Results for ' paramecium'

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  1.  35
    My favorite cell— Paramecium.Helmut Plattner - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (7):649-658.
    A Paramecium cell has a stereotypically patterned surface, with regularly arranged cilia, dense‐core secretory vesicles and subplasmalemmal calcium stores. Less strikingly, there is also a patterning of molecules; for instance, some ion channels are restricted to certain regions of the cell surface. This design may explain very effective and selective responses, such as that to Ca2+ upon stimulation. It enables the cell to respond to a Ca2+ signal precisely secretion (exocytosis) or by changing its ciliary activity. These responses depend (...)
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    Genetic dissection of Ca2+‐dependent ion channel function in Paramecium.Robin R. Preston - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (6):273-281.
    The ciliated protozoan, Paramecium, broadcasts the activity of its individual ion channel classes through its swimming behaviour. This fact has made it possible to isolate mutants with defective ion currents, simply by selecting individuals with abnormal swimming patterns. At least four of Paramecium's ion currents are activated by rising intracellular calcium concentration, including two K+ currents and a Na+ current. A variety of cell lines with defects in these Ca2+‐dependent currents have been isolated: in several cases, the defects (...)
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    Trial and error learning in paramecium.J. W. French - 1940 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 26 (6):609.
  4.  13
    DNA rearrangements and mating‐type determination in Paramecium tetraurelia.James Forney - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (1):5-8.
    Ciliated protozoa have separate germline and somatic nuclei, yet unlike larger organisms, both nuclei reside in the same cytoplasm. The micronuclei contain the germline and the macronucleus is the somatic nucleus. Thousands of DNA elements are normally removed from the micronuclear genome as it forms a new macronucleus during each sexual cycle. A recent study directly links the excision of these internal eliminated sequences (IESs) to mating type determination by showing that a pleiotropic mutation affecting mating type also prevents the (...)
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    (1 other version)The Limits of Educability in Paramecium[REVIEW]Elmer E. Jones - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6 (8):220-221.
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    Analogy Between Quantum and Cell Relations.Daniel Fels - 2012 - Axiomathes 22 (4):509-520.
    Relations occur on all levels of systems. Following a major assumption of generalized quantum theory, namely that the principles of quantum mechanics will occur on higher system levels as well, it was investigated in an a posteriori analysis of pre-existing data whether relational patterns found for two-photon experiments are similarly performed by two cell-populations. In particular, the typical pattern in outcomes of two-photon entanglement experiments was extrapolated to discover similar patterns of relationships in the cellular biological system of the Ciliate (...)
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    Do Constructive Empiricists See Paramecia Too?Alessio Gava - 2014 - Prolegomena 13 (2):291-302.
    According to Bas van Fraassen, a postulated entity which can only be detected by means of some instrument should not be considered observable. In this paper I argue that (1) this is not correct; (2) someone can be a constructive empiricist, adhering to van Fraassen’s famous anti-realist position, even admitting that many entities only detectable with a microscope are observable. The case of the paramecium, a very well-known single-celled organism, is particularly instructive in this respect. I maintain that we (...)
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    Sex, Death, and Evolution in Proto- and Metazoa, 1876–1913.A. J. Lustig - 2000 - Journal of the History of Biology 33 (2):221 - 246.
    In the period 1875-1920, a debate about the generality and applicability of evolutionary theory to all organisms was motivated by work on unicellular ciliates like Paramecium because of their peculiar nuclear dualism and life cycles. The French cytologist Emile Maupas and the German zoologist August Weismann argued in the 1880s about the evolutionary origins and functions of sex (which in the ciliates is not linked to reproduction), and death (which appeared to be the inevitable fate of lineages denied sexual (...)
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    How it feels is a series of questions; Listen.; The English boy; Age 16.Elisabeth Blair - 2019 - Feminist Studies 45 (1):173.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 45, no. 1. © 2019 by Elisabeth Blair 173 How it feels is a series of questions Are you home now, or in the body of a bird? Do you drown, or do you sit calm in the watery air? And the fire—did you light it yourself, or did someone you know, or someone you have yet to meet? Can you sit quiet by it or is (...)
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    The Microbial Models of Molecular Biology: From Genes to Genomes.Rowland H. Davis - 2003 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This book explains the role of simple biological model systems in the growth of molecular biology. Essentially the whole history of molecular biology is presented here, tracing the work in bacteriophages in E. coli, the role of other prokaryotic systems, and also the protozoan and algal models—Paramecium and Chlamydomonas, primarily—and the move into eukaryotes with the fungal systems Neurospora, Aspergillus and yeast. Each model was selected for its appropriateness for asking a given class of questions, and each spawned its (...)
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    Ultradian clocks in eukaryotic microbes: from behavioural observation to functional genomics.Fred Kippert & Paul Hunt - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (1):16-22.
    Period homeostasis is the defining characteristic of a biological clock. Strict period homeostasis is found for the ultradian clocks of eukaryotic microbes. In addition to being temperature-compensated, the period of these rhythms is unaffected by differences in nutrient composition or changes in other environmental variables. The best-studied examples of ultradian clocks are those of the ciliates Paramecium tetraurelia and Tetrahymena sp. and of the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In these single cell eukaryotes, up to seven different parameters display ultradian (...)
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    From Anomaly to Unification: Tracy Sonneborn and the Species Problem in Protozoa, 1954--1957. [REVIEW]Judy Johns Schloegel - 1999 - Journal of the History of Biology 32 (1):93 - 132.
    This article examines the critique of the biological species concept advanced by protozoan geneticist Tracy Sonneborn at the 1955 AAAS symposium on "the species problem," published subsequently in 1957. Although Sonneborn was a strong proponent of a population genetical conception of species, he became critical of the biological species concept for its failure to incorporate asexual and obligatory inbreeding organisms. It is argued that Sonneborn's intimate knowledge of the ciliate protozoan Paramecium aurelia species complex brought him into conflict with (...)
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