Results for ' media symbols'

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  1.  60
    Media Communication and the Politics of the Symbolic Construction of Reality.Sandu Frunza - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (29):182-202.
    The modern world, described by theorists of various fields as being subject to a continuous secularization process, is increasingly being perceived as the keeper of a mythical fund. The anthropological analysis of modernity invites to a new way of discussing and using myth, ritual, the sacred, religion in order to describe a significant modern experience. This experience typical to the modern man is mediated, and often even created by the mass media. Such an experience would not be perceptible outside (...)
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  2. Symbolically Generalized Communication Media: A Category Mistake?K. Distin - 2012 - Constructivist Foundations 8 (1):93-95.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Radical Constructivism and Radical Constructedness: Luhmann’s Sociology of Semantics, Organizations, and Self-Organization” by Loet Leydesdorff. > Upshot: Leydesdorff emphasises the uncertainties involved in the communication of meaning. Luhmann posited three types of media, each of which reduces one type of communicative improbability. The theory of cultural evolution supports Leydesdorff’s emphasis on the uncertainty of communication, and agrees that different media are needed for communication within and across social boundaries. But it highlights the (...)
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  3.  38
    Data as Symbolic Form: Datafication and the Imaginary Media of W. E. B. Du Bois.David Bering-Porter - 2022 - Critical Inquiry 48 (2):262-285.
    This article explores datafication as a speculative discourse that fundamentally and instrumentally misunderstands data, not as a representational system, but as an ontology. This analysis of datafication takes a semiotic and media-archaeological approach to datafication, understanding it as an imaginary media system, and the article looks to supplementary discourses in data visualization and big data to clarify and expand an understanding of datafication as a prescriptive and speculative idea. This critique is sharpened through the exploration of a detailed (...)
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  4.  22
    Evil Media.Matthew Fuller & Andrew Goffey - 2012 - MIT Press.
    _Evil Media_ develops a philosophy of media power that extends the concept of media beyond its tried and trusted use in the games of meaning, symbolism, and truth. It addresses the gray zones in which media exist as corporate work systems, algorithms and data structures, twenty-first century self-improvement manuals, and pharmaceutical techniques. _Evil Media _invites the reader to explore and understand the abstract infrastructure of the present day. From search engines to flirting strategies, from the value (...)
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    The Concept and Symbol as the Media of Self-Cultivation : An Analytic Study on the Chu Hsi's theory on the ‘Mind-Cultivation’ and ‘Investigation of Principle’.Chun-Ho Shin - 2012 - The Journal of Moral Education 24 (3):87.
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    Symbolicity, language, and mediality.Lars Elleström - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (247):1-32.
    This article demonstrates the broad applicability of the concept of symbol in human communication, beyond but including verbal language. The starting point is Charles Sanders Peirce’s understanding of symbolicity as signification grounded on habits. The goal is to be able to conceptualize mediality in general and media interrelations, particularly in relation to symbolicity. Informed by a multimodal view on media, the author provides a systematic overview of symbolicity within the context of communication among human minds structured around two (...)
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  7.  17
    Symbol and Myth in Sociology.Jean-Pierre Sironneau - 2011 - Iris 32:11-27.
    Sociology was obviously created for studying images, symbols or values related to social action, which is its main purpose. However, the imaginary field was very lately called up in sociology studies. Across the emergence of a sociology of the imaginary from Émile Durkheim to Gilbert Durand and Pierre Bourdieu. Jean-Pierre Sironneau draws and distinguishes several fields of this sociology: religion, beliefs, tradition, mythology and cultural expressions (literature, art and media). Social imaginary has become a fundamental issue as far (...)
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    The case of Mesut Özil: A symbol of (non-) integration? An analysis of German print media discourses on integration.Eva Schmidt & Martina Möllering - 2022 - Discourse and Communication 16 (3):326-345.
