Results for ' linguistics'

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  1. Ferdinand de saussure.Linguistic Structuralism - 2010 - In Alan D. Schrift, The History of Continental Philosophy. London: Routledge. pp. 4--221.
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  2. Kendall L. Walton.Linguistic Relativity - 1973 - In Glenn Pearce & Patrick Maynard, Conceptual change. Boston,: D. Reidel. pp. 52--1.
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  3. Marshall Durbin and Michael Micklin.Contributions From Linguistics - forthcoming - Foundations of Language.
  4. Jay F. Rosenberg.Linguistic Roles & Proper Names - 1978 - In Joseph C. Pitt, The Philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars: Queries and Extensions: Papers Deriving from and Related to a Workshop on the Philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars held at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 1976. D. Reidel. pp. 12--189.
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  5. 4.1 Side Effects.Linguistic Side Effects - 2007 - In Chris Barker & Pauline I. Jacobson, Direct compositionality. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  6. Isaac Levi.Comments on‘Linguistically Invariant & Inductive Logic’by Ian Hacking - 1970 - In Paul Weingartner & Gerhard Zecha, Induction, physics, and ethics. Dordrecht,: Reidel.
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  7. (2 other versions)Is linguistics a branch of psychology?Stephen Laurence - 2003 - In Alex Barber, Epistemology of language. New York: Oxford University Press.
  8. (1 other version)Linguistics is not psychology.Michael Devitt - 2003 - In Alex Barber, Epistemology of language. New York: Oxford University Press.
  9. N. Chomsky.Linguistic Competence - 1985 - In Jerrold J. Katz, The Philosophy of linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 80.
  10. Derek Bickerton.Prolegomena to A. Linguistic - 1969 - Foundations of Language 5:34.
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  11. Ian I-iacking.Linguistically Invariant Inductive Logic - 1970 - In Paul Weingartner & Gerhard Zecha, Induction, physics, and ethics. Dordrecht,: Reidel.
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  12. Intuitions in linguistics.Michael Devitt - 2006 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 (3):481-513.
    Linguists take the intuitive judgments of speakers to be good evidence for a grammar. Why? The Chomskian answer is that they are derived by a rational process from a representation of linguistic rules in the language faculty. The paper takes a different view. It argues for a naturalistic and non-Cartesian view of intuitions in general. They are empirical central-processor responses to phenomena differing from other such responses only in being immediate and fairly unreflective. Applying this to linguistic intuitions yields an (...)
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    The Other Languages of England.Malcolm Petyt & Linguistic Minorities Project - 1986 - British Journal of Educational Studies 34 (3):288.
  14. Linguistics: What's wrong with "the right view".Michael Devitt & Kim Sterelny - 1989 - Philosophical Perspectives 3:497-531.
  15. Derivation of Grammatical Sentences: Some Observations on Ancient Indian and.Modern Generative Linguistic Frameworks - 2000 - In Ajay K. Raina, B. N. Patnaik & Monima Chadha, Science and tradition. Shimla: Inter-University Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Advanced Study.
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  16. (2 other versions)Linguistics in Philosophy.Zeno Vendler - 1967 - Philosophy 45 (171):71-72.
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  17. Linguistics and philosophy.Noam A. Chomsky - 1969 - In Sidney Hook, Language and philosophy. [New York]: New York University Press.
  18. Ronald R. Butters.Dialect Variants & Linguistic Deviance - 1971 - Foundations of Language 7:239.
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  19. Meta-linguistics: Methodology and ontology in Devitt's ignorance of language.Louise Antony - 2008 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 86 (4):643 – 656.
    (2008). Meta-Linguistics: Methodology and Ontology in Devitt's Ignorance of Language. Australasian Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 86, No. 4, pp. 643-656.
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  20. On the metaphysics of linguistics.Wolfram Hinzen & Juan Uriagereka - 2006 - Erkenntnis 65 (1):71-96.
    Mind–body dualism has rarely been an issue in the generative study of mind; Chomsky himself has long claimed it to be incoherent and unformulable. We first present and defend this negative argument but then suggest that the generative enterprise may license a rather novel and internalist view of the mind and its place in nature, different from all of, (i) the commonly assumed functionalist metaphysics of generative linguistics, (ii) physicalism, and (iii) Chomsky’s negative stance. Our argument departs from the (...)
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  21. Lectures on Legal Linguistics.[author unknown] - 2017
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  22. Ignorance of Linguistics: A Note on Michael Devitt’s Ignorance of Language.Guy Longworth - 2009 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):21-34.
