Results for ' corpus, non-standard, speech, youth language, multiculturalism'

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  1.  15
    Constructing a corpus for non standard ways of speaking: MPF.Françoise Gadet & Emmanuelle Guerin - 2016 - Corpus 15.
    Dans cet article, nous présentons le corpus « Multicultural Paris French » (MPF), en en montrant les enjeux théoriques et méthodologiques, ainsi que quelques directions d’exploitation. En visant des données non-standard illustrant ce qu’il est de coutume d’appeler « parler jeune », MPF repose sur une réflexion quant à la façon d’appréhender les situations propices à leur émergence, au-delà d’informations généralement retenues, d’ordres sociodémographiques ou ethniques, ou du degré de formalisme de l’échange. Si ces considérations ne sont évidemment pas évacuées, (...)
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    Functionally Equivalent Variants in a Non-standard Variety and Their Implications for Universal Grammar: A Spontaneous Speech Corpus.Evelina Leivada, Elena Papadopoulou & Natalia Pavlou - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Reflections of gender and address in language use: The culturally driven motivation of the uses of Spanish oblique pronouns le and lo.Bob de Jonge - 2022 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 18 (1):29-54.
    This article deals with the problem of different distributions of the Spanish pronouns le and lo ‘him, her, polite you’ that may be observed in different realms of the Spanish speaking world. In this paper, as a starting point, the more established and traditional case theory will be compared with the Control System Hypothesis in a particular corpus of a non-standard, Peninsular variant of Spanish. The hypothesis that will then be tested is that the use of the pronouns under focus (...)
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    “Do you understand these charges?”: How procedural communication in youth criminal justice court violates the rights of young offenders in Canada.Tara Suri - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (229):173-191.
    This paper considers Canada’s young offenders in the context from which they enter the youth criminal courtroom. To determine how youth criminal justice courts violate the Canadian Youth Criminal Justice Act, this analysis relates said context to several phenomena, including legal linguistics, oral language competency, literacy, communicative competency, non-verbal communication, the physical structure of youth courtrooms, and legal translation. As a result of the standards of procedural communication upheld by the Canadian criminal justice system, young people’s (...)
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    To Purify the Dialect of the Tribe: children's use of non-standard dialect grammar in writing.John Williamson & Frank Hardman - 1997 - Educational Studies 23 (2):157-168.
    Teachers of children of all ages are enjoined by the National Curriculum for English to develop their pupils’ ability to write in standard English. This study explores the implications of these injunctions by examining the use of non-standard dialect grammar in the writing of 362 texts written by pupils of 11 an 15 years of age. It is established that most of the forms used are found in all four of the geographical regions sampled. The grammatical features of these non-standard (...)
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    Adjacent and Non‐Adjacent Word Contexts Both Predict Age of Acquisition of English Words: A Distributional Corpus Analysis of Child‐Directed Speech.Lucas M. Chang & Gedeon O. Deák - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (11):e12899.
    Children show a remarkable degree of consistency in learning some words earlier than others. What patterns of word usage predict variations among words in age of acquisition? We use distributional analysis of a naturalistic corpus of child‐directed speech to create quantitative features representing natural variability in word contexts. We evaluate two sets of features: One set is generated from the distribution of words into frames defined by the two adjacent words. These features primarily encode syntactic aspects of word usage. The (...)
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    Unsupervised context sensitive language acquisition from a large corpus.Shimon Edelman - unknown
    We describe a pattern acquisition algorithm that learns, in an unsupervised fashion, a streamlined representation of linguistic structures from a plain natural-language corpus. This paper addresses the issues of learning structured knowledge from a large-scale natural language data set, and of generalization to unseen text. The implemented algorithm represents sentences as paths on a graph whose vertices are words. Significant patterns, determined by recursive context-sensitive statistical inference, form new vertices. Linguistic constructions are represented by trees composed of significant patterns and (...)
