Results for ' mercantilisme, Hobbes, lex mercatoria, Grotius, Selden'

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  1.  31
    Doux commerce et droit naturel : la fable de la lex mercatoria.Éric Marquer - 2019 - Astérion 20 (20).
    To justify their activity, the first English mercantilists present commerce as a natural activity, which promotes peace between nations and contributes to the progress of civilization. In particular, they use the lex mercatoria, a notion inherited from the Middle Ages. The idea of a mutual trade of humanity, put forward in the writings of merchants, but also in an author like Grotius, contrasts with the theories of sovereignty linked to a national territory by political thinkers like Francis Bacon, Thomas Hobbes (...)
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    Grotius, Aquinas and Hobbes Grotian natural law between lex aeterna and natural rights.G. A. Van Der Wal & B. P. Vermeulen - 1995 - Grotiana 16 (1):55-83.
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    John Selden and the Western Political Tradition.Ofir Haivry - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Legal and political theorist, common lawyer and parliamentary leader, historian and polyglot, John Selden was a formidable figure in Renaissance England, whose real importance and influence are now being recognized once again. John Selden and the Western Political Tradition highlights his important role in the development of such early modern political ideas as modern natural law and natural rights, national identity and tradition, the political integration of church and state, and the effect of Jewish ideas on Western political (...)
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    Hugo Grotius in razvoj teorij naravnega prava.Gorazd Korošec - 1994 - Filozofski Vestnik 15 (1).
    Članek sledi zametkom teorij naravnega prava pri Aristotelu in rimskih pravnikih, nato pa se ukvarja z njihovim razvojem od Akvinskega do pozne sholastike in Suareza. Vendar pa avtor zagovarja trditev, daje resnične začetke in konceptualne vire modernih teorij naravnega prava iskati v zgodnji sholastiki 12. stoletja, ob uvajanju in zgodnjem razvoju kanonskega prava. Ogleda si tudi kritiko naravnega prava v obdobju renesanse, zatem pa obravnava teorijo naravnega prava Huga Grotiusa in opredeli njen zgodovinski novum ter oriše njeno konceptualno polje, sicer (...)
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    Die Lex mercatoria der Systemtheorie: Verortung, Rekonstruktion und Kritik aus öffentlichrechtlicher Perspektive.Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess - 2009 - In Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess, Soziologische Jurisprudenzsociological Jurisprudence. Commemorative Publication in Honor of Gunther Teubner’s 65th Birthday on 30 April 2009: Festschrift Für Gunther Teubner Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 30. April 2009. De Gruyter Recht.
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  6. Lex mercatoria in international arbitration.Ulla Liukkunen - 2013 - In Jan Klabbers & Touko Piiparinen, Normative pluralism and international law: exploring global governance. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Hobbes and Late Metaphysical Poetry.Raman Selden - 1974 - Journal of the History of Ideas 35 (2):197.
  8.  12
    The Impact of International Commercial Customs (Lex Mercatoria) on International Commercial Arbitration.Adnan Salih Mohamad Alomar, Abdessalam Ali Mohamad Alfadel & Ammar Mahmoud Ayoub Al-Rawashed - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:529-539.
    Lex Mercatoria play a crucial role in resolving disputes arising from international trade contracts before arbitration bodies, thus establishing them as an independent legal system capable of regulating international commercial relations. This legal characteristic imposes a certain obligation on various arbitration bodies to apply them to the disputes brought before them, either based on the parties' intentions or based on the legal force inherent in those customs. Consequently, this research examines the extent of recognition of the binding force of commercial (...)
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    Justicia global y justicia sectorial en la sociedad mundial. Momentos de universalidad en la lex mercatoria.Aldo Mascareño - 2013 - Dilemata 13:45-68.
    La diferenciación y globalización estructural de la moderna sociedad mundial produce, a nivel normativo, una tensión entre criterios de justicia global y múltiples formas de justicia sectorial asociadas a ámbitos sociales diferenciados como el comercio, el deporte y las finanzas, entre otros. Las teorías contemporáneas de justicia global, así como las teorías clásicas del derecho estatal, han reaccionado de modo más bien escéptico ante los nuevos desarrollos de justicia sectorial argumentando déficit de legitimación. Mediante el análisis del caso de la (...)
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    Globalisierung des Wirtschaftsrechts unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lex Mercatoria.Mirko Eichler - 2008 - Rechtstheorie 39 (2):167-190.
