Results for ' ontology, language, predication, stoicism, lekta, Peripatetics, Sextus Empiricus, linguistic naturalism, Seneca, logical structure'

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  1.  64
    Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas avec les lekta?Ada Bronowski - 2019 - Methodos 19.
    On examinera la théorie stoïcienne des lekta en suivant les critiques formulées contre elle provenant de trois perspectives différentes : celle des Péripatéticiens, de Sextus Empiricus et celle formulée au sein même de l’école par Sénèque. Ces critiques se concentrent sur des questions relatives à une théorie du langage, mais une lecture minutieuse révèle que le cœur du problème réside dans un rejet profond de l’ontologie stoïcienne, constituée en partie, par les lekta. Les réactions des critiques tendent toutes à (...)
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    Sextus Empiricus on Peripatetic Syllogistic (publication expected 2025/26).Susanne Bobzien - forthcoming - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis.
    This mainly historical paper provides a comprehensive discussion of the (heretoforth neglected) evidence of Peripatetic syllogistic in Sextus Empiricus. The paper sets out to show that it is likely that in Sextus (and Apuleius) there is valuable evidence of a transitional period in later ancient logic that is marked out as such by a number of characteristics, which include the following: (i) A Peripatetic term ‘categorical syllogism’ is newly in use, but no term ‘hypothetical syllogism’ has been established (...)
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    Plato’s Third Man Paradox: its Logic and History.Ioannis M. Vandoulakis - 2009 - Archives Internationale D’Histoire des Sciences 59 (162):3-52.
    In Plato’s Parmenides 132a-133b, the widely known Third Man Paradox is stated, which has special interest for the history of logical reasoning. It is important for philosophers because it is often thought to be a devastating argument to Plato’s theory of Forms. Some philosophers have even viewed Aristotle’s theory of predication and the categories as inspired by reflection on it [Owen 1966]. For the historians of logic it is attractive, because of the phenomenon of self-reference that involves. Bocheński denies (...)
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    Epistemology after Sextus Empiricus.Justin Vlasits & Katja Maria Vogt (eds.) - 2020 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Sextus Empiricus was the voice of ancient Greek skepticism for posterity. His writings contain the most subtle and detailed versions of the ancient skeptical arguments known as Pyrrhonism, adding up to a distinctive philosophical approach. Instead of viewing philosophy as valuable because of the answers it gives to important questions, Sextus considered the search for answers itself to be fundamental and offered a philosophy centered on inquiry. Assuming the point of view of an active inquirer, Sextus developed (...)
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  5.  21
    Linguistic Problems in the Investigation of Chinese Philosophy.Нanna Hnatovska & Vasyl Havronenko - 2023 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 2 (9):13-19.
    B a c k g r o u n d. The article is devoted to the analysis of the key directions of the study of the possible influence of the specifics of Chinese language culture on the content and nature of intellectual discourse, which is recognized as philosophical. Logic and ontology are the key areas of analysis of the possible influence of linguistic determinants on the intellectual discourse of China. Three main topics that attract the attention of researchers are (...)
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    Natural-Language Predicates as Relations of the Relational Model of Data.Olga Poller - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (3):993-1039.
    In this paper I review the Neo-Davidsonian semantics of prepositional phrases and secondary predication. I argue that certain types of examples pose challenge to this semantics. I present an alternative to the Neo-Davidsonian analysis which successfully deals with the problematic examples. The core idea lies in representing theta-roles not as functions from events to their participants, but rather as argument-labels encoding the role of each argument in a given verb. As a result, natural-language predicates can now be treated in the (...)
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  7.  24
    Quine: Naturalized Epistemology, Perceptual Knowledge and Ontology.Lieven Decock & Leon Horsten (eds.) - 2000 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Rodopi.
