Results for ' involuntary memories'

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  1.  13
    Involuntary Memory. New Perspectives in Cognitive Psychology.John Mace (ed.) - 2007 - Blackwell.
    Involuntary memory was identified by the pioneering memory researcher Hermann Ebbinghaus more than a century ago, but it was not until very recently that cognitive psychologists began to study this memory phenomenon. This book is the first to examine key topics and cutting-edge research in involuntary memory. Discusses topics such as involuntary memories in everyday life, across the life-span, and in the laboratory; the special ways in which involuntary memories sometimes manifest themselves and a (...)
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    Involuntary memories and restrained eating.Christopher T. Ball - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:237-244.
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    Cueing involuntary memory.Sarah Robins & Maziyar Afifi - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e374.
    We raise two points about cues, which complicate Barzykowski and Moulin's attempt at a unified model of memory retrieval. First, cues operate differently in voluntary and involuntary contexts. Second, voluntary and involuntary memory can be interconnected, as in cases of chaining.
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    Involuntary memories are not déjà vu.Sami Gülgöz & Irem Ergen - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e364.
    The proposed framework can benefit from integrating predictive processing into the explanation of déjà vu which corresponds to interrupted prediction. Déjà vu is also accompanied by familiarity. However, considerable ambiguity is inherent in familiarity, which necessitates elaboration of this construct. Research findings on involuntary autobiographical memories and déjà vu show discrepancies, and clustering these constructs can be counterproductive for research.
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    Involuntary memory signals in the medial temporal lobe.Haopei Yang, Chris B. Martin & Stefan Köhler - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e382.
    We highlight recent progress in neuroimaging and neuropsychological research on memory mechanisms in the medial temporal lobe that speaks to the involuntary nature of memory retrieval processes. We suggest that evidence form these studies supports Barzykowski and Moulin's proposal that memory signals involved in experiences of familiarity and déjà vu can be generated in the absence of retrieval intentionality.
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    The self and involuntary memory: Identifying with the victim increases memory accessibility for stressful events.Julie Krans - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1298-1304.
    Autobiographical memory is intimately linked to the self. However, the relation between the self and involuntary recall has been understudied. Theoretically, the more relevant an event is to the self the more accessible the memory should be. In line with this prediction, the present study tested the hypothesis that self-relevance of a stressor modulates involuntary recall. Healthy student participants viewed distressing film clips and were presented with information that defined the main characters as more or less similar to (...)
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  7.  42
    A Phenomenological Groundwork for Involuntary Memory.Rosa Slegers - 2007 - International Studies in Philosophy 39 (1):79-91.
  8.  54
    Involuntary future projections are as frequent as involuntary memories, but more positive.Hildur Finnbogadóttir & Dorthe Berntsen - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):272-280.
    Mental time travel is the ability to mentally project oneself into one’s personal past or future, in terms of memories of past events or projections of possible future events. We investigated the frequency and valence of involuntary MTT in the context of high trait worry. High and low worriers recorded the frequency and valence of involuntary memories and future projections using a structured notebook and completed measures probing individual differences related to negative affectivity. Involuntary future (...)
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  9.  4
    Does enhanced memory of disgust vs. fear images extend to involuntary memory?Lucy A. Matson, Ella K. Moeck & Melanie K. T. Takarangi - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    People remember disgusting stimuli better than fearful stimuli, but do disgust’s memory-enhancing effects extend to involuntary memory? This question is important because disgust reactions occur following trauma, and trauma-related involuntary memories are a hallmark of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms. In two experiments, we presented participants (n = 88 Experiment 1; n = 106 Experiment 2) with disgust, fear, and neutral images during an attention-monitoring task. Participants then completed an undemanding vigilance task, responding any time an image (...)
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    Meta-awareness and the involuntary memory spectrum: Reply to Meyer, Otgaar, and Smeets.Melanie K. T. Takarangi, D. Stephen Lindsay & Deryn Strange - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 34:1-3.
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    Flashbacks, intrusions, mind-wandering – Instances of an involuntary memory spectrum: A commentary on Takarangi, Strange, and Lindsay.Thomas Meyer, Henry Otgaar & Tom Smeets - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:24-29.
