Results for ' concept of military security'

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  1. The Impact of Social Security on the Security Policy of the Republic of North Macedonia.Marjan Gjurovski & Sibela Alimovska - 2023 - Religious dialogue and cooperation 4 (4):85-100.
    The concept of national security belongs to the so-called old, traditional approachesto security. Its focus is on the survival of the sovereign state, which is its territorialintegrity and political independence (sovereignty) protected by diplomatic, intelligenceand military capacities, which is ability to repel military aggression or respond successfully.It is therefore justifiably called the concept of state security. In the real socialist countries,state security meant the state of protection of the state from political crime, (...)
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    Private Military and Security Companies and the Liberal Conception of Violence.Andrew Alexandra - 2012 - Criminal Justice Ethics 31 (3):158-174.
    Abstract The institution of war is the broad framework of rules, norms, and organizations dedicated to the prevention, prosecution, and resolution of violent conflict between political entities. Important parts of that institution consist of the accountability arrangements that hold between armed forces, the political leaders who oversee and direct the use of those forces, and the people in whose name the leaders act and from whose ranks the members of the armed forces are drawn. Like other parts of the institution, (...)
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    Hybrid War as a Phenomenon of Semantic Postmodern Discourse with Emphasis on the Military Constant as a Factor of National Security.Andriy Tkachuk & Pavlo Tkachuk - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3):190-215.
    The article states the core thesis about two asymmetric modes of existence of war – physical and discursive. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the analytical and practical necessity of distinguishing between two modes of existence of hybrid warfare as a phenomenon of physical reality and as a discursive construct, as well as to raise questions about the value specificity of the relationship between them. The methodology of work represents the implication of two asymmetric modes of war existence (...)
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    Civil-Military Integration: The Politics of Outsourcing National Security.Tara M. Lavallee - 2010 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (3):185-194.
    The post 9/11 environment has been characterized by domestic policy actors being incorporated into a globalizing defense industrial sector through the concept of civil-military integration. From administration to administration, the push for increased civil-military integration has spread beyond its original boundaries and has reached the frontlines of the American military. This begs the question, can the market-driven logic of the commercial sector be integrated into the objectives and values of the noncivilian, military sector? More precisely, (...)
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    The Ethics of Military Privatization: The US Armed Contractor Phenomenon.David M. Barnes - 2016 - Routledge.
    "This book explores the ethical implications of using armed contractors, taking a consequentialist approach to this multidisciplinary debate. While privatization is not a new concept for the U.S. military, the public debate on military privatization is limited to legal, financial, and pragmatic concerns. Missing is a critical assessment of the ethical dimensions of military privatization in general; more specifically, in light of the increased reliance upon armed contractors, it must be asked whether it is morally permissible (...)
  6.  1
    Security in the light of select philosophical and social concepts. Between theory and practice.Wojciech Gizicki - 2013 - Filosofija. Sociologija 24 (3).
    Security is one of the basic values in the life of an individual, society, nation, country, and also at the international level. However, modern security is composed of efficient utilization of the potential within diplomacy and strength, a balanced relationship between soft and hard power. This text aims at presenting an overview of security concepts included in the selected philosophical and social models. This involves bringing closer specific theories and practical actions based on them. Nowadays, this can (...)
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  7. The legitimacy of the military, private military and security companies, and just war theory.James Pattison - 2012 - European Journal of Political Theory 11 (2):131-154.
    The legitimacy of the military is frequently overlooked in standard accounts of jus ad bellum. Accordingly, this paper considers how the military should be organized. It proposes a normative conception of legitimacy – the ‘Moderate Instrumentalist Approach’ – that outlines the qualities that a military should possess. It then assesses the three leading ways of organizing the military according to this approach: the use of private military and security companies (PMSCs), a conscripted force and (...)
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    Evolution of Different Dual-use Concepts in International and National Law and Its Implications on Research Ethics and Governance.Johannes Rath, Monique Ischi & Dana Perkins - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (3):769-790.
