Results for ' one spaceism versus two spaceism ‐ setting the scene'

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  1.  11
    References.Frank Jackson - 2010 - In Language, Names and Information. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 147–151.
    This chapter contains sections titled: One spaceism versus two spaceism: setting the scene Two spaceism and ir‐content Which label: “epistemic” or “conceptual”? Which possibilities, precisely, are the ones two spaceism holds are conceptually possible but metaphysically impossible? How working with the bigger canvass raises some of the same questions over again Why two spaceism is not a happy home for anti‐reductionists Where to from here?
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    Index.Frank Jackson - 2010 - In Language, Names and Information. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 152–158.
    This chapter contains sections titled: One spaceism versus two spaceism: setting the scene Two spaceism and ir‐content Which label: “epistemic” or “conceptual”? Which possibilities, precisely, are the ones two spaceism holds are conceptually possible but metaphysically impossible? How working with the bigger canvass raises some of the same questions over again Why two spaceism is not a happy home for anti‐reductionists Where to from here?
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    On one-sided versus two-sided classification.Stephan Frank - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (7):489-513.
    One-sided classifiers are computable devices which read the characteristic function of a set and output a sequence of guesses which converges to 1 iff the set on the input belongs to the gven class. Such a classifier istwo-sided if the sequence of its output in addition converges to 0 on setsnot belonging to the class. The present work obtains the below mentionedresults for one-sided classes (= Σ0 2 classes) with respect to four areas: Turing complexity, 1-reductions, index sets and measure.There (...)
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  4. Ever Since the World Began: A Reading & Interview with Masha Tupitsyn.Masha Tupitsyn & The Editors - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):7-12.
    "Ever Since This World Began" from Love Dog (Penny-Ante Editions, 2013) by Masha Tupitsyn continent. The audio-essay you've recorded yourself reading for continent. , “Ever Since the World Began,” is a compelling entrance into your new multi-media book, Love Dog (Success and Failure) , because it speaks to the very form of the book itself: vacillating and finding the long way around the question of love by using different genres and media. In your discussion of the face, one of the (...)
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    Subprevarieties Versus Extensions. Application to the Logic of Paradox.Alexej P. Pynko - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):756-766.
    In the present paper we prove that the poset of all extensions of the logic defined by a class of matrices whose sets of distinguished values are equationally definable by their algebra reducts is the retract, under a Galois connection, of the poset of all subprevarieties of the prevariety generated by the class of the algebra reducts of the matrices involved. We apply this general result to the problem of finding and studying all extensions of the logic of paradox. In (...)
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  6. Gödel mathematics versus Hilbert mathematics. I. The Gödel incompleteness (1931) statement: axiom or theorem?Vasil Penchev - 2022 - Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 14 (9):1-56.
    The present first part about the eventual completeness of mathematics (called “Hilbert mathematics”) is concentrated on the Gödel incompleteness (1931) statement: if it is an axiom rather than a theorem inferable from the axioms of (Peano) arithmetic, (ZFC) set theory, and propositional logic, this would pioneer the pathway to Hilbert mathematics. One of the main arguments that it is an axiom consists in the direct contradiction of the axiom of induction in arithmetic and the axiom of infinity in set theory. (...)
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  7.  22
    Contrapunteo Deleuze-Guattari / benítez Rojo: Diferencia Y repetición de la isla en la geofilosofía Del caribe.Amalia Boyer Hernández - 2020 - Universitas Philosophica 37 (74):231-251.
    In this paper I shall address the connections between Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophy and Caribbean thought. However, I will only focus on Antonio Benítez Rojo’s essay The Repeating Island, since I have found in it the presence—or expression—of some key deleuzian and deleuzo-guattarian concepts. I will use the deleuzian concept of repetition to defend this stance, as well as to argue that one may find some of the most interesting readings of Deleuze’s texts in the work of Caribbean authors such (...)
