Results for ' cogito'

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  1. Konserwatyzm.Jan Hartman - Cogito - metafizyczność - 1995 - Principia.
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    Cogito: From Descartes to Sartre.M. O. Weimin - 2007 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 2 (2):247-264.
    Cogito, as the first principle of Descartes’ metaphysical system, initiated the modern philosophy of consciousness, becoming both the source and subject of modern Western philosophical discourse. The philosophies of Maine de Biran, Kant, Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, and others developed by answering the following questions? Is consciousness substantial or not? Does consciousness require the guarantee of a transcendental subject? Is Cogito epistemological or ontological? Am I a being-for-myself or a being-for-others? Outlining the developmental history of the idea of (...)
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  3. Cogito, ergo sum : induction et déduction.Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer - 2004 - Archives de Philosophie 67 (1):51-63.
    Le « cogito, ergo sum » cartésien apparaît depuis quarante ans comme « inférence et performance » (J. Hintikka). Mais de quelle inférence s'agit-il précisément ? Pour le savoir, cet article poursuit deux objectifs : d'abord, montrer que la question pertinente à laquelle il s'agit de répondre ne concerne pas la relation logique interne qui lie le cogito au sum, et qui est une intuition, mais celle, externe, qui lie le « cogito, ergo sum » tout entier (...)
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    Descartes’ «Cogito» und der deutsche Idealismus.Fritz Medicus - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 3:55-62.
    L’histoire du Cogito ergo sum de Descartes montre la problématique de l’esprit moderne. Leibniz et Kant ont insisté sur le conditionnement empirique de la proposition. Fichte l’a défendue, en la rapportant au moi supra- individuel. Schelling et Hegel ont combattu le Cogito, qui a introduit le dualisme moderne entre l’esprit et la nature. La critique la plus pressante est celle de Schelling ; cependant Hegel et lui ont reconnu comme un grand événement historique la séparation, opérée par Descartes, (...)
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    Descartes' Cogito: Saved From the Great Shipwreck.Husain Sarkar - 2003 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Perhaps the most famous proposition in the history of philosophy is Descartes' cogito 'I think, therefore I am'. Husain Sarkar claims in this provocative interpretation of Descartes that the ancient tradition of reading the cogito as an argument is mistaken. It should, he says, be read as an intuition. Through this interpretative lens, the author reconsiders key Cartesian topics: the ideal inquirer, the role of clear and distinct ideas, the relation of these to the will, memory, the nature (...)
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    Cogito and the Problem of Madness. Derrida vs. Foucault.Liciu Alexandru - 2017 - Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series 65 (2).
    The present article represents an attempt to argue in the favor of the thesis that, in the First Meditation, in the fragment where the problem of madness is spoken of, Descartes’ view aims to exclude the possibility that the knowing subject, the Cogito, could be insane, and not only to avoid the problem of madness because of various reasons or to replace the madness-example with a dreaming-example. In other words, this research aims to expose and to argue for Michel (...)
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  7. Problém „cogito, ergo sum“.Petr GlombÍČek & Jan KuneŠ - 2007 - Filosoficky Casopis 55:601-608.
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    Авто-референтність і авто-афекційність як альтернативні моделі прочитання Декартової концепції cogito: трансцендентально-феноменологічний контекст.Anna Ilyina - 2020 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (2):69-96.
    Статтю присвячено дослідженню альтернативних можливостей інтерпретації Декартової концепції cogito: як авто-референтної структури і як авто-афекційності. Контекстом аналізу виступає трансцендентально-феноменологічний ракурс погляду на картезіанську філософію як на засновок трансцендентального мотиву. Визначено роль принципу авто-референтності в трансцендентальному дискурсі. На ґрунті розгляду перспектив тлумачення картезіанського підходу, запропонованих М. Анрі й Ж.-Л. Марйоном, виявлено моменти іррелевантності авто-афекційної настанови вимогам трансцендентального мислення і втомивовано адекватність авто-референтної моделі його засадам. Авторка доходить висновку, що, попри позірну пріоритетність авто-афекційності для трансцендентального дискурсу, пов’язану насамперед з притаманною їй (...)
