Results for ' phenomenological interviews'

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  1.  29
    Phenomenological Interviews and Tourette's.Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt & Jack Reynolds - 2024 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 31 (1):49-53.
    We reply to commentaries by Anthony Fernandez and Daryl Efron and Ivan Mathieson, outlining the nature of our phenomenological interviews.
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    Phenomenological Interview and Gender Dysphoria: A Third Pathway for Diagnosis and Treatment.Geoffrey Dierckxsens & Teresa R. Baron - 2024 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 49 (1):28-42.
    Gender dysphoria (GD) is marked by an incongruence between a person’s biological sex at birth, and their felt gender (or gender identity). There is continuing debate regarding the benefits and drawbacks of physiological treatment of GD in children, a pathway, beginning with endocrine treatment to suppress puberty. Currently, the main alternative to physiological treatment consists of the so-called “wait-and-see” approach, which often includes counseling or other psychotherapeutic treatment. In this paper, we argue in favor of a “third pathway” for the (...)
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  3. Framing a phenomenological interview: what, why and how.Simon Høffding & Kristian Martiny - 2016 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15 (4):539-564.
    Research in phenomenology has benefitted from using exceptional cases from pathology and expertise. But exactly how are we to generate and apply knowledge from such cases to the phenomenological domain? As researchers of cerebral palsy and musical absorption, we together answer the how question by pointing to the resource of the qualitative interview. Using the qualitative interview is a direct response to Varela’s call for better pragmatics in the methodology of phenomenology and cognitive science and Gallagher’s suggestion for phenomenology (...)
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  4. Can we trust the phenomenological interview? Metaphysical, epistemological, and methodological objections.Simon Høffding, Kristian Martiny & Andreas Roepstorff - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1):33-51.
    The paper defends the position that phenomenological interviews can provide a rich source of knowledge and that they are in no principled way less reliable or less valid than quantitative or experimental methods in general. It responds to several skeptic objections such as those raised against introspection, those targeting the unreliability of episodic memory, and those claiming that interviews cannot address the psychological, cognitive and biological correlates of experience. It argues that the skeptic must either heed the (...)
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    Phenomenological interviews in learning and teaching phenomenological approach in psychiatry.Svetlana Sholokhova - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1):121-136.
    Today, there is a considerable interest in phenomenology within psychiatric academic communities as well as among clinical practitioners; as a result, a growing number of institutions demonstrate their commitment to phenomenology as a privileged speculative companion. The main focus of existing teaching programs in phenomenology is usually placed on psychopathological issues and on describing the experience of mental illness from a non-naturalistic and person-centered perspective. In this article, I argue that phenomenological training should also be focused on the role (...)
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    Neurophenomenology and the Micro‐phenomenological Interview.Michel Bitbol & Claire Petitmengin - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider, The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 726–739.
    In its most radical version, Neurophenomenology asks researchers to suspend the quest of an objective solution to the problem of the origin of subjectivity, and clarify instead how objectification can be obtained out of the coordination of subjective experiences. It therefore invites researchers to develop their inquiry about subjective experience with the same determination as their objective inquiry. However, accessing lived experience raises the question of the investigation method, and of the reliability of its results. Here, we present an accurate (...)
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    Author’s Response: Beyond the Boundaries of Third-Person Methods in Emotion Research: The Accuracy of the Micro-Phenomenological Interview.A. Vásquez-Rosati - 2017 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (2):233-238.
    Upshot: The micro-phenomenological interview is a methodology that enables us to accurately guide subjects in describing an emotional experience. With this guide, it is possible to know the structure of a particular experience, which is helpful to understand the different processes related to it. The incorporation of the micro-phenomenological interview into emotion research can extend the limits set until now by third-person methodologies and give an integral comprehension of emotions.
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    Exploring phenomenological interviews: questions, lessons learned and perspectives.Svetlana Sholokhova, Valeria Bizzari & Thomas Fuchs - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1):1-7.
  9.  85
    Expressing experience: the promise and perils of the phenomenological interview.Elizabeth Pienkos, Borut Škodlar & Louis Sass - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1):53-71.
    This paper outlines several of the challenges that are inherent in any attempt to communicate subjective experience to others, particularly in the context of a clinical interview. It presents the phenomenological interview as a way of effectively responding to these challenges, which may be especially important when attempting to understand the profound experiential transformations that take place in schizophrenia. Features of language experience in schizophrenia—including changes in interpersonal orientation, a sense of the arbitrariness of language, and a desire for (...)