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    Approche sur corpus des compétences pragmatiques et multimodales des personnes 'gées présentant un trouble cognitif léger.Guillaume Duboisdindien, Cyril Grandin, Dominique Boutet & Anne Lacheret-Dujour - 2018 - Corpus 19.
    This article presents a multimodal video corpus with the principal aim to model and predict the effects of aging in Mild Cognitive Impairment situation on pragmatic and communicative skills. We take as observable variables the verbal pragmatic markers and non-verbal pragmatic markers. This approach, at the interface of the psycholinguistics, cognitive sciences and rehabilitation medicine (speech-language pathology and therapy) is part of a longitudinal research process in an ecological situation (interviews conducted by close intimate of the elderly).In the first part (...)
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  9. Managing Noise in Part-of-Speech Tagging for Extremely Low-Resource Languages: Comparing Strategies for Corpus Collection and Annotation in Dagur and Alsatian.Delphine Dolińska Bernhard - 2025 - Corpus 26 (26).
    Although Dagur and Alsatian represent two typologically distant language families, they share several similarities: both languages are endangered, do not have a unified spelling system, and have few available digital corpora. Given these challenges, the main aim of this article is to compare the noise in corpora for these languages and its impact on part-of-speech (POS) annotation and tagging. We first discuss what strategies can be used to reduce the noise due to spelling inconsistencies observed during corpus collection, using Dagur (...)
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    The Prosodic Characteristics of Non-referential Co-speech Gestures in a Sample of Academic-Lecture-Style Speech.Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel & Ada Ren - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:352186.
    Many studies have documented a close timing relationship between speech prosody and co-speech gesture, but some studies have not, and it is unclear whether these differences in speech-gesture alignment are due to different speaking tasks, different target gesture types, different prosodic elements, different definitions of alignment, or even different languages/speakers. This study contributes to the ongoing effort to elucidate the precise nature of the gesture–speech timing relationship by examining an understudied variety of American English, i.e., academic-lecture-style speech, with a focus (...)
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    A Study of Word Complexity Under Conditions of Non-experimental, Natural Overt Speech Production Using ECoG.Olga Glanz, Marina Hader, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, Peter Auer & Tonio Ball - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:711886.
    The linguistic complexity of words has largely been studied on the behavioral level and in experimental settings. Only little is known about the neural processes underlying it in uninstructed, spontaneous conversations. We built up a multimodal neurolinguistic corpus composed of synchronized audio, video, and electrocorticographic (ECoG) recordings from the fronto-temporo-parietal cortex to address this phenomenon based on uninstructed, spontaneous speech production. We performed extensive linguistic annotations of the language material and calculated word complexity using several numeric parameters. We orthogonalized the (...)
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    Zero quoting in the speech of British and Spanish teenagers: A contrastive corpus-based study.Ignacio M. Palacios Martínez - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (4):439-462.
    Quotatives have been studied extensively in the language of teenagers in recent years as they present distinctive features of their own that make them different in part from those used by adults in mainstream English and Spanish. However, zero quoting has not received all the attention it certainly deserves as it has not been fully probed in terms of its discourse and pragmatic functions. This corpus-based study is focused on the strategies used by British and Spanish teenagers to introduce constructed (...)
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  13.  18
    Les petits corpus et les phénomènes de basse fréquence: try and au-delà de l’anglais standard et contemporain.Daniel Ross - 2018 - Corpus 18.
    Small corpora remain an important resource for addressing questions requiring specialized data not found in large general purpose corpora. But do these small corpora have sufficient data to analyze low-frequency phenomena? This article presents a case study of the try-and-V pseudocoordination construction in English, which has an unusual morphosyntactic restriction: neither verb can be inflected. Diachronic corpora elucidate its origin as reanalysis from ambiguous usage of non-finite verbs in the late 1500s. Dialectal corpora reveal variation in frequency but not grammatical (...)
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  14.  55
    The New Mizrahi Narrative in Israel.Arie Kizel - 2014 - Resling.
