Results for ' parental investment'

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  1.  22
    Preferential parental investment in daughters over sons.Lee Cronk - 1991 - Human Nature 2 (4):387-417.
    Female-biased parental investment is unusual but not unknown in human societies. Relevant explanatory models include Fisher’s principle, the Trivers-Willard model, local mate and resource competition and enhancement, and economic rational actor models. Possible evidence of female-biased parental investment includes sex ratios, mortality rates, parents’ stated preferences for offspring of one sex, and direct and indirect measurements of actual parental behavior. Possible examples of female-biased parental investment include the Mukogodo of Kenya, the Ifalukese of (...)
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    Parental investment theory and birth sex ratios in nepal.S. S. Strickland & V. R. Tuffrey - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (3):283-295.
    Parental investment theory postulates that where physical condition varies significantly then birth sex ratio will be correlated with social status. Application of this theory to man remains contentious. This study examines physique, wealth, and social status in relation to the sex of live births. It reports a female-biased sex ratio in high social and economic status Nepalese. Close consanguineous marriage, intended to conserve landed wealth within related lineages, and increased female work burdens accompanying larger farm size, are proximate (...)
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    Urbanization and Daughter-Biased Parental Investment in Fiji.Dawn B. Neill - 2011 - Human Nature 22 (1-2):139-155.
    Parental investment decisions guide parental actions regarding children’s productive work and are shaped by ecological context. Urban ecology enhances long-term payoffs to investment in human capital, increasing opportunity costs for work performed by children, and decreased workload should result. Using an embodied capital framework, self-reported data on urban and rural Indo-Fijian children’s work activities are compared. Results show higher workloads for older children, rural children, and girls. High scholastic achievement is associated with lower workloads for girls, (...)
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    Parental Investment Is Biased toward Children Named for Their Fathers.Gabriel Šaffa, Zuzana Štěrbová & Pavol Prokop - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (2):387-405.
    Namesaking can be viewed as a mechanism to increase perceived parent-child similarity and, consequently, parental investment. Male and, to a lesser extent, firstborn children are more frequently namesakes than female and later-born children, respectively. However, a direct link between namesaking and parental investment has not been examined. In the present study, 632 participants from Central Europe indicated their first name, sex, birth order, number of siblings, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, paternal and maternal first names, as well (...)
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    Historical perspectives on parental investment and childbearing.Maris A. Vinovskis - 1993 - Human Nature 4 (4):329-336.
    This article provides some historical perspectives on parental investment and childbearing. Scholars are debating whether parents always loved and nurtured their children. The historical record provides some support for both sides. Parents who abandoned their children often did so with the hope that someone else would be able to raise them. But others, like the ancient Carthagians, sacrificed their own children to appease the gods. Colonial Americans appear to have been particularly solicitous of the well-being of their children. (...)
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    Parental Investment by Birth Fathers and Stepfathers.Jenni E. Pettay, Mirkka Danielsbacka, Samuli Helle, Gretchen Perry, Martin Daly & Antti O. Tanskanen - 2023 - Human Nature 34 (2):276-294.
    This study investigates the determinants of paternal investment by birth fathers and stepfathers. Inclusive fitness theory predicts higher parental investment in birth children than stepchildren, and this has consistently been found in previous studies. Here we investigate whether paternal investment varies with childhood co-residence duration and differs between stepfathers and divorced birth fathers by comparing the investment of (1) stepfathers, (2) birth fathers who are separated from the child’s mother, and (3) birth fathers who still (...)
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    Parental Investment and Child Health in a Yanomamö Village Suffering Short Term Food Stress.Hagen H. Edward, Raymond B. Hames, Nathan M. Craig, Matthew T. Lauer & Michael E. Price - 2001 - Journal of Biosocial Science 33 (4):503-528.
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  8. The Parental Investment Factor and the Child's Right to an Open Future.Dena S. Davis - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (2):24-27.
  9.  46
    Parental investment, self-control, and sex differences in the expression of adhd.Joan C. Stevenson & Don C. Williams - 2000 - Human Nature 11 (4):405-422.