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    Methods of data collection in psychopathology: the role of semi-structured, phenomenological interviews.Mads Gram Henriksen, Magnus Englander & Julie Nordgaard - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1):9-30.
    Research in psychopathology is booming in an unprecedented way, at least, in terms of increasing number of publications. Yet, a few questions arise: Does quantity also give us quality? Are the collected data generally of sound quality? How are data typically collected in psychopathology? Are the applied methods of data collection appropriate for this particular field of study? This article explores three different methods of data collection in psychopathology, namely self-rating scales, structured interviews, and semi-structured, phenomenological interviews. (...)
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  11.  25
    Schizophrenia, language, and the phenomenological interview.Elizabeth Pienkos & Louis Sass - 2018 - Psicopatologia Fenomenológica Contemporânea 7 (2).
    This paper reviews various perspectives regarding the relationship between language and experience, including the challenges of using verbal descriptions to access subjective experience in psychiatric interviews (in both clinical and research settings). Schizophrenia is a specific case in which the experience of language may be altered, posing unique challenges in the context of the interview. The phenomenology of language in schizophrenia is briefly presented, with discussion of related alterations in interpersonal orientation, attention and context, underlying experience, and attitudes toward (...)
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    Correction to: Methods of data collection in psychopathology: the role of semi-structured, phenomenological interviews.Mads Gram Henriksen, Magnus Englander & Julie Nordgaard - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1):31-32.
    Research in psychopathology is booming in an unprecedented way, at least, in terms of increasing number of publications. Yet, a few questions arise: Does quantity also give us quality? Are the collected data generally of sound quality? How are data typically collected in psychopathology? Are the applied methods of data collection appropriate for this particular field of study? This article explores three different methods of data collection in psychopathology, namely self-rating scales, structured interviews, and semi-structured, phenomenological interviews. (...)
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  13. The Interview: Data Collection in Descriptive Phenomenological Human Scientific Research.Magnus Englander - 2012 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 43 (1):13-35.
    In this article, interviewing from a descriptive, phenomenological, human scientific perspective is examined. Methodological issues are raised in relation to evaluative criteria as well as reflective matters that concern the phenomenological researcher. The data collection issues covered are 1) the selection of participants, 2) the number of participants in a study, 3) the interviewer and the questions, and 4) data collection procedures. Certain conclusions were drawn indicating that phenomenological research methods cannot be evaluated on the basis of (...)
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  14.  82
    From Varela to a different phenomenology. Interview with Shaun Gallagher, Part I.Shaun Gallagher, Przemysław Nowakowski, Jacek Seweryn Podgórski, Marek Pokropski & Witold Wachowski - 2011 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (2):77-88.
    Philosophical hermeneutics, understood as the theory of nterpretation, investigates some questions that are also asked in the cognitive sciences. The nature of human understanding, the way that we gain and organize knowledge, the role played by language and memory in these considerations, the relations between conscious and unconscious knowledge, and how we understand other persons, are all good examples of issues that form the intersection of hermeneutics and the cognitive sciences. Although hermeneutics is most often contrasted with the natural sciences, (...)
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  15.  27
    Priming and Narrative Habits in the Phenomenological Interview: Reflections on a Study of Tourette Syndrome.Anthony V. Fernandez - 2024 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 31 (1):43-45.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Priming and Narrative Habits in the Phenomenological InterviewReflections on a Study of Tourette SyndromeThe author reports no conflicts of interest.In "Dimensions, Not Types: On the Phenomenology of Premonitory Urges in Tourette Syndrome," Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt and Jack Reynolds provide new insights into some of the experiences characteristic of Tourette syndrome (TS). Their study is an excellent example of applied phenomenology (Burch, 2021), combining philosophy and qualitative research methods to (...)
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    Experiencing meditation – Evidence for differential effects of three contemplative mental practices in micro-phenomenological interviews.Marisa Przyrembel & Tania Singer - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 62:82-101.
  17.  9
    Global phenomenologies of religion: an oral history in interviews.Satoko Fujiwara, David Thurfjel & Steven Engler (eds.) - 2021 - Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
    This volume investigates how the phenomenology of religion was accepted and developed in different national contexts. It consists of interviews with senior scholars, who are experts on the development of the phenomenology of religion in their countries, along with commentary and analysis.
