Results for ' cash transfer'

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  1.  98
    Conditional Cash Transfer to Promote Institutional Deliveries in India: Toward a Sustainable Ethical Model to Achieve MDG 5A.V. Gopichandran & S. K. Chetlapalli - 2012 - Public Health Ethics 5 (2):173-180.
    The Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5 A states that the maternal mortality ratio has to be reduced to three-quarters between 1990 and 2015. The target for India is a maternal mortality ratio of 109/100,000 live births. The Janani Suraksha Yojna (JSY) (Maternal Protection Scheme) is a centrally sponsored conditional cash transfer scheme to promote institutional deliveries and thus ensure safe delivery and reduce maternal mortality. The JSY scheme and its various evaluations were reviewed. The Tannahill’s ethical framework was (...)
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    Conditional and Unconditional Cash Transfers: Implications for Gender.Nathalia Carvalho Moreira, Stephanie Paterson & Karine Levasseur - 2018 - Basic Income Studies 13 (1).
    Solving poverty is a laudable public policy goal. While there are many approaches, one that has gained popularity is the conditional cash transfer that requires recipients to satisfy conditions imposed on them such as requiring regular medical checkups. Another approach, which is gaining interest is unconditional cash transfers that do not impose conditions. The question we ask in this paper is: what do these past and current attempts tell us about the implications for gender? To answer this (...)
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    Social Protection for the Poorest: The Adoption of Antipoverty Cash Transfer Programs in the Global South.Sarah M. Brooks - 2015 - Politics and Society 43 (4):551-582.
    Conditional cash transfers represent an innovation in social assistance policy by conditioning welfare benefits on recipients’ behaviors associated with human capital development. Although social assistance has expanded throughout the developing world in the 21st century, the political logic guiding CCT adoption differs sharply from that of unconditional cash transfers, and from the politics of social insurance development. Striking spatial and temporal correlations in their adoption also raise the specter of policy interdependence. A dynamic logit analysis of social assistance (...)
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    Evaluating the Sustainability of the Productive Effects of a Universal Cash Transfer in Rural Uganda: Do Impacts on Savings, Investment, Production and Labour Persist After Program end?Filippo Grisolia, Nathalie Holvoet & Sara Dewachter - forthcoming - Basic Income Studies.
    The productive impacts of cash transfer (CT) programs have not been widely studied, though interest in this area is growing, with existing evidence generally pointing to rather positive findings. Notably, one key takeaway from the (limited) available research is the debunking of a common criticism drawn against cash transfers and social assistance, more in general – namely, the assumption that social programs disincentivize or discourage work. Even less is known about the sustainability of CT impacts, as these (...)
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  5. Building Wealth with Conditional Cash Transfers.Michael Boylan - 2011 - In The Morality and Global Justice Reader. Westview Press. pp. 153.
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    Politics of Universal and Unconditional Cash Transfer: Examining Attitudes Toward Universal Basic Income.Soomi Lee - 2021 - Basic Income Studies 16 (2):191-208.
    Universal Basic Income is a periodic cash payment to all residents in a jurisdiction, without obligation. Universalism and unconditionality distinguish UBI from other redistributive policies that require means testing and certain behaviors to gain and maintain eligibility. Despite an increased interest in UBI, it is poorly understood how these two critical features – universalism and unconditionality – influence public attitudes toward UBI. This paper explores results of the eighth round of the European Social Survey and finds that people who (...)
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  7. Basic Income, Cash Transfers, and Welfare State Paternalism.Douglas MacKay - 2019 - Journal of Political Philosophy 27 (4):422-447.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  8.  21
    Suspicious Minds in Basic Income and Conditional Cash Transfers.Facundo García Valverde - 2022 - Basic Income Studies 17 (2):189-212.
    Anti-poverty policies and attitudes of distrust toward the needy share a long history. From the narratives of de Quevedo’s El Buscón, in which beggars are presented as able-bodied individuals making a concerted effort to take advantage of others, to the invasive physical tests and “workhouses” that were part of the English Poor Laws, the poor have long been regarded as deserving careful oversight. Although in increasingly subtle ways, this history continues as part of a popular set of policies in Latin (...)
