Results for ' kitsch'

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  1.  33
    Kitsch: from education to public policy.Catherine A. Lugg - 1999 - New York: Falmer Press.
    Kitsch-or tacky, simplistic art and art forms-is used by various political actors to shape and limit what we know about ourselves, what we know about our past and our future, as well as what our present-day public policy options might be. Using a plethora of historic and contemporary examples (such as Forrest Gump and Boys Town ), the author maps out how kitsch is employed in various political and educational sites to shape public opinion and understandings. Bibliography. Index.
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    (4 other versions)Kitsch Happens. On the Kitsch Experience of Nature.Max Ryynänen - 2019 - Espes 9 (2):10-16.
    In Kitsch and Art Tomáš Kulka notes that natural landscapes cannot be called kitsch. Kitsch needs to be produced by a human being, he says. I agree with that. Experience-wise it is more complicated, though. Sometimes kitsch affects our experience of landscapes. It is not just that our overwhelming culture of images affects how we see nature, but that also sugared, sentimental and stereotypical kitsch images of nature, that we see in postcards and social media, (...)
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    Linker Kitsch: Bekenntnisse - Ikonen - Gesamtkunstwerke.Bettina Gruber & Rolf Parr (eds.) - 2015 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Gibt es einen spezifisch "linken" Kitsch in Abgrenzung zu politisch "rechtem"? Dieser vernachlässigten, für das Verständnis "linken Denkens" seit der Französischen Revolution aber wichtigen Frage gehen die Beiträge dieses Bandes nach.0Gezeigt wird, dass "linkes" Denken aus ganz anderen Gründen kitschanfällig ist als sein "rechtes" Pendant, auch wenn die Pathosformeln sich mitunter frappierend ähneln. Denn während rechte Ideologien den Veränderungsdruck der Moderne kompensieren, streben linke eher danach, ihn nach dem Motto "Mehr desselben" zu überbieten. Dieses Phänomen »linker Kitsch± nimmt (...)
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    Putin kitsch in America.Alison Rowley - 2019 - Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press.
    Vladimir Putin's image functions as a political talisman far outside of the borders of his own country. By studying material objects, fan fiction and digital media, this book traces the satirical uses of Putin's public persona, notably how he stands as a foil for other world leaders. It argues that the internet is crucial to the creation of contemporary Putin memorabilia and that these items show a continued political engagement by young people, even as some political scientists and media experts (...)
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  5. Traditional Kitsch and the Janus-Head of Comfort.C. E. Emmer - 2014 - In Justyna Stępień (ed.), Redefining Kitsch and Camp in Literature and Culture. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 23-38.
    "C.E. Emmer’s article addresses the ongoing debates over how to classify and understand kitsch, from the inception of postmodern culture onwards. It is suggested that the lack of clear distinction between fine art and popular culture generates 'approaches to kitsch – what we might call 'deflationary' approaches – that conspire to create the impression that, ultimately, either 'kitsch' should be abandoned as a concept altogether, or we should simply abandon ourselves to enjoying kitschy objects as kitsch.' (...)
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  6. Kitsch Against Modernity.C. E. Emmer - 1998 - Art Criticism 13 (1):53-80.
    "The writer discusses the concept of kitsch. Having reviewed a variety of approaches to kitsch, he posits an historical conception of it, connecting it to modernity and defining it as a coping-mechanism for modernity. He thus suggests that kitsch is best understood as a tool in the struggle against the particular stresses of the modern world and that it uses materials at hand, fashioning from them some sort of stability largely through projecting images of nature, stasis, and (...)
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  7. Kitsch and the Social Pretense Theory of Bullshit Art.Lucas Scripter - 2021 - Polish Journal of Aesthetics 4 (63):47-67.
