Results for ' automatic memory'

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  1.  72
    (1 other version)Methods for measuring conscious and automatic memory: A brief review.Dawn M. McBride - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (1):198-215.
    Memory researchers have discussed the relationship between consciousness and memory frequently in the last few decades. Beginning with research by Warrington and Weiskrantz (1968; 1970), memory has been shown to influence task performance even without awareness of retrieval. Data from amnesic patients show that a study episode influences task performance despite their lack of conscious memory for the study session. More recently, issues of intentionality, awareness, and the relationship between conscious and unconscious forms of memory (...)
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  2. Electrophysiological indices of conscious and automatic memory processes.Kimberley A. Kane - 2001
  3.  20
    How automatic is “automatic vigilance”? The role of working memory in attentional interference of negative information.Lotte F. Van Dillen & Sander L. Koole - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (6):1106-1117.
    (2009). How automatic is “automatic vigilance”? The role of working memory in attentional interference of negative information. Cognition & Emotion: Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 1106-1117.
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    A Comparison Of Conscious And Automatic Memory Processes For Picture And Word Stimuli: A Process Dissociation Analysis.Dawn Mcbride & Barbara Dosher - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (3):423-460.
    Four experiments were conducted to evaluate explanations of picture superiority effects previously found for several tasks. In a process dissociation procedure with word stem completion, picture fragment completion, and category production tasks, conscious and automatic memory processes were compared for studied pictures and words with an independent retrieval model and a generate-source model. The predictions of a transfer appropriate processing account of picture superiority were tested and validated in “process pure” latent measures of conscious and unconscious, or (...) and source, memory processes. Results from both model fits verified that pictures had a conceptual processing advantage over words for all tasks. The effects of perceptual compatibility depended on task type, with pictorial tasks favoring pictures and linguistic tasks favoring words. Results show support for an explanation of the picture superiority effect that involves an interaction of encoding and retrieval processes. (shrink)
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    A comparison of conscious and automatic memory processes for picture and word stimuli: A process dissociation analysis.Dawn M. McBride & Barbara Anne Dosher - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (3):423-460.
  6. Awareness, automaticity, and memory dissociations.J. P. Toth, D. S. Lindsay & Larry L. Jacoby - 1992 - In L. R. Squire & N. Butters (eds.), Neuropsychology of Memory. Guilford Press. pp. 46--57.
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    Automatic and Controlled Uses of Memory in Social Judgements.Werner Wippich - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob (eds.), Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 67.
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  8. Unconscious influences of memory: Dissociations and automaticity.Larry L. Jacoby & Clarence M. Kelley - 1991 - In A. David Milner & M. D. Rugg (eds.), The Neuropsychology of Consciousness. Academic Press.
  9. Strategic versus automatic influences of memory-attention, awareness, and control.L. L. Jacoby - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):442-443.
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    Automatic and effortful processes in memory for spatial location.Norman R. Ellis - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (1):28-30.
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    Memory for modality: Within-modality discrimination is not automatic.Leah L. Light & Dale E. Berger - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (5):854.
  12. A process dissociation framework: Separating automatic from intentional uses of memory.Larry L. Jacoby - 1991 - Journal of Memory and Language 30:513-41.
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    False prospective memory responses as indications of automatic processes in the initiation of delayed intentions.Thorsten Meiser & Jan Rummel - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1509-1516.
    To analyze the role of automatic processes in the fulfilment of delayed intentions, we extended a typical prospective memory setting with a context signal to indicate whether the intended action is to be carried out or not. Building on dual-process models of cognition, we hypothesized that automatic and controlled processes are in opposition when the action is to be suppressed, because automatic processes trigger the associated response whereas controlled processes exert inhibition. Experiment 1 demonstrates the occurrence (...)
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    Automatic elaborative encoding in children’s associative memory.Daniel W. Kee & Susan Y. Nakayama - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (4):287-290.
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    Automatic processing of memory for spatial location.Amy L. Shadoin & Norman R. Ellis - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (1):55-57.
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    Age differences in the automatic accessibility of emotional words from semantic memory.Lixia Yang & Lynn Hasher - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (1):3-9.
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    The affective priming effect: Automatic activation of evaluative information in memory.Dirk Hermans, Jan De Houwer & Paul Eelen - 1994 - Cognition and Emotion 8 (6):515-533.
  18. What memory is for: Creating meaning in the service of action.Arthur M. Glenberg - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (1):1-19.