    This paper provides an overview of the various dual-use concepts applied in national and international non-proliferation and anti-terrorism legislation, such as the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, the Chemical Weapons Convention and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540, and national export control legislation and in relevant codes of conduct. While there is a vast literature covering dual-use concepts in particular with regard to life sciences, this is the first paper that incorporates into such discussion the United Nations Security (...)
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    Shooting to Kill: The Ethics of Police and Military Use of Lethal Force.Seumas Miller - 2016 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Terrorism, the use of military force in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, and the fatal police shootings of unarmed persons have all contributed to renewed interest in the ethics of police and military use of lethal force and its moral justification. In this book, philosopher Seumas Miller analyzes the various moral justifications and moral responsibilities involved in the use of lethal force by police and military combatants, relying on a distinctive normative teleological account of institutional roles. His conception (...)
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    Soldiers in War as Homo Sacer.AssociAte PrOfessor Of Military Ethics At THe Military Academy In Belgradehe Is Also Lecturer In Ethics at The School Of National Defence he Is An Elected Member Of The Board Of Directors Of The EuropeAn Society For Military Ethics & War Collection He is A. Reserve Officer in the Serbian Armed Forces Editor-in-Chief of the Online Ethics of Peace - forthcoming - Journal of Military Ethics:1-13.
    In this article, the author aims to demonstrate how Agamben’s concept of Homo Sacer is ideally epitomized by a soldier in war. A soldier in war holds a peculiar position, as killing of soldiers is considered neither illegal by laws nor immoral by ethics, and so a soldier is not considered to be legally or morally “guilty” in the usual sense of the word if he or she kills another soldier in war. The author analyzes the notion of Homo (...)
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  11.  13
    Ethics and Military Strategy in the 21st Century: Moving Beyond Clausewitz.George R. Lucas - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book examines the importance of 'military ethics' in the formulation and conduct of contemporary military strategy. Clausewitz's original analysis of war relegated ethics to the side-lines in favour of political realism, interpreting the proper use of military power solely to further the political goals of the state, whatever those may be. This book demonstrates how such single-minded focus no longer suffices to secure the interest of states, for whom the nature of warfare has evolved to favour (...)
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    The National Security Novel: “Useful Fiction,” Persuasive Emotions, and the Securitization of Literature.Anders Engberg-Pedersen - 2025 - Critical Inquiry 51 (2):225-246.
    Since 2015, two influential American authors and military consultants have sought to leverage imaginative literature for the cause of national security. On the basis of concepts such as useful fiction and FICINT, a shorthand for fictional intelligence, they have sought to develop a new genre—the national security novel—which blends nonfictional research and predictive threat scenarios with the creative inventions and emotional appeal of fiction. In this article, I trace how the national security novel developed through a (...)
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  13.  24
    Revisiting The Concept of Human Security.Mohammad Kamrul Ahsan - 2016 - Philosophy and Progress 59 (1-2):9.
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    Right wing ascendance in India and politicisation of India’s military.Ali Ahmed - 2019 - Антиномии 19 (4):88-106.
    The rise to taking over state power after elections of 2014 by majoritarian forces in India has since witnessed weakening of institutions of governance. The ruling Bhartiya Janata Party has returned to power with an enhanced parliamentary majority in the 2019 elections. The rise of hindutva, the Hindu nationalist political philosophy of the formations comprising the BJP and the Sangh parivaar or affiliates of the right wing Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, has reshaped the discourse on the “idea of India”. Under the (...)
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  15. Methodical approaches to assessing the military and economic capacity of the country.Mykola Tkach, Ivan Tkach, Serhii Yasenko, Igor Britchenko & Peter Lošonczi - 2022 - Journal of Scientific Papers «Social Development and Security» 12 (3):81-97.
    The aim of the article is to develop the existing methodological approaches to assessing the military and economic capabilities of the country in conditions of war and peace. To achieve the purpose of the study, its decomposition was carried out and the following were investigated: existing approaches to assessing the military and economic potential of the country, the country's power and national power; the concept of critical load of the national economy is revealed; the generally accepted norms (...)
