Results for ' neurosurgery'

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  1. Neurosurgery for Psychopaths? An Ethical Analysis.Dietmar Hübner & Lucie White - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 7 (3):140-149.
    Recent developments in neuroscience have inspired proposals to perform deep brain stimulation on psychopathic detainees. We contend that these proposals cannot meet important ethical requirements that hold for both medical research and therapy. After providing a rough overview of key aspects of psychopathy and the prospects of tackling this condition via deep brain stimulation, we proceed to an ethical assessment of such measures, referring closely to the distinctive features of psychopathic personality, particularly the absence of subjective suffering and a lack (...)
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    Neurosurgery and Deep Brain Stimulation for Psychiatric Disease: Historical Context and Future Prospects.Nir Lipsman & Andres M. Lozano - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 3 (1):9-12.
    Growing interest in psychiatric neurosurgery, and in deep brain stimulation (DBS) in particular, requires that the field be placed in the appropriate historical and scientific context. Current methods of neuromodulation for refractory psychiatric conditions are premised on assumptions similar to those proposed in earlier attempts, namely, the number of resistant patients and the absence of any other effective treatments. As a result, a discussion of the current and future prospects, as well as the limits, of neuromodulation is required to (...)
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    Sham neurosurgery in patients with Parkinson's disease: is it morally acceptable?W. Dekkers - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (3):151-156.
    For a few decades, patients with Parkinson's disease have been treated with intracerebral transplantations of fetal mesencephalic tissue. The results of open trials have been variable. Double blind, placebo-controlled studies have recently been started in order to further investigate the efficacy of this new medical technique. In this paper we challenge the need for sham surgery in neurotransplantation research on PD patients. Considerations regarding the research subjects' informed consent, therapeutic misconception, the integrity of the human body, and the assessment of (...)
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  4. Personal identity, enhancement and neurosurgery: A qualitative study in applied neuroethics.Nir Lipsman, Rebecca Zener & Mark Bernstein - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (6):375-383.
    Recent developments in the field of neurosurgery, specifically those dealing with the modification of mood and affect as part of psychiatric disease, have led some researchers to discuss the ethical implications of surgery to alter personality and personal identity. As knowledge and technology advance, discussions of surgery to alter undesirable traits, or possibly the enhancement of normal traits, will play an increasingly larger role in the ethical literature. So far, identity and enhancement have yet to be explored in a (...)
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  5. Neurosurgery for psychopaths? The problems of empathy and neurodiversity.Erick Ramirez - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 7 (3):166-168.
    I argue that deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a bad approach for incarcerated psychopaths for two reasons. First, given what we know about psychopathy, empathy, and DBS, it is unlikely to function as an effective treatment for the moral problems that characterize psychopathy. Second, considerations of neurodiversity speak against seeing psychopathy as a mental illness in the first place.
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    Ethical Theories Used by Neurosurgery Residents to Make Decisions in Challenging Cases of Medical Ethics.Sahar Sobhani, Anoosheh Ghasemian, Farshad Farzadfar, Hosein Mashhadinejad & Bahram Hejrani - 2016 - Neuroethics 9 (3):253-261.
    Neurosurgeons have an especially high rate of exposure to serious ethical challenges in their line of work. The aim of this study was to assess the type and frequency of ethical theories used by neurosurgery residents to make extra- ethical decisions in challenging situations and their relation with the level of residency, and curricular training about medical ethics. A total of 12 neurosurgery residents in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS) were interviewed; all the participants were male and (...)
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    Psychiatric Neurosurgery – Ethical, Legal, and Societal Issues: Berlin, 22.–23. Februar 2019.Quynh Bach - 2019 - Ethik in der Medizin 31 (3):267-270.
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    Neurosurgery for Pediatric Psychopaths.Gavin G. Enck - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 7 (3):170-171.
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    On neurosurgery.William W. Stickle - 1973 - Hastings Center Report 3 (4):7-7.
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    Concerns About Psychiatric Neurosurgery and How They Can Be Overcome: Recommendations for Responsible Research.Sabine Müller, Ansel van Oosterhout, Chris Bervoets, Markus Christen, Roberto Martínez-Álvarez & Merlin Bittlinger - 2022 - Neuroethics 15 (1):1-26.