    I address the commentators' calls for clarification of theoretical terms, discussion of similarities to other proposals, and extension of the ideas. In doing so, I keep the focus on the purpose of memory: enabling the organism to make sense of its environment so that it can take action appropriate to constraints resulting from the physical, personal, social, and cultural situations.
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    Introducing a Computerized Figural Memory Test Based on Automatic Item Generation: An Analysis With the Rasch Poisson Counts Model.David Jendryczko, Laura Berkemeyer & Heinz Holling - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  20. Controlled & automatic processing: behavior, theory, and biological mechanisms.Walter Schneider & Jason M. Chein - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (3):525-559.
    This paper provides an overview of developments in a dual processing theory of automatic and controlled processing that began with the empirical and theoretical work described by Schneider and Shiffrin (1977) and Shiffrin and Schneider (1977) over a quarter century ago. A review of relevant empirical findings suggests that there is a set of core behavioral phenomena reflecting differences between controlled and automatic processing that must be addressed by a successful theory. These phenomena relate to: consistency in training, (...)
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  21. Wittgenstein and the Memory Debate.Daniele Moyal-Sharrock - 2009 - New Ideas in Psychology Special Issue: Mind, Meaning and Language: Wittgenstein’s Relevance for Psychology 27:213-27.
    This paper surveys the impact on neuropsychology of Wittgenstein's elucidations of memory. Wittgenstein discredited the storage and imprint models of memory, dissolved the conceptual link between memory and mental images or representations and, upholding the context-sensitivity of memory, made room for a family resemblance concept of memory, where remembering can also amount to doing or saying something. While neuropsychology is still generally under the spell of archival and physiological notions of memory, Wittgenstein's reconceptions can (...)
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  22. Memory-guided attention: control from multiple memory systems.J. Benjamin Hutchinson & Nicholas B. Turk-Browne - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (12):576-579.
    Attention is strongly influenced by both external stimuli and internal goals. However, this useful dichotomy does not readily capture the ubiquitous and often automatic contribution of past experience stored in memory. We review recent evidence about how multiple memory systems control attention, consider how such interactions are manifested in the brain, and highlight how this framework for ‘memory-guided attention’ might help systematize previous findings and guide future research.
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  23. Memory as Skill.Seth Goldwasser - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (3):833-856.
    The temporal structure for motivating, monitoring, and making sense of agency depends on encoding, maintaining, and accessing the right contents at the right times. These functions are facilitated by memory. Moreover, in informing action, memory is itself often active. That remembering is essential to and an expression of agency and is often active suggests that it is a type of action. Despite this, Galen Strawson (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 103, 227–257, 2003) and Alfred Mele (2009) deny that (...)
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    Automatization through Practice: The Opportunistic‐Stopping Phenomenon Called into Question.Jasinta D. M. Dewi, Jeanne Bagnoud & Catherine Thevenot - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (12):e13074.
    As a theory of skill acquisition, the instance theory of automatization posits that, after a period of training, algorithm‐based performance is replaced by retrieval‐based performance. This theory has been tested using alphabet‐arithmetic verification tasks (e.g., is A + 4 = E?), in which the equations are necessarily solved by counting at the beginning of practice but can be solved by memory retrieval after practice. A way to infer individuals’ strategies in this task was supposedly provided by the opportunistic‐stopping phenomenon, (...)
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    Memory systems and the control of skilled action.Wayne Christensen, John Sutton & Kath Bicknell - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (5):692-718.
    ABSTRACTIn keeping with the dominant view that skills are largely automatic, the standard view of memory systems distinguishes between a representational declarative system associated with cognitive processes and a performance-based procedural system. The procedural system is thought to be largely responsible for the performance of well-learned skilled actions. Here we argue that most skills do not fully automate, which entails that the declarative system should make a substantial contribution to skilled performance. To support this view, we review evidence (...)
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  26. Is external memory memory? Biological memory and extended mind.Kourken Michaelian - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1154-1165.
    Clark and Chalmers claim that an external resource satisfying the following criteria counts as a memory: the agent has constant access to the resource; the information in the resource is directly available; retrieved information is automatically endorsed; information is stored as a consequence of past endorsement. Research on forgetting and metamemory shows that most of these criteria are not satisfied by biological memory, so they are inadequate. More psychologically realistic criteria generate a similar classification of standard putative external (...)