    This paper examines how German media discourses reflect debates around integration, based on a newspaper corpus spanning the period 2008–2018. Considering these discourses, our research interest is focussed on how integration is constructed as a responsibility of those who are expected to integrate into society. To analyze how media might play a role in reproducing essentialist constructions of difference, we present a case study that combines methodologies of corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis, and that examines discursive practices (...)
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    Symbols of harm, literacies of hope.Roy Fox - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (2):256-262.
    The author argues that our best hope for addressing world problems (from climate change to violence, to poverty) is to teach critical thinking through the study of language and all symbol systems. This means removing disciplinary boundaries so that we can focus more effectively on solving common problems. Human survival also depends upon our critical analysis of electronic media and our wise uses of technology. Critical thinking via all symbol systems is more likely to generate humane actions. Therefore, education—not (...)
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  10.  12
    Social Media as a Modern Display of Life Style.Яна Самойлова - 2023 - Philosophical Anthropology 9 (2):153-163.
    The topic of lifestyle has always been present in one way or another in social philosophy and economics. Max Weber and Thorstein Veblen were among the first to introduce the concept of "lifestyle" into the field of science. Weber used lifestyle in the context of social stratification to describe status groups. Veblen introduced the concept in his concept of the "leisure class", showing that consumer lifestyle / conspicuous consumption is an assertion of one's power, symbolic power. That is, goods are (...)
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    Religious symbol on determining the beginning and end of Ramadan in Indonesia.Ridwan Ridwan & Muhammad Fuad Zain - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-9.
    The fasting and Eid al-Fitr celebration has a strong public dimension for their traditional characteristics in Islamic communal celebrations. This study used field research from interviews with the two largest mass organisations in Indonesia, Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah, and the statements of mass media. This research shows that contestation of religious symbols is not something that needs to be debated but it should broaden the understanding of the differences that must be respected in order to build brotherhood not, (...)
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  12. Philosophy of Media Manipulation in the Globalization Era: Options for Countering.Vihren Bouzov - 2016 - In Hristov Hristo & Marinova Milen (eds.), Practical Philosophy: Thematic Collective Books. St. Cyril and St. Methodius University Press. pp. 9-16.
    Corporative global media cannot be an instrument of the culture of peace, because they have made widespread individualistic values of the consummative society. Through their symbolic power, they successfully dominate over every sphere of existence of a society: politics, economic life, social ties, national culture, human communication and private life. Traditional media could not be a factor in the promotion and development of culture of peace, simply because they are proponents of corporative economic and political interests. It is (...)
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  13.  34
    Mathematics, media, and cultural techniques.Jochen Brüning - 2013 - Common Knowledge 19 (2):224-236.
    This contribution, by a mathematician, to the Common Knowledge symposium “Fuzzy Studies” examines some mechanisms that seem essential for the “ratchet effect” that, in Michael Tomasello's use of the term, refers to the ability of human cultures to preserve their achievements even through serious crises and even where preservation entails substantial loss. By taking the word culture to refer to any group of individuals who closely cooperate over an extended period, this article evaluates mathematicians and mathematics as its main example. (...)
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  14.  43
    Communication ethic in social media: Analitical study of surah al-hujar't.Faizatun Khasanah - 2019 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (1):209-228.
    Commodification of religion in the social media public sphere is increasingly intense. This can be seen in the simultaneous election campaign that has justended. Political symbols are politicized and religious leaders have succeeded in shaping public opinion, especially on social media. As a result, social media has become an arena for discourse and rhetoric that no longer considers communication ethics. Using an philosophical approach, the paper examines ethical values on social media based on Surah al-Hujarât. (...)
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  15. Symbolic Meaning and the Confederate Battle Flag.Torin Alter - 2000 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 7 (2-3):1-4.