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    The Tractatus on Truth.Daniele Mezzadri - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (9):e12937.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss Wittgenstein's conception of truth in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Section 1 sets the scene by exploring how the notion of truth is in the Tractatus intertwined with notions such as sense and picture. In section 2 I discuss a traditional interpretation that sees the Tractatus as committed to truth as correspondence. In sections 3 and 4 I discuss two more recent alternative lines of interpretation; according to one, we should interpret truth in (...)
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    The Ecstasy of Communication.Bernard Schütze & Caroline Schütze (eds.) - 2012 - Semiotext(E).
    "The need to speak, even if one has nothing to say, becomes more pressing when one has nothing to say, just as the will to live becomes more urgent when life has lost its meaning."--from _The Ecstasy of Communication _First published in France in 1987, _ The Ecstasy of Communication_ was Baudrillard's summarization of his work for a postdoctoral degree at the Sorbonne: a dense, poetically crystalline essay that boiled down two decades of radical, provocative theory into an aphoristically eloquent (...)
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  10. Between Naturalism and Religion: Philosophical Essays.Jürgen Habermas - 2008 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Two countervailing trends mark the intellectual tenor of our age the spread of naturalistic worldviews and religious orthodoxies. Advances in biogenetics, brain research, and robotics are clearing the way for the penetration of an objective scientific self-understanding of persons into everyday life. For philosophy, this trend is associated with the challenge of scientific naturalism. At the same time, we are witnessing an unexpected revitalization of religious traditions and the politicization of religious communities across the world. From a philosophical perspective, this (...)
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  11. One-factor versus two-factor theory of delusion: Replies to Sullivan-Bissett and Noordhof.Chenwei Nie - 2024 - Neuroethics 18 (1):1-5.
    I would like to thank Sullivan-Bissett and Noordhof for their stimulating comments on my 2023 paper in Neuroethics. In this reply, I will (1) articulate some deeper disagreements that may underpin our disagreement on the nature of delusion, (2) clarify their misrepresentation of my previous arguments as a defence of the two-factor theory in particular, and (3) finally conduct a comparison between the Maherian one-factor theory and the two-factor theory, showing that the two-factor theory is better supported by evidence.
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  12. Why do pro choice campaigners reject Abortion Pill Reversal.Michal Pruski - 2022 - Catholic Medical Quarterly 72 (4):7-8.
    After the US Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade, a number of states have immediately banned abortion. Pro-choice activists are responding by promoting medication abortions – a do-it-yourself form of abortion. Women can take pills at home to induce an abortion in the first few weeks of pregnancy. -/- The Biden Administration [1] has backed the abortion pill, too. Attorney-General Merrick B. Garland and Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra both issued statements endorsing it. -/- “We stand ready (...)
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    Necessity predicate versus truth predicate from the perspective of paradox.Ming Hsiung - 2023 - Synthese 202 (1):1-23.
    This paper aims to explore the relationship between the necessity predicate and the truth predicate by comparing two possible-world interpretations. The first interpretation, proposed by Halbach et al. (J Philos Log 32(2):179–223, 2003), is for the necessity predicate, and the second, proposed by Hsiung (Stud Log 91(2):239–271, 2009), is for the truth predicate. To achieve this goal, we examine the connections and differences between paradoxical sentences that involve either the necessity predicate or the truth predicate. A primary connection is established (...)
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  14. Truth, topicality, and transparency: one-component versus two-component semantics.Peter Hawke, Levin Hornischer & Franz Berto - 2024 - Linguistics and Philosophy 47 (3):481-503.
    When do two sentences say the same thing, that is, express the same content? We defend two-component (2C) semantics: the view that propositional contents comprise (at least) two irreducibly distinct constituents: (1) truth-conditions and (2) subject-matter. We contrast 2C with one-component (1C) semantics, focusing on the view that subject-matter is reducible to truth-conditions. We identify exponents of this view and argue in favor of 2C. An appendix proposes a general formal template for propositional 2C semantics.