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  9. The Cogito and its Importance.Peter Markie - 1997 - In John Cottingham (ed.), Descartes. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Il cogito fra continuità e successione.Alberto Pala - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
    Della tesi caretsiana sul continuo pensare in atto viene esaminata l’argomentazione prodotta dal suo autore per sostenerla. Dapprima viene ripreso il ragio¬namento sulla continuità del pensare e del suo essere sempre in atto, e poi si ragiona sulle proposizioni portatrici di quella tesi. Si vedrà che l’enunciato sulla continuità del pensare va incontro a considerevoli difficoltà sia quando afferma che per effetto dell’emendatio ossia la fase in cui la mens si è liberata dalle opinioni dubbie o inganne¬voli le sostituisce con (...)
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    Het cogito Van Attila: Over bewustzijn en vrijheid bij Descartes.Roland Breeur - 2001 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 63 (2):235 - 260.
    In a letter to Mesland (1645), Descartes suggests that "a greater freedom" consists in a positive faculty to follow "the worse", although "we see the better". What does such freedom presuppose? A good illustration of this kind of excess of the will, as suggested by Beyssade, is Attila, the "black hero" in one of Corneille's tragedies. This article tries to relate the possibility of that freedom with the very nature of the cogito.
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    Cogito ergo sum і філософія дії.Анна Лактіонова - 2015 - Sententiae 32 (1):88-99.
    Analytical philosophy opens new perspectives of studies in the history of philosophy. There are generalized history of analytical interpretations of Cartesian principle cogito ergo sum and analysis of Cartesianism through the prism of contemporary philosophy of action, with special attention to performativity of the mentioned principle. The importance of such research necessarily goes beyond "pure" history of philosophy: it also contributes to revision of traditional approaches to justification of knowledge, which still remain problematic. Attention to performativism of cogito (...)
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    O Cogito Sob Duas Perspectivas: Uma Análise Sobre a Interpretação Representativa Do Ponto de Partida Do Pensamento Cartesiano.Marcos Alexandre Borges - 2011 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 3 (6):184-199.
    Descartes é reconhecido como o fundador da filosofia do sujeito e das representações. É através do cogito que o sujeito expressa a constatação de sua existência, e é através das representações que as outras coisas são pensadas por este sujeito. Este artigo pretende desenvolver uma análise sobre a constituição do cogito, com a finalidade de refletir se o cogito pode ser pensado como representação. Para tanto, abordaremos duas linhas interpretativas: uma tendo em Heidegger seu expoente e a (...)
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    ¿Puede hablarse de un cogito deleuziano? Una interpretación de las síntesis pasivas de Diferencia y repetición.Diego Abadi - 2020 - Tópicos 40:1-24.
    Dentro de las relaciones libres y discordantes que establecen entre ellas las facultades, Deleuze destaca una experiencia particular, la de la génesis del pensamiento, en la que las facultades mantienen sin embargo una ordenación fija: el pensamiento tiene siempre su origen en la sensibilidad, de allí se comunica a la imaginación, de ésta a la memoria y a continuación al pensamiento. Y es gracias a esta fijeza que dicha experiencia puede ser identificada y nombrada. Se trata, nada más y nada (...)
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    (1 other version)Ainda o cogito II: A recusa da definição de homem como animal racional na Segunda Meditação (1a Parte).Lia Levy - 2009 - Analytica. Revista da Filosofia 13 (1):257-284.
    Este artigo prolonga a análise do argumento apresentado por Descartes em favor da primeira certeza no início da Segunda Meditação, iniciada em um artigo anterior (Ainda o Cogito). É examinada a passagem subsequente ao referido argumento com vistas a estabelecer que sua compreensão aponta para um debate velado entre Descartes e seus leitores versa- dos na doutrina escolástica, mais particularmente nas concepções da definição como estruturada pela composição do gênero e da diferença e de específica e de conceito universal (...)
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    Du « Cogito » au « Credo ».Jean Grenier - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 3:94-98.
    Il faut distinguer, chez Descartes, le passage du Cogito à Dieu du passage de Dieu à l’attribut de véracité. En passant du Cogito à Dieu, l’on ne sort pas du royaume de la pensée, et la réflexion cartésienne est jusque là parallèle à la réflexion hindoue identifiant Atman et Brahman. Mais en passant de l’existence de Dieu à cet attribut privilégié, qui fait Dieu source de toute lumière et incapable de nous tromper, il introduit une croyance : c’est (...)
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    The Cogito Arguments of Descartes and Augustine.Joyce Lazier & Brett Gaul - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone (eds.), Just the Arguments. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 131–136.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Descartes' Cogito Augustine's “Si fallor, sum” Argument (If I Am Mistaken, I Exist).
