Results for ' methodological analysis'

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  1.  33
    Methodological analysis of Fondecyt projects in anthropology and sociology in 1992 and 1999.Cecilia Millán - 2015 - Cinta de Moebio 53:158-174.
    The following paper is a descriptive and retrospective study that analyses the basic elements of a methodological design in projects approved by Fondecyt in 1992 and 1999 considering the disciplines of anthropology and sociology. The analyses used four steps to create a methodological design. First, the projects selected were classified as qualitative or quantitative, according to the definition given by the own authors and looked for the arguments used by the authors for using the selected methodology. Then a (...)
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    Philosophico-Methodological Analysis of Prediction and its Role in Economics.Wenceslao J. Gonzalez - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book develops a philosophico-methodological analysis of prediction and its role in economics. Prediction plays a key role in economics in various ways. It can be seen as a basic science, as an applied science, and in the application of this science. First, it is used by economic theory in order to test the available knowledge. In this regard, prediction has been presented as the scientific test for economics as a science. Second, prediction provides a content regarding the (...)
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    (1 other version)Seven Layers of Computation: Methodological Analysis and Mathematical Modeling.Mark Burgin & Rao Mikkililineni - 2022 - Filozofia i Nauka 10:11-32.
    We live in an information society where the usage, creation, distribution, manipulation, and integration of information is a significant activity. Computations allow us to process information from various sources in various forms and use the derived knowledge in improving efficiency and resilience in our interactions with each other and with our environment. The general theory of information tells us that information to knowledge is as energy is to matter. Energy has the potential to create or modify material structures and information (...)
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    Analogicity in Computer Science. Methodological Analysis.Paweł Stacewicz - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 63 (1):69-86.
    Analogicity in computer science is understood in two, not mutually exclusive ways: 1) with regard to the continuity feature (of data or computations), 2) with regard to the analogousness feature (i.e. similarity between certain natural processes and computations). Continuous computations are the subject of three methodological questions considered in the paper: 1a) to what extent do their theoretical models go beyond the model of the universal Turing machine (defining digital computations), 1b) is their computational power greater than that of (...)
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    Toward the Methodological Analysis of Scientific Discoveries.B. M. Kedrov - 1962 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 1 (1):45-57.
    The discovery of spectrum analysis occupies an important place on the long and thorny path of the advance of human knowledge toward the atoms, the stars, and the mastery of their laws. This great discovery was made one hundred years ago . The decisive role in this achievement belongs by right to two outstanding German scientists, Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff. This discovery simultaneously opened the path into the atomic world, making it possible to judge the internal structure of (...)
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  6. A Methodological Analysis of Sociobiology.Joseph S. Alper - 1981 - Philosophical Forum 13 (2):67.
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    Science and State. methodological analysis of the history of social science. Genetics and breeding in Russia and Ukraine during the Soviet period.V. T. Cheshko (ed.) - 1997 - kharkiv: "Osnova".
    A comparative study of the system of co-evolution of Theoretical Genetics, practical Selets and agriculture in Russia, Ukraine, the Soviet Union and, above all, the example of two research schools - Kharkov and Saratov. Alittle-known and previously unknown archival materials are used.
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    The Nature of Contemporary Biological Knowledge: Methodological Analysis.I. T. Frolov - 1973 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 12 (3):27-49.
    Modern studies of the subject the philosophical methodology of science can be brought to fruition and accordingly become the property of scientists, that is, really "work" in science, only on one condition: if they are designed not in an abstract, a priori fashion and are oriented not toward "science in general" but toward its real, concrete forms, analysis of which now has general methodological significance — it is important as a component of the general epistemology of science. This (...)
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  9. Введение в структурно-онтологическую методологию: анализ предметной области социализации личности (Introduction to Structural-Ontological Methodology: Analysis of the Subject Matter Field of Personality Socialization).Vitalii Shymko - 2020 - SSRN Electronic Journal.
    Russian Abstract: Данный документ является сборником «заметок на полях», раскрывающих состав и содержание метода структурно-онтологического анализа. Указанный метод разработан для системного описания предметной области изучаемых явлений. Он включает специальную процедуру по построению структурно-онтологических матриц и алгоритм их описания. Междисциплинарная направленность метода продемонстрирована на примере анализа процесса социализации личности. English Abstract: This document is a collection of `marginal notes` revealing the composition and content of the structural ontological analysis method. The specified method is developed for a systemic description of the (...)
