin A. M. Gansinger - 2020
    Taking the metaphor of Black CNN as a starting point, the project attempts to analyze the potential of the musical form of expression of hip hop as a communication structure of the black minority in the USA. After a historical-cultural explanation, which deals with the tradition of reflecting social and political aspects in the different musical expressions of the Black ethnic group in the USA, and which already shows the importance of this form of expression in the context of (...)
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  23. The political'participation'of entrepreneurs: Challenge or opportunity for the Chinese Communist Party?(vol 73, pg 223, 2006). [REVIEW]Arien Mack & Jean-Philippe Beja - 2006 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 73 (3):VI - VI.
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    Citizenship Consciousness and the Political Participation of the New Gentry-Merchants in the Late Qing.Ma Xiaoquan - 1996 - Chinese Studies in History 29 (4):36-72.
  25.  27
    Different Minority Groups Elicit Different Safety, Economic, Power, and Symbolic Threats.Dóra Kanyicska Belán & Miroslav Popper - 2023 - Human Affairs 33 (1):51-66.
    Populistic political discourse often portrays ethnic minorities as threats to the majority society. However, the deeper characteristics of perceived threats have not been sufficiently empirically investigated. The goal of this study is to identify the similarities and differences in intergroup threats perceived by Slovak majority from Roma, Muslims, and ethnic Hungarian minorities. The participants included 1244 adults who were instructed to write the first five associations that came to mind when thinking about one of the minorities. (...)
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    Religion and the Obligations of Citizenship.Paul J. Weithman - 2002 - Cambridge University Press.
    In Religion and the Obligations of Citizenship Paul J. Weithman asks whether citizens in a liberal democracy may base their votes and their public political arguments on their religious beliefs. Drawing on empirical studies of how religion actually functions in politics, he challenges the standard view that citizens who rely on religious reasons must be prepared to make good their arguments by appealing to reasons that are 'accessible' to others. He contends that churches contribute to democracy by enriching (...) debate and by facilitating political participation, especially among the poor and minorities, and as a consequence, citizens acquire religiously based political views and diverse views of their own citizenship. He concludes that the philosophical view which most defensibly accommodates this diversity is one that allows ordinary citizens to draw on the views their churches have formed when voting and offering public arguments for their political positions. (shrink)
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  27.  37
    Plato's Democratic Entanglements: Athenian Politics and the Practice of Philosophy (review).Debra Nails - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (2):289-290.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.2 (2003) 289-290 [Access article in PDF] Monoson, S. Sara. Plato's Democratic Entanglements: Athenian Politics and the Practice of Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000. Pp. 256. Cloth, $39.50. Sara Monoson is that rare exception to the rule that political theorists cannot sustain the interest of political philosophers: her training in ancient history and classical Greek gives her treatment of Plato's (...)
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  28. A comparison of the australian, british, and american political systems.John Kilcullen - unknown
    Like the American system ours is federal: i.e., there are two levels of government, neither of which can change the powers of the other or make laws within certain fields assigned to the other. The British system is 'unitary': the British parliament can make laws on any matter, local government has whatever powers the national government delegates to it. Like the British, ours is a system of responsible government . The Government (the Prime Minister and cabinet) is 'responsible' to parliament. (...)
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    (1 other version)L'ambivalence de la participation et l'urbanisme situationnel.Jesko Fezer & Mathias Heyden - 2007 - Multitudes 31 (4):83.
    There has been a proliferation of self-construction groups in Germany today in response to the political abandonment of public housing. But these self-contained groups made up of the middle classes are operating within the framework of this politics. These groups aim for individual ownership of housing. They have no interest in the urban integration of their enclave. By contrast there is another type of situational urbanism, not well tolerated by the authorities, that is developing on the margins, in remote (...)
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    The Concept and Legal Personality of National Minorities in International Law.Saulius Katuoka - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (3):1187-1199.
    The study analyses the issues of protection of national minorities from the perspective of international law. The study consists of three parts. In the first part, the author reveals the understanding of a national minority on the basis of objective and subjective features. This part focuses on such problematic issues as national minorities and citizenship, non-dominant position of a national minority. The second part of the study concentrates on international minorities as subjects of international law. The author (...)
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  31.  95
    Why Toleration Is Not the Appropriate Response to Dissenting Minorities' Claims.Emanuela Ceva - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):633-651.
    For many liberal democrats toleration has become a sort of pet-concept, to which appeal is made in the face of a myriad issues related to the treatment of minorities. Against the inflationary use of toleration, whether understood positively as recognition or negatively as forbearance, I argue that toleration may not provide the conceptual and normative tools to understand and address the claims for accommodation raised by at least one kind of significant minority: democratic dissenting minorities. These are individuals, (...)
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  32. Who Counts as a Muslim? Identity, Multiplicity and Politics.Saba Fatima - 2011 - Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 31 (3):339-353.
    My aim in this paper is to carve out a political understanding of the Muslim identity. The Muslim identity is shaped within a religious mold. Inseparable from this religious understanding is a political one that is valuable in its own right in order to secure any sustainable possibility of participating politically as Muslims within a democratic liberal democracy, such as the United States. Here I explore not the historical or theological formation of the Muslim identity, rather a metaphysical (...)