    This essay argues that bullshit art is a meaningful concept that differs from bullshitting about art, although the two may occur in tandem. I defend what I call the social pretense theory of bullshit art. On this view, calling a work of art ‘bullshit’ highlights a discrepancy between the prestige accorded a work of art and its nonsense character. This category of aesthetic criticism plays a unique role that cannot be identified with kitsch but bears only a contingent connection (...)
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    Junger Kitsch: [nun zeigte sich, dass Kitsch erst im Auge des Betrachters entsteht].Marc Pfaff - 2008 - Berlin: Lit.
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    (1 other version)Kitsch and Art.Tomáš Kulka - 1996 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    What is kitsch? What is behind its appeal? More important, what is wrong with kitsch? Though central to our modern and postmodern culture, kitsch has not been seriously and comprehensively analyzed; its aesthetic worthlessness has been generally assumed but seldom explained. _Kitsch and Art _seeks to give this phenomenon its due by exploring the basis of artistic evaluation and aesthetic value judgments. Tomas Kulka examines kitsch in the visual arts, literature, music, and architecture. To distinguish (...) from art, Kulka proposes that kitsch depicts instantly identifiable, emotionally charged objects or themes, but that it does not substantially enrich our associations relating to the depicted objects or themes. He then addresses the deceptive nature of kitsch by examining the makeup of its artistic and aesthetic worthlessness. Ultimately Kulka argues that the mass appeal of kitsch cannot be regarded as aesthetic appeal, but that its analysis can illuminate the nature of art appreciation. (shrink)
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    Le kitsch ou l’authenticité de l’inauthentique.Jean Robelin - 2014 - Noesis 22:203-217.
    Si les sociétés occidentales vivent sous la pathos d’une authenticité définie par l’originalité et la singularité d’une subjectivité, elles n’en sont pas moins des sociétés où cette subjectivité est codifiée, où sa liberté est encapsulée dans une méta contrainte. Dans le champ de l’art, le kitsch apparaît comme un lieu essentiel de cette combinaison. Les tenants du Kitsch en ont fait la vérité de l’art, à partir du moment où il était supposé devenir la vérité de l’époque. Ils (...)
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    Kitsch in Relation to Loss.Kathleen Higgins - 2023 - In Max Ryynänen & Paco Barragán (eds.), The Changing Meaning of Kitsch: From Rejection to Acceptance. Palgrave / MacMillan (Springer Verlag). pp. 119-141.
    Circumstances in which someone has died might be particularly prone to the use of kitsch, but gestures that are arguably kitschy can be among the most appropriate ways to express sympathy. Although showing respect for the deceased and the bereaved does require some concern for aesthetic suitability, a certain amount of kitsch may be virtually unavoidable in these contexts, and we should learn to live with that.
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    Kitsch!, oder, Warum der schlechte Geschmack der eigentlich gute ist.Konrad Paul Liessmann - 2002 - Wien: Brandstätter.
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  13. Kitsch en religie. Notities over de verloren ziel van de cultuur.Jack Miles - 2007 - Nexus 47.
    In deze bewogen ‘Notities over de verloren ziel van de cultuur’ signaleert Jack Miles hoe religie tot kitsch dreigt te verworden wanneer we haar uitsluitend bezien in concurrentie met de voortschrijdende wetenschap. Pas zodra we deze tweestrijd over rivaliserende kennisaanspraken opgeven en onze duurzame onwetendheid onder ogen zien, is er ruimte voor een religiositeit die geen kitsch is en het ontzag, de verering en de angst voor het Onbekende een plaats geeft in ons leven. Uiteindelijk zouden de klassieke (...)
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  14. El kitsch político.Martín Plot - 2003 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo.
    Sections of the mass media report so closely on political decision-making that politicians cannot ignore the media when making decisions ; this book questions whether the decision-making process is now more important than any political action deriving from the decisions. Media appearances are no longer adjuncts to the political process ; they are the process.
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    Contemporary Kitsch: the Death of Pseudo-Art and the Birth of Everyday Cheesiness (A Postcolonial Inquiry).Max Ryynänen - 2018 - Terra Aestheticae: Journal of Russian Society for Aesthetics 1 (1):70-86.