    The Confederate Battle Flag (CBF) is in the news again. On January 16th, 2000, 46,000 people came to Columbia, South Carolina, to protest its display over the state’s capital dome. On July 1st, the CBF was removed. But on the same day, it was raised in front of the Statehouse steps. The controversy has received a great deal of media coverage and was a factor in the 2000 presidential primaries. CBF displays raise a philosophical question I wish to address: (...)
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  16.  10
    Fundacje, media, etyka. Ciąg dalszy rozważań.Przemysław Rotengruber - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (2):145-152.
    The object of my last year’s presentation were communication (ethical, integration, political) threats posed by a foundation seen as an extension to a company in its traditional sense. I came to the conclusion that an automatic transfer of social trust capital to the parent company (in certain, specified by me, contexts) causes the foundation to betray its mission. It is the company that becomes the main beneficiary of mutual aid activities. This year, the paper addresses the following three issues. Firstly, (...)
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  17.  25
    Symbolic Capital of the Memory of communism. The quest for international recognition in Kazakhstan.Nelly Bekus - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (4):627-655.
    The article contributes to the theorisation of collective memory involved in building the international representations of a nation, and examines how strategic responses to the legacy of the totalitarian past have been deployed to shape the image of the nations’ remembering agency via the connections with other actors within the global memory field. Drawing on the Bourdieusian concept of symbolic capital, the article develops a concept of the symbolic capital of mnemonics in order to uncover the role of memory in (...)
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  18.  54
    Social media and terrorism discourse: the Islamic State’s (IS) social media discursive content and practices.Majid KhosraviNik & Mohammedwesam Amer - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (2):124-143.
    ABSTRACT he paper examines the digital practices and discourses of the Islamic State when exploiting Social Media Communication environments to propagate their jihadist ideology and mobilise specific audiences. It draws on insights from Social Media Critical Discourse Studies, observational approaches, and visual content/semiotic analysis. The paper maintains the complementary nature of technological practice and discursive content in the process of meaning-making in digital jihadist discourse. The study shows that digital practices of strategic sharing, distribution and campaigns to re-upload (...)
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  19.  15
    Using Art Media in Psychotherapy: Bringing the Power of Creativity to Practice.Michelle L. Dean - 2016 - Routledge.
    _Using Art Media in Psychotherapy_ makes a thoughtful and contextual argument for using graphic art materials in psychotherapy, providing historical context for art materials and their uses and incorporating them with contemporary practices and theories. Written with an analytic focus, many of the psychological references nod to Jung and post-Jungian thought with keen attention to image and to symbolic function. This book jettisons the idea of reductionist, cookbook approaches and instead provides an integrated and contextual understanding of the origins (...)
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  20.  10
    Media in Modernity: A Nice Derangement of Institutions.Nick Couldry - 2017 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 281 (3):259-279.
    This article reviews the contribution of media institutions to modernity and its wider institutional arrangements. It will consider how this relationship has normally been conceived, even mythified, and then, in its second half, review how the institutions that we now call ‘media’ are, potentially, disrupting, even deranging, modernity’s arrangements in profound ways. The article will suggest that, under conditions of increased complexity and radically transformed market competition, the changing set of institutions we call ‘media’ demand a major (...)
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  21.  26
    Media Multiplication and Social Segmentation.Elihu Katz - 2000 - Ethical Perspectives 7 (2):122-132.
    By now, everybody has heard of the `bourgeois public sphere,' that moment in history when a rising merchant class felt empowered enough to deliberate public policy rationally and universalistically, and to transmit its conclusions to the powers-that-were with the expectation of being taken seriously. By academic standards Habermas's thesis has become a household word, perhaps because it offers a nostalgic reminder of a lost utopia of participatory democracy, or because it offers hope of what yet might be — if we (...)
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  22.  12
    Symbolic and Cognitive Theory in Biology.Sean O. Nuallain - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (1):183-210.