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  10.  42
    Two Strands of Field Experiments in Economics: A Historical-Methodological Analysis.Michiru Nagatsu & Judith Favereau - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (1):45-77.
    While the history and methodology of laboratory experiments in economics have been extensively studied by philosophers, those of field experiments have not attracted much attention until recently. What is the historical context in which field experiments have been advocated? And what are the methodological rationales for conducting experiments in the field as opposed to in the lab? This article addresses these questions by combining historical and methodological perspectives. In terms of history, we show that the movement toward field (...)
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    Digital Phenotyping: an Epistemic and Methodological Analysis.Simon Coghlan & Simon D’Alfonso - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1905-1928.
    Some claim that digital phenotyping will revolutionize understanding of human psychology and experience and significantly promote human wellbeing. This paper investigates the nature of digital phenotyping in relation to its alleged promise. Unlike most of the literature to date on philosophy and digital phenotyping, which has focused on its ethical aspects, this paper focuses on its epistemic and methodological aspects. The paper advances a tetra-taxonomy involving four scenario types in which knowledge may be acquired from human “digitypes” by digital (...)
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  12. Modern and Postmodern Philosophical Quest: A Methodological Analysis.R. Singh - 2001 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 28 (3):315.
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    The Problem of Demarcation of Information Conflicts: Philosophical-Methodological Analysis.Nicolay A. Zubkov & Elena A. Nikitina - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):683-694.
    The phenomenon of information conflict at the moment is an actual research object of many social and humanitarian disciplines. On the other hand, there is a lack of fundamental theoretical, primarily philosophical and methodological, research on this issue. This is expressed, inter alia, in the absence of philosophical and methodological grounds for isolating an information conflict from the totality of all objectively observed communications, i.e. demarcation of the phenomenon. The problem of finding criteria for an information conflict is (...)
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  14.  10
    Ideal as a functional system: theoretico-methodological analysis.Lydia Chorna - 2016 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 65:177-185.
    Проблема ідеалу залишається у ХХІ столітті актуальною для дослідження. Взаємовідносини між ідеалом та його практичним втіленням є гострою темою для дискусій в сучасній філософії, політології, теорії державного управління. Мета статті - надати теоретико-методологічний аналіз розуміння ідеалу, розглянути ідеал як функціональну систему. Тому основним методом – є метод системно-структурного аналізу. Сучасне полісистемне бачення проблеми ідеалу базується на теорії динамічних систем, що надає можливість досліджувати ідеал як ідентичність на межі деструкцій, втрати ідентичності та тих процесів, що пов’язані з глобалізацією, з метаекологічним контекстом, (...)
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  15. Modern challenges of global sports development : a philosophical and methodological analysis.Vladislav I. Stolyarov & Sergey G. Seyranov - 2022 - In Alexander N. Chumakov, Alyssa DeBlasio & Ilya V. Ilyin (eds.), Philosophical Aspects of Globalization: A Multidisciplinary Inquiry. Boston: BRILL.
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    The Main Evolutionary Ideas of Modern Biological Kowledge. An Outline of the Historical and Methodological Analysis.Krzysztof Łastowski - 2024 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (12):119-146.
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  17. [Jesus in the pen of XXth century Jewish historians. Historical approach, historiographical perspectives, methodological analysis].Didier Luciani - 2010 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 41 (3):405-407.
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  18.  25
    Concepts and Definitions of Artificial and Natural Intelligence: A Methodological Analysis.Вадим Маркович Розин - 2024 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 66 (4):7-25.
    The article delves into the conceptual frameworks surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) by juxtaposing it with natural intelligence and delineating the correlated notions. It enumerates the issues propelling the discourse on the explored topics. The author proposes a bifurcation between two polar concepts of artificial intelligence. The first is dubbed “imitative,” where AI is perceived in relation to natural intelligence as its technical recreation, capable of not only emulating but significantly outstripping its natural counterpart. A prerequisite for embodying this concept is (...)
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  19.  38
    Discourse analysis as a methodology for nursing inquiry.Penny Powers - 1996 - Nursing Inquiry 3 (4):207-217.
