Results for ' methodological controversies'

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  1.  13
    Some Methodological Controversies in African Philosophy.A. G. A. Bello - 2004 - In Kwasi Wiredu (ed.), A Companion to African Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 261–273.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Particularism vs. Universalism Modern vs. Traditional Philosophy and Language Conceptual Decolonization and the Question of Democracy and Consensus The Problem of Linguistic Inadequacy Whither African Philosophy?
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  2. Gans''Erbrecht'as legal-history use of the Hegelian philosophy of history and in context of the methodological controversy over judicial studies in his own day.N. Waszek - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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    The Role of Values in Methodological Controversies: The Case of Risk Assessment.José Luis Luján & Oliver Todt - 2015 - Philosophia Scientiae 19:45-56.
    Le débat sur le rôle des valeurs en science survient également dans les sciences appliquées, en particulier dans les sciences régulatives. Nous proposons une analyse, sous l’angle des valeurs, des controverses récentes sur le rôle de la connaissance scientifique dans la régulation des risques technologiques. Nous distinguons trois perspectives sur les valeurs cognitives et non-cognitives, dans le contexte de l’évaluation et de la gestion du risque. Notre analyse montre que les deux types de valeurs interagissent au sein du processus de (...)
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  4. Methodological discussions and controversies in slovak historiography of the 1950s and 1960s.A. Kopcok - 1995 - Filozofia 50 (12):763-793.
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    Controversies around Neuroeconomics: Empirical, Methodological and Philosophical Issues.Daniel Serra - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 23 (2):135-193.
    À la fin des années 1990, plusieurs tendances convergentes en économie, psychologie et neuroscience ont préparé le terrain pour la naissance d’un nouveau champ scientifique qualifié de « neuroéconomie ». Comme pour toute discipline émergente – pensons par exemple à l’économie mathématique, l’économétrie ou l’économie expérimentale en d’autres temps – la neuroéconomie est plutôt controversée en économie. Elle soulève un grand nombre de questions d’ordre empirique, méthodologique et philosophiques donnant lieu à des débats et controverses que l’article identifie et discute (...)
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    Methodology and Experience.Freedom and History: The Semantics of Philosophical: Controversies and Ideological Conflicts.Newton P. Stallknecht - 1953 - Review of Metaphysics 6 (3):425 - 435.
    McKeon is, however, not eager to aid history in repeating itself. He strives to set philosophical discussion upon a new plane altogether. His attitude to the contemporary situation is set forth in the following quotation.
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  7. The Ingarden-Husserl Controversy: The Methodological Status of Consciousness.Tomas Sodeika - 1989 - Analecta Husserliana 27:209-221.
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    Semantics, theory, and methodological individualism in the group-selection controversy.Eric Alden Smith - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (4):636-637.
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    The Expansion of the Methodology of the Korean Modern Philosophical History: Focusing on the History of Modern Korean Philosophy by Lee Kyu-sung and Review of Controversies.Min-Cheol Park - 2023 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 34 (1):41-76.
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  10. The Popper-Adorno controversy: The methodological dispute in German sociology.David Frisby - 1972 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 2 (1):105-119.
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  11. The primate mindreading controversy : a case study in simplicity and methodology in animal psychology.Simon Fitzpatrick - 2009 - In Robert W. Lurz (ed.), The Philosophy of Animal Minds. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 224--246.
  12.  42
    Spectres of Mises: controversial methodological claims reassessed.Diogo Lourenço & Mário Graça Moura - 2024 - Journal of Economic Methodology 31 (3):145-160.
    In this article, we reassess two of Mises’ core methodological claims. The first claim is that action is necessarily rational. The second claim is that all human minds share a logical structure. Neither claim can be unreservedly accepted but, we argue, both contain truth: Mises’ reflections remain important contributions to our understanding of action and the mind, hence to economics.
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    A controversy about modeling practices: the case of inequity aversion.Alexandre Truc & Dorian Jullien - 2023 - Journal of Economic Methodology 30 (3):203-227.
    This paper studies the controversy on Fehr and Schmidt's model of inequity aversion. It borrows insights from disciplines such as philosophy and the sociology of science that have specialized in studying scientific controversies. Our goal is to contribute to the historical and methodological literature on behavioral economics, which happens to have neglected behavioral economists' research on social preferences. Our analysis of the controversy reveals some new insights about the relation of behavioral economics with other sub-fields in economics, as (...)