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    Phenomenology of the Truth Proper to Religion: Critical Essays and Interviews.Daniel Guerrière (ed.) - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    Paper edition (unseen), $19.95. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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    The Phenomenology of “Pure” Consciousness as Reported by an Experienced Meditator of the Tibetan Buddhist Karma Kagyu Tradition. Analysis of Interview Content Concerning Different Meditative States.Cyril Costines, Tilmann Lhündrup Borghardt & Marc Wittmann - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (2):50.
    A philosopher and a cognitive neuroscientist conversed with Buddhist lama Tilmann Lhündrup Borghardt (TLB) about the unresolved phenomenological concerns and logical questions surrounding “pure” consciousness or minimal phenomenal experience (MPE), a quasi-contentless, non-dual state whose phenomenology of “emptiness” is often described in terms of the phenomenal quality of luminosity that experienced meditators have reported occurs in deep meditative states. Here, we present the excerpts of the conversation that relate to the question of how it is possible to first have (...)
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  20. Phenomenology and neurophenomenology: An interview with Shaun Gallagher.Shaun Gallagher - 2003 - Aluze 2:92-102.
  21.  30
    Polyphony of Anxiety. The Interview with Stefano Micali about His Book Phenomenology of Anxiety.Adriana J. Mickiewicz - 2023 - Principia 70 (Tom 70):175-186.
    Polyphony of Anxiety. The Interview with Stefano Micali about His Book Phenomenology of Anxiety.
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    Micro-phenomenological explicitation interviews and biographical narrative interviews: a combined perspective in light of the experiential analysis of chronic diseases.Natalie Depraz - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (1):97-106.
  23. Some guidelines for the phenomenological analysis of interview data.Richard H. Hycner - 1985 - Human Studies 8 (3):279 - 303.
    This article explicates, in a concrete, step-by-step manner, some procedures that can be followed in phenomenologically analyzing interview data. It also addresses a number of issues that are raised in relation to phenomenological research.
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  24.  40
    The lived experience of remembering a ‘good’ interview: Micro-phenomenology applied to itself.Katrin Heimann, Hanne Bess Boelsbjerg, Chris Allen, Martijn van Beek, Christian Suhr, Annika Lübbert & Claire Petitmengin - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):217-245.
    Micro-phenomenology is an interview and analysis method for investigating subjective experience. As a research tool, it provides detailed descriptions of brief moments of any type of subjective experience and offers techniques for systematically comparing them. In this article, we use an auto-ethnographic approach to present and explore the method. The reader is invited to observe a dialogue between two authors that illustrates and comments on the planning, conducting and analysis of a pilot series of five micro-phenomenological interviews. All (...)
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  25.  11
    Phenomenological studies in education.Jason D. DeHart (ed.) - 2023 - Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
    Phenomenological Studies in Education explores and applies methods associated with phenomenological work to build knowledge of experiences in education and pedagogy. Covering topics such as building inclusive environments, descriptive phenomenology, and phenomenological interviewing experiences this book is ideal for researchers in educational studies qualitative researchers and students.
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    A Phenomenological Paradigm for Empirical Research in Psychiatry and Psychology: Open Questions.Leonor Irarrázaval - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article seeks to clarify the way in which phenomenology is conceptualized and applied in empirical research in psychiatry and psychology, emphasizing the suitability of qualitative research. It will address the What, Why, and How of phenomenological interviews, providing not only preliminary answers but also a critical analysis, and pointing to future directions for research. The questions it asks are: First, what makes an interview phenomenological? What are phenomenological interviews used for in empirical research in (...)
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  27. Considerations on Marxism, Phenomenology and Power. Interview with Michel Foucault; Recorded on April 3rd, 1978.Michel Foucault, Colin Gordon & Paul Patton - 2012 - Foucault Studies 14:98-114.
  28.  22
    (1 other version)Phenomenology in Teacher Education Contexts: Enhancing Pedagogical Insight and Critical Reflexive Capacity.Carol Thomson - 2008 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 8 (sup1):1-9.
    This paper draws on a phenomenological study of students’ experience of the demands of a module, Reading and Writing Academic Texts, designed with the specific aim of developing students’ academic literacy. This module is a core, compulsory component of the mixed-mode Bachelor of Education Honours programme offered by the School of Education and Development at the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. The study thus foregrounds issues of language and literacy, and is contextualized within a “distance” model (...)
