Results for ' desubjectivation'

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  1.  58
    Desubjectivation of Time and Self-Affection: Kant in Heidegger.Emilia Angelova - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 653-664.
  2.  9
    Resistance as desubjectivation in Foucault.Adriana Zaharijević & Milan Urošević - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    The article scrutinizes Foucault’s articulations of resistance, arguing against the entrenched understanding that resistance in Foucault is necessarily negative, or impossible. We concentrate on a specific period of his work, situated between the disciplinary phase and the beginning of the 1980s when Foucault began to develop the idea of the aesthetic of existence. We argue that in this period Foucault developed the notion of resistance as agentic, lived and possible, through three interrelated concepts. These are reverse discourse, counter-conduct and the (...)
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    La déprise de soi comme pratique de désubjectivation: Sur la notion de “stultitia” chez Michel Foucault.Razvan Amironesei - 2014 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 22 (2):104-122.
    La notion de déprise joue un rôle central dans le traitement de la subjectivité chez Michel Foucault. Notre objectif est d’établir que cette notion ne peut pas être réduite à une économie du soi, comme il est communement admis par les commentateurs de son oeuvre. Dans ce sens, il faudrait la distinguer à la fois du souci de soi et de la pratique de la sagesse. De manière positive, il s’agit de montrer que la déprise joue plutôt comme modalité politique (...)
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    Le style dans la pensée de Michel Foucault. D’une désubjectivation du style à la généalogie stylistique du sujet.Maud Pouradier - 2021 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 58:117-136.
    Le terme de style n’est pas conceptualisé explicitement par Foucault, quoiqu’il apparaisse au fil de toute son œuvre. Dans le texte qu’il consacre au Rêve et l’existence de Binswanger, Michel Foucault est encore fortement influencé par la phénoménologie et l’existentialisme : le style y est défini comme le moment où l’expression est effectivement adressée à quelqu’un, et cherche à se faire comprendre. Le style est donc encore compris selon les coordonnées phénoménologiques de la subjectivité et de l’être-au-monde. Dans la période (...)
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    1804-1805.Jean-Christophe Goddard - 2009 - Archives de Philosophie 72 (3):423-441.
    Dans cette contribution, il s’agit de montrer que le champ transcendantal a-subjectif, en deçà de la dualité sujet/objet, caractérise de façon essentielle l’idéalisme transcendantal de Fichte – en amont des découvertes husserliennes et des élaborations sartriennes dans La transcendance de l’ego. Ce champ qui témoigne d’une « désubjectivation du transcendantal » s’exprime en particulier à travers l’idée d’une « réflexivité a-subjective » qui fait apparaître, en même temps, le caractère an-objectif du fondement de l’apparaître et par là la « loi (...)
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    Experiences of the self between limit, transgression, and the explosion of the dialectical system: Foucault as reader of Bataille and Blanchot.Roberto Nigro - 2005 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (5-6):649-664.
    Bataille and Blanchot figure among the authors who influenced Foucault the most. In this article we show how close Foucault was to these authors and to what extent his proximity to them permitted him to deviate from the prevailing university culture, i.e from those great philosophical machines called Hegelianism and phenomenology. The questions we pose are the following: How important were these experiences for Foucault? How did he receive them? How did he transform their theoretical stakes? In the first part (...)
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    Experience and the limits of governmentality.Jan Masschelein - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (4):561–576.
    Following Foucault, ‘critique’ could be regarded as being the art not to be governed in this way or as a project of desubjectivation. In this paper it is shown how such a project could be described as an e‐ducative practice. It explores this idea through an example which Foucault himself gave of such a critical practice: the writing of ‘experience books’. Thus it appears that such an e‐ducative practice is a ‘dangerous’, public and uncomfortable practice that is not in (...)
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    Foucault on Freedom and Capabilities.Saul Tobias - 2005 - Theory, Culture and Society 22 (4):65-85.
    Within recent scholarship, a long-standing tendency to view Foucault as pessimistic about the possibilities of activism is now being reversed. For many contemporary commentators who emphasize the themes of personal agency, transgression and radical freedom in their assessment of his thought, Foucault offers new possibilities for political practice and for the pursuit of self-determination. However, an examination of Foucault’s work, particularly in the transitional period preceding his so-called ‘ethical’ writings, indicates his appreciation of basic human needs and functions that complicates (...)