    The discourse on kitsch has changed tone. The concept, which in the early 20th century referred more to pretentious pseudo-art than to cute everyday objects, was attacked between the World Wars by theorists of modernity (e.g. Greenberg on Repin). The late 20th century scholars gazed at it with critical curiosity (Eco, Kulka, Calinescu). What we now have is a profound interest in and acceptance of cute mass-produced objects. It has become marginal to use the concept to criticize pseudo-art. Scholars (...)
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  16. Kitsch.Denis Dutton - manuscript
    Kitsch” has sometimes been used (for example, by Harold Rosenberg) to refer to virtually any form of popular art or entertainment, especially when sentimental. But though much popular art is cheap and crude, it is at least direct and unpretentious. On the other hand, a persistent theme in the history of the usage of “kitsch,” going back to the word’s mid-European origins, is pretentiousness, especially in reference to objects that ape whatever is conventionally viewed as high art. As (...)
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    Kitsch und Perversion: Was sich hinter der Fassade sentimentaler Inszenierungen verbirgt.Ruth Mätzler - 2019 - Salzburg: Müry Salzmann.
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  18. Le kitsch.Abraham A. Moles - 1971 - [Paris]: Mame.
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    Kitsch and Bullshit.Thorsten Botz-Bornstein - 2015 - Philosophy and Literature 39 (2):305-321.
    Harry Frankfurt’s twenty-two page long essay “On Bullshit” was published in 1986 in an academic journal and appeared as a stand-alone book in 2005. The small book was successful and has sparked many discussions by both academics and public intellectuals. In this article I want to examine if, in the realm of art, kitsch overlaps with bullshit as a sort of “aesthetic bullshit” or if there are differences between bullshit as a predominantly ethical phenomenon and kitsch, which works (...)
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    Beauty and Its Kitsch Competitors.Kathleen M. Higgins - 2000 - In Peg Zeglin Brand (ed.), Beauty Matters. Indiana University Press. pp. 87-111.
    One of the reasons for the disappearance of beauty in the artistic ideology of the late twentieth century has been the seeming similarity of beauty to certain kinds of kitsch. Beauty has also been associated with flawlessness and with glamour. I will content that the flawless and the glamorous are actually categories of kitsch, and that the dominance of these images in marketing has contributed to our societal tendency to confuse them with beauty. The quests for flawlessness and (...)
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  21. (1 other version)On kitsch and sentimentality.Robert C. Solomon - 1991 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 49 (1):1-14.
  22. Kitsch.Philip Crick - 1983 - British Journal of Aesthetics 23 (1):48-52.
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    Photorealism, Kitsch and Venturi.Jean-Claude Lebensztejn & Kate Cooper - 1981 - Substance 10 (2):75.
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    Kitsch and Aesthetic Education.John Morreall - 1989 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 23 (4):63.
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    Kitsch.Ursula Niklas - 1981 - Semiotics:273-279.
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  26. Kitsch en andere lelijkheid.Maarten van Nierop - 1993 - In Maarten van Nierop, Renée van de Vall & Albert van der Schoot (eds.), Mooie dingen: over de esthetica van het object. Meppel: Boom Koninklijke Uitgevers.
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    Die Untugend der Kunst. Pragmatistische Reflexionen über den Kitsch anlässlich des gegenwärtigen Krieges.Albert Dikovich - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 67 (2):23-42.
    Im Folgenden wird der Versuch unternommen, ausgehend von John Deweys Kunst als Erfahrung ein Verständnis des Kitsches als ästhetischer Untugend zu entwickeln. Dabei wird der leitenden Frage des Bandes, ob Kunst moralisch sein muss, in der Weise begegnet, dass nach der spezifischen moralischen Wirkungsweise von Kunstwerken gefragt wird. Nachdem entgegen einer Dichotomisierung von Kunst und Moral die Leistung moderner Literatur und Kunst darin erkannt wird, die Grenzen lebensleitender moralischer Begriffe und Werte anschaulich zu machen und damit Lern- und Reflexionsprozesse auszulösen, (...)