    Contents: Introduction. NATURALIZED EPISTEMOLOGY. Ton DERKSEN: Naturalistic Epistemology, Murder and Suicide? But what about the Promises! Christopher HOOKWAY: Naturalism and Rationality. Mia GOSSELIN: Quine's Hypothetical Theory of Language Learning. A Comparison of Different Conceptual Schemes of Their Logic. THE NATURE OF PERCEPTUAL KNOWLEDGE. Jaap van BRAKEL: Quine and Innate Similarity Spaces. Dirk KOPPELBERG: Quine and Davidson on the Structure of Empirical Knowledge. Eva PICARDI: Empathy and Charity. ONTOLOGY. Sandra LAUGIER: Quine: Indeterminacy, ‘Robust Realism', and Truth. Roger VERGAUWEN: Quine and (...)
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  8.  81
    Grammar, Ontology, and the Unity of Meaning.Ulrich Reichard - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Durham
    Words have meaning. Sentences also have meaning, but their meaning is different in kind from any collection of the meanings of the words they contain. I discuss two puzzles related to this difference. The first is how the meanings of the parts of a sentence combine to give rise to a unified sentential meaning, as opposed to a mere collection of disparate meanings (UP1). The second is why the formal ontology of linguistic meaning changes when grammatical structure is (...)
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  9.  86
    Semantic and Ontological Aspects of Wyclif’s Theory of Supposition.Alessandro D. Conti - 2013 - Vivarium 51 (1-4):304-326.
    The relationship between thought and reality was a focal point of Wyclif’s reflection. On the one hand, Wyclif believed that thought was linguistically constrained by its own nature; on the other hand, he considered thought to be related to reality in its elements and constitution. Hence he deemed language, thought, and external reality to be of the same logical coherence. Within this context, the theory of supposition was intended to explain the different roles that terms can have in relation (...)
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  10.  92
    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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  11.  52
    The Ontological Structure of Linguistic Theory.G. Benjamin Oliver - 1969 - The Monist 53 (2):262-279.
    Recent discussions of ontology have shown an interest in the relation between logic, language and ontology. Quine, for example, has shown how sentences translated into canonical form determine ontological commitment in terms of the values over which bound variables range, while Strawson has maintained that conditions inherent to language determine a system of ontological concepts. But in these discussions the role linguistics might have in the construction of ontological schemes is seldom seriously considered. Except for Benjamin Lee Whorf’s examination through (...)
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  12.  91
    Simplicity of what? A case study from generative linguistics.Giulia Terzian & María Inés Corbalán - 2020 - Synthese 198 (10):9427-9452.
    The Minimalist Program in generative linguistics is predicated on the idea that simplicity is a defining property of the human language faculty, on the one hand; on the other, a central aim of linguistic theorising. Worryingly, however, justifications for either claim are hard to come by in the literature. We sketch a proposal that would allow for both shortcomings to be addressed, and that furthermore honours the program’s declared commitment to naturalism. We begin by teasing apart and clarifying the (...)
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  13.  24
    Leśniewskian Ontology with Many-argument Predication.Jacek Paśniczek - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (3):327-336.
    ABSTRACT Leśniewskian Ontology (LO) is a system in which the basic subject-predicate formula takes the form of a b and express one-argument predication, e.g. John is a student. In LO’s language, there is no many-argument form of predication given that would allow for the structural expression of, for example, the sentence John is Anne’s son. In this article, a simple and natural extension of LO is suggested to encompass many-argument predication. The system thus obtained corresponds to polyadic second-order logic.
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  14.  66
    Propositions: ontology and logic.Robert Stalnaker - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    A defense of an ontology of propositions and of some logical resources for representing them. It begins with an austere formulation of a theory of propositions in a first-order extensional logic, but then uses the commitments of this theory to justify an enrichment to modal logic - the logic of necessity and possibility - as an appropriate framework for regimented languages that are constructed to represent any of our scientific and philosophical commitments. Both the proof-theory and the model theory (...)
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  15.  31
    De wiskundige rede.W. N. A. Klever - 1984 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 46 (4):611 - 642.
    Philosophers of science don't very often discuss the place of mathematics between other sciences or the meaning of mathematics for other sciences. They consider mathematics as a formal language with mainly analytical statements about the use of symbols (Carnap, Russell, Ayer ). Originally Wittgenstein defended this formalistic interpretation of mathematics in his TLP. Gradually, however, he develops himself towards an intuitionistic and ontological position, in which mathematics is conceived as the central and therefore normative part of our thought (of course (...)
