Results for ' cognitive structures'

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  1.  24
    Cognitive structure of emotion terms in Indonesia and The Netherlands.Johnny R. J. Fontaine, Ype H. Poortinga, Bernadette Setiadi & Suprapti S. Markam - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (1):61-86.
    We investigated the cognitive structure of emotions in Indonesia and The Netherlands in a series of three studies. Sets of 120 emotion terms were selected based on local ratings of prototypicality for "emotion". With similarity sortings a three-dimensional (evaluation, arousal, dominance) and a four-cluster (positive emotion, sadness, fear, anger) structure was found in each group. Of 50 pairs of translation-equivalent terms, 42 pairs were also found to be cognitively equivalent. With these equivalent terms a good fit of a common (...)
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    Cognitive Structural Realism: A Radical Solution to the Problem of Scientific Representation.Majid Davoody Beni - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    In this book, the author develops a new form of structural realism and deals with the problem of representation. The work combines two distinguished developments of the Semantic View of Theories, namely Structural Realism, a flourishing theory from contemporary philosophy of science, and Ronald Giere and colleagues’ Cognitive Models of Science approach. Readers will see how replacing the model-theoretic structures that are at issue in SR with connectionist networks and activations patterns helps us to deal with the problem (...)
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    Cognitive Structure of College Students and Teaching Strategies of Ideological and Political Education Under Educational Psychology.Jing Zhao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The ideological and political education situation is constantly developing and changing. In modern globalization, the ideological education of college students has received great attention. The purpose is to strengthen morality and cultivate people as the basic point of a college education. The principles of educational psychology are adopted to integrate IPE into the whole process of college teaching and help students develop healthily for a long time. First, IPE psychology’s concept and subject attribute under educational psychology are expounded. Next, the (...)
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    The Cognitive Structure of Social Categories.Kathleen Dahlgren - 1985 - Cognitive Science 9 (3):379-398.
    Support for the prototype theory of categorization was found in a study of the structure of social categories. Though occupational terms such as DOCTOR are socially defined, they do not have the classical structure their clear definitional origins would predict. Conceptions of social categories are richer and more complex than those of physical object categories and subjects agree upon them. Comparison of various instructions for eliciting attributes of categories showed that whether subjects are asked to define a term, give characteristics, (...)
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  5. The Cognitive Structure of Scientific Revolutions.Hanne Andersen, Peter Barker & Xiang Chen - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Peter Barker & Xiang Chen.
    Thomas Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions became the most widely read book about science in the twentieth century. His terms 'paradigm' and 'scientific revolution' entered everyday speech, but they remain controversial. In the second half of the twentieth century, the new field of cognitive science combined empirical psychology, computer science, and neuroscience. In this book, the theories of concepts developed by cognitive scientists are used to evaluate and extend Kuhn's most influential ideas. Based on case studies of the (...)
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  6. Cognitive Structures in Scientific Inquiry: Essays in Debate with Theo Kuipers.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2005 - New York: Rodopi NY.
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  7. Emotion, cognitive structure, and action tendency.Nico H. Frijda - 1987 - Cognition and Emotion 1 (2):115-143.
  8. The cognitive structure of the natural law and the truth of subjectivity.Martin Rhonheimer - 2003 - The Thomist 67 (1):1-44.
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    Does Cognitive Structure Ground Social Structure? The Case of the Radical Enlightenment.Laurence Fiddick - 2020 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 20 (3-4):317-337.
    Cross-culturally two widely observed forms of social structure are individualism and ascribed hierarchies. Associated with these two types of social structure are a wide range of recurrent concomitant features. It is proposed that these two forms of social structure are common, in part, because they are associated with modular forms of understanding that lend intuitive support to them. In particular, it is proposed that individualistic open societies are associated with a folk-physics mode of construal whereas closed societies are associated with (...)
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    Meaning And Cognitive Structure: Issues In The Computational Theory Of Mind.Zenon W. Pylyshyn (ed.) - 1986 - Norwood: Ablex.
    Few areas of study have led to such close and intense interactions among computer scientists, psychologists, and philosophers as the area now referred to as cognitive science. Within this discipline, few problems have inspired as much debate as the use of notions such as meaning, intentionality, or the semantic content of mental states in explaining human behavior. The set of problems surrounding these notions have been viewed by some observers as threatening the foundations of cognitive science as currently (...)
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    Cognitive structural realism: A radical solution to the problem of scientific representation.Max Jones - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (5):772-775.
    Volume 33, Issue 5, July 2020, Page 772-775.
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  12.  13
    The cognitive structure of emotions.Michael A. Arbib - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 54 (1-2):229-240.
  13.  15
    Cognitive Structures in the Perception of Modern Technologies.Cees J. H. Midden, Ivo A. Van der Lans & Dancker D. L. Daamen - 1990 - Science, Technology and Human Values 15 (2):202-225.