    Women do most of the parenting. To provide a stable and healthier setting for children they must sublimate their own interests and feelings, which puts greater pressures on women to communicate needs clearly or to be deceptive when the occasion demands. The likely advantage in communication skills and self-control may ameliorate the impact of disorders like ADHD where the most serious deficit is in self-inhibition. This would account for the strikingly uneven male to female sex ratio of 2:1 (in epidemiological (...)
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    The Primary Parental Investment in Children in the Contemporary USA is Education.Rosemary L. Hopcroft & David O. Martin - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (2):235-250.
  11.  39
    A Preliminary Investigation of Parent–Progeny Olfactory Recognition and Parental Investment.Judith Semon Dubas, Marianne Heijkoop & Marcel A. G. van Aken - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (1):80-92.
    The role of olfaction in kin recognition and parental investment is documented in many mammalian/vertebrate species. Research on humans, however, has only focused on whether parents are able to recognize their children by smell, not whether humans use these cues for investment decisions. Here we show that fathers exhibit more affection and attachment and fewer ignoring behaviors toward children whose smell they can identify than toward those whose smell they cannot recognize. Thus, olfaction might serve as a (...)
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    Adolescent Cranial Volume as a Sensitive Marker of Parental Investment: The Role of Non-material Resources?Velda Lauringson, Gudrun Veldre & Peeter Hõrak - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Growth of different body parts in humans is sensitive to different resource constraints that are mediated by parental investment. Parental investment can involve the expenditure of material, cognitive, and emotional resources on offspring. Cranial volume, an important predictor of cognitive ability, appears understudied in this context. We asked whether there are associations between growth and family structure, self-reported estimates for resource availability, and sibling number; and whether these constraints relate to head and body growth in a (...)
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  13.  59
    Predicting cross-cultural patterns in sex-biased parental investment and attachment.Robert J. Quinlan - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (1):40-41.
    If parenting behavior influences attachment, then parental investment (PI) theory can predict sex differences and distributions of attachment styles across cultures. Trivers-Willard, local resource competition, and local resource enhancement models make distinct predictions for sex-biased parental responsiveness relevant to attachment. Parental investment and attachment probably vary across cultures in relation to for status, wealth, and well-being.
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    Does Investment in the Sexes Differ When Fathers Are Absent?Mhairi A. Gibson - 2008 - Human Nature 19 (3):263-276.
    This study examines child survival and growth in a patrilineal Ethiopian community as a function of father absence and sex. In line with evolutionary predictions for sex-biased parental investment, the absence of a father and associated constraints on household resources is more detrimental for sons’ than daughters’ survival in infancy. Father absence doubles a son’s risk of dying in infancy but has a positive influence on the well-being of female members of the household, improving daughter survival, growth, and (...)
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    Grandparental investment as a function of relational uncertainty and emotional closeness with parents.Richard L. Michalski & Todd K. Shackelford - 2005 - Human Nature 16 (3):293-305.
    Several theoretical perspectives have generated research on grandparental investment, notably socialization and evolutionary psychological perspectives. Using data collected from more than 200 older adults (mean age 67 years), we test three hypotheses derived from socialization and evolutionary perspectives about grandparents’ relationships with and investment in grandchildren. Results indicate that (1) emotional closeness with both children and children-in-law is positively related to reports of emotional closeness with grandchildren; (2) maternal grandmothers invest more in grandchildren than do other grandparents; and (...)
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  16.  51
    Grandparental investment facilitates harmonization of work and family in employed parents: A lifespan psychological perspective.Christiane A. Hoppmann & Petra L. Klumb - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (1):27-28.
    The target article emphasizes the need to identify psychological mechanisms underlying grandparental investment, particularly in low-risk family contexts. We extend this approach by addressing the changing demands of balancing work and family in low-risk families. Taking a lifespan psychological perspective, we identify additional motivators and potential benefits of grandparental investment for grandparents themselves and for subsequent generations.
