Results for ' hiatus'

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  1.  33
    Hiatus in the Greek Novelists.M. D. Reeve - 1971 - Classical Quarterly 21 (02):514-.
    LIFE offers various amusements, and anyone these days who can choose among them will come late to the study of hiatus in Greek prose. Germany in the 1880s, so it seems, was less fortunate, and few greater excitements were known to young or old than the hunt for hiatus; but now that we no longer strait-waistcoat our classical authors and the austerity of those times is discredited, few collectors of hiatus are to be found, and there are (...)
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  2. Incurable suffering from the “hiatus theoreticus”? Some epistemological problems in modern medicine and the clinical relevance of philosophy of medicine.Norbert Paul - 1998 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 19 (3):229-251.
    Up to now neither the question, whether all theoretical medical knowledge can at least be described as scientific, nor the one how exactly access to the existing scientific and theoretical medical knowledge during clinical problem-solving is made, has been sufficiently answered. Scientific theories play an important role in controlling clinical practice and improving the quality of clinical care in modern medicine on the one hand, and making it vindicable on the other. Therefore, the vagueness of unexplicit interrelations between medicine''s stock (...)
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  3. Hiatus Irrationalis: Lask’s Fateful Misreading of Fichte.G. Anthony Bruno - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (3):977-995.
    ‘Facticity’ is a concept that classical phenomenologists like Heidegger use to denote the radically contingent or underivably brute conditions of intelligibility. Yet Fichte coins the term, to which he gives the opposing use of denoting unacceptably brute conditions of intelligibility. For him, radical contingency is a problem to be solved by deriving such conditions from reason. Heidegger rejects Fichte's recoil from facticity with his hermeneutics of facticity, supplanting Fichte's metaphor of our always being in reason's hand with the metaphor of (...)
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    Interlinear Hiatus In Tragic Trimeters, II.E. Harrison - 1943 - The Classical Review 57 (02):61-63.
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    Interlinear Hiatus in Greek Tragic Trimeters.E. Harrison - 1941 - The Classical Review 55 (01):22-25.
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    An Hiatus in History: The British Claim for Neptune's Co-Prediction, 1845–1846: Part 2.Nicholas Kollerstrom - 2006 - History of Science 44 (3):349-371.
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    Interlinear Hiatus in the Odes of Horace.H. J. Rose & H. Pritchard-Williams - 1923 - The Classical Review 37 (5-6):113-114.
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    Interlinear Hiatus In Trimeters.T. C. W. Stinton - 1977 - Classical Quarterly 27 (01):67-.
    In CQ 55 , 22–5, E. Harrison noticed that hiatus between verses in the trimeters of dialogue was much less frequent in tragedy when the sense ran on from one verse to the next, than when there was a pause in sense at verse-end. He observed that Aeschylus' Prometheus differed from the other plays of Aeschylus in this respect, the proportion of run-over hiatus to end-stopped hiatus being much higher, and more like that of comedy; that Sophocles (...)
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  9.  42
    From the Hiatus Model to the Diffuse Discontinuities: A Turning Point in Human-Animal Studies.Carlo Brentari - 2018 - Biosemiotics 11 (3):331-345.
    In twentieth-century continental philosophy, German philosophical anthropology can be seen as a sort of conceptual laboratory devoted to human/animal research, and, in particular, to the discontinuity between human and non-human animals. Its main notion—the idea of the special position of humans in nature—is one of the first philosophical attempts to think of the specificity of humans as a natural and qualitative difference from non-human animals. This school of thought correctly rejects both the metaphysical and/or religious characterisations of humans, and the (...)
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    Hiatus and Its Purposes in Attic Oratory.Lionel Pearson - 1975 - American Journal of Philology 96 (2):138.
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    Hiatus in the Orations of Aeschines.Mervin R. Dilts - 1994 - American Journal of Philology 115 (3).
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    XXVIII. Der Hiatus nach dem Artikel bei Polybios.Theodor Büttner-Wobst - 1903 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 62 (1):541-562.
