Results for ' immediate recall'

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  1.  57
    Information theory and immediate recall.Murray Aborn & Herbert Rubenstein - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 44 (4):260.
    The influence of degree of organization on the ability of Ss to recall lists of syllables immediately after learning was used as a measure in applying the concept of information to the problem of learning. More syllables were correctly recalled from a passage with a lower average rate of information than from a passage with a higher average information rate. The amount of information learned by the Ss was constant when the degree of organization was between 2 and 1.5 (...)
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  2.  30
    Immediate recall as a function of degree of organization and length of study period.Herbert Rubenstein & Murray Aborn - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (2):146.
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    Temporal course of perception in an immediate recall task.Doris Aaronson - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (1p1):129.
    Analyses of errors from a sequential auditory recall experiment indicated that perceptual factors influence the shape of the serial position curve of recall errors. The signal to noise ratio and presentation rate of the stimuli, as well as presentation rate during a prior training session, affected item and order errors. For experiments in which Ss simply monitored the auditory sequences for a preassigned critical item, and in which items were recalled in addition to monitoring, analyses of montoring RTs (...)
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  4. On the prediction of occurrence of particular verbal intrusions in immediate recall.James Deese - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 58 (1):17.
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    Effects of a redundant prefix on immediate recall.Kent M. Dallett - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (3):296.
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    Primacy and recency effects in serial-position curves of immediate recall.John C. Jahnke - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (1):130.
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    Pictures, words, and the structure of the trace in immediate recall.Michael C. King & William Bevan - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (3):155-157.
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    Immediate and delayed outcomes: Learning and the recall of responses.Alexander M. Buchwald & Robert B. Meagher - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (4):758.
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    Immediate and twenty-four hour recall of S-R and R-S associations.Douglas H. Lowry & Keith A. Wollen - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (1p1):59.
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    Category clustering for immediate and delayed recall as a function of recall cue information and response dominance variability.Robert L. Hudson - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (3):575.
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    Rehearsal strategies and partial recall in immediate memory.Wayne H. Bartz - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 94 (2):141.
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    Recall mode and recency in immediate serial recall: Computer users beware!Catherine G. Penney & Penny Ann Blackwood - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):545-547.
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    Effects of delayed auditory feedback on immediate and delayed recall and recognition.Charles H. Williams & Gerald Frincke - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (2p1):267.
  14. Constructive processes in immediate serial recall: A recurrent network model of the bigram frequency effect.M. Botvinick & D. C. Plaut - 2003 - In B. Kokinov & W Hirst, Constructive Memory. New Bulgarian University. pp. 129--137.
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    Encoding and immediate serial recall of consonant strings.Barry H. Kantowitz, Peter A. Ornstein & Marian Schwartz - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 93 (1):105.
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    Meaningfulness versus pronounceability in immediate memory and free recall.Alan Boroskin & Richard H. Lindley - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (1p1):182.
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    Serial position effects in immediate and final recall as a function of test anxiety and sex.Patricia E. Brower & John H. Mueller - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (1):61-63.
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    Order and number requirements in immediate serial recall.James V. Hinrichs & Gail McKoon - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 87 (2):215.
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    Forgetting in immediate serial recall: Decay, temporal distinctiveness, or interference?Klaus Oberauer & Stephan Lewandowsky - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (3):544-576.
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    Further evidence for organization by modality in immediate free recall.Lars-Goran Nilsson - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (5):948.
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    Effects of Interval on Recall.W. Brown - 1924 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 7 (6):469.
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    Does a prototypical argumentative schema exist? Text recall in 8 to 13 years olds.DominiqueGuy Brassart - 1996 - Argumentation 10 (2):163-174.
    120 students in grades 3 to 7 (aged 8 to 13) heard an argumentative text and were immediately submitted to a free recall task. The results show that before grade 7, the subjects did not view the text as argumentative. The discussion centers on the relevancy of a prototypical argumentative schema in accounting for these findings.
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  23.  36
    The serial position curve in immediate serial recall.Stephen Madigan - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (5):335-338.
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    Presentation rate and intralist repetition effects in immediate probe recall.V. David Burns - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (5):813.
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    The primacy model: A new model of immediate serial recall.Michael P. A. Page & Dennis Norris - 1998 - Psychological Review 105 (4):761-781.
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    Item-Level Story Recall Predictors of Amyloid-Beta in Late Middle-Aged Adults at Increased Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease.Kimberly D. Mueller, Lianlian Du, Davide Bruno, Tobey Betthauser, Bradley Christian, Sterling Johnson, Bruce Hermann & Rebecca Langhough Koscik - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundStory recall tests have shown variable sensitivity to rate of cognitive decline in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers. Although SR tasks are typically scored by obtaining a sum of items recalled, item-level analyses may provide additional sensitivity to change and AD processes. Here, we examined the difficulty and discrimination indices of each item from the Logical Memory SR task, and determined if these metrics differed by recall conditions, story version, lexical categories, serial position, and amyloid status.Methodsn = 1,141 (...)