    In previous work, I have looked in detail at the capacity and the limits of the linguistics model as applied to gene expression. The recent use of a primitive applied linguistic model in Apple's SIRI system allows further analysis. In particular, the failings of this system resemble those of the HGP; the model used also helps point out the shortcomings of the concept of the "gene". This is particularly urgent as we are entering an era of applied biology in the (...)
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  23.  19
    Symbolic misery.Bernard Stiegler - 2014 - Cambridge: Polity Press. Edited by Barnaby Norman.
    In this important new book, the leading cultural theorist and philosopher Bernard Stiegler re-examines the relationship between politics and aesthetics in our contemporary hyperindustrial age. Stiegler argues that our epoch is characterized by the seizure of the symbolic by industrial technology, where aesthetics has become both theatre and weapon in an economic war. This has resulted in a ‘symbolic misery’ where conditioning substitutes for experience. In today’s control societies, aesthetic weapons play an essential role: audiovisual and digital technologies have become (...)
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  24.  12
    Symbolic Politics and the Regulation of Executive Compensation: A Comparison of the Great Depression and the Great Recession.Sandra L. Suárez - 2014 - Politics and Society 42 (1):73-105.
    When politicians feel popular pressure to act, but are unwilling or unable to address the root cause of the problem, they resort to symbolic policymaking. In this paper, I examine excessive executive compensation as an issue that rose to the top of the political agenda during both the Great Depression and the Great Recession. Presidential candidates, members of Congress, the media, and the public alike blamed corporate greed for the economic downturn. In both instances, however, enacted legislation stopped short (...)
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  25.  13
    The Comparative Study of Whadu in Ganwhaseon and Linguistic Symbol in Metapraxis : Focused on the Theory of Media.Chi-Hyoung Lee - 2018 - Journal of Moral Education 30 (3):85-104.
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  26. Aesthetic Dissonance. On Behavior, Values, and Experience through New Media.Adrian Mróz - 2019 - Hybris 47:1-21.
    Aesthetics is thought of as not only a theory of art or beauty, but also includes sensibility, experience, judgment, and relationships. This paper is a study of Bernard Stiegler’s notion of Aesthetic War (stasis) and symbolic misery. Symbolic violence is ensued through a loss of individuation and participation in the creation of symbols. As a struggle between market values against spirit values human life and consciousness within neoliberal hyperindustrial society has become calculable, which prevents people from creating affective and (...)
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  27. Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media Culture.Douglas Kellner - unknown
    Radio, television, film, and the other products of media culture provide materials out of which we forge our very identities; our sense of selfhood; our notion of what it means to be male or female; our sense of class, of ethnicity and race, of nationality, of sexuality; and of "us" and "them." Media images help shape our view of the world and our deepest values: what we consider good or bad, positive or negative, moral or evil. Media (...)
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  28.  43
    The mass media and terrorism.David L. Altheide - 2007 - Discourse and Communication 1 (3):287-308.
    The mass media promotes terrorism by stressing fear and an uncertain future. Major changes in US foreign and domestic policy essentially went unreported and unchallenged by the dominant news organizations. Notwithstanding the long relationship in the United States between fear and crime, the role of the mass media in promoting fear has become more pronounced since the United States `discovered' international terrorism on 11 September 2001. Extensive qualitative media analysis shows that political decision-makers quickly adjusted propaganda passages, (...)
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  29.  19
    Gender Stereotypes in Media Business Discourse: Variations in Identities, Contexts and Cultures.Alcina Sousa - 2014 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 10 (2):197-211.
    This paper is meant to discuss two diverse but mutually entailed goals, underpinning the analysis of media business discourse. On the one hand, it promotes a critical understanding of how gender marks discourse and encodes power in business discursive communities, thus playing a key role in “shaping the expectations about people’s behaviours”. On the other, it promotes an interdisciplinary approach so as to disambiguate the discursive and argumentative strategies in the construction of media content by focusing on the (...)