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  33.  19
    The Culture of Citizenship.Christine Sypnowich - 2000 - Politics and Society 28 (4):531-555.
    The idea that the state has a duty to protect minority cultures has become so influential that cultural rights might seem a logical extension of T. H. Marshall's idea of citizenship rights; that is, the most recent set of rights to enable the citizen to be a fully participating member of the political community. This article takes the view, however, that citizens do not have cultural rights in the sense of rights to the protection of their minority cultures per (...)
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  34. Co-production of Liminal Spaces: Tectonics and Politics of Socio-Environmental justice in Urban Thresholds.Sina Mostafavi, Asma Mehan, Sarvin Eshaghi, Sepehr Vaez Afshar, Jessica Stuckemeyer, Cole Howell & Ali Etemadi - 2023 - In Miguel Núñez Jiménez (ed.), Venice 2023 Architecture Biennial: Time, Space, Existence. European Cultural Center. pp. 264-265.
    The 2023 edition of the Venice Architecture Biennial Time Space Existence will draw attention to the emerging expressions of sustainability in their numerous forms, ranging from a focus on the environment and urban landscape to the unfolding conversations on innovation, reuse, community, and inclusion. In response to climate change, exhibited projects will investigate new technologies and construction methods that reduce energy consumption through circular design and develop innovative, organic, and recycled building materials. Participants will also address social justice by presenting (...)
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  35. Political participation and civic engagement: Towards a new typology.Joakim Ekman & Erik Amnå - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (3):283-300.
    Reviewing the literature on political participation and civic engagement, the article offers a critical examination of different conceptual frameworks. Drawing on previous definitions and operationalisations, a new typology for political participation and civic engagement is developed, highlighting the multidimensionality of both concepts. In particular, it makes a clear distinction between manifest “political participation” (including formal political behaviour as well as protest or extra-parliamentary political action) and less direct or “latent” forms of (...), conceptualized here as “civic engagement” and “social involvement”. The article argues that the notion of “latent” forms of participation is crucial to understand new forms of political behaviour and the prospects for political participation in different countries. Due to these innovations it contributes to a much-needed theoretical development within the literature on political participation and citizen engagement. (shrink)
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    Art as a political act: Expression of cultural identity, self-identity, and gender by Suk Nam yun and Yong soon Min.Hwa Young Choi Caruso - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (3):71-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Art as a Political Act:Expression of Cultural Identity, Self-Identity, and Gender by Suk Nam Yun and Yong Soon MinHwa Young Choi Caruso (bio)IntroductionA number of artists of color, including Asian American women, are creating art from the basis of their lived experiences. Within minority groups searching for their cultural identity, establishing self-identity is an important process. For various psychological and sociological reasons, artists seem inspired to seek deeper (...)
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  37. The participation of women in the social reform, political and labour movements of Sri Lanka.Kumari Jayawardena - 1985 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 13 (2).
  38.  48
    Contextualizing Multiculturalism: A Three Dimensional Examination of Multicultural Claims.Gila Stopler - 2007 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 1 (1):309-353.
    The emergence of multicultural theory and of claims of recognition by cultural, ethnic, and national minorities has brought to the forefront previously neglected aspects of the right to equality. However, when judged on their own, claims for recognition stand the risk of failing to fully capture, and even distorting, the meaning of equality. I suggest that in order to avoid this risk, multicultural claims need to be contextualized. Employing Nancy Fraser’s framework of two dimensions of justice—recognition and redistribution—and adding (...)
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    Introduction: New Directions in the Study of Constitutional Democracy.David Ragazzoni - 2022 - Ethics and International Affairs 36 (4):409-412.
    Constitutional (liberal) democracy pursues an ambitious project. It weaves together majority rule and minority rights and encapsulates a political and institutional organization of public life deliberately orchestrated to guarantee and safeguard rights and freedoms, the peaceful resolution of social and political conflict, and the widest-possible participation of citizens in democratic self-rule. Critical for these goals are procedural mechanisms that enhance the responsiveness and accountability of elected officeholders, contain the power of the governing majority, enable the mutual checks (...)
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    (1 other version)Transformation of political participation in the context of the emergence of digital political institutions.Б. И Стешук - 2025 - Philosophical Problems of IT and Cyberspace (PhilITandC) 2:42-51.
    The article examines the impact of digitalization on political participation through the lens of new digital political institutions. Active digitalization enhances the accessibility and convenience of political engagement; however, this accessibility creates a «pressure valve» effect, preventing the accumulation of significant dissatisfaction that could lead to more substantial political demands. The issue of the publicity associated with these digital political institutions is also addressed. Publicity increases the likelihood of addressing issues by attracting the attention (...)
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    The role of storytelling as a possible trauma release for war veterans: A narrative approach.Nicole Dickson & Johann A. Meylahn - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):7.