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  16.  33
    Ethics and Human Action in Early Stoicism. [REVIEW]Gerard Verbeke - 1986 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (3):566-568.
    In this book the author intends to present a careful analysis of the Stoic teaching on human action and to apply it to the moral doctrine of mainly Zeno and Chrysippus. The work is divided into two parts: the first deals with the structure of human action, whereas the second applies the result of the performed analysis to the moral theory, especially to the teaching on passions and the ethical evolution of an individual from a pre-moral to a moral (...)
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  17. Logic and Ontology.Nino B. Cocchiarella - 2001 - Axiomathes 12 (1):117-150.
    A brief review of the historicalrelation between logic and ontologyand of the opposition between the viewsof logic as language and logic as calculusis given. We argue that predication is morefundamental than membership and that differenttheories of predication are based on differenttheories of universals, the three most importantbeing nominalism, conceptualism, and realism.These theories can be formulated as formalontologies, each with its own logic, andcompared with one another in terms of theirrespective explanatory powers. After a briefsurvey of such a comparison, we argue (...)
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  18.  5
    Categorical Ontology of Complex Spacetime Structures: The Emergence of Life and Human Consciousness.I. C. Baianu, R. Brown & J. F. Glazebrook - 2007 - Axiomathes 17 (3):223-352.
    A categorical ontology of space and time is presented for emergent biosystems, super-complex dynamics, evolution and human consciousness. Relational structures of organisms and the human mind are naturally represented in non-abelian categories and higher dimensional algebra. The ascent of man and other organisms through adaptation, evolution and social co-evolution is viewed in categorical terms as variable biogroupoid representations of evolving species. The unifying theme of local-to-global approaches to organismic development, evolution and human consciousness leads to novel patterns of relations that (...)
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  19. Languages and Other Abstract Structures.Ryan Mark Nefdt - 2018 - In Martin Neef & Christina Behme, Essays on Linguistic Realism. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 139-184.
    My aim in this chapter is to extend the Realist account of the foundations of linguistics offered by Postal, Katz and others. I first argue against the idea that naive Platonism can capture the necessary requirements on what I call a ‘mixed realist’ view of linguistics, which takes aspects of Platonism, Nominalism and Mentalism into consideration. I then advocate three desiderata for an appropriate ‘mixed realist’ account of linguistic ontology and foundations, namely (1) linguistic creativity and infinity, (2) (...)
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  20.  67
    Sextus Empiricus on Xenophanes' Scepticism.Shaul Tor - 2013 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 3 (1):1-23.
    Sextus’ interpretation of Xenophanes’ scepticism in M 7.49–52 is often cited but has never been subject to detailed analysis. Such analysis reveals that Sextus’ interpretation raises far more complex problems than has been recognised. Scholars invariably assume one of two ways of construing his account of Xenophanes B34, without observing that the choice between these two alternatives poses an interpretive dilemma. Some scholars take it that Sextus ascribes to Xenophanes the view that one may have knowledge without (...)
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  21. The Logic of the Ontological Square.Luc Schneider - 2009 - Studia Logica 91 (1):25-51.
    The Ontological Square is a categorial scheme that combines two metaphysical distinctions: that between types (or universals ) and tokens (or particulars ) on the one hand, and that between characters (or features ) and their substrates (or bearers ) on the other hand. The resulting four-fold classification of things comprises particular substrates, called substances , universal substrates, called kinds , particular characters, called modes or moments , and universal characters, called attributes . Things are joined together in facts by (...)
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  22. The structure of predication.Alessandro Lenci - 1998 - Synthese 114 (2):233-276.
    The paper discusses the structure of non-verbal predication, with particular reference to the role of the copula. Differently from the main tenets of contemporary logico-philosophical and linguistic theories, a model of predication is proposed where the verbal component (specifically, tense information) is regarded as central in establishing the syntactic and semantic relation between a predicate and its subject. It is thus possible to recover some of the insights of the pre-Fregean analysis of predication. The proposed solution has a (...)