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  15.  50
    The Intentional versus the Propositional Structure of Contents.Wolfgang Spohn - unknown
    The paper argues that the objects of belief should not be conceived as sets of possible worlds or propositions of set of centered possible worlds or egocentric propositions (this is the propositional conception), but rather as sets of pairs consisting of a centered world and a sequence of objects (this is the intentional conception of the objects of belief). The paper explains the deep significance of this thesis for the framework of two-dimensional semantics, indeed for any framework trying to adequately (...)
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  16. Truth, topicality, and transparency: one-component versus two-component semantics.Peter Hawke, Levin Hornischer & Francesco Berto - 2024 - Linguistics and Philosophy 47 (3):481-503.
    When do two sentences say the same thing, that is, express the same content? We defend two-component (2C) semantics: the view that propositional contents comprise (at least) two irreducibly distinct constituents: (1) truth-conditions and (2) subject-matter. We contrast 2C with one-component (1C) semantics, focusing on the view that subject-matter is reducible to truth-conditions. We identify exponents of this view and argue in favor of 2C. An appendix proposes a general formal template for propositional 2C semantics.
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  17. The Structure and Significance of Kant's Theory of the Sublime.Paul Crowther - 1987 - Dissertation, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. Requires signed TDF. ;Kant's extensive discussion of the sublime has received scant attention. This neglect, indeed, is a general characteristic of the reception of Kant's aesthetics in the Anglo-American, and German traditions of philosophy in the twentieth century. The reasons behind it have been usefully summarised by Paul Guyer. ;My approach will be as follows. In Part One of this study , I shall first outline the sublime as it is understood (...)
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  18.  30
    Geoffrey S. Nathan, The family in late antiquity. The rise of Christianity and the endurance of tradition.Judith Herrin - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (1):239-240.
    As the family is one of the few structures that survives from ancient times to the present and looks set to continue for quite some time to come, it attracts the attention of every new generation of sociologists, historians and economists alike. From Engels to Herlihy, Goody and Moxnes, the family has been held responsible for the development of private property, for forms of social organisation and the oppression of women. Those interested in the period of late antiquity ask a (...)
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  19.  64
    The Opposite of Republican: Polarization and Political Categorization.Evan Heit & Stephen P. Nicholson - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (8):1503-1516.
    Two experiments examined the typicality structure of contrasting political categories. In Experiment 1, two separate groups of participants rated the typicality of 15 individuals, including political figures and media personalities, with respect to the categories Democrat or Republican. The relation between the two sets of ratings was negative, linear, and extremely strong, r = −.9957. Essentially, one category was treated as a mirror image of the other. Experiment 2 replicated this result, showing some boundary conditions, and extending the result to (...)
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  20.  35
    Arms and the Man: Wordplay and the Catasterism of Chiron in Ovid, Fasti 5.Barbara Weiden Boyd - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (1):67-80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Arms and the Man:Wordplay and the Catasterism of Chiron in Ovid Fasti 5Barbara Weiden BoydIn a recent essay, Ian Brookes has drawn attention to the way in which Ovid's description of the catasterism of Chiron in Fasti 5 "suppresses Chiron's hybrid nature" as centaur "in order to allow us to sympathize with him as a fellow human."1 Brookes also directs us to the ironic ambiguity used by Ovid to (...)
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  21.  38
    (1 other version)Theaters of Justice: Arendt in Jerusalem, the Eichmann Trial, and the Redefinition of Legal Meaning in the Wake of the Holocaust.Shoshana Felman - 2000 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 1 (2).
    This paper explores the Eichmann trial in its dimension as a living, powerful event, whose impact is defined and measured by the fact that it is "not the same for all." I examine this legal event from two perspectives: Hannah Arendt's and my own. I pledge my reading against Arendt's, in espousing the State's vision of the trial, but in interpreting the legal meaning of this vision us one that exceeds its own deliberateness and distinct from the State's ideology. I (...)
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  22. The Neglected Legacy and Harms of Epistemic Colonising: Linguicism, Epistemic Exploitation, and Ontic Burnout Gerry Dunne.Gerry Dunne - forthcoming - Philosophy and Theory of Higher.
