Results for ' inter-definability'

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  1.  56
    Inter-Definability of Horn Contraction and Horn Revision.Zhiqiang Zhuang, Maurice Pagnucco & Yan Zhang - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 46 (3):299-332.
    There have been a number of publications in recent years on generalising the AGM paradigm to the Horn fragment of propositional logic. Most of them focused on adapting AGM contraction and revision to the Horn setting. It remains an open question whether the adapted Horn contraction and Horn revision are inter-definable as in the AGM case through the Levi and Harper identities. In this paper, we give a positive answer by providing methods for generating contraction and revision from their (...)
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  2. Inter-theory Relations in Quantum Gravity: Correspondence, Reduction and Emergence.Karen Crowther - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 63:74-85.
    Relationships between current theories, and relationships between current theories and the sought theory of quantum gravity (QG), play an essential role in motivating the need for QG, aiding the search for QG, and defining what would count as QG. Correspondence is the broad class of inter-theory relationships intended to demonstrate the necessary compatibility of two theories whose domains of validity overlap, in the overlap regions. The variety of roles that correspondence plays in the search for QG are illustrated, using (...)
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    Inter- und transdisziplinarität: Heuristik und begründung. [REVIEW]Cornelia Liesenfeld - 1993 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 24 (2):257 - 274.
    Inter- and Transdiciplinarity: Heuristics and Justification. Difficulties to define the concept of discipline are symptomatic for the inadequacy of such man-made confines and demarcations. This becomes most obvious in the context of an application of the distinction (introduced by Leibniz and Reichenbach) between a heuristic and a justifying component in the process of scientific research to the transdisciplinary realm called 'interdisciplinarity'. The omnipresence and fertility of heuristic and justifying interdisciplinarity in scientific praxis shows that any attempts to find an (...)
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  4. Defining imagination: Sartre between Husserl and Janet.Beata Stawarska - 2005 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 4 (2):133-153.
    The essay traces the double, phenomenological and psychological, background of Sartre’s theory of the imagination. Insofar as these two phenomenological and psychological currents are equally influential for Sartre’s theory of the imagination, his intellectual project is situated in an inter-disciplinary research area which combines the descriptive analyses of Edmund Husserl with the clinical reports and psychological theories of Pierre Janet. While Husserl provides the foundation for the prevailing theory of imagination as pictorial representation, Janet’s findings on obsessive behavior enrich (...)
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    (1 other version)Sobre uma Existentiel-Videnskab: o conceito de Inter-Esse no Pós-Escrito.Gabriel Ferreira da Silva - 2011 - Pensando: Revista de Filosofia 2 (4):85-101.
    In an entry of Papirer, located between the years 1842-1843 (IV C 100), entitled "On the concepts of Esse and Inter-Esse," Kierkegaard makes a fundamental methodological assertion: the various sciences should be ordered and built through the accent put on being (Vaeren - Esse). Thus, the ontology and mathematics, because they develop from a ground of elemental unity between thought and being, are a particular kind of science with epistemological well-defined characteristics. However, as Kierkegaard shows in Postscript, the same (...)
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    Constructing narratives and reading texts: approaches to history and power struggles between philosophy and emergent disciplines in inter-war France.Cristina Chimisso - 2005 - History of the Human Sciences 18 (3):83-107.
    In inter-war France, history of philosophy was a very important academic discipline, but nevertheless its practitioners thought it necessary to defend its identity, which was threatened by its vicinity to many other disciplines, and especially by the emergent social sciences and history of science. I shall focus on two particular issues that divided traditional historians of philosophy from historians of science, ethnologists and sociologists, and that became crucial in the definition of the identity of their disciplines: the conception of (...)
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    Redefiniciones de lo político. La democracia feminista y el interés de «las mujeres».Nicole Darat Guerra - 2022 - Arbor 198 (803-804):a640.