    The trend to centralization of the Mizrahi narrative has become an integral part of the nationalistic, ethnic, religious, and ideological-political dimensions of the emerging, complex Israeli identity. This trend includes several forms of opposition: strong opposition to "melting pot" policies and their ideological leaders; opposition to the view that ethnicity is a dimension of the tension and schisms that threaten Israeli society; and, direct repulsion of attempts to silence and to dismiss Mizrahim and so marginalize them hegemonically. The Mizrahi Democratic (...)
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  15.  24
    (1 other version)Towards a history of speech act theory.B. Smith - 1989 - In Barry Smith, Constraints on Correspondence. Hölder/Pichler/Tempsky.
    That uses of language not only can, but even normally do have the character of actions was a fact largely unrealised by those engaged in the study of language before the present century, at least in the sense that there was lacking any attempt to come to terms systematically with the action-theoretic peculiarities of language use. Where the action-character of linguistic phenomena was acknowledged, it was normally regarded as a peripheral matter, relating to derivative or non-standard aspects of language which (...)
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  16. A Telegram corpus for hate speech, offensive language, and online harm.Mihaela Popa-Wyatt - manuscript
    We provide a new text corpus from the social medium Telegram, which is rich in indirect forms of divisive speech. We scraped all messages from one channel of supporters of Donald Trump, covering a large part of his presidency from late 2016 until January 2021. The discussion among the group members over this long time period includes the spread of disinformation, disparaging of out-group members, and other forms of offensive speech. To encourage research into such practices of poisoning public political (...)
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  17. Abstract of "part-of-speech tagging of modern hebrew texts".Yoad Winter - unknown
    Words in Semitic texts often consist of a concatenation of word segments, each corresponding to a Part-of-Speech (POS) category. Semitic words may be ambiguous with regard to their segmentation as well as to the POS tags assigned to each segment. When designing POS taggers for Semitic languages, a major architectural decision concerns the choice of the atomic input tokens (terminal symbols). If the tokenization is at the word level the output tags must be complex, and represent both the segmentation of (...)
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  18.  21
    Training speech and language therapy students to corpus building: why? How?Stéphanie Caët - 2018 - Corpus 19.
    Cet article rend compte d’une expérience pédagogique consistant à proposer à des étudiants de 2e année en orthophonie de constituer leur propre corpus de productions orales ou multimodales (enregistrement audio ou vidéo et transcription de cet enregistrement). Il met en évidence un certain nombre de questionnements auxquels cet exercice conduit les étudiants et souligne les liens avec leur pratique future.
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    A Comparative Corpus-Based Study on the Political Discourse of the U.S. Presidents: Obama and Trump.Arta Toçi & Enes Ismeti - 2022 - Seeu Review 17 (2):71-86.
    The aim of this research is to analyze the political discourse and the language they used in public addresses provided by two former presidents of the United States, specifically, President Barak Obama and President Donald Trump. This research reflects on the material that has been collected for several months which aimed to contribute on the analysis of the corpus, distinctions and similarities, as well as their attitudes towards the public opinion. The objectives of this study are mainly empirical and theoretical. (...)
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  20.  60
    Some Tests of an Unsupervised Model of Language Acquisition.Shimon Edelman - unknown
    We outline an unsupervised language acquisition algorithm and offer some psycholinguistic support for a model based on it. Our approach resembles the Construction Grammar in its general philosophy, and the Tree Adjoining Grammar in its computational characteristics. The model is trained on a corpus of transcribed child-directed speech (CHILDES). The model’s ability to process novel inputs makes it capable of taking various standard tests of English that rely on forced-choice judgment and on magnitude estimation of linguistic acceptability. We report encouraging (...)
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  21.  30
    An integrated explicit and implicit offensive language taxonomy.Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Anna Bączkowska, Chaya Liebeskind, Giedre Valunaite Oleskeviciene & Slavko Žitnik - 2023 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19 (1):7-48.