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    Methodological Individualism in Ecology.James Justus - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (5):770-784.
    Methodological individualism has a long, successful, and controversial track record in the social sciences. Its record in ecology is much shorter but proving as successful and controversial with so-called individual-based models. Distinctions and debates about methodological individualism in social sciences clarify the commitments of this general, individualistic approach to modeling ecological phenomena and show that there is a lot recommending it. In particular, a representational priority on individual organisms yields a cogent albeit deflationary account of ecological emergence and (...)
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    Explorations in economic methodology: from Lakatos to empirical philosophy of science.Roger Backhouse (ed.) - 1998 - London: Routledge.
    Is methodology fruitless? Intense controversy has resulted from attempts to understand economics through philosophy of science. This collection clarifies and responds to the issues raised, arguing that methodology is an essential activity.
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    Metodologiczne aspekty kontrowersji ewolucjonizm-kreacjonizm [Methodological aspects of evolutionism - creationism controversy].Piotr Lenartowicz - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 4 (1):292-293.
    The main thesis of this book - written by a well known epistemologist and philosopher of sciences is rather sceptical. Both parties of the conflict defend a complex set of beliefs, both a priori accept many narrow, but controversial assumptions, both often ignore the primary arguments of the opponent.
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    Methodological ideas in past experimental inquiry: rigor checks around 1800.Jutta Schickore - 2023 - Intellectual History Review 33 (2):267-286.
    This paper discusses two methodological notions, the concepts Gegenprobe (countercheck) and Gegenversuch (counter-trial), which were widely applied, discussed, relied upon, and defended in German-language writings about empirical inquiry. In the decades around 1800, they were common in physiology; medicine; agriculture; chemistry; various technologies, such as printing, metallurgy, and mining; accounting; and legal and political argumentation. The ubiquity of those concepts signals a broad concern with securing empirical findings and empirical knowledge. Gegenproben and Gegenversuche – the terms as well as (...)
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  18.  41
    The Methodology of Economics: Or, How Economists Explain.Mark Blaug - 1992 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is an examination of the nature of economic explanation. The opening chapters introduce current thinking in the philosophy of science and review the literature on methodology. Professor Blaug then turns to the troublesome question of the logical status of welfare economics, giving the reader an understanding of the outstanding issues in the methodology of economics. This is followed by a series of case studies of leading economic controversies, which shows how controversies in economics may be illuminated (...)
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    Methodology revitalized?Peter B. Sloep - 1993 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 44 (2):231-249.
    Controversies in science have a tendency to be long-lasting. Moreover, they tend to wither rather than be solved by sorting out the arguments pro and con. Barring the sociological dimension, an important factor in the perpetuation of scientific controversies seems to be the contestants' passion for broad philosophical theses when it comes to defending their respective positions. In this paper one such controversy is analysed. It involves the alleged use of Popperian falsificationism to defend a position in (community) (...)
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  20. Methodological individualisms: Definition and reduction.May Brodbeck - 1958 - Philosophy of Science 25 (1):1-22.
    The Reformation, it has been said, changed the course of history. Most people would agree. At the very least, agree or not, they would hold the proposition to be one worth considering. They would be unlikely to reject it out of hand as incapable of being either true or false because it had no meaning. For, of course, “everybody knows” what the Reformation was and, elaborating a little, we can make clear what we meant by changing the course of history. (...)
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  21. Mapping Controversy: A Cartography of Taxonomy and Biodiversity for the Philosophy of Biology.Charles H. Pence & Stijn Conix - manuscript
    One potentially extremely fruitful use of the tools of corpus analysis in the philosophy of science is to help us understand disputed terrains within the sciences that we study. For philosophers of biology, for instance, few controversies are as heated as those over the concepts we use in taxonomy to classify the living world, with the definition of ‘species’ perhaps most fundamental among them. As many understandings of biodiversity, in turn, involve counting the number of species present in a (...)
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    The spontaneous generation controversy : British and German reactions to the problem of abiogenesis.John Farley - 1972 - Journal of the History of Biology 5 (2):285-319.
