Results for ' non-dupes err'

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  1.  26
    ‘I am a Clown’: Lacan's Difficult Literary Dandyism.Sinan Richards - 2024 - Paragraph 47 (1):59-73.
    Jacques Lacan was a notoriously difficult and idiosyncratic thinker. But is there any value in his hermetically difficult style? By highlighting certain crucial elements of his practice, I show how Lacan enlists the notion of difficulty to press home that he did not want his readers to understand directly. Instead, as Foucault and Althusser explain so well, Lacan wished for his readers and auditors to discover themselves as subjects of desire through reading him. Indeed, in miming the language of the (...)
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    La satisfaction d'être dupe.Renée Bilodeau - 2001 - Philosophiques 28 (2):381-393.
    Je me propose d'examiner la solution davidsonnienne au problème de la duperie de soi afin de clarifier en quel sens il s'agit d'un acte intentionnel. Après une étude de quelques difficultés liées au concept même de duperie de soi, mon analyse met en lumière que la notion de partition de l'esprit que Davidson emprunte à son traitement de la faiblesse de la volonté ne peut être appliquée de manière satisfaisante à ce nouveau problème. J'indique ensuite que non seulement Davidson mais (...)
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    Les traces d'erre Fernand Deligny.Alain Milon - 2015 - Symposium 19 (2):111-122.
    Les écrits de Fernand Deligny ont circulé entre plusieurs mains bien avant d’être publiés. Félix Guattari et Jean Oury l’ont accueilli à la clinique de La Borde de 1965 à 1967. En juillet 1967, Deligny quitte la clinique de La Borde pour s’installer dans la propriété de famille des Guattari à Gourdas dans les Cévennes. C’est ainsi que la tentative et non l’institution des Cévennes dirigée par Deligny commence. Il s’agit d’une tentative parce que Deligny refuse toute forme d’institutionnalisation. Plus (...)
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    Surrogate consent to non-beneficial research: erring on the right side when substituted judgments may be inaccurate.Mats Johansson & Linus Broström - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (2):149-160.
    Part of the standard protection of decisionally incapacitated research subjects is a prohibition against enrolling them unless surrogate decision makers authorize it. A common view is that surrogates primarily ought to make their decisions based on what the decisionally incapacitated subject would have wanted regarding research participation. However, empirical studies indicate that surrogate predictions about such preferences are not very accurate. The focus of this article is the significance of surrogate accuracy in the context of research that is not expected (...)
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    The Subject of Religion: Lacan and the Ten Commandments.Kenneth Reinhard & Julia Reinhard Lupton - 2003 - Diacritics 33 (2):71-97.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 33.2 (2005) 71-97 [Access article in PDF] The Subject of Religion Lacan and the Ten Commandments Kenneth Reinhard Julia Reinhard Lupton Despite Freud's Nietzschean unmasking of religion as ideology, psychoanalysis has frequently been attacked as itself a religion, a cabal of analyst-priests dedicated to the worship of a dead master. Such critics "do not believe in Freud" in much the same way as atheists "do not believe in (...)
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  6. O Skoposti.Mladen Dolar - 2002 - Problemi 7.
    O SKOPOSTIIn o nekaterih z njo povezanih rečehTema in variacijeKAZALOINTRODUKCIJATEMAPRVA VARIACIJA: Asket in potrošnikDRUGA VARIACIJA: Iztrebki in ljubezenTRETJA VARIACIJA: Obresti in viceČETRTA VARIACIJA: Kuga in fantazmePETA VARIACIJA: Zlato in svinecŠESTA VARIACIJA: Antonio in ShylockSEDMA VARIACIJA: Funt mesa in hčiOSMA VARIACIJA: Milost in užitekDEVETA VARIACIJA: Duša in nadjazDESETA VARIACIJA: Les non-dupes errentENAJSTA VARIACIJA: JewgreekBibliografija.
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  7. Is a vegetarian diet morally safe?Christopher A. Bobier - forthcoming - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie.
    If non-human animals have high moral status, then we commit a grave moral error by eating them. Eating animals is thus morally risky, while many agree that it is morally permissible to not eat animals. According to some philosophers, then, non-animal ethicists should err on the side of caution and refrain from eating animals. I argue that this precautionary argument assumes a false dichotomy of dietary options: a diet that includes farm-raised animals or a diet that does not include animals (...)
