Results for ' neurosceptical argument'

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  1.  90
    Why difference-making mental causation does not save free will.Alva Stråge - 2022 - Philosophical Explorations 26 (1):30-44.
    Many philosophers take mental causation to be required for free will. But it has also been argued that the most popular view of the nature of mental states, i.e. non-reductive physicalism, excludes the existence of mental causation, due to what is known as the ‘exclusion argument’. In this paper, I discuss the difference-making account of mental causation proposed by [List, C., and Menzies, P. 2017. “My Brain Made Me Do It: The Exclusion Argument Against Free Will, and What’s (...)
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  2. Argument's value1.Ontological Arguments & G. O. D. In - 1998 - In William L. Rowe & William J. Wainwright, Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings. Oup Usa. pp. 2--54.
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  3. Moral realism and indeterminacy.I. An Epistemological Argument - 2002 - In Ernest Sosa & Enrique Villanueva, Realism and Relativism. Blackwell.
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    Roy A. Sorensen.Omniscience-Immutability Arguments - 1986 - American Philosophical Quarterly 23 (4).
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    The rediscovery of light.Arguments Concerning - 1998 - In Josefa Toribio & Andy Clark, Consciousness and emotion in cognitive science: conceptual and empirical issues. New York: Garland. pp. 3--121.
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    Act Utilitarianism and Decision Procedures.A. Revised Impracticability Argument - 1994 - Utilitas 6 (1).
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    Justice, Contestability, and Conceptions of the Good.I. Barry'S. Argument - 1996 - Utilitas 8 (3).
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    Persistent questions in the theory of argument fields.Argument Fields - 1992 - In William L. Benoit, Dale Hample & Pamela J. Benoit, Readings in argumentation. New York: Foris Publications. pp. 11--417.
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  9. Christopher Bennett.Moral Argument & Matt Matravers - 2001 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 4 (3):101.
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  10. William P. Alston.Thoughts On Evidential & Arguments From Evil - 2002 - In William Lane Craig, Philosophy of religion: a reader and guide. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.
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    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 364.Argument From Desire - 2013 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 87 (2):363 - 364.
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  12. A Place for Informal Logic Within Pragma-Dialectics.Of Argumentation - 2006 - In F. H. van Eemeren, Peter Houtlosser, Haft-van Rees & A. M., Considering pragma-dialectics: a festschrift for Frans H. van Eemeren on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 63.
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    and Patterns of Variation.I. Kim’S. Exclusion Argument - 2013 - In Sophie Gibb, E. J. Lowe & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson, Mental Causation and Ontology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 88.
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  14. Gem Anscombe.on A. Queer Pattern Of Argument - 1991 - In Harry A. Lewis, Peter Geach: Philosophical Encounters. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 121.
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  15. M raw.An Invisible Performative Argument, Geoffrey Leech, Robert T. Harms, Richard E. Palmer, Arnolds Grava, Tadeusz Batog, J. Kurylowicz, Dan I. Slobin, David McNeill & R. A. Close - 1973 - Foundations of Language 9:294.
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    An Argument for the Law of Desire.Eric Christian Barnes - 2019 - Theoria 85 (4):289-311.
    The law of desire has been proposed in several forms, but its essential claim is that agents always act on their strongest proximal action motivation. This law has threatening consequences for human freedom, insofar as it greatly limits agents’ ability to do otherwise given their motivational state. It has proven difficult to formulate a version that escapes counterexamples and some categorically deny its truth. Noticeable by its absence in the literature is any attempt to provide an argument for the (...)
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    Justice et efficacité linguistique.Deux Arguments - 2005 - In Stéphane Courtois & Jocelyne Couture, Regards philosophiques sur la mondialisation. Sainte-Foy, Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. pp. 105.
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  18. The Invalidity of the Argument from Illusion.Craig French & Lee Walters - 2018 - American Philosophical Quarterly 55 (4):357-364.
    The argument from illusion attempts to establish the bold claim that we are never perceptually aware of ordinary material objects. The argument has rightly received a great deal critical of scrutiny. But here we develop a criticism that, to our knowledge, has not hitherto been explored. We consider the canonical form of the argument as it is captured in contemporary expositions. There are two stages to our criticism. First, we show that the argument is invalid. Second, (...)
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    Was es nicht alles gibt! Neue ideen und argumente zu substanzen und (ihren) eigenschaften. 1 Christian Kanzian universitat innsbruck.Neue Ideen Und Argumente Zu - 2005 - Grazer Philosophische Studien: Internationale Zeitschrift für Analytische Philosophie. Vol. 70 70:215-223.
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    A Computational Model of Early Argument Structure Acquisition.Afra Alishahi & Suzanne Stevenson - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (5):789-834.