    The current study represents an integrated model of explicit and implicit offensive language taxonomy. First, it focuses on a definitional revision and enrichment of the explicit offensive language taxonomy by reviewing the collection of available corpora and comparing tagging schemas applied there. The study relies mainly on the categories originally proposed by Zampieri et al. (2019) in terms of offensive language categorization schemata. After the explanation of semantic differences between particular concepts used in the tagging systems and the analysis of (...)
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  22.  36
    Non Standard Regular Finite Set Theory.Stefano Baratella & Ruggero Ferro - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (2):161-172.
    We propose a set theory, called NRFST, in which the Cantorian axiom of infinity is negated, and a new notion of infinity is introduced via non standard methods, i. e. via adequate notions of standard and internal, two unary predicates added to the language of ZF. After some initial results on NRFST, we investigate its relative consistency with respect to ZF and Kawai's WNST.
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    Pronoun Use in Finnish Reported Speech and Free Indirect Discourse: Effects of Logophoricity.Elsi Kaiser - 2017 - In Pritty Patel-Grosz, Patrick Georg Grosz & Sarah Zobel, Pronouns in Embedded Contexts at the Syntax-Semantics Interface. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 75-104.
    Many languages have logophoric pronouns which refer to the person whose speech, thoughts or feelings are being reported, and some languages also have antilogophoric pronouns. This paper investigates logophoricity in the pronominal system of Finnish, in particular in reported speech and free indirect discourse. I first show that the referential patterns exhibited of two types of third person pronouns in Finnish – the human third-person pronoun hän and the non-human third person pronoun se, which can also be used for human (...)
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    Towards Developing a Comprehensive Tag Set for the Arabic Language.Muhammed Alawairdhi & Shihadeh Alqrainy - 2020 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):287-296.
    This paper presents a comprehensive Tag set as a fundamental component for developing an automated Word Class/part-of-speech (PoS) tagging system for the Arabic language. The aim is to develop a standard and comprehensive PoS tag set that based upon PoS classes and Arabic inflectional morphology useful for Linguistics and Natural Language Processing (NLP) developers to extract more linguistic information from it. The tag names in the developed tag set uses terminology from Arabic tradition grammar rather than English grammar. The usability (...)
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    Bilingualism in Ancient Society: Language Contact and the Written Word (Book).Philip Baldi - 2004 - American Journal of Philology 125 (2):279-283.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 125.2 (2004) 279-283 [Access article in PDF] J. N. Adams, Mark Janse, and Simon Swain, eds. Bilingualism in Ancient Society: Language Contact and the Written Word. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. x + 483 pp. Cloth, $98. There are some issues, and bilingualism is one of them, that have been mainstays in the scholarly dialogue of classicists and historical linguists for centuries. This interest has (...)
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  26.  32
    One Way or Another: Evidence for Perceptual Asymmetry in Pre-attentive Learning of Non-native Contrasts.Liquan Liu, Jia Hoong Ong, Alba Tuninetti & Paola Escudero - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:309099.
    Research investigating listeners’ neural sensitivity to speech sounds has largely focused on segmental features. We examined Australian English listeners’ perception and learning of a supra-segmental feature, pitch direction in a non-native tonal contrast, using a passive oddball paradigm and electroencephalography. The stimuli were two contours generated from naturally produced high-level and high-falling tones in Mandarin Chinese, differing only in pitch direction ( Liu and Kager, 2014 ). While both contours had similar pitch onsets, the pitch offset of the falling contour (...)
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  27.  26
    Eliciting Big Data From Small, Young, or Non-standard Languages: 10 Experimental Challenges.Evelina Leivada, Roberta D’Alessandro & Kleanthes K. Grohmann - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:429300.
    The aim of this work is to identify and analyze a set of challenges that are likely to be encountered when one embarks on fieldwork in linguistic communities that feature small, young, and/or non-standard languages with a goal to elicit big sets of rich data. For each challenge, we (i) explain its nature and implications, (ii) offer one or more examples of how it is manifested in actual linguistic communities, and (iii) where possible, offer recommendations for addressing it effectively. Our (...)
