Results for ' lekta '

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  1. Vzíah netelesnych lekta к telesnym procesom U Stoikov.Vzîah Netelesnych Lekta К Telesnym Procesom - 2001 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 8 (4):388-408.
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    The Stoics on Lekta: All There is to Say.Ada Bronowski - 2019 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    After Plato's Forms, and Aristotle's substances, the Stoics posited the fundamental reality of lekta - the meanings of sentences, distinct from the sentences themselves. This volume analyses the resulting unique, complex, and consistent cosmic view in which lekta are the keystones of the structure of reality: they are all there is to say.
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  3. "Lektá" e incorporalidad: la estrategia estoica frente al problema del cambio.Andrea Lozano Vásquez - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 46 (117):169-180.
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    The Stoics on Lekta: All There Is to Say : Bronowski, Ada, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. xiii + 477, £100 (hardback).Katja Maria Vogt - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (3):618-620.
    Ada Bronowski’s The Stoics on Lekta: All There Is to Say offers a comprehensive reconstruction of the role of lekta in Stoic philosophy. Indeed, as one works one’s way through 496 pages, it is hard...
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    The Stoics on Lekta: All There Is To Say by Ada Bronowski. [REVIEW]Simon Shogry - 2020 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 58 (3):609-610.
    In this wide-ranging study, Ada Bronowski reconstructs the Stoic account of lekta. Usually translated into English as "sayables," lekta—Bronowski transliterates all key Greek terms—number among the Stoics' most contentious proposals in antiquity and remain the subject of interpretative disagreement today. One clear Stoic commitment is that lekta are what is signified by human speech: my utterance "Dion walks" in normal circumstances signifies the lekton 'Dion walks.' Are lekta to be understood, then, simply as meanings? And is (...)
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    Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas avec les lekta?Ada Bronowski - 2019 - Methodos 19.
    On examinera la théorie stoïcienne des lekta en suivant les critiques formulées contre elle provenant de trois perspectives différentes : celle des Péripatéticiens, de Sextus Empiricus et celle formulée au sein même de l’école par Sénèque. Ces critiques se concentrent sur des questions relatives à une théorie du langage, mais une lecture minutieuse révèle que le cœur du problème réside dans un rejet profond de l’ontologie stoïcienne, constituée en partie, par les lekta. Les réactions des critiques tendent toutes (...)
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    Lekta in stoic thought - (A.) Bronowski the stoics on lekta. All there is to say. Pp. XIV + 478. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2019. Cased, £100, us$130. Isbn: 978-0-19-884288-0. [REVIEW]Marion Durand - 2020 - The Classical Review 70 (2):347-349.
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    La sintassi del cosmo: osservazioni su un volume recente (Review of Ada Bronowski, The Stoics on Lekta, OUP 2019). [REVIEW]Michele Alessandrelli - 2021 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 42 (2):375-396.
    This note does examine a recent volume by Ada Bronowski on the Stoic doctrine of the lekta. The first part summarizes its content, while the second discusses some critical and controversial points, in particular the Platonic tenor of the interpretation of the Stoic lekta offered by the Author. This interpretation gives an extra-linguistic and realistic function to items that the Stoics cautiously left under-determined from the ontological point of view.
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  9. Stoic Logic: The Dialectic and the Doctrine of Lekta (Sayables).Raul Corazzon - unknown
    reasons for the disappreciation as well as for the rehabilitation of Stoic logic; it is found in I. M. Bochenski's Ancient Formal Logic (Amsterdam, 1951), and it clearly portrays the difference in attitude of the logicians of the twentieth century towards the Stoic logical system.
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    Philosophie antique. Logos endiathetos et théorie des lekta chez les Stoïciens.Martin Achard - 2001 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 57 (2):225-233.
  11. ‘Review of A. Bronowski (2019) The Stoics on Lekta: All There is To Say (Oxford University Press)’. [REVIEW]Sean McConnell - 2022 - Classical Journal.
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  12. Why Children, Parrots, and Actors Cannot Speak: The Stoics on Genuine and Superficial Speech.Sosseh Assaturian - 2022 - Apeiron 55 (1):1-34.