  12.  81
    The involuntary nature of music-evoked autobiographical memories in Alzheimer’s disease.Mohamad El Haj, Luciano Fasotti & Philippe Allain - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):238-246.
    The main objective of this paper was to examine the involuntary nature of music-evoked autobiographical memories. For this purpose, young adults, older adults, and patients with a clinical diagnosis of probable Alzheimer’s disease were asked to remember autobiographical events in two conditions: after being exposed to their own chosen music, and in silence. Compared to memories evoked in silence, memories evoked in the “Music” condition were found to be more specific, accompanied by more emotional content and (...)
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  13. Are there Special Mechanisms of Involuntary Memory?Christopher Mole - 2017 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (3):557-571.
    Following the precedent set by Dorthe Berntsen’s 2009 book, Involuntary Autobiographical Memory, this paper asks whether the mechanisms responsible for involuntarily recollected memories are distinct from those that are responsible for voluntarily recollected ones. Berntsen conjectures that these mechanisms are largely the same. Recent work has been thought to show that this is mistaken, but the argument from the recent results to the rejection of Berntsen’s position is problematic, partly because it depends on a philosophically contentious view of (...)
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  14.  60
    Are involuntary autobiographical memory and déjà vu natural products of memory retrieval?Krystian Barzykowski & Chris J. A. Moulin - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e356.
    Involuntary autobiographical memories (IAMs) and déjà vu are phenomena that occur spontaneously in daily life. IAMs are recollections of the personal past, whereas déjà vu is defined as an experience in which the person feels familiarity at the same time as knowing that the familiarity is false. We present and discuss the idea that both IAMs and déjà vu can be explained as natural phenomena resulting from memory processing and, importantly, are both based on the same memory retrieval (...)
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  15.  20
    From jamais to déjà vu: The respective roles of semantic and episodic memory in novelty monitoring and involuntary memory retrieval.Louis Renoult & J. Bruno Debruille - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e373.
    Barzykowski and Moulin's model proposes that déjà vu and involuntary autobiographical memories are the result of a continuously active memory system that tracks the novelty of situations. Déjà vu would only have episodic content and concern interpretation of prior experiences. We argue that these aspects of the model would gain to be clarified and explored further and we suggest possible directions.
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  16.  57
    Positive involuntary autobiographical memories: You first have to live them.Ian A. Clark, Clare E. Mackay & Emily A. Holmes - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):402-406.
    Involuntary autobiographical memories are typically discussed in the context of negative memories such as trauma ‘flashbacks’. However, IAMs occur frequently in everyday life and are predominantly positive. In spite of this, surprisingly little is known about how such positive IAMs arise. The trauma film paradigm is often used to generate negative IAMs. Recently an equivalent positive film was developed inducing positive IAMs . The current study is the first to investigate which variables would best predict the frequency (...)
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  17.  38
    Current concerns in involuntary and voluntary autobiographical memories.Kim Berg Johannessen & Dorthe Berntsen - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):847-860.
    Involuntary autobiographical memories are conscious memories of personal events that come to mind with no preceding attempts at retrieval. It is often assumed that such memories are closely related to current concerns – i.e., uncompleted personal goals. Here we examined involuntary versus voluntary autobiographical memories in relation to earlier registered current concerns measured by the Personal Concern Inventory . We found no differences between involuntary and voluntary memories with regard to frequency or (...)
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  18.  39
    Involuntary aware memory enhances priming on a conceptual implicit memory task.John H. Mace - 2003 - American Journal of Psychology 116 (2):281-290.
  19.  15
    Distinguishing involuntary autobiographical memories and déjà vu experiences: Different types of cues and memory representations?Lia Kvavilashvili & Ioanna Markostamou - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e366.
    Although involuntary autobiographical memories (IAMs) and déjà vu have important shared characteristics, in this commentary, we focus on potential differences that may question the argument that two phenomena lie on a continuum. We propose that differences in their frequency and autonoetic consciousness could be explained by different types of cues and memory representations involved in experiencing IAMs and déjà vu.
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  20.  20
    Involuntary top-down control by search-irrelevant features: Visual working memory biases attention in an object-based manner.Rebecca M. Foerster & Werner X. Schneider - 2018 - Cognition 172 (C):37-45.