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  16. Creativity in military complexity: design, disruptors and defence forces.Cara Wrigley & Murray Simons - 2025 - New York: Routledge.
    This work offers a groundbreaking exploration of the urgent need for creativity and innovation in contemporary military thought. In an era characterised by the ceaseless flux of global dynamics, traditional paradigms of warfare have become increasingly obsolete. The imperative has arisen to harness out-of-box thinking, underscoring creativity and innovation within the realm of military thought. The pursuit of victory no longer lies in the fixation upon past conflicts, but rather in the discerning assessment of and adaptation to the (...)
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    Online Security: What’s in a Name? [REVIEW]Anat Biletzki - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 26 (4):397-410.
    This article motions to a real contradiction between online security and civil rights. It traverses semantic and conceptual elaborations of both security and human rights, narrowing their range to national security and human rather than civil rights, and suggests that the concept of security itself, whether online or not, is a rhetorical instrument in the hands of interested parties, mostly states and militaries. This instrument is used to undermine human rights precisely by means of its (...)
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    Rethinking the military paradigm.John McMurtry - 1991 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 34 (4):415-432.
    The article begins with an overview of the historic moment of ?the end of the Cold War?, and of the paradoxically deepening moral, social, and environmental problems posed by the military system. It demonstrates that historical and contemporary analyses of defence and war have dogmatically presupposed the military paradigm, and have therefore failed to recognize the self?reproducing structure of covert premisses and inferences upon which it rests. In laying bare this underlying system of unreason, the analysis demonstrates that (...)
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  19.  34
    Social Risks and Demands for Security.Maria Laura Lanzillo - 2015 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (1).
    In the latest decades, many studies have focused on the concepts of fear, risk, security as relevant elements for describing our contemporary world. The Author rethink the processes trough which particular features of social reality become security issues. Security is no longer viewed as referring naturally or unproblematically to the military security of the state. Rather, the goal becomes to understand how different and seemingly disconnected objects can become subject to the processes of “securization” which (...)
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    Constraining war: Human security and the Human right to peace. [REVIEW]Patrick Hayden - 2004 - Human Rights Review 6 (1):35-55.
    The explicit articulation of a cosmopolitan conception of human security and a corresponding right to peace is a positive development in global politics, inasmuch as it decenters the state in our understanding of the human community and delegitimizes organized violence as the generally accepted means for the “continuation” of realist politics. I have argued that just war theory, when defined in suitably narrow fashion, helps to contribute to our thinking on issues of human security in several ways. First, (...)
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  21.  19
    Expert Assistance in Security Politics: Problems and Possibilities.Marina A. Glaser, Anton V. Polyachenkov & Nikolay N. Novik - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 64 (6):33-54.
    The article examines the problem of correlation between the “knowledge society” and “knowledge practice,” based on analysis of the phenomenon of security expertise as a part of political expertise. In the article, we consider the relationship between politics and security and demonstrate under what circumstances security becomes politics. It is noted that at present the concept of security has become very multifaceted and includes various spheres, from military-political to informational and humanitarian. We defines (...) expertise, list its key parameters, origin, its institutionalization and practices. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of the main schools in the study of security expertise problems. Their general ideology and inherent problems are analyzed, including the correspondence of the quality of the expertise to recognized standards of scientific knowledge. We explain why security issues appeal to experts and result in numerous studies. We raise an issue of causes that may lead to possible deprofessionalization of security expertise. We identify a number of institutions with an expert status in the field of security and explain the global growth of analytical centers specializing in security expertise. A brief description of such analytical centers and their main features is given. We look into examples of practical impact of expertise on political decision-making, and possible mechanisms of expert support. It is concluded that expert analysis can exercise direct impact on political processes, and the experts become influential shadow participants. On the one hand, this may contribute to adopting more balanced decisions, but, on the other hand, it may result in deprofessionalization of experts who will try to adjust to the demands of politicians. Thus, in the sphere of security expertise, one of the results of the formation of a “knowledge society” is a decrease in the autonomy of the scientific sphere, which has a side effect in the form of deprofessionalization of knowledge. (shrink)
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    Injustice in Non-Transitional Regimes: The Eighth Anniversary of the Massacre of the Thai ‘Red Shirts’.Siwach Sripokangkul - forthcoming - Intellectual Discourse:7-45.