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    (1 other version)“Towards a phenomenology of self-patterns in psychopathological diagnosis and therapy”.Anya Daly & Shaun Gallagher - 2019 - Journal of Psychopathology 52 (1):open access.
    Categorization-based diagnosis, which endeavors to be consistent with the third-person, objective measures of science, is not always adequate with respect to problems concerning diagnostic accuracy, demarcation problems when there are comorbidities, well-documented problems of symptom amplification, and complications of stigmatization and looping effects. While psychiatric categories have proved useful and convenient for clinicians in identifying a recognizable constellation of symptoms typical for a particular disorder for the purposes of communication and eligibility for treatment regimes, the reification of these categories has (...)
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  30.  67
    Dimensions not types: On the phenomenology of premonitory urges in Tourette Syndrome.Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt & Jack Reynolds - 2024 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 35 (1):25-42.
    The use of philosophical phenomenology for conceptual debates in psychiatric nosology and psychopathology is beginning to be recognized. In this paper, we extend this trajectory to include Tourette Syndrome, focusing on so-called premonitory urges (PU) preceding Tourettic tics. We clarify some inconsistencies around typology in both phenomenological description and medical classification (i.e., in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, Text Revision, International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition [World Health Organization, 2004], and the scales that elicit (...)
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  31.  40
    Teaching Phenomenology to Qualitative Researchers, Cognitive Scientists, and Phenomenologists.Shaun Gallagher & Denis Francesconi - 2012 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 12 (sup3):183-192.
    The authors examine several issues in teaching phenomenology (1) to advanced researchers who are doing qualitative research using phenomenological interview methods in disciplines such as psychology, nursing, or education, and (2) to advanced researchers in the cognitive neurosciences. In these contexts, the term “teaching” needs to be taken in a general and nondidactic way. In the case of the first group, it involves guiding doctoral students in their conception and design of a qualitative methodology that is properly phenomenological. (...)
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  32. Taking phenomenology beyond the first-person perspective: conceptual grounding in the collection and analysis of observational evidence.Marianne Elisabeth Klinke & Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):171-191.
    Phenomenology has been adapted for use in qualitative health research, where it’s often used as a method for conducting interviews and analyzing interview data. But how can phenomenologists study subjects who cannot accurately reflect upon or report their own experiences, for instance, because of a psychiatric or neurological disorder? For conditions like these, qualitative researchers may gain more insight by conducting observational studies in lieu of, or in conjunction with, interviews. In this article, we introduce a phenomenological (...)
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    Emotional Influences on Cognitive Flexibility Depend on Individual Differences: A Combined Micro-Phenomenological and Psychophysiological Study.Alejandra Vásquez-Rosati, Rodrigo Montefusco-Siegmund, Vladimir López & Diego Cosmelli - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:435862.
    Imagine a scenario where you are cooking and suddenly, the contents of the pot start to come out, and the oven bell rings. You would have to stop what you are doing and start responding to the changing demands, switching between different objects, operations and mental sets. This ability is known as cognitive flexibility. Now, add to this scenario a strong emotional atmosphere that invades you as you spontaneously recall a difficult situation you had that morning. How would you behave? (...)
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  34.  17
    A phenomenological reflection on women's lived experience of giving in circumstances of material scarcity.Amanda M. Emerson - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (2):e12456.
    There is a robust body of research that examines problems women with criminal‐legal system involvement face, the support they need, how they get it, from whom, and how they use it. Rarely do we pause to consider what resources such women already have, the support they give, or what those experiences teach us about how to support them. In this study, my purpose was to reflect on the phenomenon of giving as experienced by women who have few material resources and (...)
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    The Phenomenological Picture of the ‘Region’ We Live in - A Phenomenological-Qualitative Research Challenging for the Quantitative-Econometric One -. 최경섭 - 2015 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 126:185.