    Discourse analysis is a relatively recent form of inquiry without a strict step‐by‐step method. The methodology of discourse analysis has a longer history in Continental Europe than in other countries.1 The complex theoretical assumptions, the goals and the target (discourse) have been explicated, but the methodology may be applied in different ways. This paper will describe discourse analysis and give examples of some of the possible variations. It is the claim of this paper that discourse analysis (...)
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  20.  13
    Vygotsky before Vygotsky: the path to the cultural-historical theory of human consciousness (1917-1927): historical and methodological analysis.Nikolai Veresov - 1998 - Oulu: Oulun yliopisto.
  21.  16
    Prediction in economics: Wenceslao J. Gonzales: Philosophico-methodological analysis of prediction and its role in economics. Springer, 2015, 366pp, 129.99 € HB.Marek Hudik - 2017 - Metascience 26 (1):71-74.
  22.  16
    Conceptualization and Specification of the Concept of Episteme in Religious Discourse: A Theoretical and Methodological Analysis.Наталья Анатольевна Никонович - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 65 (3):138-152.
    The theoretical explication and conceptualization of the concept of episteme in religious philosophy (Anselm of Canterbury) is carried out; epistemological configurations and specifications of philosophical and theological discourse are revealed (Dietrich Bonhoeffer). Anselm of Canterbury’s epistemological discourse is based on his postulated ontology: the ontological configurability of his ideas ranges from the a priori ability to think of God to reflection on his predicates. The consequence of Anselm of Canterbury’s ideas is the idea that in the act of religious faith, (...)
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  23. On the falsification of the central Dogma and the de novo synthesis of molecular species: A methodological analysis.J. M. Torres - 1999 - Philosophia Naturalis 36 (1):1-18.
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  24.  30
    Validity of Data as Precondition for Evidence: A Methodological Analysis of What is Taken to Count as Evidence in Psychotherapy Research.Femke Truijens, Melissa Miléna De Smet, Mattias Desmet & Reitske Meganck - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (2):115-128.
  25. A concept and its structures. Methodological analysis.Vladimir Kuznetsov (ed.) - 1997 - Institute of philosophy.
    The triplet model treats a concept as complex structure that expresses three kinds of information. The first is about entities subsumed under a concept,their properties and relations. The second is about means and ways of representing the first information in intelligent systems. The third is about linkage between the first and second ones and methods of its constructing. The application of triplet models to generalization and development of concept models in philosophy, logic, cognitive psychology, cognitive science, linguistics, artificial intelligence has (...)
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    Methodological Considerations in Ethical Review — 3.: Sampling and Data Analysis.M. Tully, A. Vail, S. Roberts, L. Brabin & R. McNamee - 2009 - Research Ethics 5 (3):121-124.
    This is the third of four papers to be published in Research Ethics Review in 2009, that address methodological issues of relevance to research ethics committees. It focuses on three issues: the representativeness of study participants, the size of the study and data analysis. Differences between best practices in qualitative and quantitative research are highlighted. The paper argues that, while lack of representativeness may not be unethical, the ethical implications of unnecessary restrictions on eligibility should be considered by (...)
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  27. Constructive Analysis: A Study in Epistemological Methodology.Kristoffer Ahlström - 2008 - Dissertation, University of Gothenburg
    The present study is concerned the viability of the primary method in contemporary philosophy, i.e., conceptual analysis. Starting out by tracing the roots of this methodology to Platonic philosophy, the study questions whether such a methodology makes sense when divorced from Platonic philosophy, and develops a framework for a kind of analysis that is more in keeping with recent psychological research on categorization. Finally, it is shown that this kind of analysis can be applied to the concept (...)
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  28. A methodological approach for pattern recognition system using discriminant analysis and artificial neural networks.Anna Pérez-Méndez, Elizabeth Torres-Rivas, Francklin Rivas-Echeverría & Ronald Maldonado-Rodríguez - 2005 - Cognitive Science 13 (14):15.
    In this work it is presented a methodology for the development of a pattern recognition system using classification methods as discriminant analysis and artificial neural networks. In this methodology, the statistical analysis is contemplated, with the purpose of retaining the observations and the important characteristics that can produce an appropriate classification, and allows, as well, to detect outliers’ observations, multicolinearity between variables, among other things. Chlorophyll a fluorescence OJIP signals measured from Pisum sativum leaves belonging to different drought (...)