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  17. Improving the Quality and Utility of Electronic Health Record Data through Ontologies.Asiyah Yu Lin, Sivaram Arabandi, Thomas Beale, William Duncan, Hicks D., Hogan Amanda, R. William, Mark Jensen, Ross Koppel, Catalina Martínez-Costa, Øystein Nytrø, Jihad S. Obeid, Jose Parente de Oliveira, Alan Ruttenberg, Selja Seppälä, Barry Smith, Dagobert Soergel, Jie Zheng & Stefan Schulz - 2023 - Standards 3 (3):316–340.
    The translational research community, in general, and the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) community, in particular, share the vision of repurposing EHRs for research that will improve the quality of clinical practice. Many members of these communities are also aware that electronic health records (EHRs) suffer limitations of data becoming poorly structured, biased, and unusable out of original context. This creates obstacles to the continuity of care, utility, quality improvement, and translational research. Analogous limitations to sharing objective data in (...)
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  18.  38
    Men’s reproductive investment decisions.Coren L. Apicella & Frank W. Marlowe - 2007 - Human Nature 18 (1):22-34.
    Using questionnaire data completed by 170 men, we examine variation in paternal investment in relation to the trade-off between mating and parenting. We found that as men’s self-perceived mate value increases, so does their mating effort, and in turn, as mating effort increases, paternal investment decreases. This study also simultaneously examined the influence on parental investment of men’s mating effort, men’s perception of their mates’ fidelity, and their perceived resemblance to their offspring. All predicted investment. (...)
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  19. Parental partiality and the intergenerational transmission of advantage.Thomas Douglas - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (10):2735-2756.
    Parents typically favour their own children over others’. For example, most parents invest more time and money in their own children than in other children. This parental partiality is usually regarded as morally permissible, or even obligatory, but it can have undesirable distributive effects. For example, it may create unfair or otherwise undesirable advantages for the favoured child. A number of authors have found it necessary to justify parental partiality in the face of these distributive concerns, and they (...)
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    The effects of residential locality on parental and alloparental investment among the Aka foragers of the central African Republic.Courtney L. Meehan - 2005 - Human Nature 16 (1):58-80.
    In this paper I examine the intracultural variability of parental and alloparental caregiving among the Aka foragers of the Central African Republic. It has been suggested that maternal kin offer higher frequencies of allocare than paternal kin and that maternal investment in infants will decrease when alloparental assistance is provided. Behavioral observations were conducted on 15 eight- to twelve-monthold infants. The practice of brideservice and the flexibility of Aka residence patterns offered a means to test the effect of (...)
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  21.  27
    Parenting Strategies in Modern and Emerging Economies.Kermyt G. Anderson & Kathrine E. Starkweather - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (2):133-137.
    Independent of ecology, subsistence strategy, social complexity, or other aspects of socioecology, the altricial nature of young humans requires mothers to have help raising their offspring. What seems to be context-dependent, however, is who the helpers are, how they invest, and what the impacts of that investment are. In a series of papers that focus on parental and alloparental investment across five populations, this special issue of Human Nature uses evolutionary theory to examine how socioecological context influences (...)
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  22. Taking Parenting Public: The Case for a New Social Movement.Enola G. Aird, Allan C. Carlson, David Elkind, William A. Galston, S. Jody Heymann, Wade F. Horn, Bernice Kanner, Juliet B. Schor, Raymond Seidelman, Theda Skocpol, Ruy Teixeira, Cornel West, Peter Winn, Edward Wolff & Ruth A. Wooden - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Taking Parenting Public makes a compelling case that parenting has become dangerously undervalued in America today. It calls for a new investment—both personal and public—into the work of raising children and argues that we are all "stockholders" in the next generation. With a foreword by Sylvia Ann Hewlett and Cornel West, Taking Parenting Public crosses boundaries to bring together thinkers from diverse fields spanning the political spectrum. It features contributions from distinguished experts in economics, political science, public policy, child (...)
