Results for ' causative method'

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  1. Untangling Cause, Necessity, Temporality, and Method: Response to Chambers' Method of Corresponding Regressions.Richard Williams - 1991 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 12 (1):77-82.
    This paper argues that while Chambers' method of corresponding regressions offers an intriguing way of analyzing empirical data much remains to be done to make the mathematical, and thus, the statistical meaning of the procedure clear and intuitive. Chambers' theoretical justification of the method of the claim that it can in some sense validate formal cause explanations as alternatives to efficient cause, mechanistic ones is rejected. Chambers has misattributed the mechanistic cast of most contemporary psychological explanations to linear (...)
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    Method Change caused by Digitalization.Jörn Lengsfeld - 2019
    Digitalization goes hand in hand with a fundamental change in methods that has the potential to change people’s thinking, decisions and actions. Departing from this thesis, a structure is proposed for the analysis of the method change induced by digitalization. The article provides a brief outline of the driving forces, the forms and the effects of this method change.
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    Cause, Teleology, and Method.Stephen Turner - 2003 - In T. M. Porter & D. Ross (eds.), The Cambridge History of Science. Cambridge University Press. pp. 57-70.
    The model of social science established in methodological writings of the 1830s and 1840s formed an ideal that has endured to the beginning of the twenty-first century. Subsequent authors have been obliged to excuse the social sciences for their failure to achieve this ideal model of science, to reinterpret the successes of social science in terms of it, or to construct alternative conceptions of social science in contrast to it. The ideal was worked out in two closely related texts, Auguste (...)
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  4. Ratio Faciens: Method, Act, and Cause in Spinoza's "Ethics".Aaron V. Garrett - 1997 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    This dissertation sets out to discuss some features of Spinoza's concepts of conatus and causation, through a discussion of the overall structure of the Ethics. ;The major portion of the dissertation is devoted to Spinoza's method, as employed in the Ethics, the notorious geometric method. I argue against the traditional reading of the method as a simple geometric device, and for a position which emphasizes how the method itself leads the reader to come to the highest (...)
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  5. Real causes and ideal manipulations: Pearl's theory of causal inference from the point of view of psychological research methods.Keith A. Markus - 2011 - In Phyllis McKay Illari Federica Russo (ed.), Causality in the Sciences. Oxford University Press. pp. 240--269.
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    Linking Cause and Disease in the Laboratory: Robert Koch's Method of Superimposing Visual and 'Functional' Representations of Bacteria.Thomas Schlich - 2000 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 22 (1):43 - 58.
    Robert Koch based his claim that specific microorganisms cause particular diseases on laboratory studies. This paper examines how Koch set up a plausible line of argument by using special methods of representing bacteria. One kind of representation consisted in making the bacteria visible; the other mode of representation was based on disease phenomena. Using a range of techniques of isolating and controlling microorganisms, Koch combined these different modes of representation in a way that made his claims convincing. Thus, the microorganism (...)
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  7. Hunting Causes and Using Them: Approaches in Philosophy and Economics.Nancy Cartwright (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hunting Causes and Using Them argues that causation is not one thing, as commonly assumed, but many. There is a huge variety of causal relations, each with different characterizing features, different methods for discovery and different uses to which it can be put. In this collection of new and previously published essays, Nancy Cartwright provides a critical survey of philosophical and economic literature on causality, with a special focus on the currently fashionable Bayes-nets and invariance methods - and it exposes (...)
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    Reliability and Sensitivity Analysis Method for a Multistate System with Common Cause Failure.Jinlei Qin & Zheng Li - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-8.
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  9. What Causes Racial Health Care Disparities? A Mixed-Methods Study Reveals Variability in How Health Care Providers Perceive Causal Attributions.Sarah E. Gollust, Brooke A. Cunningham, Barbara G. Bokhour, Howard S. Gordon, Charlene Pope, Somnath S. Saha, Dina M. Jones, Tam Do & Diana J. Burgess - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801876284.
