Results for ' insight'

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  1.  8
    Rachel Henley, University of Sussex, Palmer, Brighton rachelhe@ biols. susx. ac. uk.Distinguishing Insight From Intuition - 1999 - In Jonathan Shear & Francisco J. Varela, The view from within: first-person approaches to the study of consciousness. Bowling Green, OH: Imprint Academic.
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  2. Blindsight and insight in visuospatial neglect.John C. Marshall & Peter W. Halligan - 1988 - Nature 336:766-67.
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    Working Wonders? Investigating insight with magic tricks.Amory H. Danek, Thomas Fraps, Albrecht von Müller, Benedikt Grothe & Michael Öllinger - 2014 - Cognition 130 (2):174-185.
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    Pregnant Females as Historical Individuals: An Insight From the Philosophy of Evo-Devo.Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Mihaela Pavličev & Arantza Etxeberria - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:572106.
    Criticisms of the “container” model of pregnancy picturing female and embryo as separate entities multiply in various philosophical and scientific contexts during the last decades. In this paper, we examine how this model underlies received views of pregnancy in evolutionary biology, in the characterization of the transition from oviparity to viviparity in mammals and in the selectionist explanations of pregnancy as an evolutionary strategy. In contrast, recent evo-devo studies on eutherian reproduction, including the role of inflammation and new maternal cell (...)
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    Stepping out of history: Mindfulness improves insight problem solving.Brian D. Ostafin & Kyle T. Kassman - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):1031-1036.
    Insight problem solving is hindered by automated verbal–conceptual processes. Because mindfulness meditation training aims at “nonconceptual awareness” which involves a reduced influence of habitual verbal–conceptual processes on the interpretation of ongoing experience, mindfulness may facilitate insight problem solving. This hypothesis was examined across two studies . Participants in both studies completed a measure of trait mindfulness and a series of insight and noninsight problems. Further, participants in Study 2 completed measures of positive affect and a mindfulness or (...)
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    Gesture offers insight into problem‐solving in adults and children.Philip Garber & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (6):817-831.
    When asked to explain their solutions to a problem, both adults and children gesture as they talk. These gestures at times convey information that is not conveyed in speech and thus reveal thoughts that are distinct from those revealed in speech. In this study, we use the classic Tower of Hanoi puzzle to validate the claim that gesture and speech taken together can reflect the activation of two cognitive strategies within a single response. The Tower of Hanoi is a well‐studied (...)
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  7. Overview: Global Insight 98, discovery tool.A. Andersen - forthcoming - Business Week.
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    PROMISE: A Model of Insight and Equanimity as the Key Effects of Mindfulness Meditation.Juliane Eberth, Peter Sedlmeier & Thomas Schäfer - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Empathy for a reason? From understanding agency to phenomenal insight.Celine Boisserie-Lacroix & Marco Inchingolo - 2019 - Synthese 198 (8):7097-7118.
    The relationship between empathy, understood here as a cognitive act of imaginative transposition, and reasons, has been discussed extensively by Stueber :156–180, 2011; Emot Rev 4:55–63, 2012; in: Maibom The Routledge handbook of philosophy of empathy, Routledge, New York, pp 137–147, 2017). Stueber situates his account of empathy as the reenactment of another person’s perspective within a framework of folk psychology as guided by a principle of rational agency. We argue that this view, which we call agential empathy, is not (...)
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  10. Imagination and insight: a new acount of the content of thought experiments.Letitia Meynell - 2014 - Synthese 191 (17):4149-4168.
    This paper motivates, explains, and defends a new account of the content of thought experiments. I begin by briefly surveying and critiquing three influential accounts of thought experiments: James Robert Brown’s Platonist account, John Norton’s deflationist account that treats them as picturesque arguments, and a cluster of views that I group together as mental model accounts. I use this analysis to motivate a set of six desiderata for a new approach. I propose that we treat thought experiments primarily as aesthetic (...)