    Mientras Carole Pateman (1988) afirma que «para las feministas la democracia no ha existido jamás», Julieta Kirkwood (1986) sostiene que «no hay democracia sin feminismo». Ambas aluden a la deuda del ideal democrático con la emancipación de las mujeres, e incluso a la función estructural de la exclusión de las mujeres en la democracia liberal. A partir de los encuentros y desencuentros entre democracia y feminismo, el presente artículo pretende ofrecer una definición de la democracia feminista que vaya más allá (...)
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    How Do Technological Systems Define Who War Victims Are?María Belén Albornoz & Javier Andrés Jiménez Becerra - 2023 - Perspectives on Science 31 (1):186-205.
    In a range of peace process scenarios, the expert’s knowledge has become a fundamental tool for generating information systems as a mechanism for the storage and circulation of data. These information artifacts are supposed to faithfully document situations of human rights violations and contribute to the design of public policy and the construction of collective memory. Following Latour’s (1993) original coinage of the term coproduction, this paper analyzes how the Inter-Institutional System of Information for Justice and Peace (SIIJYP)1 was (...)
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    Purposive Interpretation of the Term “Undertaking” as Defined Under Polish Antitrust Law – Some Observations.Anna Piszcz - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 33 (1):113-126.
    This paper assesses whether the purposive interpretation of the term “undertaking” is used by decision-makers in antitrust cases. This article presents a short summary of this research regarding cases related to the abuse of a dominant position. As a rule, priority must be given to the direct meaning of a text. There are, however, important exceptions to the sup- posed rule. A concise examination of the jurisprudence shows that purposive interpretation is used where the provision in question is open to (...)
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    The logical structure of principles in Alexy’s theory. A critical analysis.Juan Pablo Alonso - 2016 - Revus 28:53-61.
    This paper offers a critical analysis of the logical structure of principles proposed by Robert Alexy and, in particular, of their structure as optimisation commands. Its first part dwells on the question whether the optimisation element in the logical structure should be understood as part of modalisation, as part of the consequent, or as an independent element. In the second part, the author analyses possible forms of inter-definability of deontic operators. Finally, some questions are raised on the conditional (...)
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  11.  16
    Europe as a nation? Intellectuals and debate on Europe in the inter-war period.Paola Cattani - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (6):674-682.
    ABSTRACTIn 1933, a number of European intellectuals among whom Paul Valéry, Johan Huizinga, Julien Benda, Hermann von Keyserling, met in Madrid and in Paris to discuss the identity and history of Europe under the initiative of the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. During the symposia, the participants try to define a common European narrative beyond national differences, and some of them evoke the idea of a European ‘homeland’ or ‘nation’, as already advocated in those years (...)
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    The challenges of virtual partnerships: Critical success factors in the formation of inter-organisational teams. [REVIEW]Violina Ratcheva & Shailendra Vyakarnam - 2001 - AI and Society 15 (1-2):99-116.
    Virtual teams formed across organisational boundaries and organised around an opportunity are a relatively new area of research. A review of previous research shows that, although virtual teams have been well defined as a concept, only a few studies have contributed to the understanding of the processes of assembling and maintaining effective inter-organisational teams enabled by new modes of communication. By combining cross-disciplinary theoretical approaches, the reported study presents a conceptual overview for collective teaming in virtual settings. The findings (...)
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    Mengenlehre—Vom Himmel Cantors zur Theoria prima inter pares.Peter Schreiber - 1996 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 4 (1):129-143.
    On the occasion of the 150th birthday of Georg Cantor (1845–1918), the founder of the theory of sets, the development of the logical foundations of this theory is described as a sequence of catastrophes and of trials to save it. Presently, most mathematicians agree that the set theory exactly defines the subject of mathematics, i.e., any subject is a mathematical one if it may be defined in the language (i.e., in the notions) of set theory. Hence the nature of formal (...)
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    Iwould like to set the scene for this chapter by making four inter-related points. First, I take as a premise that something called.Steve Keirl - 2006 - In John R. Dakers (ed.), Defining Technological Literacy: Towards an Epistemological Framework. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 81.
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  15. Rádl’s Criticism of the Czech Individualist Inter-War Philosophy.Jan Potoček - 2021 - Filosoficky Casopis 60 (Special Issue 1):41-56.