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    Causes of Mental Agonies and a Method of Curing Them Based on the Five heaps.Choi Dong Hoon - 2016 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 82:105-124.
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  11. Feature dependence: A method for reconstructing actual causes in engineering failure investigations.Yafeng Wang - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 96:100-111.
    Engineering failure investigations seek to reconstruct the actual causes of major engineering failures. The investigators need to establish the existence of certain past events and the actual causal relationships that these events bear to the failures in question. In this paper, I examine one method for reconstructing the actual causes of failure events, which I call "feature dependence". The basic idea of feature dependence is that some features of an event are informative about the features of its causes; therefore, (...)
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  12. A statistical method of testing the biological causes underlying the excess of male births due to the war.J. S. Huxley - 1922 - The Eugenics Review 13:549-50.
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  13. Cause and Effect: The Hayden Colloquium on Scientific Method and Concept. [REVIEW]R. M. V. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):384-384.
    This volume contains ten papers presented at the fourth and concluding Hayden Colloquium of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1960-61. Despite the generality of the title, the papers are devoted essentially to a consideration of the roles played by causal explanation and causal laws in the context of the social and biological sciences. Though the contributors are without exception distinguished scientists or philosophers, the volume suffers as a whole from the fact that the papers tend to be expository and (...)
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  14. What is right with 'bayes net methods' and what is wrong with 'hunting causes and using them'?Clark Glymour - 2010 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (1):161-211.
    Nancy Cartwright's recent criticisms of efforts and methods to obtain causal information from sample data using automated search are considered. In addition to reviewing that effort, I argue that almost all of her criticisms are false and rest on misreading, overgeneralization, or neglect of the relevant literature.
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    Changement de Méthode causé par la Numérisation.Jörn Lengsfeld - 2019
    La numérisation va de pair avec un changement fondamental des méthodes qui a le potentiel de changer la pensée, les décisions et les actions des gens. Sur la base de cette thèse, une structure est proposée pour l’analyse de le changement de méthode induit par la numérisation. L’article donne un bref aperçu des forces motrices, des formes et des effets de ce changement méthodologique.
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  16. Cartwright on causality: Methods, metaphysics and modularity hunting causes and using them: Approaches in philosophy and economics , Nancy Cartwright. Cambridge university press, 2008, X + 270 pages. [REVIEW]Daniel Steel - 2010 - Economics and Philosophy 26 (1):77-86.
  17. (1 other version)Hunting Causes and Using Them: Is There No Bridge from Here to There?Nancy Cartwright & Sophia Efstathiou - 2011 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 25 (3):223-241.
    Causation is in trouble—at least as it is pictured in current theories in philosophy and in economics as well, where causation is also once again in fashion. In both disciplines the accounts of causality on offer are either modelled too closely on one or another favoured method for hunting causes or on assumptions about the uses to which causal knowledge can be put—generally for predicting the results of our efforts to change the world. The first kind of account supplies (...)
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  18. (1 other version)How much of Aristotle's Four Causes can be Found in the German Legal Method to Interpret Laws?Verena Klappstein - 2016 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 102 (3):405-440.
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    An IRT–Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes Approach as a Method of Examining Item Response Latency.Ioannis Tsaousis, Georgios D. Sideridis & Abdullah Al-Sadaawi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Truly humanitarian intervention: considering just causes and methods in a feminist cosmopolitan frame.Ann E. Cudd - 2013 - Journal of Global Ethics 9 (3):359-375.
    In international law, ‘humanitarian intervention’ refers to the use of military force by one nation or group of nations to stop genocide or other gross human rights violations in another sovereign nation. If humanitarian intervention is conceived as military in nature, it makes sense that only the most horrible, massive, and violent violations of human rights can justify intervention. Yet, that leaves many serious evils beyond the scope of legal intervention. In particular, violations of women's rights and freedoms often go (...)
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    Formal Causes: Definition, Explanation, and Primacy in Socratic and Aristotelian Thought by Michael T. Ferejohn.Keith E. McPartland - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (4):672-673.