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  9.  21
    Basic Income and Violence Against Women: A Review of Cash Transfer Experiments. [REVIEW]Maria Wong & Evelyn Forget - 2024 - Basic Income Studies 19 (1):85-130.
    Violence against women is understood as a public health issue that has long-term health consequences for women. Economic inequality and women’s economic dependence on men make women vulnerable to violence. One approach to addressing poverty is through basic income, a cash transfer for all individuals which is not dependent on their employment status. This paper examines the relationship between basic income and violence against women by surveying different forms of cash transfer programs and their association with (...)
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  10.  21
    Which strings attached: ethical considerations for selecting appropriate conditionalities in conditional cash transfer programmes.Carleigh B. Krubiner & Maria W. Merritt - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (3):167-176.
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  11.  25
    They can be choosers: Aid, Levinas and Unconditional Cash Transfers.Julio Andrade - 2019 - African Journal of Business Ethics 13 (2).
    In this paper I seek to critically examine UCT’s and CCT’s and consider how a Levinasian ethics might offer normative guidelines to evaluate such aid programmes. Such an analysis will serve to both critique and supplement the traditional utilitarian analyses of such programmes. In so doing, this paper also hopes to contribute to the business ethics literature in which a Levinasian ethics may be brought to bear on real world problems. I proceed by enlisting Jordaan who argues that a Levinasian (...)
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  12.  41
    What Is Wrong with Conditional Cash Transfer Programs?Cristian Pérez-Muñoz - 2017 - Journal of Social Philosophy 48 (4):440-460.
  13.  32
    Why Cash Violates Neutrality.Joseph Heath & Vida Panitch - 2010 - Basic Income Studies 5 (1).
    Egalitarian liberal political philosophers have been at pains to show that there is a nonnegligible “place” for liberty within the framework of an egalitarian theory of justice. Thus, many have insisted that, when redistribution is required in order to achieve greater equality, assets should be transferred in the most abstract form possible, ideally through a system of cash transfers. In this article we argue that this strategy has the potential to generate significant violations of neutrality. The problem arises from (...)
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  14.  41
    A Case for In-Kind Transfers.Steven Kelman - 1986 - Economics and Philosophy 2 (1):55.
    One of the most common policy-related messages that economists present to non-economists is the superiority of cash over in-kind transfers as a policy tool. A good deal of government policy on behalf of the poor consists, of course, of various forms of in-kind assistance, such as medical care or food stamps. However, if we wish to help the poor, the argument goes, in-kind transfers are an inferior way to do so.
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    Temporary Basic Income in Times of Pandemic: Rationale, Costs and Poverty-Mitigation Potential.Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez, María Montoya-Aguirre & George Gray Molina - 2022 - Basic Income Studies 17 (2):125-154.
    The pandemic has exposed the costs of job and income losses. Emergency cash transfers can mitigate the worst immediate effects on people who lack access to safety nets. This research note provides estimates for a potential Temporary Basic Income for poor and near-poor people across 132 developing countries, as well as the minimum cost of income support sufficient to mitigate the pandemic-induced poverty increase. The total monthly cost of the TBI ranges 0.27–0.63% of developing countries’ combined GDP, depending on (...)
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  16.  4
    Guaranteed Income: A Policy Landscape Review of 105 Programs in the United States.Sarina Rodriguez, Rose Kagawa, Vikram Koundinya, Daniel Choe, Bapu Vaitla, Alyx Volzer & Catherine Brinkley - forthcoming - Basic Income Studies.
    Cash assistance programs have been piloted as Basic or Guaranteed Income across the United States. This research asks how programs are being designed and evaluated, with implications for how collective program impacts are understood. To answer this question, we assemble and review 105 programs based in the United States, covering over 40,000 beneficiaries. We compare eligibility criteria, funding sources, distribution amounts, program administration, pilot duration, and evaluation measures. We find that just over half of the programs use income-based qualifications (...)