    How children go about learning the general regularities that govern language, as well as keeping track of the exceptions to them, remains one of the challenging open questions in the cognitive science of language. Computational modeling is an important methodology in research aimed at addressing this issue. We must determine appropriate learning mechanisms that can grasp generalizations from examples of specific usages, and that exhibit patterns of behavior over the course of learning similar to those in children. Early learning of (...)
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    Fodor's modal argument.Frederick Adams - 1993 - Philosophical Psychology 6 (1):41-56.
    What we do, intentionally, depends upon the intentional contents of our thoughts. For about ten years Fodor has argued that intentional behavior causally depends upon the narrow intentional content of thoughts (not broad). His main reason is a causal powers argument—brains of individuals A and B may differ in broad content, but, if A and B are neurophysically identical, their thoughts cannot differ in causal power, despite differences in broad content. Recently Fodor (Fodor, 1991) presents a new 'modal' version (...)
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  22. As a problem for physicalism, 168 systematic; denial of, 140, 141.Anomalous Monism & Argument From Realization - 2003 - In Sven Walter & Heinz-Dieter Heckmann, Physicalism and Mental Causation: The Metaphysics of Mind and Action. Imprint Academic. pp. 359.
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  23. The Argument from Silence.Timothy McGrew - 2014 - Acta Analytica 29 (2):215-228.
    The argument from silence is a pattern of reasoning in which the failure of a known source to mention a particular fact or event is used as the ground of an inference, usually to the conclusion that the supposed fact is untrue or the supposed event did not actually happen. Such arguments are widely used in historical work, but they are also widely contested. This paper surveys some inadequate attempts to model this sort of argument, offers a new (...)
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  24. The Argument from Underconsideration and Relative Realism.Moti Mizrahi - 2013 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 27 (4):393-407.
    In this article, through a critical examination of K. Brad Wray's version of the argument from underconsideration against scientific realism, I articulate a modest version of scientific realism. This modest realist position, which I call ‘relative realism’, preserves the scientific realist's optimism about science's ability to get closer to the truth while, at the same time, taking on board the antirealist's premise that theory evaluation is comparative, and thus that there are no good reasons to think that science's best (...)
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  25. Spinoza’s Temporal Argument for Actualism.Harold Zellner - 1988 - Philosophy Research Archives 14:303-309.
    In three places Spinoza presents an argument from (a) determinism and (b) God’s “eternity” to (c) “actualism”, i.e., the doctrine that this is (in some sense) the only possible world. That he does so shows that he distinguishes (a) from (c), which he has been thought to conflate. On one reading of ‘eternal’, he is claiming that an infinite past entails no other world was a “real” possibility. As might be expected, the argument is a failure, but it (...)
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  26. An Argument for Fewer Clinical Trials.Kirstin Borgerson - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (6):25-35.
    The volume of clinical research is increasing exponentially—far beyond our ability to process and absorb the results. Given this situation, it may be beneficial to consider reducing the flow at its source. In what follows, I will motivate and critically evaluate the following proposal: researchers should conduct fewer clinical trials. More specifically, I c onsider whether researchers should be permitted to conduct only clinical research of very high quality and, in turn, whether research ethics committees should prohibit all other, lower-quality (...)
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    (1 other version)An Argument in Favor of Operative Truths.Ben Zimmerman - 2018 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 18:15-16.
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  28. Czy argument z jezyka prywatnego mówi nam cos o tym, jak nie powinnismy myslec o spolecznych praktykach kezykowych?Daniel Zuromski - 2007 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 43 (1):47-53.
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    St. Anselm's Ontological Argument as Expressive: A Wittgensteinian Reconstruction.Scott Aikin & Michael Hodges - 2013 - Philosophical Investigations 37 (2):130-151.
    We offer a reading of Anselm's Ontological Argument inspired by Wittgenstein which focuses on the fact that the “argument” occurs in a prayer addressed to God, making it a strange argument since as a prayer it seems to presuppose its conclusion. We reconstruct the argument as expressive. Within the religious perspective, the issues are to be focused on the right object not to present an argument for the existence of God. While this sort of reading (...)
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  30. Plato on the Value of Philosophy: The Art of Argument in the Gorgias and Phaedrus.Tushar Irani - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Plato was the first philosopher in the Western tradition to reflect systematically on rhetoric. In this book, Tushar Irani presents a comprehensive and innovative reading of the Gorgias and the Phaedrus, the only two Platonic dialogues to focus on what an art of argument should look like, treating each of the texts individually, yet ultimately demonstrating how each can best be understood in light of the other. For Plato, the way in which we approach argument typically reveals something (...)