    A significant part of the "struggles" that took place within Czechoslovak interwar thought can be considered to be the criticism that Emanuel Rádl, a representative of the realist approach, led against the supporters of individualism, or the younger philosophical generation, which was gathered around the journal Ruch filosofický. The core of Rádl's critical position is philosophical realism in terms of thought and methodology. Radl's realist position was gradually shaped and developed in the period before and after the First World War, (...)
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    Cultural gap: to the problem of defining the phenomenon and its main features.Andrey Minchenko - 2023 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:100-108.
    Introduction. The article analyzes one of the qualitative states of culture, called the cultural gap, which is a phenomenon of ambivalent properties, on the one hand, generating most of the destruc- tive conflicts in the history of mankind, and on the other hand, in constructive overcoming of contra- dictions, prompting creative transformations. The purpose of the study is to give a definition of a cultural gap with the allocation of significant distinctive features found when analyzing any empirically fixed manifestations of (...)
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  17. Intervening on the Causal Exclusion Problem for Integrated Information Theory.Matthew Baxendale & Garrett Mindt - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (2):331-351.
    In this paper, we examine the causal framework within which integrated information theory of consciousness makes it claims. We argue that, in its current formulation, IIT is threatened by the causal exclusion problem. Some proponents of IIT have attempted to thwart the causal exclusion problem by arguing that IIT has the resources to demonstrate genuine causal emergence at macro scales. In contrast, we argue that their proposed solution to the problem is damagingly circular as a result of inter-defining information (...)
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  18.  40
    On Correspondence of Standard Modalities and Negative Ones on the Basis of Regular and Quasi-regular Logics.Krystyna Mruczek-Nasieniewska & Marek Nasieniewski - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (5):1087-1123.
    In the context of modal logics one standardly considers two modal operators: possibility ) and necessity ) [see for example Chellas ]. If the classical negation is present these operators can be treated as inter-definable. However, negative modalities ) and ) are also considered in the literature [see for example Béziau ; Došen :3–14, 1984); Gödel, in: Feferman, Collected works, vol 1, Publications 1929–1936, Oxford University Press, New York, 1986, p. 300; Lewis and Langford ]. Both of them can (...)
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  19. Hyperintensional propositions.Mark Jago - 2015 - Synthese 192 (3):585-601.
    Propositions play a central role in contemporary semantics. On the Russellian account, propositions are structured entities containing particulars, properties and relations. This contrasts sharply with the sets-of-possible-worlds view of propositions. I’ll discuss how to extend the sets-of-worlds view to accommodate fine-grained hyperintensional contents. When this is done in a satisfactory way, I’ll argue, it makes heavy use of entities very much like Russellian tuples. The two notions of proposition become inter-definable and inter-substitutable: they are not genuinely distinct accounts (...)
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  20. Meta-Illusionism and Qualia Quietism.Pete Mandik - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (11-12):140-148.
    Many so-called problems in contemporary philosophy of mind depend for their expression on a collection of inter-defined technical terms, a few of which are qualia, phenomenal property, and what-it’s-like-ness. I express my scepticism about Keith Frankish’s illusionism, the view that people are generally subject to a systematic illusion that any properties are phenomenal, and scout the relative merits of two alternatives to Frankish’s illusionism. The first is phenomenal meta-illusionism, the view that illusionists such as Frankish, in holding their view, (...)
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  21.  34
    Some model-theoretic results on the 3-valued paraconsistent first-order logic qciore.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Tadeo G. Gomez & Martín Figallo - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-41.
    The 3-valued paraconsistent logic Ciore was developed by Carnielli, Marcos and de Amo under the name LFI2, in the study of inconsistent databases from the point of view of logics of formal inconsistency (LFIs). They also considered a first-order version of Ciore called LFI2*. The logic Ciore enjoys extreme features concerning propagation and retropropagation of the consistency operator: a formula is consistent if and only if some of its subformulas is consistent. In addition, Ciore is algebraizable in the sense of (...)