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    Revisiting the Memory‐Based Processing Approach to Common Ground.William S. Horton & Richard J. Gerrig - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (4):780-795.
    Horton and Gerrig outlined a memory-based processing model of conversational common ground that provided a description of how speakers could both strategically and automatically gain access to information about others through domain-general memory processes acting over ordinary memory traces. In this article, we revisit this account, reviewing empirical findings that address aspects of this memory-based model. In doing so, we also take the opportunity to clarify what we believe this approach implies about the cognitive psychology of (...)
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    Recognition memory of neutral words can be impaired by task-irrelevant emotional encoding contexts: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence.Qin Zhang, Xuan Liu, Wei An, Yang Yang & Yinan Wang - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:123638.
    Previous studies on the effects of emotional context on memory for centrally presented neutral items have obtained inconsistent results. And in most of those studies subjects were asked to either make a connection between the item and the context at study or retrieve both the item and the context. When no response for the contexts is required, how emotional contexts influence memory for neutral items is still unclear. Thus, the present study attempted to investigate the influences of four (...)
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  29. Semantic priming: perspectives from memory and word recognition.Timothy P. McNamara - 2005 - New York: Psychology Press.
    Semantic priming has been a focus of research in the cognitive sciences for more than 30 years and is commonly used as a tool for investigating other aspects of perception and cognition, such as word recognition, language comprehension, and knowledge representations. Semantic Priming: Perspectives from Memory and Word Recognition examines empirical and theoretical advancements in the understanding of semantic priming, providing a succinct, in-depth review of this important phenomenon, framed in terms of models of memory and models of (...)
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    Redefining memory consolidation.Mercedes Atienza & Jose L. Cantero - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (1):64-65.
    Based on brain state-dependent behavioral changes, consolidation of sensorimotor memories has been posited to evolve in two different functional stages. Only the second of these stages requires sleep and leads to performance benefits. Recent results, however, suggest that sleep is not always crucial for the expression of delayed behavioral gains but might be critical for enhancing automaticity in the absence of attention, another expression of memory consolidation.
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    CoCEC: An Automatic Combinational Circuit Equivalence Checker Based on the Interactive Theorem Prover.Wilayat Khan, Farrukh Aslam Khan, Abdelouahid Derhab & Adi Alhudhaif - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    Checking the equivalence of two Boolean functions, or combinational circuits modeled as Boolean functions, is often desired when reliable and correct hardware components are required. The most common approaches to equivalence checking are based on simulation and model checking, which are constrained due to the popular memory and state explosion problems. Furthermore, such tools are often not user-friendly, thereby making it tedious to check the equivalence of large formulas or circuits. An alternative is to use mathematical tools, called interactive (...)
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  32.  9
    Working Memory Biases in Human Vision.Glyn W. Humphreys & David Soto - 2014 - In Anna C. Nobre & Sabine Kastner (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Attention. Oxford University Press.
    The current conceptualization of working memory highlights its pivotal role in the cognitive control of goal-directed behaviour, for example, by keeping task-priorities and relevant information ‘online’. Evidence has accumulated, however, that working memory contents can automatically misdirect attention and observers can only exert little intentional control to overcome irrelevant contents held in memory that are known to be misleading for behaviour. The authors discuss extant evidence on this topic and argue that obligatory functional coupling between working (...) and attentional selection reflects a default property of the brain which is hardwired in overlapping substrates for memory and perception. They further argue that the neuroanatomical substrates for working memory biases in vision are distinct from the classical fronto-parietal networks involved in attentional control and distinct from the mechanisms that mediate attention biases from long-term memory. Finally the authors present emerging evidence that working memory ‘guiding’ processes may operate outside conscious awareness. (shrink)
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    Conscious control and memory awareness when recognising famous faces.Ira Konstantinou & John M. Gardiner - 2005 - Memory 13 (5):449-457.
    We describe an experiment that investigated levels-of-processing effects in recognition memory for famous faces. The degree of conscious control over the recognition decisions was manipulated by using a response deadline procedure, and memory awareness associated with those decisions was assessed using a standard remember-know paradigm. Levels-of-processing effects were found at both short and long response deadlines, and at both deadlines those effects occurred only in remembering. Moreover, knowing, as well as remembering, increased with the greater opportunity for conscious (...)
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    Neuroimaging techniques for memory detection: Scientific, ethical, and legal issues.Daniel V. Meegan - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (1):9 – 20.
