Results for ' functional format'

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  1.  38
    The Function, Formation and Development of Signs in the Guide Dog Team’s Work.Riin Magnus - 2014 - Biosemiotics 7 (3):447-463.
    Relying on interviews and fieldwork observations, the article investigates the choice of signs made by guide dogs and their visually impaired handlers while the team is on the move. It also explores the dependence of the choice of signs on specific functions of communication and examines the changes and development of sign usage throughout the team’s work. A significant part of the team’s communication appears to be related to retaining the communicative situation itself: to the establishment of intrateam contact; to (...)
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    Nucleosome functions in spindle assembly and nuclear envelope formation.Christian Zierhut & Hironori Funabiki - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (10):1074-1085.
    Chromosomes are not only carriers of the genetic material, but also actively regulate the assembly of complex intracellular architectures. During mitosis, chromosome‐induced microtubule polymerisation ensures spindle assembly in cells without centrosomes and plays a supportive role in centrosome‐containing cells. Chromosomal signals also mediate post‐mitotic nuclear envelope (NE) re‐formation. Recent studies using novel approaches to manipulate histones in oocytes, where functions can be analysed in the absence of transcription, have established that nucleosomes, but not DNA alone, mediate the chromosomal regulation of (...)
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    The formation and functioning of yeast mitotic spindles.Hirohisa Masuda - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (1):45-51.
    The mitotic spindle contains the machinery responsible for sister chromatid segregation. It is composed of a complex and dynamic array of microtubules, which are nucleated from the spindle poles. Studies of yeast spindle functions by molecular genetic analysis and by in vitro functional analysis have identified proteins that are mitosis‐specific and present at very low concentrations in the cell, and have revealed the molecular bases of several processes required for the formation and functioning of the mitotic spindle. Here I (...)
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  4. The formation of the theory of automorphic functions: Felix Klein's notes about Henri Poincaré's early publications.Reinhart Brüning - 1997 - Philosophia Scientiae 2 (4):77-89.
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    Formation of ill-defined concepts as a function of category size and category exposure.Mary Jane Dinardo & Thomas C. Toppino - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (4):317-320.
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    Differential Functional Connectivity in Anterior and Posterior Hippocampus Supporting the Development of Memory Formation.Lingfei Tang, Patrick J. Pruitt, Qijing Yu, Roya Homayouni, Ana M. Daugherty, Jessica S. Damoiseaux & Noa Ofen - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  7.  10
    The formation and functioning of national political elites in the context of globalization.V. V. Goncharov - 2017 - Liberal Arts in Russia 6 (3):264-270.
    This article devoted to study of the issues of formation and functioning of national political elites in the context of globalization processes. According to the author, processes of globalization, socio-political, public-legal, and financial-economic development in national societies and States led to the formation of the national political elites in a single global governing elite in the face of the global Manager class, which, in turn, forms the main approaches, requirements and principles that underlie the formation and functioning of national political (...)
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    A study of concept formation as a function of reinforcement and stimulus generalization.Arnold H. Buss - 1950 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 40 (4):494.
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    Concept formation as a function of competition between response produced cues.Howard H. Kendler & Alan D. Karasik - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 55 (3):278.
  10. Cross-modal stimulus class formation in rats as function of overtraining.E. Nakagawa - 2002 - In Serge P. Shohov (ed.), Advances in Psychology Research. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 13--169.
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    The Dilemma between Representative Function and Formation of Meaning on Film - Focusing on Adorno’s “Transparencies on Film” -. 최영재 - 2022 - CHUL HAK SA SANG - Journal of Philosophical Ideas 86 (86):197-227.