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  13.  21
    Elision and Hiatus in Latin Prose.Andrew M. Riggsby - 1991 - Classical Antiquity 10 (2):328-343.
  14.  46
    Homeric Hiatus - Pierre Fortassier: L'Hiatus expressif dans l' Iliade et dans l' Odyssée. (Bibliothèque et l'Information grammaticale, 17.) Pp. 390. Paris: Peeters, 1989. B. frs. 1,950. [REVIEW]Peter Jones - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (01):10-11.
  15.  41
    Therapeutic reasoning: from hiatus to hypothetical model.Sanjay W. Bissessur, Eric C. T. Geijteman, Muhammad Al-Dulaimy, Pim W. Teunissen, Milan C. Richir, Alf E. R. Arnold & Thep P. G. M. De Vries - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):985-989.
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    VII. Ueber den hiatus bei Polybius.Fr Hultsch - 1859 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 14 (1-4):288-319.
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    The "miniscule hiatus": Neo-vitalism in the great French philosophy of the 1960s: The implications of immanence: Toward a new concept of life.John Protevi - 2008 - Research in Phenomenology 38 (1):129-133.
  18.  8
    Zur Personalisation des Vollzuges der Wissenschaftslehre J.G. Fichtes: die systematische Funktion des Begriffes "Hiatus irrationalis" in den Vorlesungen zur Wissenschaftslehre in den Jahren 1804/05.Christoph Riedel - 1999 - Stuttgart: The Stuffed Fabulist.
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    EY OIΔ A and OYΔ E EI∑: cases of Hiatus.A. C. Moorhouse - 1962 - Classical Quarterly 12 (02):239-.
    There are in iambic trimeters a number of examples of hiatus where is followed by forms of , mainly in Comedy but also in Tragedy. These are notable because they fall outside the usual range of hiatus in drama, which covers passages with interrogative and , invocatory exclamations such as , and interjections. The use seems to deserve closer attention.
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  20.  14
    Any important concept within a political theory has a systematic connection with other concepts, methodological and normative ones. Theoretical order provides a measurement for actual political conditions and an agenda for political transformation. Inevitably, there is a hiatus between theory and fact. Nevertheless, a proper theory provides a sturdy general account of empirical political conditions and an estimate of human capacity; in addition, as an agenda, theory provides a basis for moving political conditions by the ingenuity of statecraft. [REVIEW]Martin A. Bertman - forthcoming - Philosophical Frontiers: Essays and Emerging Thoughts.
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    Maurenbrecher on Hiatus in Early Latin Poetry. [REVIEW]W. M. Lindsay - 1899 - The Classical Review 13 (9):457-459.
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  22. Max webers wertfreiheitspostulat und die naturalistische begründung Von normen.Valer Ambrus - 2001 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 32 (2):209-236.
    Max Weber's postulate of value-neutrality and the naturalistic justification of norms. The relationship between facts and values is an essential problem in philosophy, political science and sociology. Usually it is held that there is a wide gap between what is and what ought to be, the nature of which, however, is far from clear. My purpose is to elucidate this relationship by analyzing some well-known articles of Max Weber. I first present Weber's postulate of ‘value-neutrality’ and outline the reasons he (...)
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    Releer la «Krisis» de Husserl. Para una nueva posición de algunos problemas fenomenológicos fundamentales.Marc Richir, Iván Trujillo & Francisca Germain - 2021 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 102:179-214.
    En la primera parte de este artículo Marc Richir plantea el problema fenomenológico central de la Crisis de las ciencias europeas y la fenomenología trascendental de Edmund Husserl y que encuentra en El origen de la geometría su prueba concreta: el problema del irreductible hiatus o laguna en la continuidad fenomenológica entre la Lebenswelt y la ciencia. La exposición de este problema se desarrolla en la segunda parte mostrando que el primer problema fenomenológico fundamental de la Krisis es el (...)
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  24. Imagination: A New Foundation for the Science of Mind.Stephen T. Asma - 2022 - Biological Theory 1 (4):1-7.