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  22.  14
    Local Holism and Semantic Change in the Kuhn’s Theory.Daniel Labrador-Montero - 2024 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 24 (48).
    This article aims to delve into the concept of taxonomic incommensurability as advocated by Thomas Kuhn from the 1980s onward. According to Kuhn, in this more local and moderate interpretation, the incommensurability between theories results from the semantic alteration of certain central terms, which he refers to as 'taxonomic categories'. He argues that these categories are holistically inter-defined, such that altering the meaning of any one term necessitates a redefinition of the others. To draw examples of such localized holism (...)
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    Humildade e Diálogo.Catherine Cornille - 2008 - Horizonte 7 (13):161-179.
    Ao considerar o diálogo inter-religioso como a única alternativa construtiva em face da atitude tradicional de rivalidade religiosa, a autora destaca neste texto a importância da humildade para que ele aconteça em um ambiente de verdadeiras reciprocidade e mutualidade. De fato, a virtude da humildade desempenha um papel central na maioria das tradições religiosas e, nas religiões monoteístas, a atitude da humildade define uma determinada relação com Deus, que uma vez concebido como um Deus Criador, fonte de toda bondade (...)
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  24.  21
    Revising the Superorganism: An Organizational Approach to Complex Eusociality.Mark Canciani, Argyris Arnellos & Alvaro Moreno - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Eusociality is broadly defined as: colonies consisting of overlapping generations, cooperative brood care, and a reproductive division of labour where sterile (or non-reproductive) workers help the reproductive members. Colonies of many complex eusocial insect species (e.g. ants, bees, termites) exhibit traits, at the collective level, that are more analogous to biological individuals rather than to groups. Indeed, due to this, colonies of the most complex species are typically a unit of selection, which has led many authors to once again apply (...)
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  25. Constituting sources is a matter of correlational claims.Kiran Pala - 2023 - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10 (898).
    This essay delves into the essentialities of object-giving sources within the formulation of epistemic objectivity. It explores the relationship between objectivity and intentional states, particularly in the context of immediate and transcendent experiences. A key focus of this paradigm is the examination of inferences and how they are held in X’s intentional processes. These claims about inferences contribute to the perception of objectivity by highlighting the epistemological transitions of things that occur in the constitutive ideation. Additionally, the activity within X’s (...)
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    Free Action and Interventionist Theories of Causality.Gaetano Licata - 2019 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 10 (3):282-294.
    : I shall discuss the relationship between the interventionist theory of causation and free action. Interventionist accounts of causation define causation on the basis of “intervention”. These theories can be reductive, if they explain causes on the basis of free human interventions, or non-reductive, if they consider causes and interventions as two inter-defined concepts, where interventions are regarded as explicitly not human. I will show that the dilemma between reductive and non-reductive interventionist theories of causality can be overcome in (...)
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    Form and actuality.Michel Bitbol - unknown
    Physics could be defined, inter alia, as a systematic attempt at pushing actuality aside and bringing form to the fore. On the other hand, the formal descriptions which are the theoretical end-products of physics have to connect somewhere with actuality. Having to connect with actuality but holding no appropriate counterpart of actuality in it: such is the particularity of physics. As a consequence, many well-known enigma appear as paradoxes OF physics rather than just difficulties IN physics.
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  28. Local reduction in physics.Joshua Rosaler - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 50 (C):54-69.
    A conventional wisdom about the progress of physics holds that successive theories wholly encompass the domains of their predecessors through a process that is often called reduction. While certain influential accounts of inter-theory reduction in physics take reduction to require a single "global" derivation of one theory's laws from those of another, I show that global reductions are not available in all cases where the conventional wisdom requires reduction to hold. However, I argue that a weaker "local" form of (...)
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    Rawlsian Primary Goods and CSR.Michael Funke - 2009 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 4:17-33.