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  17. Economic inequality and the welfare state.Gøsta Esping-Andersen & John Myles - 2011 - In Wiemer Salverda, Brian Nolan & Timothy M. Smeeding (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality. Oxford University Press.
    This article focuses on the welfare state, which includes social protection, health, education and training, housing, and social services, but can also be conceived more broadly to include policies that affect earnings capacity and the structure of the labour market. It discusses the difficulties of capturing the impact of the welfare state on income inequality, given that one does not observe what the distribution would be in the absence of the welfare state or specific aspects of it. Theories of welfare (...)
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  18.  17
    The Psychology of Poverty: Where Do We Stand?Johannes Haushofer & Daniel Salicath - 2023 - Social Philosophy and Policy 40 (1):150-184.
    In recent years, the psychological causes and consequences of poverty have received renewed attention from scientists and policymakers. In this essay, we summarize new developments in this literature. First, we discuss advances in our understanding of the relationship between income and psychological well-being. There is a robust positive relationship between the two, both within and across countries, and in correlational and causal analyses. Second, we summarize recent work on the impact of “scarcity” and stress on economic preferences and decision-making. Our (...)
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  19.  36
    If universal basic income is the answer, what is the question?Jeff Manza - 2023 - Theory and Society 52 (4):625-639.
    Universal basic income (UBI) has become the rallying cry for a growing international movement seeking redistribution and equality through direct cash payments by governments to all its citizens. Advocates have promoted UBI on multiple grounds: efficiency, equality, as an alternative to traditional anti-poverty aid programs in very poor countries, or even as the foundation for small “c” communist societies. Numerous small-scale experiments of cash transfers have been conducted across the globe purporting to test UBI’s plausibility. In this essay, (...)
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  20.  14
    Procedural Protections, Appeal Arrangements, and Welfare Conditionality.Cristian Pérez-Muñoz - 2023 - Public Affairs Quarterly 37 (2):101-124.
    Welfare conditionality (WC) is a crucial ingredient of social policies around the world. Welfare conditionality demands that recipients meet specific behavioral goals to either access the benefit for the first time or retain the benefit's ongoing advantages. This article argues that any justification of WC must seriously consider procedural protections (PPs) and how they shape the policy's outcome. Procedural protections are institutional principles and mechanisms that guarantee fairness in the administrative decision-making process. This essay normatively evaluates appeal procedures—a key component (...)
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  21.  18
    The Applicability of Universal Basic Income in Post-Conflict Scenarios: The Syria Case.Diana Bashur - 2019 - Basic Income Studies 14 (1).
    Given UBI’s performance in poor and rural areas of India and Namibia and its transformative effects on livelihoods, one can foresee a potential for UBI supporting refugees and Internally Displaced Persons rebuild their lives in their country of origin. Furthermore, given UBI’s egalitarian rationale stemming from the idea of a more just society with a minimum level of economic security to all, UBI can be considered a key element of a state’s welfare system, the relevance of which cannot be overstated (...)
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  22.  14
    School Feeding and Food and Nutrition Security in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Northern Region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Luana Silva Monteiro, Priscila Vieira Pontes, Naiara Sperandio & Ana Eliza Port Lourenço - 2021 - Food Ethics 6 (2).
    Due to the pandemic and the suspension of in-person school classes, there was an interruption in the meals served to approximately 40 million students who benefited from the Brazilian National School Feeding Program (PNAE). This article describes two case studies, comparing the strategies adopted by two municipalities for maintaining school feeding during the Covid-19 pandemic in the northern region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and discuss possible impacts of these strategies on food and nutrition security. These municipalities (...)
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  23.  6
    The limits of autonomy in Latin American social policies: Promoting human capital or social control?Rubén M. Lo Vuolo - 2016 - European Journal of Social Theory 19 (2):228-244.
    Latin American social protection systems show that the fundamental ambivalence of modernity is captured by the twin notion of liberty and discipline in the context of a plurality of modes of socio-political organization. According to this understanding, this article analyses the potential of the so-called Conditional Cash Transfer programmes, which are widespread in the region, to strength or reduce personal autonomy. These programmes are promoted by claiming their virtues to reduce poverty and impose good behaviour on poor people (...)