    The master narrative of Apartheid South Africa created a specific identity for white boys and men and, together with this identity, a very particular role and place within the South African context. This identity was exemplified in the men who were conscripted into the military from 1967 until 1994, and who participated in operations on the border regions of Namibia and Angola as well as within local townships in the war of liberation against apartheid and minority rule. Many veterans have (...)
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    (1 other version)Ranking major and minor research misbehaviors: results from a survey among participants of four World Conferences on Research Integrity.Gerben ter Riet, Brian C. Martinson, Nils Axelsen, Joeri Tijdink & Lex M. Bouter - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (1).
    BackgroundCodes of conduct mainly focus on research misconduct that takes the form of fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism. However, at the aggregate level, lesser forms of research misbehavior may be more important due to their much higher prevalence. Little is known about what the most frequent research misbehaviors are and what their impact is if they occur.MethodsA survey was conducted among 1353 attendees of international research integrity conferences. They were asked to score 60 research misbehaviors according to their views on and (...)
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    Decentralization and Participation: Theory and Ghana's Evidence.Abdulai Kuyini Mohammed - 2016 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 17 (2):232-255.
    Decentralization is predicted to increase popular participation in all processes, and especially decision-making at the local level. Through the analysis of interview data and secondary information, this claim was tested in five districts in Ghana. The evidence showed that contrary to theory, formal and informal procedures for participation are inadequate and irregular. Although the spaces for participation have been established and expanded, these are dominated by males with educated and professional backgrounds as well as the rich and (...)
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    On political participation, rights and redistribution: a Lockean perspective.Miriam Bentwich - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (4):491-511.
    Various quantitative analyses have stressed the connection between lower socioeconomic status (SES) and low political participation. The general argument behind these studies was that since political participation is crucial for democracy, and since low SES compromises political participation, liberal democratic governments cannot afford such a compromise. This paper argues that presenting political participation as a democratic value, corresponding to a ‘positive’ right, places the implied argumentation of such studies in a potential conflict (...)
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    Expérience, idéaux et participation sociale.Anne-Sophie Lamine - 2018 - ThéoRèmes 13 (13).
    This article discusses Dewey’s The Public and Its Problems (1927), Ethics (1932), “Theory of valuation” (1939), Art as Experience (1934) and A Common Faith (1934), for the socio-anthropological analysis of the religious, in a context of diversity and anxiety about identities. This pragmatist approach enables to consider religious in the making, experience and self-construction. The concept of ideal, taking into account intersubjectivity and context, allows treating aspirations and ideals. Finally, the idea of public and pre-political, permits to pay attention (...)
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    Reconceptualising political participation.Yerkebulan Sairambay - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (1):120-127.
    This article offers a critical examination of various interpretations of “political participation” and shows that there is a lack of consensus among scholars concerning the definition of this particular concept. The lack of consensus has led to various conflicting outcomes (even when applied to the same problem) in the research on political participation. The main purpose of this paper is to offer a new definition of political participation that effectively addresses the challenges facing modern (...)
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    A Survey on Online Political Participation, Social Capital, and Well-Being in Social Media Users—Based on the Second Phase of the Third (2019) TCS Taiwan Communication Survey Database.Fangqi Zhong, Pengpeng Li & Jinchao Xi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study focused on the frequency of social media use. Through investigating and verifying the correlations between social media use frequency, online political participation, and social capital, we derived two models of socialization that affect citizen well-being and, accordingly, proposed strategic suggestions for democratic society construction and network management. This study drew upon the 2019 Taiwan Communication Survey database and used structural equation modeling as a statistical method to explore the causal relationship between these four variables. The data (...)
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  48. Responsive Government and Duties of Conscience.Robert C. Hughes - 2014 - Jurisprudence 5 (2):244-264.
    This paper defends a new argument for enabling citizen participation in government: individuals must have genuine opportunities to try to change the law in order to be able to satisfy duties of conscience. Without such opportunities, citizens who regard systems of related laws as partially unjust face a moral dilemma. If they comply with these laws willingly without also trying to change them, they commit a pro tanto wrong by willingly participating in injustice . If they disobey, or if (...)
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    Justifying Limitations on the Freedom of Expression.Gehan Gunatilleke - 2021 - Human Rights Review 22 (1):91-108.
    The freedom of expression is vital to our ability to convey opinions, convictions, and beliefs, and to meaningfully participate in democracy. The state may, however, ‘limit’ the freedom of expression on certain grounds, such as national security, public order, public health, and public morals. Examples from around the world show that the freedom of individuals to express their opinions, convictions, and beliefs is often imperilled when states are not required to meet a substantial justificatory burden when limiting such freedom. This (...)
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    Philosophy of Childhood and children's Political Participation: Poli(s)Phonic Challenges.Susana Brissos Matos & Paula Alexandra Vieira - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-23.
    What challenges does the political participation of children pose to the Philosophy of Childhood? What challenges does the Philosophy of Childhood pose to children's political participation? This text is inspired by the idea that “research is not about enumerating situations, but making researchers lose their sleep”. It is divided into two distinct parts. In the first, we introduce the theoretical framework that orients our research group and our work with children in the philosophical research community. We (...)
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