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    Some critical comments on the juridicity of Lex mercatoria.Andrea Bonomi & Paul Volken - 2009 - In Andrea Bonomi & Paul Volken, Yearbook of Private International Law: Volume X. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Breaking Frames: Economic Globalization and the Emergence of Lex Mercatoria.Gunther Teubner - 2002 - European Journal of Social Theory 5 (2):199-217.
    Globalization processes imply the self-deconstruction of the hierarchy of legal norms. Thus, legal pluralism is no longer only an issue for legal sociology, but becomes a challenge for legal practice itself. Traditionally, rule making by `private regimes' has been subjugated under the hierarchical frame of the national constitution. When this frame breaks, then the new frame of legal institutions can only be heterarchical. The origin of global non-state law as a sequence of recursive legal operations is an `as if', not (...)
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  13. Natural rights theories: their origin and development.Richard Tuck - 1979 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book shows how political argument in terms of rights and natural rights began in medieval Europe, and how the theory of natural rights was developed in the seventeenth century after a period of neglect in the Renaissance. Dr Tuck provides a new understanding of the importance of Jean Gerson in the formation of the theories, and of Hugo Grotius in their development; he also restores the Englishman John Selden's ideas to the prominence they once enjoyed, and shows how (...)
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    (1 other version)Die Naturrechtslehre des Francisco Suárez.Gideon Stiening, Norbert Brieskorn & Oliver Bach (eds.) - 2017 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Im zweiten Buch seiner rechtstheologischen Summe De legibus ac Deo legislatore aus dem Jahre 1612 entwickelt Francisco Suárez seine Theorie des Naturrechts. Dabei gelingt Suárez die kritische Überarbeitung der lex-naturalis-Theorien des Augustinus und Thomas von Aquin und damit eine kritische Kontinuität mittelalterlicher Rechtstheologie. Suárez formuliert aber darüber hinaus eine für das frühe 17. Jahrhundert eigenständige Konzeption, die als innovatives Modell von Naturrecht mit den Entwürfen Hugo Grotius’ und Thomas Hobbes’ zu konkurrieren vermag. Die Einflüsse dieses genuin politisch-theologischen Naturrechtskonzepts reichen bis (...)
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    Order and conflict: Anthony Ascham and English political thought, 1648-1650.Marco Barducci - 2015 - Manchester: Manchester University Press.
    This work provides the first full-scale study of Anthony Ascham's political thought. During the crucial period between the Second Civil War and the aftermath of the abolition of monarchy and the establishment of the English Republic, when he served as official pamphleteer of the Parliament and the republican government, the arguments exposed in Ascham's works paved the way for much of contemporary political discussion. Ascham put forward a complex argument in support of Parliament's claims for obedience which drew on the (...)
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  16.  36
    Hobbes without Grotius.P. Zagorin - 2000 - History of Political Thought 21 (1):16-40.
    This essay presents a critique of current views of Hugo Grotius which erroneously see him as a major theorist of natural rights and a formative influence upon the rights theory of Thomas Hobbes. Especially singled out for criticism are the misconceptions due to Richard Tuck in a number of writings that discuss the political ideas of Grotius and Hobbes and the relationship between them. In an examination of Hobbes's conception of natural rights, the essay reaffirms its originality and notes its (...)
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  17. Hobbes, Selden, Erastianism, and the History of the Jews.J. P. Sommerville - 2000 - In G. A. John Rogers & Thomas Sorell, Hobbes and History. New York: Routledge. pp. 160--188.
  18. Hobbes's Fool the Stultus, Grotius, and the Epicurean Tradition.Patricia Springborg - 2010 - Hobbes Studies 23 (1):29-53.
    Among the paradoxical aspects of Hobbes's scepticism attention has recently turned to Hobbes's fool of Leviathan , chapter xv, where Hobbes makes a claim about justice that paraphrases Psalm 52:1: "The fool hath said in his heart there is no God." It is a charge of which Hobbes himself could be suspected, but in fact we see that it is on this startling claim that his legal positivism rests. Moreover it is embedded in a theory of natural law that Hobbes (...)
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    Grotius and Hobbes.Martin Harvey - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (1):27 – 50.
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    The Revenge of John Selden: The Draft Convention on the Law of the Sea in the Light of Hugo Grotius' Mare Liberum.John Logue - 1982 - Grotiana 3 (1):27-56.
    On April 30, 1982, the Eleventh Session of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea endorsed the final version of the Draft Convention of the Law of the Sea by a vote of 130 to 4, with 17 abstentions.1 The Session met at UN Headquarters in New York from March 8 to April 30.2.