    그간의 아도르노의 매체론에 대한 연구는 『계몽의 변증법』과 『미니마 모랄리아』에 집중되었다. 그러나 해당하는 저작들은 아도르노의 본격적인 매체론에 대한 서술보다는 아도르노의 미학에 천착하는 것이며 또한 그마저도 파편적으로 서술되어 있다는 점에서 대부분 그의 견해를 간접적으로 드러내는 것에 그쳤다. 이에 몇몇의 연구들에서는 그의 보다 후기 저작들인 『영화를 위한 작곡』과 논문 「영화투명성」에 관한 탐구를 통해 그의 매체론에 대한 직접적인 해명을 시도하였다. 그러나 국내에서는 아직 「영화투명성」 논문 자체에 대한 분석보다는 그의 전반적인 매체론을 규명하기 위해서 해당 논문이 참조되는 형식을 취하는 연구가 대부분이었다. 이에 본고에서는 「영화투명성」에 등장하는 테제들을 (...)
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    Trait meaning in impression formation as a function of trait variance.Ramadhar Singh - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (4):364-366.
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  13. Attitude formation: Function and structure.Sally Chaiken, J. S. Neil & B. B. Paul - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 2--899.
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    Polarization in impression formation as a function of affect and range dispersion.L. P. Richardson - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (5):289-290.
  15.  46
    Maternal and paternal functions in the formation of subjectivity: Kristeva and Lacan.Gavin Rae - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (4):412-430.
    The Kristeva–Lacan relationship has been a difficult one, with commentators tending to either collapse the former into the latter or insist on an absolute division wherein Kristeva emphasizes the m...
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  16. Equivalence class formation-effect of class-structure on stimulus function.L. Fields - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):354-354.
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  17. How functional differentiation originated in prebiotic evolution.Argyris Arnellos & Álvaro Moreno - 2012 - Ludus Vitalis 20 (37):1-23.
    Even the simplest cell exhibits a high degree of functional differentiation (FD) realized through several mechanisms and devices contributing differently to its maintenance. Searching for the origin of FD, we briefly argue that the emergence of the respective organizational complexity cannot be the result of either natural selection (NS) or solely of the dynamics of simple self-maintaining (SM) systems. Accordingly, a highly gradual and cumulative process should have been necessary for the transition from either simple self-assembled or self-maintaining systems (...)
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  18. The Adaptive Function of Distributed Remembering: Contributions to the Formation of Collective Memory. [REVIEW]Martin M. Fagin, Jeremy K. Yamashiro & William C. Hirst - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (1):91-106.
    Empirical research has increasingly turned its attention to distributed cognition. Acts of remembering are embedded in a social, interactional context; cognitive labor is divided between a rememberer and external sources. The present article examines the benefits and costs associated with distributed, collaborative, conversational remembering. Further, we examine the consequences of joint acts of remembering on subsequent individual acts of remembering. Here, we focus on influences on memory through social contagion and socially shared retrieval-induced forgetting. Extending beyond a single social interaction, (...)
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  19.  22
    Gustav Bergmann. Propositional functions. Analysis , vol. 17 no. 2 , pp. 43–48. - Edwin B. Allaire. Types and formation rules: a note on Tractatus 3.334. Analysis , vol. 21 no. 1 , pp. 14–16. [REVIEW]William A. Wisdom - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (1):177-178.
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    Differential weighting of positive and negative traits in impression formation as a function of prior exposure.Irwin P. Levin, Linda L. Wall, Jeannette M. Dolezal & Kent L. Norman - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 97 (1):114.
  21.  30
    On a special case of meaning-emergence in the literary text: The function of semantic formations with ‘contradictory’ sense-orientation in the process of poetic meaning-evolution.Katalin Kroó - 2008 - Semiotica 2008 (170):79-95.
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  22. Formation and Evolution of Political Elites: A Comparative Analysis of Historical and Contemporary Approaches.Роман КОЗАЧЕНКО - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (2):144-152.
    The article examines the process of formation and evolution of political elites, as well as changes in their functioning under the conditions of globalization and technological transformations. The aim of the work is to analyze historical approaches to the study of political elites and their evolution in the context of contemporary changes. The research is based on a comparative method that allows identifying the key trends characterizing the functioning of elites in various political systems and social contexts. The relevance of (...)