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  23.  37
    On Boolean Algebraic Structure of Proofs: Towards an Algebraic Semantics for the Logic of Proofs.Amir Farahmand Parsa & Meghdad Ghari - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (4):573-613.
    We present algebraic semantics for the classical logic of proofs based on Boolean algebras. We also extend the language of the logic of proofs in order to have a Boolean structure on proof terms and equality predicate on terms. Moreover, the completeness theorem and certain generalizations of Stone’s representation theorem are obtained for all proposed algebras.
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    Ontology of The Possible: on the Structure of the Object.Giuseppe Armogida - 2018 - Open Philosophy 1 (1):299-309.
    This paper, through a realist reading of Husserlian phenomenology, aims to explain how the consciousness-sense has access to reality and, in general, to objectivity. There is a ‘strife’ between the essence of a thing and the specific concreteness in which it always becomes manifest, such that the identical object is indicated by changeable predicates, but at the same time always distinguishes itself from them. Language can express the evidence of the thing - which makes the determinable aspects of the thing (...)
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    Philosophy of Language and Linguistics: Volume I: The Formal Turn; Volume II: The Philosophical Turn.Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.) - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Introduction. PHilosophy of Language and Linguistics: The Formal Turn Piotr Stalmaszczyk Gottlob Frege, Philosophy of Language, and Predication Piotr Stalmaszczyk Philosophy, Linguistics and Semantic Interpretation Christian Bassac An Unresolved Issue: Nonsense in Natural Language and Non-Classical Logical and Semantic Systems Elzbieta Chrzanowska-Kluczewska Varieties of Context-Dependence Tadeusz Ciecierski The Logos of Semantic Structure Marie Du í, Bjørn Jespersen and Pavel Materna The Good Samaritan and the Hygienic Cook: A Cautionary Tale About Linguistic Data Chris Fox The Meaning of (...)
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  26. The neural basis of predicate-argument structure.James R. Hurford - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (3):261-283.
    Neural correlates exist for a basic component of logical formulae, PREDICATE(x). Vision and audition research in primates and humans shows two independent neural pathways; one locates objects in body-centered space, the other attributes properties, such as colour, to objects. In vision these are the dorsal and ventral pathways. In audition, similarly separable “where” and “what” pathways exist. PREDICATE(x) is a schematic representation of the brain's integration of the two processes of delivery by the senses of the location of an (...)
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  27. The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory.Noam Chomsky - 1975 - Springer.
  28. Higher-order logic as metaphysics.Jeremy Goodman - 2024 - In Peter Fritz & Nicholas K. Jones, Higher-Order Metaphysics. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter offers an opinionated introduction to higher-order formal languages with an eye towards their applications in metaphysics. A simply relationally typed higher-order language is introduced in four stages: starting with first-order logic, adding first-order predicate abstraction, generalizing to higher-order predicate abstraction, and finally adding higher-order quantification. It is argued that both β-conversion and Universal Instantiation are valid on the intended interpretation of this language. Given these two principles, it is then shown how we can use pure higher-order logic to (...)
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  29. Generalized Logic: A Philosophical Perspective with Linguistic Applications.Gila Sher - 1989 - Dissertation, Columbia University
    The question motivating my investigation is: Are the basic philosophical principles underlying the "core" system of contemporary logic exhausted by the standard version? In particular, is the accepted narrow construal of the notion "logical term" justified? ;As a point of comparison I refer to systems of 1st-order logic with generalized quantifiers developed by mathematicians and linguists . Based on an analysis of the Tarskian conception of the role of logic I show that the standard division of terms into (...) and extra-logical is partly arbitrary. I argue that the semantic principles of Tarskian logic allow any higher order mathematical predicate or relation to function as a logical term in a 1st-order system, provided it is introduced in the right way into the syntactic-semantic apparatus. ;Formally, I propose a new, "constructive", semantic characterization of logical terms. A logical term is defined by a function which, given a model, "shows" how to construct relations, sets, or n-tuples of individuals which satisfy it. I discuss the linguistic applicability of the extended logic and bring numerous examples. ;One chapter is devoted to branching quantification--a non-standard logico-linguistic construction obtained by affixing a non-linear, partially-ordered quantifier-prefix to a well-formed formula. Although standard branching quantifiers were given a complete account by Henkin and Walkoe, it is not altogether clear what the meaning of branching generalized quantifiers is. I propose a new analysis of the generalized branching prefix which extends the existent, partial, definitions due to Barwise, and I develop a generalization leading to a "family" of branching structures. ;In conclusion I discuss the philosophical impact of the generalized conception of logic on such issues as the logicist thesis, the interaction between mathematics and logic, ontological commitment via logic, metaphysics and logical semantics. (shrink)
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  30.  51
    Predicating Forms of Matter in Aristotle's "Metaphysics".Carl Page - 1985 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (1):57 - 82.
