Results for ' compulsive behavior'

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  1.  32
    Does compulsive behavior in Anorexia Nervosa resemble an addiction? A qualitative investigation.Lauren R. Godier & Rebecca J. Park - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  2.  21
    Compulsive behaviour and sympathetic concern.Peter Mew - 1980 - Mind 89 (354):256-260.
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    Emotional responsiveness and obsessive-compulsive behaviour.Thomas F. Oltmanns & Natalie A. Gibbs - 1995 - Cognition and Emotion 9 (6):563-578.
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    A risk and maintenance model for bulimia nervosa: From impulsive action to compulsive behavior.Carolyn M. Pearson, Stephen A. Wonderlich & Gregory T. Smith - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (3):516-535.
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    Habit formation in tourette syndrome with associated obsessive-compulsive behavior: At the crossroads of neurobiological modelling.Rothenberger Aribert, Roessner Veit & Banaschewski Tobias - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):627-628.
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    Book Reviews : Obsessional Experience and Compulsive Behaviour. By Graham F. Reed. London and Orlando: Academic Press, 1985. Pp. xvi + 243. $63.75 (cloth. [REVIEW]J. O. Wisdom - 1989 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 19 (2):228-229.
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    (1 other version)Compulsive Buying Behavior: Characteristics of Comorbidity with Gambling Disorder.Roser Granero, Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Trevor Steward, Gemma Mestre-Bach, Marta Baño, Amparo del Pino-Gutiérrez, Laura Moragas, Neus Aymamí, Mónica Gómez-Peña, Núria Mallorquí-Bagué, Salomé Tárrega, José M. Menchón & Susana Jiménez-Murcia - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  8. Obsessive-compulsive disorder and recalcitrant emotion: relocating the seat of irrationality.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen & Somogy Varga - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (3):658-683.
    It is widely agreed that obsessive-compulsive disorder involves irrationality. But where in the complex of states and processes that constitutes OCD should this irrationality be located? A pervasive assumption in both the psychiatric and philosophical literature is that the seat of irrationality is located in the obsessive thoughts characteristic of OCD. Building on a puzzle about insight into OCD (Taylor 2022), we challenge this pervasive assumption, and argue instead that the irrationality of OCD is located in the emotions that (...)
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    Group Cognitive-Behavior Therapy or Group Metacognitive Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? Benchmarking and Comparative Effectiveness in a Routine Clinical Service.Costas Papageorgiou, Karen Carlile, Sue Thorgaard, Howard Waring, Justin Haslam, Louise Horne & Adrian Wells - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The ‘human behavior complex’ and the compulsion of communication: Key factors of human evolution.Vilmos Csányi - 2000 - Semiotica 128 (3-4):243-258.
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  11. Agency and Mental States in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.Judit Szalai - 2016 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 23 (1):47-59.
    The dominant philosophical conceptions of obsessive-compulsive behavior present its subject as having a deficiency, usually characterized as volitional, due to which she lacks control and choice in acting. Compulsions (mental or physical) tend to be treated in isolation from the obsessive thoughts that give rise to them. I offer a different picture of compulsive action, one that is, I believe, more faithful to clinical reality. The clue to (most) obsessive-compulsive behavior seems to be the way (...)
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  12. Addiction, compulsion, and weakness of the will: A dual process perspective.Edmund Henden - 2016 - In Nick Heather & Gabriel Segal (eds.), Addiction and Choice: Rethinking the Relationship. Oxford University Press. pp. 116-132.
    How should addictive behavior be explained? In terms of neurobiological illness and compulsion, or as a choice made freely, even rationally, in the face of harmful social or psychological circumstances? Some of the disagreement between proponents of the prevailing medical models and choice models in the science of addiction centres on the notion of “loss of control” as a normative characterization of addiction. In this article I examine two of the standard interpretations of loss of control in addiction, one (...)
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  13. (Un)reasonable doubt as affective experience: obsessive–compulsive disorder, epistemic anxiety and the feeling of uncertainty.Juliette Vazard - 2019 - Synthese 198 (7):6917-6934.