    This paper sets out to accomplish two goals. First, drawing on the Irish perspective, it reconceptualises one of the enduring legacy-based harms of epistemic colonisation, in this case, ‘linguicism’, in terms of ‘hermeneutical injustice’. Second, it argues that otherwise well-meaning attempts to combat epistemic colonisation through the inclusion of marginalised testimony can, in certain circumstances, lead to cases of ‘epistemic exploitation’, which, in turn, can result in ‘ontic burnout’. Both linguicism and epistemic exploitation, this paper theorizes, have the potential to (...)
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  23.  10
    Lady Margaret Beaufort and Her Professors of Divinity at Cambridge: 1502 to 1649.Patrick Collinson, Richard Rex & Graham Stanton - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    Three leading scholars examine one of the oldest professorships, the Lady Margaret's Chair of Divinity at Cambridge, plotting its development in the context of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century history. The current Lady Margaret's Professor Graham Stanton sets the scene with an introduction briefly considering theology at Cambridge before 1502 and after 1649. In the two main chapters Richard Rex - an authority on John Fisher, first holder of the Chair - deploys new evidence to propose changes in the list of (...)
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  24.  19
    Propositional Versus Structural Semantic Analyses of Medical Diagnostic Thinking.Madeleine Lemieux & Georges Bordage - 1992 - Cognitive Science 16 (2):185-204.
    Two approaches to the study of diagnostic thinking are compared, one mainly propositional, namely that of Patel and Groen (1986), the other mainly semantic, that of Lemieux and Bordage (1986). Patel and Groen analyzed the linear dimension of cardiologists' discourses while solving a case of acute bacterial endocarditis, that is, the before and after propositional rules. A secondary analysis of two of their pothophysiological protocols is done using structural semantic techniques from Lemieux and Bordage where the vertical dimension of the (...)
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  25.  27
    Thinking through tragedy: critical distance and the law of genre.James Corby - 2017 - Journal for Cultural Research 21 (4):368-382.
    This article focuses on two problems associated with tragedy. One ancient: what is it that draws us to the dramatic presentation of events of terrible suffering and loss? And one modern: namely, that while tragedies are still performed and appreciated, little new tragedy is being written. It will be argued in relation to the second problem that the vitality of tragedy as a dramatic form requires a less rigid approach to what might be considered tragic. And in relation to the (...)
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    Lexical processing while deciding what task to perform: Reading aloud in the context of the task set paradigm.Shannon O’Malley & Derek Besner - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1594-1603.
    The results of two experiments provide the first direct demonstration that subjects can process a word lexically despite concurrently being engaged in decoding a task cue telling them which of two tasks to perform. These results, taken together with others, point to qualitative differences between the mind‘s ability to engage in lexical versus sublexical processing during the time they are engaged with other tasks. The emerging picture is one in which some form of resource plays little role during lexical (...)
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    The Crime of Aggression: Its Nature, the Leadership Clause, and the Paradox of Immunity.David Luban - unknown
    The paper, written for a research handbook, critically surveys some fundamental philosophical, historical, and doctrinal issues in the crime of aggression. The two introductory sections set the theoretical issues in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and explain the origins of criminalizing aggression under the heading of “crimes against peace.” Section 3 explores an ambiguity between aggression as first use of force and aggression as unprovoked use of force, while section 4 discusses the doctrinal distinction between acts of aggression (...)
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  28. Reflections on the readings of Sundays and feasts: September - November.Barry M. Craig - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 92 (3):363.
    Craig, Barry M The combination of 'the eyes of the blind shall be opened' in Isaiah 35:5 and the psalm's 'the Lord gives sight to the blind' seems to be preparing the way for an account of the restoration of sight in the gospel, but its focus is instead on restoring hearing and speech. In this story, which is shared with Matthew, as with the raising of the young girl told also by Matthew and Luke, Mark alone reports the Lord's (...)
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    Matching versus optimal data selection in the Wason selection task.Hiroshi Yama - 2001 - Thinking and Reasoning 7 (3):295 – 311.