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  30.  16
    Mixed media in neo-academic art objects.Yu Zhou - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The study of the artistic heritage of neo-academicians in the context of the study of mixed techniques is quite relevant. To date, the analysis of the creativity of artists, representatives of non-academism as an artistic trend of the late twentieth century in Russia, is based on the artistic criticism of art critics, art critics who were part of this trend and considered the work of non-academicians from the perspective of the artistic life of this period in the context of the (...)
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  31.  36
    Marginalization and symbolic violence in a world of differences: war and parallels to nursing practice.Joanne M. Hall - 2004 - Nursing Philosophy 5 (1):41-53.
    Marginalization has been used as a guiding concept for nursing research, theory and practice. Its properties have been identified and updated in 1994 and 1999, respectively. This article re-examines marginalization, considering it to be a concept that changes with pivotal historical events. The events of September 11, 2001, and the war between the US/UK and Iraq are such pivotal events. The notion of the linguistic habitus and symbolic violence as outlined by Bourdieu provide new insights about the dynamics of marginalization. (...)
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  32.  48
    Advertising. From strategic planning to media implementation.Raluca Galos - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (27):356-361.
    Review of Delia Cristina Balaban, Advertising. From Strategic Planning to Media Implementation, (Iaşi: Polirom, 2009).
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  33. Money as Media: Gilson Schwartz on the Semiotics of Digital Currency.Renata Lemos-Morais - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):22-25.
    continent. 1.1 (2011): 22-25. The Author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino Superior), Brazil. From the multifarious subdivisions of semiotics, be they naturalistic or culturalistic, the realm of semiotics of value is a ?eld that is getting more and more attention these days. Our entire political and economic systems are based upon structures of symbolic representation that many times seem not only to embody monetary value but also to determine it. The connection between monetary (...)
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  34.  10
    Philosophy of Emerging Media: Understanding, Appreciation and Application.J. E. Katz & J. Floyd (eds.) - 2015 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    This book presents a wide range of thinking about how the discipline of philosophy has engaged and might in the future engage with the profound questions raised by rapidly shifting methods of communication. Although social media and telecommunications have dramatically altered the daily lives of people, and no technology has enjoyed the same rapid success as that of the mobile phone, the philosophical underpinnings and consequences of these changes have been insufficiently explored. Clustered in six sections, this book addresses (...)
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    Joan, Symbolic Papal Androgyny.Hilário Franco Júnior - 2008 - Cultura:113-134.
    Entre meados do século XI e meados do XVI circularam no Ocidente cristão vários relatos sobre uma suposta papisa Joana, cuja condição feminina foi revelada ao parir em plena procissão pelas ruas de Roma. História à primeira vista anti-eclesiástica, contudo aceita pela Igreja medieval. Por quê? A hipótese aqui defendida é de que o mito de Joana expressava a androginia simbólica dos papas, daí ter sido censurado só com o advento do Protestantismo e sua constestação à própria existência da instituição (...)
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  36. Material and Mental Representation: Peirce Adapted to the Study of Media and Arts.Lars Elleström - 2014 - American Journal of Semiotics 30 (1/2):83-138.
    The aim of this article is to adapt Peirce’s semiotics to the study of media and arts. While some Peircean notions are criticized and rejected, constructive ways of understanding Peirce’s ideas are suggested, and a number of new notions, which are intended to highlight crucial aspects of semiosis, are then introduced. All these ideas and notions are systematically related to one another within the frames of a consistent terminology. The article starts with an investigation of Peirce’s three sign constituents (...)
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  37.  75
    Electronic Media Review.Michael B. Burke - 2006 - Teaching Philosophy 29 (3):255-260.
    Logic and Proofs, developed at Carnegie Mellon, is the only instructional program that can support a computer-taught course (not just a computer-assisted course) in modern symbolic logic. I describe and assess the program. Then, drawing on my twenty years of experience, initially with Patrick Suppes’ Valid (no longer available), recently with Logic and Proofs, I discuss the very substantial benefits, as well as the challenges, when offering symbolic logic via a computer-taught course.