    How does doubt come about? What are the mechanisms responsible for our inclinations to reassess propositions and collect further evidence to support or reject them? In this paper, I approach this question by focusing on what might be considered a distorting mirror of unreasonable doubt, namely the pathological doubt of patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). Individuals with OCD exhibit a form of persistent doubting, indecisiveness, and over-cautiousness at pathological levels (Rasmussen and Eisen in Psychiatr Clin 15(4):743–758, 1992; Reed in (...)
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    ‘Visible’ compulsions: OCD and the politics of science in British clinical psychology, 1948–1975.Eva Surawy Stepney - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Science 57 (1):81-97.
    This article historicizes a single stage in how the contemporary obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) category was built. Starting from the position that the two central components which make up OCD are ‘obsessions’ and ‘compulsions’, it illustrates how these concepts were taken apart by a small group of clinical psychologists working at the Institute of Psychiatry and the Maudsley psychiatric hospital in south London in the early 1970s, and why compulsions were investigated whilst obsessions were ignored. The decision to distinguish the (...)
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  15. Addiction: choice or compulsion?Edmund Henden, Hans Olav Melberg & Ole Rogeberg - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychiatry 4 (77):11.
    Normative thinking about addiction has traditionally been divided between, on the one hand, a medical model which sees addiction as a disease characterized by compulsive and relapsing drug use over which the addict has little or no control and, on the other, a moral model which sees addiction as a choice characterized by voluntary behaviour under the control of the addict. Proponents of the former appeal to evidence showing that regular consumption of drugs causes persistent changes in the brain (...)
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    Compulsive fantasy: Proposed evidence of an under-reported syndrome through a systematic study of 90 self-identified non-normative fantasizers.Jayne Bigelsen & Cynthia Schupak - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1634-1648.
    The experiences of 90 individuals who self-identify as “excessive” or “maladaptive” fantasizers are summarized in this report. Our sample consisted of 75 female and 15 male participants, ranging in age from 18 to 63 who responded to online announcements. Participants completed a 14-question emailed survey requesting descriptions of their fantasy habits and causes of potential distress regarding fantasy. Results demonstrated that participants shared a number of remarkably specific behaviors and concerns regarding their engagement in extensive periods of highly-structured, immersive imaginative (...)
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  17. Torturous withdrawal: Emotional compulsion in addiction.Arthur Krieger - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy (4):1-17.
    Withdrawal involves emotional pain that motivates much addictive behavior. In this paper, I argue that the emotional pain of withdrawal compels much addictive behavior. Researchers have noticed this possibility but it is widely underappreciated. Among philosophers, only Hanna Pickard has discussed emotional compulsion in addiction, and the emotional aspect of withdrawal has been almost completely neglected. Accounts of emotional compulsion in the philosophical literature (from Tappolet, Elster, and Furrow) probably do not capture how the distress of withdrawal compels, (...)
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  18. Addiction, Compulsion, and Persistent Temptation.Robert Noggle - 2016 - Neuroethics 9 (3):213-223.
    Addicts sometimes engage in such spectacularly self-destructive behavior that they seem to act under compulsion. I briefly review the claim that addiction is not compulsive at all. I then consider recent accounts of addiction by Holton and Schroeder, which characterize addiction in terms of abnormally strong motivations. However, this account can only explain the apparent compulsivity of addiction if we assume—contrary to what we know about addicts—that the desires are so strong as to be irresistible. I then consider (...)
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  19. The phenomenology of Deep Brain Stimulation-induced changes in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder patients: An enactive affordance-based model.Sanneke de Haan, Erik Rietveld, Martin Stokhof & Damiaan Denys - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7:1-14.
    People suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) do things they do not want to do, and/or they think things they do not want to think. In about 10 percent of OCD patients, none of the available treatment options is effective. A small group of these patients is currently being treated with deep brain stimulation (DBS). Deep brain stimulation involves the implantation of electrodes in the brain. These electrodes give a continuous electrical pulse to the brain area in which they are (...)