    It has been reported as a robust effect that people are likely to select a matching case in the Wason selection task. For example, they usually select the 5 case, in the Wason selection task with the conditional "if an E, then a not-5". This was explained by the matching bias account that people are likely to regard a matching case as relevant to the truth of the conditional (Evans, 1998). However, because a positive concept usually constructs a smaller set (...)
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    Perceptron versus automaton in the finitely repeated prisoner’s dilemma.Sylvain Béal - 2010 - Theory and Decision 69 (2):183-204.
    We study the finitely repeated prisoner’s dilemma in which the players are restricted to choosing strategies which are implementable by a machine with a bound on its complexity. One player has to use a finite automaton while the other player has to use a finite perceptron. Some examples illustrate that the sets of strategies which are induced by these two types of machines are different and not ordered by set inclusion. Repeated game payoffs are evaluated according to the limit of (...)
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    Gregory Currie, "Imagining and Knowing: The Shape of Fiction.".Rafe McGregor - 2020 - Philosophy in Review 40 (3):104-106.
    Gregory Currie is one of the world’s preeminent philosophers of art and a highly-respected philosopher of mind. Imagining and Knowing: the Shape of Fiction is his seventh book, with his conspicuous contributions to the analytic tradition of philosophy including the first systematic philosophical aesthetics in no less than two fields, film (Image and Mind: Film, Philosophy and Cognitive Science, 1995) and narrative (Narratives and Narrators: A Philosophy of Stories, 2010). Currie’s trademark approach is the seamless integration of art criticism and (...)
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  32.  46
    Motion Event Similarity Judgments in One or Two Languages: An Exploration of Monolingual Speakers of English and Chinese vs. L2 Learners of English.Yinglin Ji - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:246366.
    Languages differ systematically in how to encode a motion event. English characteristically expresses manner in verb root and path in verb particle; in Chinese, varied aspects of motion, such as manner, path and cause, can be simultaneously encoded in a verb compound. This study investigates whether typological differences, as such, influence how first and second language learners conceptualise motion events, as suggested by behavioural evidences. Specifically, the performance of Chinese learners of English, at three proficiencies, was compared to that of (...)
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    Coherence versus fragmentation in the development of the concept of force.Andrea A. diSessa, Nicole M. Gillespie & Jennifer B. Esterly - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (6):843-900.
    This article aims to contribute to the literature on conceptual change by engaging in direct theoretical and empirical comparison of contrasting views. We take up the question of whether naïve physical ideas are coherent or fragmented, building specifically on recent work supporting claims of coherence with respect to the concept of force by Ioannides and Vosniadou [Ioannides, C., & Vosniadou, C. (2002). The changing meanings of force. Cognitive Science Quarterly 2, 5–61]. We first engage in a theoretical inquiry on the (...)
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  34.  47
    Grammar versus Pragmatics: Carving Nature at the Joints.Luisa Martí - 2015 - Mind and Language 30 (4):437-473.
    I argue that the debate on the division of labor between grammar and pragmatics, at least as it pertains to pragmatic free enrichment, needs to be better grounded empirically. Often, only a reduced set of facts from English is used to substantiate claims regarding pragmatic free enrichment. But considering a reduced set of facts from a single language can only afford limited (and, sometimes, wrong) results, because we can merely see whatever this one language chooses to express. Two cases studies (...)
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    Nowa Lewica amerykańska w poszukiwaniu autentycznego człowieka.Roman Tokarczyk - 1979 - Etyka 17:53-82.
    Among the most interesting ideas of New Left in the US is a search for authenticity in human personality, or investigation of the place and role of the contemporary man when he is found in the setting: man-group-society-state. Finding such authenticity non-existent on the American scene the ideologists of New Left trace back the causes of this situation, characterized by deformation of personality deprived of the ego, and depict an authentic man who accepts himself both with respect to (...)
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  36. Introducing drift, a special issue of continent.Berit Soli-Holt, April Vannini & Jeremy Fernando - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):182-185.