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    Séductions du kitsch: roman, art et culture.Eva Le Grand (ed.) - 1996 - Montréal: XYZ.
    Etude du phénomène du kitsch à travers les littératures et cultures d'Europe, d'Amérique du Nord et du Sud et du Japon.
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  29. Kitsch à la russe : la prose de Tatiana Tolstaïa.Svetlana Boym - 1996 - In Eva Le Grand (ed.), Séductions du kitsch: roman, art et culture. Montréal: XYZ.
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  30. Le kitsch est en nous : aventure de Gombrowicz avec le kitsch.Jerzy Jarzebski - 1996 - In Eva Le Grand (ed.), Séductions du kitsch: roman, art et culture. Montréal: XYZ.
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    Kitsch and camp and things that go Bump in the night; or, Sontag and Adorno at the (horror) movies.David MacGregor Johnston - 2010 - In Thomas Richard Fahy (ed.), The philosophy of horror. Lexington, Ky.: University Press of Kentucky.
  32. Le kitsch et la mort dans Le roi des aulnes de Michel Tournier.Marie-Renée Larochelle - 1996 - In Eva Le Grand (ed.), Séductions du kitsch: roman, art et culture. Montréal: XYZ.
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  33. Kitsch et modernité urbaine : fleurs métalliques dans Les sept fous de Roberto Arlt.Dario Perinetti - 1996 - In Eva Le Grand (ed.), Séductions du kitsch: roman, art et culture. Montréal: XYZ.
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  34. Le kitsch comme métalangage : le récit dans l'Amérique latine des années soixante-dix et quatre-vingt.Lidia Santos - 1996 - In Eva Le Grand (ed.), Séductions du kitsch: roman, art et culture. Montréal: XYZ.
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  35. Kitsch und Kunst.Roland Simon-Schaefer - 1980 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 5 (2):37.
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  36. Kitsch.Tomas Kulka - 1988 - British Journal of Aesthetics 28 (1):18-27.
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    Kitsch: Phänomenologie eines dynamischen Kulturprinzips.Claudia Putz - 1994 - Bochum: Brockmeyer.
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  38. El kitsch: fenomenología, fisonomía y pronóstico.Iván Slávov - 1989 - La Habana: Editorial Arte y Literatura.
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    La era del kitsch.Rubén Horacio Ríos - 2021 - Córdoba, Argentina: Alción Editora.
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    Kitsch: From Rejection to Acceptance—On the Changing Meaning of Kitsch in Today’s Cultural Production (Introduction).Paco Barragán & Max Ryynänen - 2023 - In Max Ryynänen & Paco Barragán (eds.), The Changing Meaning of Kitsch: From Rejection to Acceptance. Palgrave / MacMillan (Springer Verlag). pp. 1-62.
    One can read the history of kitsch and the history of kitsch theories by accentuating either everyday aesthetics (knickknacks) or pseudo art/bad art. The authors have divided their introduction to the topic by accentuating first everyday aesthetics (this part includes a detailed history of kitsch research) and then art—especially the wave of contemporary art that has lately been knocking on the doors of kitsch. Three historical stages of kitsch are discussed. The first stage discusses the (...)
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    (2 other versions)From Tomas Kulka on Kitsch and Art to Art as a Singular Rule.Doron Avital & Karolina Dolanska - 2019 - Espes 8 (2):17-27.
    Tomas Kulka’s celebrated body of work on aesthetics has its logical groundings among other influences in the work of Karl Popper in the philosophy of science and Nelson Goodman on art and symbolic systems. I will revisit these two anchors to draw the philosophical move Tomas takes in his Kitsch and Art and use it to further a philosophical move of my own aiming at the very logical core of the question of art.