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  9.  34
    (1 other version)On Ceasing to Be Human.Gerald Bruns - 2011 - Stanford University Press.
    Prologue : on the freedom of non-identity -- Otherwise than human (toward sovereignty) -- What is human recognition? (on zones of indistinction) -- Desubjectivation (Michel Foucault's aesthetics of experience) -- Becoming animal (some simple ways) -- Derrida's cat (who am I?).
  10.  26
    The Researcher and the Studier: On Stress, Tiredness and Homelessness in the University.Naomi Hodgson - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (1):37-48.
    Recent European policy has seen a shift from a concern with lifelong learning in the Lisbon Strategy to research and innovation in the Horizon 2020 programme. Accordingly, there has been an increased policy focus on the researcher who, like the lifelong learner must be entrepreneurial, adaptable, mobile, but who must also find new ways in which to develop and deploy her skills and competences and smart solutions to current problems in order to ensure sustainability. The subject position of the researcher, (...)
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  11.  29
    The Devaluation of the Subject in Popper’s Theory of World 3.Zuzana Parusniková - 2016 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 46 (3):304-317.
    Popper proposed his theory of objective knowledge to eliminate subjectivist epistemologies. Popper’s objectivism culminated in the theory of the autonomous World 3 characterized by its independence from the subjective factors belonging to World 2. I argue that Popper did not succeed in unifying his idea of the autonomy of knowledge with the requirement of the creative role of the critical subject in cognition. Moreover, his effort to desubjectivize knowledge undermined the vital importance of the critical activity that ensures the dynamism (...)
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  12.  63
    Qui pleure mes morts avec moi? Les reliques et les affres de l’histoire coloniale.Malika Mansouri - 2018 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 221 (3):27-36.
    Une clinique des radicalités dans le champ de la prévention et du traitement des extrémismes violents amène l’auteur de cet article à rencontrer de nombreux adolescents et jeunes adultes vulnérables. Ils établissent des liens entre violences et souffrances, historiques et actuelles, non prises en compte par le collectif. Les violences subies par les générations précédentes, notamment lors de la guerre d’Algérie, à défaut d’être clairement reconnues, subsistent de nos jours dans un sentiment d’abandon, voire une détresse psychique, qui amène les (...)
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  13.  9
    Foyers of Resistance, Foyers of Experience: Philosophy of Resistance as an Experience of Defiance to the End of the Revolution.Jefferson Martins Cassiano - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 9 (2):123-149.
    This paper aims to reflect on a philosophy of resistance based on Michel Foucault’s thought and it questions whether the present has reached the end of the era of revolution. The paper presents two studies. Study I discusses the author’s position concerning Marx’s theses in order to outline the notion of resistance within the framework of relations of power. In that regard, the general strike of May 1968 is exemplary. Study II deals with how to think of resistance as an (...)
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  14.  93
    La déprise de soi chez Michel Foucault comme pratique d’écriture et enjeu de l’identité subjective.Razvan Amironesei - 2011 - Symposium 15 (1):146-169.
    Chez les commentateurs de l’oeuvre de Michel Foucault, le concept de sujet est communément analysé en termes de processus historiques de subjectivation. Contrairement à ce type d’analyse, l’enjeu de ce travail est de montrer l’émergence d’une problématique de la désubjectivation à partir de la notion foucaldienne de déprise de soi. Il s’agit de montrer d’abord que cette notion aménage à la fois la dispersion et l’effacement de l’auteur. Deuxièmement, la conceptualisation de la déprise sera traitée à travers l’analyse de pratiques (...)
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  15.  25
    Vitalismo y desubjetivación: La ética de la prudencia en Gilles Deleuze.Marcelo Sebastián Antonelli - 2013 - Signos Filosóficos 15 (30):89-117.