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  18. Descartes' Cogito als Prinzip.Werner Schneiders - 1994 - Studia Leibnitiana 26 (1):91-107.
    The philosophy of Descartes is the classical example of a Philosophy as a System intending to found itself on an absolute point of view or to come from an absolute starting point. However, the Cogito being regarded by Descartes as the first principle, actually is neither a first nor a definite nor a sufficient principle, leading to further conclusions. Above all Descartes himself, thus becoming the first Anti-Cartesian, compromises this so-called first and greatest evidence by stating that God ist (...)
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  19. The Cogito: Indubitability without Knowledge?Stephen Hetherington - 2009 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 13 (1):85-92.
    How should we understand both the nature, and the epistemic potential, of Descartes’s Cogito? Peter Slezak’s interpretation of the Cogito’s nature sees it strictly as a selfreferential kind of denial: Descartes cannot doubt that he is doubting. And what epistemic implications flow from this interpretation of the Cogito? We find that there is a consequent lack of knowledge being described by Descartes: on Cartesian grounds, indubitability is incompatible with knowing. Even as the Cogito halts doubt, therefore, (...)
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  20. Cogito, ergo quis est?Jaakko Hintikka - 1996 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 50 (195):5-21.
  21. The cogito and the metaphysics of mind.Nick Treanor - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 130 (2):247-71.
    That there is an epistemological difference between the mental and the physical is well- known. Introspection readily generates knowledge of one’s own conscious experience, but fails to yield evidence for the existence of anything physical. Conversely, empirical investigation delivers knowledge of physical properties, but neither finds nor requires us to posit conscious experience. In recent decades, a series of neo-Cartesian arguments have emerged that rest on this epistemological difference and purport to demonstrate that mind-brain identity is false and that consciousness (...)
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    Le Cogito e t la notion « pour penser, il faut être ».M. Gueroult - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 1:53-60.
    Le Cogito n’est pas un raisonnement, mais il est conditionné par la notion « pour penser, il faut être », qui n’est pas une majeure universelle. Cette notion préalable apporte au cogito le caractère des vérités d’entendement : la nécessité, qui ne saurait sortir d’un fait. Le fait du cogito apporte à cette notion une existence qui ne saurait sortir d’elle. Sans la nécessité, pas de critérium de toute vérité surtout mathématique. Sans l’existence, pas de valeur objective.
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  23. Descartes' Cogito-Argument.Thomas Grundmann - 2005 - In Thomas Grundmann, Catrin Misselhorn, Frank Hofmann & Veronique Zanetti (eds.), Anatomie der Subejktivität. suhrkamp. pp. 255-276.
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    The Cogito and Onto-Being of the Mind: Philosophical Early Modernity in Descartes' and Wang Yangming's Metaphysics.Mingjun Lu - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (1):176-196.
    Both Renaissance Europe and Ming China witnessed an epoch-making declaration of the liberation of the mind, a manifesto that laid the groundwork for the emergence of the modern subjective self. In his Meditations on First Philosophy, René Descartes declares that there is "nothing else to be in me over and above the mind", and "I'm therefore precisely nothing but a thinking thing; that is, a mind, or intellect, or understanding, or reason".1 In defining my self as a thinking thing, Descartes (...)
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    "Cogito ergo sum" como colculcación al axioma A.Magdalena Merino - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico 29 (55):741-750.
    The purpose of this work is to explain how, with the proposition "cogito ergo sum", Descartes contradicts the A axiom from the Theory of knowledge of Leonardo Polo, by accepting the pasivenness of the knowledge and denying it as an operation of knowing an object, in wich the cognizant and the cognizance are one in act.
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  26. Cogito and I: A Bio-logical Approach.Bin Kimura - 2001 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 8 (4):331-336.
    The key mutation of the schizophrenic psyche can be described as a disturbance of the first person-ness of the I-sense, i.e., of the sense of the "I" as personal subject of experience and of action. Under these circumstances, representations of things are not definitively experienced as "my" representations—with the self-evidence of belonging to me. This uncertainty of selfhood, specific to schizophrenia, cannot be reduced to a disability of intellect, logic, judgment, or memory. In the course of developing his argument, the (...)
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    The cogito in Husserl's philosophy.Gaston Berger - 1972 - Evanston [Ill.]: Northwestern University Press.
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    The Cogito and the Diallelus.Harold Zellner - 1991 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 8 (1):15 - 25.