    현대의 사회과학에서 질적 연구는 양적(계량적) 연구에 비해 그 영역과 방법이 상당히 모호한 것으로 여겨져 왔다. 질적 연구는 양적 연구의 변수나 가설을 구축하기 위한 전(前)계량적 준비의 단계로 간주되기도 한다. 하지만 ‘현상학적인’ 질적 연구에 대해 말하자면, 후설과 하이데거가 열어놓은, 계량화 할 수 없는 ‘생생한 체험’의 영역을 탐구한다는 고유한 위상을 가질 수 있다. 한국에 거주하는 외국인 학생 두 명을 심층 인터뷰해서, 그들이 사는 ‘지역’인 ‘한국’을 현상학적인 방법으로 탐구해보았다. ‘생생한 체험’의 논리로서 하이데거의 ‘시간성’을 적용해서, 그들 각각의 시간성의 지평에서 어떤 미래투사와 어떤 과거회수 사이에 어떤 (...)
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    Quiet Powers of the Possible: Interviews in Contemporary French Phenomenology.Tarek R. Dika & W. Chris Hackett - 2016 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by William Christian Hackett.
  37. Interview With Vincent Descombes.Vincent Descombes - 2012 - Praxis 3 (2):1-16.
    Vincent Descombes is a French philosopher. He has taught at the University of Montréal, Johns Hopkins University, and Emory University. Presently, he is director of studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, and regular visiting professor at the University of Chicago in the Department of Romance. Descombes’s main areas of research are in the philosophy of mind, philosophy of language and philosophy of literature. The following interview covers various aspects of his research in the philosophy of (...)
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  38. Awareness in the void: a micro-phenomenological exploration of dreamless sleep.Adriana Alcaraz - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.
    This paper presents a pilot study that explores instances of objectless awareness during sleep: conscious experiences had during sleep that prima facie lack an object of awareness. This state of objectless awareness during sleep has been widely described by Indian contemplative traditions and has been characterised as a state of consciousness-as-such; while in it, there is nothing to be aware of, one is merely conscious (cf. Evans-Wentz, 1960; Fremantle, 2001; Ponlop, 2006). While this phenomenon has received diferent names in the (...)
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    A Phenomenological Investigation of the Experience of Ambivalence.Steve Harrist - 2006 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 37 (1):85-114.
    Ambivalence, broadly defined as feeling more than one emotion at a time, is thought to be a central aspect of human experience and to play an important role in a range of psychological processes. Ambivalence is experienced in close relationships, identity development, social and political attitudes, decision-making behavior, anxiety states, as well as in psychotherapeutic change. Eight under-graduate students participated in phenomenological interviews that were transcribed and served as the basis for the investigation. The primary purpose of this (...)
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    Fred Dallmayr: critical phenomenology, cross-cultural theory, cosmopolitanism.Fred Reinhard Dallmayr - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Farah Godrej.
    Critical phenomenology and the study of politics -- Beyond possessive individualism -- Political philosophy today -- Habermas and rationality -- Rethinking the political: some Heideggerian contributions -- Cross-cultural theory -- Beyond monologue: for a comparative political theory -- Conversation across boundaries: e pluribus unum? -- Modes of cross-cultural encounter: reflections on 1492 -- Political self-rule: Gandhi and the future of democracy -- Global governance and cultural diversity: toward a cosmopolitan democracy -- Cosmopolitanism: in search of cosmos -- Mindfulness and cosmopolis: (...)
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    Micro-Phenomenological Self-Inquiry.Terje Sparby - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):247-266.
    This article presents and discusses the method of micro-phenomenological self-inquiry. Micro-phenomenology is usually performed with two persons, one interviewer and one interviewee. Micro-phenomenological self-inquiry consists of one person investigating their own experience. The different aspects of the regular micro-phenomenological interview are reviewed in relation to the process of self-inquiry. Examples of recent studies that apply micro-phenomenological self-inquiry are presented. Finally, there is a discussion of some methodological problems and objections. Advantages and disadvantages of micro-phenomenological self-inquiry (...)
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  42. Being Moved by Art: A Phenomenological and Pragmatist Dialogue.Simon Høffding, Carlos Vara Sánchez & Tone Roald - forthcoming - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 59 (2):85-102.
    This article integrates John Dewey’s _Art as Experience_, Mikel Dufrenne’s _Phenomenology of Aesthetic Experience_, and phenomenological interviews with museum visitors to answer what it means to be ‘moved by art’. The interviews point to intense affective and existential experiences, in which encounters with art can be genuinely transformative. We focus on Dufrenne’s notion of ‘adherent reflection’ and Dewey’s notions of ‘doing and undergoing’ to understand the intentional structure and dynamics of such experiences, concluding that being moved contains (...)