    After a long hiatus, psychology and philosophy are returning to formal study of imagination. While excellent work is being done in the current environment, this article argues for a stronger thesis than usually adopted. Imagination is not just a peripheral feature of cognition or a domain for aesthetic research. It is instead the core operating system or cognitive capacity for humans and has epistemic and therapeutic functions that ground all our sense-making activities. A sketch of imagination as embodied cognition (...)
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  25.  51
    Honor in the Modern World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives.Laurie Johnson & Dan Demetriou (eds.) - 2016 - Lanham: Lexington.
    After a century-long hiatus, honor is back. Academics, pundits, and everyday citizens alike are rediscovering the importance of this ancient and powerful human motive. This volume brings together some of the foremost researchers of honor to debate honor’s meaning and its compatibility with liberalism, democracy, and modernity. Contributors—representing philosophy, sociology, political science, history, psychology, leadership studies, and military science—examine honor past to present, from masculine and feminine perspectives, and in North American, European, and African contexts. Topics include the role (...)
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  26.  13
    Monteverdi et Wagner: Penser l'opéra.Olivier Lexa - 2017 - Paris: Archives Karéline Editions.
    "Monteverdi et Wagner : hiatus, mariage impossible, défiance à l’entendement. Le mélomane proteste. Mais le parallèle n’est pas inédit. Car mettre en relation Monteverdi et Wagner, qu’a priori tout oppose, permet de lever le voile sur l’essentiel. À deux siècles d’intervalle, les changements de paradigme opérés par les deux artistes ont un terreau commun. Au-delà des analogies formelles, les attaques portées aux deux compositeurs et leurs répliques sous forme d’écrits théoriques mettent en évidence un monde d’idées. Nietzsche commença sa (...)
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  27.  29
    Paralipomena: Tibullus.J. P. Postgate - 1912 - Classical Quarterly 6 (01):40-.
    That the hiatus in 33 is inadmissible in an Augustan poet has long been recognised by the critical. Of the three other examples, Prop. II xv. 1 ‘o me felicem! o nox mihi Candida et o tu,’ ib. xxxii. 45 ‘haec eadem ante illam inpune et Lesbia fecit,’ and Manil. I 795 ‘emeritus caelum et Clausi magna propago,’ only the first can claim any excuse, on the ground of the speaker's excitement and the pause after felicem, but, metre apart, (...)
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  28. Spierig Brothers' Jigsaw (2017) - Torture Porn Rebooted?Steve Jones - 2019 - In Simon Bacon (ed.), Horror: A Companion. Peter Lang. pp. 85-92.
    After a seven-year hiatus, the Saw franchise returned. Critics overwhelming disapproved of the franchise’s reinvigoration, and much of that dissention centred around a label that is synonymous with Saw: ‘torture porn’. Numerous critics pegged the original Saw (2004) as torture porn’s prototype. Accordingly, critics characterised Jigsaw’s release as heralding an unwelcome ‘torture porn comeback’. This chapter investigates the legitimacy of this concern in order to determine what ‘torture porn’ is and means in the Jigsaw era.
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    Introducing Islamic Critical Realism: A Philosophy for Underlabouring Contemporary Islam.Matthew L. N. Wilkinson - 2013 - Journal of Critical Realism 12 (4):419-442.
    This article makes the case for a contemporary philosophy of Islam to help Muslims surmount the challenges of postmodernity and to transcend the hiatuses and obstacles that Muslims face in their interaction and relationships with non-Muslims. It argues that the philosophy of critical realism so fittingly underlabours for the contemporary interpretation, clarification and conceptual deepening of Islamic doctrine and practice as to suggest and necessitate the development of a distinctive Islamic critical realist philosophy, social and educational theory and world-view, specifically (...)
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  30. Kant, Cognitive Science and Contemporary Neo-Kantianism.Andrew Brook - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (10-11):10-11.
    Through nineteenth-century intermediaries, the model of the mind developed by Immanuel Kant has had an enormous influence on contemporary cognitive research. Indeed, Kant could be viewed as the intellectual godfather of cognitive science. In general structure, Kant's model of the mind shaped nineteenth-century empirical psychology and, after a hiatus during which behaviourism reigned supreme , became influential again toward the end of the twentieth century, especially in cognitive science. Kantian elements are central to the models of the mind of (...)