    The concept of transitional justice has been widely discussed inThailand following the massacre of the Red Shirt protesters in 2010, whichresulted in the highest death toll resulting from a military action againstpolitical protestors in Thai history. The eighth anniversary of that tragedyoffers an opportunity to analyse Thailand’s response to the use of militaryviolence against these political activists. This analysis is performed throughthe application of the seven conceptual components of transitional justice:regime change, finding truth, prosecution, security sector reform, (...)
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    (1 other version)Risking Aggression: Toleration of Threat and Preventive War.Matthew Beard - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (5).
    Generally speaking, just war theory (JWT) holds that there are two just causes for war: self-defence and ‘other-defence’. The most common type of the latter is popularly known as ‘humanitarian intervention’. There is debate, however, as to whether these can serve as just causes for preventive war. Those who subscribe to JWT tend to be unified in treating so-called preventive war with a high degree of suspicion on the grounds that it fails to satisfy conventional criteria for jus ad bello; (...)
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    Light at the end of the pipeline?: Choosing a forum for suspected terrorists.Amos N. Guiora & John T. Parry - manuscript
    Despite the fact that six years have passed since 9/11, the Pentagon's recent decision to try six Guantanamo detainees for capital crimes such as terrorism and support of terrorism made national headlines. William Glaberson, "U.S. Charges 6 With Key Roles in 9/11 Attacks", N.Y. Times, Feb. 11, 2008, at A1. In this Debate, Professors Amos N. Guiora, of the University of Utah, and John T. Parry, of Lewis & Clark Law School, attempt to settle the question of what sort of (...)
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  25. The Concept of Security.Jonathan Herington - 2012 - In Michael Selgelid & Christian Enemark, Ethical and Security Aspects of Infectious Disease Control: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Ashgate.
    This chapter provides a philosophical analysis of the different meanings of “security” and, by so doing, identifies some key features of the concept of security. I begin by establishing a number of qualities which this chapter’s conceptual analysis should ideally possess. I then make an important distinction between security as a practice and security as a state of being, and argue that more attention should be paid to the latter if our goal is to interrogate (...)
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    Ivan Ilyin’s views on war and violence and their use among Russian religious and military audiences, 2005–2023.Santeri Kytöneva - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-14.
    Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin (1883–1954) was a Russian philosopher whose writings have recently resurfaced among Russian political elites and in contemporary Russian Orthodox Church discourse. This article provides a reading of Ilyin’s main works on violence, The Basic Moral Contradiction of War (1914) and On Resistance to Evil by Force (1925), outlining how Ilyin’s texts have been utilised by both the Russian Orthodox Church and security service actors from 2005 to 2023. The case study demonstrates that Ilyin’s writings have been (...)
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  27. The Concept of Security, Liberty, Fear and the State.Jonathan Herington - 2015 - In Philippe Bourbeau, Security: Dialogue Across Disciplines. Cambridge University Press. pp. 22-44.
    Whilst security seems central to many moral and political problems, sustained examination of the concept by contemporary philosophers is rare. In this chapter I seek to re-ignite philosophical interest in security by uncovering some of the ways in which the concept has been both understood and misunderstood. I begin by exploring the scarce historical understandings of security within the Western philosophical canon, from the Epicureans through Hobbes and on to contemporary political philosophy, identifying the key (...)
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    Migrant Supplementarity: Remaking Biological Relatedness in Chinese Military and Indian Five-Star Hospitals.Lawrence Cohen - 2011 - Body and Society 17 (2-3):31-541.
    Social analysis of transplant organ demand often focuses on either small-scale (familial) tyrannies of the gift or large-scale (global) markets. Media accounts of the scandalous in transplant medicine stress the latter, a homogeneous model of flows of biovalue down gradients of economic and social capital. This article examines particular globalizations of tissue demand organized as much around claims of social similarity as gradients of social difference. To engage apparent ‘diasporic’ networks of organ purchase — Non-Resident Indians traveling to India and (...)