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    Biophysical aspects of migrasome organelle formation and their diverse cellular functions.Raviv Dharan & Raya Sorkin - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (8):2400051.
    The transient cellular organelles known as migrasomes, which form during cell migration along retraction fibers, have emerged as a crutial factor in various fundamental cellular processes and pathologies. These membrane vesicles originate from local membrane swellings, encapsulate specific cytoplasmic content, and are eventually released to the extracellular environment or taken up by recipient cells. Migrasome biogenesis entails a sequential membrane remodeling process involving a complex interplay between various molecular factors such as tetraspanin proteins, and mechanical properties like membrane tension and (...)
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    Thinking, Concepts and Things: Walter Burley on the Formation of Concepts and Their Representational Function.Jakub Varga - 2018 - Pro-Fil 18 (2):26.
    Pozdně středověký filosof Walter Burley (cca 1275–1344) chápal myšlení jako určitý druh změny, konkrétně jako trpnost, přičemž každý tzv. akt myšlení má podle něho tři hlavní složky: myslící intelekt, pojem a myšlenou věc. Tato studie si dává za cíl prozkoumat, jak Burley pohlížel ve vztahu k myšlení zejména na poslední dvě z těchto složek. První část se pokusí odpovědět na otázku, jakým způsobem dochází ke vzniku pojmů. Druhá část se zaměří na problematiku intencionality našeho myšlení, tj. na otázku, jakým způsobem (...)
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  25.  18
    Molecular characteristics of the multi‐functional FAO enzyme ACAD9 illustrate the importance of FADH 2 /NADH ratios for mitochondrial ROS formation. [REVIEW]Dave Speijer - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (8):2200056.
    A decade ago I postulated that ROS formation in mitochondria was influenced by different FADH2/NADH (F/N) ratios of catabolic substrates. Thus, fatty acid oxidation (FAO) would give higher ROS formation than glucose oxidation. Both the emergence of peroxisomes and neurons not using FAO, could be explained thus. ROS formation in NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Complex I) comes about by reverse electron transport (RET) due to high QH2 levels, and scarcity of its electron‐acceptor (Q) during FAO. The then new, unexpected, finding of an (...)
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  26.  10
    Children’s narrative identity formation: Towards a childist narrative theology of praxis.Jozine G. Botha, Hannelie Yates & Manitza Kotzé - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):9.
    This article explores children’s narrative identity formation and the impact of adult–child relationships on shaping a child’s narrative. The formation of identity in all children is vulnerable to a culture of ‘adultism’, wherein the authority wielded by adults can potentially subject children to abuse and neglect. Consequently, adultism has the aptitude to hinder the constructive development of a life-affirming identity in children. The primary objective of this article is to develop a childist narrative theology of praxis methodology, aimed at raising (...)
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  27. Function, selection, and construction in the brain.Justin Garson - 2012 - Synthese 189 (3):451-481.
    A common misunderstanding of the selected effects theory of function is that natural selection operating over an evolutionary time scale is the only functionbestowing process in the natural world. This construal of the selected effects theory conflicts with the existence and ubiquity of neurobiological functions that are evolutionary novel, such as structures underlying reading ability. This conflict has suggested to some that, while the selected effects theory may be relevant to some areas of evolutionary biology, its relevance to neuroscience is (...)
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    The Carcer in Roman Declamation: Formation and Function of a Topos.Alexander Schwennicke - 2018 - American Journal of Philology 139 (3):483-510.
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    Transcending inductive category formation in learning.Roger C. Schank, Gregg C. Collins & Lawrence E. Hunter - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (4):639-651.