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    Philosophy, culture, image: Rancière's 'constructivism'.John Roberts - 2010 - Philosophy of Photography 1 (1):69-79.
    Jacques Rancire's theory of the sensible is an attempt to frame and secure the relationship between politics and aesthetics, art and design on the same surface. Accordingly, the reconstruction of the sensible appearances of the world of the built environment, of the dcor of the sensible, as Rancire describes it is more than the negation of bourgeois appearances in the name of either a radical aesthetics or a radical politics; it is, rather, the common invention of sensible forms and material (...)
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  32.  37
    Pause and Period In The Lyrics of Greek Tragedy.T. C. W. Stinton - 1977 - Classical Quarterly 27 (01):27-.
    It has long been accepted as a principle by editors and writers on Greek metre that brevis in longo and hiatus in tragic lyrics often coincide with some kind of sense-pause. The object of this inquiry is to determine the incidence of pause in such places, and show that it is significantly high; to show that there is a comparable incidence in the corresponding places in strophic systems; to show that period-ends determined by criteria other than brevis and (...) are attended by similar conditions. It might seem that if all this were true it would have been recognized long ago, particularly as the connection between sense and metrical structure, and symmetry of sense in strophe and antistrophe, has often been pointed out. (shrink)
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    On Hastily Declaring Platonic Dialogues Spurious: the Case of Critias.Harold Tarrant - 2019 - Méthexis 31 (1):47-66.
    This paper takes issue with the thesis of Rashed and Auffret that the Critias that has come down to us is not a genuine dialogue of Plato. Authors do not consider the style of the Critias, which should be a factor in any complete study of authorship. It observes the widespread consensus that the style of the Timaeus and Critias are virtually inseparable. It surveys a wide range of stylistic studies that have tended to confirm this, before answering a possible (...)
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    Kafka and Arabs.Jens Hanssen - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 39 (1):167-197.
    In October 1917 Martin Buber published an animal story by Franz Kafka in his monthly review Der Jude. Kafka's friend and literary executor, Max Brod, recommended it, assuring Buber that Kafka's work was among the most Jewish documents of our time. Kafka wrote “Jackals and Arabs” during the war-induced hiatus in Jewish immigration to Palestine, only half a year before the Balfour Declaration of 2 November 1917 committed the British government to support a Jewish national home in Palestine. The (...)
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    On ethics and feminism: Reflecting on Levinas’ ethics of non-(in)difference.Vikki Bell - 2001 - Feminist Theory 2 (2):159-171.
    In this article I argue that, if one is persuaded by the arguments of Emmanuel Levinas, the pursuit of something called ‘ethical feminism’ is rendered difficult, for, according to Levinas, there is a hiatus between ethics and politics in so far as politics does not flow from ethics. Indeed, politics obliges one to engage in the non-ethical, so that the ethical cannot be understood as a basis for feminist politics. I contend that one can argue that it is in (...)
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  36. De Reconciliatione: Violence, the Flesh, and Primary Vulnerability.James Griffith - 2018 - In Dagmar Kusá (ed.), Identities in Flux: Globalization, Trauma, and Reconciliation. pp. 69-80.
    This essay compares Maurice Merleau-Ponty's notion of the flesh with Judith Butler's concept of primary vulnerability in terms of their helpfulness for developing an intersubjective ontology. It compares the flesh with Butler's more recent concept of primary vulnerability insofar as she sees both as useful for intersubjective ontology. The hiatus of the flesh is that which spans between self and world and opens Merleau-Ponty's thought onto an intersubjective ontology. While Butler's discussion of vulnerability as a primary condition of human (...)
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  37.  25
    Bentham’s Theory of Language.Kazuya Takashima - 2019 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 16.
    This paper has three tasks. First, I offer an interpretation of Jeremy Bentham’s theory of language which I hope can conciliate or integrate the three rival interpretations of its epistemological implication: reductionist realist, pragmatist, and fictionalist. It is accompanied by an interpretation of Bentham’s strategy for improving the state of language, which characterizes it as a “two-level” strategy. Second, by focusing on the linguistic thoughts of three philosophers, Locke, Condillac, and Tooke, I inquire into the sources of Bentham’s theory of (...)