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    Çelişkilere Dönüş: Łukasiewicz İtirazı.Ramazan Atıl Karabey - 2019 - Felsefe Arkivi 51:139-151.
    The Principle of Non-Contradiction is found and christened as “the firmest principle” by Aristotle. Since then, almost no objection has been raised against this principle and its firmness, until Łukasiewicz. By reflecting on the possibility of the emergence of new systems of logic with reference to the developments in non-Eucledian geometry, Łukasiewicz stated that the reconsideration of the principles of logic may lead to new systems. With the guidance of this idea, in his revolutionary work “On the Principle of Contradiction (...)
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  9. Rational Choice and Democratic Deliberation: A Theory of Discourse Failure.Guido Pincione & Fernando R. Tesón - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    In public political deliberation, people will err and lie in accordance with definite patterns. Such discourse failure results from behavior that is both instrumentally and epistemically rational. The deliberative practices of a liberal democracy cannot be improved so as to overcome the tendency for rational citizens to believe and say things at odds with reliable propositions of social science. The theory has several corollaries. One is that much contemporary political philosophy can be seen as an unsuccessful attempt to vindicate, on (...)
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    Multiculturalism Without Culture.Anne Phillips - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    Public opinion in recent years has soured on multiculturalism, due in large part to fears of radical Islam. In Multiculturalism without Culture, Anne Phillips contends that critics misrepresent culture as the explanation of everything individuals from minority and non-Western groups do. She puts forward a defense of multiculturalism that dispenses with notions of culture, instead placing individuals themselves at its core. Multiculturalism has been blamed for encouraging the oppression of women--forced marriages, female genital cutting, school girls wearing the hijab. Many (...)
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    La philosophie naturelle de l'esprit humain.Benoît-Marie Simon - 2013 - Paris: Pierre Téqui éditeur.
    Avant de s'emparer de ce qu'elle sait, ou croit savoir, pour élaborer des théories, l'intelligence, lorsqu'elle s'éveille, est d'abord frappée par des évidences qui s'imposent à elle. A ce moment-là, l'intelligence est saisie, donc elle sort d'elle-même en s'ouvrant à la réalité, et elle en est consciente. Bref, elle tient une vérité. En même temps, ces lumières n'expliquent pas tout ;par conséquent, elles suscitent, tout naturellement, des questions. De là va naître ce que, à la suite de saint Thomas d'Aquin, (...)
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    Le droit: un espace pour l'un et pour l'autre: plaidoyer pour une approche post-positiviste du droit.Jean-Jacques Sarfati - 2017 - Saint-Denis: Connaissances et savoirs.
    La 4è de couv. indique : "Dans ce texte, l'auteur cherche à redéfinir le droit. Partant du positivisme juridique et tenant compte des critiques effectuées à l'égard de celui-ci, il propose de construire une pensée post-positiviste. Ce post-positivisme juridique et philosophique admet l'idée de hiérarchie des normes. Cependant, pour l'auteur, le droit ne peut être considéré de la sorte, s'il n'est pas juste. Or, selon lui un droit digne de ce nom ne peut qu'être celui qui laisse effectivement la place (...)
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    Cartesian Theodicy: Descartes's Quest for Certitude (review).Richard A. Watson - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (2):275-276.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.2 (2003) 275-276 [Access article in PDF] Zbigniew Janowski. Cartesian Theodicy: Descartes' Quest for Certitude. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2002. Pp. 181. Cloth, $30.00. Janowski begins this original and erudite work by saying that although "the Meditations have never [before] been interpreted as a theodicy... insofar as theodicy is concerned with examining the relationship between the existence of evil on the one hand and God's (...)
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    Love and Structure.Charles Lindholm - 1998 - Theory, Culture and Society 15 (3-4):243-263.
    Is romantic love a particularly Western and modern phenomenon, as many social theorists argue, or a universal experience, as sociobiologists claim? This article argues that both these approaches err in taking sexual attraction as the essential characteristic of romance, whereas historical and personal accounts stress idealization of a particular other. Romantic love is properly defined as an experience of transcendence and is elaborated in cultural configurations of three basic types. The first is in hierarchical and internally competitive societies where marriage (...)