    The inductive category formation framework, an influential set of theories of learning in psychology and artificial intelligence, is deeply flawed. In this framework a set of necessary and sufficient features is taken to define a category. Such definitions are not functionally justified, are not used by people, and are not inducible by a learning system. Inductive theories depend on having access to all and only relevant features, which is not only impossible but begs a key question in learning. The crucial (...)
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  30.  10
    Compound Formation in Language Mixing.Artemis Alexiadou - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    There is a growing body of literature using the tools of syntactic models of word formation (e.g. Distributed Morphology) to provide analyses of language mixing phenomena, in particular word internal mixing. In fact, the very phenomenon of word internal mixing directly supports a syntactic approach to word formation, according to which words are structurally complex. On the basis of this view, the basic units of word formation involve roots that combine with functional elements in the syntax. The combination of (...)
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  31.  11
    Function moves biomolecular condensates in phase space.Marina Feric & Tom Misteli - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (5):2200001.
    Phase separation underlies the formation of biomolecular condensates. We hypothesize the cellular processes that occur within condensates shape their structural features. We use the example of transcription to discuss structure–function relationships in condensates. Various types of transcriptional condensates have been reported across the evolutionary spectrum in the cell nucleus as well as in mitochondrial and bacterial nucleoids. In vitro and in vivo observations suggest that transcriptional activity of condensates influences their supramolecular structure, which in turn affects their function. Condensate organization (...)
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    Conserved functional organization of the amniote telencephalic pallium.Cosme Salas, Cristina Broglio & Fernando Rodríguez - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (5):568-569.
    The dorsal and medial pallial formations of mammals, birds, and reptiles show overall functional striking similarities. Most of these similarities have been frequently considered examples of convergent evolution. However, a considerable amount of neurobiological comparative evidence suggests the presence of a common basic pattern of vertebrate forebrain organization. This common pattern can support functional conservation.
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    The Functional Role of Emotions in Aesthetic Judgement.Ioannis Xenakis, Argyris Arnellos & John Darzentas - 2012 - New Ideas in Psychology 30 (2).
    Exploring emotions, in terms of their evolutionary origin; their basic neurobiological substratum, and their functional significance in autonomous agents, we propose a model of minimal functionality of emotions. Our aim is to provide a naturalized explanation – mostly based on an interactivist model of emergent representation and appraisal theory of emotions – concerning basic aesthetic emotions in the formation of aesthetic judgment. We suggest two processes the Cognitive Variables Subsystem (CVS) which is fundamental for the accomplishment of the function (...)
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  34.  15
    Embryonic movement stimulates joint formation and development: Implications in arthrogryposis multiplex congenita.Haodong Zhou - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (5):2000319.
    Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) is a heterogeneous syndrome where multiple joints have reduced range of motion due to contracture formation prior to birth. A common cause of AMC is reduced embryonic movement in utero. This reduction in embryonic movement can perturb molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways involved in the formation of joints during development. The absence of mechanical stimuli can impair joint cavitation, resulting in joint fusion, and ultimately eliminate function. In turn, mechanical stimuli are critical for proper joint formation (...)
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  35.  16
    Functional status of Russian regions in the system of economic federative relations.Natalya Korotina - 2022 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:47-61.
    Introduction. The article deals with the problem of the functional status of regions in the system of economic federalism, which is associated with the high spatial heterogeneity of Russia, and explains the need to move from the model of economic fed- eralism, which combines the presence of universal institutions and institutional exceptions, to a model that takes into account the spatial diversity of ter- ritories. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the decrease in the heterogeneity of the (...)
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    Neuroblast formation and patterning during early brain development in Drosophila.Rolf Urbach & Gerhard M. Technau - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (7):739-751.
    The Drosophila embryo provides a useful model system to study the mechanisms that lead to pattern and cell diversity in the central nervous system (CNS). The Drosophila CNS, which encompasses the brain and the ventral nerve cord, develops from a bilaterally symmetrical neuroectoderm, which gives rise to neural stem cells, called neuroblasts. The structure of the embryonic ventral nerve cord is relatively simple, consisting of a sequence of repeated segmental units (neuromeres), and the mechanisms controlling the formation and specification of (...)