    BackgroundPsychiatric neurosurgery is experiencing a revival. Beside deep brain stimulation, several ablative neurosurgical procedures are currently in use. Each approach has a different profile of advantages and disadvantages. However, many psychiatrists, ethicists, and laypeople are sceptical about psychiatric neurosurgery.MethodsWe identify the main concerns against psychiatric neurosurgery, and discuss the extent to which they are justified and how they might be overcome. We review the evidence for the effectiveness, efficacy and safety of each approach, and discuss how this (...)
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    Sham Neurosurgery in Parkinson's Disease: Ethical at the Time.John C. Fletcher - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (4):54-56.
  12. International Legal Approaches to Neurosurgery for Psychiatric Disorders.Jennifer A. Chandler, Laura Y. Cabrera, Paresh Doshi, Shirley Fecteau, Joseph J. Fins, Salvador Guinjoan, Clement Hamani, Karen Herrera-Ferrá, C. Michael Honey, Judy Illes, Brian H. Kopell, Nir Lipsman, Patrick J. McDonald, Helen S. Mayberg, Roland Nadler, Bart Nuttin, Albino J. Oliveira-Maia, Cristian Rangel, Raphael Ribeiro, Arleen Salles & Hemmings Wu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Neurosurgery for psychiatric disorders, also sometimes referred to as psychosurgery, is rapidly evolving, with new techniques and indications being investigated actively. Many within the field have suggested that some form of guidelines or regulations are needed to help ensure that a promising field develops safely. Multiple countries have enacted specific laws regulating NPD. This article reviews NPD-specific laws drawn from North and South America, Asia and Europe, in order to identify the typical form and contents of these laws and (...)
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  13. International neurosurgery.Ann Mansur & Mark Bernstein - 2020 - In Stephen Honeybul, Ethics in neurosurgical practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Stimulating debate: ethics in a multidisciplinary functional neurosurgery committee.P. J. Ford - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (2):106-109.
    Multidisciplinary healthcare committees meet regularly to discuss patients’ candidacy for emerging functional neurosurgical procedures, such as Deep Brain Stimulation . Through debate and discussion around the surgical candidacy of particular patients, functional neurosurgery programs begin to mold practice and policy supported both by scientific evidence and clear value choices. These neurosurgical decisions have special considerations not found in non-neurologic committees. The professional time used to resolve these conflicts provides opportunities for the emergence of careful, ethical practices simultaneous with the (...)
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    Informed consent in neurosurgery--translating ethical theory into action.D. Schmitz - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (9):497-498.
    Objective: Although a main principle of medical ethics and law since the 1970s, standards of informed consent are regarded with great scepticism by many clinicans.Methods: By reviewing the reactions to and adoption of this principle of medical ethics in neurosurgery, the characteristic conflicts that emerge between theory and everyday clinical experience are emphasised and a modified conception of informed consent is proposed.Results: The adoption and debate of informed consent in neurosurgery took place in two steps. Firstly, respect for (...)
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  16. Paediatric neurosurgery.Naci Balak & Ulrika Sandvik - 2020 - In Stephen Honeybul, Ethics in neurosurgical practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  17. Spinal neurosurgery.Cara Sedney - 2020 - In Stephen Honeybul, Ethics in neurosurgical practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Ethical Issues in Functional Neurosurgery: Emerging Applications and Controversies.Mark Bernstein & Nir Lipsman - 2013 - In Judy Illes & Barbara J. Sahakian, Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics. Oxford University Press.
    This article discusses ethical questions in neurosurgery as falling into two categories, namely those surrounding what neurosurgeons are currently doing, i.e. their current practices, and those surrounding what neurosurgeons will, theoretically, be capable of doing in the future, i.e. their future practices. It reveals the current and emerging applications of functional neurosurgery as well as the future controversies that will stem from them. It focuses on psychosurgery, enhancement and the brain–machine interface, in order to illustrate the pertinent ethical (...)