    Ferejohn’s clear and elegant book makes a strong case for a developmentalist reading of Aristotle’s views about the nature of philosophical understanding. It is a pleasurable read and engages with several issues central to Socratic and Aristotelian scholarship. Formal Causes will be an important resource for anyone thinking about Aristotle’s philosophical method and the relationships between his thought and that of his predecessors.Ferejohn’s general picture of Aristotle’s philosophical development is familiar, if also somewhat controversial. In the works comprising the (...)
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  22. Causes of the Financial Crisis.Viral V. Acharya & Matthew Richardson - 2009 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 21 (2-3):195-210.
    ABSTRACT Why did the popping of the housing bubble bring the financial system—rather than just the housing sector of the economy—to its knees? The answer lies in two methods by which banks had evaded regulatory capital requirements. First, they had temporarily placed assets—such as securitized mortgages—in off‐balance‐sheet entities, so that they did not have to hold significant capital buffers against them. Second, the capital regulations also allowed banks to reduce the amount of capital they held against assets that remained on (...)
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    Judicial Errors in Civil Proceedings: Concept, Causes and Procedural Methods of Their Prevention.Nelia Savchyn - 2014 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 21 (2):484-505.
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    Les « Causes Secrètes » Causalité et Déterminisme à L’'ge Classique“Secret causes”: Causality and determinism in the classical ageDie „Verdeckten Ursachen“. Kausalität und Determinismus im „'ge Classique“ Las “Causas Secretas” Causalidad y Determinismo en la Época Clásica.Jean-Pierre Cléro - 2014 - Revue de Synthèse 135 (1):19-43.
    La notion de « cause secrète », à laquelle les classiques ont largement eu recours, est liée à une pratique de la science et à une conception de ses méthodes telles que la « loi » se trouve au coeur du dispositif. Si certains phénomènes paraissent ne pas être régis par la loi, il faut alors se mettre à amender la loi par de « petites équations ». Si le calcul des probabilités entre en scène, c'est pour déceler précisément la (...)
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  25. The rhythm method and embryonic death.Luc Bovens - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (6):355-356.
    Some proponents of the pro-life movement argue against morning after pills, IUDs, and contraceptive pills on grounds of a concern for causing embryonic death. What has gone unnoticed, however, is that the pro-life line of argumentation can be extended to the rhythm method of contraception as well. Given certain plausible empirical assumptions, the rhythm method may well be responsible for a much higher number of embryonic deaths than some other contraceptive techniques.
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    Impacts of Instrumental Versus Relational Centered Logic on Cause-Related Marketing Decision Making.Gordon Liu - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (2):243-263.
    The purpose of cause-related marketing is to capitalise on a firm’s social engagement initiatives to achieve a positive return on a firm’s social investment. This article discusses two strategic perspectives of cause-related marketing and their impact on a firm’s decision-making regarding campaign development. The instrumental dominant logic of cause-related marketing focuses on attracting customers’ attention in order to generate sales. The relational dominant logic of cause-related marketing focuses on building relationships with the target stakeholders through the enhancement of a firm’s (...)
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    Cartesian Method and Experiment.Aaron Spink - unknown
    The conception of René Descartes as the arch-rationalist has been sufficiently exploded in recent literature; however, there is still a large lacuna in our understanding of how empirical research and experimentation fits within his philosophy. My dissertation is directed at addressing just this problem. I contend that Descartes’ famed method is not a singular monolith but instead two interdependent methods: one directed at metaphysical and epistemological truth, while the other directed at empirical questions and contingent facts of the world. (...)
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    Johannes Bernhardi on Method.Pekka Kärkkäinen - 2014 - Lutherjahrbuch 81:193-223.
    Johannes Bernhardi of Feldkirch (1490-1534), Melanchthon’s close collaborator elaborated significantly the Lutheran method in works written shortly before his untimely death in 1534. He seems to have systematized to a considerable degree the Melanchthonian concept of method and to have developed it towards an explicitly Aristotelian and even scholastic framework. In doing so, he did not merely imitate his authorities, who included above all Aristotle and Albert the Great: these figures served as sources for his Melanchthonian/Lutheran manner of (...)