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  37.  19
    Functional and dynamic aspects of the mammalian nucleolus.Ulrich Scheer & Ricardo Benavente - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (1):14-21.
    Nucleoli are the sites of ribosome biogenesis. Transcription of the ribosomal RNA genes as well as processing and initial packaging of their transcripts with ribosomal and non‐ribosomal proteins all occur within the nucleolus in an ordered manner and under defined topological conditions. Components of the nucleolus have been localized by immunocytochemistry and their functional aspects investigated by microinjection of antibodies directed against the enzyme responsible for rDNA transcription, RNA polymerase I. The role of nascent transcripts in postmitotic formation of (...)
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    Formation Tracking of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents Using Distance and Area Constraints.E. G. Hernandez-Martinez, E. D. Ferreira-Vazquez, G. Fernandez-Anaya & J. J. Flores-Godoy - 2017 - Complexity:1-13.
    This paper presents two formation tracking control strategies for a combined set of single and double integrator agents with an arbitrary undirected communication topology. The first approach is based on the design of distance-based potential functions with interagent collision avoidance using local information about the distance and orientation between agents and the desired trajectory. The second approach adds signed area constraints to the desired formation specification and a control strategy that uses distance as well as area terms is designed to (...)
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  39.  22
    Mechanisms of Formation of Human Culture in Education.Helen B. Baboshina - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 52 (1):9-20.
    The relevance of the research problem lies in the necessity of an axiological approach to the formation of the personality in education and the task of strengthening the ideal image of the function. The aim of this article is studying and understanding the culture of personality formation mechanisms in relation to future specialists. The leading method of research was the theoretical analysis of philosophical and cultural approaches to the cultural formation of the personality and to the content of human culture. (...)
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    Evolutionary formation of new protein folds is linked to metallic cofactor recruitment.Hong-Fang Ji, Lei Chen, Ying-Ying Jiang & Hong-Yu Zhang - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (9):975-980.
    To explore whether the generation of new protein folds could be linked to metallic cofactor recruitment, we identified the oldest examples of folds for manganese, iron, zinc, and copper proteins by analyzing their fold‐domain mapping patterns. We discovered that the generation of these folds was tightly coupled to corresponding metals. We found that the emerging order for these folds, i.e., manganese and iron protein folds appeared earlier than zinc and copper counterparts, coincides with the putative bioavailability of the corresponding metals (...)
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  41. Word-Formation and the Lexicon.Paul Kiparsky - unknown
    According to a widespread view the lexicon is a kind of appendix to the grammar, whose function is to list what is unpredictable and irregular about the words of a language. In more recent studies it has been acquiring a rich internal organization of its own and is becoming recognized as the site of pervasive grammatical regularities. The particular approach to the lexicon that I will assume in this paper comes out of this trend, integrating several ideas from work on (...)
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    Representing with imaginary models: Formats matter.Marion Vorms - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (2):287-295.
    Models such as the simple pendulum, isolated populations, and perfectly rational agents, play a central role in theorising. It is now widely acknowledged that a study of scientific representation should focus on the role of such imaginary entities in scientists’ reasoning. However, the question is most of the time cast as follows: How can fictional or abstract entities represent the phenomena? In this paper, I show that this question is not well posed. First, I clarify the notion of representation, and (...)
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    Consensus Formation: The Creation of an Ideology.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11 (1):7-16.
    Bioethics is not merely a theoretical discipline but a practice as well. Indeed, bioethics is a sort of moral trade. Bioethicists serve on ethics committees, give expert testimony to courts, provide guidance for healthcare policy, and receive payment for these services. The difficulty is that their role as experts able to guide clinical choice and public policy formation is brought into question by the diversity of moral understandings regarding central moral issues at the heart of the culture wars in healthcare. (...)