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    Thick critiques, thin solutions: news media coverage of meatpacking plants in the COVID-19 pandemic.Brody Trottier - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (4):1497-1512.
    The human labor and animal inputs required to manufacture meat products are kept physically and symbolically distanced from the consumer. Recently however, meatpacking plants received significant news media attention when they emerged as hotpots for COVID-19 — threatening workers’ health, requiring plants to slow production, and forcing farmers to euthanize livestock. In light of these disruptions, this research asks: how did news media frame the impact of COVID-19 on the meat industry, and to what extent is a process (...)
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    Constructing Arab Female Leadership Lessons from the Moroccan Media.Loubna H. Skalli - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (4):473-495.
    How the Arab media construct Middle Eastern women as political actors, frame their leadership roles, and narrate their activities to the public are important questions largely ignored in the growing scholarship on women’s political participation in the Middle East and North Africa. Drawing on Nancy Fraser’s reflections on the politics of recognition and distribution, I examine the construction of women’s leadership in Morocco during the four-month period leading to the local elections of June 2009. Analysis of 1,738 news items (...)
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    Événements culturels internationaux et médias : Interactions et définitions réciproques.Bernadette Dufrene - 2006 - Hermes 46:179.
    Les événements culturels internationaux constituent-ils un système symbolique indépendant des médias? Le propos de cet article s'inscrit dans une théorie générale de la trivialité, c'est-à-dire de la circulation des concepts entre la sphère de la production culturelle et celle des médias. Sans remettre en cause l'apport fondamental de Davidson à la théorie de l'événement - à savoir qu'un événement existe indépendamment de toute reconstruction ultérieure notamment par les médias - et, au contraire, en soulignant les apports d'une sémantique de l'histoire (...)
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    Affective and Discursive Outcomes of Symbolic Interpretations in Picture-Based Counseling: A Skin Conductance and Discourse Analytic Study.Dennis Tay, Jin Huang & Huiheng Zeng - 2019 - Metaphor and Symbol 34 (2):96-110.
    ABSTRACTThe relationship between symbolic expression and affect tends to be investigated from the perspective of recipients in contexts like media, politics, and advertising. A more producer-centri...
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    The populist body in the age of social media: A comparative study of populist and non-populist representation.Rodolfo E. Colalongo & María Esperanza Casullo - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 173 (1):62-81.
    Populist representation is the process by which a body or set of bodies become the signifier of a powerful act of political transgression of the social order. We call this specific type of representative linkage ‘synecdochal representation’. In it, the leader’s body performs three key functions: it mirrors certain popular traits that are characterized as ‘low’, it displays marks of exceptionality, and it appropriates symbols of institutional power. These tasks are performed through particular ways of acting, dressing, talking, eating, (...)
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    Intermediality in the Age of Global Media Networks – Including Eleven Theses on its Provocative Power for the Concepts of "Convergence," "Transmedia Storytelling" and "Actor Network Theory".Juergen E. Mueller - 2015 - Substance 44 (3):19-52.
    Narrative allegory is distinguished from mythology as reality from symbol; it is, in short, the proper intermedium between person and personification. Where it is too strongly individualized, it ceases to be allegory […]. In the community of scholars of intermedia research, the above quoted citation is commonly regarded as Coleridge’s coining of the term “intermedium” or “intermediality”. However, a short glance at the discursive strategy of his argument emphasizes that his notion of “intermedium” must be closely linked to the poetics (...)
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    La evolución de la naturaleza en el arte de la Alta edad media Y las teorías escatológicas cristianas.Héctor Julio Pérez López - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 36:135-157.
    Este trabajo plantea, en primer lugar, una visión global acerca de la evolución de la representación de la naturaleza en la cultura artística visual europea del Alto Medievo. Resultado de la misma es la detección de una parálisis en la evolución estética de la representación de la naturaleza que sin embargo había pasado previamente por fases de esplendor decorativo y simbólico. A continuación se examinan diferentes propuestas historiográficas acerca de la evolución de la relación entre ser humano y naturaleza en (...)