    There is considerable interest in the use of neuroimaging techniques for forensic purposes. Memory detection techniques, including the well-publicized Brain Fingerprinting technique (Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories, Inc., Seattle WA), exploit the fact that the brain responds differently to sensory stimuli to which it has been exposed before. When a stimulus is specifically associated with a crime, the resulting brain activity should differentiate between someone who was present at the crime and someone who was not. This article reviews the scientific literature (...)
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    A Working Memory Model of a Common Procedural Error.Michael D. Byrne & Susan Bovair - 1997 - Cognitive Science 21 (1):31-61.
    Systematic errors In performance are an important aspect of human behavior that have not received adequate explanation. One such systematic error is termed postcompletion error; a typical example is leaving one's card In the automatic teller after withdrawing cash. This type of error seems to occur when people have an extra step to perform in a procedure after the main goal has been satisfied. The fact that people frequently make this type of error, but do not make this error (...)
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    Alcaics in exile: W.h. Auden's "in memory of Sigmund Freud".Rosanna Warren - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):111-121.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Alcaics In Exile: W. H. Auden’s “In Memory Of Sigmund Freud”Rosanna WarrenOn September 23, 1939, Sigmund Freud died in exile in London, a refugee from Nazi Austria. Within a month, Auden, who had been living in the United States since January of that year, wrote a friend in England that he was working on an elegy for Freud. 1 The poem appeared in The Kenyon Review early in (...)
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    Spreading Activation in an Attractor Network With Latching Dynamics: Automatic Semantic Priming Revisited.Itamar Lerner, Shlomo Bentin & Oren Shriki - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (8):1339-1382.
    Localist models of spreading activation (SA) and models assuming distributed representations offer very different takes on semantic priming, a widely investigated paradigm in word recognition and semantic memory research. In this study, we implemented SA in an attractor neural network model with distributed representations and created a unified framework for the two approaches. Our models assume a synaptic depression mechanism leading to autonomous transitions between encoded memory patterns (latching dynamics), which account for the major characteristics of automatic (...)
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  38.  21
    Conscious belief as constructed memory: an empirical challenge to dispositionalism.Vishnu Sridharan - 2015 - Mind and Society 14 (1):21-33.
    There is an emerging consensus that human behavior is governed by two types of processes: System 1 processes, which are quicker, automatic, and run in parallel, and System 2 (S2) processes, which are slower, more conscious, and run in serial. Among such “dual-process” theorists, however, there is disagreement about whether the premises we use in our conscious, S2 reasoning should be considered as beliefs. In this exchange, one facet that has been largely overlooked is how conscious beliefs are structurally (...)
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  39.  42
    The role of memory in planning and pretense.Peter Gärdenfors - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (1):24-25.
    Corresponding to Glenberg's distinction between the automatic and effortful modes of memory, I propose a distinction between cued and detached mental representations. A cued representation stands for something that is present in the external situation of the representing organism, while a detached representation stands for objects or events that are not present in the current situation. This distinction is important for understanding the role of memory in different cognitive functions like planning and pretense.
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    Configural effects in human memory: The superiority of memory over external information sources as a basis for inference verification.Barbara Hayes-Roth & Carol Walker - 1979 - Cognitive Science 3 (2):119-139.
    The ability to integrate information from diverse texts and to detect logical implications of the integrated information is fundamental to the understanding process. This paper shows that identifying and configuring relevant facts in order to support hypothesized inferences is extremely difficult unless the facts have been committed to memory. Simply reading relevant texts for familiarization and then referring to them as needed provides an inadequate basis for deductive logic. Further, apprehension of the logical configuration of fads underlying a particular (...)
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  41.  41
    Differential effects of emotional cues on components of prospective memory: an ERP study.Giorgia Cona, Matthias Kliegel & Patrizia S. Bisiacchi - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:119376.
    So far, little is known about the neurocognitive mechanisms associated with emotion effects on prospective memory (PM) performance. Thus, this study aimed at disentangling possible mechanisms for the effects of emotional valence of PM cues on the distinct phases composing PM by investigating event-related potentials (ERPs). Participants were engaged in an ongoing N-back task while being required to perform a PM task. The emotional valence of both the ongoing pictures and the PM cues was manipulated (pleasant, neutral, unpleasant). ERPs (...)