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  29. (1 other version)The Phenomenological Life-World Analysis and the Methodology of the Social Sciences.Thomas S. Eberle - 2010 - Human Studies 33 (2-3):123-139.
    This Alfred Schutz Memorial Lecture discusses the relationship between the phenomenological life-world analysis and the methodology of the social sciences, which was the central motive of Schutz’s work. I have set two major goals in this lecture. The first is to scrutinize the postulate of adequacy, as this postulate is the most crucial of Schutz’s methodological postulates. Max Weber devised the postulate ‘adequacy of meaning’ in analogy to the postulate of ‘causal adequacy’ (a concept used in jurisprudence) and (...)
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  30.  18
    Analysis of enterprise architecture planning standards and methodologies.Nikolay Nikolaevich Koronatov, Igor Vasilievich Ilyin & Anastasia Eugenevna Gurzhiy - 2021 - Kant 39 (2):64-72.
    The article is devoted to the analysis of the existing leading methodologies for building enterprise architecture. The purpose of the study is to develop a more accurate understanding of what methodologies exist for building an enterprise architecture. Knowledge is important for analyzing the company's activities, building its architecture for effective work, as well as for using ready-made solutions in conducting business. Scientific novelty lies in the structuring of data within a single study. As a result, leading methodologies were analyzed, (...)
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  31.  13
    Analysis of Novel Basketball Coaches: Pedagogical Content Knowledge Using Mixed Methodology.Juan Granda-Vera, Lucia Granda-Ortells, Inmaculada Alemany-Arrebola & Ángel Custodio Mingorance-Estrada - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aim of this article is to know the role of learning tasks within the pedagogical content knowledge of novel sports coaches in initial stages of sports training of children/young people and their impact on their daily work. Participants are two coaches in their first or second working year. A mixed methodology was used by means of polar coordinates analysis. The results agree with previous studies that established that PCK of novel coaches presents deficits in task selection and modification, (...)
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  32.  6
    Analysis of the prospects for developing methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of municipal governance.Yulia Vershinina - forthcoming - Sotsium I Vlast.
    Introduction. Ensuring stability and a high level of rates of socio-economic development of the country and growth in citizens’ quality of life, the authorities operate under conditions of limited resources. This requires improvement of management efficiency and qualitatively formulated indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the authorities’ activities. One of the reasons for the difficulty in formulating indicators is the identification of state and municipal governance. The purpose of the study is to separate the effectiveness of municipal governance from the (...)
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  33.  40
    Toward a methodology for the ethical analysis of clinical practice.Corrado Viafora - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (3):283-297.
    The scope of this essay is to introduce and explain the methodology underlying the Lanza Foundation Protocol for the analysis of clinical cases. The essay is divided in three parts. Part one examines the Protocol's methodology within the whole evolutionary framework of argumentation in bioethics. Particular attention is given to the most significant methodologies developed in European bioethics. Part two describes the system of argumentation which serves as a frame for both approaches, namely, the normative and the hermeneutical. Finally, (...)
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    Multimodal conversation analysis and interpretative phenomenological analysis: a methodological framework for researching translanguaging in multilingual classrooms.Kevin W. H. Tai - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book presents the methodological framework of combining Multimodal Conversation Analysis (MCA) with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to interpretively analyse translanguaging practices in educational contexts. Beginning with an overview of the three uses of translanguaging - translanguaging as a theory of language, as a pedagogical practice and as an analytical perspective - the book goes on to critically examine the different methodological approaches for analysing translanguaging practices in multilingual classroom interactions. It explains how MCA and IPA (...)
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  35. Conceptual analysis as armchair psychology: in defense of methodological naturalism.Daniel F. Hartner - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (3):921-937.
    Three proponents of the Canberra Plan, namely Jackson, Pettit, and Smith, have developed a collective functionalist program—Canberra Functionalism—spanning from philosophical psychology to ethics. They argue that conceptual analysis is an indispensible tool for research on cognitive processes since it reveals that there are some folk concepts, like belief and desire, whose functional roles must be preserved rather than eliminated by future scientific explanations. Some naturalists have recently challenged this indispensability argument, though the point of that challenge has been blunted (...)
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  36.  20
    Network analysis and methodological individualism.Thomas Mathien - 1988 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 18 (1):1-20.