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  21.  44
    The characteristics of involuntary and voluntary autobiographical memories in depressed and never depressed individuals.Lynn Ann Watson, Dorthe Berntsen, Willem Kuyken & Ed R. Watkins - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1382-1392.
    This study compares involuntary and voluntary autobiographical memories in depressed and never depressed individuals. Twenty depressed and twenty never depressed individuals completed a memory diary; recording their reactions to 10 involuntary and 10 voluntary memories over 14–30 days. Psychiatric status , psychopathology, rumination and avoidance were assessed. For both groups, involuntary memories more frequently lead to strong reactions than voluntarily memories. For both modes of retrieval, depressed individuals reported more frequent negative reactions than (...)
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  22.  22
    Involuntary autobiographical memories and déjà vu: When and why attention makes a difference.Manila Vannucci & Maciej Hanczakowski - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e379.
    The target article claims that involuntary autobiographical memories and déjà vu are based on the same retrieval processes, although they result in different phenomenological states. Here we argue that the differential engagement of attention at various stages of memory may be one of the determinants of when common retrieval processes give rise to such different experiences.
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    Déjà vu and involuntary autobiographical memories as two distinct cases of familiarity in patients with Alzheimer's disease.Joanna Gautier, Samuel Bulteau, Guillaume Chapelet & Mohamad El Haj - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e363.
    The continuum between involuntary autobiographical memories and déjà vu, as proposed by Barzykowski and Moulin, can be better defined by considering research on autobiographical retrieval in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Although autobiographical retrieval in patients with Alzheimer's disease can generally be associated with a sense of familiarity, involuntary retrieval can trigger an autonoetic experience of retrieval in these patients.
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  24.  27
    Are involuntary autobiographical memory and déjà vu cognitive failures?John H. Mace - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e368.
    This commentary supports Barzykowski and Moulin's model, but departs from it on the question of functionality, where IAMs and déjà vu fractionate. The authors seem to say that IAMs are functional, while déjà vu is not. As there is no hard evidence supporting the idea that IAMs are functional, I argue that both phenomena should be viewed as cognitive failures.
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    The frequency of involuntary autobiographical memories and future thoughts in relation to daydreaming, emotional distress, and age.Dorthe Berntsen, David C. Rubin & Sinue Salgado - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:352-372.
  26.  21
    Semantic-to-autobiographical memory priming affects involuntary autobiographical memory production after a long delay.John H. Mace & Allison M. Hidalgo - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 104 (C):103385.
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  27.  12
    A spontaneous neural replay account for involuntary autobiographical memories and déjà vu experiences.Mohith M. Varma & Rongjun Yu - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e380.
    Barzykowski and Moulin argue both involuntary autobiographical memories and déjà vu experiences rely on the same involuntary memory retrieval processes but their underlying neurological basis remains unclear. We propose spontaneous neural replay in the default mode network (DMN) and hippocampus as the basis for involuntary autobiographical memories, whereas for déjà vu experiences such transient activation is limited to the DMN.
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  28.  98
    Involuntary (spontaneous) mental time travel into the past and future.Dorthe Berntsen & Anne Stærk Jacobsen - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1093-1104.
    Mental time travel is the ability to mentally project oneself backward in time to relive past experiences and forward in time to pre-live possible future experiences. Previous work has focused on MTT in its voluntary form. Here, we introduce the notion of involuntary MTT. We examined involuntary versus voluntary and past versus future MTT in a diary study. We found that involuntary future event representations—defined as representations of possible personal future events that come to mind with no (...)
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  29.  55
    The working memory Ponzo illusion: Involuntary integration of visuospatial information stored in visual working memory.Mowei Shen, Haokui Xu, Haihang Zhang, Rende Shui, Meng Zhang & Jifan Zhou - 2015 - Cognition 141 (C):26-35.
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    Neuropsychological predictions on involuntary autobiographical memory and déjà vu.Christine Bastin - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e359.
    I strongly support Barzykowski and Moulin in their proposal that common retrieval mechanisms can lead to distinct phenomenological memory experiences. I emphasize the importance of one of these mechanisms, namely the attribution system. Neuropsychological studies should help clarifying the role of these retrieval mechanisms, notably in cases of medial temporal-lobe lesions and cases of dementia.
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  31. Autobiographical memory for stressful events: The role of autobiographical memory in posttraumatic stress disorder.David C. Rubin, Michelle F. Dennis & Jean C. Beckham - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):840-856.