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  15. Procedural versus substantive justice: Rawls and Nozick.David Lewis Schaefer - 2007 - Social Philosophy and Policy 24 (1):164-186.
    This paper critically assesses the “procedural” accounts of political justice set forth by John Rawls in A Theory of Justice (1971) and Robert Nozick in Anarchy, State, and Utopia (1974). I argue that the areas of agreement between Rawls and Nozick are more significant than their disagreements. Even though Nozick offers trenchant criticisms of Rawls's argument for economic redistribution (the “difference principle”), Nozick's own economic libertarianism is undermined by his “principle of rectification,” which he offers as a possible ground in (...)
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  16. The 'Septie`me promenade' of the Reˆveries: a peculiar account of Rousseau's botany?Alexandra Cook - unknown
    IN an article on Rousseau’s annotations of a popular botany text, Henry Cheyron describes the Genevan philosopher as ‘ce botaniste me´juge´’. 3 The misapprehension of Rousseau’s botanical practice identified by Cheyron has its roots, I believe, in Rousseau’s own depiction of his botanising in the Reˆveries; in the ‘Septie`me promenade’ Rousseau selfconsciously portrays this study as socially isolated, lazy and lacking in direction: ‘La botanique est l’e´tude d’un oisif et paresseux solitaire... Il se prome`ne, il erre librement d’un objet a` (...)
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    Criminal Law Guilt and Ontological Guilt: A Heideggerian Perspective.Charis N. Papacharalambous - 2022 - Law and Critique 33 (2):149-173.
    The paper deals with the notion of guilt according to Heidegger’s philosophy and its repercussions for the understanding of guilt according to criminal law doctrine and theory. Heidegger’s notion on guilt is tantamount to Dasein’s incapacity to exhaust all its existential possibilities, whereas legal guilt has to do only with man’s legal indebtedness, which is an aspect of inauthenticity, a deficient mode of ontological responsibility. This does not mean, though, sheer amoralism or apologetics to violence. In late Heidegger one may (...)
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    To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides: The Origins of Philosophy (review).Scott Austin - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (4):481-482.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides: The Origins of PhilosophyScott AustinArnold Hermann. To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides: The Origins of Philosophy. Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing, 2004. Pp. xxx + 374. Cloth, $32.00.Mr. Arnold Hermann could presumably have used his connection with Parmenides Press to publish anything he wanted. Instead, he has put out a sober, bibliographically well aware, thesis about the origin, nature, and motivations (...)
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    Les tensions ethniques dans les familles péruviennes coloniales.Bernard Lavallé - 2008 - Clio 27:135-151.
    Au moyen de dossiers traités par les tribunaux ecclésiastiques de Lima et Quito, cet article cherche à débusquer les ruses employées pour contourner les règles non écrites de la hiérarchisation socio-raciale de la colonie. Il montre aussi les systèmes de défense des personnes citées à comparaître. Au-delà de schémas somme toute assez répandus dans bien des situations coloniales, on voit apparaître dans la pratique une certaine flexibilité quant à ces règles, les plaignants plaidant souvent la tromperie alors qu’ils semblent bien (...)
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  20. Secular Faith.Annette Baier - 1980 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):131 - 148.
    Both in ethics and in epistemology one source of scepticism in its contemporary version is the realization, often belated, of the full consequences of atheism. Modern non-moral philosophy looks back to Descartes as its father figure, but disowns the Third Meditation. But if God does not underwrite one's cognitive powers, what does? The largely unknown evolution of them, which is just a version of Descartes’ unreliable demon? “Let us … grant that all that is here said of God is a (...)
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  21. Formulating deflationism.Arvid Båve - 2013 - Synthese 190 (15):3287-3305.
    I here argue for a particular formulation of truth-deflationism, namely, the propositionally quantified formula, (Q) “For all p, <p> is true iff p”. The main argument consists of an enumeration of the other (five) possible formulations and criticisms thereof. Notably, Horwich’s Minimal Theory is found objectionable in that it cannot be accepted by finite beings. Other formulations err in not providing non-questionbegging, sufficiently direct derivations of the T-schema instances. I end by defending (Q) against various objections. In particular, I argue (...)
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  22.  24
    La technique qui donne confiance.Emmanuel Fournier - 2019 - Multitudes 75 (2):63-70.