    The controversy over spontaneous generation and the theory of evolution was part of the broader issue of the nature of life. It was the vitalists, who had originally accepted the doctrine of heterogenesis, who now were forced to reject abiogenesis. Their commitment to the view that life was unique and autonomous was so strong that, once the link between evolution and the abiogenetic origin of life had been made, they were almost constrained to reject evolution. It is not surprising that (...)
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  23. The Methodology of Jurisprudence: Thirty Years Off The Point.Andrew Halpin - 2006 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 19 (1).
    This essay considers the growing interest in the methodology of jurisprudence in the context of a broader examination of the relationship between legal theory and the practice of law. Attention is drawn to the particular puzzles of how theory can both be independent of and yet inform practice, and how methodology can take a similar stance towards theory. Through a detailed analysis of the methodological positions adopted by Dworkin, Raz, and Coleman and Simchen, the conclusion is reached that methodology (...)
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    The methodology of positive economics : Reflections on the Milton Friedman legacy.Uskali Mäki (ed.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Milton Friedman's 1953 essay 'The methodology of positive economics' remains the most cited, influential, and controversial piece of methodological writing in twentieth-century economics. Since its appearance, the essay has shaped the image of economics as a scientific discipline, both within and outside of the academy. At the same time, there has been an ongoing controversy over the proper interpretation and normative evaluation of the essay. Perceptions have been sharply divided, with some viewing economics as a scientific success thanks to (...)
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  25. The Controversy about Sloterdijk’s "Rules for the Human Zoo".Norman Schultz - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (1):221-238.
    The so-called Menschenpark-debate on genetic engineering—originating in 1999—turned out to be one of the most controversial and contentious debates in German philosophy. It is also regarded as the first manifestation of the struggle between Sloterdijk and Habermas. While Sloterdijk’s ideas had a significant impact on Habermas’s theory, Sloterdijk’s philosophy has been consistently ignored and dismissed until today due to two reasons. First, he was accused of advocating for fascist ideology. Second, philosophers from the same academic circles claimed that his method (...)
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    Scientific controversies and philosophical tradition.Carlos Alberto Cardona - 2023 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 27 (3):397-424.
    The article discusses the following question: why has the traditional philosophy of science been reluctant to seriously deal with scientific controversies? An answer is offered and an alternative is suggested. This alternative gives a leading role to the study of controversies within the framework of the philosophy of science. This proposal is supported, firstly, by a brief review of the research methodology employed by Johannes Kepler and, secondly, by the study of the emergence of quantum mechanics by Mara (...)
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    Some methodology problems in a holistic approach to functional morphology.P. Dullemeijer - 1968 - Acta Biotheoretica 18 (1-4):203-214.
    An initial investigation of controversies and differences in opinion in the various schools of functional anatomy is presented by listing the methodology problems.The possibilities and limitations of functional anatomy are derived from the successive steps in the procedure in a functional anatomical investigation.Starting from the holistic approach as introduced byVan der Klaauw, the main problems of defining the term functional component and the applied methods are discussed.Two principal methods are presented, of which the limitations are considered. The various aspects (...)
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    Controversy as a Developmental Tool in Cross Self-Confrontation Analysis.Katia Kostulski & Laure Kloetzer - 2014 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 15 (2):54-73.
    In Psychology, the issue of language usage as a means of action in psychological life requires that we question the relations between the forms of language expression and their psychological functions. The current paper contributes to an understanding of this question. The relation between form and function is examined here, with particular focus on a discursive and dialogic method employed in the Activity Clinic approach to elicit controversy as a means of developing dialogical thinking. We argue that the interfunctionality of (...)
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  29. Unifying Moral Methodology.Tristram Mcpherson - 2012 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 93 (4):523-549.
    This article argues that the best way to pursue systematic normative ethical theorizing involves metaethical enquiry. My argument builds upon two central claims. First, I argue that plausible metaethical accounts can have implications that can help to resolve the methodological controversies facing normative ethics. Second, I argue that metaethical research is at least roughly as well supported as normative ethical research. I conclude by examining the implications of my thesis. Inter alia, it shows that the common practice of (...)