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    (1 other version)Scientific Method: Method and the Authority of Science.Mary Tiles - 1988 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 24:31-51.
    The thought that it might be possible to develop a method of scientific discovery, a procedure of investigation and reasoning which, so long as its principles were studiously followed, would be guaranteed to result in scientific knowledge, has long been recognized to be a mere philosophers' dream, with no more possibility of fulfilment than the alchemists' dream of producing a philosophers' stone which would turn base metals into gold. Yet it remains the case that the authority of science rests (...)
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    Turning religion from cause to reducer of panic during the COVID-19 pandemic.Muhammad Y. Wibisono, Dody S. Truna & Mohammad T. Rahman - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-8.
    Muslim communities in the village facing the COVID-19 Pandemic attempts to find refuge from the plague and hope for survival. However, this led to more caution, which may lead to xenophobia. Via ethnography, this study unmasks the xenophobic attitude. This research discusses the root causes of panic in the community so that remedies can be implemented. The research attempts to explain, from a socio-anthropological viewpoint, how people and religious groups in the village perceive the pandemic of COVID-19 based on their (...)
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  31. Habermas' method: Rational reconstruction.Jørgen Pedersen - 2008 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 38 (4):457-485.
    Given the prominent position Habermas' philosophy has gained, it is surprising that his method, rational reconstruction, has not caused more debate. This article clarifies what this method consists of, and shows how it is used in two of Habermas' research programs. The method is an interesting, but problematic way of confronting some of the basic epistemological questions in the social sciences. It represents an alternative to both the empirical-analytical and the hermeneutic tradition. On the basis of this (...)
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  32. From Method to Road-Thaddaeus Hang and Methodology of Studying Chinese Philosophy.Vincent Shen - 2005 - Philosophy and Culture 32 (9):61-78.
    Contemporary scholars in Chinese philosophy, Thaddaeus particularly concerned about Chinese philosophy and methodological issues. Of this paper is designed to make way for the study of Chinese philosophy, the discussion to commemorate him, the first part will describe Thaddaeus study of Chinese philosophy, methods and contribution to the idea, the latter part of the study will be my personal view of Chinese philosophy, methods to further to call upon and complement. Thaddaeus based on the fundamental principles of truth and goodness, (...)
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    Modern methods and algorithm for assessing corporate competitiveness.Anatoly Alekseevich Yakushev, Daria Vitalievna Krainova & Tatyana Alekseevna Baranchugova - 2021 - Kant 39 (2):126-132.
    The purpose of the study is to propose a mechanism for assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise. The article deals with modern methods of assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise, the existing methods are classified into economic and managerial. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that this paper attempts to form a mechanism for assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise based on the systematization of methods for assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise and the formulated algorithm (...)
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  34. Causes with material continuity.Lauren N. Ross - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (6):1-17.
    Recent philosophical work on causation has focused on distinctions across types of causal relationships. This paper argues for another distinction that has yet to receive attention in this work. This distinction has to do with whether causal relationships have “material continuity,” which refers to the reliable movement of material from cause to effect. This paper provides an analysis of material continuity and argues that causal relationships with this feature are associated with a unique explanatory perspective, are studied with distinct causal (...)
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  35. Intentionality and method.John Searle - 1981 - Journal of Philosophy 78 (November):720-732.
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    Social Causes And Epistemic (in)Justice in Medical Machine Learning-Mediated Medical Practices.G. Pozzi & Juan M. Durán - 2024 - In Federica Russo & Phyllis Illari (eds.), The Routledge handbook of causality and causal methods. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 178-189.