    ON A GENERAL READING of the Metaphysics and the treatises of the so-called Organon, the types of assertion which Aristotle would allow as genuine predications seem relatively straightforward. According to the Categories, for instance, a species is characteristically predicated of the individuals falling under it, while genera and differentiae are predicated both of the relevant species and their associated individuals. The predicates are, in these instances, universals in a familiar Aristotelian sense. Furthermore, these intra-categorial predications, such as "Socrates is a (...)
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  31.  23
    The Stoics on Lekta: All There is to Say.Ada Bronowski - 2019 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    After Plato's Forms, and Aristotle's substances, the Stoics posited the fundamental reality of lekta - the meanings of sentences, distinct from the sentences themselves. This volume analyses the resulting unique, complex, and consistent cosmic view in which lekta are the keystones of the structure of reality: they are all there is to say.
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  32.  43
    Teaching Good Biomedical Ontology Design.D. Seddig-Raufie, M. Boeker, S. Schulz, N. Grewe, J. Röhl, L. Jansen & D. Schober - 2012 - In Ronald Cornet & Robert Stevens, International Conference for Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO 2012), KR-MED Series, Graz, Austria July 21-25, 2012.
    Background: In order to improve ontology quality, tool- and language-related tutorials are not sufficient. Care must be taken to provide optimized curricula for teaching the representational language in the context of a semantically rich upper level ontology. The constraints provided by rigid top and upper level models assure that the ontologies built are not only logically consistent but also adequately represent the domain of discourse and align to explicitly outlined ontological principles. Finally such a curriculum must take into account the (...)
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  33.  14
    On the origins of logical pluralism.В. И Шалак - 2022 - Philosophy Journal 15 (4):88-97.
    The article presents a brief analysis of how the existence of various logics became possi­ble. This is shown on the example of such well-known logical theories as syllogistics, temporal, multivalued, intuitionistic, paraconsistent and quantum logics. Each of them arose not on someone’s whim, but to solve specific problems. They are based on the most general ontological assumptions about the subject area under study. In formal logic onto­logical assumptions are refined in the concept of a model structure. Since (...)
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    Generics, Covert Structure and Logical Form.Rachel Katharine Sterken - 2016 - Mind and Language 31 (5):503-529.
    The standard view amongst philosophers of language and linguists is that the logical form of generics is quantificational and contains a covert, unpronounced quantifier expression Gen. Recently, some theorists have begun to question the standard view and rekindle the competing proposal, that generics are a species of kind-predication. These theorists offer some forceful objections to the standard view, and new strategies for dealing with the abundance of linguistic evidence in favour of the standard view. I respond to these (...)
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  35.  25
    Subject and Predicate in Logic and Grammar. [REVIEW]John Peterson - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (3):685-687.
    Strawson aims in this work to explain the foundation of the basic combination of subject and predicate on which logic rests and to develop a more comprehensive view of subject and predicate in the light of the general notion of grammar. Goals and are addressed in parts 1 and 2, respectively. Though aim might seem to be less plausible than given the complexity and diversity of the grammars of natural languages, nevertheless, since all language-users share the same broad-based categories of (...)
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  36. Constructing formal semantics from an ontological perspective. The case of second-order logics.Thibaut Giraud - 2014 - Synthese 191 (10):2115-2145.