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  24.  30
    Children, Citizenship and Child Support: The Child Support Grant in Post-Apartheid South Africa.Francie Lund - 2012 - In Lund Francie (ed.), Registration and Recognition: Documenting the Person in World History. pp. 475.
    In April 1998, the post-apartheid South African government introduced a monthly cash transfer for children in poor households. A requirement for getting the grant was that the birth of the child had to be registered, and the adult primary caregiver had to have the citizen identity document. The success of the system of support was contingent on the new democratic government's ability to integrate into one national welfare system what had been fragmented under apartheid into many racially separated (...)
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  25.  21
    Responsabilidad y legitimidad en las transferencias monetarias condicionadas.Facundo García Valverde - 2017 - Dianoia 62 (79):193-216.
    Resumen: Este artículo analiza la fundamentación normativa de un tipo de políticas de alivio contra la pobreza comunes durante los últimos años en Latinoamérica, a saber, las transferencias monetarias condicionadas. Se mostrará que la justificación típica de las transferencias monetarias condicionadas es ilegítima en una comunidad política democrática. A través de la indagación de las razones por las que la carga de la prueba se coloca del lado de las transferencias incondicionadas, se mostrará que se apela a una noción controvertida (...)
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  26.  20
    Basic Income, Wages, and Productivity: A Laboratory Experiment.Veera Amanda Jokipalo - 2019 - Basic Income Studies 14 (2).
    This paper reports the results of an economic lab experiment designed to test the impact of Basic Income (BI) on wages and productivity. The experimental design is based on the classic gift exchange game. Participants assigned the role of employer were tasked with making wage offers, and those assigned as employees chose how hard they would work in return. In addition to a control without any social security net, BI was compared to unemployment benefits, and both types of cash (...)
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  27. What Makes Health Care Special?: An Argument for Health Care Insurance.L. Chad Horne - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (4):561-587.
    Citizens in wealthy liberal democracies are typically expected to see to basic needs like food, clothing, and shelter out of their own income, and those without the means to do so usually receive assistance in the form of cash transfers. Things are different with health care. Most liberal societies provide their citizens with health care or health care insurance in kind, either directly from the state or through private insurance companies that are regulated like public utilities. Except perhaps for (...)
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  28. Libertarian Perspectives on Basic Income (2nd edition).Miranda Perry Fleischer & Otto Lehto - 2023 - In Malcolm Torry (ed.), The Palgrave International Handbook of Basic Income. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 509-528.
    How can libertarianism—which is thought to be hostile to any redistribution—support universal, unconditional cash transfers in the form of a Basic Income? Surprisingly, many vocal proponents of programmes similar to Basic Income—such as economist Milton Friedman, public intellectual Charles Murray, and eBay co-founder Pierre Omidiyar—are self-described libertarians. As this chapter demonstrates, these and other libertarian proponents are not deviating from libertarian thought: instead, they reflect the nuance and diversity of its theoretical foundations. To that end, this chapter explores several (...)
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  29. Medical Epistemology Meets Economics: How (Not) to GRADE Universal Basic Income Research.Adrian K. Yee & Kenji Hayakawa - 2023 - Journal of Economic Methodology 30 (3):245-264.
    There have recently been novel applications of medical systematic review guidelines to economic policy interventions which contain controversial methodological assumptions that require further scrutiny. A landmark 2017 Cochrane review of unconditional cash transfer (UCT) studies, based on the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE), exemplifies both the possibilities and limitations of applying medical systematic review guidelines to UCT and universal basic income (UBI) studies. Recognizing the need to upgrade GRADE to incorporate the differences between medical and (...)
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  30.  57
    A Survey of Universal Basic Income Experiments.Rachael Hochman, Charles Larkin & Shaen Corbet - 2024 - Basic Income Studies 19 (2):201-225.