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  11. The Neurocircuitry of Impaired Insight in Drug Addiction.Rita Z. Goldstein, D. A., Antoine Bechara, Hugh Garavan, Anna Rose Childress, Martin P. Paulus & Nora D. Volkow - 2009 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 13 (9):372.
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    Aportes para una pre-lectura de Insight de Bernard Lonergan.Leonardo H. Chimento - 2020 - Buenos Aires: Agape Libros.
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    The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain, From Vienna 1900 to the Present.Eric Kandel - 2011 - Random House.
    A psychoanalytic psychology and art of unconscious emotion -- An inward turn : Vienna 1900 -- Exploring the truths hidden beneath the surface : origins of a scientific medicine -- Viennese artists, writers, and scientists meet in the Zuckerkandl Salon -- Exploring the brain beneath the skull : origins of a scientific psychiatry -- Exploring mind together with the brain : the development of a brain-based psychology -- Exploring mind apart from the brain : origins of a dynamic psychology -- (...)
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  14. Is mathematical insight algorithmic?Martin Davis - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):659-660.
  15. (1 other version)Understanding, Explanation and Insight in the "Posterior Analytics".L. A. Kosman - 1973 - Phronesis 18:374.
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    The Problem of Context for Similarity: An Insight from Analogical Cognition.Pauline Armary, Jérôme Dokic & Emmanuel Sander - 2018 - Philosophies 3 (4):39--0.
    Similarity is central for the definition of concepts in several theories in cognitive psychology. However, similarity encounters several problems which were emphasized by Goodman in 1972. At the end of his article, Goodman banishes similarity from any serious philosophical or scientific investigations. If Goodman is right, theories of concepts based on similarity encounter a huge problem and should be revised entirely. In this paper, we would like to analyze the notion of similarity with some insight from psychological works on (...)
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    The Seven Stages of Purification and the Insight Knowledges. Matara Sri Nanarma Mahathera.Maurice Walshe - 1988 - Buddhist Studies Review 5 (1):75-76.
    The Seven Stages of Purification and the Insight Knowledges. Matara Sri Nanarma Mahathera. Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy 1983. xii, 82 pp. $5.00.
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  18. Aristotle’s Theory of Moral Insight.T. Engberg-Pedersen - 1983 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 47 (2):312-313.
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    The neural mechanism of pure and pseudo-insight problem solving.Ching-Lin Wu, Meng-Ning Tsai & Hsueh-Chih Chen - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 26 (4):479-501.
    Only problems that cannot be solved without representational changes can be regarded as pure insight problems; others are classified as pseudo-insight problems. Existing studies using neuroimaging...
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  20. “The Penny Drops”: Investigating Insight Through the Medium of Cryptic Crosswords.Kathryn J. Friedlander & Philip A. Fine - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  21. An Aesthetics of Insight.John Gibson - 2019 - In Wolfgang Huemer & Íngrid Vendrell Ferran, Beauty: New Essays in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. München, Deutschland: Philosophia. pp. 277-306.
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  22. The First Principle in the Later Fichte : The (Not) "Surprising Insight" in the Fifteenth Lecture of the 1804 Wissenschaftslehre.Michael Lewin - 2024 - In Benjamin D. Crowe & Gabriel Gottlieb, Fichte's 1804 Wissenschaftslehre: essays on the "Science of knowing". Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 61-78.
    How surprising is the insight, that being equals I in the 15th lecture of the Doctrine of Science 1804/II? It might have been indeed an unexpected turn for his contemporaries in Berlin listening to Fichte for the first time, but should it be surprising for us, having at least since 2012 (the year the last volume of [Gesamtausgabe] appeared) access to all his published and unpublished works? I want to propose a way of reading Fichte, which bypasses two popular (...)