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  38. Hume's iterative probability argument: A pernicious.Kevin Meeker - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (2):221-238.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 38.2 (2000) 221-238 [Access article in PDF] Hume's Iterative Probability Argument: A Pernicious Reductio Kevin Meeker University of South Alabama In this essay I want to look afresh at David Hume's iterative probability argument, found in the section entitled "Of Scepticism with regard to Reason" in his A Treatise of Human Nature.1 Interestingly enough, after years of comparative neglect,2 this argument has been (...)
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  39.  97
    Zwischen Natur- und Sittengesetzlichkeit Objektivität, Leben und Normativität.Ulrich F. Wodarzik - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 1:31-44.
    Der lebendige Mensch befindet sich immer zwischen Erfahrung und Metaphysik, er ist Natur und Freiheit zugleich. Anders gesagt erfährt sich der von Welt umgebende Mensch als ein freiheitliches Wesen, das unter einem bedingungslosen moralischen Sollensanspruch steht, der an keine Kontingenz geknüpft ist. Betrachten wir die moralische Dimension genauer, so erkennen wir moralischen Pflichten gegenüber uns selbst und anderen als Gebote Gottes.1 Das bewusste Leben selbst gibt uns Zwecke, die wir weder theoretisch noch praktisch auf den Begriff bringen können.2 Kant spricht (...)
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    Biological organisms or Darwinian individuals?José Tomás Alvarado - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 27:1-18.
    Traditionally, it has been supposed that the central object of Biology are ‘organisms’. The expression “organism” is relatively recent in the use that it has nowadays –it was introduced by the authors of the German Idealism– but corresponds to a very traditional notion. An ‘organism’ is a substance composed by a plurality of materials organized by the same substance that acts upon itself to persist in time, in order to a finality that is the organism itself. To make intelligible an (...)
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  41.  7
    The ghost of Maurice at the court of Heraclius.Phil Booth - 2019 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 112 (3):781-826.
    This paper explores the complex reception of the reign of Maurice (582-602) at the court of Heraclius (610 -641). It explores how the reign of Maurice established two important precedents for Heraclius as he emerged from the Last Great War: first, the re-establishment, after a long hiatus, of the principle of filial succession; and second, the realisation of a profound, co-operative peace with the Persians. It then argues, however, that Heraclian authors - in particular Theophylact Simocatta - resisted the (...)
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  42.  3
    Rehabilitation of Functional Dysphonia Using Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises (SVOTE).Marinela Álvarez Borrero, Katia Zambrano Ruíz & Jhon Jairo Feria Díaz - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1290-1302.
    This case study evaluated the efficacy of semi-occluded vocal tract (SVT) therapy as a speech intervention for functional dysphonia in a 53-year-old patient. Laryngoscopic examination revealed mild erythema and mucosal irregularity in the posterior third, edema, slight interarytenoid erythema, and phonatory hiatus in the posterior third of the posterior wall. Vocal assessments were conducted before and after rehabilitation, focusing on the perceptual, acoustic, and aerodynamic aspects. The treatment plan incorporated sustained, oscillatory, and transient occlusions over 10 sessions. The results (...)
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    Pragmatism, Neo-Pragmatism, and Religion: Conversations with Richard Rorty.Kevin Schilbrack - 1997 - Springer.
    A selection of 25 papers from a June 1995 conference in Highlands, North Carolina. Rorty himself presents the keynote address, Religious Faith, Intellectual Responsibility, and Romance, which will be published in the forthcoming Cambridge Companion to William James. Other topics include a paleopragmatic philosophy of the history of philosophy, the pragmatic secularization of theology, a hiatus in the liberal pragmatic view of culture and religion, and listening to indigenous peoples and neo-pagans. No index. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., (...)
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  44.  15
    The wartime sermons of Jonathan Edwards: A collection.Jonathan Edwards - 2022 - Eugene (Ore.): Cascade Books. Edited by Christian Cuthbert.