    Interest in universal basic income has risen recently as an alternative to existing exchequer-sourced social security methods, such as conditional cash transfers. This article presents a survey of multiple experiments investigating the impact of basic income cash transfers on recipients while presenting a meta-analysis of the results across nine categories. Many findings indicate successful outcomes across financial security, health, and educational dimensions. Children were amongst the strongest beneficiaries of the trials and observed a 4.5 % reduction in obesity, (...)
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  31.  90
    Permanent Crisis Management, the Rule of Law, and Universal Basic Income: A Polycentric Approach.Otto Lehto - 2021 - Cosmos+Taxis 9 (5+6):122-136.
    As a response to the COVID-19 crisis, governments have turned to various discretionary measures such as cash transfers to consumers and businesses with mixed results. Universal Basic Income (UBI) is back on the agenda as well. One of the main advantages of UBI, as scholars like F.A. Hayek, Milton Friedman, and James M. Buchanan have argued, is that it does not depend upon competent and benevolent government discretion—which is often in short supply—but upon pre-established rules. This paper argues that (...)
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  32.  75
    Philanthropy, cosmopolitanism, and the benefits of giving directly.Timothy Weidel - 2016 - Journal of Global Ethics 12 (2):170-186.
    ABSTRACTIn the face of widespread poverty, Peter Singer argues that the best response is giving money to charitable organizations that give aid to the poor. In response, much criticism has been leveled by cosmopolitan philosophers that philanthropy is unable to effectively combat poverty for many reasons: such funds fall prey to corrupt bureaucrats, the poor will waste the money, or become dependent upon donations rather than providing for themselves. In this paper, I argue that the work of the organization GiveDirectly (...)
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  33.  17
    Basic Income at Municipal Level: Insights from the Barcelona B-MINCOME Pilot.Sebastià Riutort, Bru Laín & Albert Julià - 2023 - Basic Income Studies 18 (1):1-30.
    Between 2017 and 2019, Barcelona was one of the first European cities to implement a basic income experiment, the B-MINCOME pilot, aimed at reducing poverty and social exclusion in a low-income area of the city. A new cash grant was designed along with a package of active policies. Four modalities of participation were then established depending on two criteria: whether attending these policies was mandatory or not, and whether participants’ additional income altered the amount of the grant or was (...)
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  34. The Inability to Form a Coalition: The Case of the Basic Income Proposal in Mexico.Kevin Zapata Celestino - forthcoming - Basic Income Studies.
    The proposal for Basic Income (BI) pushed by renowned figures in Mexico sparked a vigorous debate over social policy between 2015 and 2018. This debate was particularly notable, as it challenged the long-standing dominance of conditional cash transfers, which had remained largely unquestioned as the country’s main antipoverty policy since their introduction in the 1990s. Despite the BI proposal getting wide coverage from the media, it not only failed to gain traction on the government’s agenda but also quickly became (...)
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  35.  12
    Another Low Road to Basic Income? Mapping a Pragmatic Model for Adopting a Basic Income in Canada.Tracy A. Smith-Carrier & Steven Green - 2017 - Basic Income Studies 12 (2).
    Drawing from both theoretical and empirical research, the literature on basic income (BI) is now voluminous, pronouncing both its merits and its limitations. Burgeoning research documents the impacts of un/conditional cash transfers and negative income tax programs, with many studies highlighting the effectiveness of these programs in reducing poverty, and improving a host of social, economic and health outcomes. We consider possible avenues for BI architecture to be adopted within Canada’s existing constellation of income security programs, to the benefit (...)
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  36.  25
    Differences in employment and income poverty between people with and without disabilities in South Africa.Lauren Graham - 2020 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 14-4 (14-4):299-317.
    Il existe une abondante littérature qui confirme le lien cyclique existant entre pauvreté et handicap. Cependant, bien que certaines études aient cherché à comprendre le lien entre pauvreté monétaire et invalidité et la manière dont le handicap recoupe d’autres facteurs influençant la pauvreté, la plupart n’indiquent pas comment cette relation s’influence, en particulier en raison de la disponibilité limitée des données de panel. En outre, peu de recherches ont été menées sur l’effet des subventions sociales et de l’emploi sur la (...)