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    Taking Parenting Public: The Case for a New Social Movement.Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Nancy Rankin & Cornel West (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Taking Parenting Public makes a compelling case that parenting has become dangerously undervalued in America today. It calls for a new investment—both personal and public—into the work of raising children and argues that we are all 'stockholders' in the next generation. With a foreword by Sylvia Ann Hewlett and Cornel West, Taking Parenting Public crosses boundaries to bring together thinkers from diverse fields spanning the political spectrum. It features contributions from distinguished experts in economics, political science, public policy, child (...)
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    Expanding Opportunity Structures.Dawn B. Neill - 2010 - Human Nature 21 (2):165-185.
    Parental investment strategies are contingent on parental capacities and ecology. Parental embodied capital may be important in aspiration construction and investments in children’s human capital, which is especially important in urban environments where skills are directly tied to wage income. For Indo-Fijians, rural ecology strongly limits opportunities. Here this limitation is conceptualized as extrinsic risk and immune to reduction through enhanced parental investment. Urban migration is interpreted as a risk reduction strategy, given an expanded (...)
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  25.  23
    Intention versus behaviour in parental sex preferences among the Mukogodo of Kenya.Lee Cronk - 1991 - Journal of Biosocial Science 23 (2):229-240.
    The relationship between parents' stated sex preferences for children and actual parental behaviour towards sons and daughters is examined among the Mukogodo, a group of traditional pastoralists in rural Kenya. Although their cultural values are male-centred and they tend to express a preference for sons, Mukogodo parents actually appear to be more solicitous of daughters, and the Mukogodo have a strongly female-biased childhood sex ratio. Studies of stated sex preferences should therefore be coupled with attempts to assess actual (...) investment in sons and daughters. (shrink)
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    Parent-offspring conflict and cost-benefit analysis in adolescent suicidal behavior.Paul W. Andrews - 2006 - Human Nature 17 (2):190-211.
    Data on birth order and parent-offspring relations for 1,601 adolescents participating in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health were used to test hypotheses about the role of adolescent suicidal behavior in parent-offspring conflict. Among adolescents highly dissatisfied with their mothers, the odds that middleborns would make at least one suicide attempt was 23% that of first- and lastborns (p<.001), but their odds of receiving medical treatment for their attempts was 8.5 times greater than the odds for first- and lastborns (...)
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  27.  14
    Family Resource Dilution in Expanded Families and the Empowerment of Married Only Daughters: Evidence From the Educational Investment in Children in Urban China.Xiaotao Wang & Xiaotian Feng - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The One-Child Policy dramatically changed the Chinese family structure, and the literature indicates that only children may have an advantage in terms of family resource dilution. Moreover, as Chinese families traditionally prioritize investing in sons, only daughters are found to have been empowered by the policy because they did not need to compete with their brothers for parental investment. However, the literature is limited to only teenage children when they were still living in their parents' homes. It is (...)
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  28. Kin investment in wage-labor economies.Mary K. Shenk - 2005 - Human Nature 16 (1):81-113.
    Various human groups, from food foragers to inner-city urban Americans, have used widespread sharing of resources through kin networks as a means of buffering themselves against fluctuations in resource availability in their environments. This paper addresses the effects of progressive incorporation into a wage-labor economy on the benefits of traditional kin networks for two social classes in urban South India. Predictions regarding the effects of kin network wealth, education, and size on child and spouse characteristics and methods of financing marriages (...)
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    Parent-offspring conflict and the development of social understanding.Daniel J. Povinelli, Christopher G. Prince & Todd M. Preuss - 2005 - In Peter Carruthers, Stephen Laurence & Stephen P. Stich (eds.), The Innate Mind: Structure and Contents. New York, US: Oxford University Press on Demand. pp. 239--253.
    This chapter begins with a brief review of the theory of parent-offspring conflict and considers the role of this conflict in the cognitive development of human infants. It then discusses the evolution of theory of mind — which is taken to have its origins in human evolution — and considers how this human cognitive specialization might have interacted with existing parent-offspring dynamics. How the epigenetic systems of infants might have responded is shown by elaborating upon existing cognitive and behavioural systems, (...)
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  30. Parental Compromise.Marcus William Hunt - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (2):260-280.