    En el marco del debate sobre los lineamientos fundamentales de la ética de Deleuze, diversos autores han reparado en nociones destacadas de su obra: el deseo, el devenir, la afirmación, el nomadismo. Mi propuesta en este artículo es desarrollar una vía poco estudiada, que gira alrededor de la idea de prudencia práctica experimental. Según mi hipótesis, este concepto reúne perspectivas relevantes de la producción deleuzeana posterior a L'Anti-Œdipe, en particular su orientación vitalista, su opción por la desubjetivación y su apelación (...)
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  16.  21
    Foucault's Bad Angels of History.Lynne Huffer - 2011 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 1 (2):239-250.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Foucault's Bad Angels of HistoryLynne HufferDo not believe everything I say.... Look for multiple, resistant, rhizomatic readings. This is not the text I intended to produce, and it is not the same as the text you are reading. Read the white spaces, hear the silences, peer into the shadows, look beyond the margins. Reach for "[t]hat voice at the edge of things." I am there as well.—Juana María RodríguezWhat (...)
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  17.  41
    Whither Transcendence? Immanence and Critique in The Self-Emptying Subject.Mohamad Jarada - 2024 - Sophia 63 (1):121-133.
    This paper engages Alex Dubilet’s _The Self-Emptying Subject: Kenosis and Immanence, Medieval to Modern_ and his account of immanence and kenosis as exhibited in his reading of Hegel’s concept of _Entäußerung_ [externalization]. Specifically, I focus on the “problematic of desubjectivation” that centers Dubilet’s critique of transcendence and its relationship to subjection and subjectivity. I reconsider the relationship made between this problematic, the ethics of kenosis, and the concept of immanence so as to demonstrate the ways in which Dubilet attempts (...)
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  18.  16
    Critical Dialogue: Response to James Martel’s review of Power and Feminist Agency in Capitalism: Toward a New Theory of the Political Subject.Claudia Leeb - 2018 - Perspectives on Politics 16 (1):169-170.
    In this article I respond to James Martel’s generous review of my book Power and Feminist Agency in Capitalism (2017). In particular, I respond to his suggestion that I may be too quick to suggest that Bulter wants to give up on the subject entirely. I reiterate that for Butler (which I discuss in Chapter six of my book), we must be recognized by an alienating Other to secure our existence. As a result, the moment of becoming a subject is (...)
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  19.  22
    Bolzano : objectivité sémantique et subjectivité de la perception.Goufrane Mansour - 2008 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 60 (4):551.
    De la pensée de Bolzano, l’objectivisme sémantique est certainement l’aspect le plus largement commenté. Mais son œuvre maîtresse, la Wissenschaftslehre, comprend aussi bien la version la plus aboutie de cet objectivisme qu’une partie proprement épistémologique, la « Théorie de la Connaissance ». Si l’épistémologie bolzanienne repose sur la désubjectivation des éléments de la connaissance, la théorie de la perception présente dans cette Wissenschaftslehre prête au sujet connaissant un rôle actif dans l’élaboration du réel perceptif.
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    Popper's world 3 & human creativity.Zuzana Parusnikova - 1990 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 4 (3):263 – 269.
    Abstract This paper aims to analyse Karl Popper's conception of ?three worlds?, and especially the problem of world 3?the world of objective knowledge. Firstly, I try to explain Popper's turn to ontological questions which I link to his antipsychologism and to issues raised by the development of logic after World War II. I then consider Popper's concept of the autonomy of world 3 and his attempt to introduce world 3 as a world of knowledge without a knowing subject. I conclude (...)
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  21.  11
    Phénoménologie réaliste.Adolf Reinach - 2012 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    English summary: Adolf Reinach (1883-1917) was one of the most outstanding disciples of Husserl. In contrast to the idealistic phenomenology of transcendental constitution developed and expounded by Husserl in Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology, he endeavored to develop and establish the principles of a realistic phenomenology. This volume makes it possible to access the theoretical side of his thought, presenting both published and posthumous texts. French text. French description: Adolf Reinach (1883-1917) fut l'un des disciples les plus remarquables de (...)
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  22.  10
    The Construction of Advertising Discourse by the Use of the Second-Person Object Te and the Clitic Se.María José Serrano - 2018 - Pragmática Sociocultural 6 (2):173-196.