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  37. Improving the Ethical Review of Health Policy and Systems Research: Some Suggestions.Govind Persad - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (1):123-125.
    Consistent and well-designed frameworks for ethical oversight enable socially valuable research while forestalling harmful or poorly designed studies. I suggest some alterations that might strengthen the valuable checklist Rattani & Hyder propose for the ethical review of health policy and systems research (HPSR), or prompt future work in the area.
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    (1 other version)Economic and equity implications of land-use zoning in suburban agriculture.Adesoji Adelaja, Donn Derr & Karen Rose-Tank - 1989 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 2 (2):97-112.
    A cash-flow viability model is used to evaluate the impacts of land-use zoning on farm households in New Jersey. Findings suggest that zoning results in increased production expenses, lower efficiency and profitability, and the devaluation of land assets. Cash flow and economic viability are, thus, reduced. Impacts of zoning on farm incomes, off-farm incomes, revenues from land sales, indebtedness, and farm sizes were not statistically significant. The results suggest that the use of land-use zoning statutes to guarantee the (...)
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  39. One step beyond Nozick's minimal state: The role of forced exchanges in political theory.Richard A. Epstein - 2005 - Social Philosophy and Policy 22 (1):286-313.
    In Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Robert Nozick seeks to demonstrate that principles of justice in acquisition and transfer can be applied to justify the minimal state, and no state greater than the minimal state. That approach fails to acknowledge the critical role that forced exchanges play in overcoming a range of public goods and coordination problems. These ends are accomplished by taking property for which the owner is compensated in cash or in kind in an amount that leaves (...)
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    The illusory distinction between re- and predistribution.Åsbjørn Melkevik - 2021 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 16 (1):41-56.
    The distinction between redistribution and predistribution is now embraced by many political philosophers, like Jacob Hacker or Martin O’Neill. This distinction, we could think, is particularly important for the question of how we react to crises, like the current coronavirus pandemic. If the policies take the form of taxes and transfers, like cash-flow assistance, it is redistribution, one could argue. If the policies are meant to alter pretax incomes, as policies changing the conditions for bankruptcy are, it is predistribution. (...)
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    Penetration of Digital Transactions in Rural India and Financial Inclusion: An Analysis of Progress and Problems.Sriram Divi, Venkatram Reddy Minampati, Manoj Kumar Sahoo & Kartikeya Shah - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:104-115.
    Purpose: India primarily had remained a major cash-based economy until early 2000s. The economy was rapidly growing, complemented with advanced technology, services, and manufacturing sector growth. Methodology: The research methodology adopted is secondary research with descriptive analysis. As technology progressed, people gained access to mobiles and started getting connected to the world. As everything got involved, so did the banking sector, which integrated itself with digital transactions. Findings: The introduction of digital transactions made transferring money easy, reliable, and secure (...)
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    Open Market Repurchases: Signaling or Managerial Opportunism?Jesse M. Fried - 2001 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 2 (2).
    Managers conduct open market repurchases for many different reasons, including to distribute excess cash. However, the most widely discussed explanation for OMRs is the “signaling theory:” that managers announce OMRs to signal that the stock is underpriced. The first purpose of this paper is to show that the signaling theory is theoretically problematic—in part because it assumes managers deliberately sacrifice their own wealth to increase that of shareholders—as well as inconsistent with much of the empirical evidence. The second purpose (...)
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    Teaching Finance in the Post-GFC Environment: Quomodo hic habetur, et Quo hinc?Richard I. Copp - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 9 (Special Issue):41-61.
    Despite criticism in the wake of the GFC, history shows that theory and curricula adapt to rectify any disconnects between theory, curricula, and practice. Finance theory unquestionably has antecedents in economics, accounting, legal theory, and psychology. Some theoretical developments—including the moral hazard consequences of limited liability—have yet to filter through to many texts and curricula, which also omit explanations of uncertainty; incomplete and optimal contracting; contagion; and behavioural finance. Student learning outcomes could be enhanced if universities, perhaps in a final (...)