    Michael Devitt has argued that Chomsky, along with many other Linguists and philosophers, is ignorant of the true nature of Generative Linguistics. In particular, Devitt argues that Chomsky and others wrongly believe the proper object of linguistic inquiry to be speakers' competences, rather than the languages that speakers are competent with. In return, some commentators on Devitt's work have returned the accusation, arguing that it is Devitt who is ignorant about Linguistics. In this note, I consider whether there (...)
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    Ten Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics: Cognitive Critical Discourse Analysis.Yanmin Zhang - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    Cognitive approach to critical discourse analysis (Cognitive CDA), or Critical Cognitive Linguistics (thereafter CCL), is an emerging interdisciplinary research area, which demonstrates the ‘social...
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    Mathematical Methods in Linguistics.Barbara Partee, Alice ter Meulen & Robert Wall - 1987 - Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Elementary set theory accustoms the students to mathematical abstraction, includes the standard constructions of relations, functions, and orderings, and leads to a discussion of the various orders of infinity. The material on logic covers not only the standard statement logic and first-order predicate logic but includes an introduction to formal systems, axiomatization, and model theory. The section on algebra is presented with an emphasis on lattices as well as Boolean and Heyting algebras. Background for recent research in natural language semantics (...)
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  25. The Philosophy of Generative Linguistics.Peter Ludlow - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Peter Ludlow presents the first book on the philosophy of generative linguistics, including both Chomsky's government and binding theory and his minimalist ...
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  26. The Philosophy of linguistics.Jerrold J. Katz (ed.) - 1985 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In light of the sharp linguistic turn philosophy has taken in this century, this collection provides a much-needed and long-overdue reference for philosophical discussion. The first collection of its kind, it explores questions of the nature and existence of linguistic objects--including sentences and meanings--and considers the concept of truth in linguistics. The status of linguistics and the nature of language now take a central place in discussions of the nature of philosophy; the essays in this volume both inform (...)
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    Philosophy and linguistics.Kumiko Murasugi & Robert Stainton (eds.) - 1999 - Boulder: Westview Press.
    This edited volume offers ten new essays on semantics, philosophy of language, and philosophy of linguistics by top scholars in the field. Covering a wide range of topics, the collection is sure to be of interest to scholars in those areas as well as some philosophers of mind. Because of the diversity of topics and perspectives inherent in the collection, readers will find both exposition and debate among the contributors.
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    Tradition and innovation in language and linguistics: a Coserian perspective.Cristinel Munteanu - 2017 - New York: Peter Lang Edition.
    Part 1: Linguistics and philosophy of language -- Part 2: Hermeneutics and text linguistics -- Part 3: Lexicology and phraseology.
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  29. Common Sense and Comparative Linguistics.Lucas Thorpe - 2021 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 146 (1):71-88.
    I discuss the role of translatability in philosophical justification. I begin by discussing and defending Thomas Reid’s account of the role that facts about comparative linguistics can play in philosophical justification. Reid believes that common sense offers a reliable but defeasible form of justification. We cannot know by introspection, however, which of our judgments belong to common sense. Judgments of common sense are universal, and so he argues that the strongest evidence that a judgment is a part of common (...)
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    Structural Linguistics And Formal Semantics.Jaro Slav Peregrin - unknown
    The beginning of this century hailed a new paradigm in linguistics, the paradigm brought about by de Saussure's Cours de Linguistique Generale and subsequently elaborated by Jakobson, Hjelmslev and other linguists. It seemed that the linguistics of this century was destined to be structuralistic. However, half of the century later a brand new paradigm was introduced by Chomsky's Syntactic Structures followed by Montague's formalization of semantics. This new turn has brought linguistics surprisingly close to mathematics and logic, (...)
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  31. Explanation in Linguistics.Paul Egré - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (7):451-462.
    The aim of the present paper is to understand what the notions of explanation and prediction in contemporary linguistics mean, and to compare various aspects that the notion of explanation encompasses in that domain. The paper is structured around an opposition between three main styles of explanation in linguistics, which I propose to call ‘grammatical’, ‘functional’, and ‘historical’. Most of this paper is a comparison between these different styles of explanations and their relations. A second, more methodological aspect (...)
