Results for ' ladin dolomitique'

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  1.  18
    Investigating Interrogation in the Northern Italian Area - or What Corpora Can Tell Us and Which Questions they Leave Open.Franziska Maria Hack - 2010 - Corpus 9:137-164.
    L’interrogation en Italie du Nord : ce que les corpus nous disent et les questions qu’ils laissent ouvertesCet article traite de l’interrogation dans les variétés de l’Italie du Nord, plus précisément celles du ladin dolomitique. Une discussion sur les corpus disponibles, leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients est complétée par la présentation de mes enquêtes dialectales : méthodologie et données recueillies. Ainsi, on verra comment la recherche basée sur des corpus déjà existants et l’enquête de terrain peuvent se compléter, (...)
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    Should Lack of Social Support Prevent Access to Organ Transplantation?Keren Ladin, Norman Daniels & Kelsey N. Berry - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (11):13-24.
    Transplantation programs commonly rely on clinicians’ judgments about patients’ social support (care from friends or family) when deciding whether to list them for organ transplantation. We examine whether using social support to make listing decisions for adults seeking transplantation is morally legitimate, drawing on recent data about the evidence-base, implementation, and potential impacts of the criterion on underserved and diverse populations. We demonstrate that the rationale for the social support criterion, based in the principle of utility, is undermined by its (...)
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  3.  44
    How important is social support in determining patients’ suitability for transplantation? Results from a National Survey of Transplant Clinicians.Keren Ladin, Joanna Emerson, Zeeshan Butt, Elisa J. Gordon, Douglas W. Hanto, Jennifer Perloff, Norman Daniels & Tara A. Lavelle - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (10):666-674.
    BackgroundNational guidelines require programmes use subjective assessments of social support when determining transplant suitability, despite limited evidence linking it to outcomes. We examined how transplant providers weigh the importance of social support for kidney transplantation compared with other factors, and variation by clinical role and personal beliefs.MethodsThe National survey of the American Society of Transplant Surgeons and the Society of Transplant Social Work in 2016. Using a discrete choice approach, respondents compared two hypothetical patient profiles and selected one for transplantation. (...)
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  4.  21
    NRP Possibly Violates “Do No Harm” and Is Not Worth Risking the Perception That It Does.Andrew Flescher, Sanjay Kulkarni & Keren Ladin - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (6):54-56.
    Normothermic Regional Perfusion (NRP) is increasingly being adopted as an intervention designed to improve organ utilization from donors after circulatory death because of the efficiency with which...
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    Ethical analysis examining the prioritisation of living donor transplantation in times of healthcare rationing.Sanjay Kulkarni, Andrew Flescher, Mahwish Ahmad, George Bayliss, David Bearl, Lynsey Biondi, Earnest Davis, Roshan George, Elisa Gordon, Tania Lyons, Aaron Wightman & Keren Ladin - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):389-392.
    The transplant community has faced unprecedented challenges balancing risks of performing living donor transplants during the COVID-19 pandemic with harms of temporarily suspending these procedures. Decisions regarding postponement of living donation stem from its designation as an elective procedure, this despite that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services categorise transplant procedures as tier 3b (high medical urgency—do not postpone). In times of severe resource constraints, health systems may be operating under crisis or contingency standards of care. In this manuscript, (...)
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  6.  37
    Early breakdown of isolation revealed by marriage behaviour in a ladin-speaking community (gardena valley, south tyrol, italy, 1825–1924). [REVIEW]Paola Gueresi - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (3):365.
    SummaryThe aim of this study was to investigate marriage behaviour from 1825 to 1924 in an Alpine valley inhabited by Ladin speakers, where the particular geographic, linguistic and economic characteristics may have influenced the level of reproductive isolation. A total of 2183 marriage acts from the two main parishes of Santa Cristina and Ortisei were examined. Birth and residence endogamy, inbreeding coefficients from dispensations and from isonymy, birth place distribution of the spouses and isonymic relationships were analysed in four (...)
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  7. Social Support Is Not the Only Problematic Criterion, But If Used at All, “Lack of Social Support” Should Count in Favor of Listing, Not Against.Maura Priest - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (11):35-37.
    Berry, Daniels, and Ladin make a strong argument for discontinuing the use of, “lack of social support,” as an organ transplantation listing criterion. This argument, however, actually leads to conclusions much stronger than those that the authors’ propose: The argument works equally well against using, (1) any “psychosocial” factors at all as a listing criterion, and, (2) any criteria other than factors that directly relate to empirically established medical need, and/or empirically established survival rate. Moreover, while the authors rightly (...)
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  8.  10
    Une carrière antique aux environs de Drama.Tony Kozelj, Katérina Péristéri & Manuela Wurch-Koželj - 2006 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 130 (2):665-675.
    Sur le versant Sud d'une colline appelée Sténokorifi, non loin de Drama, de nombreux filons de marbre dolomitique, gris clair et de petite granulométrie, affleurent sur une étendue d'environ 19 000 m2 entre une végétation dense. Excepté le front de taille vertical d'une exploitation marbrière des années 1950 qui a fait des essais d'extraction en profondeur à l'aide du marteau-piqueur, il n'y a que des fronts de taille obliques (selon la pente) et les extractions sont superficielles. Dès lors que (...)
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    Diversity of scholarship in medical ethics.Rosalind J. McDougall - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (10):655-656.
    In their essay arguing for ethical review of social research, Sheehan et al write: > Inquiry and human life are intertwined and interdependent. To be human is to be curious, to ask questions about yourself, the world, and your place in the world. This process of inquiry is undertaken individually, but is a social activity.1 As researchers in medical ethics, all the authors in this issue have chosen to ask a particular type of question about the world: questions about ethical (...)
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  10.  20
    Le Baiser de la Belle au bois dormant ou : des péripéties encourues par la géographie linguistique depuis Jules Gilliéron.Hans Goebl - 2013 - Corpus 12:61-84.
    Partant du substrat intellectuel et scientifique sur lequel repose, en dernière analyse, l’Atlas linguistique de la France (ALF : 1902-1910) de Jules Gilliéron (1854-1926), cet article envisage l’évolution ultérieure de la géographie linguistique « atlantiste », surtout sous l’égide de Karl Jaberg (1877-1958) et Jakob Jud (1882-1952), auteurs de l’atlas italo-suisse AIS, et des promoteurs des Nouveaux atlas linguistiques de la France (NALFs) à partir de 1950. Il en appert que l’orientation théorique de base et la recherche inconditionnée de l’intercomparabilité (...)
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