    Results of two survey studies are presented. It is shown that attitudes of the public about "technology in general" are not stable and can easily be affected by how the subject is introduced. Eight areas of technology are compared on the basis of empirical relations in attitudinal judgments, in attribute ratings, in self- assigned importance weights of attributes, and in importance of reference groups and persons. On the basis of similarities in these four kinds of judgments, three clusters of technology (...)
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    Need for closure and cognitive structuring among younger and older adults.Yoram Bar-Tal, Katarzyna Jaśko & Małgorzata Kossowska - 2012 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 43 (1):40-49.
    Need for closure and cognitive structuring among younger and older adults The paper reported two correlational studies. The aim of the Study 1 was to examine the hypothesis that age moderates the relationship between need for closure and cognitive structuring. Results of the study revealed that aging with increased need for closure was associated with better recognition of irrelevant information than schema-relevant items, in testing hypotheses about the target person. These findings are interpreted as demonstrating the age-associated failure (...)
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  15.  28
    Stimulus structure, cognitive structure, and the perception of letter arrays.Maurice Hershenson - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (2p1):327.
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    Detection of Cognitive Structure with Protocol Data: Predicting Performance on Physics Transfer Problems.William C. Robertson - 1990 - Cognitive Science 14 (2):253-280.
    This article presents a cognitive map proposed to be associated with understanding of the “system concept,” one component of the physics principle of Newton's second low. A definition of the concept is followed by the results of a problem‐solving experiment designed to investigate whether or not good problem solvers possess cognitive structures similar to the one proposed. Think‐aloud protocols were collected as subjects solved a series of physics problems involving Newton's second law. Coding schemes were used to (...)
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  17. The cognitive structure of scientific theories.Ronald N. Giere - 1994 - Philosophy of Science 61 (2):276-296.
    This paper explores a new reason for preferring a model-theoretic approach to understanding the nature of scientific theories. Identifying the models in philosophers' model-theoretic accounts of theories with the concepts in cognitive scientists' accounts of categorization suggests a structure to families of models far richer than has commonly been assumed. Using classical mechanics as an example, it is argued that families of models may be "mapped" as an array with "horizontal" graded structures, multiply hierarchical "vertical" structures, and (...)
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  18. The Cognitive Structure of Scientific Revolutions.Peter Barker - 2011 - Erkenntnis 75 (3):445-465.
    For historical epistemology to succeed, it must adopt a defensible set of categories to characterise scientific activity over time. In historically orientated philosophy of science during the twentieth century, the original categories of theory and observation were supplemented or replaced by categories like paradigm, research program and research tradition. Underlying all three proposals was talk about conceptual systems and conceptual structures, attributed to individual scientists or to research communities, however there has been little general agreement on the nature of (...)
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  19. Descartes on the cognitive structure of sensory experience.Alison Simmons - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67 (3):549–579.
    Descartes is often thought to bifurcate sensory experience into two distinct cognitive components: the sensing of secondary qualities and the more or less intellectual perceiving of primary qualities. A closer examination of his analysis of sensory perception in the Sixth Replies and his treatment of sensory processing in the Dioptrics and Treatise on Man teIls a different story. I argue that Descartes offers a unified cognitive account of sensory experience according to which the senses and intellect operate together (...)
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    Concepts and cognitive structures.Kevan Edwards - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (8):2176-2199.
    The broad topic of this paper is the relationship between the theoretical notion of a concept and familiar types of cognitive structures (prototypes, exemplars, causal models, etc.) The discussion is organized around different ways that theorists about concepts can attempt to accommodate what has been dubbed the Heterogeneity Hypothesis (roughly: the claim that various types of structures with which concepts have been identified co-exist and form a heterogeneous class). The most general goal of the paper is to (...)
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  21.  36
    Cognitive Structures of Space-Time.Camilo Miguel Signorelli, Selma Dündar-Coecke, Vincent Wang & Bob Coecke - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:527114.
    In physics, the analysis of the space representing states of physical systems often takes the form of a layer-cake of increasingly rich structure. In this paper, we propose an analogous hierarchy in the cognition of spacetime. Firstly, we explore the interplay between the objective physical properties of space-time and the subjective compositional modes of relational representations within the reasoner. Secondly, we discuss the compositional structure within and between layers. The existing evidence in the available literature is reviewed to end with (...)
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  22.  14
    Language and Cognitive Structures of Emotion.Prakash Mondal - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book examines linguistic expressions of emotion in intensional contexts and offers a formally elegant account of the relationship between language and emotion. The author presents a compelling case for the view that there exist, contrary to popular belief, logical universals at the intersection of language and emotive content. This book shows that emotive structures in the mind that are widely assumed to be not only subjectively or socio-culturally variable but also irrelevant to a general theory of cognition offer (...)