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  28.  47
    Exaggeration of Language-Specific Rhythms in English and French Children's Songs.Erin E. Hannon, Yohana Lévêque, Karli M. Nave & Sandra E. Trehub - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:196258.
    The available evidence indicates that the music of a culture reflects the speech rhythm of the prevailing language. The normalized pairwise variability index (nPVI) is a measure of durational contrast between successive events that can be applied to vowels in speech and to notes in music. Music–language parallels may have implications for the acquisition of language and music, but it is unclear whether native-language rhythms are reflected in children's songs. In general, children's songs exhibit greater rhythmic regularity than adults' songs, (...)
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  29.  22
    Crummell on the metalogic of non-standard languages.Stephen Lester Thompson - 2007 - Philosophia Africana 10 (2):77-106.
  30.  84
    The Fictive Use of Language.Richard M. Gale - 1971 - Philosophy 46 (178):324 - 340.
    Fiction has been of concern to both the aesthetician and the ontologist. The former is concerned with the criteria or standards by which we judge the aesthetic worth of a fictional work, the latter with whether our ontology must be enlarged to include possible or imaginary worlds in which are housed the characters and incidents referred to and depicted in such works. This is a paper on the ontology of fiction. It will attempt to answer these ontological questions concerning truth (...)
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  31.  21
    A Randomized Case Series Approach to Testing Efficacy of Interventions for Minimally Verbal Autistic Children.Jo Saul & Courtenay Norbury - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundRandomized Controlled Trials are the gold standard for assessing whether an intervention is effective; however, they require large sample sizes in order to detect small effects. For rare or complex populations, we advocate a case series approach as a more realistic and useful first step for intervention evaluation. We consider the importance of randomization to such designs, and advocate for the use of Randomization Tests and Between Case Effect Sizes to provide a robust and statistically powerful evaluation of outcomes. In (...)
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    Repeat After Me? Both Children With and Without Autism Commonly Align Their Language With That of Their Caregivers.Riccardo Fusaroli, Ethan Weed, Roberta Rocca, Deborah Fein & Letitia Naigles - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (11):e13369.
    Linguistic repetitions in children are conceptualized as negative in children with autism – echolalia, without communicative purpose – and positive in typically developing (TD) children – linguistic alignment involved in shared engagement, common ground and language acquisition. To investigate this apparent contradiction we analyzed spontaneous speech in 67 parent–child dyads from a longitudinal corpus (30 minutes of play activities at 6 visits over 2 years). We included 32 children with autism and 35 linguistically matched TD children (mean age at recruitment (...)
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  33.  29
    The importance of being in earnest.Anfinn Stigen - 1966 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 9 (1-4):374-383.
    The main purpose of the paper is to find illuminating and fruitful definitions of ?standard use?, ?misuse?, ?misleading use?, etc., as applied to our speech. The author first sets up two fundamental conditions for successful standard use of language: (1) that the statement should be given in the right circumstances, including the speaker's having a status such that he can make a statement of the kind in question; (2) that the speaker should mean what he says, in the sense that (...)
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    Metaphor and Religious Language by Janet Martin Soskice. [REVIEW]M. Jamie Ferreira - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (4):719-725.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 719 Metaphor and Religious Language. By JANET MARTIN SosKICE. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1985. Pp. 191. Cloth, $25.00. This book combines two excellent studies: the first is a critical analysis of theories of metaphor and topics in contemporary philosophy of language which are especially relevant to theories of metaphor; the second is an examination of the way in which models and the metaphorical language based on them (...)
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    From the Streets to the White House.Matjaž Ezgeta - 2012 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):13-37.