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    The court as a battlefield: the art of war and the art of politics in the "Han Feizi".Albert Galvany - 2017 - Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies:1-24.
    Most scholarly contributions analysing the Han Feizi tend not only to overlook the influence military literature might have had on its conception and unfolding, but also to assert that the figure of the ruler, as described in this text, and that of the commander, as portrayed in military treatises, are incompatible. In refuting this view, I shall attempt to demonstrate that the writings collected in the Han Feizi fully embrace the logic of military con- frontation, which entails, (...)
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    Awakening resistance: the politics of sleep in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.Bilal Hamamra, Sanaa Abusamra & Ilan Pappe - 2024 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (2):194-205.
    Drawing on Levinasian concepts of sleep, insomnia, and the il y a, this paper examines the liminal states of insomnia and sleep within the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Sleep and insomnia, being proximates of death as well as displacement and anonymous existence successively, are topics that have not, to the best of our knowledge, received any critical commentary within (post)colonial studies. This paper argues that the Israeli military occupation deprives Palestinians from sleep, casting them into the horror and anonymous existence of (...)
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    Beyond Rivalry?: Rethinking Community in View of Apocalyptical Violence.Andreas Oberprantacher - 2010 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 17:175-187.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Beyond Rivalry?Rethinking Community in View of Apocalyptical ViolenceAndreas Oberprantacher (bio)But the republic of crime must also be the republic of the suicide of criminals, and down to the last among them—the sacrifice of the sacrificers unleashed in passion.—Jean-Luc Nancy, The Inoperative CommunityThe Crisis and Apocalyptic Intensification of RivalryAt first it seemed as if the "rivalry between two rates of speed"1 set at the center of Derrida's essay "No Apocalypse, (...)
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    The Enemy of All: Piracy and the Law of Nations.Daniel Heller-Roazen - 2009 - Zone Books.
    The pirate is the original enemy of humankind. As Cicero famously remarked, there are certain enemies with whom one may negotiate and with whom, circumstances permitting, one may establish a truce. But there is also an enemy with whom treaties are in vain and war remains incessant. This is the pirate, considered by ancient jurists considered to be "the enemy of all."In this book, Daniel Heller-Roazen reconstructs the shifting place of the pirate in legal and political thought from the ancient (...)
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    Masquerades of war.Christine Sylvester (ed.) - 2015 - London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This collection explores the concepts and practices of masquerade as they apply to concepts and practices of war. The contributors insist that masquerades are everyday aspects of the politics, praxis, and experiences of war, while also discovering that finding masquerades and tracing how they work with war is hardly simple. With a range of theories, innovative methodologies, and contextual binoculars, masquerade emerges as a layered and complex phenomenon. It can appear as state deception, lie, or camouflage, as in the population-centric (...)
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    Counterterrorism, Ethics, and Global Health.Lisa Eckenwiler & Matthew Hunt - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (3):12-13.
    The intersection of national security, foreign policy, and health has been explored in a number of arenas, but little attention has been devoted to the ethical issues surrounding the global health impact of current counterterrorism policy and practice. In this essay, we’ll review a range of harms to population health traceable to counterterrorism operations, identify concerns involving moral agency and responsibility—specifically of humanitarian health workers, military medical personnel, and national security officials and operatives—and highlight two interrelated policy (...)
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    Jus Ad Bellum, Values, and the Contemporary Structure of International Law.Sean D. Murphy - 2013 - Journal of Religious Ethics 41 (1):20-26.
    In “Religion, Violence, and Human Rights: Protection of Human Rights as Justification for the Use of Armed Force,” James Johnson discusses an important dilemma for contemporary society: when should transnational military force be permitted to protect human rights? Professor Johnson uses the relatively recent doctrine of a “responsibility to protect” as the centerpiece of his paper, characterizing it as a reaction to legal concepts that emerged in the “Westphalian system.” Yet the doctrine, at least as it relates to the (...)