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  23. The cognitive structure of surprise: Looking for basic principles.Emiliano Lorini & Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):133-149.
    We develop a conceptual and formal clarification of notion of surprise as a belief-based phenomenon by exploring a rich typology. Each kind of surprise is associated with a particular phase of cognitive processing and involves particular kinds of epistemic representations (representations and expectations under scrutiny, implicit beliefs, presuppositions). We define two main kinds of surprise: mismatch-based surprise and astonishment. In the central part of the paper we suggest how a formal model of surprise can be integrated with a formal (...)
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  24. Cognitive Structures in Scientific Inquiry: Essays in Debate with Theo Kuipers. Volume 2.Roberto Festa, Atocha Aliseda & Jeanne Peijnenburg (eds.) - 2005 - Rodopi.
    This book is the second of two volumes devoted to the work of Theo Kuipers, a leading Dutch philosopher of science. Philosophers and scientists from all over the world, thirty seven in all, comment on Kuipers’ philosophy, and each of their commentaries is followed by a reply from Kuipers. The present volume is devoted to Kuipers’ neo-classical philosophy of science, as laid down in his Structures in Science . Kuipers defends a dialectical interaction between science and philosophy in that (...)
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    Cognitive structure, logic, and language.Grant Gillett - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (3):292-293.
    Philosophical accounts of thought crucially involve an array of abilities to identify general properties or features of the world (corresponding to concepts) and objects that instantiate those general properties. Abilities of both types can be grounded in a naturalistic account of the usefulness of cognitive structures in adaptive behaviour. Language enhances these abilities by multiplying the experience bases giving rise to them and helping to overcome subjective biases.
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    Evaluating “the cognitive structure of emotions” using autobiographical memories of emotional events.Peter Hayes, Martin A. Conway & Peter E. Morris - 1992 - In Martin A. Conway, David C. Rubin, H. Spinnler & W. Wagenaar (eds.), Theoretical Perspectives on Autobiographical Memory. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 353--374.
  27. Conjuring Cognitive Structures: Towards a Unified Model of Cognition.Majid Beni - 2019 - In Matthieu Fontaine, Cristina Barés-Gómez, Francisco Salguero-Lamillar, Lorenzo Magnani & Ángel Nepomuceno-Fernández (eds.), Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology: Inferential Models for Logic, Language, Cognition and Computation. Springer Verlag.
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  28.  43
    The Cognitive Structure of Scientific Revolutions. [REVIEW]Juan V. Mayoral de Lucas - 2009 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 24 (3):355-357.
  29.  45
    Intratextual Fundamentalism and the Desire for Simple Cognitive Structure: The Moderating Effect of the Ability to Achieve Cognitive Structure.Hamdi Muluk - 2010 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 32 (2):217-238.
    Religious fundamentalism has been suspected as a product of simple cognitive structuring. On the other hand, recent publications have shown that cognitive structure formation is not as simple as was previously thought. The concept of the Ability to Achieve Cognitive Structure revealed that not everyone was able to form simple cognitive structure. This study employed a total of 187 Indonesian university students as participants. By the mean of Structural Equation Modeling, this study treated the desire for (...)
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  30. Mapping Cognitive Structure onto the Landscape of Philosophical Debate: an Empirical Framework with Relevance to Problems of Consciousness, Free will and Ethics.Jared P. Friedman & Anthony I. Jack - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (1):73-113.
    There has been considerable debate in the literature as to whether work in experimental philosophy actually makes any significant contribution to philosophy. One stated view is that many X-Phi projects, notwithstanding their focus on topics relevant to philosophy, contribute little to philosophical thought. Instead, it has been claimed the contribution they make appears to be to cognitive science. In contrast to this view, here we argue that at least one approach to X-Phi makes a contribution which parallels, and also (...)
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    15. The Breakthrough to Cognitional Structure.William A. Mathews - 2005 - In Lonergan's Quest: A Study of Desire in the Authoring of Insight. University of Toronto Press. pp. 241-250.
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  32. Cognitive styles and cognitive structure.Campbell J. McRobbie - 1991 - Science Education 75 (2):231-242.
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  33. Cognitive structuring in legislative provisions.Vijay K. Bhatia - 1994 - In John Gibbons (ed.), Language and the law. New York: Longman. pp. 136--155.
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    Brainerd on the cognitive structure and integration criteria.Frank H. Hooper - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (1):142-143.
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    4. Lonergan on Cognitional Structure: A Phenomenology of Mind.William F. Sullivan - 2005 - In Eye of the Heart: Knowing the Human Good in the Euthanasia Debate. University of Toronto Press. pp. 89-115.
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    Organization and discrepancy in cognitive structures.N. T. Feather - 1971 - Psychological Review 78 (5):355-379.