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  42.  66
    Interactive alignment: Priming or memory retrieval?Michael Kaschak & Arthur Glenberg - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):201-202.
    Pickering & Garrod's (P&G's) interactive alignment model explains the existence of alignment between speakers via an automatic priming mechanism. We propose that it may be preferable to explain alignment through processes of memory retrieval. Our discussion highlights how memory retrieval can produce the same results as the priming mechanism and presents data that favor the memory-based view.
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    Numerical representation, math skills, memory, and decision-making.Ellen Peters & Alan Castel - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):347-348.
    The consideration of deliberate versus automatic processing of numeric representations is important to math education, memory for numbers, and decision-making. In this commentary, we address the possible roles for numeric representations in such higher-level cognitive processes. Current evidence is consistent with important roles for both automatic and deliberative processing of the representations.
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    Embodied Collective Memory: The Making and Unmaking of Human Nature.Rafael F. Narváez - 2012 - Embodied Collective Memory: The Making and Unmaking of Human Nature.
    The human body is not a given fact; it is not, as Descartes believed, a machine made up of flesh and bones. The body is acquired, achieved, and learned. It is thus full of mimetic and mnemonic implications. The body remembers, and it does so in collectively relevant ways. Gestures, corporeal and phonetic rhythms, affective idioms, and emotional styles perceptual, sensorial, motoric, and affective schemata are all largely learned in shared social contexts. These aspects of the embodied experience are often (...)
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    Touchscreens for Whom? Working Memory and Age Moderate the Impact of Contingency on Toddlers' Transfer From Video.Koeun Choi, Heather L. Kirkorian & Tiffany A. Pempek - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Toddlers exhibit poor transfer between video and real-world contexts. Contingently responsive video such as that found in touchscreen apps appears to assist transfer for some toddlers but not others. This study investigated the extent to which toddlers' working memory moderates the impact of contingency on toddler's transfer of learning from video. Toddlers watched a hiding event on either contingent video that advanced only after touch input or non-contingent video that proceeded automatically. Toddlers then searched for a corresponding object on (...)
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  46. The sense of mineness in personal memory: Problems for the endorsement model.Marina Trakas - 2021 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 64:155-172.
    What does it take for a subject to experience a personal memory as being her own? According to Fernández’ (2019) model of endorsement, this particular phenomenal quality of our memories, their “sense of mineness”, can be explained in terms of the experience of the mnemonic content as veridical. In this article, I criticize this model for two reasons: (a) the evidence that is used by Fernández to ground his theoretical proposal is dubious; and more importantly, (b) the endorsement model (...)
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    Up from Memory.Bradford J. Vivian - 2012 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 45 (2):189-212.
    Booker T. Washington's Cotton States Exposition Address enlarges our understanding of the genre of witnessing by presenting a version of public testimony and historical remembrance sharply at odds with contemporary definitions of the genre. Washington's resolute choice to lend voice as a living witness to the atrocities of slavery in the service of conspicuously pragmatic and narrowly defined interests rather than universal human rights dramatically separates his performance of public witnessing from its late modern forms. Whereas survivors of historical atrocity (...)
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  48. Process-dissociation procedure: A testable model for considering assumptions about the stochastic relation between consciously controlled and automatic processes.Bianca Vaterrodt-Plünnecke, Thomas Krüger & Jürgen Bredenkamp - 2002 - Experimental Psychology 49 (1):3-26.
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    Episodic Indexing: A Model of Memory for Attention Events.Erik M. Altmann & Bonnie E. John - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (2):117-156.
    People often remember what they attend to in the world. Such memory can be cast as a kind of mental catalog or index of attended objects. To investigate how such an index is acquired and used, protocol data were collected from a programmer who scrolled to off‐screen objects from time to time as she worked. These protocol data were modeled using Soar, which constrains how the index is constructed. In the model, an index entry is an episodic trace encoded (...)
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    The Role of Encoding Strategy in the Memory for Expectation-Violating Concepts.Michaela Porubanova - 2019 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 19 (3-4):305-321.
    Minimal counterintuitiveness and its automatic processing has been suggested as the explanation of persistence and transmission of cultural ideas. This purported automatic processing remains relatively unexplored. We manipulated encoding strategy to assess the persistence of memory for different types of expectation violation. Participants viewed concepts including two types of expectation violation or no violation under three different encoding conditions: in the shallow condition participants focused on the perceptual attributes of the concepts, a deep condition probed their semantic (...)
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