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    La controverse de Grotius, Hobbes et Spinoza sur le jus circa sacra textes, prétextes, contextes et circonstances.Mogens Lærke - 2016 - Revue de Synthèse 137 (3-4):399-425.
    Cette contribution esquisse un cadre méthodologique pour l'étude des controverses en histoire de la philosophie. Il se construit autour de quatre composants fondamentaux: textes, contextes, prétextes et circonstances. Nous montrons comment, une fois ces éléments identifiés et systématiquement distingués et distribués, une controverse est localisée et circonscrite. En outre, nous montrons comment, formellement, les controverses sont reliées entre elles par le biais de la migration des textes d'un contexte à un autre. Ensuite, nous prenons pour exemple une controverse clé dans (...)
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  22. Grotius, Carneades and Hobbes.Richard Tuck - 1983 - Grotiana 4 (1):43-62.
  23. Mare Liberum vs. Mare Clausum: Grotius, Freitas, and Selden's Debate on Dominion over the Seas.Monica Brito Vieira - 2003 - Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (3):361.
    Sixteen years after the publication of Grotius’s Mare Liberum (1609), Serafim de Freitas, a Portuguese friar, published a reply to Grotius’s attack upon the foundations of the Iberian overseas empire. Freitas’s vindication of the Portuguese dominion over the high seas has, however, been consigned to obscurity, as the Anglophone literature concentrated on John Selden’s Mare Clausum (1636). This neglect is unjustified. Not only is Freitas’s treatise an earlier and more systematic response to Grotius, but it also anticipates many of (...)
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    Chapter 7: Original Acquisition in Kant, Grotius, and Selden.Jeffrey Edwards - 2017 - In Autonomy, Moral Worth, and Right: Kant on Obligatory Ends, Respect for Law, and Original Acquisition. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 149-170.
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    Da natureza humana: Aproximações entre Hugo grotius E Thomas Hobbes.Rafael Furtado - 2012 - Revista de Teologia 6 (9):p - 108.
    O presente artigo busca confrontar as noções de natureza humana tal como desenvolvidas por Hugo Grotius, em sua obra O direito da guerra e da paz, e por Thomas Hobbes, nos escritos Do cidadão e Leviatã. Com tanto, trata-se de contrapor o pensamento dos referidos autores, identificando entre eles distinções e semelhanças. As análises realizadas neste trabalho justificam-se dada a centralidade dos teóricos abordados no âmbito da filosofia política, bem como do jusnaturalismo. Assim, espera-se oferecer um recorte das discussões empreendidas (...)
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    Normativités pirates : à partir d’une singularité commune à Bodin, Grotius et Hobbes.Thomas Berns - 2024 - Astérion 30 (30).
    The pirate is a figure that is both marginal to war – since he is excluded from it – and central – since he is regularly called upon to define it. From a few evocations of this figure by Bodin, Grotius and Hobbes, all of which are based on Thucydides, we want to bring to light a normativity that is specific and immanent to the space of warlike violence.
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  27. Mare Liberum vs.Mare Clausum: Grotius, Freitas, and Selden'sDebate on Dominion over the Seas.M. ó Vieira - 2003 - Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (3):361.
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    Tuck's Grotius: De Iure Praedae in Context.George Wright - 2007 - Grotiana 26 (1):366-378.
    This paper explores Richard Tuck's account of Grotius as the key innovator in the history that leads to the invention both of the free individual, protective of his or her rights, and of the modern liberal state, respectful of individuals' rights. Contextualism as a method for dealing with texts is discussed by way of a recent interview given by Tuck's teacher, Quentin Skinner. The attempt is made to see contextualism in context.
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  29. State of Nature versus Commercial Sociability as the Basis of International Law: Reflections on the Roman Foundations and Current Interpretations of the International Political and Legal Thought of Grotius, Hobbes and Pufendorf.Benedict Kingsbury & Benjamin Straumann - 2010 - In Samantha Besson & John Tasioulas, The philosophy of international law. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Principles of Natural Law: In Which the True Systems of Morality and Civil Government Are Established, and the Different Sentiments of Grotius, Hobbes, Puffendorf, Barbeyrac, Locke, Clark, and Hutchinson, Occasionally Considered.Jean Jacques Burlamaqui - 1748 - Lawbook Exchange.
  31. The changes in the right of resistance in grotius and Hobbes-from the collective right of the people to the right of the individual.Yc Zarka - 1995 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 50 (3):543-556.