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    Comparing personal insight gains due to consideration of a recent dream and consideration of a recent event using the Ullman and Schredl dream group methods.Christopher L. Edwards, Josie E. Malinowski, Shauna L. McGee, Paul D. Bennett, Perrine M. Ruby & Mark T. Blagrove - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  24. The Nature of Insight.R. Sternberg & J. Davidson (eds.) - 1996 - MIT Press.
  25.  10
    Some Notes on Kamala??la’s Understanding of Insight Considered as the Discernment of Reality (bh?ta-pratyavek??).Dr Martin T. Adam - 2008 - Buddhist Studies Review 25 (2):194-209.
    The present article aims to explain Kamala??la’s understanding of the nature of insight, specifically considering it as the ‘discernment of reality’ -- a technical term identified with insight in the author’s well known Bh?van?krama? texts. I approach my analysis of bh?ta-pratyavek?? from three different angles. I begin by providing a rationale for its translation. This is followed by an account of Kamala??la’s reading of key passages in the La?k?vat?ra S?tra describing the process to which the term refers. Here (...)
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    ?neñjasapp?ya-sutta and its Parallels on Imperturbability and the Contribution of Insight to the Development of Tranquillity.Bhikkhu Anālayo - 2009 - Buddhist Studies Review 26 (2):177-195.
    The present article studies the meditative approaches to imperturbability depicted in the?neñjasapp?ya-sutta and its Chinese and Tibetan parallels. By way of introduction to the main theme broached in this discourse, I briefly survey P?li discourses relevant to the early Buddhist notion of imperturbability. Next I examine the presentation given in the?neñjasapp?ya-sutta based on translated extracts from its Madhyama-?gama parallel, noting variations between these two and a Tibetan version extant in?amathadeva’s commentary on the Abhidharmako?abh??ya. In the concluding part of the article, (...)
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  27. Healing in the Bible: Theological Insight for Christian Ministry.[author unknown] - 2010
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  28. Hypermnesia and insight.Matthew Hugh Erdelyi, Aj Marcel & E. Bisiach - 1988 - In Anthony J. Marcel & Edoardo Bisiach, Consciousness in Contemporary Science. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Πάτερ, ημων ο εν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς (Mt 6:9a): Reading the Lord’s Prayer with insight from Ewe cosmology.Daniel Sakitey & Ernest van Eck - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (3):6.
    This article seeks to interpret the phrase Πάτερ, ημων ο εν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς in the invocation of the Lord’s Prayer in the light of Ewe-Ghanaian cosmology. The article employs a combination of the historical-critical and indigenous mother tongue biblical hermeneutical approaches to explore the implication of the invocation for Ewe-Ghanaian Christian spirituality today. The article firstly discusses the various theological and hermeneutical positions of the invocation in dialogue with Ewe-Ghanaian concept of God and the plurality of his dwelling place. The (...)
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  30. Job's Final Insight, Narratives, and the Brain.Godehard Brüntrup - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (4).
    In continental philosophy of religion, the hermeneutics of narratives takes a central role. Analytic philosophy of religion, on the other hand, considers religious statements mostly as assertions of fact. It examines the logical form and semantics of religious statements, addresses their logical commitments, and examines their epistemological status. Using the example of a passage in the Book of Job, it is investigated whether the methods of analytic philosophy are also suitable for analyzing religious narratives. The question is explored whether there (...)
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  31. Conversational Epistemic Injustice: Extending the Insight from Testimonial Injustice to Speech Acts beyond Assertion.David C. Spewak - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (6):593-607.
    Testimonial injustice occurs when hearers attribute speakers a credibility deficit because of an identity prejudice and consequently dismiss speakers’ testimonial assertions. Various philosophers explain testimonial injustice by appealing to interpersonal norms arising within testimonial exchanges. When conversational participants violate these interpersonal norms, they generate second-personal epistemic harms, harming speakers as epistemic agents. This focus on testimony, however, neglects how systematically misevaluating speakers’ knowledge affects conversational participants more generally. When hearers systematically misevaluate speakers’ conversational competence because of entrenched assumptions about what (...)