    John Rawls defines “primary social goods” to be the benefits of social co-operation that are valuable no matter what one’s life-plan. The benefit for international trade of talking in terms of primary goods is that such goods represent a fixed or standard rate, and thus facilitate efficient negotiation. The difficulty, however, is that such discussions appear to ignore, and thereby do violence to, significant cross-cultural value differences. I argue that an appropriate view of Rawlsian primary goods helps to facilitate (...)-subjective agreement about what constitutes an advantage to the least advantaged. I illustrate this in a case study of the PT Freeport mining operations in Papua New Guinea. (shrink)
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    Exploring the relationship between humility and the virtues: toward improving the effectiveness of ethics education.Surendra Arjoon & Meena Rambocas - 2019 - International Journal of Ethics Education 4 (2):125-145.
    We define humility as the ability to realistically assess one’s limitations and strengths. Unlike other moral virtues, humility has been found distinctively difficult to acquire. Our paper makes two significant contributions. Although the role and importance of humility have been clearly established in the literature, our paper is the first to empirically test a theoretically-posited inter-relationship between humility and the moral virtues. Our paper empirically tests this relationship, specifically between humility and the social virtues with the personal virtues acting (...)
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    Power Day: Addressing the Use and Abuse of Power in Medical Training.Nancy R. Angoff, Laura Duncan, Nichole Roxas & Helena Hansen - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (2):203-213.
    Problem: Medical student mistreatment, as well as patient and staff mistreatment by all levels of medical trainees and faculty, is still prevalent in U.S. clinical training. Largely missing in interventions to reduce mistreatment is acknowledgement of the abuse of power produced by the hierarchical structure in which medicine is practiced. Approach: Beginning in 2001, Yale School of Medicine has held annual “Power Day” workshops for third year medical students and advanced practice nursing students, to define and analyse power dynamics within (...)
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    Toward a Just Work Law: Exit Options, Relationships, and Regulation.Stephen C. Nayak-Young - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Michigan
    My dissertation comprises three inter-related chapters, all of which explore the nature of work law and critically analyze the prevailing emphasis on matters of contract. The Escape Plans of Mill and Jefferson: I discuss these thinkers’ unsuccessful “escape plans” to minimize wage work. Mill advocated cooperative, worker-owned firms, while Jefferson favored farming the vast American frontier. I explore whether, if realized, either proposal would have satisfied the demands of justice. I argue that such proposals are normatively deficient because they (...)
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    Традиційні церкви україни в системі міжнародного міжрелігійного діалогу.Liudmyla O. Fylypovych - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 50:117-131.
    International inter-religious dialogue is one of the directions of modern foreign policy of any church. Until recently, the latter was determined by narrow church interests. Due to the changes taking place in the religious sphere, in particular its globalization, which itself responds to the challenges of today, the field of external interests of the church extends to single-religious or even all-religious clean water or planetary warming). Therefore, the list of tasks defined as elements of the church's international activity includes (...)
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  34. Reduction and emergence in the physical sciences: Reply to Rueger.Max Kistler - 2006 - Synthese 151 (3):347 - 354.
    I analyse Rueger’s application of Kim’s model of functional reduction to the relation between the thermal conductivities of metal bars at macroscopic and atomic scales. 1) I show that it is a misunderstanding to accuse the functional reduction model of not accounting for the fact that there are causal powers at the micro-level which have no equivalent at the macro-level. The model not only allows but requires that the causal powers by virtue of which a functional predicate is defined, are (...)
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    Rural Sanctuary: an Ecosemiotic Agency to Preserve Human Cultural Heritage and Biodiversity.Almo Farina - 2018 - Biosemiotics 11 (1):139-158.
    A Rural Sanctuary is defined as an area where farming activity creates habitats for a diverse assemblage of species that find a broad spectrum of resources along the season. A Rural Sanctuary is proposed as a new model of land management to protect nature inside a framework of cultural identity and agro-forestry sustainability. A Rural Sanctuary has a dual mission: to provide immaterial and material resources for people, and to guarantee living spaces to a large assemblage of species. A Rural (...)
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  36. The Theater of the Metaxu: Staging the Between. [REVIEW]William Desmond - 2011 - Topoi 30 (2):113-124.