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  27. Does conceptual organization influence the amount retained in immediate free recall.Charles N. Cofer - 1967 - In Benjamin Kleinmuntz, Concepts And The Structure Of Memory. Wiley. pp. 1.
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    Effects of stimulus concreteness-imagery and arousal on immediate and delayed recall.John C. Schmitt & William E. Forrester - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (1):25-26.
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    The immediate retention of unrelated words.Bennet B. Murdock - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (4):222.
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    Repetition effects and retroactive facilitation: Immediate and delayed recall performance.Donald Robbins & James F. Bray - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (5):347-349.
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    The effects of irrelevant speech on immediate free recall.Pierre SalamÉ & Alan Baddeley - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):540-542.
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    For better or for worse: differential effects of the emotional valence of words on children’s recall.Johanne Belmon, Magali Noyer-Martin & Sandra Jhean-Larose - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Recent research has revealed the widespread effects of emotion on cognitive functions and memory. However, the influence of emotional valence on verbal short-term memory remains largely unexplored, especially in children. This study measured the effect of emotional valence on word immediate serial recall in 4–6-year-old French children (N = 124). Results show a robust effect of emotional valence on recall performances and recall errors. More precisely, we observed a facilitating effect of the positive valence of words: (...)
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    Poststimulus cuing in immediate memory.Nancy S. Anderson - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (4):216.
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    Does a prototypical argumentative schema exist? Text recall in 8 to 13 years olds.Dominique Guy Brassart - 1996 - Argumentation 10 (2):163-174.
    120 students in grades 3 to 7 heard an argumentative text and were immediately submitted to a free recall task. The results show that before grade 7, the subjects did not view the text as argumentative. The discussion centers on the relevancy of a prototypical argumentative schema in accounting for these findings.
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  35. Melting Lizards and Crying Mailboxes: Children's Preferential Recall of Minimally Counterintuitive Concepts.Konika Banerjee, Omar S. Haque & Elizabeth S. Spelke - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (7):1251-1289.
    Previous research with adults suggests that a catalog of minimally counterintuitive concepts, which underlies supernatural or religious concepts, may constitute a cognitive optimum and is therefore cognitively encoded and culturally transmitted more successfully than either entirely intuitive concepts or maximally counterintuitive concepts. This study examines whether children's concept recall similarly is sensitive to the degree of conceptual counterintuitiveness (operationalized as a concept's number of ontological domain violations) for items presented in the context of a fictional narrative. Seven- to nine-year-old (...)
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  36.  39
    Effects of prior uncertainty on incidental free recall.D. E. Berlyne & Lorraine F. Normore - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 96 (1):43.
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    Memory control immediately improves unpleasant emotions associated with autobiographical memories of past immoral actions.Akul Satish, Robin Hellerstedt, Michael C. Anderson & Zara M. Bergström - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (7):1032-1047.
    The ability to stop unwanted memories from coming to mind is theorised to be essential for maintaining good mental health. People can employ intentional strategies to prevent conscious intrusions of negative memories, and repeated attempts to stop retrieval both reduces the frequency of intrusions and improves subsequent emotions elicited by those memories. However, it is still unknown whether memory control can improve negative emotions immediately, at the time control is attempted. It is also not clear which strategy is most beneficial (...)
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  38.  40
    Influence of length of lists upon ability immediately to reproduce disconnected word-series auditorially presented.S. W. Calhoon - 1934 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 17 (5):723.
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  39.  44
    Processing of recency items for free recall.Michael J. Watkins & Olga C. Watkins - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (3):488.
    Argues that although the phenomenon of negative recency in secondary memory is usually attributed to the reduced amount of rehearsal associated with recency items, this phenomenon can be explained by the adoption of a different type of processing for recency items. An experiment with 122 undergraduates is reported in which the recall of recency items was reduced in an immediate test, but increased in a subsequent test, under conditions in which the recency items could not be identified as (...)
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  40.  46
    Semantic coding and short-term memory.A. D. Baddeley & Betty A. Levy - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 89 (1):132.
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    (1 other version)Discover the unknown chekhov in your ESL classroom.Ninah Beliavsky - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (4):101-109.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Discover the Unknown Chekhov in Your ESL ClassroomNinah Beliavsky (bio)I was born in Moscow, ate aladushki, and listened to my mother read Chekhov in Russian. Kashtanka, a tale about a young, ginger-colored pup who gets lost, made me cry. And when I read about the death of Ivan Dmitrich Kreepikov, in The Death of a Civil Servant, I did not know whether to laugh or to cry. The poor (...)