    In a first part, I defend that formal semantics can be used as a guide to ontological commitment. Thus, if one endorses an ontological view OO and wants to interpret a formal language LL , a thorough understanding of the relation between semantics and ontology will help us to construct a semantics for LL in such a way that its ontological commitment will be in perfect accordance with OO . Basically, that is what I call constructing formal semantics from an (...)
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  37.  7
    Ontological representations of rhetorical figures for argument mining.Randy Allen Harris & Chrysanne Di Marco - 2017 - Argument and Computation 8 (3):267-287.
    This paper surveys ontological modeling of rhetorical concepts, developed for use in argument mining and other applications of computational rhetoric, projecting their future directions. We include ontological models of argument schemes applying Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST); the RhetFig proposal for modeling; the related RetFig Ontology of Rhetorical Figures for Serbian (developed by two of the authors); and the Lassoing Rhetoric project (developed by another of the authors). The Lassoing Rhetoric venture is interesting for its multifaceted approach to linguistic (...)
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    Stoic Logic.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2018 - In Sean D. Kirkland & Eric Sanday, A Companion to Ancient Philosophy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press. pp. 505–529.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction The Stoic Logical System Conclusion Bibliography.
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    The Skeptic Way: Sextus Empiricus's "Outlines of Pyrrhonism" (review).David K. Glidden - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (3):460-462.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Skeptic Way: Sextus Empiricus’s “Outlines of Pyrrhonism.” by Benson MatesDavid K. GliddenBenson Mates. The Skeptic Way: Sextus Empiricus’s “Outlines of Pyrrhonism.” New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. Pp. x + 335. Cloth, $55.00, Paper, $22.95.Benson Mates’s translation and commentary of Sextus Empiricus’ Outlines of Pyrrhonism appears nearly half a century after Mates first began his pioneering work on Sextus and Hellenistic philosophy. This (...)
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    Neuromimetic Semantics: Coordination, Quantification, and Collective Predicates.Harry Howard - 2004 - Elsevier.
    This book attempts to marry truth-conditional semantics with cognitive linguistics in the church of computational neuroscience. To this end, it examines the truth-conditional meanings of coordinators, quantifiers, and collective predicates as neurophysiological phenomena that are amenable to a neurocomputational analysis. Drawing inspiration from work on visual processing, and especially the simple/complex cell distinction in early vision (V1), we claim that a similar two-layer architecture is sufficient to learn the truth-conditional meanings of the logical coordinators and logical quantifiers. As (...)
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    Logical Structure and Linguistic Structure: Cross-Linguistic Perspectives.Cheng-teh James Huang & Robert May - 1991 - Springer Verlag.
    The papers in this volume are contributions to a comparative semantics, understood in the context of the theory of Logical Form as a branch of comparative syntax. In contrastively exploring a wide range of languages, including Arabic, Chinese, English, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Navajo, Spanish and Toba Batak, the authors provide new insights into our understanding of the nature of quantificational, WH and anaphoric phenomena, and into the form of constraints, including subjacency and ECP, on the structure of binding (...)
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    (1 other version)Evolutionary naturalism and the logical structure of valuation: The other side of error theory.Richard A. Richards - 2005 - Cosmos and History 1 (2):270-294.
    On one standard philosophical position adopted by evolutionary naturalists, human ethical systems are nothing more than evolutionary adaptations that facilitate social behavior. Belief in an absolute moral foundation is therefore in error. But evolutionary naturalism, by its commitment to the basic valutional concept of fitness, reveals another, logical error: standard conceptions of value in terms of simple predication and properties are mistaken. Valuation has instead, a relational structure that makes reference to respects, subjects and environments. This relational nature (...)
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    Taoism and Ecstatic Naturalism : A Korean American Comparison. 임찬순 - 2008 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 24 (24):385-419.
    The tendency of postmodernity emphasizes on linguistic deconstruction and construction rather than being and nature. Deconstructive attitude is very meaningful in order to overcome modernity through critiques on reason and rationality. However, I feel still unsatisfactory. It is the beginning of this paper. Taoism is focused on nature's spontaneity as logic and grammar to interpret everything that is Wu-wei as the void. It pays attention to immanent transformation and change in nature. Robert Corrington's Ecstatic Naturalism, as a son of (...)