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  31. Appelros, Erica (2002) God in the Act of Reference: Debating Religious Realism and Non-realism. Brookfield, VT: Ashgate Publishing Co., $69.95, 212 pp. Barnes, Michael (2002) Theology and the Dialogue of Religions. New York: Cambridge University Press, $25.00, 274 pp. [REVIEW]Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism - 2003 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 53:61-63.
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  32. Weaseling away the indispensability argument.Joseph Melia - 2000 - Mind 109 (435):455-480.
    According to the indispensability argument, the fact that we quantify over numbers, sets and functions in our best scientific theories gives us reason for believing that such objects exist. I examine a strategy to dispense with such quantification by simply replacing any given platonistic theory by the set of sentences in the nominalist vocabulary it logically entails. I argue that, as a strategy, this response fails: for there is no guarantee that the nominalist world that go beyond the set (...)
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  33. (4 other versions)Political Argument.B. Barry - 1967 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 17 (4):331-334.
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  34. Argument and Its Uses (OSSA 2005 Keynote Address).J. Anthony Blair - 2004 - Informal Logic 24 (2):137-151.
    Do not define argument by its use to persuade. for other uses of arguments exist. An argument is a proposition and a reason for it. and argumentation is an interchange involving two or more parties resulting in the assertion of one or more arguments coupled with anticipated or actual critical responses. A logically good argument has grounds adeq uate for the purposes at hand (true, probable, plausible, acceptable to the audience) and the grounds provide adequate support for (...)
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  35. Powerful qualities, the conceivability argument and the nature of the physical.Henry Taylor - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (8):1895-1910.
    David Chalmers’ ‘conceivability’ argument against physicalism is perhaps the most widely discussed and controversial argument in contemporary philosophy of mind. Recently, several thinkers have suggested a novel response to this argument, which employs the ‘powerful qualities’ ontology of properties. In this paper, I argue that this response fails because it presupposes an implausible account of the physical/phenomenal distinction. In the course of establishing this, I discuss the so-called ‘ultimate’ argument for the claim that dispositional properties form (...)
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  36. Argument is War... And War is Hell: Philosophy, Education, and Metaphors for Argumentation.Daniel H. Cohen - 1995 - Informal Logic 17 (2):177-188.
    The claim that argumentation has no proper role in either philosophy or education, and especially not in philosophical education, flies in the face of both conventional wisdom and traditional pedagogy. There is, however, something to be said for it because it is really only provocative against a certain philosophical backdrop. Our understanding of the concept "argument" is both reflected by and molded by the specific metaphor that argument-is-war, something with winners and losers, offensive and defensive moments, and an (...)
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  37. The Carneades model of argument invention.Douglas N. Walton & Thomas F. Gordon - 2012 - Pragmatics and Cognition 20 (1):1-31.
    Argument invention is a method that can be used to help an arguer find arguments that could be used to prove a claim he needs to defend. The aim of this paper is to show how argumentation systems recently developed in artificial intelligence can be applied to the task of argument invention. One such system called Carneades is featured. Carneades can be used to analyze arguments, evaluate arguments, to make an argument diagram, and to construct arguments from (...)
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  38. Research and Human Experimentation/Further Reading Barber, Bernard, et al. Research on Human Subjects: Problems of Social Control In Medical Experimentation. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1973. [REVIEW]Moral Argument, Charles Fried, Alice M. Rivlin, P. Michael Timpane & Loren H. Roth - forthcoming - Bioethics: Basic Writings on the Key Ethical Questions That Surround the Major, Modern Biological Possibilities and Problems.
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    Spinoza's Conatus Argument.Don Garrett - 2002 - In Olli Koistinen & John Ivan Biro, Spinoza: Metaphysical Themes. New York: Oup Usa.
    This essay contends that Spinoza’s argument for the conatus doctrine does not commit any of the five fallacies of equivocation. The key to a better understanding of his argument lies in a Spinoza’s “theory of inherence” — that is, his theory of what it is to be “in” something. Spinoza’s conatus argument is a valid demonstration from Spinozistic premises about inherence, conception, causation, and related matters. These premises reflect his deep commitment to a rigorous Principle of Sufficient (...)
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    Abstract Forms of Quantification in the Quantified Argument Calculus.Edi Pavlović & Norbert Gratzl - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):449-479.
    The Quantified argument calculus (Quarc) has received a lot of attention recently as an interesting system of quantified logic which eschews the use of variables and unrestricted quantification, but nonetheless achieves results similar to the Predicate calculus (PC) by employing quantifiers applied directly to predicates instead. Despite this noted similarity, the issue of the relationship between Quarc and PC has so far not been definitively resolved. We address this question in the present paper, and then expand upon that result. (...)
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    Philosophy and argument.Henry W. Johnstone - 1959 - [University Park]: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    _Philosophy and Argument_ presents systematic analysis of the role of argumentation in philosophy.