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    Medical tourism: Crossing borders to access health care.Harriet Hutson Gray & Susan Cartier Poland - 2008 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 18 (2):pp. 193-201.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Medical Tourism:Crossing Borders to Access Health CareHarriet Hutson Gray (bio) and Susan Cartier Poland (bio)Traveling abroad for one's health has a long history for the upper social classes who sought spas, mineral baths, innovative therapies, and the fair climate of the Mediterranean as destinations to improve their health. The newest trend in the first decade of the twenty-first century has the middle class traveling from developed countries to those (...)
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  45. Commonsense aspects of buying and selling.Varol Akman & Murat Ersan - 1996 - Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal 27 (4):327-352.
    We describe an experimental approach toward implementing a commonsense "microtheory" for buying and selling. Our prototype system characterizes how intelligent agents hold items and money, how they buy and sell items, and the way money and items are transferred. The ontology of the system includes money (cash, check, credit card), agents (people, organizations), items (movable, real estate, service), barter, and the notions of transfer, loan, buying by installments, profit, and loss.
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    Share Repurchases, Undervaluation, and Corporate Social Responsibility.Nils Bobenhausen, Wolfgang Breuer, Andreas Knetsch & Luis Maria Siemer - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    This study examines how firms’ socially responsible behavior relates to the timing of their share repurchases, considering share mispricing and the resulting wealth transfer between sellers and ongoing shareholders. We hypothesize that firms with a stronger commitment to societal goals prioritize the interests of all stakeholders more equally than those with a weaker commitment. Therefore, their managers are less likely to take advantage of the wealth transfer from selling to ongoing shareholders, which occurs when the firm is undervalued. (...)
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    Realization and Recognition Under the Internal Revenue Code.Richard A. Epstein - 2022 - Social Philosophy and Policy 39 (1):11-32.
    Over its entire life, the Internal Revenue Code (like other tax systems) has never tried to tax economic income as such, because of the administrative and liquidity problems that arise from taxing any combination of values consumed and from appreciation (or depreciation) of capital stocks. Instead, the common practice limits tax occasions to a realization of income from sale or other disposition of property. Even then, if the proceeds of the transaction are not cash or marketable securities, as with (...)
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    Enactivist Distributed Cognition, and the Role of Distributed Social Practices in Social Change.Mason Cash - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6 (1):7-19.
    I support much of Maiese and Hanna’s (M&H) account of the ways social institutions “mindshape” people’s cognition (values, meanings, affective framings, and habits of bodily comportment), and of the ways neoliberal individualism can be resisted and progressive social change can be enacted. But the overall approach can be augmented, I argue, if M&H would embrace an enactivist account of socially distributed and collective cognition, and action, in which cognitive systems include but are not limited to individuals. Complementing M&H’s focus on (...)
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    Reflective inquiry in nursing practice or 'revealing images'.Penelope Cash, Jenny Brooker, Wendy Penney, Janet Reinbold & Laurence Strangio - 1997 - Nursing Inquiry 4 (4):246-256.
    Reflective inquiry in nursing practice or 'revealing images'Nurses live and work in complex practice worlds; worlds of shrinking resources and expanding needs. Reflection through journaling offers unique opportunities to gain insight into practice. What might we learn from one's journal? A reflective journal can be a source of interplay between the self as written and the self as other. Likewise, the journal may act to situate ourselves in practice, while at the same time enabling us to illuminate how and in (...)
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    “In Order to Aid in Diffusing Useful and Practical Information”: Agricultural Extension and Boundary Organizations.David W. Cash - 2001 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 26 (4):431-453.
    Agricultural decision making is characterized by two challenges common to multiple arenas: linking science to decision making and linking science and decision making across multiple levels. The U.S. agricultural research, education, and extension system was designed to address these challenges. By investigating this system, this study deepens the understanding of science and decision making, specifically exploring the notion of boundary organizations in two significant ways. First, it provides a preliminary test of the hypothesis that boundary organizations mediate between the shifting (...)
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