    At Varro LL VI.56 and SE M 8.275-276, we find reports of the Stoic view that children and articulate non-rational animals such as parrots cannot genuinely speak. Absent from these testimonia is the peculiar case of the superficiality of the actor’s speech, which appears in one edition of the unstable text of PHerc 307.9 containing fragments of Chrysippus’ Logical Investigations. Commentators who include this edition of the text in their discussions of the Stoic theory of speech do not offer a (...)
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  13. (2 other versions)Rational Impressions and the Stoic Philosophy of Mind.Vanessa de Harven - 2017 - In John Sisko, in History of Philosophy of Mind: Pre-Socratics to Augustine. Acumen Publishing. pp. 215-35.
    This paper seeks to elucidate the distinctive nature of the rational impression on its own terms, asking precisely what it means for the Stoics to define logikē phantasia as an impression whose content is expressible in language. I argue first that impression, generically, is direct and reflexive awareness of the world, the way animals get information about their surroundings. Then, that the rational impression, specifically, is inherently conceptual, inferential, and linguistic, i.e. thick with propositional content, the way humans receive incoming (...)
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    The Stoic Theory of Case.Marion Durand - 2024 - Apeiron 57 (4):611-639.
    This article presents a new account of the Stoic theory of case. It argues that cases belong to the Stoic class of lekta and that they play a twofold semantic role. Firstly, they relate words to the world in a process akin to reference. Secondly, they encode syntactic information which captures structural elements of the world, contributing to language’s ability to represent reality and its structure by enabling it to capture both objects and the ways in which these objects (...)
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    Perception, Sensibility, and Moral Motivation in Augustine: A Stoic-Platonic Synthesis.Sarah Catherine Byers - 2012 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    This book argues that Augustine assimilated the Stoic theory of perception and mental language (lekta/dicibilia), and that this epistemology underlies his accounts of motivation, affectivity, therapy for the passions, and moral progress. Byers elucidates seminal passages which have long puzzled commentators, such as Confessions 8, City of God 9 and 14, Replies to Simplicianus 1, and obscure sections of the later ‘anti-Pelagian’ works. Tracking the Stoic terminology, Byers analyzes Augustine’s engagement with Cicero, Seneca, Ambrose, Jerome, Origen, and Philo of (...)
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  16. Zur Miete bei Frege – Rudolf Hirzel und die Rezeption der stoischen Logik und Semantik in Jena.Sven Schlotter, Karlheinz Hülser & Gottfried Gabriel - 2009 - History and Philosophy of Logic 30 (4):369-388.
    It has been noted before in the history of logic that some of Frege's logical and semantic views were anticipated in Stoicism. In particular, there seems to be a parallel between Frege's Gedanke (thought) and Stoic lekton; and the distinction between complete and incomplete lekta has an equivalent in Frege's logic. However, nobody has so far claimed that Frege was actually influenced by Stoic logic; and there has until now been no indication of such a causal connection. In this (...)
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  17. Bodies and Their Effects: The Stoics on Causation and Incorporeals.Wolfhart Totschnig - 2013 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 95 (2):119-147.
    The Stoics offer us a very puzzling conception of causation and an equally puzzling ontology. The aim of the present paper is to show that these two elements of their system elucidate each other. The Stoic conception of causation, I contend, holds the key to understanding the ontological category of incorporeals and thus Stoic ontology as a whole, and it can in turn only be understood in the light of this connection to ontology. The thesis I defend is that the (...)
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    Dialog Systems: A Perspective From Language, Logic and Computation.Teresa Lopez-Soto (ed.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book focuses on dialog from a varied combination of fields: Linguistics, Philosophy of Language and Computation. It builds on the hypothesis that meaning in human communication arises at the discourse level rather than at the word level. The book offers a complex analytical framework and integration of the central areas of research around human communication. The content revolves around meaning but it also gives evidence of the connection among different points of view. Besides discussing issues of general interest to (...)
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    Les droits des choses. Remarques sénéquéennes sur ce qui est, ce qui quasi est, ce qui n’est pas.Fosca Mariani Zini - 2018 - Quaestio 18:37-67.