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  20.  42
    Living in a Bubble Dissociation, Relational Consciousness, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.Kieron OConnor & Frederick Aardema - 2012 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 19 (7-8):7-8.
    Obsessive compulsive disorder is a debilitating psychiatric condition where people become obsessed by remotely possible harm, error, bad luck, and compulsively repeat mental or behavioural rituals to neutralize these possibilities. This tendency to draw inferences on the basis of remote rather than more likely possibilities is termed 'inferential confusion' and can lead to immersion in possible worlds accompanied by feelings of dissociation between: knowing and doing, imagination and reality, and authentic and inauthentic self. These dissociation experiences in OCD may (...)
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  21. Weakness and compulsion: the essential difference.Ferenc Huoranszki - 2011 - Philosophical Explorations 14 (1):81-97.
    This paper aims to defend the common-sense view that we exempt compulsive agents from responsibility to the extent that they are unable to choose what they do and hence they cannot control their actions by their choices. This view has been challenged in a seminal paper by Gary Watson, who claimed that akratic agents lack control in the same sense but they are responsible nonetheless. In the first part of the paper, I critically examine the arguments Watson advances for (...)
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  22. Why ritualized behavior? Precaution systems and action parsing in developmental, pathological and cultural rituals.Pascal Boyer & Pierre Liénard - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):595-613.
    Ritualized behavior, intuitively recognizable by its stereotypy, rigidity, repetition, and apparent lack of rational motivation, is found in a variety of life conditions, customs, and everyday practices: in cultural rituals, whether religious or non-religious; in many children's complicated routines; in the pathology of obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD); in normal adults around certain stages of the life-cycle, birthing in particular. Combining evidence from evolutionary anthropology, neuropsychology and neuroimaging, we propose an explanation of ritualized behavior in terms of an evolved (...)
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    Torturous withdrawal: Emotional compulsion in addiction.Arthur Krieger - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):1317-1333.
    Withdrawal involves emotional pain that motivates much addictive behavior. In this paper, I argue that the emotional pain of withdrawal compels much addictive behavior. Researchers have noticed this possibility but it is widely underappreciated. Among philosophers, only Hanna Pickard has discussed emotional compulsion in addiction, and the emotional aspect of withdrawal has been almost completely neglected. Accounts of emotional compulsion in the philosophical literature (from Tappolet, Elster, and Furrow) probably do not capture how the distress of withdrawal compels, (...)
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    Addiction and Compulsion.Neil Levy - 2010 - In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 267–273.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References Further reading.
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    Reducing consumer materialism and compulsive buying through emotional intelligence training amongst Lithuanian students.Rosita Lekavičienė, Dalia Antinienė, Shahrokh Nikou, Aušra Rūtelionė, Beata Šeinauskienė & Eglė Vaičiukynaitė - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Consumers’ inclinations towards materialism and compulsive buying are influenced by a variety of factors. Materialistic consumers face maladies that cause stress and lower subjective well-being and are unable to control their buying behaviour that in turn leads to social and financial issues. This paper aims to investigate the effect of emotional intelligence training on consumers’ materialism and compulsive buying. The experimental design involves 36 respondents across both groups. Findings confirm the hypothesis that ability-based training programmes can help consumers (...)
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  26. Perceptual alternation in obsessive compulsive disorder--implications for a role of the cortico-striatal circuitry in mediating awareness.Chiang-shan R. Li, Mon-chu Chen, Yong-yi Yang, Hsueh-ling Chang, Chia-yih Liu, Seng Shen & Ching-yen Chen - 2000 - Behavioural Brain Research 111 (1):61-69.
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    The Principle of Autonomy and Behavioural Variant Frontotemporal Dementia.Veljko Dubljević - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (2):271-282.
    Behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) is characterized by an absence of obvious cognitive impairment and presence of symptoms such as disinhibition, social inappropriateness, personality changes, hyper-sexuality, and hyper-orality. Affected individuals do not feel concerned enough about their actions to be deterred from violating social norms, and their antisocial behaviours are most likely caused by the neurodegenerative processes in the frontal and anterior temporal lobes. BvFTD patients present a challenge for the traditional notion of autonomy and the medical and criminal justice (...)