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    Le cogito en 1634-1635.Roger Ariew - 2013 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 50:9-24.
    Je m’intéresse au cogito au XVIIe siècle avant sa formulation officielle par Descartes. Les raisonnements avancés par Jean de Silhon, correspondant de Descartes, et par le Jésuite Antoine Sirmond, publiés en 1634-1635, peuvent éclairer le cogito cartésien et l’atmosphère générale de l’augustinisme au XVIIe siècle. Cela peut nous permettre de mieux comprendre en quoi consiste la contribution de Descartes au cogito et d’interpréter ses critiques ultérieures.
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    IV—Cogito, Ergo Sum.W. Von Leyden - 1962 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 63 (1):67-82.
    W. von Leyden; IV—Cogito, Ergo Sum, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 63, Issue 1, 1 June 1963, Pages 67–82,
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    Descartes’s Cogito and Self-Knowledge.Pascal Ludwig - 2018 - Methodos 18.
    Je soutiens dans cette étude que la notion de connaissance de soi introspective est au centre du Cogito de Descartes. À la suite de Hintikka, de nombreux commentateurs, dans la tradition analytique, se sont concentrés sur la justification de l’énoncé « j’existe », en lien avec l’énoncé « je pense », sans chercher à proposer une explication unifiée mettant en évidence la structure de l’argument cartésien ni son lien essentiel avec la connaissance de soi introspective. Par ailleurs, certaines des (...)
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  32. Le ‘cogito’ dans la pensée de saint Augustin.Emmanuel Bermon - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (4):793-793.
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  33. Cogito Ergo Sum: Christopher Peacocke and John Campbell: II—Lichtenberg and the Cogito.John Campbell - 2012 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 112 (3pt3):361-378.
    Our use of ‘I’, or something like it, is implicated in our self-regarding emotions, in the concern to survive, and so seems basic to ordinary human life. But why does that pattern of use require a referring term? Don't Lichtenberg's formulations show how we could have our ordinary pattern of use here without the first person? I argue that what explains our compulsion to regard the first person as a referring term is our ordinary causal thinking, which requires us to (...)
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  34. Descartes' cogito-argument and his Doctrine of Simple Natures.Pool Dalsgard-Hansen - 1965 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 2:7-40.
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  35. The "Cogito" is Semi-Circular.Humphrey Palmer - 1981 - International Logic Review 23:5.
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    Le Cogito et le lézard mexicain. La philosophie et le reste des sciences chez le dernier Merleau-Ponty.Federico Leoni - 2012 - Chiasmi International 14:113-129.
    The Cogito and the Mexican Salamander.Philosophy and the Rest of Sciences in the late Merleau-Ponty The article examines Merleau-Ponty’s almost parallel reading – in his last courses at the Collège de France – of the Cartesian cogito and the development of the Axolotl, the salamander studied by American biologist Coghill. My hypothesis is that the metaphysics of the cogito and the biology of the Axolotl represented for Merleau-Ponty two ways of access to the same discovery. Descartes came (...)
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  37. Le cogito de Berkeley.Laurent Jaffro - 2004 - Archives de Philosophie 1 (1):85-111.
    Cette étude entend rendre compte de la conception que propose George Berkeley de la connaissance de mon existence en tant qu’esprit. Il s’agit en particulier d’interpréter sa formulation du cogito : « Je sais ce que j’entends par les termes je et moi-même ». Cette question est liée aux problèmes intrinsèques de la doctrine controversée des « notions » et plus généralement de la sémantique berkeleyenne. On doit accorder une certaine attention aux différences d’accent entre des passages parallèles des (...)
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    Буття і насолода: від суб’єкта Cogito Декарта до суб’єкта Imago де Сада.Олег Перепелиця - 2016 - Sententiae 35 (2):82-93.
    The article studies the shift of Enlightment in the interpretation of enjoyment, which led to the construction of a particular ethos/nomos enjoyment and transformation in the model of be-ing/thinking. Thus, constituted the transition from the metaphysics of mind, grounded by Des-cartes, to physic of body, presented by Marquis de Sade. This shift or meta/physical gap is carried out at the intersection of two lines: the reason and enjoyment. Given line of reason, the article specifically actualized line of enjoyment, allowing to (...)
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    Cogito, évidence en soi et raison – Les singularités du cogito.Georges J. D. Moyal - 2010 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 67 (3):371-411.