    Often, when Seneca wants to defend a thesis that seems original to him in relation to the Stoic school, he claims to enjoy distracting himself with subtle games that quickly become boring puzzles. This article would like to show how Seneca, especially in letters 58, 113, 117, but also in his other writings, establishes the meaning of what is, what is not and what is quasi. The goal is important, since Seneca seeks to give incorporeal things, lekta, a power (...)
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  20. Stoic Logic.Susanne Bobzien - 2003 - In Brad Inwood, The Cambridge Companion to Stoic Philosophy. Cambridge University Press.
    ABSTRACT: An introduction to Stoic logic. Stoic logic can in many respects be regarded as a fore-runner of modern propositional logic. I discuss: 1. the Stoic notion of sayables or meanings (lekta); the Stoic assertibles (axiomata) and their similarities and differences to modern propositions; the time-dependency of their truth; 2.-3. assertibles with demonstratives and quantified assertibles and their truth-conditions; truth-functionality of negations and conjunctions; non-truth-functionality of disjunctions and conditionals; language regimentation and ‘bracketing’ devices; Stoic basic principles of propositional logic; (...)
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  21. The stoics on the grammar of action.Brad Inwood - 1984 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 23 (S1):75-86.
    This article reconstructs key features of the early stoic analysis of human action from surviving fragmentary reports. Special attention is paid to how the concepts of assent and command (understood as real mental events) and the more general concept of meaning ("lekta") are used to enrich an analysis of action as a response to a stimulative presentation.
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    Why res publica is not a state: The stoic grammar and discursive practices in Cicero's conception.Oleg Kharkhordin - 2010 - History of Political Thought 31 (2):221-246.
    While most scholars took Cicero's Stoicism to be reflected in the content of his theories, this article tries to examine the 'how' rather than the 'what' of his statements. The article starts with the privileging of the verb in what the Stoics termed lekta, then considers how the term res publica fared in full lekta, pronounced by Cicero and his republican contemporaries (first and second sections). Then a Stoic theory of definition is analysed to elucidate an incorporeal quality (...)
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    The Unity of Stoic Metaphysics: Everything is Something.Vanessa de Harven - 2025 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Everything is Something is a book about Stoic metaphysics. It argues that the Stoics are best understood as forging a bold new path between materialism and idealism, a path best characterized as non-reductive physicalism. To be sure, only individual bodies exist for the Stoics, but not everything there is exists — some things are said to subsist. However, this is no Meinongian move beyond existence, to the philosophy of intentionality (as the language of subsistence might suggest), but a one-world metaphysics (...)
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    Cosa è esterno alla mente stoica?Michele Alessandrelli - 2024 - Peitho 15 (1):363-380.
    This paper explores the role of external factors in the constitution of the Stoic mind. It will show how the external influences the Stoic mind in several crucial ways: 1) Constitutive Role: The external world acts as a constitutive factor for the soul (the third level of the scala naturae), shaping its development. At the fourth level, the logos (rational principle) interacts with qualified external objects. These objects form the basis of abstract reasoning and teachings derived from external sources; 2) (...)
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    Problems in Stoicism. [REVIEW]V. U. T. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (2):380-380.
    This collection of essays arose directly from a series of seminars conducted at the Institute of Classical Studies of London University during 1967-1968. Most of the material is published for the first time. Articles by Sandbach and Kidd offer arguments concerning kataleptike phantasia as the test of a true presentation, and Posidonius' conception of the role of the emotions in relation to his scientifically based ethical theory. In addition to the positions held by Rist, Sandbach and Kidd, A. C. Lloyd (...)
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    Ethics and Human Action in Early Stoicism. [REVIEW]Gerard Verbeke - 1986 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (3):566-568.
    In this book the author intends to present a careful analysis of the Stoic teaching on human action and to apply it to the moral doctrine of mainly Zeno and Chrysippus. The work is divided into two parts: the first deals with the structure of human action, whereas the second applies the result of the performed analysis to the moral theory, especially to the teaching on passions and the ethical evolution of an individual from a pre-moral to a moral stage. (...)
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    Stoic Logic.Katerina Ierodiakonou - 2018 - In Sean D. Kirkland & Eric Sanday, A Companion to Ancient Philosophy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press. pp. 505–529.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction The Stoic Logical System Conclusion Bibliography.
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