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  32. Journey planning: a cartography of practical reasoning.Conicet Mariela Aguilera Institute Of Humanities, Argentinamariela Aguilera Is An AssociAte Researcher at Conicet Córdoba, Unc An AssociAte Professor at The Ffyh, Philosophy Of Mind ArgentIna)she Works in The Fields Of Philosophy Of Cognitive Science, Such as Inferences Focuses Specifically on the Non-Linguistic Forms of Thinking, Images Maps & Animals’ Reasoning - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations:1-23.
    Different researchers from psychology and neuroscience state that navigation involves the manipulation of cognitive maps and graphs. In this paper, I will argue that navigating – specifically, journey planning – can be conceived as a process of practical reasoning. First, I will argue that journey planning constitutes a case of means-end reasoning involving inferences with cartographic representations. Then, I will argue that the output of journey planning functions as an instrumental belief in means-end reasoning. More specifically, journey planning can deliver (...)
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  33. The Philosophy of Linguistics.J. Katz - 1987 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49 (2):330-331.
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  34. Linguistics and cognitive science: Problems and mysteries.Noam Chomsky - 1991 - In Aka Kasher, The Chomskyan Turn. Blackwell. pp. 26--53.
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    Course in General Linguistics: Translated by Wade Baskin. Edited by Perry Meisel and Haun Saussy.Perry Meisel (ed.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    The founder of modern linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure inaugurated semiology, structuralism, and deconstruction and made possible the work of Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Lacan, thus enabling the development of French feminism, gender studies, New Historicism, and postcolonialism. Based on Saussure's lectures, _Course in General Linguistics_ traces the rise and fall of the historical linguistics in which Saussure was trained, the synchronic or structural linguistics with which he replaced it, and the new look of (...)
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    The Linguistics of History.Roy Harris - 2004
    A study of Western philosophy of history in relation to Western philosophy of language.
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  37. Simplicity and Generative Linguistics.Peter Ludlow - 1999 - In Kumiko Murasugi & Robert Stainton, Philosophy and linguistics. Boulder: Westview Press.
  38. (1 other version)Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics.Keith Brown (ed.) - 2005 - Elsevier.
    The first edition of ELL (1993, Ron Asher, Editor) was hailed as "the field's standard reference work for a generation". Now the all-new second edition matches ELL's comprehensiveness and high quality, expanded for a new generation, while being the first encyclopedia to really exploit the multimedia potential of linguistics. * The most authoritative, up-to-date, comprehensive, and international reference source in its field * An entirely new work, with new editors, new authors, new topics and newly commissioned articles with a (...)
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    The Philosophy of Linguistics: Its Theoretical Groundings and Examples in Practice.Selami Atakan Altınörs - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (4):426-441.
  40. Etienne Gilson, Linguistics and Philosophy: An Essay on the Philosophical Constants of Language Reviewed by.Steven Baldner - 1990 - Philosophy in Review 10 (12):495-498.
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  41. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics.John T. Bendor-Samuel - 2006
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    Course in General Linguistics.Ferdinand de Saussure (ed.) - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    The founder of modern linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure inaugurated semiology, structuralism, and deconstruction and made possible the work of Jacques Derrida, Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Lacan, thus enabling the development of French feminism, gender studies, New Historicism, and postcolonialism. Based on Saussure's lectures, _Course in General Linguistics_ (1916) traces the rise and fall of the historical linguistics in which Saussure was trained, the synchronic or structural linguistics with which he replaced it, and the new look (...)
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    Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics.Henry M. Hoenigswald & John Lyons - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):564.
  44. Text Linguistics of Qur’anic Discourse: An Analysis.[author unknown] - 2019
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  45. Linguistics and philosophy.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1969 - In Sidney Hook, Language and philosophy. [New York]: New York University Press.
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    Foundations of Linguistics.Bernard Comrie & Dieter Wunderlich - 1980 - Philosophical Quarterly 30 (120):282.
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    The Geo-Socio-Linguistics of Haitian Creole.Benjamin Hebblethwaite - 1999 - Semiotics:454-473.
  48. Pragmatics and Linguistics: an analysis of Sentence Topics.Tanya Reinhart - 1981 - Philosophica 27.
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    Representation of Language: Philosophical Issues in a Chomskyan Linguistics.Georges Rey - 2020 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Georges Rey presents a much-needed philosophical defense of Noam Chomsky's famous view of human language, as an internal, innate computational system. But he also offers a critical examination of problematic developments of this view, to do with innateness, ontology, intentionality, and other issues of interdisciplinary interest.
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  50. Reports on text linguistics: approaches to word order.Nils Erik Enkvist & Viljo Kohonen (eds.) - 1976 - Åbo: [Åbo Akademi].
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