    To provide the three-way comparisons needed to test existing theories, we compared (1) most-stressful memories to other memories and (2) involuntary to voluntary memories (3) in 75 community dwelling adults with and 42 without a current diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Each rated their three most-stressful, three most-positive, seven most-important and 15 word-cued autobiographical memories, and completed tests of personality and mood. Involuntary memories were then recorded and rated as they occurred for (...)
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  32.  63
    Episodic remembering creates access to involuntary conscious memory: Demonstrating involuntary recall on a voluntary recall task.John H. Mace - 2006 - Memory 14 (8):917-924.
  33. Un fait injustifiable: How else to approach memory and intentionality in Sartre?Basil Vassilicos - 2014 - Bulletin D’Analyse Phénoménologique 10 (5):1-28.
    Involuntary memories raise worries for any notion of constitution of memorial experiences and of the relationship between subjectivity, the past, and intentionality. However, this does not mean they are wholly intractable for an intentional analysis of consciousness. To the contrary, if one avoids conflating the will with thetic or express intentional acts, the Sartrean notion of intentionality is well-placed to account for the most salient features of involuntary memories, without resorting to appeals to non-subjective memorial processes (...)
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    The Time of Memory: Teachers and the Role of the Teachers' Lounge.Charles E. Scott - 1998 - State University of New York Press.
    Explores the mythology of memory, involuntary memory, and the relation between time and memory in the context of questions prominent in contemporary thought.
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    Investigating the role of involuntary retrieval in music-evoked autobiographical memories.Amy M. Belfi, Elena Bai, Ava Stroud, Raelynn Twohy & Janelle N. Beadle - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 100 (C):103305.
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    On the frequency and nature of the cues that elicit déjà vu and involuntary autobiographical memories.Ricardo Morales-Torres & Felipe De Brigard - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e370.
    Barzykowski and Moulin suggest that déjà vu and involuntary autobiographical memories recruit similar retrieval processes. Here, we invite the authors to clarify three issues: (1) What mechanism prevents déjà vu to happen more frequently? (2) What is the role of semantic cues in involuntary autobiographical retrieval? and (3) How déjà vu relates to non-believed memories?
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  37.  22
    Does inhibitory (dys)function account for involuntary autobiographical memory and déjà vu experience?Thomas F. Burns - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e360.
    External cues and internal configuration states are the likely instigators of involuntary autobiographical memories (IAMs) and déjà vu experience. Indeed, Barzykowski and Moulin discuss relevant neuroscientific evidence in this direction. A complementary line of enquiry and evidence is the study of inhibition and its role in memory retrieval, and particularly how its (dys)function may contribute to IAMs and déjà vu.
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    The need for a unified framework: How Tulving's framework of memory systems, memory processes, and the SPI-model can guide and sharpen the understanding of déjà vu and involuntary autobiographical memories and add to conceptual clarity.Hans J. Markowitsch, Andreas Kordon & Angelica Staniloiu - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e369.
    Barzykowski and Moulin link déjà vu and involuntary autobiographical memories to the process of retrieval. They make no reference to Tulving's SPI-model. In this, it is proposed that information is acquired serially (S), stored in parallel (P), and retrieved independently (I). This model offers an alternative, elegant, view of involuntary autobiographical memory retrieval, as well as of déjà vus.
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  39. Why am I remembering this now? Predicting the occurrence of involuntary (spontaneous) episodic memories.Dorthe Berntsen, Søren Risløv Staugaard & Louise Maria Torp Sørensen - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (2):426.
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    La memoria involuntaria: Marcel Proust y el descubrimiento poético del interior. Un análisis desde la perspectiva filosófica de Walter Benjamin.María Llorens - 2018 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 30 (2):305-331.
    Involuntary Memory: Marcel Proust and the Poetic Discovery of the Inner Self. An Analysis from the Philosophical Perspective of Walter Benjamin”. In this article, we undertake, from the perspective of Walter Benjamin’s philosophical work, the phenomenon of involuntary memory discovered by Marcel Proust in the writing process –exercise of subjectification– of In Search of Lost Time. In the analysis the following approaches are developed: the relation between oblivion and memory, the poetic discovery of involuntary memory, the conditions (...)