    Human life is defined between diverse extremes: birth and death, nothing and infinity. Theater tries to stage something of this between-being and bring it out of its recess in everyday life. What can be called a metaxological philosophy can illuminate this between-condition. “ Metaxu ” is the Greek word for “between,” while “ logos ” can mean an accounting, or reasoning, or wording. A metaxological philosophy of the theatre would look on it as staging the between . Can we say (...)
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  37. Two Forms of Functional Reductionism in Physics.Lorenzo Lorenzetti - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2).
    Functional reductionism characterises inter-theoretic reduction as the recovery of the upper-level behaviour described by the reduced theory in terms of the lower-level reducing theory. For instance, finding a statistical mechanical realiser that plays the functional role of thermodynamic entropy allows for establishing a reductive link between thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. This view constitutes a unique approach to reduction that enjoys a number of positive features, but has received limited attention in the philosophy of science. -/- This paper aims to (...)
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    Contradiction of Terms: Feminist Theory, Philosophy and Transdisciplinarity.Stella Sandford - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (5-6):159-182.
    What happens when well-defined disciplines meet or are confronted with transdisciplinary discourses and concepts, where transdisciplinary concepts are analytical tools rather than specifications of a field of objects or a class of entities? Or, if disciplines reject transdisciplinary discourses and concepts as having no part to play in their practice, why do they so reject them? This essay addresses these questions through a discussion of the relationship between philosophy – the most tightly policed discipline in the humanities – and what (...)
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    Conversations About Reflexivity.Margaret Scotford Archer (ed.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    " Reflexivity" is defined as the regular exercise of the mental ability, shared by all normal people, to consider themselves in relation to their contexts and vice versa. In addition to this sociological interest, it allows us to hold idle or trivial internal conversations. Focussing fully on this phenomenon, this book discusses the three main questions associated with this subject in detail. Where does the ability to be "reflexive" comes from? What part do our internal reflexive deliberations play in designing (...)
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    The ethics police?: the struggle to make human research safe.Robert Klitzman - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Protecting the people we experiment on --"Inside the black box" : becoming and being IRB members -- Weighing risks and benefits and undue inducement -- Defining research and how good it needs to be -- What to tell subjects : battles over consent forms -- From "nitpicky" to "user-friendly" : inter-IRB variations and their causes -- Federal agencies vs. local IRBs -- The roles of industry -- The local ecologies of institutions -- Trusting vs. policing researchers -- Bad behavior: (...)
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    Patterns and dynamics of (bird) soundscapes: A biosemiotic interpretation.Almo Farina, Nadia Pieretti & Rachele Malavasi - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (198).
    The soundscape, which is defined as the entire acoustic environment of an area, is a relevant biosemiotic ingredient of environmental complexity. It is composed of geophonies, anthrophonies, and biophonies where, in temperate biomes, birds are the major producers of the latter. The soundscape is heterogeneous in terms of space and time, and is affected by landscape features such as vegetation cover. It also operates as a communication network in which intra- and inter-specific interactions create a complex, eavesdropping-broadcasting network, namely, (...)
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    Animal research unbound: The messiness of the moral and the ethnographer’s dilemma.Lesley A. Sharp - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-19.
    Interspecies intimacy defines an inescapable reality of lab animal research. This essay is an effort to disentangle this reality’s consequences—both in and outside the lab—as framed by the quandaries of ethnographic engagement. Encounters with lab staff and, in turn, with audiences unfamiliar with laboratory life, together provide crucial entry points for considering how the “messiness of the moral” might facilitate an “unbounded” approach to lab animal worlds. Within the lab, one encounters specialized ethical principles—often codified as law—that delimit strict boundaries (...)
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    Madness and historicity: Foucault and Derrida, Artaud and Descartes.Wendy Cealey Harrison - 2007 - History of the Human Sciences 20 (4):79-105.
    The article examines the inter-implication between Foucault's and Derrida's representations of one another's work in the debate over Histoire de la folie and discovers a chiasmic structure between them, an inverted mirroring of each in the other, in which philosophy and historicity alternately encompass and exceed one another. At the heart of this is a problem of language (and the reason that accompanies it), which defines the limitations of the historian's work.