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  28. Behavior control and freedom of action.Patricia S. Greenspan - 1978 - Philosophical Review 87 (April):225-40.
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    A Neural Network Approach to Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder.Dan J. Stein & Eric Hollander - 1994 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 15 (3):223-238.
    A central methodological innovation in cognitive science has been the development of connectionist or neural network models of psychological phenomena. These models may also comprise a theoretically integrative and methodologically rigorous approach to psychiatric phenomena. In this paper we employ connectionist theory to conceptualize obsessive-compulsive disorder . We discuss salient phenomenological and neurobiological findings of the illness, and then reformulate these using neural network models. Several features and mechanisms of OCD may be explicated in terms of disordered networks. Neural (...)
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  30. What Happens When Someone Acts Compulsively?Kevin Zaragoza - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 131 (2):251-268.
    The standard philosophical view is that compulsive behaviors are caused by “irresistible” desires. Gary Watson famously argued that this view conflates compulsion with weakness of the will, and proposed differentiating weakness and compulsion by appealing to the normal strength-of-will of members of the community. This extrinsic distinction leaves no room for phenomenological differences between weakness and compulsion. Evidence from clinical psychology shows, however, that compulsion is associated with certain phenomenological features that are absent in cases of weakness. I therefore (...)
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    Ritualized behavior in animals and humans: Time, space, and attention.Eilam David - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):616-617.
    A study of the organization of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) rituals in time and space illuminates a postulated mechanism on shifting focus in action parsing, from mid-ranged actions to finer movements (gestures). Performance of OCD rituals also involves high concentration rather than the automated, less attended performance of rituals in normal and stereotyped behaviors in animals and humans. (Published Online February 8 2007).
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  32. The social implications of neurobiological explanations of resistible compulsions.Adrian Carter & Wayne Hall - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (1):15 – 17.
    The authors comments on several articles on addiction. Research suggests that addicted individuals have substantial impairments in cognitive control of behavior. The authors maintain that a proper study of addiction must include a neurobiological model of addiction to draw the attention of bioethicists and addiction neurobiologists. They also state that more addiction neuroscientists like S. E. Hyman are needed as they understand the limits of their research. Accession Number: 24077921; Authors: Carter, Adrian 1; Email Address: [email protected] Hall, Wayne 1; (...)
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  33.  9
    Impact of Hoarding and Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder Symptomatology on Quality of Life and Their Interaction With Depression Symptomatology.Binh K. Nguyen, Jessica J. Zakrzewski, Luis Sordo Vieira & Carol A. Mathews - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Hoarding disorder is a psychiatric condition characterized by difficulty discarding items and accumulation of clutter. Although studies have established the negative impact of HD and compulsive hoarding behavior, fewer have examined the impact on quality of life of hoarding behavior independent of obsessive–compulsive disorder. Moreover, specific aspects of QoL such as success in work/academics or satisfaction with interpersonal relationships have not been well-investigated. In this study, we examined, in a sample of 2100 adult participants obtained from (...)
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    The Doubting Disease: Religious Scrupulosity and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Historical Context. [REVIEW]Paul Cefalu - 2010 - Journal of Medical Humanities 31 (2):111-125.
    Psychologists and cultural historians typically have argued that early modern theologians such as Martin Luther, John Bunyan, and Ignatius Loyola exhibited behavior that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) classifies as a subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder termed “religious scrupulosity.” This essay argues that, although early modern theologians do manifest scrupulosity, such religiosity was a culturally acceptable, even recommended component of spiritual progress, a necessary means of receiving an unmerited bestowal of God’s grace. The larger (...)
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    Incapacity: Wittgenstein, Anxiety, and Performance Behavior.Spencer Golub - 2014 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    In this highly original study of the nature of performance, Spencer Golub uses the insights of Ludwig Wittgenstein into the way language works to analyze the relationship between the linguistic and the visual in the work of a broad range of dramatists, novelists, and filmmakers, among them Richard Foreman, Mac Wellman, Peter Handke, David Mamet, and Alfred Hitchcock. Like Wittgenstein, these artists are concerned with the limits of language’s representational capacity. For Golub, it is these limits that give Wittgenstein’s thought (...)