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    The Mutation of the Right of Resistance in Grotius and Hobbes.Yves Charles Zarka - 1999 - Grotiana 20 (1):35-47.
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    L'influence de la méthodologie des sciences physiques et mathématiques sur les Fondateurs de l'Ecole du Droit naturel moderne (Grotius, Hobbes, Pufendorf)⊕.Alfred Dufour - 1980 - Grotiana 1 (1):33-52.
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    Grotius and the Rise of Christian ‘Radical Enlightenment’.Jonathan Israel - 2014 - Grotiana 35 (1):19-31.
    _ Source: _Volume 35, Issue 1, pp 19 - 31 Grotius has often been cited as a crucial link between the ‘Erasmian tradition’ of the Renaissance and Reformation era and the Enlightenment. But there is perhaps a case for identifying him more specifically with the roots of the ‘Radical Enlightenment’. This was partly because of his widely-suspected and commented on tendency towards Socinianism. But it was also due to the uses to which he put his highly sophisticated humanist philology. During (...)
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    Hobbes et l’économique.Pierre Dockès - 2007 - Astérion 5 (5).
    Hobbes intéresse l’économiste de deux manières. La première consiste en une lecture de Hobbes avec les lunettes de l’économiste d’aujourd’hui. Il fonde, avant Locke, le lien social sur l’échange et le contrat ou la convention. Mais, à la différence de la voie qu’Adam Smith empruntera ultérieurement, le programme hobbésien place le pouvoir au cœur de sa réflexion. Il faut également retenir l’analyse des coalitions menée par Hobbes, particulièrement celle des coalitions autoritaires (l’Union se distinguant de la simple association ou Consent) (...)
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    Grotius and the Origin of the Ruler's Right to Punish.Gustaaf van Nifterik - 2007 - Grotiana 26 (1):396-415.
    An important aspect of any constitutional theory is the state's power to punish transgressions of the law, or the ius gladii. Although Grotius never formulated a complete, comprehensive constitutional theory, traces of such a theory can be found in many of his writings not explicitly devoted to constitutional law. Punishment even plays an important role in his books on war , since to punish transgressions of the law is ranked among the just causes of war.Given the fact that a state (...)
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  37. Politique, droit et théologie chez Bodin, Grotius et Hobbes. [REVIEW]J. Biard - 1999 - Actuel Marx 25.
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    Hobbes, Locke, and Confusion's Masterpiece: An Examination of Seventeenth-Century Political Philosophy (review).David Lay Williams - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (2):224-225.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 42.2 (2004) 224-225 [Access article in PDF] Ross Harrison. Hobbes, Locke, and Confusion's Masterpiece: An Examination of Seventeenth-Century Political Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Pp. v + 281. Cloth, $65.00. Paper, $23.00. The title of Ross Harrison's book is taken from Macduff's line in Macbeth, "[c]onfusion now have made his masterpiece," in reference to the discovery of a murdered king. Regicide (...)
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    Ius naturale y lex naturalis como nociones contrapuestas en la doctrina hobbesiana.Maria Liliana Lukac De Stier - 2023 - Dois Pontos 20 (3).
    Según la noción clásica el derecho es el objeto de la justicia; también clásicamente se dice que el ius es lo justo, lo debido. Según esto, el ius naturale es lo justo que se funda en la naturaleza y es lo debido por naturaleza. Frente a estas nociones clásicas Thomas Hobbes define al ius naturale como la libertad que cada hombre tiene de usar su propio poder como quiera, para la conservación de su propia naturaleza, es decir, de su vida. (...)
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    Deborah Baumgold, Contract Theory in Historical Context. Essays on Grotius, Hobbes, and Locke. Brill 2010. 190 pp. ISBN 9789004184251. [REVIEW]Hans W. Blom - 2012 - Grotiana 33 (1):158-159.
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    Hobbes's Contribution to International Thought, and the Contribution of International Thought to Hobbes.David Boucher - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (1):29-48.
    The aim of this article is to explore in what respects Thomas Hobbes may be regarded as foundational in international thought. It is evident that in contemporary international relations theory he has become emblematic of a realist tradition, but as David Armitage suggests this was not always the case. I want to suggest that it is only in a very limited sense that he may be regarded as a foundational thinker in international relations, and for reasons very different from those (...)
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  42. Die Begründung Einer Autonomen Moralwissenschaft in Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan.Bernd Ludwig - 2000 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 8.