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    Social implications of scientific-technological research in Senior Citizens' Neurosurgery.Liset María Frías Hernández, Anai Guerra Labrada & IIÁngela María Guillén Verano - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (1):137-153.
    Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de valorar las implicaciones sociales de la investigación científico-tecnológica en Neurosicología del Adulto Mayor, mediante la caracterización del estado actual del proceso, los condicionantes que favorecen o impiden su desarrollo y los impactos sociales que genera. La investigación científico-tecnológica en esta área está condicionada por necesidades sociales propias del contexto actual. Se han identificado políticas, legislaciones e infraestructuras que la favorecen, aunque, existen algunas limitaciones. La producción tecnológica dirigida a la rehabilitación y (...)
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    Continuing education in neurosurgery: calendar of events.Fernando G. Diaz, S. C. Hilton Head Island, Robert Iskowitz, Steven R. Jarrett, Gerald M. Fenichel, Ms Sher Reed, Albert J. Finestone, U. T. Snowbird, Michael Brant-Zawadzki & M. Peter Heilbrun - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  21. Evidence-based neurosurgery : principles, applicability & challenges.Ignatius Esene - 2020 - In Stephen Honeybul, Ethics in neurosurgical practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  22. Functional stereotactic neurosurgery with magnetic-resonance imaging guidance.R. F. Young - 1988 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 9 (3):263-272.
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    Moral enhancement through neurosurgery? Feasibility and ethical justifiability.Sabine Müller - 2018 - Ethik in der Medizin 30 (1):39-56.
    Moral Enhancement wird von einer Reihe einflussreicher Bioethiker propagiert, zum Teil mit dem Anspruch, dass nur dadurch die Menschheit vor ihrem selbstverschuldeten Untergang zu retten sei. Nachdem begründete Zweifel an der Eignung der zum Moral Enhancement vorgeschlagenen Psychopharmaka aufgekommen sind, wurden neurochirurgische Interventionen, insbesondere die Tiefe Hirnstimulation, vorgeschlagen. Diese Ad-hoc-Vorschläge stützen sich auf eine Handvoll neurochirurgischer Eingriffe an geistig schwer behinderten Menschen sowie die Psychochirurgie des letzten Jahrhunderts. In diesem Aufsatz geht es erstens um die Frage, ob Moral Enhancement durch (...)
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    Psychological Needs and Resources of the Staff in a Pediatric Neurosurgery Ward: A Phenomenological-Hermeneutic Study.Iacopo Lanini, Debora Tringali & Rosapia Lauro Grotto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Brain tumors are a common form of solid tumors in children and, unfortunately, they are characterized by a very uncertain prognosis. The treatment of this pathology often includes one or more very invasive surgical procedures, quite often in the very first steps of the treatment. Cases of brain tumors in children represent one of the greatest challenges for health care professionals in the domain of pediatric neurosurgery. This is clearly due to the complexity of the therapeutic plan, but also (...)
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    The General hospital and the medical college in the history of Neurosurgery and Orthopedics in Camagüey.Gretel Mosquera Betancourt & Casares Albernas - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (2):258-270.
    Fundamento. La historia de la Neurocirugía en el territorio está estrechamente relacionada con la de otras especialidades como la Cirugía General y la Ortopedia. Tiene sus primeras referencias establecidas en la etapa colonial en el Hospital General, documentadas en el Boletín del Colegio Médico de Camagüey. Objetivo es resaltar la importancia que tuvieron el Hospital General y el Colegio Médico de Camagüey con su boletín en la historia de la Neurocirugía y la Ortopedia. Método. Es una investigación histórica que se (...)
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    Understanding brain, mind and soul: Contributions from neurology and neurosurgery.S. K. Pandya - 2011 - Mens Sana Monographs 9 (1):129.
    Treatment of diseases of the brain by drugs or surgery necessitates an understanding of its structure and functions. The philosophical neurosurgeon soon encounters difficulties when localising the abstract concepts of mind and soul within the tangible 1300-gram organ containing 100 billion neurones. Hippocrates had focused attention on the brain as the seat of the mind. The tabula rasa postulated by Aristotle cannot be localised to a particular part of the brain with the confidence that we can localise spoken speech to (...)