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    Political Argument: A Reissue with a New Introduction.Brian Barry - 1990 - University of California Press.
    Since its publication in 1965 _Political Argument_ has come to be recognized as occupying a key position in the revival of Anglo-American political philosophy. A number of the ideas introduced by Barry have become part of the standard vocabulary, such as the distinction between ideal-regarding and want-regarding principles and the division of principles into aggregative and distributive. _Political Argument_ provided the first precise analysis, still frequently cited, of the conception that political values have trade-off relations; the analysis of the notion (...)
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    The impairment argument for the immorality of abortion revisited.Bruce P. Blackshaw - 2019 - Bioethics (Online):211-213.
    Perry Hendricks has recently presented the impairment argument for the immorality of abortion, to which I responded and he has now replied. The argument is based on the premise that impairing a fetus with fetal alcohol syndrome is immoral, and on the principle that if impairing an organism is immoral, impairing it to a higher degree is also—the impairment principle. If abortion impairs a fetus to a higher degree, then this principle entails abortion is immoral. In my reply, (...)
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    Rhetorical figures as argument schemes – The proleptic suite.Randy Allen Harris & Chrysanne Di Marco - 2017 - Argument and Computation 8 (3):233-252.
    Identifying rhetorical figures with marginal to non-existent lexico-syntactic signatures poses significant challenges for computational approaches reliant upon structural definitions or descriptions. One such figure is prolepsis ([Formula: see text]ó[Formula: see text]), which this essay charts out in some detail, addressing the challenges and the benefits of rendering such figures computationally tractable through the use of argument schemes with attention to metadiscursive or macro-discursive norms offered by pragma-dialectical traditions.
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    Doing without mentalese.Seven Arguments Against Mentalese - 1995 - Behavior and Philosophy 23:42-47.
    Để xem bóng đá và phát sóng video trực tiếp tốc độ cao, Xoilac là trang web lý tưởng. Đặc biệt, Xoilac không có bất cứ quảng cáo nào, vì vậy người xem vẫn thoải mái thưởng thức trận bóng đá mà không lo bị phân tâm vì bất cứ vấn đề gì. Ngoài ra, Xoilac có đội ngũ dày dặn chuyên môn, luôn đưa ra những nhận định chuẩn xác cho từng trận đấu bóng đá. Với đồ hoạ sinh (...)
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  46. The empirical argument from evil.William Rowe - 1986 - In Robert Audi & William J. Wainwright, Rationality, religious belief, and moral commitment: new essays in the philosophy of religion. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. pp. 227--247.
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    The Argument from Opposites in Republic V.R. E. Allen - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):325 - 335.
    This distinction has sometimes been read as purely epistemic, resting not on things, but on our knowledge of them: there is one world, not two, though it may be apprehended in two ways. But this view is patently at odds with the text. Knowledge and opinion are δυνάμεις, "faculties," to be distinguished and defined by their objects, no less than by the state of mind they produce, and Plato clearly states that the fallibility and unclearness of opinion is rooted in (...)
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    Argument Has No Function.Jean Goodwin - 2007 - Informal Logic 27 (1):69-90.
    Douglas Walton has been right in calling us to attend to the pragmatics of argument. He has, however, also insisted that arguments should be understood and assessed by considering the functions they perform; and from this, I dissent. Argument has no determinable function in the sense Walton needs, and even if it did, that function would not ground norms for argumentative practice. As an alternative to a functional theory of argumentative pragmatics, I propose a design view, which draws (...)
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  49. Argument Content and Argument Source: An Exploration.Ulrike Hahn, Adam J. L. Harris & Adam Corner - 2009 - Informal Logic 29 (4):337-367.
    Argumentation is pervasive in everyday life. Understanding what makes a strong argument is therefore of both theoretical and practical interest. One factor that seems intuitively important to the strength of an argument is the reliability of the source providing it. Whilst traditional approaches to argument evaluation are silent on this issue, the Bayesian approach to argumentation (Hahn & Oaksford, 2007) is able to capture important aspects of source reliability. In particular, the Bayesian approach predicts that argument (...)
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    Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?Michel Meyer & Perelman Professor of Rhetoric and Argumentation Michel Meyer - 1997 - LGF/Le Livre de Poche.
    La question de ce petit livre est simple : peut-on aller au-delà du constat de crise et d'impuissance dont le philosophe se fait le prophète depuis plus d'un siècle? Peut-on parler de la science sans complexe d'infériorité, de Dieu sans obscurantisme, d'existence sans tomber dans la banalité du café du commerce, de politique sans consacrer le cynisme, de morale sans faire dans le sermon? Bref, la philosophie peut-elle aider à faire comprendre et à dépasser les apories du temps présent qu'elle (...)
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