    The social aspects of causality in medicine and healthcare have been emphasized in recent debates in the philosophy of science as crucial factors that need to be considered to enable, among others, appropriate interventions in public health. Therefore, it seems central to recognize the bearing of social causes (broadly understood, e.g., social inequalities and socio-economic status) in bringing about certain concrete pathologies. Being aware of the relevance of social causes in medicine and healthcare is particularly important in the face of (...)
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    Research Methods in the Swedish project Education for Participation : Philosophizing back a ‘New’ Life After Acquired Brain Injury.Ylva Backman, Teodor Gardelli, Viktor Gardelli, Caroline Strömberg & Åsa Gardelli - 2018 - In F. García, E. Duthie & R. Robles (eds.), Parecidos de familia: Propuestas actuales en Filosofía para Niños. Anaya. pp. 482-490.
    Annually, more than ten million people in all age groups in the world experience an acquired brain injury, which is a brain injury caused after birth by external forces or certain internal factors. Brain injury survivors are often left with long-term impairments in cognitive, social, or emotional functioning. Despite a promising outset, research on the effectiveness of philosophical dialogues as an educational method for persons with ABI to increase their cognitive, social, and emotional functioning has, to our knowledge, been (...)
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    La méthode historique ou méthode déductive inverse chez John S. Mill.Laurent Fedi - 2017 - Cahiers Philosophiques 148 (1):26-40.
    John Stuart Mill étend le procédé déductif aux sciences sociales qui admettent le principe de la composition des causes. Mais il inverse la procédure lorsqu’il aborde la dynamique sociale. L’histoire ne se déduit pas directement des lois psychologiques et éthologiques mais les utilise dans une démarche de vérification. Cette méthode rassemble les garanties qui font de l’histoire une science nomologique et, comme on essaie ici de le montrer, elle permet à Mill d’échapper par anticipation aux principales objections de Karl Popper (...)
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    Some correlations between methods of knowing and theological concepts in Arthur Peacocke's personalistic panentheism and nonpersonal naturalistic theism.Karl E. Peters - 2008 - Zygon 43 (1):19-26.
    Abstract.Differences in methods of knowing correlate with differences in concepts about what is known. This is an underlying issue in science and religion. It is seen, first, in Arthur Peacocke's reasoning about God as transcendent and personal, is based on an assumption of correlative thinking that like causes like. This contrasts with a notion of causation in empirical science, which explains the emergence of new phenomena as originating from temporally prior phenomena quite unlike that which emerges. The scientific understanding of (...)
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  40. Determinism and the Method of Difference.Urs Hofmann & Michael Baumgartner - 2011 - Theoria 26 (2):155-176.
    The first part of this paper reveals a conflict between the core principles of deterministic causation and the standard method of difference, which is widely seen as a correct method of causally analyzing deterministic structures. We show that applying the method of difference to deterministic structures can give rise to causal inferences that contradict the principles of deterministic causation. The second part then locates the source of this conflict in an inference rule implemented in the method (...)
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    Ascertaining Causes of Death: A Comparative Study of the Ika of Delta State and the Obolo of Rivers State.Wilson E. Ehianu & Finomo Julia Awajiusuk - 2013 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):71-86.
    The cut and thrust of this paper is the re-examination of an age long belief and practice among the Ika people of Delta State and the Obolo of Rivers State which is aimed at discouraging the practice of witchcraft and sorcery. The study critically evaluates the phenomenon which includes necromancy, divination and poison ordeal and concludes that caution is needed as the act which involves human life is not without imperfection. The discourse is comparative as it examines the methods of (...)
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    Making Time Stand Still: A Response to Sober’s Counter-Example to the Principle of the Common Cause.Daniel Steel - 2003 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 54 (2):309-317.
    In a recent article, Elliot Sober responds to challenges to a counter-example that he posed some years earlier to the Principle of the Common Cause (PCC). I agree that Sober has indeed produced a genuine counter-example to the PCC, but argue against the methodological moral that Sober wishes to draw from it. Contrary to Sober, I argue that the possibility of exceptions to the PCC does not undermine its status as a central assumption for methods that endeavor to draw causal (...)