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    Is That the Same Person? Case Studies in Neurosurgery.Nancy S. Jecker & Andrew L. Ko - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 8 (3):160-170.
    Do neurosurgical procedures ever result in the patient prior to the procedure not being identical with the individual who wakes up postsurgery in the hospital bed? We address this question by offering an analysis of the persistence of persons that emphasizes narrative, rather than numerical, identity. We argue that a narrative analysis carries the advantage of highlighting what matters to patients in their ordinary lives, explaining the varying degrees of persistence of personal identity, and enhancing our understanding of patients' experiences. (...)
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    Ethical considerations in targeted paediatric neurosurgery missions.Samuel A. Hughes & Rahul Jandial - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (1):51-54.
    Within the context of global health development approaches, surgical missions to provide care for underserved populations remain the least studied interventions with regard to their methodology. Because of the unique logistical needs of delivering operative care, surgical missions are often described solely in terms of cases performed, with a paucity of discourse on medical ethics. Within surgery, subspecialties that serve patients on a non-elective basis should, it could be argued, create mission strategies that involve a didactic approach and the propagation (...)
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  29. Principles and applications of magnetic-resonance imaging (mri) in neurology and neurosurgery.T. M. Peters - 1988 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 9 (3):241-262.
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  30. Brain machine-interface technology in neurosurgery.Jeffrey Rosenfeld & Marike Broekman - 2020 - In Stephen Honeybul, Ethics in neurosurgical practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  31. Historical overview of ethics in neurosurgery.Cara Sedney - 2020 - In Stephen Honeybul, Ethics in neurosurgical practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Using Functionality Rather than Elective Nature to Characterize Neurosurgeries During Pandemic Triage.Nathan A. Shlobin, Joshua M. Rosenow & Paul J. Ford - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):196-198.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 196-198.
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  33. Neuroradiology: applications in neurology and neurosurgery.Stanley van den Noort & Elliot M. Frohman - 1988 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 9 (3):221-413.
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    An Ethical Evaluation of Stereotactic Neurosurgery for Anorexia Nervosa.Sabine Müller, Rita Riedmüller, Henrik Walter & Markus Christen - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 6 (4):50-65.
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    An Unusual Conversation about Dying during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Neurosurgery Resident’s Experience.George William Koutsouras, Gregory Eastwood & Satish Krishnamurthy - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience:1-2.
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  36. Use of intraoperative angiography in neurosurgery.Ld Cahan, Gb Hieshima, Rt Higashida & Vv Halbach - 1988 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 9 (3):289-297.
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    Editorial: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) in Epilepsy and Neurosurgery.Vahe Poghosyan, Stefan Rampp & Zhong Irene Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
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  38. The three functions of consent in neurosurgery.Cameron Stewart & Ian Kerridge - 2020 - In Stephen Honeybul, Ethics in neurosurgical practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Authenticity and the Stimulated Self: Neurosurgery for Anorexia Nervosa.Hannah Maslen, Jonathan Pugh & Julian Savulescu - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 6 (4):69-71.
    Müller and colleagues (2015) address a range of ethical considerations associated with neurosurgical interventions for the treatment of anorexia nervosa (AN), arguing for several protective measures to safeguard clinical research and practice. This is an important article, which provides a thorough review of current neurosurgical research and presents key insights into challenges associated with compromised decision-making capacities in the context of AN and the early average age of onset. However, it is somewhat striking that they neither use nor examine the (...)
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    Caution in leaping from functional imaging to functional neurosurgery.Paul J. Ford & Cynthia S. Kubu - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (2):23 – 25.
  41. Ethical aspects of innovation in neurosurgery.Mario Ammirati, Jeffrey Rosenfeld & Alexander Hulsbergen - 2020 - In Stephen Honeybul, Ethics in neurosurgical practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  42. The concept and implementation of values based medicine (VsBM) in neurosurgery.Ahmed Ammar & Tiit Mathiesen - 2020 - In Stephen Honeybul, Ethics in neurosurgical practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    The Child with a Brain Tumour: Vulnerability Perspectives from Neurosurgery.Low Yin Yee Sharon & Seow Wan Tew - 2015 - Asian Bioethics Review 7 (2):250-256.