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  44. Аксіологічний підхід до симбіотичних україно-тюркських відносин.Nina Bilokopytova - 2014 - Схід 5 (131):97-101.
    A problem of the system of values becomes more an actual in terms of the ideological crisis of society. Instability of human development, which caused by the crisis state of society is generates instability and in the institution of marriage. Outstanding issues are - the instability of marriage and a high divorce rate, one-child family. Ukraine takes the third place divorce among European countries. The way out of this situation could be change of paradigm values, by borrowing from Turkic social (...)
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  45.  10
    Texto, silencio y performance sonoro. La poética en tránsito de Verónica Gerber Bicecci.Susana González Aktories - 2024 - Valenciana 34:233-271.
    Verónica Gerber Bicecci se define como “artista visual que escribe”, por lo que no asombra que en su obra se tematicen las relaciones de texto e imagen. Es posible también reconocer en su trabajo el interés sostenido que tiene en el sonido y la enunciación. Este artículo propone un recorrido en el que se parte del silencio, para pasar a la representación de la voz, hasta llegar a sus performances más recientes. Además de los recursos intermediales, en el presente análisis (...)
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    Bioethics in Africa: Theories and Praxis.Yaw A. Frimpong-Mansoh & Caesar A. Atuire (eds.) - 2018 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    Bioethics urges us to question and debate fundamental moral issues that arise in health-related sciences. However, as a result of Western dominance and globalization, bioethical thinking and practice has inevitably been shaped and defined by Western theories. With recent discussions centering on the relationship between culture and bioethics, it is important to consider how and to what extent can bioethics reflect and accommodate non-Western values and beliefs? Debatably, many scholars working in the field of ‘African bioethics’ seek to construct a (...)
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  47. The Discovery of Open Form in Modern Poetry and Yeats as the Precursor of the Poetics of Open Form: A Poststructuralist/Postmodernist Approach.Youngmin Kim - 1991 - Dissertation, University of Missouri - Columbia
    In contemporary American poetry, poets practice open form. Charles Olson, Robert Duncan, Paul Blackburn, Robert Creeley, Jack Spicer, Denise Levertov, Gary Snyder, Allen Ginsberg, Edward Dorn, Louis Zukofsky, John Ashbery, and Frank O'Hara belong to this school of open form. Their open form advocates creative spontaneity, fragmentation, and juxtaposition. It repudiates thematic and formal closure and requires of its readers a willingness to value a poem as process and event. Recent studies of open form inform us that in both theory (...)
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  48. A Democratic Ideal for Troubled Times: John Dewey, Civic Action, and Peaceful Conflict Resolution.Joshua Forstenzer - 2016 - Journal of Human Rights and Peace Studies 2 (2):pp. 2-29.
    In an era defined by events that continuously shake Fukuyama’s thesis according to which liberal democracy constitutes the end of History, there is need for a democratic ideal that puts the role of civic action at the heart of its justification. In this article, I argue that John Dewey’s democratic ideal understood as a matter of civic co-creation, where democratic pursuits are continually redefined by citizens through solving communal problems - not set by history, once and for all - provides (...)
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    Emergence and Reduction in Science. A Case Study.Alexandru Manafu - unknown
    The past decade or so has witnessed an increase in the number of philosophical discussions about emergence and reduction in science. However, many of these discussions (though not all) remain too abstract and theoretical, and are wanting with respect to concrete examples taken from the sciences. This dissertation studies the topics of reduction and emergence in the context of a case study. I focus on the case of chemistry and investigate how emergentism can help us secure the autonomy of this (...)
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    個人の推薦に基づく個人間情報共有モデル.船越 要 亀井 剛次 - 2004 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 19 (6):540-547.
    In this paper, we propose an inter-personal information sharing model among individuals based on personalized recommendations. In the proposed model, we define an information resource as shared between people when both of them consider it important --- not merely when they both possess it. In other words, the model defines the importance of information resources based on personalized recommendations from identifiable acquaintances. The proposed method is based on a collaborative filtering system that focuses on evaluations from identifiable acquaintances. It (...)
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