    Jonathan Edwards is known as one of the most respected thinkers in American history and presided over the Great Awakening, one of the formative colonial events. What many don't realize is Edwards lived during a time of widespread conflict, which eventually touched the people of Northampton personally. Through these collected sermons, many of which are unpublished, Edwards sought to instruct, train, and comfort his congregation during a precarious season in provincial life. These sermons demonstrate the scope of Edwards's greatness: a (...)
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    The historical-philosophical basis for uniting social science with social problem-solving.Leonard Goodwin - 1962 - Philosophy of Science 29 (4):377-392.
    Social scientific development has been greatly influenced by Galilean-Newtonian thought which emphasized formulation of abstract hypotheses valid throughout all time and space and independent of human characteristics. This influence has resulted in an artificial hiatus between social science and social problem-solving. Dissolution of certain Galilean-Newtonian assumptions has opened the way for integrating aspects of another stream of thought, the Hegelian-Marxian one, into the social scientific endeavor. Hegelian-Marxian thought emphasizes the individual becoming self-conscious of, and involved in, the social-historical process. (...)
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    Du « Cogito » au « Credo ».Jean Grenier - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 3:94-98.
    Il faut distinguer, chez Descartes, le passage du Cogito à Dieu du passage de Dieu à l’attribut de véracité. En passant du Cogito à Dieu, l’on ne sort pas du royaume de la pensée, et la réflexion cartésienne est jusque là parallèle à la réflexion hindoue identifiant Atman et Brahman. Mais en passant de l’existence de Dieu à cet attribut privilégié, qui fait Dieu source de toute lumière et incapable de nous tromper, il introduit une croyance : c’est là qu’est (...)
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    L'homme disloqué.Nicolas Grimaldi - 2001 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    " Si rien ne change avant un demi-siècle, écrivait Flaubert, l'Europe languira dans de grandes ténèbres ". un semblable pressentiment en persuadait Baudelaire : " Le monde va finir ". Comme si le sentiment de quelque décadence était aussi constant qu'inévitable, Péguy le notait encore : " Tout ce que nous avons défendu recule de jour en jour devant une barbarie, devant une inculture croissante, devant l'envahissement de la corruption politique et sociale. " hier encore, à l'occasion d'un tout banal (...)
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    Operating in a Contemporary Safety Net.Jason D. Keune - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (1):12-14.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Operating in a Contemporary Safety NetJason D. KeuneIt is summer, and I have just started my fourth year of general surgery residency, having just returned from two years in the lab. My “lab years” were spent as a Scholar–in–Residence of the American College of Surgeons. The scholarship that I engaged in included obtaining an MBA and a Graduate Certificate in Professional Ethics. The ethics component was self–designed with help (...)
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    Beauty and Sublimity: A Cognitive Aesthetics of Literature and the Arts by Patrick Colm Hogan.Radhika Koul - 2018 - Philosophy and Literature 42 (2):467-470.
    The classic questions of philosophical aesthetics—how and why human beings find certain works of art beautiful or sublime—suffered from something of a hiatus in the twentieth century, but the study of beauty has seen a return in recent years, often calling on rapidly evolving research in cognitive science and neuroscience for assistance. Patrick Colm Hogan's Beauty and Sublimity: A Cognitive Aesthetics of Literature and the Arts is an important contribution to the burgeoning interdisciplinary field of cognitive aesthetics. The book (...)
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    Psychologie empirique et empirisme métaphysique.Stéphane Madelrieux - 2022 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 147 (4):475-490.
    Il existe une réception de la psychologie de William James en France avant et en-deçà de la célébrité qu’il acquit par son pragmatisme, et dont on peut retracer la diversité en dégageant les lignes de fracture intellectuelle de la fin du xix e siècle. Bien que la réception bergsonienne l’ait finalement emporté, un écart surprenant apparaît entre le rapprochement devenu si familier entre James et Bergson et l’absence de confrontation réelle de Bergson vis-à-vis des principes de la psychologie de James. (...)
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