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  45. "Walking and Falling." Language as Media Embodiment.S. Moser - 2008 - Constructivist Foundations 3 (3):260-268.
    Purpose: This paper aims to mediate Josef Mitterer's non-dualistic philosophy with the claim that speaking is a process of embodied experience. Approach: Key assumptions of enactive cognitive science, such as the crossmodal integration of speech and gesture and the perceptual grounding of linguistic concepts are illustrated through selected performance pieces of multimedia artist Laurie Anderson. Findings: The analysis of Anderson's artistic work questions a number of dualisms that guide truth-oriented models of language. Her performance pieces demonstrate that language is both (...)
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    Social bureaucracy? The integration of social media into government communication.Tine Ustad Figenschou - 2020 - Communications 45 (s1):513-534.
    Inspired by an institutional logics approach, this article analyzes the barriers to and drivers of the integration of social media in the communication practices in Norwegian ministries. Drawing on rich ethnographic data, the paper analyzes the process of integrating social media logic into government communication units that were largely organized through a news media regime. To understand the process, it emphasizes four dimensions: how the symbolic resources, material resources, formal rules and practices have defined the logics of (...)
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  47. An LLMs-based neuro-symbolic legal judgment prediction framework for civil cases.Bin Wei, Yaoyao Yu, Leilei Gan & Fei Wu - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-35.
    In recent years, the field of AI & Law has increasingly focused on predicting legal judgments, particularly in civil cases. While traditional neural network methods are highly effective at automatically learning patterns from large datasets, they often suffer from a lack of interpretability. To address this limitation, we propose a neuro-symbolic framework for legal judgment prediction, based on large language models (LLMs). This framework combines legal knowledge (e.g., legal rules), represented through first-order logic rules, with deep neural networks (DNNs), using (...)
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    Television is Killing the Art of Symbolic Exchange.William Merrin - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (3):119-140.
    The starting point for any understanding of Jean Baudrillard's media theory is his concept of `communication'. This is heavily indebted to his theory of symbolic exchange, drawn from the Durkheimian tradition running through Durkheim, Mauss, Caillois and Bataille. Common to all these authors is s specific view of human relations, derived from their anthropology, as involving both a communication and a confrontation. Baudrillard, therefore, sees the modern semiotic order as based on the destruction of these symbolic relations, and its (...)
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    Entre a cruz e a espada: religião no mundo da tecnociência, do mercado e da mídia (Between the devil and the deep blue sea: religion in the world of technoscience, market and media) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5811.2014v12n34p382. [REVIEW]Sinivaldo Silva Tavares - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (34):382-401.
    Vivemos, hoje, sob a hegemonia do paradigma tecnocêntrico, mercadológico e midiático. A Tecnociência, o Mercado e a Mídia se constituem em autênticos horizontes no interior dos quais se desvelam todos os âmbitos da experiência humana. Isso posto, o que o ser humano e a religião se tornam nessa nova situação epocal? A Tecnociência tornou-se horizonte de compreensão do ser humano em relação ao mundo e si próprio. Não apenas nossos estilos de vida, nosso modo de trabalhar e viver, são condicionados (...)
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    SPEP Plenary Address: Thinking with Fire: Elemental Philosophy and Media Technology.Patricia Pisters - 2023 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 37 (3):271-294.
    ABSTRACT Humans have been thinking with fire since ancient times. In elemental philosophy, fire is considered as one of the most important elemental technologies. Fire has allowed the building of our world by reshaping matter, by making the earth less inhospitable, providing warm shelters and chasing and attracting animals. In the current elemental turn in media theory, the material dimensions of fire as medium have gained importance. Fire, however, also has important epistemological, psychological, and symbolic meaning, captured by Gaston (...)
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