    The purpose of this study is to analyze the variation of the second-person object clitic te [‘you’] and the clitic se [lit. ‘it’] in advertising discourse from a cognitive viewpoint. The main explanatory notion will be cognitive salience; both clitics, te and se, exhibit this to varying degrees. The second-person te is more salient than the clitic se; therefore, the meanings conveyed by each in media discourse will be notably different. Results indicate that the distribution and usage of the clitics (...)
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  23.  50
    On the Historicity of the Archive: A Counter-Memory for Lynne Huffer's Mad for Foucault.Shannon Winnubst - 2011 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 1 (2):215-225.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:On the Historicity of the Archive:A Counter-Memory for Lynne Huffer's Mad for FoucaultShannon WinnubstLynne Huffer likes to laugh. I haven't known her very long and I don't even know her very well, but this much I am certain of: the woman likes to laugh. Whether at amusing intellectual witticisms or truly boisterous, gut-splitting observations of life's absurdities, Professor Huffer enjoys laughing. It comes as little surprise, then, that it (...)
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  24.  68
    Specchio, Specchio Delle Mie Brame: Sulla soglia della reversibilità, l’ardore libidico delle immagini.Marta Nijhuis - 2011 - Chiasmi International 13:285-314.
    Miroir, miroir de mes désirsAu seuil de la réversibilité, la libido ardente des imagesEn parcourant les perspectives de Lacan, Merleau-Ponty et Deleuze, je me propose de montrer comment l’image – une image dont le rôle, depuis Platon, a été réduit par la métaphysique occidentale à celui de simple copie – rend possible une pensée nouvelle non dualiste, une pensée ouverte par le désir, c’est-à-dire par ce qui dépasse tout dualisme simpliste et qui trouve dans l’image sa voie privilégiée.L’image du miroir (...)
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    Le double sens de la destitution.Stefan Nowotny - 2007 - Multitudes 1 (1):83-93.
    Beginning from the texts of Colectivo Situaciones on the insurrectional movements of December 2001 in Argentina, this article raises the question of institutional critique on the basis of a reflection on destituent practices. Far from being reducible to the aim of a reinstitution – that is, the aim of accomplishing the classical functions of political power – these practices refer instead to a « positive no », to the self-transforming actualization of the potentials of social action before and beyond the (...)
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  26.  24
    The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics No. 47 , pp. 125–142 Commodification and Subjectivization - Toward a Critique of the Authorship Discourse. [REVIEW]Anders Johansson - 2015 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 24 (47).
    What does it mean that the author increasingly turns into a commodity? The article contains a discussion of some academic responses – taken from celebrity studies and autofiction studies – to this tendency. The texts discussed share an effort to rethink authorship, but nonetheless the implicit result is a reinforcement of a traditional, romantic notion of the author. Above all there is a lack of reflection on subjectivity in the authorship discourse, where concepts like “author”, “subject”, “self” often are treated (...)
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  27.  36
    The Self-Emptying Subject: Kenosis and Immanence, Medieval to Modern.Alex Dubilet - 2018 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Against the two dominant ethical paradigms of continental philosophy–Emmanuel Levinas’s ethics of the other and Michel Foucault’s ethics of self-cultivation—The Self-Emptying Subject theorizes an ethics of self-emptying, or kenosis, one that reveals the immanence of an impersonal and dispossessed life without a why. Rather than align immanence with the enclosures of the subject, Dubilet engages the history of Christian mystical theology, modern philosophy, and contemporary theories of the subject to rethink immanence as what precedes and exceeds the very difference between (...)
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  28.  64
    Education and/or Displacement? A Pedagogical Inquiry into Foucault's ‘Limit‐Experience’.Christiane Thompson - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (3):361-377.
    This paper is concerned with the educational‐philosophical implications of Michel Foucault's work: It poses the question whether Michel Foucault's remarks surrounding ‘limit‐experience’ can be placed in an educational context and provide an alternative view regarding the relationship that we maintain to ourselves. As a first step, the significance of ‘limit‐experience’ for Foucault's historicophilosophical investigations, his ‘critical ontology of the present’, is examined. Far from being an external marking point, it can be shown that limit‐experience lies at the centre of Foucault's (...)
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