    Contrairement à ce que peut suggérer l ’ expression de lumière naturelle lorsqu ’ il en est question, le cogito n ’ est pas une vérité de la raison. La raison est révoquée en doute au moment où il survient et ne saurait donc en assurer la vérité. Ce rôle est dévolu à la réflexivité de l ’ acte par lequel la pensée se constitue son propre objet lorsqu ’ elle affirme Je suis : immédiatement accessible à elle-même, c (...)
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    Cogito et description de Descartes à Husserl : de la réflexion transcendantale à la méthode régressive.Dominique Pradelle - 2021 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 136 (1):95-119.
    Une phénoménologie prenant son point de départ dans l’évidence absolue du cogito est-elle encore possible, ou rejetée dans le passé périmé par les critiques qui en mettent en doute le caractère d’évidence absolue? Mais la méthode de réflexion transcendantale est-elle véritablement d’ascendance cartésienne? Nous tentons de montrer que, qu’il soit ou non interprété comme le résultat d’une démarche de réflexion, le cogito cartésien n’est nullement corrélatif d’une description réflexive des structures de la conscience, mais qu’un tel projet a (...)
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    Le « cogito blessé » entre éthique et politique.Luca M. Possati - 2014 - Eco-Ethica 3:171-184.
    Quels sont les rapports entre l’éthique et la politique chez Paul Ricoeur? Le Cogito herméneutique est-il un sujet du droit? Chez Ricoeur, le passage de l ’éthique à la politique se révèle paradoxale. D’une part, le politique réalise la visée éthique d’une vie bonne : c ’est donc une partie de l ’éthique, un prolongement de celle-ci. De l’autre, le rapport de la politique au pouvoir bouleverse l’éthique : il existe une violence qui ne peut pas être réglée par (...)
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    The “Cogito” in St. Thomas.James Reichmann - 1986 - International Philosophical Quarterly 26 (4):341-352.
    The article contrasts descartes's and aquinas's theories on truth, Tracing their basic difference to a divergent view concerning the act of judgment. Descartes's '"cogito"' is held to be internally inconsistent precisely because it strives to unite an aprioristic "intellectus" with a reasoning process. Such an attempt is made, It is claimed, Because, Artificially separating understanding and judgment, Descartes misreads the hidden presuppositions of the act of reasoning as a way to fuller understanding. This occurs because descartes, Unlike aquinas, Seeks (...)
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    The cogito circa ad 2000.David Woodruff Smith - 1993 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 36 (3):225 – 254.
    What are we to make of the cogito (cogito ergo sum) today, as the walls of Cartesian philosophy crumble around us? The enduring foundation of the cogito is consciousness. It is in virtue of a particular phenomenological structure that an experience is conscious rather than unconscious. Drawing on an analysis of that structure, the cogito is given a new explication that synthesizes phenomenological, epistemological, logical, and ontological elements. What, then, is the structure of conscious thinking on (...)
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    Dal cogito al cogitor: il definirsi della soggettività dal "Dio pensato" al "Dio pensante": per una "inversione" della metafisica cartesiana.Calogero Caltagirone - 2022 - Roma: Studium edizioni.
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  45. Cogito jako podmiot nieświadomego.Mladen Dolar - 2007 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2:39-62.
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    Cogito, Ergo Sum: Neither Inference nor Performance.John T. Dunlap - 1976 - Personalist 57:386-390.
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  47. Cogito ergo sum.Gustav Mueller - 1930 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 11 (1):32.
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  48. Cogito Ergo Sum: Inference and Performance.Harry Reeder - unknown
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    Cogito mortis: apo ton thanato tou hypokeimenou sto hypokeimeno tou thanatou.Dēmētrēs Sdrolias - 2017 - Athēna: Nissos Academic Publishing.
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    O cogito como representação e como presença: duas perspectivas da relação de si a si em Descartes.Telma De Souza Birchal - 2000 - Discurso 31:441-462.
    O artigo enfoca duas maneiras possíveis, não necessariamente excludentes, de se compreender o “'penso, logo existo" cartesiano: a primeira, enquanto representação de si, decorre de uma compreensão do eu como sujeito , quer dizer, de um sujeito diante de um objeto e se remete a uma consciência refletida de si; a segunda, como presença a si mesmo, é relativa a uma compreensão do ego como ser ou existência, dados numa experiência originária se remete a uma consciência imediata de si. O (...)
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