    Most linguists have defined African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) as a regular and systematic form of vernacular language which contains distinctive grammatical and phonological features. AAVE is considered a social dialect or a non-standard variety of American English, which is spoken by the majority of African Americans. This article explores variability of the selected AAVE features in the interviews with ten African-American public figures, ranging from Hip Hop artists and blues musicians (Redman, Chuck D, Prodigy, MC Lyte, B.B. King) to talk (...)
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    Judged in a Foreign Language: A Chinese-Spanish Court Interpreting Case Study.Mireia Vargas-Urpi - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (7-8):787-803.
    ABSTRACTRecent legislation in Spain has transposed Directive 2010/64/EU, which recognises interpretation as an essential tool for safeguarding fairness in criminal proceedings, in particular, for preventing any state of defencelessness. Previous research, however, has suggested important deficiencies in court interpreting in this country. This article analyses court interpreting from Chinese to Spanish, based on a case study of a recording of a criminal trial that took place in Barcelona in February 2015. The trial was transcribed verbatim and annotated in accordance with (...)
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  37. On the Cognition of States of Affairs.Barry Smith - 1987 - In Kevin Mulligan, Speech Act and Sachverhalt: Reinach and the Foundations of Realist Phenomenology. Reidel. pp. 189-225.
    The theory of speech acts put forward by Adolf Reinach in his "The A Priori Foundations of the Civil Law" of 1913 rests on a systematic account of the ontological structures associated with various different sorts of language use. One of the most original features of Reinach's account lies in hIs demonstration of how the ontological structure of, say, an action of promising or of commanding, may be modified in different ways, yielding different sorts of non-standard instances of the corresponding (...)
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    Perceptual adaptation to non-native speech.Ann R. Bradlow & Tessa Bent - 2008 - Cognition 106 (2):707-729.
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    Emotion effects survive non-standard orthographic representations.Anna Hatzidaki & Mikel Santesteban - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Digital communication has generated forms of written speech that may deviate from standard ones, such as Greeklish (a Latin-alphabet-based script) vs. Greek. The question of interest is how different orthographic representations of the same referent (e.g. petaloyda, “butterfly”, in Greeklish vs. πϵταλούδα “butterfly” in Greek) may influence word processing, particularly visual word recognition and access to affective connotations. 120 Greek native speakers were tested on a lexical decision task, in which script (Greeklish vs. Greek) and valence (positive vs. negative vs. (...)
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    Gesture profile of fluent and non-fluent people with aphasia.Gaëlle Ferré - 2022 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 20.
    This article proposes an analysis of the gestural production of people suffering from fluent or non-fluent aphasia in comparison with the gestures performed by speakers not suffering from any language disorder. The interest of such a study is twofold: firstly, it allows a better understanding of what happens to gestures during the numerous speech dysfluencies caused by the speech impairment. Among other things, it sheds light on the links between speech and gestures in multimodal face-to-face interaction. Despite the profusion of (...)
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    Ultralarge lotteries: Analyzing the Lottery Paradox using non-standard analysis.Sylvia Wenmackers - 2013 - Journal of Applied Logic 11 (4):452-467.
    A popular way to relate probabilistic information to binary rational beliefs is the Lockean Thesis, which is usually formalized in terms of thresholds. This approach seems far from satisfactory: the value of the thresholds is not well-specified and the Lottery Paradox shows that the model violates the Conjunction Principle. We argue that the Lottery Paradox is a symptom of a more fundamental and general problem, shared by all threshold-models that attempt to put an exact border on something that is intrinsically (...)
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    Non-Ideal Foundations of Language.Jessica Keiser - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book argues that the major traditions in the philosophy of language have mistakenly focused on highly idealized linguistic contexts. Instead, it presents a non-ideal foundational theory of language that contends that the essential function of language is to direct attention for the purpose of achieving diverse social and political goals. Philosophers of language have focused primarily on highly idealized linguistic contexts in which cooperative agents are working toward the shared goal of gaining information about the world. This approach abstracts (...)
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    On Languages which are Based on Non-Standard Arithmetic.Abraham Robinson - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (3):516-517.