    Two continents. Three countries. Mountains, archipelago, a little red dot & more to come. BERIT SOLI-HOLT (Editor): When I think of introductory material, I think of that Derrida documentary when he is asked about what he would like to know about other philosophers. He simply states: their love life. APRIL VANNINI (Editor): And as far as introductions go, I think Derrida brought forth a fruitful discussion on philosophy and thinking with this statement. First, he allows philosophy to open up the (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Does virtue ethics allow us to make better judgments of the actions of others?Liezl van Zyl - 2019 - In Elisa Grimi, John Haldane, Maria Margarita Mauri Alvarez, Michael Wladika, Marco Damonte, Michael Slote, Randall Curren, Christian B. Miller, Liezl Zyl, Christopher D. Owens, Scott J. Roniger, Michele Mangini, Nancy Snow & Christopher Toner, Virtue Ethics: Retrospect and Prospect. Springer.
    Virtue ethics has now well and truly established itself as one of the main normative theories. It is now quite common, and indeed, expected, for virtue ethics to be included, alongside deontology and consequentialism, in any Moral Philosophy syllabus worth its salt. Students are typically introduced to virtue ethics only after studying the other two normative theories, and this often sets the scene for various sorts of misunderstandings, with students expecting virtue ethics to be based on the same set (...)
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    Master of the Game: Competition and Performance in Greek Poetry.Carolyn Higbie - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (1):137-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 127.1 (2006) 137-140 [Access article in PDF] Derek Collins. Master of the Game: Competition and Performance in Greek Poetry. Hellenic Studies 7. Washington, D.C.: Center for Hellenic Studies, 2004. Distributed by Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. xx + 267 pp. Paper, $19.95. Collins states the purpose of his book clearly in the opening paragraph of his introduction (ix): "to offer a detailed examination of the (...)
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    Principles of human knowledge.George Berkeley - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Howard Robinson & George Berkeley.
    Berkeley's idealism started a revolution in philosophy. As one of the great empiricist thinkers he not only influenced British philosophers from Hume to Russell and the logical positivists in the twentieth century, he also set the scene for the continental idealism of Hegel and even the philosophy of Marx. There has never been such a radical critique of common sense and perception as that given in Berkeley's Principles of Human Knowledge (1710). His views were met with disfavour, and his (...)
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    Playing the Scene of Religion: Beauvoir and Faith.Karen Elizabeth Zoppa (ed.) - 2021 - Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing.
    This study has two agendas: to interrogate popular notions of religion by reading it, out of Derrida and Certeau, as a signifier for a situated historical scene; and to show the existential philosophy of Beauvoir as a performance of that scene. In particular, it shows how the structure of relationships she presents in her ethics clearly reproduces the rhythms of the scene of religion. One of the implications of this reproduction is that existential philosophy can only emerge (...)
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    Epistemic versus objectively relevant possibilities.Christopher Gauker - forthcoming - Theoria:e12587.
    This paper compares two approaches to the semantics of modal expressions such as ‘might’. Both approaches define the conditions under which sentences of a language (not only modals) are acceptable relative to sets of possible worlds. Both approaches say that the sentence ‘Vivian might be in Vienna’ is acceptable relative to such a set if and only if ‘Vivian is in Vienna’ is true in some world in the set. One of these approaches treats the pertinent sets of worlds as (...)
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    (3 other versions)Principles of human knowledge and Three dialogues.George Berkeley (ed.) - 1710/1988 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Berkeley's idealism started a revolution in philosophy. As one of the great empiricist thinkers he not only influenced British philosophers from Hume to Russell and the logical positivists in the twentieth century, he also set the scene for the continental idealism of Hegel and even the philosophy of Marx. -/- There has never been such a radical critique of common sense and perception as that given in Berkeley's Principles of Human Knowledge (1710). His views were met with disfavour, and (...)
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    Desirable versus Desired: Different Insulations from Observability.Károly Varga - 2008 - Journal of Human Values 14 (2):129-140.