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: Women in Neuromodulation: Innovative Contributions to Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery.Petra Heiden, Julia Pieczewski & Pablo Andrade - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
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    Editorial: Bridging Cognitive Neuroscience and Neurosurgery for Effective Brain Mapping.Elena Salillas, Alessandro Della Puppa & Carlo Semenza - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
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    Transforming Care Through Science: Evaluating the Impact and Implications of Neuromodulation in Psychiatric Populations.Nir Lipsman & Andres M. Lozano - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 3 (1):13-15.
    Growing interest in psychiatric neurosurgery, and in deep brain stimulation (DBS) in particular, requires that the field be placed in the appropriate historical and scientific context. Current methods of neuromodulation for refractory psychiatric conditions are premised on assumptions similar to those proposed in earlier attempts, namely, the number of resistant patients and the absence of any other effective treatments. As a result, a discussion of the current and future prospects, as well as the limits, of neuromodulation is required to (...)
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    The Effect of Right Temporal Lobe Gliomas on Left and Right Hemisphere Neural Processing During Speech Perception and Production Tasks.Adam Kenji Yamamoto, Ana Sanjuán, Rebecca Pope, Oiwi Parker Jones, Thomas M. H. Hope, Susan Prejawa, Marion Oberhuber, Laura Mancini, Justyna O. Ekert, Andrea Garjardo-Vidal, Megan Creasey, Tarek A. Yousry, David W. Green & Cathy J. Price - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:803163.
    Using fMRI, we investigated how right temporal lobe gliomas affecting the posterior superior temporal sulcus alter neural processing observed during speech perception and production tasks. Behavioural language testing showed that three pre-operative neurosurgical patients with grade 2, grade 3 or grade 4 tumours had the same pattern of mild language impairment in the domains of object naming and written word comprehension. When matching heard words for semantic relatedness (a speech perception task), these patients showed under-activation in the tumour infiltrated right (...)
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    Threats to Neurosurgical Patients Posed by the Personal Identity Debate.Sabine Müller, Merlin Bittlinger & Henrik Walter - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (2):299-310.
    Decisions about brain surgery pose existential challenges because they are often decisions about life or death, and sometimes about possible personality changes. Therefore they require rigorous neuroethical consideration. However, we doubt whether metaphysical interpretations of ambiguous statements of patients are useful for deriving ethical and legal conclusions. Particularly, we question the application of psychological theories of personal identity on neuroethical issues for several reasons. First, even the putative “standard view” on personal identity is contentious. Second, diverse accounts of personal identity (...)
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  49. Ethical Issues Raised by Proposals to Treat Addiction Using Deep Brain Stimulation.Adrian Carter, Emily Bell, Eric Racine & Wayne Hall - 2010 - Neuroethics 4 (2):129-142.
    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been proposed as a potential treatment of drug addiction on the basis of its effects on drug self-administration in animals and on addictive behaviours in some humans treated with DBS for other psychiatric or neurological conditions. DBS is seen as a more reversible intervention than ablative neurosurgery but it is nonetheless a treatment that carries significant risks. A review of preclinical and clinical evidence for the use of DBS to treat addiction suggests that more (...)
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    A scientometric analysis of the 100 most cited articles on magnetic resonance guided focused ultrasound.Kanwaljeet Garg, Manish Ranjan, Vibhor Krishna, Manmohan Singh & Ali Rezai - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:981571.
    BackgroundDiagnostic ultrasound has long been a part of a physician’s armamentarium, but transcranial focused ultrasound (FUS) is an emerging treatment of neurological disorders. Consequently, the literature in this field is increasing at a rapid pace.ObjectiveThis analysis was aimed to identify the top-cited articles on FUS to discern their origin, spread, current trends highlighting future impact of this novel neurosurgical intervention.MethodsWe searched the Web of Science database on 28th May 2021 and identified the top 100 cited articles. These articles were analyzed (...)
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