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  42.  30
    Working Memory Alterations Plays an Essential Role in Developing Global Neuropsychological Impairment in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.Rahul Tyagi, Harshita Arvind, Manoj Goyal, Akshay Anand & Manju Mohanty - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundNeuropsychological profile of Indian Duchenne muscular dystrophy subjects remains unidentified and needs to be evaluated.MethodsA total of 69 DMD and 66 controls were subjected to detailed intelligence and neuropsychological assessment. The factor indexes were derived from various components of Malin’s Intelligence Scale for Indian Children and Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test.ResultsPoor verbal and visual memory profiles were demonstrated by DMDs, which include RAVLT-immediate recall, RAVLT-delayed recall, Rey–Osterrieth complex figure test -IR, and RCFT-DR. RAVLT-memory efficiency index demonstrated poor (...)
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  43. The Poetry of Nachoem M. Wijnberg.Vincent W. J. Van Gerven Oei - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):129-135.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 129-135. Introduction Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei Successions of words are so agreeable. It is about this. —Gertrude Stein Nachoem Wijnberg (1961) is a Dutch poet and novelist. He also a professor of cultural entrepreneurship and management at the Business School of the University of Amsterdam. Since 1989, he has published thirteen volumes of poetry and four novels, which, in my opinion mark a high point in Dutch contemporary literature. His novels even more than his poetry are (...)
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  44.  24
    Group structure and coding in serial learning.David Winzenz - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 92 (1):8.
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    Modulation of long-term memory by arousal in alexithymia: The role of interpretation.Kristy A. Nielson & Mitchell A. Meltzer - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):786-793.
    Moderate physiological or emotional arousal induced after learning modulates memory consolidation, helping to distinguish important memories from trivial ones. Yet, the contribution of subjective awareness or interpretation of arousal to this effect is uncertain. Alexithymia, which is an inability to describe or identify one’s emotional and arousal states even though physiological responses to arousal are intact, provides a tool to evaluate the role of arousal interpretation. Participants scoring high and low on alexithymia learned a list of 30 words, followed by (...)
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  46.  38
    Measuring The Mnemonic Advantage of Counter-intuitive and Counter-schematic Concepts.Claire Johnson, Steve Kelly & Paul Bishop - 2010 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 10 (1-2):109-121.
    The debate on the value of Boyer's minimally counter-intuitive theory continues to generate considerable theoretical and empirical attention. Although the theory offers an explanation as to why certain cultural texts and narratives are particularly well conveyed and transmitted, amidst society and over time, conflicting evidence remains for any mnemonic advantage of minimally counter-intuitive concepts. In an effort to reconcile these conflicting results, Barrett has made a comprehensive attempt in presenting a formal system for quantifying counter – intuitiveness including a distinction (...)
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  47.  47
    Epistemology and Counterintuitiveness: Role and Relationship in Epidemiology of Cultural Representations.Justin Gregory & Justin Barrett - 2009 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 9 (3-4):289-314.
    Forty-nine members of the Oxford public took part in a controlled free-recall experiment, the first 'minimal counterintuitiveness theory' study to control concept inferential potential and participant selective-attention timing. Recall of counterintuitive ideas was compared with recall of ideas expressing necessary epistemic incongruence, analytically true ideas, and ordinary control ideas. The items expressing necessary epistemic incongruence had better recall than other items. MCI items had a mnemonic advantage over intuitive templates for participants twenty-five years and younger after (...)
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  48. Five discourses on desire: sexuality and gender in northern France around 1200.John W. Baldwin - 1991 - Speculum 66 (4):797-819.
    When we think of desire in the Middle Ages we immediately recall the religious exhortation to love God and despise the flesh. My present subject is not the desire for God but the less sublime theme of sexual desire, however the two may have been linked. Sexual desire was a central intellectual concern for medieval thinkers despite their reputed aversion to the subject. It was not, for example, the trifunctional schema of modern celebrity — oratores, bellatores, laboratores — that (...)
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  49.  34
    Creating associative memory distortions - a Polish adaptation of the DRM paradigm.Justyna Olszewska & Joanna Ulatowska - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (4):449-456.
    One of the most widely applied techniques used to examine associative memory errors is the Deese-Roediger- McDermott paradigm. The aim of the present studies was to demonstrate a Polish version of the DRM paradigm and to test the characteristics of memory illusions evoked by this procedure for both recall and recognition. A normative study was conducted to prepare Polish stimuli material sharing similar characteristics as the lists in the English language version. Subsequently, the lists were applied to examine the (...)
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  50.  47
    Stalking the elusive mental image screen.Zenon W. Pylyshyn - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (2):216-227.
    After thirty years of the current “imagery debate,” it appears far from resolved, even though there seems to be a growing acceptance that a cortical display cannot be identified directly with the experienced mental image, nor can it account for the experimental findings on imagery, at least not without additional ad hoc assumptions. The commentaries on the target article range from the annoyed to the supportive, with a surprising number of the latter. In this response I attempt to correct some (...)
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