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  36. On terrorism and the politics of compulsion.Robert Kowalski - 2005 - World Futures 61 (3):188 – 198.
    The concept of "terrorism" is problematized and argued to be at one end of a continuum of behavior that can be characterized as "compulsion." This approach to conflict is explained in terms of Transactional Analysis and the inadequacy of compulsion as a means of managing human affairs (politics) is explored in relation to the use of power that it requires, and to the responses it generates. An alternative behavior, based on "turning the other cheek" and Satyagraha (confronting), is (...)
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  37. Precaution systems and ritualized behavior.Pascal Boyer & Pierre Liénard - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):635-641.
    In reply to commentary on our target article, we supply further evidence and hypotheses in the description of ritualized behaviors in humans. Reactions to indirect fitness threats probably activate specialized precaution systems rather than a unified form of danger-avoidance or causal reasoning. Impairment of precaution systems may be present in pathologies other than obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), autism in particular. Ritualized behavior is attention-grabbing enough to be culturally transmitted whether or not it is associated with group identity, cohesion, or (...)
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    Mediating Role of Intimate Partner Violence Between Emotional Dependence and Addictive Behaviours in Adolescents.Patricia Macía, Ana Estevez, Iciar Iruarrizaga, Leticia Olave, Mᵃ Dolores Chávez & Janire Momeñe - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveIntimate partner violence has been related to emotional dependence and addictive disorders. This study aims to provide a global approach to analyse the relationship between these variables and to determine the factors underlying permanence in violent relationships.MethodsIt is a non-experimental, cross-sectional correlational design study. Participants had to have at least one dating relationship for at least 1 month to complete the questionnaire, which included the following instruments: emotional dependence scale, scale of violence in dating relationships and impulse control disorders scale.ResultsThe (...)
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  39. Review of "Strong Feelings: Emotion, Addiction and Human Behavior" by Jon Elster. [REVIEW]Louis C. Charland - 2001 - Philosophical Review 110 (1):108.
    The Diagnostic Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association defines substance dependence, more commonly known as “drug addiction,” as “a cluster of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms indicating that the individual continues use of the substance despite significant substance-related problems. There is a pattern of repeated self-administration that usually results in tolerance, withdrawal, and compulsive drug-taking behavior.” If drug addiction is a matter of compulsion, as this definition suggests, then is it correct to say that a drug addict (...)
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  40. The neurobiology of addiction: implications for voluntary control of behavior.Hyman Steven - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (1):8-11.
    There continues to be a debate on whether addiction is best understood as a brain disease or a moral condition. This debate, which may influence both the stigma attached to addiction and access to treatment, is often motivated by the question of whether and to what extent we can justly hold addicted individuals responsible for their actions. In fact, there is substantial evidence for a disease model, but the disease model per se does not resolve the question of voluntary control. (...)
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    Testimonial injustice: considering caregivers in paediatric behavioural healthcare.Michelle Trang Pham, Eric A. Storch & Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (11):738-739.
    Harcourt argues that in clinical contexts, children and young people with mental health illness can experience epistemic, specifically testimonial, injustice when their perspectives are unjustifiably discounted by health service providers.1 Our goal in this commentary was to illustrate how caregivers, a critical component of CYP treatment triad, can also engage in testimonial injustice towards CYP patients. Testimonial injustice occurs when one suffers a credibility deficit and that credibility deficit is based on prejudice.2 Harcourt expands Fricker’s account of testimonial injustice by (...)
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    Spectrum of child psychiatric disorders and ritualized behavior: Where is the link?Roumen Kirov - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):622-623.
    There is a spectrum of child psychiatric and neurological disorders, in all of which a comorbidity with obsessive-compulsive disorder and ritualized behavior is very common. Therefore, they may appear as a basis for the rituals in children that cross into adolescence and adulthood. Resolving the nature of these disorders may help us to better understand “Why ritualized behavior?” (Published Online February 8 2007).