    I examine how co-parents should handle differing commitments about how to raise their child. Via thought experiment and the examination of our practices and affective reactions, I argue for a thesis about the locus of parental authority: that parental authority is invested in full in each individual parent, meaning that that the command of one parent is sufficient to bind the child to act in obedience. If this full-authority thesis is true, then for co-parents to command different things (...)
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    Reproductive strategies and sex-biased investment.Susan Scott & C. J. Duncan - 1999 - Human Nature 10 (1):85-108.
    Sex-biased investment in children has been explored in a historic population in northern England, 1600 to 1800, following a family reconstitution study. An examination of the wills and other available data identified three social groups: the elite, tradesmen, and subsistence farmers. The community lived under marginal conditions with poor and fluctuating levels of nutrition; infant and child mortalities were high. Clear differences were found between the social groups, and it is suggested that the elite wetnursed their daughters whereas the (...)
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  32.  16
    Parenting Adults with ASD: Lessons for Researchers and Clinicians.Cassandra R. Newsom, Amy S. Weitlauf, Cora M. Taylor & Zachary E. Warren - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (3):199-205.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Parenting Adults with ASD: Lessons for Researchers and CliniciansCassandra R. Newsom, Amy S. Weitlauf, Cora M. Taylor, and Zachary E. WarrenRecent reviews of treatments for individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) reveal how little we still know about how to help adolescents with ASD and their families successfully transition into adulthood (Shattuck et al., 2012b; Taylor et al., 2012a). Shattuck and colleagues found that services in the United States (...)
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    An evolutionary perspective on the patterning of maternal investment in pregnancy.Nadine Peacock - 1991 - Human Nature 2 (4):351-385.
    Pregnancy is thought to be a metabolically very expensive endeavor, yet investigations have produced inconsistent results concerning the responsiveness of human birth weight to maternal nutritional stress or nutritional intervention. These findings have led some researchers to conclude that fetal growth is strongly buffered against fluctuations in maternal energy balance, making the fetus in effect a “nearly perfect parasite.” This buffering would appear to be a reasonable adaptive response given the high risk of morbidity and mortality associated with low birth (...)
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    Child rearing as a mechanism for social change: The relationship of child gender to parents' commitment to gender equity.Brent S. Steel & Rebecca L. Warner - 1999 - Gender and Society 13 (4):503-517.
    In this article, the authors argue that having daughters has the potential of sensitizing parents to issues of gender equity. Because parents invest a significant amount of themselves in their children, anticipated and actual struggles that their children face, and the public policies addressing those struggles, take on increased salience. We find that both fathers' and mothers' support for public policies designed to address gender equity increases when parents have daughters only. The findings are stronger for men, suggesting that child (...)
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    Neurobiological limits and the somatic significance of love: Caregivers’ engagements with neuroscience in Scottish parenting programmes.Tineke Broer, Martyn Pickersgill & Sarah Cunningham-Burley - 2020 - History of the Human Sciences 33 (5):85-109.
    While parents have long received guidance on how to raise children, a relatively new element of this involves explicit references to infant brain development, drawing on brain scans and neuroscientific knowledge. Sometimes called ‘brain-based parenting’, this has been criticised from within sociological and policy circles alike. However, the engagement of parents themselves with neuroscientific concepts is far less researched. Drawing on 22 interviews with parents/carers of children (mostly aged 0–7) living in Scotland, this article examines how they account for their (...)
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  36. How Do We Acquire Parental Rights?Joseph Millum - 2010 - Social Theory and Practice 36 (1):112-132.
    In this paper I develop a theory of the acquisition of parental rights. According to this investment theory, parental rights are generated by the performance of parental work. Thus, those who successfully parent a child have the right to continue to do so, and to exclude others from so doing. The account derives from a more general principle of desert that applies outside the domain of parenthood. It also has some interesting implications for the attribution of (...)
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  37.  87
    The influence of infant facial cues on adoption preferences.Anthony Volk & Vernon L. Quinsey - 2002 - Human Nature 13 (4):437-455.