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    Scientific Methods and Creative Practices. An Evaluation of Constraints and Possibilities in an Experimental Research Environment.Elena Bougleux - 2009 - World Futures 65 (8):560-567.
    How do scientists who devote their entire lives to solving a small problem in theoretical physics work? What causes a team of young researchers to be completely devoted to its work? What do they share with and what distinguishes them from teams who do not have creativity as a necessary goal of their mission? This article discusses some possible answers to these questions, starting from a research team in physics, in which the author took part as a researcher over a (...)
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    Methods and Roles of Experience in Christian Wolff’s “Deutsche Metaphysik”.Kristina Engelhard - 2020 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 98 (1):146-166.
    The main thesis of this article is that in Christian Wolff’s Deutsche Metaphysik, empirical sources of knowledge play important if not foundational roles and that inductive methods of reasoning are extensively applied. It is argued that experiential self-awareness plays a foundational role and that empirical evidence, phenomena, and scientific theories from the empirical sciences of Wolff’s time are used for inferential purposes. Wolff also makes use of inductive reasoning, i.e., abduction to hidden causes of empirical phenomena, and inferences to the (...)
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    Human error: causes and control.George A. Peters - 2006 - Boca Raton, FL: CRC/Taylor & Francis. Edited by Barbara J. Peters.
    Applying and extending principles that can help prevent consumer error, worker fault, managerial mistakes, and organizational blunders, Human Error: Causes and Control provides useful information on theories, methods, and specific techniques for controlling human error. It forms a how-to manual of good practice, focusing on identifying human error, its causes, and how to control or prevent it. It presents constructs that assist in optimizing human performance and to achieve higher safety goals. Human Error: Causes and Control bridges the gap and (...)
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    Causing doubts: Diodorus Cronus and herophilus of chalcedon on causality.David Leith - 2014 - Classical Quarterly 64 (2):592-608.
    The physician Herophilus of Chalcedon, who lived and worked in Alexandria in the early third centuryb.c., is best known and justly celebrated for his numerous and ground-breaking anatomical discoveries and advances in such areas as pulse theory. His systematic investigations into the human body led to some of the highest achievements of Hellenistic science, among which the best known is probably his discovery and detailed description of the nervous system and its functions. Yet certain aspects of his thought have seemed (...)
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  47. The Four Causes.Rosamond Kent Sprague - 1968 - The Monist 52 (2):298-300.
    The purpose of this brief note is to point out that the time-honored method of expounding Aristotle’s doctrine of the four causes to beginning students is non-Aristotelian if not positively un-Aristotelian, and to raise the question whether, this being the case, the method should not be dropped.
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    Econometric methods and Reichenbach’s principle.Seán Mfundza Muller - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-21.
    Reichenbach’s ‘principle of the common cause’ is a foundational assumption of some important recent contributions to quantitative social science methodology but no similar principle appears in econometrics. Angrist et al. has argued that the principle is necessary for instrumental variables methods in econometrics, and Angrist Krueger builds a framework using it that he proposes as a means of resolving an important methodological dispute among econometricians. Through analysis of instrumental variables methods and the issue of multicollinearity, we aim to show that (...)
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    The Composition of Economic Causes.Daniel M. Hausman - 1995 - The Monist 78 (3):295-307.
    Discusses the composition of economic causes. Applications of John Stuart Mill’s inductive method to economics; Problems with the deductive method; Effect of multiple causal factors in economics; Derivation of economic laws; Mill’s arguments for deductive economics.
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    Intelligent Method for Identifying Driving Risk Based on V2V Multisource Big Data.Jinshuan Peng & Yiming Shao - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
    Risky driving behavior is a major cause of traffic conflicts, which can develop into road traffic accidents, making the timely and accurate identification of such behavior essential to road safety. A platform was therefore established for analyzing the driving behavior of 20 professional drivers in field tests, in which overclose car following and lane departure were used as typical risky driving behaviors. Characterization parameters for identification were screened and used to determine threshold values and an appropriate time window for identification. (...)
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