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  41.  23
    Experimentally manipulating the effects of involuntary conscious memory on a priming task.John H. Mace - 2005 - American Journal of Psychology 118 (2):159-182.
  42.  20
    A possible shared underlying mechanism among involuntary autobiographical memory and déjà vu.Anne M. Cleary, Cati Poulos & Caitlin Mills - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e361.
    We propose that IAM and déjà vu may not share a placement on the same gradient, per se, but the mechanism of cue familiarity detection, and a major differentiating factor between the two metacognitive experiences is whether the resulting inward directed search of memory yields retrieved content or not. Déjà vu may manifest when contentless familiarity detection is inexplicable by the experiencer.
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  43.  17
    What do laypeople believe about the voluntary and involuntary retrieval of memories?Mevagh Sanson, Søren Risløv Staugaard & Krystian Barzykowski - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 110 (C):103491.
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  44.  39
    Self-Deception Reduces Cognitive Load: The Role of Involuntary Conscious Memory Impairment.Zengdan Jian, Wenjie Zhang, Ling Tian, Wei Fan & Yiping Zhong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  45.  38
    Ways of sampling voluntary and involuntary autobiographical memories in daily life.Anne S. Rasmussen, Kim B. Johannessen & Dorthe Berntsen - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 30:156-168.
  46.  75
    Conjoint dissociations reveal involuntary ''perceptual'' priming from generating at study.Alan Richardson-Klavehn, A. J. Benjamin Clarke & John M. Gardiner - 1999 - Consciousness and Cognition 8 (3):271-284.
    Incidental perceptual memory tests reveal priming when words are generated orally from a semantic cue at study, and this priming could reflect contamination by voluntary retrieval. We tested this hypothesis using a generate condition and two read conditions that differed in depth of processing (read-phonemic vs read-semantic). An intentional word-stem completion test showed an advantage for the read-semantic over the generate condition and an advantage for the generate over the read-phonemic condition, and completion times were longer than in a control (...)
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  47.  12
    Clinical Perspectives on Autobiographical Memory.Lynn A. Watson & Dorthe Berntsen (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Autobiographical memory plays a key role in psychological well-being, and the field has been investigated from multiple perspectives for over thirty years. One large body of research has examined the basic mechanisms and characteristics of autobiographical memory during general cognition, and another body has studied what happens to it during psychological disorders, and how psychological therapies targeting memory disturbances can improve psychological well-being. This edited collection reviews and integrates current theories on autobiographical memory when viewed in a clinical perspective. It (...)
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    Rilkean Memory.Mark Rowlands - 2015 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 53 (S1):141-154.
    This paper identifies a form of remembering sufficiently overlooked that it has not yet been dignified with a name. I shall christen it Rilkean Memory. This form of memory is, typically, embodied and embedded. It is a form of involuntary, autobiographical memory that is neither implicit nor explicit, neither declarative nor procedural, neither episodic nor semantic, and not Freudian. While a discussion of the importance of Rilkean memory lies beyond the scope of this paper, I shall try to show (...)
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  49.  71
    The unpredictable past: Spontaneous autobiographical memories outnumber autobiographical memories retrieved strategically.Anne S. Rasmussen & Dorthe Berntsen - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1842-1846.
    Involuntary autobiographical memories are spontaneously arising memories of personal events, whereas voluntary memories are retrieved strategically. Voluntary remembering has been studied in numerous experiments while involuntary remembering has been largely ignored. It is generally assumed that voluntary recall is the standard way of remembering, whereas involuntary recall is the exception. However, little is known about the actual frequency of these two types of remembering in daily life. Here, 48 Danish undergraduates recorded their involuntary (...)
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  50.  27
    (1 other version)The pre-reflective roots of the madeleine-memory: a phenomenological perspective.Francesca Righetti - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (2):1-21.
    This paper investigates the madeleine-memory as a case of pre-reflective experience, from the genesis of its sedimentation into the body. Indeed, I aim to address the question of the literary protagonist Marcel on the roots of his happiness and the genesis of his memories. Until now, the madeleine-memory has been described as bodily and involuntary. In phenomenology, a wide literature has confirmed the relationship between the sense of body ownership and pre-reflective self-awareness. I aim to build upon such (...)
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