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  36. The Prescience of the Untimely: A Review of Arab Spring, Libyan Winter by Vijay Prashad. [REVIEW]Sasha Ross - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):218-223.
    continent. 2.3 (2012): 218–223 Vijay Prashad. Arab Spring, Libyan Winter . Oakland: AK Press. 2012. 271pp, pbk. $14.95 ISBN-13: 978-1849351126. Nearly a decade ago, I sat in a class entitled, quite simply, “Corporations,” taught by Vijay Prashad at Trinity College. Over the course of the semester, I was amazed at the extent of Prashad’s knowledge, and the complexity and erudition of his style. He has since authored a number of classic books that have gained recognition throughout the world. The Darker (...)
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    Clothing the Naked Soldier: Virtuous Conduct on the Augmented Reality Battlefield.Strategy Anna Feuer School of Global Policy, Usaanna Feuer is an Assistant Teaching Professor at the School of Global Policy Ca, Focusing on Insurgency San Diegoher Research is in International Security, Defense Technology Counterinsurgency, the Environment War & at the School of Oriental Politics at Oxford - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):264-276.
    The U.S. military is developing augmented reality (AR) capabilities for use on the battlefield as a means of achieving greater situational awareness. The superimposition of digital data—designed to expand surveillance, enhance geospatial understanding, and facilitate target identification—onto a live view of the battlefield has important implications for virtuous conduct in war: Can the soldier exercise practical wisdom while integrated into a system of militarized legibility? Adopting a virtue ethics perspective, I argue that AR disrupts the soldier’s immersion in the (...)
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    Transformation of Anthropological Legal Values of Human Existence under Conditions of War.V. S. Blikhar & R. F. Gryniuk - 2024 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 25:15-25.
    _Purpose._ The main purpose of the article is to study the anthropological and socio-philosophical dimensions of human existence in the context of hostilities by highlighting the aspects of transformation of anthropological legal values of human existence during the war. _Theoretical basis._ The methodological tools are presented in the interaction of axiological, synergetic, socio-legal and comparative methods. The survey method is used to obtain quantitative data on the self-assessment of Ukrainian citizens in relation to the war, changes in their internal intentions (...)
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    Peaceful Warriors: Private Military Security Companies and the Quest for Stable Societies.Don Mayer - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (S4):387 - 401.
    Peace is more likely where there is trade and commerce between nation-states. However, many nations are "failed states" or "failing states," in large part because of civil wars. Yet, "business" may have a role to play here, too; as private military security companies (PMSCs) proliferate, governments and international organizations seem increasingly disposed to contract for their services, in some cases for combat roles as well as non-combat support roles in various conflict zones. This has raised questions about the (...)
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  40. 자유민주주의적 가치의 철학적 해석을 통한 정신전력의 증강에 관한 연구 (Enhancement of Mental Force through the philosophical Interpretation of Liberal-democratic Values).Juyong Kim - 2022 - 정신전력연구 (Journal of Spiritual and Mental Force Enhancement) 68:205-254.
    Recently, mental strength education requires to change in a way that establishes a military value system suitable for a liberal democracy while facing the need to strengthen mental strength in response to unpredictable security situations. The key to fulfilling these twofold objectives lies in the fact that there is a positive correlation between the enhancement of a soldier’s democratic awareness and intangible force. Therefore, it is of great importance to emphasize the concept of ‘citizen in uniform’ as (...)
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    (1 other version)Political normativity and the functional autonomy of politics.Carlo Burelli - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (4):627-649.
    This article argues for a new interpretation of the realist claim that politics is autonomous from morality and involves specific political values. First, this article defends an original normative source: functional normativity. Second, it advocates a substantive functional standard: political institutions ought to be assessed by their capacity to select and implement collective decisions. Drawing from the ‘etiological account’ in philosophy of biology, I will argue that functions yield normative standards, which are independent from morality. For example, a ‘good heart’ (...)