    Hugo Grotius und Thomas Hobbes stehen beide in unterschiedlicher Weise für einen Neubeginn in der Politischen Philosophie bzw. in der Rehtsphlosophie. Während bei Grotius die Anknüpfung an die vorangehende Tradition des Christlichen Naturrechts gleichwohl unübersehbar ist, ist Hobbes' Beziehung zum Naturrecht kontrovers. In der Konfrontation beider Autoren mit dem in der scholastischen Diskussion herausgearbeiteten Naturgesetzbegriff zeigt sich, wie die Auseinandersetzung zwischen den voluntaristischen und rationalistischen Positionen letztlich einer Rechts- und Moralphilosophie Bahn bricht, die sich von den theologischen Voraussetzungen des Christlichen (...)
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  43. Conservatism among Merchants? Codification and Customary Mercantile Law Traditions in the Netherlands.Cornelis Marinus in ’T. Veld - 2020 - Noesis 34:217-241.
    After the French Revolution, the codification movement led to the introduction of the Dutch Civil Code and the Commercial Code of 1838. These codifications were generally regarded as the bedrock of a dogmatic system in which little space was left for customs and customary law. Mercantile jurists, such as Holtius and Levy, were opponents of the legalistic approach of the new codifications. They tried to separate mercantile law from civil law in order to protect mercantile law from excessive legalistic influences. (...)
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  44. Behemoth'and Hobbes's" science of just and unjust.Patricia Springborg - 2003 - Filozofski Vestnik 24 (2):267-289.
    This essay advances the following set of arguments: First, that we must take seriously Hobbes's claim in Behemoth that "the science of just & unjust" is a demonstrable science, accessible to those of even the meanest capacity. Second, that Leviathan is the work in which this science, intended as a serious project in civic education, is set out. Third, that Hobbes is prepared to accept, like Plato & Aristotle, "giving to each his own," as a preliminary definition of justice, from (...)
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    A Reply to Grotius’s Critics. On Constitutional Law.Gustaaf van Nifterik - 2001 - Grotiana 39 (1):77-95.
    An important aspect of any constitutional theory is the state's power to punish transgressions of the law, or the ius gladii. Although Grotius never formulated a complete, comprehensive constitutional theory, traces of such a theory can be found in many of his writings not explicitly devoted to constitutional law. Punishment even plays an important role in his books on war, since to punish transgressions of the law is ranked among the just causes of war.Given the fact that a state may (...)
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    Debating the Free Sea in London, Paris, The Hague and Venice: the publication of John Selden’s Mare Clausum (1635) and its diplomatic repercussions in Western Europe.Martine Julia van Ittersum - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (8):1193-1210.
    ABSTRACT Politics, religion and legal argumentation were inextricably intertwined in the reception of John Selden’s Mare Clausum/The Closed Sea (1635). The work’s writing and printing history is closely tied to Stuart foreign policy, particularly James I’s and Charles I’s attempts to tax the Dutch herring fisheries. Mare Clausum’s immediate impact on European international relations has received little attention from historians so far. It is clear, however, that government authorities in London, The Hague and Venice expected an official reply from (...)
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  47. Pufendorf disciple of Hobbes: The nature of man and the state of nature: The doctrine of socialitas.Fiammetta Palladini - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (1):26-60.
    No doctrine of Pufendorf's is better known than that of socialitas. The reason is that Pufendorf himself declared that socialitas was the foundation of natural law. No interpreter of Pufendorf can therefore avoid dealing with it. Moreover, Pufendorf linked the issue of socialitas to the question of the state of nature, thus raising important issues with both theological and philosophical implications. Given the prominence and importance of this theme in Pufendorf's work, a close analysis of what he meant by it (...)
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    Review of Barducci's Hugo Grotius and the Century of Revolution, 1613-1718. [REVIEW]Dennis Klimchuk - 2022 - Locke Studies 22:1-5.
    This is a review of Marco Barducci's recent book Hugo Grotius and the Century of Revolution, 1613-1718.
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  49. Hobbes and Hume on Promising.Martin Bertman - 2002 - Vera Lex 3 (1/2):63-90.
  50. Natural law, religion, and rights: an exploration of the relationship between natural law and natural rights, with special emphasis on the teachings of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke.Henrik Syse - 2007 - South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press.
    The Euthyphro problem and the natural law : an investigation of some aspects of the medieval debate on natural law -- Aristotle : natural law and man in the "metaxy" -- St. Thomas Aquinas : the "lex naturalis" -- Thomas Hobbes : The state of nature and natural rights -- John Locke : natural law, natural rights and God -- Concluding remarks and a heavenly dialogue.
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