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    Simplicial algorithms for minimizing polyhedral functions.M. R. Osborne - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Polyhedral functions provide a model for an important class of problems that includes both linear programming and applications in data analysis. General methods for minimizing such functions using the polyhedral geometry explicitly are developed. Such methods approach a minimum by moving from extreme point to extreme point along descending edges and are described generically as simplicial. The best-known member of this class is the simplex method of linear programming, but simplicial methods have found important applications in discrete approximation and statistics. (...)
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    “Lockeian liberalism” and “classical republicanism”: the formation, function and failure of the categories.J. C. D. Clark - 2023 - Intellectual History Review 33 (1):11-31.
    The contest between “Lockeian liberalism” and “classical republicanism” as explanatory frameworks for the intellectual history of the American Revolution, and therefore of the present-day United States, has been one of the longest running and most distinguished in recent U.S. historiography. It also has major implications for the history of political thought in the North Atlantic Anglophone world more widely. Yet this debate was merely suspended when it was held to have ended in an ill-defined compromise. Although some U.S. historians expressed (...)
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    Transcription factors and head formation in vertebrates.Laure Bally-Cuif & Edoardo Boncinelli - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (2):127-135.
    Evidence from Drosophila and also vertebrates predicts that two different sets of instructions may determine the development of the rostral and caudal parts of the body. This implies different cellular and inductive processes during gastrulation, whose genetic requirements remain to be understood. To date, four genes encoding transcription factors expressed in the presumptive vertebrate head during gastrulation have been studied at the functional level: Lim‐1, Otx‐2, HNF‐3β and goosecoid. We discuss here the potential functions of these genes in the (...)
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    Functions of Parental Intergenerational Narratives Told by Young People.Natalie Merrill, Jordan A. Booker & Robyn Fivush - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):752-773.
    Merrill, Booker and Fivush examine the social functions associated with transmitting intergenerational narratives to adolescents and emerging adults and how these family stories affect identity formation in early adulthood. Merrill et al. observed that the intergenerational stories of parents’ transgression and proud moments told by adolescents and emerging adults operate as a way to transmit life lessons, strengthen relationships with the parent and give insights into their parents and their self.
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    Two functional components of the hippocampal memory system.Howard Eichenbaum, Tim Otto & Neal J. Cohen - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):449-472.
    There is considerable evidence that the hippocampal system contributes both to (1) the temporary maintenance of memories and to (2) the processing of a particular type of memory representation. The findings on amnesia suggest that these two distinguishing features of hippocampal memory processing are orthogonal. Together with anatomical and physiological data, the neuropsychological findings support a model of cortico-hippocampal interactions in which the temporal and representational properties of hippocampal memory processing are mediated separately. We propose that neocortical association areas maintain (...)
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    Models and Formats: Representational and Computational Aspects.Marion Vorms - unknown
    I analyse the double function of models (representing the phenomena, and being a tool for calculating and predicting them) from a cognitive point of view. Taking the same approach as Ronald Giere, I nevertheless argue that he is to much committed to an abstract conception of theories and that one should give more attention to the particular formats in which models are expressed and grasped. By taking the example of Classical Mechanics, I show that a model, as an abstract entity, (...)
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  50.  20
    The Functional and Semantic Category of Appeal as a Linguistic Tool in Political Propaganda Texts (in the Example of the English Language).Gaisha Ramberdiyeva, Anar Dildabekova, Zhanar Abikenova, Laura Karabayeva & Aliya Zhuasbaeva - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-14.
    The relevance of the research is defined by the need to create a set of linguistic means, which would contribute to effective communication with the general public, and the need to study different functional-semantic categories, including appeals, for the competent formation of public opinion in the political context. The research aims to comprehend the functioning of linguistic means used as appeals in the example of political propaganda texts in the English media field. The methodology is based on the theoretical (...)
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