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    Mare Tutum: Thucydides, King Minos, and the Concept of the ‘Secure Sea’ in Seventeenth-Century Maritime Law.Alexander Batson - 2024 - Grotiana 45 (1):1-31.
    This article examines a crucial argument in seventeenth-century maritime law: the concept of mare tutum, or ‘the secure sea’. According to this idea, the sea was characterized by chaotic piracy and required a strong central governing authority to impose order. Once the sea was secure, the ruler would reap the rewards of commerce and tariff revenues. Mare tutum espoused the idea of sea sovereignty for the goal of economic growth. Crucial to this idea was Thucydides’ account of the Cretan (...)
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    Serious misapplications of military research: Dysfunction between conception and implementation.Jacques G. Richardson - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (3):347-364.
    Researchers and technologists involved in the development of weapon systems can take their work to such extremes as to cause unplanned injury or death to others and lasting damage to the environment, reviewed here. In some cases innocent human casualties and ecological harm may actually be programmed and achieved. An analysis is proffered, attributing blame, and indicating efforts to correct the situation. The ethics involved are “complexified”, moral boundaries are exceeded, and humanity is transgressed as it develops solutions to the (...)
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    The Crisis of Democracy and the Problem of Democratic Peace.Ирина Николаевна Сидоренко - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 65 (3):39-57.
    The author analyzes three waves of the crisis of democracy during the 20th and early 21st centuries. The first crisis of democracy in the early 20th century is caused by the emergence and development of public politics, which challenged the possibility to govern the masses having conflict potential, it balanced the power of the people and universal suffrage with the control of the media in order to maintain the stability of political system. The second wave of the crisis of democracy (...)
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    Changes in the Meaning of Military and Political Concepts of Peace.Wolf von Baudissin - 1975 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 42.
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    Institution of Military Chaplaincy in Ukraine: Emphasis on Catholic Church Activities.Larysa Vladychenko & Tetiana Valeriivna Koshushko - 2020 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 91:83-109.
    The article deals with the problem of military chaplaincy service formation in the period of independence of Ukraine as one of the priority directions of relations between the state and religious organizations in Ukraine. The current state of military pastoral care is analyzed directly in the context of Catholic churches activities in Ukraine in this aspect. In particular, the institutional component of the Catholic churches is clarified, statistics demonstrating the quantitative and percentage composition of the Catholic churches in (...)
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  47. The Concept of Security in Political Violence.Jessica Wolfendale - 2012 - In Marie Breen-Smyth, Ashgate Companion to Political Violence. Ashgate. pp. 99-118.
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    Private Military and Security Companies and the Problems of their Regulation under International Humanitarian Law.Justinas Žilinskas - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 117 (3):163-177.
    The use of private military force by states has been a long-standing phenomena in the history of warfare. Armies of mercenaries, privateering and recruitment of foreign nationals into armed forces have been common during the Middle Ages and later on. However, with the invention of effective firearms and artillery, standing regular armies, conscription and other developments that resulted in the essential rise of costs of war, the role of private military entrepreneurs diminished. By the end of XIXth century (...)
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    Concepts of international relations, for students and other smarties.Iver B. Neumann - 2019 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    Concepts of International Relations, for Students and Other Smarties is not a stereotypical textbook, but an instructive, entertaining and motivating introduction to the field of International Relations (IR). Rather than relying on figures or tables, Concepts of International Relations, for Students and Other Smarties piques the reader's interest with a pithy narrative that presents apposite nutshell examples, stresses historical breaks and throws in the odd pun to get the big picture across. While there are other brief, introductory IR titles, Iver (...)
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    Life and death in the production of a Factographic object.Andrew Fisher - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (2):255-273.
    This article focuses on documents made by the Soviet military secret service detailing the arrest, interrogation, trial and execution of Sergei Tret’iakov in Moscow in 1937. The original documents were published in Russian in 1997 as part of Return my Freedom, a collection of archival records edited by Vladimir Kolyazin that details the fate of Russian and German cultural figures who fell victim to the Stalinist terror. This record of Tret’iakov’s violent death has received little attention, even in Russia (...)
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