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    Methodological and contextual factors in the dawkins/gould dispute over evolutionary progress.Timothy Shanahan - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32 (1):127-151.
    Biologists Richard Dawkins and Stephen Jay Gould have recently extended their decades-old disagreements about evolution to the issue of the nature and reality of evolutionary progress. According to Gould, 'progress' is a noxious notion that deserves to be expunged from evolutionary biology. In Dawkins' view, on the other hand, progress is one of the most important, pervasive and inevitable aspects of evolution. Simple appeals to 'the evidence' are clearly insufficient to resolve this disagreement, since it is precisely the interpretation of (...)
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    Platonic Methodological Alterations: Elenchus, Dialectics, and Diaeresis.Abdolrasool Hasanifar & Seyedmohsen Alavipour - 2021 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 22 (2):260-274.
    Whether all the Platonic dialogues are parts of an inconsistent or consistent body is a controversial subject of philosophy. Indeed, though in form all the texts are written dialogically, in content, one might recognize methodological alterations in Platonic thought from the 1st book of The Republic to later dialogues such as The Statesman and The Laws. However, how much this methodological alteration might affect the content of Plato’s political philosophy, the relation between the rupture in the method of (...)
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  32. Some notes on methodological individualism: Orthodox and heterodox views.Andy Denis - manuscript
    methodology both of neoclassical and Austrian economics, as well as other approaches, from New Keynesianism to analytical Marxism. Yet there is considerable controversy as to what the phrase means. Moreover, the methodologies of those to whom the theoretical practice of MI is ascribed differ profoundly on the status of the individual economic agent: economics.
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    Controversies and interdisciplinarity: beyond disciplinary fragmentation for a new knowledge model.Jens S. Allwood, Olga Pombo, Clara Renna & Giovanni Scarafile (eds.) - 2020 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    Nowadays, the forms assumed by knowledge indicate an unhinging of traditional structures conceived on the model of discipline. Consequently, what was once strictly disciplinary becomes interdisciplinary, what was homogeneous becomes heterogeneous and what was hierarchical becomes heterarchical. When we look for a matrix of interdisciplinarity, that is to say, a primary basis or an essential dimension of all the complex phenomena we are surrounded by, we see the need to break with the disciplinary self-restraint in which, often completely inadvertently, many (...)
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    Evidence based methodology: a naturalistic analysis of epistemic policies in regulatory science.José Luis Luján & Oliver Todt - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (1):1-19.
    In this paper we argue for a naturalistic solution to some of the methodological controversies in regulatory science, on the basis of two case studies: toxicology and health claim regulation. We analyze the debates related to the scientific evidence that is considered necessary for regulatory decision making in each of those two fields, with a particular attention to the interactions between scientific and regulatory aspects. This analysis allows us to identify two general stances in the debate: a) one (...)
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    A Current Appraisal of the Behavioral Sciences.Methodology of the Behavioral Sciences: Problems and Controversies.Arnold Berleant - 1965 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (1):124.
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  36. Philosophical controversies in the evaluation of medical treatments : With a focus on the evidential roles of randomization and mechanisms in Evidence-Based Medicine.Alexander Mebius - 2015 - Dissertation, Kth Royal Institute of Technology
    This thesis examines philosophical controversies surrounding the evaluation of medical treatments, with a focus on the evidential roles of randomised trials and mechanisms in Evidence-Based Medicine. Current 'best practice' usually involves excluding non-randomised trial evidence from systematic reviews in cases where randomised trials are available for inclusion in the reviews. The first paper challenges this practice and evaluates whether adding of evidence from non-randomised trials might improve the quality and precision of some systematic reviews. The second paper compares the (...)
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  37. An appraisal of the controversial nature of the oil drop experiment: Is closure possible?Mansoor Niaz - 2005 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 56 (4):681-702.
    Acceptance of the quantization of the elementary electrical charge was preceded by a bitter dispute between Robert Millikan and Felix Ehrenhaft, which lasted for many years. Both Millikan and Ehrenhaft obtained very similar experimental results and yet Millikan was led to formulate the elementary electrical charge and Ehrenhaft to fractional charges. There have been four major attempts to reconstruct the historical events that led to the controversy: Holton ; Franklin ; Barnes et al. ; Goodstein. So we have the controversy (...)