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    Pleasures of the Mind: What Makes Jokes and Insight Problems Enjoyable.Carla Canestrari, Erika Branchini, Ivana Bianchi, Ugo Savardi & Roberto Burro - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  33. Kant’s Categories and Jung’s Types as Perspectival Maps To Stimulate Insight in a Counseling Session.Stephen R. Palmquist - 2005 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 3 (1):1-27.
    After coining the term “philopsychy” to describe a “soul-loving” approach to philosophical practice, especially when it welcomes a creative synthesis of philosophy and psychology, this article identifies a system of geometrical figures (or “maps”) that can be used to stimulate reflection on various types of perspectival differences. The maps are part of the author’s previously established mapping methodology, known as the Geometry of Logic. As an illustration of how philosophy can influence the development of psychology, Immanuel Kant’s table of twelve (...)
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  34. Some Reluctant Skepticism about Rational Insight.Tomas Bogardus & Michael Burton - 2023 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 13 (4):280-296.
    There is much to admire in John Pittard’s recent book on the epistemology of disagreement. But here we develop one concern about the role that rational insight plays in his project. Pittard develops and defends a view on which a party to peer disagreement can show substantial partiality to his own view, so long as he enjoys even moderate rational insight into the truth of his view or the cogency of his reasoning for his view. Pittard argues that (...)
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    When distraction helps: Evidence that concurrent articulation and irrelevant speech can facilitate insight problem solving.Linden J. Ball, John E. Marsh, Damien Litchfield, Rebecca L. Cook & Natalie Booth - 2015 - Thinking and Reasoning 21 (1):76-96.
    We report an experiment investigating the “special-process” theory of insight problem solving, which claims that insight arises from non-conscious, non-reportable processes that enable problem re-structuring. We predicted that reducing opportunities for speech-based processing during insight problem solving should permit special processes to function more effectively and gain conscious awareness, thereby facilitating insight. We distracted speech-based processing by using either articulatory suppression or irrelevant speech, with findings for these conditions supporting the predicted insight facilitation effect relative (...)
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    Livelihood strategies and household resilience to food insecurity: insight from a farming community in Aguie district of Niger.Abdou Matsalabi Ado, Patrice Savadogo & Hamidou Taffa Abdoul-Azize - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (4):747-761.
    Niger is regularly affected by food insecurity, mainly due to the high sensitivity of its agricultural sector to climate variability. Despite the support from multiple development institutions and households’ willingness to address food security, hunger and malnutrition continue to challenge many vulnerable households. This study aims to analyze household livelihood strategies toward food security and assess factors determining their resilience. To address the issue, cluster analysis and the principal component analysis were used to identify the different livelihood strategies and to (...)
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    The Association of DRD2 with Insight Problem Solving.Shun Zhang & Jinghuan Zhang - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  38. Defending a possibilist insight in consequentialist thought.Jean-Paul Vessel - 2009 - Philosophical Studies 142 (2):183 - 195.
    There is a heated dispute among consequentialists concerning the following deontic principle.
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    Copper Corrosion in Nuclear Waste Disposal: A Swedish Case Study on Stakeholder Insight.Kjell Andersson - 2013 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 33 (3-4):85-95.
    The article describes the founding principles, work program, and accomplishments of a Reference Group with both expert and layperson stakeholders for the corrosion of copper canisters in a proposed deep repository in Sweden for spent nuclear fuel. The article sets the Reference Group as a participatory effort within a broader context of stakeholder and public participation. It is argued that for the future it will be necessary to more precisely define the roles of different approaches to public participation in relation (...)
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  40. Religious truth: seeing things as they really are: experience, insight, and religious stories.Hendrik M. Vroom - 2012 - In Frederiek Depoortere & Magdalen Lambkin, The question of theological truth: philosophical and interreligious perspectives. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
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    Revision of "Second Maximal Insight" Section: About Royce's overall Intellectual Development.S. J. Frank M. Oppenheim - 2015 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 51 (4):531-538.