    Faut-il craindre la technique comme un monstre qui dévorerait notre être et qui nous éloignerait du souci de nous-mêmes, en nous réduisant à ne plus être que ses objets? Faut-il la craindre tout particulièrement pour la médecine qui se donne en confiance aux appareils et aux calculs, sans toujours imaginer à quelle opération de réduction, elle risque, ce faisant, de livrer malades et maladies? Mais la technique n’est-elle pas d’abord un geste de notre part, un geste provisoire que nous faisons (...)
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    Giordano Bruno and the Kabbalah: Prophets, Magicians, and Rabbis (review).Matt Goldfish - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (4):675-677.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Giordano Bruno and the Kabbalah: Prophets, Magicians, and Rabbis by Karen Silvia de León-JonesMatt GoldishKaren Silvia de León-Jones. Giordano Bruno and the Kabbalah: Prophets, Magicians, and Rabbis (Yale Studies in Hermeneutics). New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997. Pp. ix + 272. Cloth, $40.00.Frances Yates’ Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition has become a standard work for the study of Renaissance thought, and it is through her interpretation of (...)
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    Psychosocial characteristics of victims of special fraud among Japanese older adults: A cross-sectional study using scam vulnerability scale.Daisuke Ueno, Masashi Arakawa, Yasunori Fujii, Shoka Amano, Yuka Kato, Teruyuki Matsuoka & Jin Narumoto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Despite the police preventing special fraud victimisation of older adults, both the number of cases and the amount of damage have remained high in Japan. ‘Special fraud’, in Japan, is a crime in which victims are tricked by fraudsters who through phone or postcards impersonate the victims’ relatives, employees and other associates, to dupe the victims of their cash or other valuables. The number of recognised cases of special fraud has been turned to increase in 2021. Although police or consumer (...)
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    A Phenomenology of Tragedy: Illness and Body Betrayal in The Fly.Havi H. Carel - unknown - Journal of Media Arts Culture.
    Many interpretations of David Cronenberg’s 1986 film The Fly read it as a film about monstrosity. Within this framework, the protagonist Seth Brundle’s progressive illness and decay are subsumed under his metamorphosis into a monster. Illness is taken to be a metaphor for the changes in Seth, changes that continuously turn him away from the human and towards the monstrous. Seth’s monstrosity, in turn, arises from the fusion of human and non-human, in this case the fusion of a man with (...)
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  26. Transcendental Self and the Feeling of Existence.Apaar Kumar - 2016 - Con-Textos Kantianos 3 (June 2016):90-121.
    In this essay, I investigate one aspect of Kant’s larger theory of the transcendental self. In the Prolegomena, Kant says that the transcendental self can be represented as a feeling of existence. In contrast to the view that Kant errs in describing the transcendental self in this fashion, I show that there exists a strand in Kant’s philosophy that permits us to interpret the representation of the transcendental self as a feeling of existence—as the obscurely conscious and temporally inaccessible modification (...)
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    Authority in Sport.Victor Lee Austin - 2012 - Studies in Christian Ethics 25 (1):65-72.
    Herbert McCabe uses football (soccer) as an analogy for Christian ethics, the sports game being an illuminating abstraction from the concreteness of moral life. This paper explores three authorities in the life-abstraction that is sport: the referee, the coach, and the exemplary player. (1) The referee bears practical epistemic authority: he declares what counts as a play within the rules, and what shall be excluded as an invalid (non-rule-following) play. There are interesting authority-problems that arise when referees err. In ethics, (...)
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  28.  40
    Salles, Sergio. Paul Ricoeur e o humanismo jurídico moderno: O reconhecimento do sujeito de direito.Errs Errs - 2012 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 3 (1).
    As published, the authorship for this article is incorrect. Coauthor Hilda Helena Soares Bentes was omitted due to an editorial error. The correct citation is:Bentes, Hilda and Salles, Sergio. Paul Ricoeur e o humanismo jurídico moderno: O reconhecimento do sujeito de direito. Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies vol. 2, no. 2 (2011): 106–117.The online version reflects these changes.
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    Out of Context.C. Andrew DuPée - 2018 - Philosophy and Theology 30 (1):91-122.