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    Controversial Evidences in The Uṣūl Thought Of Aḥmad Al-Chārpardī.Davut Eşit - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (1):277-308.
    Aḥmad al-Chārpardī (d. 746/1346), Shāfi‘ī jurist, was one of the scholars of the period of mutakkhkhirīn. He dedicated his life to teaching students and composing works, settling in Tabriz where he remained for the rest of his life. Recognised as one of the most distinguished students of al-Qāḍī Batḍāwī (d. 685/1286), al-Chārpardī wrote a commentary on al-Bayḍāwī’s concise work on uṣūl al-fiqh entitled Minhāj al-wuṣūl, which he called al-Sirāj al-wahhāj. One of the fundamental characteristics of uṣūl al-fiqh of the mutaakhkhrīn (...)
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    Beyond polarization: using Q methodology to explore stakeholders’ views on pesticide use, and related risks for agricultural workers, in Washington State’s tree fruit industry.Nadine Lehrer & Gretchen Sneegas - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (1):131-147.
    Controversies in food and agriculture abound, with many portrayed as conflicts between polarized viewpoints. Framing such controversies as dichotomies, however, can at times obscure what might be a plurality of views and potential common ground on the subject. We used Q methodology to explore stakeholders’ views about pesticide safety, agricultural worker exposure, and human health concerns in the tree fruit industry of central Washington State. Using a purposive sample of English and Spanish-speaking agricultural workers, industry representatives, state agencies, (...)
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  40. Sustaining a Controversy: The Non-classical Ion Debate.William Goodwin - 2013 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 64 (4):787-816.
    This article examines a scientific controversy that raged for twenty years in physical organic chemistry during the second half of the twentieth century. After explaining what was at stake in the non-classical ion debate, I attempt—by examining the methodological reflections of some of the participants—a partial explanation of what sustained this controversy, particularly during its early stages. Instead of suggesting a breakdown of scientific method or the unavoidable historical contingency of scientific development, the endurance of this controversy instead reveals (...)
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    The Controversy of the Correctoria and the Limits of Metaphysics.Mark Jordan - 1982 - Speculum 57 (2):292-314.
    The first defenses of Aquinas's doctrine after his death, particularly those five polemical works known as the correctoria, are usually read as illustrations of the intellectual forces of the late thirteenth century. The correctoria are used to show the struggle between “Augustinianism” and “Aristotelianism,” between Franciscans and Dominicans, between anti-Thomists and Thomists. It is true that they are anti-Augustinian, after a fashion. They come from Dominican hands, and they defend Thomas. But it is important to see why they reject the (...)
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    Methodological problems in evolutionary biology VII. The species plague.Wim J. van der Steen & Bart Voorzanger - 1986 - Acta Biotheoretica 35 (3):205-221.
    Various philosophers and evolutionary biologists have recently defended the thesis that species are individuals rather than sets. A decade of debates, however, did not suffice to settle the matter. Conceptual analysis shows that many of the key terms involved are ambiguous. Current disagreements should dissolve once this is recognized. Explication of the concepts involved leads to new programs for philosophical research. It could also help biology by showing how extant controversies concerning evolution may have conceptual rather than factual roots.
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    Mapping Controversies in Neuroscience: The Plastic Brain and “Anecdotal Data”.Kirill Petrov - 2020 - Sociology of Power 32 (2):183-207.
    The study of controversies is an important methodological tool for understanding key aspects of scientific activity that are invisible from within the science itself. Following Sarah Whatmore, we argue that controversies are a force field within which there is a redistribution of expertise. As an application of the basic principles of ANT, the mapping of controversies lacks the disadvantages of constructivist and epistemological approaches to science. While preserving the validity of scientific facts, it could demonstrate the (...)