    Trivers’s theory of parental investment suggests that adults should decide whether or not to invest in a given infant using a cost-benefit analysis. To make the best investment decision, adults should seek as much relevant information as possible. Infant facial cues may serve to provide information and evoke feelings of parental care in adults. Four specific infant facial cues were investigated: resemblance (as a proxy for kinship), health, happiness, and cuteness. It was predicted that these cues (...)
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    Darwin and the puzzle of primogeniture.Sarah Blaffer Hrdy & Debra S. Judge - 1993 - Human Nature 4 (1):1-45.
    A historical survey of the inheritance practices of farming families in North America and elsewhere indicates that resource allocations among children differed through time and space with regard to sex bias and equality. Tensions between provisioning all children and maintaining a productive economic entity (the farm) were resolved in various ways, depending on population pressures, the family’s relative resource level, and the number and sex of children.Against a backdrop of generalized son preference, parents responded to ecological circumstances by investing in (...)
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    Parents' and Children's Perceptions of the Ethics of Marketing Energy-Dense Nutrient-Poor Foods on the Internet: Implications for Policy to Restrict Children's Exposure.K. P. Mehta, J. Coveney, P. Ward & E. Handsley - 2014 - Public Health Ethics 7 (1):21-34.
    Children’s exposure to the marketing of energy-dense nutrient-poor (EDNP) foods is a public health concern and marketing investment is known to be shifting to non-broadcast media, such as the Internet. This paper examines the perceptions of parents and children on ethical aspects of food marketing to which children are exposed. The research used qualitative methods with parent-child (aged between 8–13 years), from South Australia. Thirteen parent-child pairs participated in this research. Ethical concerns raised by parents and children included, the (...)
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    Does It Pay to Invest in Japanese Women? Evidence from the MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index.Jonathan Peillex, Sabri Boubaker & Breeda Comyns - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (3):595-613.
    In Japan, income, authority, and prestige are unequally distributed between men and women, even if they share the same occupational level. These inequalities are perceived as an ethical issue because they go against the principle of equal treatment at work. Nowadays, Japanese companies are under growing political and regulatory pressure to increase the hiring, promotion, and empowerment of female employees. In this context, the first equity index that tracks the financial performance of the best Japanese companies in terms of gender (...)
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    Investing in Parenthood.Jeffrey Blustein - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (5):37-39.
    The recent child custody case Weisberger v Weisberger raises a number of ethical issues concerning the rights and responsibilities of parents. Chavie Weisberger, thirty‐five, and her husband, both members of an ultraorthodox Hasidic community, appeared before a religious court in 2008 to obtain a divorce. There are two sharply contrasting legal rulings in this case. Setting aside the legally significant fact that Chavie had signed the divorce agreement with the clause requiring her to raise her children Hasidic, which decision is (...)
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    Protocol for randomized control trial of a digital-assisted parenting intervention for promoting Malaysian children’s mental health.Nor Sheereen Zulkefly, Anis Raihan Dzeidee Schaff, Nur Arfah Zaini, Firdaus Mukhtar, Noris Mohd Norowi, Rahima Dahlan & Salmiah Md Said - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:928895.
    BackgroundMental illness among Malaysian children is gradually reaching a fundamentally alarming point as it persistently shows increasing trend. The existing literature on the etiologies of children’s mental illness, highlights the most common cause to be ineffective or impaired parenting. Thus, efforts to combat mental illness in children should focus on improving the quality of parenting. Documented interventional studies focusing on this issue, particularly in Malaysia, are scarce and commonly report poor treatment outcomes stemming from inconvenient face-to-face instructions. Consequently, proposing an (...)
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    Adoption, Fostering, and Parental Absence in Vanuatu.Eva Brandl, Emily H. Emmott & Ruth Mace - 2023 - Human Nature 34 (3):422-455.
    Alloparenting, wherein people provide care to children who are not their biological offspring, is a key aspect of human child-rearing. In the Pacific, many children are adopted or fostered by custodial alloparents even when both biological parents are still alive. From a behavioral ecology perspective, such behaviors are puzzling: why parent someone else’s child at your expense? Furthermore, little is known about how these arrangements are made in Pacific Islander societies today, who provides care, and what kinds of outcomes fostered (...)