    Courteously, Professor Jacquelyn Kegley, in her helpful and balanced book Josiah Royce in Focus, allocates her summary of responses to my 1976 hypothesis.2 My hypothesis stated that Royce’s intellectual development from 1875 to 1916 was aptly imagined as a triple-peaked affair.3 The jagged line of the Sierras’ peaks with its three highest may unduly distract from the emphasis also needed on the continuity and unique identity of the whole course of Royce’s thought and of the entire range of the Sierras (...)
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  42. The halacha and beyond: providing an insight into the fiscal ethical responsibilities of the Torah Jew, as well as an in-depth study of the bitachon concept = [Be-khol derakhekha daʻehu].Zechariah Fendel - 1983 - New York: Hashkafah Publications.
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  43. Open-Mindedness and Media Bias: Education for Insight.M. Forrest - 2003 - Journal of Thought 38 (2):63-82.
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    Multiple paths to transfer and constraint relaxation in insight problem solving.Trina C. Kershaw, Christopher K. Flynn & Leamarie T. Gordon - 2013 - Thinking and Reasoning 19 (1):96 - 136.
    (2013). Multiple paths to transfer and constraint relaxation in insight problem solving. Thinking & Reasoning: Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 96-136. doi: 10.1080/13546783.2012.742852.
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    On Kant’s First Insight into the Problem of Space Dimensionality and its Physical Foundations.Francisco Caruso & Roberto Moreira Xavier - 2015 - Kant Studien 106 (4):547-560.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 106 Heft: 4 Seiten: 547-560.
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  46. Reviews the bookBuddhist Insight: Essays by Alex Wayman,'edited by George R. Elder.George Elder - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (2):254-256.
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    Human Dignity and the Common Good: The Institutional Insight.Kenneth Goodpaster - 2017 - Business and Society Review 122 (1):27-50.
    In this article, I develop the idea of the “institutional insight” as a pathway to two foundational values for applied ethics: human dignity and the common good. I explore—but do not offer a definitive analysis of—these two values that I believe are critical to the progress of business ethics. In several previous articles, I have alluded to this theme, but here I hope to show that human dignity and the common good underlie both management's fiduciary duty to shareholders, and (...)
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    The contributions of convergent thinking, divergent thinking, and schizotypy to solving insight and non-insight problems.Margaret E. Webb, Daniel R. Little, Simon J. Cropper & Kayla Roze - 2017 - Thinking and Reasoning 23 (3):235-258.
    The ability to generate diverse ideas is valuable in solving creative problems ; yet, however advantageous, this ability is insufficient to solve the problem alone and requires the ability to logically deduce an assessment of correctness of each solution. Positive schizotypy may help isolate the aspects of divergent thinking prevalent in insight problem solving. Participants were presented with a measure of schizotypy, divergent and convergent thinking tasks, insight problems, and non-insight problems. We found no evidence for a (...)
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    Eye movements reveal solution knowledge prior to insight.Jessica J. Ellis, Mackenzie G. Glaholt & Eyal M. Reingold - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):768-776.
    In two experiments, participants solved anagram problems while their eye movements were monitored. Each problem consisted of a circular array of five letters: a scrambled four-letter solution word containing three consonants and one vowel, and an additional randomly-placed distractor consonant. Viewing times on the distractor consonant compared to the solution consonants provided an online measure of knowledge of the solution. Viewing times on the distractor consonant and the solution consonants were indistinguishable early in the trial. In contrast, several seconds prior (...)
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    Getting the Joke: Insight during Humor Comprehension – Evidence from an fMRI Study.Fang Tian, Yuling Hou, Wenfeng Zhu, Arne Dietrich, Qinglin Zhang, Wenjing Yang, Qunlin Chen, Jiangzhou Sun, Qiu Jiang & Guikang Cao - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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