    The subject of this study, the step forward—which the author felt to be ‘of evolutionary value’—was occasioned by a Delphi discussion. The debate was opened by Varga's (2003, 2006a) contrastive exposition of diagnoses of present history with respect to Hungary's accession to the European Union, offered by some leading Hungarian sociologists (Henrik Kreutz, Kálmán Kulcsár, Iván Szelényi, Iván Vitányi), in which he tried to place the views of these authors in a value sociological system by Charles Morris (1956, 1964) and (...)
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    Meaning and Aesthetics in Imru’ al-Qays Poems in the Context of Tashbīh at-Tamthīlī.Müfide Ağırkan & İsa Güceyüz - 2025 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 12 (21):180-199.
    The literary art of Tashbīh at-Tamthīlī (representational simile), involves drawing comparisons based on two or more characteristics to create profound meanings. This technique conveys abstract concepts through more concrete and comprehensible images, offering readers an aesthetic experience. In Tashbīh at-Tamthīlī, the poet aims to make abstract thoughts more understandable by materializing the scenes or situations depicted, thus fostering a deeper comprehension of complex ideas. In this context, Imru’ al-Qays, is considered one of the most adept poets in using analogy during (...)
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  45. Sitting in the dock of the bay, watching ….Jeremy Fernando - 2013 - Continent 3 (2):8-12.
    This piece, included in the drift special issue of continent. , was created as one step in a thread of inquiry. While each of the contributions to drift stand on their own, the project was an attempt to follow a line of theoretical inquiry as it passed through time and the postal service(s) from October 2012 until May 2013. This issue hosts two threads: between space & place and between intention & attention . The editors recommend that to experience the (...)
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    Philosophical Conversion.Paul S. MacDonald - 1997 - Philosophy and Theology 10 (2):303-327.
    Although the concept of conversion is usually encountered in religious contexts, the main contention of this paper is that there is a genuine significance in the concept of philosophical conversion. The scene is set by considering the New Testament meaning of epistrepho, “to turn away from,” and the Platonic use of the term in the Republic. The underlying concept here is that one must lose the old world in order to gain it anew. Through the process of conversion, both (...)
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    (1 other version)On the Problem of the Debate Over "One Divides into Two" and "Two Combine into One".Wan Xiao - 1980 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 12 (1):55-69.
    This debate took place over ten years ago. To say that it was a debate is, in fact, not really accurate, because not long after the discussions had begun, it turned into a criticism and massacre of the expression "two combine into one" and of those who used it. Later, it became the platform on which those so-called "authorities on theory," and those like Chen Boda who did the bidding of Lin Biao and the "gang of four" became the "heroes" (...)
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    Painting outside the Lines: Patterns of Creativity in Modern Art.Matthew Ziff & David W. Galenson - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (3):123.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Painting Outside the Lines: Patterns of Creativity in Modern ArtMatthew ZiffPainting Outside the Lines: Patterns of Creativity in Modern Art, by David W. Galenson. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001, 272 pp., $29.95.The relationship between the market value of paintings and the chronological point in an artist's working life when the paintings were produced is the driving mechanism for exploring creativity and innovation in David W. Galenson's book "Painting (...)
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    East Asia and the West: The Impact of Confucianism on Anglo‐American Political Theory.Daniel A. Bell - 2006 - In John S. Dryzek, Bonnie Honig & Anne Phillips, The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. Oxford University Press.
    This article explores the influence of Confucianism on Anglo-American political theory. It describes two recent developments in contemporary Anglo-American political theory which have allowed for substantial engagement with Confucian political theory and may set the stage for further interest in East Asian political theory more generally. One is the communitarian critique of liberal universalism and the other is the feminist emphasis on the politics of the family. This article discusses East Asian contributions to the debate on universalism versus particularism (...)
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    Biblical Type-Scenes and the Uses of Convention.Robert Alter - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 5 (2):355-368.
    One of the chief difficulties we encounter as modern readers in perceiving the artistry of biblical narrative is precisely that we have lost most of the keys to the conventions out of which it was shaped. The professional Bible scholars have not offered much help in this regard, for their closest approximation to the study of convention is form criticism, which is set on finding recurrent regularities of pattern rather than the manifold variations upon a pattern that any system of (...)
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