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    Der Unernst des Kitsches: Die Ästhetik des Laxen Blicks Auf Die Welt.Yushin Ra - 2016 - Transcript Verlag.
    Kitsch ist mehr, als man ihm gemeinhin zutraut. Er ist nicht nur eine ästhetische Reaktion auf die Industriegesellschaft oder bloß ein progressives Ausdrucksmittel - vielmehr steht er auch für eine spezifische ästhetische Sensibilität für die Welt. Yushin Ra geht dem nach und zeigt: Kitsch erzeugt einen Unernst durch die eigentümliche Weise der Interaktion einer metakommunikativen Ebene und der vordergründigen Mitteilung. Er schwebt auf der Grenze der beiden und erzeugt dadurch eine Unklarheit, die beim Rezipienten eine bestimmte Skepsis ob (...)
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    Phänomenologie des Kitsches.Ludwig Giesz - 1960 - Heidelberg,: W. Rothe.
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    Of kitsch, enlightenment, and gender anxiety: Exploring cultural memories of collective memory studies.Wulf Kansteiner - 2007 - History and Theory 46 (1):82–91.
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    Il gusto e il suo doppio: saggi sul kitsch.Andrea Mecacci - 2015 - Milano: Mimesis.
    Kitsch e neokitsch -- Kitsch antropologico -- Forma, bellezza e godimento nel Kitsch -- Problemi di gusto -- La casa di Ivan Il'ič -- Disgustosamente moderni -- Mangiando una cipolla.
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    The taste of contemporaneity: is the west kitsch?Alberto Castelli & Barbara Sonzogni - 2022 - Journal for Cultural Research 26 (2):166-183.
    As the twenty-first century begins, Benjamin’s aura as the quality of an authentic-art-object might be outdated, but the notion of kitsch remains essential in a post-Warholian world. The following discussion is an attempt to assess Western contemporaneity. By using a few examples, so to dissect problems into their smallest components, I suggest that the current popularity of kitsch inclinations and behaviours in Western societies are not a means to resist cultural and aesthetic elitism, but an implication of widespread (...)
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  47. Five faces of modernity: modernism, avant-garde, decadence, kitsch, postmodernism.Matei Călinescu - 1987 - Durham: Duke University Press. Edited by Matei Călinescu.
    _Five Faces of Modernity_ is a series of semantic and cultural biographies of words that have taken on special significance in the last century and a half or so: _modernity_, _avant-garde_, _decadence_, _kitsch_, and _postmodernism_. The concept of modernity—the notion that we, the living, are different and somehow superior to our predecessors and that our civilization is likely to be succeeded by one even superior to ours—is a relatively recent Western invention and one whose time may already have passed, if (...)
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    Diskurse der Wertung: Banalität, Trivialität und Kitsch.Julia Genz - 2010 - Paderborn: Fink, Wilhelm.
    Wie lassen sich Banalität, Trivialität und Kitsch voneinander unterscheiden und welche Rolle spielen sie für Kunst und Literatur? Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen betrachtet Julia Genz Banalität, Trivialität und Kitsch als Bestandteile von Diskursen, in denen Zugänglichkeit bewertet wird. Zugänglichkeit ist dabei nicht von vornherein gegeben, sondern muss diskursiv erst hergestellt werden. Durch die Ausdifferenzierung in soziale, kognitive und emotionale Zugänglichkeit lassen sich die drei bislang nicht überzeugend getrennten Bereiche voneinander abgrenzen und mit ihren Gegenpolen Exklusivität, Komplexität und Kunst (...)
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    Kitsch and Bullshit as Cases of Aesthetic and Epistemic Transgression.E. M. Dadlez - 2018 - Southwest Philosophy Review 34 (1):59-67.
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  50. El "kitsch" y el sentido darwinista de lo bello: una aproximación posible.María Jesús Godoy Domínguez - 2013 - Estudios Filosóficos 62 (181):433-448.
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