  37.  26
    Cartesian Probability and Cognitive Structure.M. Glouberman - 1982 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 36 (4):564 - 579.
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    Some cognitive structures and processes relevant to relationship functioning.Margaret S. Clark, Vicki S. Helgeson, Kristen Mickelson & Sherri P. Pataki - 1994 - In Robert S. Wyer & Thomas K. Srull (eds.), Handbook of Social Cognition: Applications. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 189-238.
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    How Grammar Introduces Asymmetry Into Cognitive Structures: Compositional Semantics, Metaphors, and Schematological Hybrids.David Gil & Yeshayahu Shen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    This paper presents a preliminary and tentative formulation of a novel empirical generalization governing the relationship between grammar and cognition across a variety of independent domains. Its point of departure is an abstract distinction between two kinds of cognitive structures: symmetric and asymmetric. While in principle any feature whatsoever has the potential for introducing asymmetry, this paper focuses on one specific feature, namely thematic-role assignment. Our main empirical finding concerns the role of language, or, more specifically, grammar, in (...)
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  40. Multifractal Dynamics in the Emergence of Cognitive Structure.James A. Dixon, John G. Holden, Daniel Mirman & Damian G. Stephen - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (1):51-62.
    The complex-systems approach to cognitive science seeks to move beyond the formalism of information exchange and to situate cognition within the broader formalism of energy flow. Changes in cognitive performance exhibit a fractal (i.e., power-law) relationship between size and time scale. These fractal fluctuations reflect the flow of energy at all scales governing cognition. Information transfer, as traditionally understood in the cognitive sciences, may be a subset of this multiscale energy flow. The cognitive system exhibits not (...)
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  41. The role of cognitive structure in the development of behavioral control: a dynamic skills approach.Thomas R. Bidell & Kurt W. Fischer - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob (eds.), Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 183--201.
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    Evolution of cognitive structures and processes.Barbara Hayes-Roth - 1977 - Psychological Review 84 (3):260-278.
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  43.  48
    Rethinking the Evolution of Culture and Cognitive Structure.Martin Stuart-Fox - 2015 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 15 (1-2):109-130.
    Two recent attempts to clarify misunderstandings about the nature of cultural evolution came to very different conclusions, based on very different understandings of what evolves and how. This paper begins by examining these two ‘clarifications’ in order to reveal their key differences, and goes on to rethink how culture evolves by focussing on the role of cognitive structure, or worldview.
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  44.  32
    Cognitive Structures and Religious Research. [REVIEW]Gene Reeves - 1975 - Process Studies 5 (1):63-66.
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    Individual differences fill the uncharted intersections between cognitive structure, flexibility, and plasticity in multitasking.Laura Broeker, Jovita Brüning, Yana Fandakova, Neda Khosravani, Andrea Kiesel, Veit Kubik, Sebastian Kübler, Dietrich Manzey, Irina Monno, Markus Raab & Torsten Schubert - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (6):1486-1494.
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    Base-rate respect: From statistical formats to cognitive structures.Aron K. Barbey & Steven A. Sloman - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3):287-292.
    The commentaries indicate a general agreement that one source of reduction of base-rate neglect involves making structural relations among relevant sets transparent. There is much less agreement, however, that this entails dual systems of reasoning. In this response, we make the case for our perspective on dual systems. We compare and contrast our view to the natural frequency hypothesis as formulated in the commentaries.
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  47. Finding faults: How moral dilemmas illuminate cognitive structure.Joshua D. Greene - unknown
    In philosophy, a debate can live forever. Nowhere is this more evident than in ethics, a field that is fueled by apparently intractable dilemmas. To promote the wellbeing of many, may we sacrifice the rights of a few? If our actions are predetermined, can we be held responsible for them? Should people be judged on their intentions alone, or also by the consequences of their behavior? Is failing to prevent someone’s death as blameworthy as actively causing it? For generations, questions (...)
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  48.  27
    Further Correspondences and Similarities of Shamanism and Cognitive Science: Mental Representation, Implicit Processing, and Cognitive Structures.Timothy L. Hubbard - 2003 - Anthropology of Consciousness 14 (1):40-74.
    Properties of mental representation are related to findings in cognitive science and ideas in shamanism. A selective review of research in cognitive science suggests visual images and spatial memory preserve important functional information regarding physical principles and the behavior of objects in the natural world, and notions of second‐order isomorphism and the perceptual cycle developed to account for such findings are related to shamanic experience. Possible roles of implicit processes in shamanic cognition, and the idea that shamanic experience (...)
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  49.  23
    Task Structure Versus Cognitive Structure.Robert H. Pollack - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (1):147-148.
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    Biographical Situations, Cognitive Structures and Human Development: Confronting Sartre and Piaget.Hugh J. Silverman - 1979 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 10 (2):119-137.
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