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    Book review: Johannes Angermuller, Martin Nonhoff, Eva Herschinger, Felicitas Macgilchrist, Martin Reisigl, Juliette Wedl, Daniel Wrana and Alexander Ziem (eds), Diskursforschung: Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch, Band 1: Theorien, Methodologien und Kontroversen [Discourse Studies: An Interdisciplinary Handbook, Volume 1: Theories, Methodologies and Controversies], Martin Nonhoff, Eva Herschinger, Johannes Angermuller, Felicitas Macgilchrist, Martin Reisigl, Juliette Wedl, Daniel Wrana and Alexander Ziem (eds), Diskursforschung: Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch, Band 2: Methoden und Praxis der Diskursanalyse: Perspektiven auf Hochschulreformdiskurse [Discourse Studies: An Interdisciplinary Handbook, Volume 2: Methods and Practice of Discourse Analysis: Perspectives on the Discourses of University Reforms] and Daniel Wrana, Alexander Ziem, Martin Reisigl, Martin Nonhoff and Johannes Angermuller (eds), DiskursNetz: Wörterbuch der interdisziplinären Diskursforschung [DiscourseNet: Dictionar. [REVIEW]Jaspal Naveel Singh - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (3):354-358.
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    On the Methodological Restriction of the Principle of Characterization.Maciej Sendłak - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (2):807-825.
    The subject of this article is the Principle of Characterization—the most controversial principle of Alexius Meinong’s Theory of Objects. The aim of this text is twofold. First of all, to show that Bertrand Russell’s well-known objection to the Principle of Characterization can be reformulated against contemporary unrestricted interpretations of it. Second, to propose an alternative formulation of this principle. This refers to the methodology of metaphysics and is based on the distinction between pre-theoretical and theoretical languages. The proposed formulation fits (...)
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    Methodological considerations in studying awareness during learning: Part 1: Implicit learning.Daisuke Nakamura - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (1):102-117.
    Methodological problems of how awareness during learning should be measured have been extensively discussed and investigated in cognitive psychology. This review considers; 1)whether amnesics can perform implicit learning tasks at a similar level to normal controls, 2) whether differences in instructional orientations create dissociations in performance in tests of implicit and explicit knowledge, and 3) whether participants can retrospectively verbalise the learning outcomes. The paper concludes that; amnesics’ implicit learning abilities differ from the normal controls, instructions on implicit learning (...)
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    Revisiting the Pouchet–Pasteur controversy over spontaneous generation: understanding experimental method.Nils Roll-Hansen - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (4):68.
    Louis Pasteur’s defeat of belief in spontaneous generation has been a classical rationalist example of how the experimental approach of modern science can reveal superstition. Farley and Geison told a counter-story of how Pasteur’s success was due to political and ideological support rather than superior experimental science. They claimed that Pasteur violated proper norms of scientific method, and that the French Academy of Science did not see this, or did not want to. Farley and Geison argued that Pouchet’s experiments were (...)
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    Genuine versus bogus scientific controversies: the case of statins.Carlo Martini & Mattia Andreoletti - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (4):1-23.
    Science progresses through debate and disagreement, and scientific controversies play a crucial role in the growth of scientific knowledge. However, not all controversies and disagreements are progressive in science. Sometimes, controversies can be pseudoscientific; in fact, bogus controversies, and what seem like genuine scientific disagreements, can be a distortion of science set up by non-scientific actors. Bogus controversies are detrimental to science because they can hinder scientific progress and eventually bias science-based decisions. The first goal (...)
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    The Methodological Turn in Philosophy.Evandro Agazzi - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Research 40 (Supplement):1-7.
    Controversies have always characterized philosophy as expression of its typical critical attitude that depends on the complexity of the fundamental philosophical issues. Traditionally these discrepancies regarded the answers given to certain questions and, therefore, the content of the opposite doctrines, as all legitimately belonging to philosophy. With modernity the determination of the correct method of thinking becomes the necessary precondition for philosophizing and represents the core of the philosophical activity itself. As a consequence people adopting a certain method of (...)
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    Methodological problems in evolutionary biology. XI. optimal foraging theory revisited.Wim J. van der Steen - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (4):321-336.
    Optimality theory, particularly optimal foraging theory (OFT), has spurned controversy over decades. I argue that the controversy results from conceptual pitfalls. The focus in this article is on pitfalls underlying the concept of constraint. Constraints in OFT models are a means to distinguish between possible and impossible behaviours. I argue that the seemingly innocuous notion of (im)possibility is tricky. It is indeed linked here with troublesome philosophical problems concerning free will. To steer away from such problems in OFT, we need (...)
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