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    Inhibitory non-invasive brain stimulation to homologous language regions as an adjunct to speech and language therapy in post-stroke aphasia: a meta-analysis.Begonya Otal, Manuel C. Olma, Agnes Flöel & Ian Wellwood - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  45.  20
    Variation of the voiced bilabial occlusive phoneme in standard and non-standard chilean spanish.Erika Díaz Castro, Jaime Soto-Barba & Daniel Ignacio Pereira - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 51:161-175.
    Resumen: En este trabajo, se observa la variación fonética del fonema oclusivo bilabial sonoro en el español no estándar en una muestra de hablantes chilenos de ocho ciudades, cuyas ubicaciones geográficas permiten cubrir los principales sectores urbanos del país. En los resultados se evidencia un marcado uso del alófono aproximante labiodental sonoro en este tipo de habla y un comportamiento relativamente homogéneo en todo el país respecto de las principales variantes del fonema oclusivo bilabial sonoro. La comparación del fonema oclusivo (...)
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    Learning Foreign Sounds in an Alien World: Videogame Training Improves Non-Native Speech Categorization.Sung-joo Lim & Lori L. Holt - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (7):1390-1405.
    Although speech categories are defined by multiple acoustic dimensions, some are perceptually weighted more than others and there are residual effects of native-language weightings in non-native speech perception. Recent research on nonlinguistic sound category learning suggests that the distribution characteristics of experienced sounds influence perceptual cue weights: Increasing variability across a dimension leads listeners to rely upon it less in subsequent category learning (Holt & Lotto, 2006). The present experiment investigated the implications of this among native Japanese learning English /r/-/l/ (...)
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  47. Przemowa Demiurga w Platońskim „Timajosie” a współczesne pojęcie godności [Demiurge’s Speech in Plato’s “Timaeus” and the Contemporary Concept of Dignity].Marek Piechowiak - 2013 - In Antoni Dębiński, Abiit, non obiit. Księga poświęcona pamięci Księdza Profesora Antoniego Kościa SVD. Wydawnictwo KUL. pp. 655-665.
    Today, dignity recognized as a fundamental value across legal systems is equal, inherent and inalienable, inviolable, is the source of human rights and is essential for its subject to be recognized as an autotelic entity (an end in itself) that cannot be treated as an object. The analysis of the extract from Plato’s Demiurge’s speech in Timaeus reveals that Plato developed a reflection on something that determines the qualitative difference between certain beings and the world of things, and that forms (...)
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    Variability in transcription and the complexities of representation, authority and voice.Alexandra Jaffe - 2007 - Discourse Studies 9 (6):831-836.
    This commentary addresses the complexities of representation in sociolinguistic transcripts, considering the meaning potentials of different representational choices at the level of both ideology and identity. It considers the kinds of authenticity and evidence that are indexed by simplified versus more detailed transcripts, suggesting that a simplified transcript may give more direct access to elements of the original speaker's voice. Second, it discusses the role of transcripts as scholarly texts, and questions their use as sociolinguistic records suitable for reinterpretation by (...)
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    Non-assertoric speech acts: Introduction to the topical collection.Lwenn Bussière-Caraes, Luca Incurvati, Giorgio Sbardolini & Julian J. Schloeder - 2024 - Synthese 204 (5):1-4.
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    Une approche naïve de ľanalyse non‐standard.Par A. Robert - 1984 - Dialectica 38 (4):287-296.
    RésuméL'analyse non‐standard fournit une base solide à la théorie des infinitésimaux. L'approche axiomatique qu'en donne Nelson est basée sur un nouveau predicat qui est ajouté au langage de la théorie usuelle des ensembles. Nous interprétons ce prédicat et formulons les axio‐mes de Nelson ?on;une façon qui peut être comparee à la discussion de P. R. Halmos dans son livre Naïve Set Theory .SummaryNon‐standard analysis gives a proper foundation to the theory of infinitesimals. Nelson's axiomatic approach of it uses a new (...)
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