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    An Applied Method for Undertaking Phenomenological Explication of Interview Transcripts.Stuart Devenish - 2002 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 2 (1):1-20.
    The author provides a description of the method of phenomenological explication he used in his recently completed PhD dissertation. He details the difficulties he experienced as a new researcher in phenomenology, and provides a record of his journey toward discovering a new and innovative approach to applied phenomenology. Finally, he provides a step by step demonstration of applied phenomenological explication and gives examples from his research. Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology , Volume 2, Edition 1, April 2002.
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    A Phenomenology of Musical Absorption.Simon Høffding - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book presents a detailed analysis of what it means to be absorbed in playing music. Based on interviews with one of the world’s leading classical ensembles, “The Danish String Quartet”, it debunks the myth that experts cannot reflect while performing, but also shows that intense absorption is not something that can be achieved through will, intention, prediction or planning – it remains something individuals have to be receptive to. Based in the phenomenological tradition of Husserl and Merleau-Ponty (...)
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    Phenomenology of fate signs. Part II.Yevhen Prychepii, Vlada Anuchina, Yana Dziuba & Yana Gorobenko - 2022 - Sententiae 41 (3):165-185.
    Interview of Vlada Anuchina, Yana Dziuba and Yana Gorobenko with Yevhen Prychepii.
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    An Interview Regarding Enactivism.Ralph D. Ellis - 2024 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 8 (4):262-277.
    Ralph D. Ellis interviewed by Samuel Maruszewski / Ralph D. Ellis, one of the strongest advocates of the enactivist approach to consciousness and cognitive theory, began his academic career as a phenomenologist, earning a Ph.D. at Duquesne University under Andre Schuwer, John Sallis and Amedeo Giorgi, and has taught at Clark Atlanta University since 1985. He subsequently received a post-doctoral M.S. in Public Affairs at Georgia State University, and worked also as a social worker in both Pittsburgh and Atlanta. Partly (...)
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    Interview with Madeleine Chapsal.Michel Foucault & Mark G. E. Kelly - 2020 - Journal of Continental Philosophy 1 (1):29-35.
    In this 1966 interview, published here in English translation for the first time, Michel Foucault positions himself as a representative of a ‘generation’ of French thinkers who turned towards the analysis of ‘structures’ and away from the phenomenological approaches that had previously dominated French philosophy. In this, Foucault claims inspiration not only from older French scholars—namely Georges Dumézil, Jacques Lacan, and Claude Lévi-Strauss—but also from the science of genetics.
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    Interview with physicist Christopher Fuchs.Robert P. Crease & James Sares - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (4):541-561.
    QBism is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that posits quantum probabilities as subjective Bayesian probabilities, whence its name. By avoiding experientially unfulfilled speculations about what exists prior to measurement, QBism seems to make a close encounter with the phenomenological method. What follows is an interview with QBism’s founder and principal champion, the physicist Christopher Fuchs.
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  49. Bridge over troubled water: Phenomenologizing Filipino College Deans' Ethical Dilemmas in Academic Administration.Maria Rosario G. Catacutan & Allan de Guzman - 2015 - Educational Management Administration and Leadership:DOI: 10.1177/1741143214558579.
    This phenomenological study intends to capture and describe Filipino college deans’ lived experiences of ethical dilemmas as they carry out their work as administrators. Using semistructured in-depth interviews and following Collaizzi’s method, data was collected and subjected to cool and warm analyses yielding a set of themes and sub-themes that typify what these deans consider to be ethical dilemmas. The resulting ‘Wheel’ of School Leaders’ Ethical Dilemmas depicts the nature of the dilemmas faced by these deans, the critical (...)
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  50. A Phenomenology of Artistic Doing: Flow as Embodied Knowing in 2D and 3D Professional Artists.Mark Burgess & Janet Banfield - 2013 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 44 (1):60-91.
    This research investigates flow experiences and explores meaning construction for artistic practices that differ in haptic nature. In addition to the phenomenological analysis of interviews, videos of artistic practice and practice-based research were employed to obtain both retrospective and real-time records of the physicality of artistic practice. Drawing on authors who emphasise the automatisation of actions in flow and heightened body awareness flow is reconceptualised in non-representational terms as optimal precognitive engagement with the world. In this light meaning (...)
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