  37.  15
    Methodological approaches to multiple aspect analysis of advertising language manipulative opportunities.M. V. Melnichuk, I. I. Klimova & M. A. Belogash - 2019 - Liberal Arts in Russia 8 (5):334.
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  38. Emotions and Narrative Analysis: A Methodological Approach.Jochen Kleres - 2011 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41 (2):182-202.
    After what has been termed the affective or emotional turn in sociology and many other academic fields, there is still a dearth of methodologies for systematic empirical emotion analysis in sociology. The article addresses this gap and argues that the principles of narrative analysis can be fruitfully extended to the systematic empirical investigation of emotions. A short description of key principles and tools in narrative analysis will serve as the basis for showing how the same concepts can (...)
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  39. Methodological issues in genre analysis.Vijay K. Bhatia - 1996 - Hermes 16:39-60.
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  40. From Analysis/Synthesis to Conjecture/Analysis: a Review of Karl Popper’s Influence on Design Methodology in Architecture.Greg Bamford - 2002 - Design Studies 23 (3):245-61.
    The two principal models of design in methodological circles in architecture—analysis/synthesis and conjecture/analysis—have their roots in philosophy of science, in different conceptions of scientific method. This paper explores the philosophical origins of these models and the reasons for rejecting analysis/synthesis in favour of conjecture/analysis, the latter being derived from Karl Popper’s view of scientific method. I discuss a fundamental problem with Popper’s view, however, and indicate a framework for conjecture/analysis to avoid this problem.
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    Methodological approach of the Hindu culture: an analysis.N. V. Subbannachar - 1981 - Madurai: Koodal Publishers.
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    Analysis of measurement as a general scientific method: methodological approach.I. F. Ivashkin & O. V. Folk - 2018 - Liberal Arts in Russia 7 (3):197.
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    Changing Methodologies in Historicism: An Analysis For Rise and Fall of Rankean Historiography.Murat İplikçi - 2020 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 10 (10:3):977-989.
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    From methodology to data analysis: Prospects for the N = 1 intrasubject design.Joseph Glicksohn - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):264-266.
    The target article is important not only for black-box studies, but also for those interested in tracing cognitive processing and/or subjective experience. I provide two examples taken from my own research. I then proceed to discuss how best to analyze data from the n = 1 study, which has a factorial design.
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  45. The methodological significance of the quantitative and qualitative determination of phenomena for analysis of social processes.M. Pospichalova - 1988 - Filosoficky Casopis 36 (2):179-192.
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    Methodological limitations of cost‐effectiveness analysis in health care: implications for decision making and service provision.James Raftery - 1999 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 5 (4):361-366.
  47. Theoretical methodological and practical significance of the category of dialectical contradiction in the analysis of the development of society.J. Vook - 1984 - Filosoficky Casopis 32 (4):494-504.
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  48. An analysis of complex multiple‐choice science–technology–society items: Methodological development and preliminary results.Ángel Vázquez‐Alonso, María‐Antonia Manassero‐Mas & José‐Antonio Acevedo‐Díaz - 2006 - Science Education 90 (4):681-706.
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    A Methodological Outlook on Causal Identification and Empirical Methods for the Analysis of Social Mechanism.Dominik Becker - 2016 - Analyse & Kritik 38 (1):287-308.
    The debate on empirical tests of social mechanisms suffers from a fragmented view on the relative benefit of the empirical method a researcher considers to be superior, compared to the flaws of all other methods. In this outlook. I argue that disciplinary barriers might be surmounted by a common methodological perspective on the analysis of social mechanisms. First, experimental, quantitative, qualitative, and simulation methods (agent-based modeling) are all required, but also capable to deal with the issue of causal (...)
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    Brentano’s Methodology as a Path through the Divide: On Combining Phenomenological Descriptions and Logical Analysis.Tina Röck - 2017 - Axiomathes 27 (5):475-489.
    In this paper, I will describe how Brentano was able to integrate descriptive philosophy and logical analysis fruitfully by pointing out Brentano’s concept of philosophy as a rigorous science. First I will clarify how Brentano attempted to turn philosophy into a rigorous descriptive science by applying scientific methods to philosophical questions. After spelling out the implications of such a descriptive understanding of philosophy, I will contrast this descriptive view of philosophy with a semantic-analytic understanding of philosophy as proposed by (...)
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