    This paper offers, first, an analysis and critique of John Henry Newman’s theorizing of real assent, in comparison with Jean-Luc Marion’s own phenomenological investigation of Revelation and Religious Experience. In conversation with the results of these analyses, I offer a critique of a certain hermeneutical criticism of Marion’s oeuvre. This, as I attempt to show, dovetails with certain strong criticisms towards Newman’s own interpretation of religious experience, insofar as it highlights the demand for some discussion or theorization of a standpoint (...)
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  30. Sponsorship in health promotion.C. Dupe - forthcoming - Substance.
  31.  16
    Esculape et Dionysos: mélanges en l'honneur de Jean Céard.Jean Céard & Jean Dupèbe (eds.) - 2008 - Genève: Droz.
    This collection of articles illustrates the intimacy between science and literature, pleasure and sense, excess and moderation that Jean Ceard sought to understand and that he instilled in those who collaborated or studied with him.
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  32. Comptes-rendus [de] René Guénon.René Guénon - 1929 - Paris,: Éditions traditionnelles.
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  33. " Primum non nocere"(" above all, do no harm"), today GR Burgio.Primum Non Nocere - 1994 - Primum Non Nocere Today: A Symposium on Pediatric Bioethics: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pediatric Bioethics, Pavia, 26-28 May 1994 1071:1.
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  34. (1 other version)Le règne de la quantité et les signes des temps.René Guénon - 1945 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
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    Introduction to the study of the Hindu doctrines.René Guénon - 1945 - London: Luzac & co..
    The concluding chapter lays down the essential conditions for any genuine understanding between East and West, which can only come through the work of those who have attained, at least in some degree, to the realization of 'wisdom uncreate' ...
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    Pierre and the New World Makers, RICHARD J. HALL.Non-Basic Action - 1984 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 62 (3).
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    Sangkhom ʻopʻun chīwit sotsai yuk lōk rai phromdǣn: nithān sēn ʻAsōk phāk 2, 110 rư̄ang. Samanānon - 1995 - [Thailand]: Sahakō̜n Bunniyom Sīrasaʻasōk.
    Buddhist concepts of personal life and responsibilities.
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  38. Kymlicka, multiculturalism, and.Non-Western Nations - 2003 - Public Affairs Quarterly 17 (4):291.
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  39. (1 other version)L'homme et son devenir selon le Vêdânta.René Guénon - 1925 - Paris,: Bossard.
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  40. L'homme et son devenir selon le Vêdânta.René Guénon - 1947 - Paris,: Éditions traditionnelles.
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    (2 other versions)Man & his becoming, according to the Vêdânta.René Guénon - 1928 - London,: Rider & Co.. Edited by Charles Joseph Whitby.
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  42. Edward R. hope.Non-Syntactic Constraints On Lisu & Noun Phrase Order - 1973 - Foundations of Language 10:79.
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    In philosophy, love exists =.Kittiphon Sarakkhānon - 2024 - Krung Thēp: Rawāng Banthat.
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  44. Possible Worlds-A Stapp in the Wrong Direction'(joint paper with RK Clifton and J. Butterfield).Non-Local Influences - 1990 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 41:5-58.
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    Winner of the Annals of Science Prizefor 2011.Non-Transferable Knowledge & D. Juste - 2012 - Annals of Science 69 (2):299.
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    Party contributions from non-classical logics.Contributions From Non-Classical Logics - 2004 - In S. Rahman, Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 457.
  47. Joachim ballweg and Helmut frosch.Non-Stative Verbs - 1981 - In Hans-Jürgen Eikmeyer & Hannes Rieser, Words, worlds, and contexts: new approaches in word semantics. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 6--210.
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  48. Discussion-I musings on the concept of ahimsa (non-violence).Prabhat Misra & Non-Violence as an Ideal - 1998 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 25 (2-4):527.
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    (1 other version)The reign of quantity and the signs of the times.René Guénon - 1953 - [London]: Luzac.
    QUALITY AND QUANTITY are fairly generally regarded as complementary terms, although the profound reason for their comple- mentarism is often far from being understood, this reason lying in the 'polar' correspondence referred to toward ...
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    Naomi Scheman.Non-Negotiable Demands & Politics Metaphysics - 2001 - In Juliet Floyd & Sanford Shieh, Future pasts: the analytic tradition in twentieth-century philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 315.
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