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    Pricing the priceless child 2.0: children as human capital investment.Nina Bandelj & Michelle Spiegel - forthcoming - Theory and Society:1-26.
    This article takes Viviana Zelizer’s (1985) Pricing the Priceless Child to the new millennium. Zelizer documented the transformation between the 19th and 20th century from an “economically useful” to an “emotionally priceless” child. She observed that by the 1930s, American children were practically economically worthless but invested with significant emotional value. What has happened to this emotionally priceless child at the dawn of the new millennium? Has there been a new transformation in the social value of children, and, if so, (...)
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    Be a good sport: A care ethical inquiry into sport parenting.Esther Schoots, Alistair Niemeijer & Gustaaf Bos - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-16.
    In recent years, reports on youth sports excesses and abuses of minors underscore the need for a safer sport environment. However, the way in which parents guide their children in dealing with winning and losing in sports is less understood. A care ethical inquiry into sport parenting might contribute to a better understanding of the role parents play in creating a safe sport environment for their children. This study applies theoretical perspectives from care ethics into practical context focusing on the (...)
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    Serial Monogamy as Polygyny or Polyandry?Monique Borgerhoff Mulder - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (2):130-150.
    Applications of sexual selection theory to humans lead us to expect that because of mammalian sex differences in obligate parental investment there will be gender differences in fitness variances, and males will benefit more than females from multiple mates. Recent theoretical work in behavioral ecology suggests reality is more complex. In this paper, focused on humans, predictions are derived from conventional parental investment theory regarding expected outcomes associated with serial monogamy and are tested with new data (...)
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    Labour Migration and Ties of Relatedness: Diasporic Houses and Investments in Memory in a Rural Philippine Village.Filomeno Aguilar - 2009 - Thesis Eleven 98 (1):88-114.
    Putting migrant remittances into house construction and rebuilding is generally seen as either conspicuous consumption or productive investment, but in both cases the perspective is economistic. This article argues that only when the cultural dimension of economic action is understood will it be possible to comprehend migrant spending on houses. Specifically, this article seeks to understand why, in the case of the rural Tagalog village in this study, located in upland Batangas Province in the Philippines, overseas labour migrants build (...)
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    Attachment, mating, and parenting.Jay Belsky - 1997 - Human Nature 8 (4):361-381.
    A modern evolutionary perspective emphasizing life history theory and behavioral ecology is brought to bear on the three core patterns of attachment that are identified in studies of infants and young children in the Strange Situation and adults using the Adult Attachment Interview. Mating and parenting correlates of secure/autonomous, avoidant/dismissing, and resistant/preoccupied attachment patterns are reviewed, and the argument is advanced that security evolved to promote mutually beneficial interpersonal relations and high investment parenting; that avoidant/dismissing attachment evolved to promote (...)
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    Beyond the “Cinderella effect”.Robert L. Burgess & Alicia A. Drais - 1999 - Human Nature 10 (4):373-398.
    A central thesis of this paper is that understanding the nature of child maltreatment is so complex that no one disciplinary specialty is likely to be sufficient for the task. Although life history theory is the guiding principle for our analysis, we argue that an evolutionary explanation adds precision by incorporating empirical findings originating from the fields of anthropology; clinical, developmental, and social psychology; and sociology. Although evolutionary accounts of child maltreatment have been largely limited to the role of the (...)
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    Birth order and relationships.Catherine Salmon - 2003 - Human Nature 14 (1):73-88.
    Previous studies (Salmon 1999; Salmon and Daly 1998) have found that sex and birth order are strong predictors of familial sentiments. Middleborns tend to be less family-oriented than firstborns or lastborns, while sex differences seem to focus on the utility of kin in certain domains. If this is a reflection of middleborns receiving a lesser degree of support from kin (particularly in terms of parental investment), are middleborns turning to reciprocal alliances outside the family, becoming friendship specialists? Are (...)
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