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    Resolving the contradictions of addiction.Gene M. Heyman - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):561-574.
    Research findings on addiction are contradictory. According to biographical records and widely used diagnostic manuals, addicts use drugs compulsively, meaning that drug use is out of control and independent of its aversive consequences. This account is supported by studies that show significant heritabilities for alcoholism and other addictions and by laboratory experiments in which repeated administration of addictive drugs caused changes in neural substrates associated with reward. Epidemiological and experimental data, however, show that the consequences of drug consumption can significantly (...)
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    Suggested roles of endosymbiosis and encephalitis in the evolution of sexual behavior.T. Halabi - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (1):145-147.
    We group encephalitic behaviors as shown in Table 1. It is striking that the majority of these behaviors, namely groups 1 and 2, help spread viral and bacterial infections underlying encephalitis, a situation similar to Ophiocordyceps unilateralis .Could some of the behaviors in Table 1 be of utility to the host as well? Note that the behavioral symptoms may not coincide with impaired intellect . Furthermore, these symptoms may be vestigial in the sense of having been of utility to the (...)
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  45. An Analysis of the Interaction Between Intelligent Software Agents and Human Users.Christopher Burr, Nello Cristianini & James Ladyman - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (4):735-774.
    Interactions between an intelligent software agent and a human user are ubiquitous in everyday situations such as access to information, entertainment, and purchases. In such interactions, the ISA mediates the user’s access to the content, or controls some other aspect of the user experience, and is not designed to be neutral about outcomes of user choices. Like human users, ISAs are driven by goals, make autonomous decisions, and can learn from experience. Using ideas from bounded rationality, we frame these interactions (...)
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    Habitual agency.David Owens - 2017 - Philosophical Explorations 20 (sup2):93-108.
    It is often maintained that practical freedom is a capacity to act on our view of what we ought to do and in particular on our view of what it would be best to do. Here, I discuss an important exception to that claim, namely habitual agency. Acting out of habit is widely regarded as a form of reflex or even as compulsive behaviour but much habitual agency is both intentional and free. Still it is true that, in so (...)
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    Addiction: Decreased reward sensitivity and increased expectation sensitivity conspire to overwhelm the brain's control circuit.Nora D. Volkow, Gene-Jack Wang, Joanna S. Fowler, Dardo Tomasi, Frank Telang & Ruben Baler - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (9):748-755.
    Based on brain imaging findings, we present a model according to which addiction emerges as an imbalance in the information processing and integration among various brain circuits and functions. The dysfunctions reflect (a) decreased sensitivity of reward circuits, (b) enhanced sensitivity of memory circuits to conditioned expectations to drugs and drug cues, stress reactivity, and (c) negative mood, and a weakened control circuit. Although initial experimentation with a drug of abuse is largely a voluntary behavior, continued drug use can (...)
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    Gewohnheit, Sucht und Tradition.Roger Berger - 2003 - Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
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    Taming the Digital Behemoth.Oskar Gruenwald - 2020 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 32 (1-2):1-16.
    This essay explores the digital challenge, how to humanize technology, and the need to rethink the digital-human divide. This is imperative in view of superintelligent Al, which may escape human control. The information age poses quandaries regarding the uses and abuses of technology. A major critique concerns the commercial design of digital technologies that engenders compulsive behavior. All technologies affect humans in a reciprocal way. The new digital technologies-from smartphones to the Internet—where humans are tethered to machines, can (...)
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    It Just Doesn’t Feel Right: OCD and the ‘Scaling Up’ Problem.Adrian Downey - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (4):705-727.
    The ‘scaling up’ objection says non-representational ecological-enactive accounts will be unable to explain ‘representation hungry’ cognition. Obsessive-compulsive disorder presents a paradigmatic instance of this objection, marked as it is by ‘representation hungry’ obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior organized around them. In this paper I provide an ecological-enactive account of OCD, thereby demonstrating non-representational frameworks can ‘scale up’ to explain ‘representation hungry’ cognition. First, I outline a non-representational account of mind— a predictive processing operationalization of Sean Kelly’s theory (...)
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