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    An Expected Error: An Essay in Defence of Moral Emotionism.Justin J. Bartlett - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (2):271-289.
    This work draws an analogical defence of strong emotionism—the metaethical claim that moral properties and concepts consist in the propensity of actions to elicit emotional responses from divergent emotional perspectives. I offer a theory that is in line with that of Prinz. I build an analogy between moral properties and what I call emotion-dispositional properties. These properties are picked out by predicates such as ‘annoying’, ‘frightening’ or ‘deplorable’ and appear to be uncontroversial and frequent cases of attribution error—the attributing of (...)
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  45.  33
    Ontological representations of rhetorical figures for argument mining.Jelena Mitrović, Cliff O’Reilly, Miljana Mladenović & Siegfried Handschuh - 2017 - Argument and Computation 8 (3):267-287.
    This paper surveys ontological modeling of rhetorical concepts, developed for use in argument mining and other applications of computational rhetoric, projecting their future directions. We include ontological models of argument schemes applying Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST); the RhetFig proposal for modeling; the related RetFig Ontology of Rhetorical Figures for Serbian (developed by two of the authors); and the Lassoing Rhetoric project (developed by another of the authors). The Lassoing Rhetoric venture is interesting for its multifaceted approach to linguistic (...)
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  46. The Metaphysical Commitments of Logic.Thomas Brouwer - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Leeds
    This thesis is about the metaphysics of logic. I argue against a view I refer to as ‘logical realism’. This is the view that the logical constants represent a particular kind of metaphysical structure, which I dub ‘logico-metaphysical structure’. I argue instead for a more metaphysically lightweight view of logic which I dub ‘logical expressivism’. -/- In the first part of this thesis (Chapters I and II) I argue against a number of arguments that Theodore (...)
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    Nishida Kitaro’s Logical Theory as a Reflection of the Rationality of Japanese Language and Culture.Liubov Karelova - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 7:59-70.
    The search for the backbone of the types of rationality inherent in different cultures keeps on to be an open problem, which remains relevant to the need of closer intercultural interaction in the global world. At the same time, the analysis of the logic of language as the basis for the study of rationality types continues to occupy an important place. Meanwhile, the studies of grammatical structures and language models from the point of view of their connection to a certain (...)
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    The meaningful character of value-language: A critique of the linguistic foundations of emotivism. [REVIEW]John L. Barger - 1980 - Journal of Value Inquiry 14 (2):77-91.
    The above arguments have not conclusively demonstrated the existence of value; nor have they sought to. Rather, they have focused primarily on value-language itself: what it is, what it means, and how men use it. In value-judgements, men intend to speak about reality, and not merely to manifest their feelings to influence others. The conceptual character of value-words gives them a formal objectivity lacking in mere manifestations of feeling; the meaning of value-words contains a “claim to objectivity” arising from the (...)
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  49. Reasoning with Slippery Predicates.Stewart Shapiro - 2008 - Studia Logica 90 (3):313-336.
    It is a commonplace that the extensions of most, perhaps all, vague predicates vary with such features as comparison class and paradigm and contrasting cases. My view proposes another, more pervasive contextual parameter. Vague predicates exhibit what I call open texture: in some circumstances, competent speakers can go either way in the borderline region. The shifting extension and anti-extensions of vague predicates are tracked by what David Lewis calls the “conversational score”, and are regulated by what Kit Fine calls penumbral (...)
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    Muslim Philosophers on Affirmative Judgement with Negative Predicate.Seyyed Mohammad Ali Hodjati - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (3):749-780.
    According to Aristotelian logic, in categorical logic, there are three kinds of judgements (qaḍīyya): affirmative, negative, and metathetic (ma‘dūla). Khūnajī, a famous Muslim logician in the 13th century, introduces a different judgement (or statement) entitled “affirmative judgement with the negative predicate” (mūjiba al-sāliba al-maḥmūl; henceforth, ANP judgement). Although in the Arabic language, formally, ANP judgement is similar to definite negative (sāliba muḥaṣṣala) and also metathetic judgements, the way of its construction is different from both of them and its truth conditions (...)
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